Cambridge English Advanced Result Workbook

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Cambridge English

Kathy Gude
Lynda Edwards

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Adapted extract ffom "Among the giants" by SebastiSo Salgado/Amazonas
1 What are you like?
page 4

2 Customs and traditions

page 10

3 Looking ahead
page 16

Review (Units 1-3)

page 22

4 Into the wild

page 24

5 Health matters
page 30

6 Would you believe it?

page 36

Review (Units 4-6)

page 42

7 Traces of the past

page 44

8 The big issues

page 50

9 lt's a crime
page 56

Review (Units 7-9)

page 62

10 Buying and selling

page 64

11 Entertainment or art?
page 70

12 A changing world
page 76

Review (Units 10-12)

page 82

Writing Spea ki ng Key Using the Workbook MultiROM

page 84 page 90 page 95 page 111
IW ha t are you like?
Rgad i ng Part 5 Muttipte choice
Read the text again and for questions 1-6, choose
the answer (A, B, C or DJ which you think fits
1 Read the article quickly and decide which sentence
(a, b or c) is the best summary. 1 What does the writer advise peopie to do before
getting up in the morning?
a Dealing with problems in your life.
b Finding out how to take things easy. A Calmly contemplate their day ahead.
c Learnins to he mnre nositirre B Organise their routine to maximise their time.
C Decide which undesirable activity they could
dispense with.
D Reject the idea of having to fulfil their
obligations successfully.

ffietter and fum&ffiffiffi

AKE A COUPLE OF MINUTES to lie still in bed and Once you have a clear picture of the things in your life
reflect on the day ahead. Do you feel cheerful or that make you feel low, either eliminate, minimise or
fed up, excited or hored? Or do you, perhaps, feel rs improve them and the way you manage them. lf getting
nothing? Go on, prod your subconscious to consider your everyone organised in the morning is a nightmare,
s situation. Unless you get pleasure from living a passive you need to apply some lateral thought to the process.
and non-eventful life, having a non-committal attitude Encourage everybody to help with the morning routine.
can actually be as bad as being pessimistic. So if, as Make everyone responsible for some parts of their own
you walk yourself through the events of the day ahead, .la organisation. lf everyone is leading busy lives in the
you feel pretty average about things, then try and aim household, it makes no sense for one person to be a
'ro higher. lt will mean that you get much more out of life. martyr. Be realistic about your own stamina and stress
Sothere you are, lying in bed. Picture yourself showering, limits and appreciate the importance of keeping yourself
making breakfast, catching the bus, attending meetings, fit and happy. Agree new regimes with family members
shopping, cooking supper, watching TV and finally getting :s or housemates as a sensible training exercise, and stick
into bed. Did your spirits sink at the thought of any of it? with it until everyone takes their equal share. Instead of
rs lf so, pluck what it was out of the timetable and examine feeling miserable about your chores and responsibilities,
it more closely. ls it a must-do, non-negotiable event? For adopt a positive approach and acknowledge that they are
instance, you may not mind the idea of going to work an essential component of life.
but hate your job or the daily commute. Find out what
options you have to make changes or find alternatives.
zs In the meantime, come up with a strong and confident
affirming statement about the person you wish to be and
the way you wish to tackle these life challenges.

I unitt
The writer suggests dealing with difficult aspects The writer justifies having a positive outlook on
of our home lives by the day by saying it will
A freeing up more time to handle them more A make the outcome of our day more predictable.
effectively. B help us blank out the less desirable events in
B delegating some responsibilities to others. our iives.
C learning to control stress by taking more C give us renewed energy to face up to
exercise. problems in life.
D asking for outside help to relieve pressures. D reinforce our appreciation of what makes life
The writer initiaily implies that adopting a
reaiistic attitude towards life can According to the writer, how should we react to
A have a counterproductive effect on our lives. having had a bad day?
B encourage us to look on the bright side of life. A Focus on the one positive thing that
C enable us to find solutions to our problems. happened, however insignificant.
D help us be more analytical in our apprtach to B Tiy to communicate our feelings about it to
Iife. another person in a positive way.
C Tell ourselves it is perfectly acceptable to feel
By using the expression 'tune into' in line 44 the
down after a day like that.
writer is suggesting that this is something that
D Stay positive and believe that tomorrow will
be a better day.
A dn reorrlrrlrr
R re.rllrr eninrr
C may find difficult.
D won't easily forget.

Pessimism, doubt and negativity can often disguise The logical rationale for having a positive attitude is
themselves as realism. Facing up to the facts can compelling. Nobody knows for sure what each day will

l. sometimes be healthy but it's essential not to poison

hope and optimism with negative thoughts. Observing
bring and whether its end will mark a personal triumph
or disaster. Make yourself work out what good things
how you think is vital. You really need to tune into will happen. Today could be the day you meet your
rt hearing those negative waves as soon as they start soul mate, or when you are praised or promoted. Carry
and see a more positive alternative view. To find this a list and photographs of things in your life that are
perspective, you may need to examine closely the rewarding or make you feel happy. This can include
experience or subject of your attention. Be curious and loved ones, favourite flowers, song tracks, a cutting
interested in life, the things and the people that make from a newspaper that made you laugh, or a theatre
up your day. Be resolute that you will find a positive in ticket that reminds you of a wonderful occasion. lf vou
everything and everyone. need reminding that good things do happen, take this
collection out and relive fond memories and thoughts.

Even if today has been a bad day, you needn't go to bed

depressed because your optimism didn't pay off. Why?
Well, because tomorrow is another day. In the same way
i$ that a single look or a sour comment can instantly kill a
feeling, so a bubble of optimism arising from even the
most minor triumph will eventually get bigger if you
refuse to let yourself look on the dark side. That is the
great thing about life.

unitl I
Vocabulary Meanings of get

Feel i ngs 2 Match the expressions in italics in a-h with one of

the meanings in brackets.

Put these words into a suitable category below. a If you want to get more out of life, try to be more
Check your answers in a dictionary. Then use them organised. (create or invent more from/extract or
to complete sentences a-i. obtain more from)
b I'd like to get out of going to the party tonight but
I depressed confident cheerful fed up I don't see how I can. (avoid doing something/
curious pessimistic resolute optimistic persuade someone not to do something)
moody realistic' bored excited c I'm really struggling with this grammar. I just
don't get it. (understand/like)
Positive: We ought to be going home. lI's getting on for
midnight. (past/nearly)
It's no good getting upset about what happened.
There's nothing you can do about it now.
Neutral: f The students get on with each other very well.
fmake progress/have a good relationship)
g I think it's time we got down to doing our
I'm............... with everyone asking me to do homework. ifinished/began)
things for them all the time. Nobody ever says h This argument is gettlng ts nowhere. Let's just
agree to disagree. (achieving nothing/leading us
thank you or helps me.
in the wrong direction)
Bob has a rather attitude towards
the future of our planet. He's convinced global
3 Complete sentences a-g using a suitable expression
warming will destroy the Earth very soon.
with gef in the correct form. Then use a dictionary
We must be............... and do everything possible to find two more expressions with gef and note
to improve the transport facilities in the town. their meaning.
Zeb seems very............... . He wasn't nervous
about making that speech to the whole college. a Do you ............ Kate? I really don't

You're not being very............... about our plans

know her.
for the summer. We just couldn't afford to go on We need to .............. doing all the
jobs in the house that we haven't done for ages.
holiday to a place like that.
You never know how Ann will feel - happy, sad
This consultation process is ............
It's virtually impossible to please everybody.
- she can be very
I'm............... to know how many students failed It's.....,....... 6 o'clock. Great! It's
nearly time to finish work and go home!
the exam, aren't you?
I'm so I want to try to college, you
I I'm going on a two-week
holiday tomorrow morning! know, join some clubs or learn a new language.
I'm very rarely............... . I can always find Tty not to.............. offended by what
Mary said. I'm sure she didn't really mean it.
something interesting to do.
How can we............. visiting the
Browns this weekend? I'd rather stay at home!

I unit r
Review of verb patterns

Complete conversations 1-6 by putting the verb in Complete these sentences using a suitable verb
brackets in the correct form. below in the infinitive form with or without to.
1 A: One of my colieagues wanted me...............
t strike complete feel provide
(buy) a mobile phone like hers. solve accept inform enter
B: But yours is quite new. I really object to
(change) something for the sake of it.
Several residents heard someone ............... the
building in the early hours of the morning.
2 A: We could put off ............... (make) a decision The management refuse responsibility
about instailing machinery until next y'ear. for any damage to property on the premises.
B: That might mean we need to resort to Under the terms of the contract, we agree
(spend) a huge amount on the work in a period of three weeks.
maintaining the existing machinery. The letter was written in such an. aggressive tone
3 A: Has it always been company policy to avoid that it made me angry.
[give) a refund on sales goods? e Sam's tutor offered him with some
B: Yes. You can issue a credit note but you must extra help with his thesis.
insist on (see) the receipt. f Can anyone help............... this confusion about
transportation costs?
4 A: I don't recall (receive) any
g The baggage handlers at the airport threatened
notification about the change in dates.
if their demands were not met.
B: I'm afraid it was a last minute amendment. I
h We that the item you
do apologise for.
ordered is no longer available.
5A: The Wrights never stop (boastJ
about their children's achievements. Match the sentence halves using the prepositions
B: Perhaps you ought to ............... (mention) below and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
the fact that they have already told youl Three of the prepositions are not needed.

6A: Bill can't stand ............... (commute) for il "t for on of from by
three hours every day.
a Please don't blame me ...
B; Maybe you should advise him .
b I can't believe Anne's supervisor actually
(took) for a job closer to home? accused her ...
c The police praised everyone ...
d Most hotels try to discourage guests ...
$' e
Voters will never forgive the government ...
Officials tried to prevent the spectators ...
g That scruffy old rucksack reminds me ..
$i 1
(smoke) in their bedrooms.
(forget) what you should have remembered
3 (not/live) up to their election promises.
4 (stealJ her own office stationery.
5 (rush) onto the pitch at the end of the game.
6 (travel) across Europe when I was a student.
7 (not/panic) during the bomb scare.

Unit 1 fl
LiSten ing part 4 r\,ruttrpte matching

1 Read the instructions and questions for 2, which are about people
discussing friendship. which statements reflect your own opinions or

2 O firt"n to five short extracts and complete the exam task.

For 1-5, choose from A-H the people's attitudes towards friendships.
A The only people I feel I can make demands on are my friends. speaker 1 fTl-l
B I think I can honestly say that I have never really had a best friend.
C I expect my friends to place our friendship above everything. Speaker 2 af^
D We often give friends a one-sided impression of our true selves.
E Friends are people you can invite to a dinner party at the last minute.
Speaker 3 fTll
F I always take advantage of opportunities to meet people. n
G My friendships mean far more to me than even my job.
Speaker [|al
H I socialise with people of a similar background to myseif. speaker s f-Ttl
For 5-10, choose from A-H what upsets the people about friendships.
A not being able to rely on friends in times of trouble speaker 1 fTel
B being bothered by someone who won't accept the friendship is over
C constantly being forced to make new friends Speaker 2 a-Vl
D realising that your friendship is no longer of any value
E dealing with friends' emotional problems speaker 3 [-T8l
F losing touch with people who have been your friends since childhood
G being let down by friends at work
speaker [Tt
H knowing their position in the group is what matters to your friends Speaker s

I untt t
Read the article below about interviews. Hon does the author advise
people to perfect their interview technique?
a in front of a m.irror
b with someone they knorv well
c with an expert in the field

R.ead the text again and complete gaps 1-8 with words formed from
those in caoitals below.

