GEC 2 - Module 2

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GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

Module 2
The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery

Name: ______________________________ Rating: ___________

Course: __________________ Date: _____________

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss the Feud’s and Erikson’s psychological view of self

2. Identify Freud’s stages of psychosexual development and Erickson’s stages of
psychosocial development.


Sigmund Freud: The Psychoanalytic Theory of Self

Freud asserts that the human psyche

(personality) is structured into three parts
(tripartite). These structures—the id, ego,
and superego—all develop at different
stages in a person’s life. These three
structures are systems and not physical parts
of the brain. Although each part comprises
unique features and contributes to an
individual’s behavior, they interact to form a

Lesson 2.1 – Parts of Personality

1. Id (internal desires)
a. Also called internal drives or instinctive drives, it consists of the body’s
primitive biological drives and urges which are concerned only with
achieving pleasure and self-satisfaction. Id lives completely in the
2. Ego (reality)
a. It is the “I” part of the individual that gives him/her sense of his/her own
identity. The ego is the rational part of the personality.

Module 2 – The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery| 1

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

3. Superego (conscience)
a. It is the part of the personality concerned with morals, precepts, standards,
and ideas. The superego is also the critical faculty of the personality.

Lesson 2.2 – Freudian Stages of Psychosexual Development

Freud also argues that the development of an individual can be divided into distinct
stages characterized by sexual drives. As a person grows, certain areas become sources
of pleasure, frustration or both.

1. Oral. From birth to the end of the first year, the mouth becomes the part of the
body through which gratification is secured.
2. Anal (expulsive phase). From the age of 2 to 3 years, the child derives the feelings
of pleasure or pain from defecating. It covers the toilet-training period.
3. Phallic. From the age of 3 to 6 years, the child gets curious about his/her genitals
and becomes attached to the parent of the opposite sex. The attraction of a boy
to his mother is called Oedipus complex, while that of a girl to her father is called
Electra complex.
4. Latency. From the age of 10 to 12 years, sexual motivations presumably recede in
importance as the child becomes preoccupied with developing skills and other
5. Genital. After puberty, the deepest feelings of pleasure presumably come from
heterosexual relations.

Lesson 2.3 – Erik Erikson: The Psychosocial Stages of Self-development

Erikson was primarily concerned with how both psychological and social factors
affect the development of individuals. He has formulated eight major stages of
development, each posing a unique developmental task and simultaneously presenting
the individual with a crisis that he/she must overcome (Table 1). As defined by Erikson, a
crisis is not “a threat of catastrophe but a turning point, a crucial period of increased
vulnerability and heightened potential” (Erikson, 1968, p. 96). Accordingly, individuals
develop a healthy personality by mastering “life’s outer and inner dangers.”

Module 2 – The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery| 2

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self

Module 2 – The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery| 3

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


Name: ______________________________ Rating: ___________

Course: __________________ Date: _____________

Answer the following.

1. What aspects of Erickson’s theory are most important

for medical practitioners/ businessmen to understand?

2. Relate Freud’s parts of personality to an iceberg.

Module 2 – The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery| 4

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


Reflect on This: Write at least 10 to 20 sentences about the topics/themes given below.

1. Me as I see me
2. How other people see me (Ask anyone to describe how they see you as a person.)
3. How I would like other people to see me

4 3 2 1
Writing demonstrates
Writing demonstrates Writing demonstrates
a minimal reflection
an in-depth reflection a general reflection Writing demonstrates
on the selected
on the selected on the selected lack of reflection on
Depth of reflection topic, including a
topic, including topic, including some the selected topic,
few supporting
supporting details supporting details with no details.
details and
and examples. and examples.
Writing includes the Writing does not
Writing surpasses the Writing includes the
Required a few components include the required
required components required components
components of the selected components of the
of the selected topic. of the selected topic.
topic. selected topic.
Information clearly
Information clearly Information clearly
relates to the main
relates to the main relates to the main Information has little
Quality of topic. It includes
topic. It provides 1-2 topic. No details to do with the main
Information several supporting
supporting details and/or examples topic.
details and/or
and/or examples. are given.
Writing is clear, Writing is mostly clear,
concise, and well concise, and Writing is unclear,
organized with the organized with the and thoughts are Writing unclear,
Structure & use of excellent use of excellent not well organized. disorganized.
Organization sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph Thoughts are not Thoughts make little
structure. Thoughts structure. Thoughts expressed in a to no sense.
are expressed in a are expressed in a logical manner.
logical manner. logical manner.
There are no more There are no more There are more than
There are numerous
than three spelling or than five spelling or five spelling or
spelling or grammar
Grammar grammar errors per grammar errors per grammar errors per
errors per page of
page of writing page of writing page of writing
writing reflection.
reflection. reflection. reflection.


Link in!

Answer the formative test that will be sent by the teacher.

Module 2 – The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery| 5

GEC 2 – Understanding the Self


Alata, E. J. P., Caslib, B. N. Jr., Serafica, J. P. J., Pawilen, R. A. (2018). Understanding the
Self. First Edition. Rex Book Store.

Ariola, M. M. (2018). Understanding the Self. New General Education Curriculum

Compliant. Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.

Brawner, D. G. & Arcega, A. F. (2018). UNDERSTANDING the SELF. C & E Publishing, Inc.

Cherry, K. (2021). Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved from

Gutierrez-Ang, J. (2018). Understanding the Self. A Text Manual for the 21 st Century Filipino
Student. Mindshapers Co., Inc.

Palean, E. D., Nazario, M. B. D., Valero, J. B. G., & Descartin, I. K.L. (2018). INTROSPECTION:
UNDERSTANDING THE SELF. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Module 2 – The Psychological Self: My Favorite Mystery| 6

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