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- "Refrigerant is the fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigerating system that absorbs heat
during evaporation from the region of low temperature and pressure, and releases heat during
condensation at a region of higher temperature and pressure”

What is Inorganic compounds refrigerant?

- Inorganic refrigerants are mainly used for the industrial applications like refrigeration. This
consist of inorganic compounds (which rarely contain carbon-hydrogen bond) used primarily as
refrigerants such as R718(Water), R717(AMMONIA), and R744(CARBON DIOXIDE). Majority of
these refrigerants are non-toxic and are environment friendly, inexpensive & non-flammable.
Why inorganic compounds use as refrigerants?
Generally, inorganic refrigerants like ammonia and carbon dioxide are characterized by global
warming potential (GWP) values which range from 0 to several thousands. The bigger the GWP
value, the more harmful the refrigerant is for environment. Ammonia and carbon dioxide are
commercially used in refrigerants, but their share in the global refrigerant market is around 8%-
Classification of fluids used as refrigerants
The inorganic refrigerants were exclusively used before the introduction of hydrocarbon
refrigerants these refrigerants are still in use due to their inherent thermodynamic and physical
Difference of Inorganic Compounds and Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds

• Compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen

• Typically, larger molecules due to carbon’s bonding capabilities
• Some dissolve in water
Inorganic Compounds

• Rarely contain carbon

• Usually smaller than organic compounds
• Usually dissociate in water

The various inorganic refrigerants are as follows

Refrigerant number Chemical Chemical name

R-717 Ammonia NH3

R-744 Carbon dioxide CO2

R-764 Sulphur dioxide SO2

R-729 Air -

R-118 Water H2O

• R-717, (NH3) Ammonia

• Most widely used refrigerant
• Used in commercial reciprocating compression system and in
absorption system.
• Boiling point is -33.30C
• Latent heat of vaporization is 1315KJ/Kg (-150c)
• Poisonous, irritating to eyes nose and throat
• R-744 (Co2) carbon dioxide
• Boiling point is -73.60C
• used in dry-ice
• Non toxic, non irritating and non flammable
• Low efficiency as compared to ammonia
• R-764 (SO2) sulfur dioxide
• Boiling points-100C
• Latent heat of vaporization 396 KJ/Kg (-150C)
• Non flammable non explosive, unpleasant and irritating odour, Not
injurious to food.

• R-729 (Air)
• The dry air used as a gaseous refrigerant in compression system
particularly in air- craft air conditioning
• R-118 (Water)
• Use of water is as ice
• Used as a refrigerant vapour in some absorption systems and in
systems with steam jet compressor
• Hydro carbon refrigerants

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