Preparing for your first interview

Before going to an interview, it is (0) to go through a mocK
interview. This will enable you to try out your technique and answers live. lt
is also a chance to receive constructive feedback that is (1).................... In
improving your interview style and general (2) ...... Just one mock
interview will result in a (3) .. improvement in your skills. Why?
For the same reason that a (4) .. doesn't exist while still on paper
or floating in your head. lt only exists when you give it (5) ... The
first time you give it in front of an audience, it will be nothing like the orle you
prepared. So, seek out a (6) .. and have the practice session filmed.
You will probably find that when you play the recording back you get a completely
different impression of yourself and of your (7) .. ....... For maximum
effect, revisit your answers and go through a second mock interview. This should
help you cope with any (B) . and will give you more confidence.



Write the correct words for a-h.

o noun form of the uerb 'irnprove' ..inP.r.qy.sfl,ent..

a two noun forms of the verb 'advise'

b an adjective and two nouns formed from the verb'present' ..............
c the adverb form of the noun/verb 'notlce'
d two noun forms of the verb 'speak'
e another noun form of the noun 'profession'
I the positive arrd negative adjective forms of rhe noun'impression'
b the positive and negative adjecrive forms oi lhe verb'respond'
h two adiective {orms of the noun 'confldence'

Unit 1
}4i* .iirii

f Customs and tradltions

isdl *€

Rgading PartT Gapped rext

X Reaa the text and paragraphs A-G quickly ancl find 2 Read the whole text again and choose from the
out: paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap [i-6).
a who the Sami are. There is one extra paragraph which you do not
b what annual custom the writer takes part in. need to use.
c if the writer enjoyed the experience.

I wanted to experience life under the midday moon.

A heated log cabin and maybe a sauna, in Sweden's
far north, meditating on the loss of light and the
Ioneiiness, in a drawn-out, snowy, winter world. And
3o people shouted, and 7,ooo reindeer ran in the desired
s that's what I said to my editor, so I was packed off to
direction: into a large corral, where they were then
Ovre Soppero with photographer Mark.'Oh, it's never
herded by people on foot towards the narrow passage;
dark up here,'our host Per-Nils Pdivicj insisted when we
then about 7o animals were funnelled through a small
met him and his wife, Britt-Marie, who was preparing a
circular space with gates to'family' paddocks.
reindeer stew.

ss I declined to wrestle with a reindeer, but Mark put

ro The ne;<t two days and nights in the warmth of the
down his camera and grabbed one shouting,'It's ours',
cabin and the traditional circular hut covered in turf,
as he was dragged across the corral floor. I simply
with wood-burning stoves - and a sauna - were cosy.
begged for a bed with walls that night, and maybe even
Informative, too, as - over breakfast with pancakes - i
a jacuzzi.
was given a thorough education in the ancient and
15 barely altered life of the reindeer-herding Sami people +o We had another magical ride back on the snowmobile
of northern Sweden. lust as I was beginning to relax, I and then a car to Kiruna, the home of the Sami
was introduced to'my'reindeer. I was handed the reins parliament and the Swedish iron ore mine, which
along with some sparse instructions: pull left for faster, has utterly changed the traditional herding land and
right for stop. threatens the Sami wav of life.

zo Tonight Per-Nils was taking us by snowmobile to cs After a day off ,I visited a local school. The Sami pupils
the huts where the families lived over the three-day take lessons in their own language and study skills
round-up. But he, Mark and I were spending the night and traditions that are rapidly being forgotten. The
in a'lawu', guarding the reindeer. Back home I had youngsters were looking io the future and making
discovered that this word, which had appeared on my plans for their lives beyond reindeer herding.
zs itinerary, meant a tent. I imagined a warm tourist tent.
But now alarm bells began to ring.

5o Even I know how privileged I was to participate in

that. And the extra hands can certainly be useful:
Somehow, I survived the lack of sleep. Then the round- Mark apparently was an asset, and me? Well, now I've
up began. Everyone rewed up their snowmobiles and warmed up a bit, I am grateful for the experience. I just
spread out, surrounding the reindeer. Dogs barked, hope i didn't make life too difficult for my hosts.

@ unit z
r. But for me, the best thing was that it had
the Hotel Ralleran, a wooden building
devotedly restored, and a shrine to
simplicity. It had beautiful, pale-timbered
walls, wooden floors, light, space, a
bf, comfortable bed and a jacuzzil

I sat in the family paddock by a iog fire and

choked on wood smoke. Ah', a fur-encased
elderly lady laughed.'The smoke foilows
you. It means you'll be rich.'Or so her
i., daughter translated. What she probably said
was:'Who is this stranger?'
Dinner was delicious and marked our
introduction to Swedish tapland as guests
of the Sami, the indigenous people who
were here long before anyone else arrived.
'Snow. Northern lights. And you can go
into the forest in December and you hardly
need a torch', he commented. Despite my
reservations, I was intrigued and actually
il keen to start our'adventure'.
Yet they showed a demonstrabie desire to
keep their heritage alive. That's why the
Sami are inviting visitors to experience
their traditions and so trv to sustain theit
r::, reindeer-herding life.
My fears turned out to be justified. The Sami
tepee had a layer of reindeer skins over the
bare, snow-covered, lumpy earth. The gap
around the bottom let plenty of fresh air
:lt, in. I spent most of the time perched on my
elbows, staring at the embers of the fire.

The reindeer took over immediately, either

I sauntering along or racing his mate. My
performance lost the respect of the guides,
,,'but they were kind and excitedly started
talking about tomorrow's agenda. They had
brought together the 7,ooo reindeer of the
district, and tomorrow we would participate
in the annual separation of the herds into
,,. family groups. This is done according to the
signs on the ears ofthe calves to allocate the
rnrintcr orqzino

My job was to head off stragglers and

escapees. This is done by flapping the arms
,up and down and hooting. Even the most
desuitory flap, i discovered, persuades a
vravward reindeer to rejoin the crowd.

Unit 2
Words with similar meanings Compound nouns
1 Uat"h one word from each pair in a-f with the 3 Circle the one word on the right which cannot
definition provided and then write a definition for be combined with a-e to form a compound
the other word. Use a dictionary to help you. noun. Then scan through the entries for a*e in a
dictionary to find more compound nouns.
a imaginary/imaginative
having or showing new and exciting ideas a hand book/shake/barlbasin
b film crew/goer/picture/script
C news agent/fl ash/data/reader
exhausting/exhaustive d side effect/mark/track/street
making you feel very tired work
e hour/shop/place/out

conscious/conscientious Make compound nouns by matching a-e with 1-5.

awake and able to see, hear and think There may be more than one answer. Check your
ideas in a dictionary.

satisfying/satisfactory a take 1 through

good enough for a particular purpose b turn 2 over
c set 3 out
u hand 4 back
aware of and able to understand other people e break 5 down
and their feelings
Use the compound nouns you formed in 4 to
complete these sentences. Then say what each
compound noun means in the context of a-h.
feeling or showing anger or annoyance
The surprisingly low ... at the tennis
tournament was due to torrential rain.
Use words from 1 to complete these sentences. An unsuccessful .......... bid was made by
an unknown investor last year.
a Fortunately, your performance was
Research into hereditary illness has resulted in a
... and you passed the exam.
b Samson is a very ... writer and always
welcome ... for scientists.

constructs an intricate and fascinating plot.

A..................... will be distributed to all
students at the end of the lecture.
c The government's survey into unemployment is
Unfortunately, there has been a temporary
the most ... document of its kind.
... in the peace negotiations.
d I can't believe Chris cheated in the exam!
It is reputed that the oil company has an annual
Doesn't he have a..................... ?
... of forty million dollars.
e Our school is..................... to problems facing
new students and we aim to suppoft them fully.
The........... of power to the newly elected
govemment took place yesterday.
f You have every right to be.............
There has been a ... at the prison -
I would be furious if anyone said that about mel
three inmates are thought to have escaped.

@ unitz
Gerunds and infinitives
1 Complete gaps 1-8 with the correct form of the 2 lt" sentence halves a-f with 1-6 and put the
verbs below. You may need to add a preposition. verbs in brackets in the correct form.

t be waste establish cope send a Did Sally actually manage ...

h Is it true that Sam threatened ...
travel go expand
c What do you hope ...
Tim wasn't looking forward 1 ................ u I don't think we should risk ...
on his first business trip to Latvia in the middle of e Would you prefer ...

winter. He wasn't very keen 2 ............... f The accused man denied ...
in icy conditions and he'd never been very good at 1 (do) in ten years' time?
3............... with cold temperatures. In 2 (convince) Andrea to watch that horror film?
any case, he didn't believe 4............... 3 (drive) to the airport in case there's a traffic jam.
time making personal visits when a phone call or 4 (have) a vegetarian dish for your main course?
5 (resign) if he wasn't given a salary increase?
email would do just as well. He objected
6 (steal) the money but no one believed him.
5............... told what to do, but his boss
had insisted 6............... him there for a
brief meeting. The company had been thinking Relative clauses
7 ................ into that part of the world for
some time and had already succeeded 3 Combine the sentences in a-g using a relative
8............... contacts in Central and pronoun and, where necessary a preposition.
Eastern Eurooe.
a This is the old car. William used it to travel all
over Europe.
b The new train can reach speeds of 300 km per
hour. The train's design is certainly innovative.
c The Welsh mountains are very beautiful. I spent
most of my childhood there.
d We met other employees. Most had been with
the company for a few years.
e Winning the World Cup was one of those
wonderful moments. You feel perfectly happy.
f The film star is the subject of much gossip. She
will be at the premiere in New York tomorrow.
g The accident happened. We cannot explain it.

Unit2 @
Listen ing
Part'1 Multiple choice

1 A.rr-". these questions which relate to the extracts in 2 below.

a What are the most popular traditional dishes in your country?
b were there any particular customs from your childhood that you enjoyed?
c Which are the most popular tourist attractions in your country?
2 O neaA questions 1-6 below before you listen to the three different extracts. Then
listen and choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear.

You hear part of an interview vdth a woman who is writing a

of guides about traditional food.
What information do the guides give?
A introductions to the leading chefs of the area
B the reasons why certain meals became popular
C details of locally grown produce used in dishes
What is the writer's reason for writing the guides?
A to teach a new generation of cooks
B to develop her experience as a writer
C to help tourists find authentic traditional food

You hear two people talking about customs from their

What do the speakers believe about the Tooth Fairy?
A lt can only visit when you sleep.
B lt is a purely British custom.
C lt helps a new tooth grow.
The woman continued the custom with her children
A children's teeth are important.
B children should have beliefs like this.
C customs shouldn't be broken.

You hear part of an interview with a tour guide from

The tour guide describes Ayers Rock as special because it is
A a different colour from normal rock.
B bigger than any other rock on earth.
C a major visitor attraction for Australia.
Visitors are not allowed to climb Ayers Rock because
A its history should be respected.
B tours make it overcrowded.
C there isn't a safe track.
Use of English
Part2 0pen cloze ParI4 Key word transformation

t Reaa the text below quickly, ignoring the gaps, and find out 3 Rewrite the second sentence in a-e
how the Japanese festival started. keeping the meaning the same. Use three
to six words, including the word given.
2 po, questions 1-8, read the text again and think of the word
which best fits each gap.
a The majority of people like to observe
customs and traditions.

