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GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

Module 1
Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?

Name: ______________________________ Rating: ___________

Course: __________________ Date: _____________

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the nature, concept, and meaning of the self;

2. Describe the nature of the self from your own point of view;
3. Discuss the conceptualization and representation of the self from various
disciplines and perspectives; and
4. Develop a pleasant and wholesome attitude towards oneself.


Activity 1. Self-examination

Look at yourself in the mirror and answer the following questions.

1. How can you describe yourself based on your own perspective or point of view?

“I am _________________________.”

2. What aspect of yourself do you feel good about? Why?


3. What aspect do you believe you have to improve? Why?


Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 1

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


Lesson 1.1 – The Philosophical View of Self

Socrates: Know Yourself

Socrates is principally concerned with man. He

considers man from the point of view of his inner life. The
famous line of Socrates, "Know yourself," tells each man to
bring his inner self to light. A bad man is not virtuous through
ignorance; the man who does not follow the good fails to do
so because he does not recognize it.

The core of Socratic ethics is the concept of virtue and

knowledge. Virtue is the deepest and most basic propensity of
man. Knowing one's own virtue is necessary and can be
learned. Source:

Since virtue is innate in the mind and self-knowledge is the source of all wisdom,
an individual may gain possession of oneself and be one's own master through

Plato: The Ideal Self, the Perfect Self

According to Plato, man was omniscient or all-

knowing before he came to be born into this world. With his
separation from the paradise of truth and knowledge and
his long exile on earth, he forgot most of the knowledge he
had. However, by constant remembering through
contemplation and doing good, he can regain his former

Man who is now an exile on earth has a guiding star,

a model, or a divine exemplar which he must follow to reach
and attain his destiny. In practical terms, this means that
man in this life should imitate his former self; more
specifically, he should live a life of virtue in which true human
Source: perfection exists. Happiness, which is the fruit of virtue, is
attained by the constant imitation of the divine exemplar of

virtue, embodied in man's former perfect self.

Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 2

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

Immanuel Kant: Respect for Self

Man is the only creature who governs and directs himself and
his actions, who sets up ends for himself and his purpose, and who
freely orders mean for the attainment of his aims. Every man is thus
an end in himself and should never be treated merely as a means-as
per the order of the Creator and the natural order of things. This rule
is a plain dictum of reason and justice: Respect others as you would
respect yourself. A person should not be used as a tool, instrument, or
device to accomplish another's private ends. Thus, all men are
persons gifted with the same basic rights and should treat each other
as equals. https://mediaethicsmorning.wordpress

Rene Descartes: "I think, therefore I am"

Descartes states that the self is a thinking entity distinct from

the body. His first famous principle was "Cogito, ergo sum," which
means "I think, therefore I am." Although the mind and the body
are independent from each other and serve their own function,
man must use his own mind and thinking abilities to investigate,
analyze, experiment, and develop himself.


John Locke: Personal Identity

John Locke holds that personal identity (the self) is a matter

of psychological continuity. For him, personal identity is founded on
consciousness (memory), and not on the substance of either the Source:

soul or the body.


Personal identity is the concept about oneself that evolves over the course of an
individual's life. It may include aspects of life that man has no
control over, such as where he grew up or the color of his skin, as
well as the choices he makes, like how he spends his time and what
he believes.

David Hume: The Self is the Bundle Theory of Mind

Hume is skeptical about the existence of the self, specifically,

on whether there is a simple, unified self that exists over time. For
him, man has no "clear and intelligible" idea of the self. He posits
that no single impression of the self exists; rather, the self is just the Source:

thing to which all perceptions of a man is ascribed. Moreover, even w/45726.David_Hume

Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 3

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

if there were such an impression of the self, it would have to remain constant over time
to constitute identity. However, man's impressions vary and always change. Even
attempts to have impressions of the self must fail for all these attempts are really just
occasions for one to notice perceptions. Put simply, a person can never observe oneself
without some other perceptions. Thus, Hume asserts that what we call the "self" is really
just "a bundle or collection of different perceptions which succeed each other with an
inconceivable rapidity."

Lesson 1.2 – The Christian or Biblical View of Self

The Holy Bible

"God created man in His image; in the divine image He created him., male and female He created them.
God blessed them, saying, "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of
the sea, the birds in the air, and all the living things that move on the earth."

