Art Module q2

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Quarter 2– Module
What This Module is About

In this module, you will learn about:

 The East Asian countries particularly
China, Japan and Korea. These
countries have been noted for their
numerous similarities and
commonalities in their art production,
artistic traditions, and principles of
arts as influenced by their history,
beliefs, religion, location, culture, and
 This module will introduce you to the arts and crafts of China, Japan and
Korea such as painting, calligraphy, pottery, paper kites, knot tying, woodblock
printing, ukiyo-e, and paper cutting.

 The art concepts of China, Japan, and Korea will be helpful in making your
tasks and projects through varied activities provided for you to enhance your
skill and deepen your understanding and appreciation about the arts of East

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you as a learner are expected to:

 Identify the characteristics of arts and crafts found in China, Japan, and Korea
like painting, pottery, and paper arts
 Analyzes art elements (color, line, shape, etc.) and principles (texture,
proportion, emphasis, harmony, etc.) in the production of art in China, Japan,
and Korea
 Determine and evaluate the effectiveness of mood, idea, or message as shown
as by the visual image in the arts and crafts of Japan, China, and Korea
 Reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message emanating from paintings,
paper artworks, pottery, ikebana, face painting, and architecture, of China,
Japan, and Korea by comparing their similarities and difference
 Trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are
reflected in the artworks and crafts from China, Korea, and Japan through
research and video clip viewing.

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
1. Carefully read all the lessons.
2. Take your time on going thru each lesson.
3. Answer the pre-test honestly; the purpose of the pre-test is for you to
determine your prior knowledge before going thru the lessons and
4. If you have a hard time understanding the lessons and activities, please
do take a break. Having breaks between lessons and activities will give
you some space where you can absorb the lesson well.
5. You can use the internet if you need more information about the lesson.
6. Contact your subject teacher if you have some questions about the
submission of your output.

What I Need to Know

Activity 1: Show Me
With the use of Venn Diagram, write the similarities and differences in the characteristics of art
in China, Japan and Korea.


Korea Japan
What Is It

What are the seven elements of art?


These marks span a distance between two points and can be straight or curved. In visual art,
lines don’t only need to be made with marks and outlines. They can also be implied or abstract.
Whether two-dimensional or three-dimensional, there’s no denying that lines have a huge impact on
the rest of the elements of art. They can be used to create shape and form, as well as give a sense of
depth and structure. Lines are the foundation of drawing and are a powerful tool unto them. Using
different types of lines—continuous, broken, vertical, jagged, horizontal—drastically changes the
psychology of an artwork, impacting the viewer greatly.


By working with hue, value, and intensity—three building blocks of colors—artists can tap into
a wide range of emotions. There’s nothing that changes an artwork’s emotional impact more than
color. Color can be used symbolically or to create a pattern. It can be selected for contrast or to set
a specific mood. A deep understanding of color theory helps any artist make better use of the colors
they have at their disposal.


The result of closed lines, shapes are two-dimensional, flat, and only have height and width.
Geometric shapes like circles and squares are mathematical and precise, while organic shapes take
cues from nature and tend to be curved and abstract. Shapes can be used to control how we
perceive a composition. For instance, triangles can help draw the eye to a particular point, while
circles represent continuity.

When a shape acquires depth and becomes three-dimensional, then it takes on form. Cylinders,
pyramids, and spheres are some of the more common forms, though they can also be amorphous.
In sculpture, form is of the utmost importance, though it can easily be introduced into drawing and
painting using 3D art techniques.


Related to color, value is the lightness and darkness of a color. The lightest value is white and the
darkest value is black, with the difference between them defined as the contrast. Playing with value
can not only change certain forms, but also influence the mood of the artwork.


This element of art can be manipulated based on how an artist places lines, shapes, forms, and
color. The placement of these other elements creates space. Space can be either positive or negative.
Positive space is an area occupied by an object or form, while negative space is an area that runs
between, through, around, or within objects. Artists often think about the foreground, middle
ground, and background of their artwork, purposefully placing shapes and lines throughout the
space to achieve the perfect composition. A sense of depth in two-dimensional works is often
achieved by perspective, which itself can rely on lines or colors.