$Ti{T,UEffi eF SAtrtreft*
The majority of people
.... customs and traditions.
We are not often invited to meetings at
The capital of Japan's northermost island attracts
the college.
visitors every year in February. (0)...P?9pit?... this being
the coldest time of the year, visitors flock to the city,
We are not............
which transforms (1) into a dream world of
glittering snow sculptures. More than two million people to meetings at the college.
come to marvel (2)................. these frosted creations. The results show attendance has risen
dramatically during the last year.
The festival began in 1950, (3) two students . ,
fashioned six snow statues in 0dori Park. Five years
The results show a
(4) ............... members of Sapporo's Defence Force ......... during the last year.
sowed the seeds of the now world-famous festival
' My sister finds commuting every day
by building the first statue which was megalithic in :"':r,1i
(5). .... proportions. Snow sculpting might sound
(6)... ... an easy skill, but it takes a lot of patience
It's difficult for my sister
and artistic talent. First, a wooden structure is built and
large blocks of snow are hammered into place arouno
....... commuting every day.
The number of participants in rhe
it. Once positioned, the blocks are hosed with water to
snow festival has reached an all-time
freeze them together. lt is only (7) . .. ... that the
painstaking job of sculpting can begin. high.
The result is a crystal-like dreamscape of well-known
The number of participants in the
images, (B) . ... as those of famous buildines
snow festival is
and people



Unit2 @
aLo ok ingahead
Read i ng
Part 6 Cross-text multiple matching

Quickly read the four extracts opposite and answer the following questions.
a which writer feels that GM foods might solve more problems than they create?
b Which three writers are sceptical about the long-term effects of GM foods?
Read the extracts again. For questions 1-4, choose from the writers A-D.
The writers may be chosen more than once.

Which writer, A, B, C or D:
shares the opinion of writer C regarding the feelings the subject
of GM food arouses? 1 ...
has a different opinion from the other writers about the justification
for developing GM foods? 2 ...
takes a similar view to writer B regarding reservations about the
development of GM foods? 3 ...
shares the same opinion as writer A as regards the importance to
everyone of the issues surrounding GM foods? 4 ...

Find words in the extracts which have the same meaning as a-h below.
Extract A: a decisive issue b personal involvement
Extract B: c lack of proper food ............... d go forward
Extract C: e prompt/stimulus f thoroughly
Extract D: g indirect results h warnings
Four writers comment on the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food.

A Sonal Panse C Deepash Patel

Cenetically modified organisms (CMO) include The mere mention of CM foods is a cue for
crops, vegetables and fruit that have been created an argument. The benefits of investing large
using genetic engineering methods. Scientists amounts into their research initially appears
combine desirable genes from various species enticing as they may well provide the answer to
to create new genetically-altered crosses with
combating many of the major issues currently
enhanced nutritional, productive and ecological
value. This differs from traditional breeding in
concerning ou r civilisation. Nevertheless, we
must exercise discretion over their use as thev
that genetic transference between unrelatec may turn out to cause more problems than
species does not occur biologically in nature. The they solve. The arguments both for and against
process of combining inter-species genes does not their development can indeed be convincing
have the checks and balances that are imooseq but it must be borne in mind that some of these
by nature in traditional breeding. Because of this arguments are dictated by economic gain for
there is a risk of genetic instability. This means those organisations involved in the production of
that no one can make any accurate predictions these food stuffs. Unless we meticulously make
about the long-term effects of CMOs on human use of the results of their development, the fact
beings and the environment. Extensive testing in that we are going against nature may mean
this regard is either very expensive or impractical, that we are entering this strange new scientific
and there is still a great deal about the process world at our peril. This is a subject which is of the
that scientists do not understand. This is the crux * utmost significance to all those who live on earth.
of the matter in the ongoing debate of CMOs.
Food is an emotional topic. lt matters greatly to
all of us. The subject is also ofvested interest for
th e corporations that ma n ufactu re genetica ly

modified seeds and agricultural technologies.

D Afna Sikaala
r'^ The fact that not even scientists fully understand
B Deborah Whitman the technology or implications of what is involved
in CM foods does not seem to prevent people
Cenetically-modified foods have the potential having their own views on the subject. There are
to solve many of the world's hunger and those who view their develooment as the answer
malnutrition problems, and to help protect and to the future of the world, and those who see it as
preserve the environment by increasing yield a herald to the end of civilisation as we know it.
and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides People have always been sceptical about scientific
and herbicides. Yet there are many challenges advances that might affect the world and its
ahead for governments, especially in the areas inhabitants, but as human beings we cannot
of safety testing, regulation, international policy stand still. lf we had not had the courage of our
and food labelling. Many people feel that genetic convictions to press ahead with what we thought
engineering is an inevitable future development to be improvements to our society, we would
and that we cannot afford to ignore a technology have made no progress at all over the centuries.
which has such enormous potential benefits. True, there may be downsides and caveats to this
However, we must proceed with caution to avoid process which at first sight seem to go against
causing unintended harm to human health and nature, but we should go ahead, confident
the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for that the advantages must surely outweigh any
this powerful technology. problems these CM foods may ultimately create.

Unit 3
Voca bu la rv
Two-pa rt ph rasa I verbs Look up each of the verbs in bold (in a-f) below to
find the correct particle to complete the sentences.
Then match them with meanings 1-6.
1 w.lte nouns for phrasal verbs a-d and match them
with meanings 1-5 below. a The armed robber told the cashier to hand lnl
on/over the money in the till.
b What do you make of/up/fo this letter from my
burst out ex-boyfriend? I'm not sure how to interpret it.
a cut back c Our elderly neighbour passed off/away/up last
b fall down week so the family are selling his house.
n hrino rrn d The manager is unable to speak at the
d nrrt in conference tomorrow so I'm going to stand ln/
up/to for him and talk to the delegates.
1 failure of something or someone e I was prepared to lend my brother some money
2 raising a child but he turned back/over/dourn my offer.
@ f Two people were knocked away/off /downby a
4 reduction in the amount of something car on a pedestrian crossing this mornlng.
5 effort given to a project, etc.
1 take someone's place
2 the two-part phrasal verbs a-f with 2 give (not voluntarily)
meanings 1-6.
3 hit and cause to fall
4 die
a hand out 1 understand 5 reject
b make out 2 distribute 6 understand bv
c knock out 3 lose consciousness
d stand out 4 produce or make
e turn out 5 be noticeable
fr ^-^^ UUL
PdJJ ^,,+ 6 eliminate in a competition

Use the correct form of the phrasal verbs from 2 to

complete these sentences.
a ............... ieaflets in the High Street has to be

one of the most boring jobs!
There's no doubt that wearing designer clothes
makes you............... in a crowd.
How can Tim be a medical student when he
T T tl @
as soon as he sees blood?
d Nobody can............... what her motives were in
telling so many lies.
Unfortunately the basketball team got .. .. .. .

in the first round of the tournament.

This factory is our most productive - it
an amazing 1,000 cars a week. @

l[ unrt r
G ra m ma r Future forms Grammar Extra
Read the text about an unusual play and use the
correct future form of the verbs below to complete
Adjective and adverb order
gaps 1-8.
4 fne categories below show adjective order before a
I sell out know find out talk meet noun. Put the adjectives into the correct place.
perform not effect give
I china orange Russian young rectangular
Mike Leigh is a playwright who works without a ancient oval purple Chinese silk
script, so the actors have to improvise. For this fascinating tiny disgusting heavy
reason, his new play does not even have a title. But
by next Friday morning, Leigh 1 ............... whether your opinion
his new play 2............... with the approvalof the
critics or not. 0n Thursday evening, the cast
3............... A New play by Mike Leigh'for the first age
time and before an audience who 4...............
virtually nothing about it.
The fact that this is his first play for 12 years is
unlikely to be a problem and 5............... its country of origin
performance at the box office. Theatregoers expecr
that tickets for the play's first run of performances
6............... long before the first night, when it
is hoped the play 7 ...............a title. One thing,
Answer questions a-d about adverbs.
however, is certain - whatever the play is about,
Leigh fans 8............... about it for many weexs a What is the correct order for the adverbial
ro come. phrases of place and manner in this sentence?
Tlrc Prime Minister spoke.
Which of the expressions in a-f is followed by the (at tlrc conference/very well)
constructions in 1 and 2? Where could you add on Saturdoy?
1 the infinitive with to b Where would you normally put the adverb
2 of +ing probably in these sentences?
a just about Christoplrcr knows the way to our house.
b bound Jill doesn't know the way.
c on the point
c Which emphasising adverb would you use in
d certain
these sentences?
e no possibility whatsoever
I quite/just agree wtth you.
f no chance
I quite/just loue your new flat.

Use some of the expressions in 2 to describe your d Where would you put the adverbs uery ot pretry
plans for the year ahead - starting from now! in this sentence?
I can see the sltip cleorly on the horizon now.

Unit3 @
Listgni n$ eart 3 Muttipte choice

1 foot at the photos of Sally and Pete Fletcher planning a trip across Siberia on motorbikes.
What difficulties do vou think thev mav face?

O tisten to an interview with the couple, and for questions 1-6, choose the
answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best.
1 Pete says their forthcoming trip will challenge them because of the
A kind of terrain they are crossing.
B enormous distances they are covering.
C means of transport they are using.
D length of time they are taking.
2 Sally says she and Pete were motivated to go on the trip because of a
A need for excitement.
B lifelong ambition.
C desire to earn money.
D plan to write a book.
3 How does Pete feel about tackling the journey?
A He thinks that their chances of succeeding are above average.
B He would prefer not to talk about what might happen.
C He's excited about the dangers they're about to experience.
D He suspects they're about to face their toughest challenge yet.
4 According to Sally, how have friends and family reacted to their journey?
A They have offered them their help if it should be needed.
B They have expressed their doubts about the success of the venture.
C They have advised them which route to take across Siberia.
D They have encouraged them to carry on and not be dispirited.
5 They are going to ensure their safety and well-being during the journey by
A carrying enough supplies for the whole trip.
B avoiding routes which are known to be dangerous.
C making sure they have enough hot meals.
D wearing suitable clothing for the climate.
6 What comment does Sally make about the weather during their journey?
A Unexpected bad weather often interferes with timings for stops.
B Whatever the weather, they will try to stick to the scheduled stop times.
C If the weather is against them, they will be forced to abandon their trip.
D Bad weather has less effect on motorbikes than other forms of transDort.
Use of English Part'1 Multiple-choice cloze

Read the text below, ignoring the gaps, to find out why the 'body clock' is important.

2 For questions 1-8, read the text again and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.


Many of us are working, travelling and shopping in hours that used to
be (0) ......?....... for relaxation and sleep.put, according to scientists, we
are no longer getting enough darkness in our lives. In fact, (1)
shows that a growing number of health and environmental problems are
(2) .. . ....... to a loss of darkness.