Genesis 1:24-28

According to the Holy Writ, man, following his redemption by the Savior from
eternal bondage, now shares in the infinite merits of his Redeemer and has become not
only the inheritor of the new earth but also the heir of heavenly kingdom. Thus, it is
appropriate to think of the "self' as the multi-bejeweled crown of creation-the many gems
thereof representing and radiating the glorious facets of man's self that include the
physical, intellectual, moral, religious, social, political, economic, emotional, sentient,
aesthetic, sensual, and sexual aspects. This imagery is shown in Figure 1.

Emotional Aesthetic

Physical Moral

Crown Sentiment

of Self
and Sexual

Political Economic

Intellectual Social

Figure 1. The self as a crown of creation

Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 4

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

St. Augustine: Love and Justice as the Foundation of the Individual Self

St. Augustine believes that a virtuous life is a

dynamism of love. It is a constant following of and
turning towards love while a wicked life is a
constant turning away from love. Loving God
means loving one's fellowmen; and loving one's
fellowmen denotes never doing any harm to
another or, as the golden principle of justice states,
doing unto others as you would have them do
unto you. Source:

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GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


Name: ______________________________ Rating: ___________

Course: __________________ Date: _____________

Answer the following.

1. If somebody asks your friend - Who is ________(you), how

would you like your friend to answer that question about you?

2. Think of a time when you felt you were your "true self." what
made you think you were truly who you are during this time of
your life?

3. Following the question above, can you provide a time when you
felt you were not living your "true self"? Why did you have to live a
life like that? What did you do about it?

4. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have

wanted it otherwise?

Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 6

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


Write an essay about anything that you wish to share about yourself. You may use
these suggested topics. Make sure that your essay consists of 250 to 500 words. Please
see the rubric.

• Me as I see me
• How other people see me
• How I would like other people to see me

Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement

(4 points) (3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
This paper is clear
and focused. It holds This paper is The writer is beginning
the reader's mostly focused, to define the topic, Topic is not well
Ideas attention. Relevant and has some even though defined and/or there
details and quotes good details and development is still are too many topics.
enrich the central quotes. basic or general.
The organization
enhances and
showcases the Paper (and The organizational
central idea or paragraphs) are structure is strong Sentences within
theme. The order, mostly organized, enough to move the paragraphs make
structure of in order, and reader through the text sense, but the order of
information is makes sense to without too much paragraphs does not.
compelling and the reader. confusion.
moves the reader
through the text.
The writing has an
easy flow, rhythm, The text hums along
and cadence. The writing mostly with a steady beat, but
The text seems choppy
Sentences are well flows, and usually tends to be more
Sentence Fluency and is not easy to read
built, with strong and invites oral businesslike than
varied structure that reading. musical, more
invites expressive oral mechanical than fluid.
The writer The write The writer shows
demonstrates a understands good reasonable control
good grasp of writing over a limited range of The writer seems to
standard writing conventions and standard writing have made little effort
conventions (e.g., usually uses them conventions. to use conventions:
spelling, punctuation, correctly. Paper is Conventions are spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, easily read and sometimes handled capitalization, usage,
grammar, usage, errors are rare; well and enhanced grammar, and/or
paragraphing) and minor touch-ups readability; at other paragraphing have
uses conventions would get this times, errors are multiple errors.
effectively to piece ready to distracting and impair
enhance readability. publish. readability.
The form and
presentation of the The format only
text enhances the has a few The writer's message is
The writer's message is
ability for the reader mistakes and is only understandable
Presentation understandable in this
to understand and generally easy to occasionally, and
connect with the read and pleasing paper is messily written.
message. It is to the eye.
pleasing to the eye.

Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 7

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


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Answer the formative test that will be sent by the teacher.


Alata, E. J. P., Caslib, B. N. Jr., Serafica, J. P. J., Pawilen, R. A. (2018). Understanding the
Self. First Edition. Rex Book Store.

Ariola, M. M. (2018). Understanding the Self. New General Education Curriculum

Compliant. Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.

Brawner, D. G. & Arcega, A. F. (2018). UNDERSTANDING the SELF. C & E Publishing, Inc.

Gutierrez-Ang, J. (2018). Understanding the Self. A Text Manual for the 21 st Century Filipino
Student. Mindshapers Co., Inc.

Palean, E. D., Nazario, M. B. D., Valero, J. B. G., & Descartin, I. K.L. (2018). INTROSPECTION:
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Module 1 – Concepts and Nature of Self: Who Am I?| 8

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