Texture is an element of art that also plays to our sense of touch. It’s defined as a description of the
way something feels or looks like it would feel. Other times, the texture is an implied visual texture
that is two-dimensional. Smooth, rough, hard, soft, furry, fluffy, and bumpy are just some different
textures that evoke different responses. (

What do you call the things you are going to paint?

In East Asia, the objects or items that are usually put into paintings are called subjects,
themes, or motifs. These may be about animals, people, landscapes, and anything about the

Read to Ponder:
Did you know that painting started from pre-historic man? He used red ochre and
black pigment. Early paintings often showed hunting scenes of man chasing various
animals, such as: horses, rhinoceros, lions, buffaloes, mammoths. These prehistoric
paintings were drawn on the walls of caves, blocks of stone, etc. and found all over the
world, including China.
The history of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization of China. It is historically
comparable to Western painting. Eastern countries continued to influence each others production
of arts over the centuries.


1. Flowers and birds
2. Landscapes
3. Palaces and Temples
4. Human Figures
5. Animals
6. Bamboos and Stones
1. Scenes from everyday life
2. Narrative scenes crowded with figures and details

NORTH KOREA Subjects are divided into five categories:
1. Landscape paintings
2. Minhwa (the traditional folk painting)
3. Four Gracious Plants (plum blossoms, orchids or wild orchids,
4. Bamboo
5. Portraits

Important aspects in East Asian Painting:

 Landscape painting was regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting. They also consider
the three concepts of their arts: Nature, Heaven and Humankind (Yin-Yang). Chinese society,
basically agricultural, has always laid great stress on understanding the pattern of nature and
living in accordance with it. Oriental artists often created landscapes rather than paintings with the
human figure as subjects. Silk was often used as the medium to paint upon, but it was quite
expensive. When the Han court eunuch, Cai Lun, invented the paper in the 1st Century AD it
provided not only a cheap and widespread medium for writing but painting became more
The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.
 Chinese art expresses the human understanding of the relationship between nature and human.
This is evident in the form of painting of landscapes, bamboo, birds, and flowers, etc. This might be
called the metaphysical, Daoist aspect of Chinese painting.
To make your painting interesting and realistic apply these Six Principles of Chinese Painting
established by Xie He, a writer, art historian and critic in 5th century China.
1. Observe rhythm and movements.
2. Leave spaces for the eyes to rest
3. Use brush in calligraphy
4. Use colors correctly
5. Live up to tradition by copying the master’s artwork.
6. Copy the correct proportion of the objects and nature.
The history of Korean painting dates to 108 C.E., when it first appears as an independent
form. It is said that until the Joseon dynasty the primary influence of Korean paintings were
Chinese paintings. However, Korean paintings have subjects such as landscapes, facial features,
Buddhist topics, and an emphasis on celestial observation in keeping with the rapid development of
Korean astronomy.
 Mountain and Water are important features in Korean landscape painting because it is a site for
building temples and building.

Painting is indeed one of the highest forms of arts in East Asia. Do people from East Asia use
other materials as canvas for painting? Painting in East Asia do not only apply on paper, silk, and
wood. Performers of kabuki in Japan and peking opera in China use their faces as the canvas for
painting while mask painting is done in Korea.

Theatrical forms: Peking opera of China and Kabuki of Japan.

The performers from China and Japan usually paint faces depending on the character
or personification they are portraying. So aside from painting on silk, paper, and printing on wood,
Chinese and Japanese also painted their face and Koreans painted masks for theatrical and festival
Peking opera face painting or jinju lianpu is done with different colors in accordance with
the performing character’s personality and historical assessment. The hero type characters are
normally painted in relatively simple colors, whereas enemies, bandits, rebels, and others have
more complicated designs on their faces.
It is a traditional special way of make up in Chinese operas in pursuit of the expected effect
of performance. Originally, lianpu is called the false mask.