Life has evolved with a day/night cycle * without this, people experience
an adverse impact on their immume systems. We are (3) .... . ....... a conflict
between what our mind wants, and what our internal body clock prepares
us for. This biologicai clock is similar to the conductor of an orchestra,
with the multiple rhythms of the body (a) the orchestra sections.
The body clock is (5) .. ....... ... on the light/dark cycle and ensures that all
our internal systems - temperature, alertness, blood pressure and so on -
are working together. This is its sole t6) ... . ......... . By movingto 24-hour
living, and not taking into (7) darkness, we are effectively
ihrowing away the advantages of evolution, (B) ............... we admit ii or not.

0 A conserved B reserved C upheld D defended

1 A demonstration B display C research D confirmation
2 A prone B open C due D next
3 A creating B contributing C giving D increasing
4 A describing B corresponding C expressing D representing
5 A done B based C decided D established
6 A reason B project C purpose D desire
7 A interest B importance C detail D account
8 A so that B whether C unless D in case

unit3 [
r Review rc
U nits 1-3
Read definitions a-9, then complete the compound Put the words in the correct order beginning with
nouns. the words in bold.
a a place where things are made or repaired a photograph John I showed the.
: work.............. b her for birycle brother a bought birthday Susie his.
b a problem which makes a situation worse me a fortune My new car cost!
: set............... d seeing Robert's insisted The authorities visa on.
c an important development in a sitqation
^ | e coffee the Fetch you would visitors some?
: break.............. I extra the holiday students an promised day's
d someone who sells papers and magazines The principal.
: news............... Io having wisdom My dentist recommended teeth
e the written text of a movie taken out two.
: fi1rn.............. h it to careful leave appliance the switched not on
f an unexpected result of a situation or action after Be using.
: side...............
g the number of people attending an event 5 Complete the adjectives in sentences a-e.
: turrl..............
Good teachers are sens... to the needs of
Complete the phrasal verbs in a-f with a suitable
their students.
verb in the correct form. After an exhaust............... international trip, the
a What makes Jim............... out in a crowd is his President will take a break this summer.
Iong, dark hair. Children love stories and imagin. heroes.

b Unfortunately, our request for a loan was d One of the most satisf............... things about
down by the bank. sport is that it helps people develop team skills.
It's a pity the baseball team was ............... out Fortunately, our members of staff are all
of the championship last night. consci............... and hard-working.
We'lI have to make an effort to ............... back
on our expenditure this month. Rewrite the second sentence in a-c keeping
I the meaning the same. Use three to six words
I Do you think that children who are ............... up
including the word given.
! in the countryside have a happier childhood?
I You need 1o............... up for yourself when a We think it would be better for the guests to
talking to Jim. He's a bully! arrive much earlier.
l; Correct the mistakes in adjective and adverb order, We.............
a Tim had a rather small extremely fascinating the guests arrived much earlier.
group of friends. The football team managed to win the trophy for
b Did you at the beach enjoy yourself yesterday? a second year.
c We found the pretty restaurant easily. SUCCEEDED

d What a table disgusting oval wooden old! The football team ..........
e I love just your new dress..', the trophy for a second year.
f What a rectangular dirty enormous pencil case! Please note that our advice would be to wash
g Brenda likes quite being on her own.
the appliance before using it.
IE Please note that
1t the appliance before using it.

I @ Review Units 1-3

Complete sentences a-e using one of the nouns 10 Choose the best adjective to complete sentences 1-7.
1 The teaching staff were in their
I upbringing cutbacks downfall input intention to improve examination results.
outburst a depressed b resolute c curious

a As a member of the student union, we would 2 Despite the disappointing sales figures, we are
very much like your on this matter. about the future of the company.
b She is normally a very calm, reiaxed person. I a realistic b curious c optimistic
don't know where that sudden ............... came 3 I now feel ............... that I can make myself
from. understood when I'm speaking Italian.
c The scandal surrounding the politician brought a cheerfui b depressed c confident
about his
d I regret to say that due to the............... , we will
4 It is hardly to expect to fulfil all our
dreams and ambitions in life.
be unable to afford our annual party this year.
a realistic b pessimistic c optimistic
e What do you think has the greatest influence on
your life, your............... or your education? 5 Everyone is............... with Sarah's moody
Complete sentences a-e using a suitable expression a fed up b depressed c pessimistic
with get. 6 The new ballet is a very interpretation
a These endless discussions are getting us of a traditional, ciassic theme.
. It's time we reached an agreement. a conscientious b imaginative c sensible
b You should meet my sister. You'd get............... 7 Your work is but it could be so much
really weli with her. better.
c Let's get............... to business. What's the first a satisfactory b depressing c sensitive
item on the agenda?
,l pelrinp ......... for 7 nm. I think we
As it's"b"""tt 11 Use future expressions to write sentences about the
should draw the session to a ciose. likelihood of the following happening.
e We can't get of going to the party Example
without offending someone. the world's population increasing
Tlrc population of the world is bound to increase,
Complete a-f with a relative pronoun and, where because...
necessary a preposition. More than one answer a humans livine on Mars
may be possible.

a This is the place b the cost of public transport rising

the accident
b Africa, culture is extremely diverse, is
c robots becoming part of our daily life

a huge continent.
c The poet, ............... very little is known, lived in
d the whole world speaking the same language

the north of Scotland.

your country's football team winning the world
: It would be interesting to know
Thomas decided to leave the football club.
: There was a time deer roamed wild
f everyone in your class passing the exam
through these woods
: Debbie has painted numerous landscapes, some
are on display in the exhibition.

Review Units 1-3 @

I lnto the wild
Read inB prrt 7 Gapped text

1 Reaa the article, and paragraphs A-G, about learning Read the article again and choose from the
to dive, and find out what words a-c refer to. paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap
a double-decker bus b swimming pool c 'buddy' (1-6). There is one extra paragraph
which you do not need to use.

tuMffimffi ffiilTffiffi
My friend and I were on holiday in the Dominican
Republic when our hotel offered us a trial scuba
dive. You could just put on the equipment in the I knew that your emergency air supply is actually
swimming pool and try it. My friend wasn't remotely with your dive partner and how the thing you must
s interested in going scuba-diving, but I gave it a go. not do is to hold your breath, because you risk
:o bursting a Iung.
a. You should also swot up on where you want to go
Each piece looked intimidating and I was alarmed at diving. I really enjoyed history when I was at school,
suddenly being responsible for the air we breathe. so I love wreck-diving to see it all come to life. Diving
But in reality, it's similar to driving a car. you have lets you see things, in their natural surroundings,
an air gauge for your tank, which you watch like the 35 which no one has seen before.
to fuel supply, and a depth gauge that's like reading
the speedometer. After a while, everything becomes
second nature. Our breaks away triggered my decision to teach
scuba-diving. And having done the introduction
2. course, I realised it was important to learn slowly and
Suddenly, l'd discovered this completely silent world. thoroughly - on holiday I saw people in the water
I'm a make-up artist; it's an industry where everyone 40 who didn't have a clue about the dangers of coming
ts is always chatting. Although there were people up too quickly, being too long underwater, or not
around during the dive, the experience was entirely watching their air. I wanted to become a better diver
my own. I'd wanted to try a calming therapy like myself and to help others dive safely.
yoga for ages, but never got round to it. Here, I had
to keep my breathing steady and before I knew it, I
zo was completely relaxed, lost in beautiful colours ano I teach once a month now at one of the too dive
45 centresin the UK. lt's so rewarding, especially when
a myriad of sea creatures.
you are with someone who's done their first dive
and just discovered an exciting new world without
I realised I wanted to take up this new hobbv bou ndaries.
seriously. So, back in England I started an
Introduction to Diving Skills course. Going from the
2s Dominican Republic to my local pool fortunatery
wasn't as bad as I'd expected.

@ unit r
It was wonderful to go below the surface and That first time you go out on your own with someone
to spend time just observing and moving along who's totally dependent on you, it's terrifying. I used
weightlessly. I saw a turtle on that first dive. lt left me to be overly cautious - if they were even slightly
completely in awe, even though it totally ignored me. worried, I took them straight back to the top. But I've
learned lots of ways to help people relax undenvater.
To become a competent diver, he recommended the
following steps. First, take an introductory course. That 20-mlnute session was followed by a dive in the
Next, do the f ive theory modules, which end with a sea. After that, I was hooked. 0ther than being shown
test. But he also pointed out that to qualify to dive how to put everything on, there was no further
'buddy' of the same qualification or higher,
r'r,ith a training; not something l'd recommend now. I was
vou need to complete a f urther four supervised dives, taken ten metres down and, despite being followecl
this time in open water. by a guide, I had the most wonderful feeling of
f reedom.

As well as opening up this forgotten world, it brought

me rnto contact with my partner, Roger. I met him The real shock came four months later when I did
on a training excursion to a double-decker bus that an open water dive at a place called Grangewaters.
had been deliberately sunk. My friend had an ear When I went in, the water temperature was only
problem so Roger offered to partner me. We went on about four degrees. lt's full of black mud, so you
countless dives together and now we go on diving can't see anything at all. By then I had a very
i'olidays too. thorough grounding in everything that
could go wrong.
The very first session was extremely short but, ^r" wtT
.curprisingly, it was enough time to get to grips with
the equipment. There was a mask and some fins, a
snorkel-like mouthpiece which you breathe through
and a buoyancy control device which you inflate or
ileflate depending on how deep you wanted to dive.
Word formation
1 mit" adjective forms of these words in the correct 2 Use adjectives from I to replace the words in italics
column. You may need to change the spelling. Can in sentences a-i.
you think of other adjectives with these endings? a After the game, the police struggled to deal
Try to add one to each column. with the scandalous behaviour of the football
I malice control force argument memory
outrage possibility inform submission b Bella's a great friend but she does tend to be
quarrelsome at times.
mystery suspicion terror advantage
c The discovery of a dangerous-Iooking package
resulted in the closure of the railway station.
d It may have been educational but the
presentation was also extremely tedious!
e Richard is so uncomplaining and unquestioning.
He should learn to stand up for himself more.
f Don't listen to a word Janet says - it's all
spiteful gossip.
William's stronge disappearance led to a police
search of the area where he lived.
I think it would be extremely useful Io get some
work experience to help your job application.
What is the most unforgettable holiday you've
had? For me, it's travelling around New Zealand.

Look up nouns a-d below (from 1) in a dictionary

and answer questions 1-3 for each one.
a submission
b argument
c memory
d terror
1 Is the verb form above or below the noun entry?
2 What other words appear to derive from the
3 Can you find any new expressions or

scanningthrough E
an entry in a dictionarY
will help you understand
word formation.

