NCM 117 Midterm

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NCM 117 6.

ECSTACY- intense feeling of pleasure (magical

Mental Status Examination
7. ANHEDONIA- lack of interest to activities,
- a structured assessment of the patient's behavioral inability to feel pleasure.
and cognitive functioning. It includes descriptions 8. AMBIVALENCE- the coexistence of love and
of the following: hate toward a person or object Mixed
o patient's appearance and general behavior, sensation/ feelings.
o level of consciousness and attentiveness, 9. Avolition- lack/absence of motivation.
o motor and speech activity, D. MOTOR FUNCTION
o mood and affect, 1. CATATONIC WITHDRAWAL- conscious
o thought and perception, immobilization/ muscle relax.
o attitude and insight, 2. CATATONIC RIGIDITY- characterized by stiff,
o the reaction evoked in the examiner, and, immobile postures that cannot be easily moved.
or with muscle contracted.
finally, higher cognitive abilities.
performance of an act (manic disorders.
1. DISORIENATION- Confusion to time, person and
Purposeless motor activity.
4. NEGATIVISM- motiveless resistance to all
2. CLAUDED- Incomplete clear mindedness
attempts to be moved or to all instructions or
3. DELIRIUM- Incomplete but the patient has
immobilization but someone attempts the
extreme fear and hallucination
patient to move.
4. STUPOR- Decrease loc but the patient
5. AUTOMATISM- automatic performance of an
vigorously stimulated
act (robot like movement)
5. COMA- profound decrease level of LOC
6. Somnambulism- abnormal motor function,
LOBES OF THE BRAIN sleepwalking.
7. Compulsion- persistent action (OCD) ritualistic
1. FRONTAL- personality behavior, attitude,
speech (Broca’s)
8. WAXY FLERXIBILITY- maintenance of the same
2. Parietal- pain, touch and temperature posture for a long period of time. Having once
arms/ legs flexed or extended for a long period
3. Temporal- intelligence, sense of smell,
of time.
understanding (Wernicke’s)
4. Occipital- control BP, sense of sight 1. Neologism- coining of new words
2. Clang association- Rhyming of words/
B. AFFECT combining unrelated words or phrase.
1. INAPPROPRAITE- incongruent with the situation 3. WORD SALAD- Mixture of unrelated words to
2. LABILE- abrupt change in emotion/ oscillation of one sentence.
emotion. 4. VERBIGERATION- repetition of one’s own word.
3. BLUNT- late reaction/ delayed reaction. Meaningless repetition of words/ phrase.
4. FLAT- absence/ near absence of emotion. 5. ECHOLALIA- repetition of words by others.
C. MOOD 6. CIRCUMSTANTIALITY- going around the bush
1. EUTHYMIC- without mood disturbances. Normal but the patient answers the question.
tranquil mental state or mood 7. TANGENTIALITY- going around the bush but not
2. DYSTHYMIC- abnormal range in mood answering the questions.
3. CYCLOTHYMIC- one cycle before changing in 8. FLIGHT OF IDEAS- abrupt change of topic but
mood (6 mos.) connection exist.
4. DEPRESSION- intense feeling of hopelessness 9. ASSOCIATIVE LOOSENESS- shift of ideas from
and despair one unrelated topic to another.
5. EUPHORIA- feelings of elation (intense
10. THOUGHT BLOCKING- stop at the middle of 2.ILLIUSION- misinterpretation of external stimuli-A
conversation. perception that occurs when a sensory stimulus is
F. THOUGHT PROCESS- present but is incorrectly perceived and
1. Obsession- persistent, repetitive thought. misinterpreted, such as hearing the wind as someone
Recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or crying
images that are experienced, at some time 3.HALLUCINATION- misinterpretation of senses without
during the disturbance. Common obsessions external stimuli. Where someone sees, hears, smells,
include fears about contamination, worries tastes or feels things that don't exist outside their
about having left appliances on or doors mind.
unlocked, fear of acting in shameful or a. Auditory Hallucination -are false perceptions
humiliating ways, discomfort about things being of sound.
out of order, extreme concerns about b. Visual Hallucination- involve seeing things
superstitions such as unlucky numbers or that aren't there.
colors, and excessive worries about keeping c. Olfactory Hallucination- (phantosmia) makes
objects. you detect smells that aren't really present in
2. DELUSION- false belief. Are characterized by an your environment.
unshakable belief in things that are not true. d. Gustatory Hallucination- is similar to olfactory
a. Erotomanic- Someone with this type of hallucinations, but they involve your sense of
delusional disorder believes that taste instead of smell. Tastes are often