Kabuki Make- up of Japan

Kabuki makeup or Kesho is already in itself an interpretation
of the actor’s own role through
the medium of the facial features. ―On stage, this
interpretation becomes a temporalization of makeup in
collaboration with the audience.
The result is a decoding of the drama traced out in the graphic
designs of the painted face.‖ —
Masao Yamaguchi (quoted in The Painted Body, 1984)

Kabuki Make up is also another way of face painting which has two types:
1. Standard makeup - applied to most actors
2. Kumadori makeup - applied to villains and heroes
- It is composed of very dramatic lines and shapes using colors that represent
certain qualities.
 Dark Red – passion or anger
 Dark Blue – depression or sadness
 Pink – youth
 Light Green – calm
 Black – fear
 Purple – nobility
Some examples of face painting are the mukimi- guma or suji-guma, where the
lines are painted onto an actor’s face. These are then smudged to soften them.
The makeup and perfume worn throughout performances were highly significant
to the stories that were being told.

Kumadori — The Painted Faces of Japanese Kabuki Theatre

Korean Masks
Korean masks, called tal or t’al, originated with religious meaning just like the masks of the
other countries which also have religious or artistic origins. Korea has a rich history of masks. They
use it in funeral services to help banish evil spirits and theatre plays dating back to the prehistoric
Masks were also used for shamanistic rites and were kept within temples where they were honoured
with offerings. By the 12th century, the masks became part of elaborate dances and dramas.
The Roles of Colors in Korean Masks
1. Black, Red, and White masks- bright and vibrant colors that help establish the age and race
of the figure.
2. Half Red and Half White mask- symbolizes the idea that the wearer has two fathers, Mr.Red
and Mr. White
3. Dark-faced mask- indicates that the character was born of an adulterous mother.

What I Have Learned

Activity 1: Generalization
Directions: answer the following questions below.
1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object?
Why did you choose such subject for painting?

2. What are the contributions of China, Japan and Korea in the development of arts?

3. What makes the art of China, Japan and Korea unique?

4. What influences the East Asian arts production?

What’s In
To begin with our next topic, answer the challenge below.

Situation: You were stranded on an Island with your little brother or little sister and the only
things you have saved in your bag are a plastic envelope with two sheets of bond paper and a roll of
sewing thread.

Challenge: While waiting for somebody to rescue you, how can you use the two materials to cheer
up your brother?

What Is It
What are the paper arts of China, Japan, and Korea? Who invented paper?
Paper has a great function in the development of arts not only in East Asia but all over the
Paper was first invented by Cai Lun of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It is indeed one of the
greatest contributions of ancient China in the development of arts.
A paper art of China includes paper cut, Chinese knots, and paper folding and paper kites.
Chinese folk art is created with materials that are naturally found within the locality. This
shows that the Chinese are nature lovers.
Every folk artist has been inspired by the values of simplicity, the ideology of their community,
and the emotional and psychological characteristics of their nation throughout major periods in
The earliest document showing paper folding is a picture of a small paper boat in an edition of
Tractatus de Sphaera Mundi from 1490 by Johannes de Sacrobosco.
In China, traditional funerals include burning yuanbao,which is a folded paper that looks like
gold nuggets or ingots called sycee. This kind of burning is commonly done at their ancestors’
graves during the Ghost Festival.

A sycee is a type of silver or gold ingot currency used in China until the 20 th century. The name
is derived from the Cantonese words meaning “fine silk”.

The term origami came from “ori” meaning “folding” and “kami” meaning “paper”. It is the
traditional Japanese art of paper folding, which started in the 17 th century Ad and was popularized
internationally in the mid-1900s. It is eventually evolved into a modern art form.
The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding
and sculpting techniques without cutting as much as possible.
Origami butterflies were used during the celebration of Shinto weddings to represent the bride
and groom, so paper folding had become a significant aspect of Japanese ceremonies by the Heian
period(794-1185) in Japanese history.
Flowers, animals, birds, geometric shapes, and dolls are the common models used in Japanese
Did you know that the best known Japanese origami is the paper crane?
An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will
be granted a wish by a crane. Some stories say you are granted eternal good luck, instead of just
one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury and can be given as a gift to anybody.
They believe that the crane is a mystical or holy creature and is said to live for a thousand years.