@ unit I
Grammar Gram ma r Extra
Past tenses A rt ic les
1 Complete the leaflet by putting the 2 Underline the correct use of the article in each pair of sentences
verbs in brackets into the correct in I-7.
form of the present perfect or the past
1a Some marketing experience is desirable to run [a, no
article) business successfully.
b Our local cinema is back in (the, no article) business after
its refurbishment.
2a (The, no article) idle gossip can often have unexpected
b Polly is (a, no article) well-known gossip, so don't tell her
DID YOU KNO\.{ THAT ? anything.
r humans 1 ......,........ (cut) down 3a [A, no article) previous experience is essential for this job.
b The book outlines all (the, no article) experiences the
their habitat for years. writer had in Africa.
r land which 2 ......,....,...
4 a (An, no articlel interest in the museum's latest exhibition
(previously / c ov ei with vegetation has been tremendous.

was cleared for minine and

b (An, no article) interest is payable on this account but it is
so low it is not worth having.
5a (A, The) country is undoubtedly a far healthier place to
the orang-utan 5 ."..,,......,., how/ live than the town.
lose) 80% of its natural habitat. b (A, no article) country which attracts many foreign
visitors is Thailand.
many 4 ftlll) by farmers 6a This new restaurant definitely has a touch of (the, no
who believed orangutans article) class.
5 ..."..",...,.,. (become) a pest, b (A, no article) class of 35 students is almost impossible to
teach effectively.
o it 6 Gecently/add) on 7a Due to increased security (a, no article) people have to put
the endangered list fewer than up with long delays at airports.
40,000 now exist, b The President urged [a, the) people to turn out in force
and vote in the referendum.
Last year a campaign was set up for
people who 7 kever/show) 3 Complete gaps 1-12 with o, an, the or no article.
::tive interesl in conservation to
help save the orang-utan.
Every month we're giving away 1 magical holiday.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to sample Z ...............
luxury of our Transglobe holidays in one of 3............... world,s
W most sought-after destinations: 4 ............... pacific. Or perhaps
you have a secret passion to travel to 5............... destjnations
such as Venice, experience 6............... exciting adventure in
$ 7 ............... sports car, or learn to cook 8 Eastern
delicacies in 9............... Orient? Just log on to our travel service ,

website and, if you don't win, you can find 10 ............... latest \
destinations and advice on how to plan a trip. At tf ........-..... ;
end of each holiday, we'll give you 72............... vouchers to be
used towards your next holiday with us.

Unit a @
LiStgn i n$ nart z senience comptetion

1 fook at the photos. What athletic abilities do you think these animals have?

2 O yon will hear part of a radio programme about the athleticism of animals.
For questions 1-8, complete the sentences.

one small ant can lift (1) ..... ........ times its own body weight.
Ants have an amazingly large number of (2) ...,........... .

It takes the cheetah just (3)

cheetahs can reach high speeds, thanks to their enlarged internal organs and
their (4)
The cheetah, however, has a low (5) ............... .

Springbok are frequently seen jumping in the (6) season.

: Archer fish catch (7) ............... with a 1.5 metre water jet.
The archer fish carry out their shooting in (8) ............... .

@ unit+
U Se Of E n gl iS h Part 2 open ctoze

1 Read the text about whale-watching, ignoring the gaps, and find out where the writer
went and for how long.

2 po, questions 1-8, read the text again and think of the word which best fits each gap.

Spending a summer whale watching off the coast of Patagonia is a
(0) ... p.q9?..... in a lifetime oppgrtunity. We spent twelve hours on the
boat every day and learned a great (1) ............... about the whales'

Generally, we simply had to move a short distance from the coast,

switch off the engine and wait. Younger whales were protectively
pushed (2) ............... by their mothers, but older ones were allowed
to play nearby, some even coming close (3) for us to touch
Often the sea seemed full of whales but at other times
we saw (4) ......... ..... any at all. Sometimes we could go
for days and (5) see a single whale.

One day we came upon a whale and her baby. At

(6) ............... the mother would not let the baby
approach us during our visits but, as time (7)
by, she allowed him to come closer. lt was truly
amazing to be rewarded (B) such trust at the
end of our six weeks.

Complete sentences a-h with one word.

a Spending a summer in the company of whales is a .....................-off experience.

b I'm afraid I know relatively..................... about the behaviour of whales.
c The animals will only appear if you wait ... enough.
d Sometimes we saw many whales but.......... other occasions, we saw none.
e Some of the whales were ... far away for me to see them clearly.
f Initially, the mother prevented her baby ... approaching the boat.
g It's wonderful that the whales began to..................... their trust in us.
h The truth.......... that no one reallv knows exactlv how the whales communicate.

unita @
r Health matte
Read in$ eart 5 Muttipte choice
1 Reaa the text about human athletic abilities
and find out what happened in
a 1954.
b 1968.
c 1991.
d the 1980s.

For questions 1-6, read the text again and choose

the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think best
fits according to the text.
1 What initial comment does Dr. Jack Wilmore
A There will always be limits to what the
human body can achieve.
B It will become more and more difficult for According to Dr. Wilmore, how are today's
athletes to break records. children different from years ago?
C Athletics will become one of the most A They participate in far more sports.
popular forms of exercise. B They begin sports at a much earlier age.
D Athletes will continue to surprise us with C They become more proficient in their chosen
what they can achieve. sporrs.
2 The writer mentions athietes like Bannister and D They are more likely to become professional
Beamon in order to athletes.
A demonstrate the effect their determination to Dr. Wilmore believes that women
win had on them. A have physically developed and advanced over
B prove that even their amazing achievements the years.
can be bettered. B perform equally well whether they are tall or
C exemplify what athletes can achieve under short.
stressful conditions. C now have the same chance as boys of
D demonstrate how accurately we can measure realising their potential.
what athletes are caoable of. D are beginning to play sports at a much
Dr. Wiimore feels that attitudes within athletics younger age than boys.
are changing because What conclusion does Dr. Wilmore make?
A coaches have begun to realise the importance A We try to push the human body to its limits
of more intensive training. at our oeril.
B experts have begun to highlight the need for We must congratulate ourselves on what
more unusual workouts. athletes have achieved so far.
athletes are now being given mental as well We need to do more research into what the
as physical training by experts. human body is capable of.
coaches now encourage athletes to unwind We should not prejudge what might be
between training sessions. beyond our physical capabilities.

@ unit s
Li mits orthe human body
ln the second millennium, one frequently asked factor which is just now becoming more
Iouestion is: What are the limits of the human understood and heavily emphasised is known
body? ls there a point at which we human beings as sports psychology. What it seems to prove is
might consider that it is physically impossible to that getting inside the athlete's head can be as
do something? We decided to consult the experts effective as training and long workouts, which in
to find out. the past were considered to be the only way of
'One thing we've all learned in the last 30 improving performance and pushing the human
)'ears or so is that just about anything is humanly body to its limits.
possible,' says Dr. Jack Wilmore, from Texas A&M According to Wilmore, the psychological aspect
University and author of The Physiology of Sport of sports should not be ignored or discounted
tnd Exercise, part of which examines the linrits of because we now know that it is what makes the
the human body. athlete tick mentally that can be all-important.
'As the new millennium progresses, I think He points out that 'most professional teams have
_vou'll see more records continue to fall in hired sports psychologists for their players. lt's
every sport. The talent pool is better than ever. just another way of tapping into a human's full
Never before have so many good athletes potential.'
competed, and not just in this country, but all 'ln addition, every aspect of athletics - training,
over the world. With more people involved and nutrition, injury treatment - is far better than it's
competing, records will fall and new standards ever been. Better coaching, training techniques,
l: ',vill be set.' equipment and other factors all contribute
Many believed it was physically impossible for to make today's athlete more competitive
a human to run a mile in under four minutes, than ever,' he believes. 'Children today tend
but Roger Bannister proved that theory wrong to specialize in one or two sports instead of
(1.609 competing in several as was common twenty-five
'vith a three minute, 59 second mile
l<ilometres) in 1954. Today, sub four-minute years ago,' Wilmore says. 'That means they start
miles are considered not to be the extraordinary ,1 concentrating on a sport much earlier and more
achievements they were deemed to be in the intensely, and they become much better at it.'
but mere routine, even in high school. ln But what about the difference between the
addition to this. Bob Beamon stretched human performance of men and that of women? ls
cerformance in the 1968 Olympics with his there any reason why men should be expected
ristoric long jump of 8.9027 metres. ln an event to perform better or is it possible for both sexes
n which a record is usually broken by mere to achieve the same results? Wilmore says that
nches, he shattered the previous jump by 0.6096 the chances of women achieving new heights
'netres, but even his record was broken in 1991 . in athletics could be greater than men, as more
'We've all seen reports of people doing women are now involved in sports than at any
superhuman feats of strength under duress, such other time and they are starting at about the
as a man lifting a car off a child,' Wilmore adds. same age as boys, meaning they are more skilled
5o we know that the human body can do things than the previous generation of girls. 'Plus,
::rat go far beyond normal activity. That's why it's women are taller and stronger than ever. lt used
d- ioolish to say any record can't be broken. Who's to be rare to see a girl who towered above you.
:o say it won't happen?' Now it seems like you see them every day.'
The reasons for this astonishing change in 'There's a lot we don't know yet about the
:he ability of human beings to achieve bigger human body,' he adds. 'And one of those things
and better results from improved stamina are is the full range of human potential. lt can be
nany and varied, as well as being somewhat foolish to try and put limits on what the human
controversial. Are we simply growing stronger body can do.'
:'rd becoming healthier, or is there a more Who knows to what:,extgnt humans might
:omplicated explanation for what seems to be yet improve upon their already staggering
.appening to the human race? One additional achievements?

unit 5 @
Voca bu I ary
The body Word formation
Circle the word in italics to complete the Use a dictionary to help youfill in the nouns in
expressions in a-h. the table below. More than one answer might be
a Could yolu give Sally a hand/foot/ai'rn with
sorting out the filing system tomorrow?
b We're going out to dinner with the Browns
tonight. I suppose we'll have to lnnd/ftnger/ b perform
foot the bill as usual. terrorise
c Initially, it can be difficult to get your head/ )
u coordinate
bratn / mind round adv anced economics.
e immigrate
What's the name of that hotel we stayed in last f defend
year? It's on the point/end/tip of my tongue. q
o coach
Bob really put l'Lis toes/foot/ankle in it when he h achieve
moaned about his boss to Julia. She is his niece!
It's far too wet to go for a walk. Why don't we
Use the correct form of the words from 3 tcr
shoulder/arm/head for that caf6 instead?
complete sentences a-h.
Rob's just bought a hand-made Italian suit but it
cost an arm and a leg/hand/ftnger. a Afternoon............... of the play begin at 2.30.
I'm fed up with working my ftngers/hands/ Latecomers will not be admitted.
wrists to the bone.It's time I found a job with
shorter hours or a better salary.
b ............... to the USA must comolete all
appropriate forms before entering the country.
The government has brought in strict new
Complete these sentences using suitable
Iegislation to combat the threat of ...............
expressions from 1.
Throughout her life, Maria was a strong and
a When we missed the bus. we decided to active ............... of women's rights.
the taxi rank instead. After the fire on the ocean-Iiner,............... were
Do you remember the name of that island we picked up by a passing cargo ship.
visited a few years ago? It's To be a top tennis player, you need to have
Jake's a bright student but he just can't seem to excellent hand-eye
maths at all. g Amongst his many , the President
u Does it really............... to fly to Australia? managed to maintain economic stability.
e Can anyone lifting these boxes? They h Rail passengers will be transferred to waiting
are so heavy. to complete the rest of their journey
Just for once, can you try not 1o............... by by road.
saying the wrong thing to Aunty Mary?
I'm certainly not going 1o............... for you to Look up compete in a dictionary. Scan through the
have another free holiday with your friends! words that derive from it to find:
I've been recently - I'm trying to meet
a words that collocate with the noun (person and
a tight deadline! thingJ forms.
b the different meanings of the adjective form.

