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New horizon scholars school

Kavesar, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W)-400615

CBSE Affiliation No: 1130470
Grade : IV English : 2021-22
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Roll No.: _____________ Div: _________ Worksheet : 13
L-4 The Wright Brothers
Q I. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
Amit asked his mom if he could ride his bike to the park. “As long you wear your
helmet when you are riding”, she said. When Amit got to the park it was filled with
people holding garbage bags. A lot of friends were there and so were some of his
teachers. His friend Neha said “Everyone is pitching in and cleaning the park
today.” She asked Amit if he would help. Amit said ,“Sure”, and asked for a garbage
bag. There was garbage everywhere. Amit picked up candy wrappers, juice pouches,
newspapers and apple cores. After an hour he had filled three garbage bags. His
friends filled a lot of garbage bags too. When everyone was finished, one of the
visitors in the park picked up the garbage bags and loaded in the truck to take them
to the dump. The park looked great. They put up signs around the park that read,
“Please place the garbage in the garbage bins”, and “Keep the park clean.” The
teachers bought pizza and lemonade for everyone who helped clean the park. After
they ate, Amit and his friends made sure to put their garbage into the garbage bins.
1. Who were the people cleaning the park?
Ans. Amit’s friends and teachers were the people cleaning the park.
2. What did Amit pick up in the park?
Ans- Amit picked up candy wrappers, juice pouches, newspapers and apple cores
from the park.
3. What signs did they put around the park?
Ans. They put up signs around the park that read, “Please place the garbage in the
garbage bins” and “Keep the park clean.”
4. What did the teachers buy for everyone who cleaned the park?
Ans. Teachers bought pizza and lemonade for everyone who cleaned the park.

5. Find synonyms from the passage:

a . coming in – pitching in b. inner part of a fruit- cores
6. Find the antonyms from the passage:
a. started - finished b. dirty - clean
7. Make a sentence of your own:
Q II. Read the extracts given below and answer the following questions.
1. Leave flying to the birds.
a. Who said these words?
Ans. Orville and Wilbur’s father said these words.

b. Why were these words spoken?

Ans. These words were spoken because their father thought that it was foolish
to think that men could make machines that could fly.
2. We have a dream and we can make it happen.
a. Who said these words?
Ans. Orville and Wilbur said these words.
b. What was their dream?
Ans. Their dream was to make an aeroplane.
Q III. Edit the given passage. Write the incorrect word and the corrections in your
answer sheet against the correct blank number.
incorrect correct
Animals that feed for plants and parts of plants a. for on
are called herbivores. They has strong biting teeth b. has have
to cut and bite leaves and stems. There sharp and c. There Their
strong teeth help them to chew their foods well. d. foods food
Q IV. Arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.
a. chocolate / was / tasty / cake / very / the
Ans. The chocolate cake was very tasty.
b. you / going / the / for / party / birthday / are
Ans. Are you going for the birthday party? 2

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