Decorative Chinese paper cuttings

 Are usually symmetrical in design when unfolded and adapt the 12 animals of the
Chinese Zodiac as themes and motifs and mostly choose the red color.
 The earliest use of paper was made as a pattern for lacquers, decoration on windows,
doors, and walls.
 Chinese Buddhists believe that hanging “Window flowers” or decorative paper
cuttings, like pagodas and other symbols of Good Luck, attract good luck and drive
away evil spirits.
 The process of paper cutting is aided by a pair of scissors or knife and other sharp
flat cutters.

Jianzhi is the first type of paper cutting design, since paper was invented by the Chinese.
The cut outs are also used to decorate doors and windows. They are sometimes referred to
as chuang hua, meaning “window flower”.

Kite Making

A kite is an assembled or joined aircraft that was traditionally made of silk or paper
with a bowline and a resilient bamboo.
Chinese kites can be originated in Wei Fang Sandong, China was the capital city of kites
during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), and by the Ming Dynasty (1368-16440). Since 1984
the city has been hosting the largest international kite festival on Earth.

Did you know that:

The famous 5 th century BC Chinese philosophers Mozi and Lu Ban

were said to be the inventor of Kites. Later on, the paper kite was used as a
message for a rescue mission, for measuring distances, testing the wind,
lifting men, signaling, and communication for military operations. The earliest
known Chinese kites were flat (not bowed) and often rectangular. Later,
tailless kites incorporated a stabilizing bowline. Kites were decorated with
mythological motifs and legendary figures.

Knot Tying
In Korea, decorative knot work is known as maedeup or called dorae or double
connection knot, often called Korean knot work or Korean knots.

The Chinese decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in
the Tang and Song Dynasty(960-1279AD) in China.

What I Can DO

Answer the following questions as if you were to write in a diary. MAKE YOUR DIARY CREATIVE.
1. What did you observe about the arts of East Asian countries (China, Japan, and Korea)?
2. What did you learn about East Asian arts?
3. What skills did you develop?
4. What did you feel while doing this activities?
Dear Diary,

I observed that the arts of Japan, China, and Korea are ____________________________.

I learned that__________________________________________________________.

Aside from the things I learned, I also developed my skills in ___________________________________.

While doing the activities, I felt _________________________________________________________.

Sincerely yours,



What I Need to Know

(In this part of module, the learners are provided with various learning experiences to enable
them to make sense of the information, develop, reflect, rethink, validate, and revise their
understandings of the lesson through activities that will require them to process/make sense of the
information; asses their skills; and some questions that will enable students to construct their own
meanings/understandings and express these in their own way).

What’s New

The arts of China, Japan, and Korea are closely similar to one another. They all have
paintings both on fabrics, paper, and faces. They also have knot tying, paper folding, paper cutting,
and calligraphy.

What Is It

Now, let the learners process the things that they have learned about East Asian
painting and printing. Remind the students that there are many ways on how they create
their own art work applying the characteristics of East Asian painting and printing.
Direction: Please choose one subject matter for your painting task. Please follow the steps
You are reminded to use the usual themes of East Asian painting like nature landscape,
flowers, fishes, plants, flowers and can use indigenous materials available in the locality.

Art Medium : COFFEE

Materials Procedure

Pencil For the 1st container

Instant coffee powder( 2 spoonful) Mix two spoons of coffee
Canvas board or watercolour paper powder with 3 spoons of
Brush water. Mix it well to get a
Natural varnish medium color.
Tissue or rag For the 2nd container
Mix two spoons of coffee
powder with 2 spoons of
water. Mix it well to get a
dark coffee color.
1. Trace a design on the
illustration board or
2. Apply medium color
paint to be the base
of any picture.
3. Apply the dark color
paint to do the darker
shadings and
outlines. Darker
shade gives a glossy
effect to the picture.
If you want a lighter
shade, just mix few
more drops of water.
4. When the whole
painting is done,
apply the natural
varnish coating.