@ unit s
Grammar Grammar Extra
J rrect soeecn Pref ixes

1 Read an interview with a famous explorer, Alan 2 underline the word in each group which cannot be
Bent. Then rewrite what he said into indirect used with prefixes a-g.
speech using the verbs in brackets at the end of
ientences 1-8.
a un reasonable/steady/productive/considerate
b in natural/comprehensible/competent/credible
Lrample im mature/correct/precise/practical
- --et up with famous explorer Alan Bent and asked
-..-t ltow difficult it is to be an explorer. He said ... d dis organised/compatible/connected/honest
e mis treated/understood/known/pronounced
f non- suitable/violent/fiction/existent
g il flammable/legal/legible/logical

3 Complete sentences a-i with a word from 2.

a A..........,.... protest against tougher laws for

asylum-seekers on university fees took place in
the city yesterday.
b I fear the plans for dealing with traffic congestion
misht trrrn orrt to be rather............... .
c While most members of the staff are extremely
good at their job, one or two are rather

We don't have a phone any longer - the line

'lt was............... by the phone company.
means I have to try to keep myself in
The writing on this prescription is completely
good physical shape (1 say), Travelling to I can't make out a single word.
remote places means long periods away Unwanted pets can often be neglected or even
from the things most people take for by their owners.
grantedr such as doctors (2 tell). I always Bill has been rather on his feet since
he fell off his bike.
wear my boots in bed (3 admit). You
What you are asking me to do is totally
s€e, f'm very tall so my feet always stick ! It wouldn't be fair to expect anyone
out of the bed (4 explain). And someone to do something as difficult as this.
in my hut was bitten by a snake once I don't read many novels. I prefer reading
(5 add)! Oh, and I always carry an
emergency medical kit, which contains
a needle and thread (6 go on to say).
Why don't you join me on one of these
expeditions to see what it's like
(7 suggest)? But make sure you keep
your boots on at night (B warn)!"
Part'l Multiple choice
Think of five ways schools or parents can encourage
children to adopt healthier lifestyles.

O Read questions 1-6 below before you listen to the

three different extracts. Then listen and choose the
answer (A, B or C) which fits best.

You hear part of an interview with an actress called

Mary Taylor Ward. .' "''';," ' ' ri
Why did Mary release her fitness video?
A Many famous people had also done this.
B lt would help her lose weight.
C She had a lot of relevant experience.
She wanted people to watch the video in order to
A challenge their own fitness goals.
B have a good time while exercising.
C learn about another side of her life.

You hear part of an interview with a health expert

talking about what to do at lunchtimes.
3 Why does the expert suggest a walk at lunchtimes?
A to benefit from air and sunshine
B to develop an appetite for lunch
C to aid recovery from health problems
4 What does the expert advise people to do in bad
A Read interesting magazines or books.
B Take part in indoor exercise.
C Do puzzles or something similar.

You hear two people on a radio programme talking

about a recent campaign for healthy school dinners.
5 What do the speakers agree about?
A Cafeterias are more busy.
B Children should eat healthily.
i: C Other menus should be considered.
6 The man thinksthat the campaign failed because
A the change was too sudden.
B school cooks had to be retrained.
C children naturally want to eat junk food.


@ unit s
Use of English
::t 3 Word forrnation

Read the text below quickly and decide which Fill in the missing parts of speech in the table
summary a or b, is the most suitable. below
: A short workout is better than no workout. Verb Noun Adiective Adverb
: A short workout is better than a long workout.
a enthuse
For questions 1-8, read the text again and use the b reduce
nords given in capitals to form a word for each gap. c encouraSe
d achieve
A quick workout f qisnifrz
o occur
For those with (o) ...i.q+9ff!*iqn!... time to work b

out in the gym, there is some good news. h criticise

Fitness enthusiasts can effectively reduce
their workout time by two-thirds, according Write the words in brackets in the correct form in
to recent research. Cym (r) ....................... has a-c.
soared in recentyears, and doctors are hoping a Wait untii you've heard both sides of the
(argue) before making a
that these (z) ....................... will encourage more
people to take up exercise. [judge).
Today's front page story contains ...............
The results suggest that it is not (drama) (reveal) about the travel
b) ... .................. to spend hours exercising industry.
when working out for a shorter time and more The storyline is very (romance) and
(+) ....................... achieves the same results. the book is............... (exception) weli written.
Participants were required to cut their exercise
time but increase the difficulty of their Look up the words not used in 4 in a dictionary.
workout. Those who exercised for the shorter Write sentences to show at least two different
time found that a significant (S) ....................... meanings or uses of the words.
in bodyfat had occured. Experts believe
that this proves that a streamlined exercise
programme is more (6) ....................... and less
Some (Z) ....................... point out,
however, that to achieve goals like
these, you need a good level of
fitness before tackling exercise of
such (8)


unit5 @
Read ihe text about superheroes. {Iow does the w,riter uitimatelv
feei aboui the characters in the filrns?
t i:rspired
c rlrsappointeci
o tnot-\

ln nhich section [A-FJ of the text are t-10 mentioned? The sections
malr be chosen rnore than once.
an assalilt on an lnnoL-ent persoit 1 ...
a seemingly enclless collection of costu.mes 3 ...
a box-office hit fot superheroes 4 "..
a heroine frighteneci of beginning relatior-iships lvlth men 5 ...
e silllllllclr\,/ cf the drarvbacks of beilg a superhero 6 ...
a .ceci€r ard harilfui invention lhat is uncovered 8 ...
a htroine n'ho seerls to detesl herseif 9 "..
.r seal..h ior solnethit-rg witich calises gtobai suffering 10 .

Batman is still high up in the charts,

having earned $200m. Superman is
back. We are held hostage by larger-
than-life male superheroes. lf little
boys have these figures, who can Iittle
girls admire? | head off in search of
an inspirational female superhero and
buy four films young people might
have watched over the last few years:
Catwoman, Elektra, Lara Craft Tomb
Raider: The Crodle oJ LtJe and Charlie's
Angels: Full Throttle.
B to fl695 dislike it and slumps into self-loathing. She
stares at a ninja teenager and whines: 'please
' ':
first supergirl is Catwoman. Patience philrps.
: aved by Halle Berry, is a graphic designer at a don't let her turn out like me.'
-:,smetics company. When Patience discovers that *-
., ,l genius Laurel Hedare has designed a new face The girls with supernatural powers were unsuper.
'.am to make Americans ugly, Hedare ensures
So I turn to the women with superskills, beginning
.^at she meets with a fatal accident. Although
:.,ience dies, she is reanimated by cats.
6; with Lara Croft, as played by Angelina Jolie. Lara
She finds is like the girls I was at school with: ordinary
,: tLil'U who says, 'Catwomen are not containeo
girls who talk like film actresses and live in large
:. the rules of society. You will often be lonely.'l houses in the countryside. Her quest is to find the
::gin to despair. Catwoman, I decide, is a loser. mythical Pandora's Box, before evil scientists get
:-: finds a cop boyfriend then steals a shopful of :o it. She drives a motorbike along the Great Wall of
,',ellery and returns it in a bag marked: 'Sorry'.
China and sky-dives, but then 'The Message' pops
: -'elv a supergirl never says sorry? She is arso
up again. 'You're afraid of letting anyone in,'says
- ik. Hedare frames her for murder easily.
- her boyfrien d. Lara shoots him, without apparent
' ::r has to sob to be released from jail. My finger justification, then becomes a noble superheroine-
-=nbles over 'Eject'. But perhaps
she'll improve. ?q in-solitude. So, superwoman can't have a super
:-: doesn't. Although she rescues the world from relationship and the pay-off for her super gift is
, er face cream, the boyfriend is dumped ano
loneliness and misanthroov.
::.ience pads into the moonlight alone. This
, -ot superheroic, it's a pathetic example of E*"

. -'recessary self-sacrifice. Vy quest for a superwoman ends with Charlie's

Angels. The Angels, wearing tight clothes, get
C ro rid of a gaggle of cheery gangsters. Then they
'. next potential idol is Elektra. She is a return to LA, to serve their patriarch Charlie - an
. rcarnated, knife-throwing, ninja babe-assassin elusive man who delivers orders, assists from afar,
-': only stabs people when wearing tight red
and congratulates them appropriately - and are
,.- r.'Legend tells of a warrior-a lost soul,'says informed they musi recover some important data
,orce on the film. A pattern is emerging here
' nr for the FBl. They succeed with a combination of
-' superheroine always has to be lost. Elektra is
looking gorgeous, karate, and disco-dancing. They
- :. only lost,
she is, according to mentor Terence
change their outfits every
-.r'rrp, 'poisoned by tragedy.' Even her protecror
thirty seconds and wear
.:^rrot protect her from the truth. My sinks. Elektra is bitter 'Nobody aquamarine mascara
-- s the truth about themselves'- zfid, after two hours,
- ' dialogue comes from television scripts the Angels see
off baddie
- '1r mother died when I was young.' Like
Demi Moore.
-r.,roman, Elektra is not super enough to have
It is certainly
. '".nctioning relationship. When she does kiss a
-'.r. she panics. 'l'm not the kind of person to get sr not heroic.
- . rrived with,' she sobs.
r Under their
masks, I
D-rther 1,.,
-ra saw only
- pattern is emerging. At one point, the wea Kness.
:'nous Hand breathes on Elektra's face ano roo Batma n
. .:s her spots. In Superland, the worse thing ..".,
- - can do to a superwoman is give her acne. won
: ..,rra triumphs over Hand, but pays the price.
-.)- i\\,o films in, the message to women from
- - rrvood is: You want to be a superwoman?
- -- \,0u sure? Well, unhappiness and being
-- :erable are obligatory. Elektra

Unit6 ffi
Voca bu I ary
Truth and lies Meanings of hold
Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete How many different meanings and uses of hold
sentences 1-5. can you think of? Compare your ideas with a
dictionary. Which meanings and uses did you not
1 The accused tried in vain to the true think of?
nature of the crime he had committed.
A conceal B shelter C protect Complete sentences a-f with a suitable word or
2 We have evidence to prove that the new car was
phrase (1-6J.
paid for with ............... money.
A copy B counterfeit C mock
I 1 for questioning
3 We have complete............... in the government's 2 responsible
ability to solve problems of unemployment. 3 a party
A loyalty B honour C faith 4 extreme views
4 Stuart managed to ............... everyone in with 5 my attention
elaborate stories about his childhood. 6 the line
A have B put C take
5 You can rely on Elizabeth to give you good a Teachers will be he\d............... for the
advice. I'd............... her judgement every time. behaviour of pupils in their class.
A trust B presume C assume b Two men were he\d................... in connection
with the break-ins.
Words with similar meanings c I enjoyed the play but it didn't \to\d............... as
much as the playwright's last one.
Look up the words in 1-3 in a dictionary. Match
d The election result was surprising as the winning
one from each pair with definition a, then candidate lrcld ............... .
complete the definitions for b. e We're going to ho\d................... next month for
our anniversary.
1 snigger/giggle
f Can yol ltold and I'll put you through
a laugh in a silly way when amused,
to mv secretarv?
embarrassed or nervous
b laugh in a(nJ ...............way
2 whisper/mumble Match the different meanings of hold from 5 with
a speak in a quiet way that is not clear definitions a-f below.
b deliberately speak very quietly so ............... a wait momentarily
3 eavesdrop/overhear b make liable
a hear, especially by accident, a conversation in c have an event
which you are not involved d kept somewhere and not allowed to leave
b ............... to what other people are saying e possess or show
f keeo someone's interest
Complete sentences a-c with words from 2 in the
correct form.
a How do you know that? You must have been
. We haven't told anyone!
b All the students .. . . . ..:pervously as they
waited for their exam results.
c Try not to ............... when you speak. No one
can hear you properly.

