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ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 – 2021



Willingness to Ask and Accept Help

1. Why do we need to ask help? Give at least 2 benefits that the one who ask help and
helper get.
2. Read each scenario and decide which one is a suitable situation to ask for help. If you
think you should ask for help, write down the person who you would ask help from
(teachers, parents, adults and etc.).
Problem Ask for Help Personal Person to Ask Help
Responsibility From
Trouble in doing a problem in
Cleaning up your room
Trouble understanding a topic in
Being bullied in school
Not knowing what a particular
word means
Arranging your house’s furniture
during weekend
Packing up your stuff to move out
to another house
Carrying a heavy luggage in
Trouble making a powerpoint
slide for presentation next week
Your mobile phone froze
Not knowing where you are and
you’re separated from your
Not knowing how to ride a bike or
how to swim
Trouble in understanding your
assignment’s instructions
Trouble in finding a specific boo
in the school library
3. Why was the video titled “Kindness Boomerang)? Watch the video in this link to answer
this question. Kindnesss Boomerang (
4. What was the Bible say about helping? Watch video in this link to answer the question
or you may read John 4 : 4 - 26. The Woman at the Well I Animated Bible Story |
HolyTales Bible Stories - YouTube
a. Jesus was thirsty as he was sitting near a well. He doesn’t any bucket to get water.
What did Jesus say to the woman?
b. What was the answer of the woman who was near him and came to get water with her
c. What reasons did she give Jesus just to refuse His request for help?
d. What then did Jesus say?
e. Do you think it was hard for her to ask for the living water from Jesus?
f. Do you agree to conclude that first, the woman did not want to help Jesus because she
did not feel good about herself?
g. Do you agree that the story teaches us, when we want to give help and admit our need,
God actually wants to talk to us and gives his blessing?

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