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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition


Sourcing Rule Define -Advance Supply

Chain Planning

Training Manual

Prepared By:-

Wisemine Software Solution Pvt. Ltd.

Kolkata, India

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Table of Contents
Sourcing Rule creation ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Make Rule will be used by specific organization(V50):....................................................................................................... 4
Transfer Rule will be used by any organization: ................................................................................................................. 5
Buy Rule will be used by any organization:......................................................................................................................... 8
Transfer From Multiple Organization Rule: ...................................................................................................................... 10
Assign Sourcing Rule to Item and Organization .................................................................................................................... 11
Assign Make Rule to Finished Goods ................................................................................................................................ 13

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Sourcing Rule creation

Responsibility: Supply Chain Planner
Navigation: Sourcing  Sourcing Rules

Choose the required organization. If the rule is used only for the specific organization, then choose specific organization
and if the rule will be used by all organization, then choose master organization (IMO). Here, we choose ‘V50’ to create
specific rule.

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition
Make Rule will be used by specific organization (V50):

Input Name for rule name and Description in header. Effective date by default will be current date. It can be set to any
future date,as well.

In ‘Shipping Organization’ block, select ‘Make At’ as Type. Input Allocation percent as ‘100’ and Rank as ‘1’

Save your work

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Planning Active flag automatically checked. This mean that this rule will be available for ASCP planning.

Transfer Rule will be used by any organization:

Change Organization to PRG-Item-Master (IMO)

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Enter the relevant Name and Description

Check the radio button of ‘All Orgs’ and input Effective Date

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Set ‘Type’ as Transfer From in shipping organization block. Select organization from which material will be transferred.
Then set ‘Allocation %’ as ‘100’ and Rank as ‘1’

Save your work

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Planning Active check box will automatically be on.

Buy Rule will be used by any organization:

Selected organization will be PRG-Item-Master (IMO)

Input data accordingly

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Select type as ‘Buy From’ and require supplier from the list (For planning purpose we will create a dummy supplier and
select here). Then set Allocation% as ‘100’ and Rank as ‘1’.

Save your work

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Data will be saved and ‘Planning Active’ box will be checked.

Transfer From Multiple Organization Rule:

When material is to be transferred from multiple organization with specific percentage.

Selected organization will be PRG-Item-Master (IMO)

Input data accordingly

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Select required organization and transfer percentage. Input rank as ‘1’ for all rows. Save the work.

Assign Sourcing Rule to Item and Organization

Responsibility: Supply Chain Planner

Navigation: Sourcing RuleAssign Sourcing Rule/BOD

Select organization as PRG-Item-Master

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Press Ctrl+F11, Assignment Set ‘PRAN_AS_SET’ will appear

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Assign Make Rule to Finished Goods

Select any line and press Ctrl+ Down Arrow

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Assigned To will be ‘Item-Organization’ and then select required organization (here V50). Next input target FG item

Press tab to go further right

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

Select Type as ‘Sourcing Rule’ and select applicable sourcing rule

Save your work

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Training Manual for Sourcing Rule Definition

In this way, assign all the required components and apply sourcing rule to those items.

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