another person, often someone strange or unpleasant.
important or famous, is in love with him e. Tactile Hallucination- an abnormal or false
or her. sensation of touch or perception of
b. Paranoid Grandiose- A person with this movement on the skin or inside the body
type of delusional disorder has an over- H. SPEECH
inflated sense of worth, power, 1. POVERTY- less talk -provides extensive verbal
knowledge, or identity. feedback that contains little useful
c. Persecutory- People with this type of information.
delusional disorder believe that they (or 2. Pressured- sudden increase in the volume of
someone close to them) are being speech, when you talk faster than usual.
mistreated, or that someone is spying 3. Motor Aphasia/ Expressive Aphasia/ Broca’s
on them or planning to harm them. aphasia inability to express. Inability to speak
d. IDEAS OF REFERENCE- sometimes called or to organize the muscular movements of
a delusion of reference—is the false speech.
belief that irrelevant occurrences or 4. Sensory Aphasia/ receptive/ Wernicke's -is
details in the world relate directly to inability to understand spoken, written, or
oneself. tactile speech symbols that results from
3. Jealous- A person with this type of delusional damage of the brain.
disorder believes that his or her spouse or 5. Global Aphasia- combination of Broca’s and
sexual partner is unfaithful. Wernicke's
4. Somatic- A person with this type of delusional
disorder believes that he or she has a physical
defect or medical problem. 1. PSYCHODRAMA- Involves the use of role
5. Mixed- People with this type of delusional training, actions and group dynamics to
disorder have two or more of the types of facilitate constructive change in the client’s life.
delusions. 2. FAMILY THERAPY- A psychotherapy indicated
G. SENSORY PERCEPTION for treatment of family problems through
1.HYPOCHONDRIASIs- exaggeration of physical signs and improved communication.
symptoms. 3. CRISIS INTERVENTION- Problem-solving
method aimed to assist the individual to
develop new coping skills and return to the pre-
crisis level of functioning.
The aim of the treatment is to relieve the symptoms of
4. PLAY THERAPY- Therapeutic use of play to
some mental health problems.
provide opportunities to a child to experience
feelings and emotions in a safe environment.  To prepare the client for the procedure, the
5. REALITY THERAPY- Problem-solving method nurse should tell him/her that sleep will be
that focuses on the here-and-now of the client induced and treatment will not cause pain
to enable them to focus on changing their own
behaviors and thoughts.  The voltage of electrical current that is
6. BEHAVIOR THERAPY- Structured approach that administered to the client is between 70 and
reinforces an individual’s positive behavior. 150 volts.
7. GESTALT THERAPY- Involves encouraging  The electrical shock is applied to the client in
individuals to develop a sense of awareness of about 0.5-2 seconds
his/her feelings and behaviors and their effects
upon his/her environment in the present time.  The absolute contraindication to ECT is
8. RECREATIONAL THERAPY- Therapeutic process increased intracranial pressure.
that utilizes recreation to improve an
 The relative contraindications to ECT include:
individual’s quality of life.
fever, cardiac arrythmias, TB with history of
hemorrhage, recent fracture, retinal
meaningful and purposeful occupation to
detachment and pregnancy (with
enable people with limitation and impairment
to participate in the activities of everyday life.
10. MUSIC THERAPY- The prescribed use of music  The therapeutic effects of ECT become evident
to effect positive changes in an individual with in one week.
health or educational problem.
11. COGNITIVE THERAPY- Involves identifying
thinking (irrational thoughts) and learning and
replacing it with more realistic ideas.
12. HORTICULTURAL THERAPY- Use of plants and
plant-related activities to improve mobility,
balance, endurance, socialization and memory
therapy that focuses on client’s abilities and
enables them to think about reality in relation
to themselves.
14. ART THERAPY- Therapeutic use of art-making to
increase awareness of self and others, cope
with stress, trauma and enhance cognitive
15. VOCATIONAL THERAPY- Process that involves
assessment of skills and provision of vocational
training to enable an individual with a mental
health problem to have a job.
that involves sending an electric current
through your brain, causing a brief surge of
electrical activity within your brain (also known
as a seizure).

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