@ unto
\lodals Complete these sentences using modals of
assumption or deduction and the correct form of
Circle the most suitable modal in these sentences. one of the verbs below.

a You sltouldn't/mustn'f have wasted your time I miss delay receive be pass do
typing out the letter. You knew we weren't going
to send it.
a She !T.q9!.h?v.s.P.4?lsd. the exam - look, she's
smiling and laughing!
b A work permit must/need be obtained in
advance by anyone intending to live and reside b The hotel.................. our booking as they had
in the country. no reservation under the name 'Wright'.
c You need/sllould always seek advice before
c It's odd that James hasn't arrived yet - do you
signing any legal documentation.
think his plane ............... ?
d The staff mustlsltouldbe very contented
working here. Everyone has a smile on their d I think you............... him actually, he's
face. normally gone by this time.
e I suppose your order might/can have been lost. e You well at the interview, otherwise
These things can happen. they wouldn't have offered you the job!
i I'm afraid I can't/sltouLdn'f make out what the f Surely Sally............... serious when she said she
writing on this prescription says - it's illegible. was going to sell ali her possessions and go and
g You ougltt to/need think carefully before making live on a desert island?
any decision.
Match the modals in a-c with meanings 1-3.
a Visitors needn't return the museum catalogue -
it's theirs to keep.
b Passengers with season tickets don't need to
purchase tickets on a daily basis.
c I needn't have called directory enquiries. I had
the number in my diary after ali.
1 It was done, but it was not necessary.
2 It is not necessary, but can be done (if required).
3 This is not necessary.

Complete sentences a-d with needn't or needn't

haue and. the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a 'I stayed up late revising, but when I saw the

exam paper, I realised I ................. (worryJ !'
b 'You (pay) anything now. A bill will
be sent to you in due course.'
c Apparently fans (arrive) early for
the concert - there will be olentv of available
d 'We [spend) all that time looking for
a bank - there was a cash machine here!'

Unit6 @
Part 4 Multiple matching
1 no you agree with these comments about food?
o Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
o EatinS carrots helps you see in the dark.
r Eating fish will make you more clever.

2 O rirte.t to five people talking about popular beliefi

connected with food and complete the exam task below.

For 1-5, choose from the list A-H the person who is

A a teacher

B a nutritionist
Speaker I
C an athlete z
speaker f-Vl
D a mother

E a chef speaker 3 [Tt

F a doctor's receptionist
Speaker n f-T4
G a researcher
- T-_T_I
H a writer bpeaKer) I l5l
For 6-10, choose from the list A-H each speaker's beliefs about
a particular food or meal.

It improves your mental abilities.

- T--E-l
B It can cut visits to the doctor. bpeaKerr I lbl
It leads to poorer performance speaker 2 a-71
if missed.
D It will make you beautiful. ^
5peaKers --r^-t
I l6l
E It can develop physical strength.
speaker 4 [Tt-]
F It helps improve one of the senses
G It is normally avoided if you have Speaker s [.Fol
d^ +^'-n^r^+rir^

It keeps you young.

@ unit o
t-'l T i.. l'-li r.'
_s- tr i : 'i i;' i ,
'L] I "-1,i 'l

I i,i L; i l; i: ir-ih'iilt t,-.i';.1,':

iead the newspaper article below about a problem r,r'ith the lack of sunlight ln t
.i Italian village. What solution helped to address this problem? ,.q,*'d

- iead the article again and for questions 1-8, decide which answer [A, B, C or D) 4s*#
::st fits each gap. #$qd*


Brilliant idea lights up village

here is a village deep (0) ........ !p......... the foothills of the Itaiian Alps that until
2005 saw no sun for nearly three months every year. Since that year, however,
its winters have been brightened by a giant mirror which reflects sunlight onto
:r 1) square.
is located in the (2) Antrona valley and the tailor-made sheet of
. -:e1 had to be flown by helicopter to a (3) spot on the mountainside above
. -: r'illage. Mayor Pierfranco Midali, who 1ed the project, first
i4J the ball
: --tng with a comment made seven years earlier. He had told the architect who iater
--:'rgned the mirror that if he could (5) . . ... up with a solution to viganella's

:: - :.lem, he would (6) ... ... it all the way.

,':-ghing more than a ton, and (7)............ .... on the nearby Colna peak, the mirror
i.,:s up an area of 30 square metres for at least six hours a day. The manufacturer has
: ................ that it will withstand the strongest winds and last at least 30 years.
:: : -, :-i:l rri .i.JJ:":.::]]|i..a:i|]rL.
: -l:,rriir :iiri ]:i

-\ at Bin C under D around

-\ first B main a
u :-^^-+^'-+
rlrrpur ldrlL D open l:,".d]
-\ narrow B thin C shallow D slight
-\ concluded B designated C denoted D specialised
-{ pushed B had C put D set
-{ turn B come C make D put
\ hold B bear a
u Juppurr D stand
-\ held B positioned C lain f) drnnned
-\ guaranteed B insured C maintained D assured


Unit 6 ffi
ru -I

r Review Units 4-6

il if4..

1 Replace the words in italics with a suitable 4 Complete sentences a-e using a suitable expressron
expression containing one of these words'
with hold.
a The film on TV last night was boring' It just
! hand head tongue fingers
didn't hold my..........""' at all'
a I offend-ed someone unintentionally when I b Hold the...'.........'. , will you? I'll see if Mr Jones
criticised the picture. I didn't realise Sue had is available.
painted it. c I shall hold you personally if anything
b I'm starving. Let's go to the nearest restaurant' goes wrong on the school triP'
c Can anyone ltelp me to carry these books to the d A woman has been held for """""""' in
library? connection with the robberY'
d There must be more to life than working hard or e My parents are holding a """""""' for my 18th
for long hours everY daY' birthdaY.
e What was that film we saw last week? I can't
remember at tlLe momenL a-i'
5 Correct any incorrect negative prefixes in

2 Correct the six mistakes with past tenses in this a insteadY

paragraph. b unviolent
Example c unfortunate
University students had have made it their mission d inprecise
to save the Iberian lynx from extinction by e illegal
undertaking a sPonsored walk. f innatural
g misorganised
The students have become aware of the plight of
the lynx when they had been starting some research
h non-understood
into various species as part of their course' It has
i dispronounced
appeared that the lynx had being threatened by
6 Read the text below and correct the four mistakes
several factors. In recent years, their numbers were
been depleted and their natural habitat has
with modals.
decreasing. Jane Henley would not be happier after winning
the international track and field event at the age of
19. Her parents might have been delighted with
3 Choot" the best word to complete a-f'
success. It mustn't have been easy making the
a Police have discovered that counterfeit/copy sacrifices necessary for their daughter to realise
money was used to PaY for the goods' dream. They admitted they were very nervous'
b Remember that whenever you need help' you however, theY needn't have worrY!
can count/calculate on me'
c I have to confess that I deliberale|y overheard/
eovesdropped on an extremely interesting
conversation YesterdaY.
The con man managedto take/put us in with
his lies.
!! What are you two whispeing/mumbling about?
,What's the big secret?
Kate could be an excellent student but spends
too much time srutggenng/giggling at silly jokes'

@ Review Units rt-6

Complete the dialogues using o, an, the or no
9 Rewrite this dialogue in indirect speech using the
correct form of the reporting verbs in a_f. More
I A: Do you ever travel to work by........ train? than one answer may be possible.
B: Never - I prefer to go by bus or on Example
........ foot. TED: What motivated you to become a safari
2 A: What can........ governments do to help........ guide? ap.rc-d iarah. .lrhat ha4. .qqtiv. atp.4. her. . . .
unemployed? . . . .

B: They can increase........ unemployment !p..Vs<sp.\nc.a..t4!v.qi..gt4iA?,.... ... (ask)

benefits for ........ start.
SARAH: Ever since I was a child, I've been
3 A: What do you think is........ main difference desperate to travel.
between ........ British and ........ French? a ............. ........ (admit)
Probabiy........ food they eatr
Were you at........ work when yor, heard Have you ever been on safari?
........ news about the earthquake? b ............. ........ (ask)
I was at........ home watching TV. TED: No, I haven't.
I'll pick you up after........ dinner and we,ll .... (telll
go to........ cinema.
B: Fine - we'll have finished........ meal by it is one of my
But ambitions.
u .............
......,. (add)
about 2.30.
6 A: What does Jim want to do when he leaves SARAH: I hope one day you wiil go on one.
........ school? e .............. .(go on to say)
B: He wants to join........ police force.
Why don't you take a place on my next trip?
7 A: Do you have........ favourite flower? I
B: Yes - it's........ orchid.
""""""' ........ fofferl
8 A: What do you consider to be........ greatest 10 Rewrite the second sentence in a-c keeping the
invention ever? meaning the same. Use between three to six words
B: ........ computer, of course. including the word given.

Complete the adjectives below, then use these

a Bill said, 'l'[ take you to the airport in my car,.
adjectives in sentences a-e.
Bill ...................
I suspic... inform.............. a lift to the airport.
court.............. malic..............
Everyone believed my neighbour's claims about
once being a famous singer.
a David is extremeiy charming. I've never met
anyone so .............. and polite.
my neighbour's claims about once being
b If you're confused about technology, read this a
famous singer.
book. It's and really useful.
c The candidate failed to win due to the... What did you think about the exam? I couldn't
rumours the opposition had spread. understand the last question at all.
d What's that man doing? He's behaving irr a very HEAD
What did you think about the exam? I couldn't
e She's one of the world,s most.,-,.......... sinsers
-o--- '. " " '
the last question'
and always causes controversv.

