REL ED 3 Mid Term Module

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Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.

Carmelite Street, Escalante City

College Department
Christian Formation Program Office


MODULE NO.2 Sacrament of Initiation CHAPTER NO.


INTENDED At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:
LEARNING 1. Describe Jesus as Source of new life.
OUTCOME 2. Live out our shared mission with Christ in Baptism
3. Pray for strength to be committed in living our new life with Christ.


Baptism is the one sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common. In the
Catholic Church, infants are baptized to welcome them into the Catholic faith and to free them
from the original sin they were born with.

It is the foundational sacrament of the church, is the first of three sacraments of initiation,
followed in the usual order by Confirmation and Eucharist. It is the fount from which springs a
full and invigorating Christian life and begins the Christian journey.

Direction: Read the following instructions. Write your answers on a short-sized bond paper

A. Old and New Self

All of us want to become a better person. It is by being better that we experience
happiness. Describe your old self and new self. Use the format presented below.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Old Self New Self

B. Good Life

Every Person desires a good life. But the question however is, “What really makes good
life?” Write five things to answer the question.


Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in Christian Initiation. It is the sacrament of faith
that brings us new life in Christ and forgiveness through water and the Spirit. It incorporates us
into the Church and makes us sharers in the Trinitarian divine life as adopted sons and daughters
of the Father (CFC 1647).

Baptism is a significant event in the life of Catholics because without this, we cannot
receive the other sacraments. By virtue of this sacrament, we are become members in God’s
family. In doing so, we receive new life and shared in Christ’s mission: prophetic, priestly, and

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Threefold Mission of Christ

A. Prophetic
 announces the Good News
 denounces what is wrong in the society
 calls for conversion or change
 Reminds the people of God’s covenant, “Love one another as I loved you."

B. Kingly
 serves the people without asking for anything in return
 love is the motivation for service

C. Priestly
 encouraging others to attend Masses and other religious activities
 Sharing stories to little children

How does baptism bring us new life in Christ?

The Sacrament of baptism unites us to the Risen Christ. St. Paul reminded us, “if anyone
is in Christ he is a new creation. The older has passed away” (2 Cor5:17). Baptism is also called
enlightenment because the baptized received Christ the light of the world (Jn8:12). The Word,
who is “the real light which gives light to every man. “Thus through this sacrament, were not
simply creatures but children of God.
Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Baptism takes away all sin, both original and personal for adults, by signifying and
affecting the coming of the Holy Spirit (CFC 1602). Thus the Holy Spirit is the one who frees us
from sin we were deprive by the grace as an effect of the original sin of Adam and Eve. The Holy
Spirit that we receive in the sacrament of baptism help us to fight temptations and be one with
Christ. It reminds us to convert or change for good, to be mindful of our actions, and to put Christ
as the center of our Life.

How does baptism incorporate us into the Church?

Baptism unite us with others as members of Christ’s Body, the Church. As people of God,
Christ’s is our head and we are the members. It was in one Spirit that all of us… were baptized
into one body… all given to drink the one Spirit (1Cor12:13). It is our union with the Baptized
One,the Risen Christ, which makes us “ Church.” As members of Christ’s Body, we share in His

Mission of serving as Prophet, Priest, and King (CFC 1651). This means that our personal
relationship with Christ is never any “private affair” we have created ourselves, but always a
loving friendship that originates, develops, and grows in union with fellow members of Christ’s
Body, the Church (CFC 1605 ). As a community, we share in the mission of Christ, we share the
same Spirit, and we share one Lord, Jesus Christ. As a community of God, we help one another
to mature in faith. We care for one another, like what we do in the classroom or community where
we live.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Infant Baptism
In the Catholic Church today, baptism is most commonly administered to infants. While some
other Christians strenuously object to infant baptism, believing that baptism requires assent on
the part of the person being baptized, the Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans, and other
mainline Protestants also practice infant baptism, and there is evidence that it was practiced from
the earliest days of the Church. Since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to
original sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child’s
salvation in danger, should he or she die unbaptized?

