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2 glass container
Fresh pineapple

1. Prepare the gelatin pour it in the glass and let it solidify

2. Cook some of the fresh pineapple in boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove from the pot
after 10 minutes and let it cool.

3. Place the fresh pineapple slices or chunks in container A. Place the cooked
pineapple slices or chunks in container B.
4. Let it stand for 3 hours and observe what happens. Record the changes every

Changes every hour:


What happened to the gelatin?

In this experiment, gelatin and pineapple (fresh and cooked) were utilized. One of the
intriguing plants is Pineapples which came from plants, bromeliads, that grow on the
earth’s surface and not from the trees. Bromelain is one of the chemicals that Pineapple
contains. It has enzymes that are capable of digesting proteins, also known as
proteases. On the other hand, Gelatin is formed from animal proteins, specifically
collagen. Gelatin may be derived from any animal, however, cows are the most
commonly used. The gelatin from the carcass (bones and cartilage) is extracted by
boiling the chicken in water; all gelatin is manufactured from discarded animal bones
and skins.

In the first container, fresh pineapple is added to gelatin, The gelatin is dissolved by the
fresh pineapple. Fresh pineapple is high in Bromelain, an enzyme that can break down
collagen protein. Adding fresh pineapple to gelatin helps the bromelain to break down
the collagen in the gelatin while also liquifying the gelatin. On the other hand, cooked
pineapple is added to the gelatin in the other container. With this, you can clearly see
that the surface of the gelatin has not been broken down into the liquid. Because heat
inactivates bromelain, cooked pineapple does not have the same impact.

In summary, Gelatin is rich in structural proteins. When water is added to gelatin, long
strands of protein develop, resulting in a transparent protein chain as "spaghetti." Water
becomes stuck in the center of these chains, causing what should be a liquid to become
semi-solid. Because pineapple bromelain digests proteins, when pineapple is added to
gelatin, the enzymes break the collagen linkages as quickly as they develop.


Diced potato

3 plastic containers

Hydrogen peroxide

1. Place the potatoes into three separate containers. Label them A, B, C

2. Place container A in the freezer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes pour
enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the potatoes. Observe.
3. Place container B in the microwave and heat it (medium) for 2 minutes.
Pour enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the potatoes. Observe.

4. Place container C at room temperature. Pour enough hydrogen peroxide

to cover the potatoes. Observe.
Foam that were formed every hour for 3 hours:

1. Measure the height of the forth that formed.

After 1 hour After 2 hours After 3 hours

CUP A 1.0mm 1.5mm 1.7mm

CUP B 0.4mm 0.6mm 1.0mm

CUP C 3.5mm 4.0mm 4.3mm

In this experiment, potatoes, containers, and hydrogen peroxide were used. Diced
potatoes were placed in different places in each of the containers a, b, and c, and then
enough hydrogen peroxide was poured to cover the potatoes. Potatoes contain a lot of
catalase and allow us to see catalase work by creating oxygen bubbles when hydrogen
peroxide was added. Container A was frozen for 30 minutes, Container B was heated
for 2 minutes, and Container C was left at room temperature.

Container A, the frozen potato produced fewer bubbles because the cold temperature
slowed the catalase enzyme’s ability to decompose the hydrogen peroxide. After one
hour, it had developed a foam height of 1.00mm, 1.5mm after two hours, and 1.78mm
after three hours. On the other hand, container B, the boiled potato, produced little to no
bubbles. This is because the heat degraded the catalase enzyme, making it incapable
of processing the hydrogen peroxide. The foam height increased to 0.4mm after one
hour, then to 0.6mm after two hours, and then to 1.0mm after three hours. Lastly,
Container C, the room temperature potato, produced the most bubbles or foam, with a
foam height of 3.5mm after 1 hour, 4.0mm after 2 hours, and 4.3mm after 3 hours. The
height of foam increases and produces the most bubbles than the other containers
because as the temperature is increased the enzyme activity and the rate of reaction
increases. Therefore, catalase works best at room temperature.

The bubbling reaction is the metabolic process of decomposition and this reaction is
caused by catalase, an enzyme within the potato. Catalase acts as the catalyzing
enzyme in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Nearly all living things possess
catalase, including us! This enzyme, like many others, aids in the decomposition of one
substance into another. Catalase decomposes, or breaks down, hydrogen peroxide into
water and oxygen.
Minutes of the meeting

Everyone in the group participated in the given task. Ms. Ywayan and Ms.
Caringal conducted and documented the experiments. Ms. Ywayan prepared the draft
while rest of the members shared their insight about the observation. Ms. Rueco
observed the Bromelain experiment. Ms. Domingo observed the Catalase experiment.
Mr. Evangelista observed the extracting DNA from banana.

Screenshots of the conversation

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