Citeria for Individual Artwork Percentage Score

Visual Impact 5%
(use of colors ,lines and shapes,etc)
Clarity of Stroke 5%
Relevance to the selected verse 5%
Neatness 5%
Total 20%
Assessment (Post-Test)
A. Supply the answers on the space provided.
____ 1. It is an element of art that is determined by the roughness or smoothness of the
____ 2. It is a straight or curved geometric element or a long narrow mark on a surface.
____ 3. It is two or more hues employed in a medium of presentation.
____ 4. Which of the following is not a sample of texture?
a. rough b. smooth c. running d. bumpy
____ 5. Which one of these is an element of art?
a. line b. rectangle c. painting
____ 6. What are the elements of art?
a. Line, Shape, Space, Value, Contrast, Form, and Pattern
b. Line Shape, Space, Value, Color, Form, and Texture
c. Line, Shading, Space, Value Color, Form, and Pattern
d. Line, Shape, Space, Emphasis, Contrast, Form, and Texture
e. Line, Shape, Rhythm, Value, Contrast, Form, and Pattern
____ 7. What is the darkness or lightness of a color called?
a. Value b. Contrast c. Colord. Balance
____ 8. Which of these is not a line?
a. ____________ b. - - - - - - - - - - - c. <<<<<<<<<<<< d. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
____ 9. It is an empty space or surface in or around the work of art.
a. shape b. color c. space d. line
____ 10. An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of
depth achieved in a work of art.
a. Color b. Value c. Space d. Texture
B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Select only the letter of your choice and write you answer on
the space before each number
___ 1. This was regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting.
a. Landscape painting
b. Palaces and temples
c. Human figures
d. Bamboos and stones
___ 2. History of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization of
a. North Koreab. Japan c. South Korea d. China
___ 3. Chinese is known for being artistic. For them, this is the art of beautiful
a. Logographs b. Calligraphy c. Hieroglythics d. Woodblock printing
___ 4. A technique for printing text, images or pattern which originated in China as a
method for printing on paper.
a. Logographs b. Calligraphy c. Hieroglythics d. Woodblock printing
___ 5. Paper was first invented by _________ of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China
a. Cangie b. Wei Fang c. Lun Ty d. Cai Lun
___ 6. This is a traditional Japanese art of paper folding.
a. Calligraphy b. Origami c. Jianzhi d. Mundi
___ 7. A kabuki make up applied to villains and heroes.
a. Standard b. Kumadori c. Huang Pang d. Kesho make up
___ 8. The best known and most popular style of Japanese art
a. Calligraphy b. Origami c. Jianzhi d. Ukiyo – e
___ 9. Painting subjects or theme of Japan is usually
a. Landscape painting
b. Palaces and temples
c. Scenes from everyday life
d. Flowers and birds
___10. The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture
through folding and sculpting technique without cutting as much as possible.
a. Calligraphy b. Origami c. Jianzhi d. Mundi
___11. Painting subject or themes of Korea is
a. Four gracious plants
b. Palaces and temples
c. Scenes from everyday life
d. Flowers and birds
___12. The traditional folk painting of Korea
a. Minhwa b. Mundi c. Ukiyo – e d. Calligraphy
___13. Korean mask called as _____ which originated with religious meaning.
a. Shamanistic b. Tal c. Kabuki d. Kesho
___14. Korean mask that indicates that the character was born of an adulterous mother.
a. Dark faced mask b. Half Red/Half White mask c. Red mask d. Blue mask
___15. This mask is used for funeral services to help banish evil spirits.
a. Japanese mask b. Chinese mask c. Korean Mask d. Thai mask
___16. _________: Chinese; origami: Japanese
a. Mask making b. Kite making c. Kabuki d. Okiyu -e
___17. Knot tying in Japan is called hanamusubi and in China is _____________.
a. Maedeup b. Dorae c. Zhongguo d. Kesho
___18. Korea: Minhwa; China: ____
a. Plum blossom b. flower and birds c. scenes from everyday life d. portraits
___19. _______: Japan; Peking Opera: China
a. Huang pan b. Kabuki c. Calligraphy d. Lianpu
___20.Red: Guan Ju; White: _______
a. Cao Cao b. Zhang Fei c. Zhu wen d. Huang Pang

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