Adult Baptism
Adult converts to Catholicism also receive the sacrament, unless they have already received a
Christian Baptism. If there is any doubt about whether an adult has already been baptized, the
priest will perform a conditional baptism. A person can only be baptized once as a Christian if,
say, he was baptized as a Lutheran, he cannot be baptized again when he converts to Catholicism.
While an adult can be baptized after proper instruction in the faith, adult baptism normally occurs
today as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults(RCIA) and is immediately followed by
Confirmation and Communion.

The Effects of the Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism has six primary effects, which are all supernatural graces:
 The removal of the guilt of both original and personal sins.
 The remission of all punishment that we owe because of sin, both temporal (in this world
and in Purgatory) and eternal (the punishment that we would suffer in hell).

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

 The infusion of grace in the form of sanctifying grace (the life of God within us); the seven
gifts of the Holy Spirit; and the three theological virtues.
 Becoming one with Christ as original and personal sins are removed.
 Becoming a member of the Church, the family of God.
 Reception of the other sacraments and the grace that they impart.
Baptism is presented under three major headings: First, new life in Christ through water
and the Spirit, and by the dying/rising with Christ in sharing His Paschal Mystery; second,
incorporation into the Church through the sacrament of Faith; and third, sharing the Trinitarian
divine life in an on-going, progressive way that looks ever to the future.

Sacrament of Baptism and its Sacramentals

The sacramentals in baptism will give a clear description and information of the uses and
symbolism of sacramental of the sacrament of Baptism. And let the parents and godparents to be
informed of what is the meaning of and uses of the sacramental used in baptism.
1. Cross
The cross is a universal symbol of Christianity. Making sign of the cross over a child during
baptism invokes God’s protection and asks for entrance into the body of the Christian church.
The cross is also a symbol of Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus’ death was his sacrifice to clear the sins of
all mankind. The cross is one of the most familiar of all Christian symbols.
2. White Clothing
Symbolizes that the person being baptized now has clean slate in the eyes of God. The
white garment symbolizes that the person is now clothed in the mantle of God and will start a
clean life in His eyes and in eyes of the church.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

3. The Holy Oil

Oil is another baptismal symbol of the Holy Spirit. The baby is anointed with oil, it is
mentioned several times in the Bible as a symbol of bringing the person and the Holy Spirit
together. The oil are used during baptism to strengthen the faith of the anointed. They also
symbolize the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

4. Baptism Water
It symbolizes divine life as well as a sign of purity and cleansing from sin. The outward
sign of baptism is the actual pouring of the water on the head while reciting the word “ I baptize
you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. “ The cleansing quality of water is
considered something that can purify a person from the outside. The holy water signifies that life
is given to man by God and is a symbol of Hid grace. Water is also recalls the gospel, “ unless a
man is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” ( Jn.3:1-6).

5. Baptism Light
This represent s moving from death to life in Christ. It also symbolizes Christ as “the light
of the world” and the Christian faith and when this candle is burning, religious faith is present.

6. Baptismal Font
It holds the water used for the baptism. It symbolizes the baptismal streams, rivers or pools
of water in the centuries past, like the River of Jordan where Christ was baptized by John the

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Baptismal fonts are made of stone , metal, woo, or marble and have usually been present
in the church for generations.

7. Scriptural Reading and Prayers

Readings are taken from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. They celebrate God’s
word and call for a renewal and profession of faith. The readings also recall Christ’s baptism and
the symbolic meaning of this which is to die to self and be raised from this death as Christ was
raised after the crucifixion.
The prayers during baptismal ceremony beg for freedom from sin for the child and ask for
Christ’s protection, blessings, mercy and grace on the child, the parents, the godparents, the
family, and the congregation.
8. Godparents
Help the parents raise the godchild in the Christian faith, godparents take their roles
seriously and involve themselves in many aspects of the child’s life.

Baptism is rightly called the sacrament of faith because in asking to be baptized we are asking
God’s Church for the gift of faith (CFC 1652). Only with the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can
respond fully to the challenge of the Gospel.

Christ, the unique Mediator and Way of salvation, affirmed the necessity of faith and
baptism. But since God wills all to be saved (1Tim 2:4 ), the grace needed for salvation is offered
to all (CFC 1655). Receiving the sacrament of baptism we are also able to receive the other
sacraments. That is how important it is. When there is a baptism to be received, the family
becomes busy and develops concerns.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office


Instructions: Identify three concerns that best contribute in having a meaningful reception
of the Sacrament of Baptism. Write the item number below and explain briefly. Write your
answers on a short-sized bond paper.

Number: __________________________________________

Number: __________________________________________

Number: __________________________________________

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office






INTENDED At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:
LEARNING 1. Describe the Holy Spirit, strengthening the baptized Christian
2. Identify the different ways of witnessing Christ as confirmed Christian
3. Discuss the nature and effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation.


To fully appreciate the sacrament of confirmation, we have to understand the nature and
workings of the Holy Spirit in us, and our mission as members of the Church. It is Christ who
appears as visible image of the invisible God, but it is the Holy Spirit who reveals him… Christ
gives the form and content of salvation, while the Spirit makes present and extends this new life
(CFC 1299).
Thus it was the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Risen Christ, that gave birth to the
first Christian community, the apostolic Church… This Spirit is the “Gift of God,” who is love

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

(cf. 1 John 4:8,16), the first gift which contains all the others, and which ‘ has been poured out
into our hearts”.
The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens baptized and the whole Church with the
increase in the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit to become true and living witness of Christ.

Direction: Give your subjective answer on the following questions. Write your answers on a
short-sized bond paper.
1. Do you believe that no one is the same in talents, skills, and values?
2. Do you believe that everyone is equal?
3. Do you believe that you need other people as much as they need you?
4. With these beliefs on equality and uniqueness, what does this call you to do and to be?


All of us are given gifts by God. These gifts may be talents, skills, strength, wisdom, material
possessions, charism, and the like. These enable us to live ourselves in love and service. However,
these gifts are like seeds. Like in the parable, God calls us to do our part of developing them.


What is the Sacrament of Confirmation? Confirmation is a sacrament received after baptism

at the age of discretion of the person. Before, confirmation was part of baptismal rite. But the
Church later distinguished it with certain scriptural basis.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

One of the practical reasons for developing the sacrament of confirmation as distinct
sacrament is the increasing number of Catholic Christians. With the lack bishops who can
administer both sacraments of baptism and corfirmation, it become difficult for them to do so to
all candidates. Having confirmation as a separate sacrament, would allow more candidates to be
baptized and have them receive confirmation later at their age of discretion with the bishop or
the priests as authorized.

Confirmation marks a new stage in the life of a Christian. If, before, he/she is receiver of
service and disciple, now he/she renders service actively and joins the Church in his/her mission
and ministry. Commonly said, he/she becomes “soldiers of Christ.”

The confirmation is conferred by anointing with the holy Chrism on the forehead, done
while imposing the hands and by these words “be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” (CCC

In the Old Testament, anointing signified healing, purification and strengthening, but most
of all empowerment. Aaron was anointed high priest (cf.Levitcus 8:12), Samuel anointed Saul
and David as King (cf.1Samuel 10:1; 16:13f), and Isaiah was anointed prophet (cf Is.61:1).
Eventually, however, the Spirit was to be communicated to the whole messianic people (cf
Ez.36:25-27; Joel3:1-2; CCC 1286-87).

In the New Testament, Christ is the “Anointed One,” perfectly fulfilling through the
power of the Holy Spirit the triple role of Prophet, Priest, and Servant-King. Hence, through
Confirmation, Christians share more fully in Christ’s prophetic, kingly, and priestly roles.
Through the laying on of hands, they are claimed by Christ as his own, and empowered by the

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Spirit to spread the Gospel by word and deed, and thus build up Christ’s Body, the Church (CFC

The Effects of Confirmation

The main of the Sacrament of Confirmation is to strengthen the baptized Christian and
increase the grace received at baptism toward becoming witness to Christ. The Sacrament is
called “confirmation” from the verb “confirm,” which means “to strengthen” or “make firm.”
It does not mean to verify as others get confused.

As a confirmed baptized Christian, this means that he/she now shares in the mission of
Christ and of the Church. He or She is empowered to be public witnesses of the faith. Specially,
this calls to:
 Witness to the kingdom of God and God’s power present in the new age begun in Christ;
 Witness to Jesus the Christ, as the unique Savior of all;
 Witness to the freedom from the slavery of sin brought by God’s presence through Christ
and the Spirit;
 Witness to the love of God, Father, Risen Incarnate Son, and Spirit, by loving service of
others in the Spirit; and
 Witness to Christ’s real presence in the Christian community, the People of God, the
Church (CFC 1631).

The Catechism’s section on confirmation says that confirmation is the special outpouring
of the Holy Spirit. Its effect are to:

 Root us more deeply in divine filiation (being children of God)

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

 Unite us more firmly to Christ

 Increase the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us
 Strengthen our bond with the Church
 Associate us more closely to Her mission of bearing witness to Christ
 Help us and more strictly oblige us to spread and defend the faith by word and deed

The Qualities of Christian witnesses

To be effective witnesses to Christ and the Church demands certain basic qualities. These
qualities are the following:

 Personal knowledge, awareness, and experience of Christ in their daily lives;

 Strong and enthusiastic Christian convictions and active commitment to Christ and the
 A basic grounding in Scripture, Church teachings, and fundamental human experience;
 The human leadership qualities of honesty and integrity that inspire confidence and a
 The communication skills needed to present Christ’s challenge to the Filipino of today in
an attractive and persuasive manner; and
 The courage to suffer and risk for the kingdom of God.

What is the Spirit of Christ that we share from Him?

The Spirit in Christ our Lord is:

 The Spirit of Holiness, who makes present the All-Holy One;
 The Spirit of love, who enables his followers to love as he loves;
 The Spirit of life, who came that we “might have life and have it more abundantly”
Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

 The Spirit of powers, to fulfil the Father’s will and enable his followers to do the same;
 The Spirit of truth, who sets us free; and
 The Spirit of forgiveness, who brings eternal salvation to the repentant (CFC 1638).

Jesus was baptized by John and was also confirmed in the Holy Spirit there in the Jordan
River. We have seen that in the plan of God the Father-Jesus, from conception, childhood, public
ministry, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension to the Father, He is constantly guided,
strengthen and led by the Spirit.

Receiving the Spirit of Christ makes us holy, loving, living, powerful, truthful, and
forgiving and enables us to give them to others. It is the same Spirit that we are called to share to
others. We experience, therefore, this Spirit of the Lord from others, the Church who is a
confirmed Church, the in the Spirit.

We meet this Spirit of the Lord in his Body, the Church. Christ’s Church is the “ Confirmed
Church of the Spirit, precisely because of Christ’s real presence within his body…viewing
confirmation in terms of Christ and the Church helps to see it as a prayer event, a celebration
making explicit what God has done and is continuing to do with and among His People. (CFC

Sacramental used in the sacrament of confirmation is Holy Chrism, it is a mixture of oil

and balsam, consecrated and used for anointing at Baptism, Confirmation, and in other
sacramental rituals of the Catholic Church.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City
College Department
Christian Formation Program Office

Direction: Write an essay discussing the relevance of confirmation in the life of a Catholic
Christian. Your essay must not exceed 500 words. Write your essay on a short-sized bond paper.

The Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son – guiding, strengthen, inspiring,
and motivating each person to become a witness to Christ and the Church. We are all called to
become witnesses to Christ and the Church. There are no challenges we cannot overcome for we
have the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Direction: Point out the three most important qualities among those discussed in the lesson
that a person must have in this modern world to become and effective witness to Christ and the
Church. Explain each. Write your answers on a short-sized bond paper.

Teacher: Kevin Rey E. Caballeda
Contact No.: 09630293896

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