Review Units -G
I Traces of the past .,ffi

Read i ng
A Nigel Andrews
Part 6 Cross-text multiple matching This film's unprecedented multiple opening -
simultaneously in theatres and on DVD and W channel
Quickly read the four extracts from Film4 - suggests the film's creators think either 'Here is a
reviews of the film A field in England. commercial turkey, let's take the money and run' or'Here
In which period of history is the film set? is a new epoch of cinema. Everyone gather round.' l'll go
with the second. This wonderful, bewildering movie from
Read the texts again. For questions 1-4, Ben Wheatley, scripted by wife-collaborator Amy Jump
choose from the reviewers A-D. The and set during the English Civil war, has put reviewers at
reviewers may be chosen more than once. sixes, sevens and any other number you can think of. Try
to decode a plot in which a band of deserters, of both
Which reviewer, A, B, C or D: sides, stumble into a field being surveyed, mysteriously,
by a treasure-seeking alchemist. The black-and-white
takes a similar view to reviewer C
photography, magically lit and textured, is like the
regarding the circumstances of the
film's release? 1 ... primitive canvas on which the world starts to be daubed.
The film begins in violence, ends in violence - a thieves-
shares the same opinion as reviewer fall-out climax of multiple shootings - and in between
C about the film-maker's previous
traipses a landscape sown with the surreal, the symbolic,
record? 2 ...
the fantastical.
expresses a different view from the
others regarding the originality of
the film? 3 ...
has a different opinion from reviewer
B Geoffrey Macnab
A regarding the old-fashioned Wheatley's macabre and funny previous film, Sightseers,
presentation of the film? 4 ... was undermined by its cross-referencing of other movies
and its casual sadism. Thankfully, here, he is not trying
to hide behind British sardonic humour. There are
rough patches. ln its weaker moments, the film does
resemble skits on movie genres. Nonetheless, once
Michael Smiley's alchemist, O'Neil, hoves into view, the
film-making takes on a new intensity. O'Neil is dressed
exactly like Vincent Price's equally devilish character in
Michael Reeves's Witchfinder Ceneral (1 968). Influential
horror historian David Pirie's description of Vincent
Price as 'a superb presence of inexorable vindictiveness
around which the other characters move with fascinated
repulsion' could apply to Smiley's O'Neil. What is most
refreshing about the film is its utterly offbeat quality'
This is not another British proiect made to formulaic
guidelines. Even the bloody final battle - which seems
a bit like a spaghetti Western shootout transplanted to
1 7th-century rural England - confounds our expectations'

@ unit z
A field in England
Four reviewers comment on the fllm
A fiehd in England
i C Roger Aldgate
{ those expecting a quasi-documentary about
i the Civil War in England might be disappointed.
..,]j Like Jtgllt5eer5t
LlKe Sightseers, d bizarre world
a otlafte won(l ot
of fact
tdcL dnu
sj fiction is what the film is about. Where the line
between the two is drawn, however, is somewhat
ambiguous. Ben Wheatley's film may seem at first
sight to have been created out of a fervent desire
to produce something out of the ordinary, but for
all the attempts to present the film as a landmark
cinema event, viewers may find the experience
more bewildering than innovative. True, the
promotion of the film is quite unlike any other,
but the lury is still out regarding the verdict on the
film itself. Wheatley has always tried, with varying
degrees of success, to produce work which is both
unnerving and controversial, but cinema-goers
might find the monochrome setting less than
gripping. How far the film succeeds in capturing
the spirit of that period of history is debatable.


D Peter Bradshaw
A Field in England draws on a tradition that sees
the English revolution as a period of visionary
radicalism and insurrection, though here
converted with cynicism and despair. All the
digging and ranting is with something other
than utopia in view. The monochrome images
naturally call to mind a similar black-and-white
picture, Kevin Brownlow's Winstanley (1976).
The film's scriptwriter and co-editor is Amy Jump,
Ben Wheatley's long-time collaborator; here they
are working to create a more literary screenplay,
without the improvised feeling of their earlier
work. What a unique film-maker Wheatley is
becoming. From the realms of contemporary
realism, crime, comedy and fear, he has moved
on to period drama, but cleverly alighted on the
1 one period that suits his stripped-down visuals and
! subversive instincts perfectly.
2 uut"tr the phrasal verbs from 1 with meanings a-e.
Vocabu lary a end suddenly and unexPectedlY
b succeed against exPectations
Phrasal verbs with off and in c begin to be successful
d to be isolated
Complete 1-5 with phrasal verbs formed from e try to imPress PeoPle
these verbs plus off.
3 Ur" the correct form of the verbs from 1 with the
I take bring call cut show particle in to complete dialogues 1-5 below.
1 During winter, the mountain villages are often 1 A: That's terrible - you must feel absolutely
by heavy snowstorms. awful!
2 No-one expected Colin to organise the end- B: I just can't believe it. I had to read his letter
again and again to
of-term party by himself, but he lnanaged to
it............... .
2A: Are you ready to talk to the candidates?
B: Yes. Will you please............... them
Ted thinks he knows everything -
he's always
............... now?
his expertise in something or other. 3A: Why were the police ?

Plans for the wedding were unfortunately B: To investigate allegations of bribery and
at the last minute as the bride fell in corruption.
love with the best man. 4A: More should be done to help one-parent
Peterson's career really ............... following the families.
B: But the government has only recently
huge box-office hit of his first feature film.
new measures to helP them.
5A: Have you met Andy's cousin? He's very rude.
B: You can say that again. He alwaYs
whenever someone tries to speak.

4 u"t.h the phrasal verbs from 3 with meanings a-e.

a introduce
b bring here
c try to understand the meaning
d interrupt
e request to come and helP
5 Choot" the correct particle in sentences a-e to
make a two-part phrasal verb'
a If you are told in/off , you have upset someone
by doing something wrong or badlY.
b If you take someone in/off , you let them stay at
your house.
c If you go in/off something, you don't like it
d If you keep somethiry in/off , you prevent
yourself from saying what you think.
e If something pulls people in/off, it makes a lot of
people want to see it.

@ unitz
Grammar Grammar Extra
Reduced clauses Suff ixes

Complete the encyclopedia entry below using the Match groups a-h with a suitable suffix. Remember
correct participle form of the verbs in brackets. you may have to change the spelling.

! -ess -hood -ship -ness

-ist -less -ese -ful -ee
a train/employ/attend
b friend/relation/owner
c steward/actlhost
d child/neighbour/likely
e happy/like/sweet
f special/capital/art
o e:re /hnnp /roct
h China/Portugal/Lebanon

3 Wfri"ft group from 2 can take two suffixes?

4 Complete sentences a-l with the words in brackets

and one of the suffixes below.

| -ian -cy -ment -ty

(politics) Only one decided to back
1 ............... (lie) between the high mountains of
the revaluation of the currencv vesterdav.
the Andes and the Pacific Ocean, and 2
[content) They say that the secret of
(locate) in the northern part of Chile, the desert
Iies in leading a simple life.
is the perfect terrain for preservation. 3
(anxious) The selection process caused great
(bury) in the sand in prehistoric times, bodies can
in applicants for the job.
remain almost as intact as mummies. (music) Even a talented can have
4 ............... (receive) less than 0.02 centimetres problems finding work.
of rain a year - with some parts 5 ............... (clear) One of the most important qualities of
(not/see) rainfall for the last 400 years - the effective writing is.... .. ..... .
Atacama desert is the most arid tract of land (fulfil) Vocational jobs such as teaching can
6 ............... (know). The area is favoured by hrino ore:t
scientists 7 ............... (search) for the presence (democratic) means government by
of water. the people for the people.

:= ffif ii'f*ffi1,l*1ffifrftFi"ffim
(argue) It is often difficult to make up after

ftechnical) Unfortunately the ............... was

unable to repair the computer.
(secret) Each committee member must be sworn
to ............... prior to the ceremony.
fauthentic) Experts consider the............... of the
manuscript to be under serious doubt.
(diplomatic) Thct and
are not easily learned.

unitT @
ParI 2 Sentence completion

Read the exam task in 2 and answer these questions.

a What was the item that was discovered?
b What was the name of the person who originally received it?

O you will hear a talk about a discovery made by a librarian.

For questions 1-8, complete the sentences.

A lucky find
Treasure hunting may be motivated by the
media or a wish for (1)
The disadvantage of looking for valuable finds
is that you may discover only a (2) ................... .

Some years ago a librarian discovered a

i;i -__ -- -
-- -been lying in an attic for
manuscript that had

The manuscript was wdtten on (4)


The librarian informed a well-known

(5) ................... and they arranged for an
armoured car to collect the manuscript.
It was confirmed that the manuscript had been
wntten m the autnor's (6) ...... ..........." .
rhe manus*ro' to the
of the librarian, i:::i*'
(7) ...................
111:',lT:i: Gluck.
Gluck's death meant that the manuscript was
put away lor anotner (U) ........ .......... to olscover.

@ unitz
L,se of Hngf isf,r
:-i'I 3 Wcrci forniation

I Read the text below quickly to find out why this

.terracotta Write the correct forms of the words for a_i.
army' is so famous.
a the noun form of the adjective .famous,
I Read the text again and complete gaps
1_g with
the words given in capitals below. b the adjective form of the noun ,power,

n" [erracotta Army c the verb form of the noun .reign'

One of the most famous (Ol .af.qhag.qlqgiqa!.

must be the Terracotta army. it .i"i
frnAs d the noun form of the verb .explain
that guard the tomb of the iirJ crri"ir" "
.. , ein Shihuangdi, were actuaily e the noun form of past participle .buiit,
.:, ............... by Chinese
lj]._; (z)
Iound peasants
digging a well. f the adjective form of the noun .detail,
Further (3) ............... were carried out
and it
rvas shown that they haO beenp1"."O g .
the adverb form of the noun 'figure'
tne tomb after ein Shihuangdit "r"""0 .
t+t ...............
Qln. Shihuangdi came to power at the age h the adjective form of the verb .watch,
of thirteen and during hii reign tir.i.
three artempts to (5) _..........._ iri-.
ifri, i the noun form of .credible,
may explain why, despite being so young,
he had begun making tOf ...............'for
underground tomb to be buitt f"i rfi"i -
an j the noun form of the adjective .continuous
h_is death. Included were,
of .o,.rrr., it
{7) ............... that made up the army. "
The fi.g.ures guarding the tomb were
made with
lncredible attention to detail _ each
one has
a face that is (8) ............... anO tnjiuid*f;;,
more_than two thousand years, these
nave kept a continuous watch over
the tomb.

+ BURY ': :'
: .'.,
,,-, : - ]
id1 i

,., i


unitT @
r The hig issues ffi$$

Read i ng Part 5 Multiple choice

Read this extract from a book. How optimistic do you think the author is about the future of humankind?

For questions 1-6, read the extract again and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.

I The writer suggests in the first paragraph that The writer uses the phrase 'woeful litany' in line
agricultural development 48 to illustrate
A may need to be carried out on other planets. A the distressing nature of the list of problems
B will one day be adequate to feed the world's facing the world.
nn^' 'l -ti^-
PVPUrCLrVrr. B the length of the list of problems facing the
C has had both positive and negative effects. world.
D has played only a minor part in population C the effect various problems are having on the
growth. world.
When he states 'To put it another way' in line
D the causes of the problems the world is
11, the writer is
A suggesting an alternative. In the last paragraph, the writer implies that
B reinforcing an argument. A all generations have wanted a better future
C refuting an explanation. for their children.
D expressing a different point of view. B the planet would never survive another
population growth.
In the second paragraph, the writer is casting
doubt upon
C in the future we will find new freedoms to
replace those we have lost.
A the principal cause of climate change. D under certain circumstances some
B our understanding of the effect of burning continuation of our current lifestvle mav be
fossil fuels.
C the unpredictability of weather patterns.
D our need for greener ways of regenerating

What point does the writer make in the third
n:rrorrnh 2

A The recent destruction of rainforests was no

worse than any others.
More animals than plants are in danger of
extinction in rainforests.
The true value of the rainforests is vet to be
The disappearance of forests is a relatively
new nhenomenon.

@ unne
Our tirnes
Since 1950, the global population has grotrn at up to 40 with the carbon problem, is now well understood. In
a hundred times the speed it grew after the invention addition, these rainforests contain a high proportion
of agriculture, and ten thousand times as fast as it of endangered plant and animal species, which may in
did before that. This is a great human achievement. turn harbour many useful secrets for human survival.
The huge increase in population in the last century, lf, as many scientists predict, around 30 per cent of
and continuing in this, however, is a problem caused current species become extinct over the next century,
by success - the success of vaccination and clean- then that would be a huge planetary event, another
water programmes, and of the 'green revolution' in mistake by the human ape.
agriculture. Without the latter, it has been estimated
Two last problems must be added to this woeful litany.
that mankind would have needed extra farmland the
Overfishing and the acidification of the oceans are
size of North America to feed itself. To out it another
causing an environmental disaster that would be a
way, some two billion people are alive because of it.
worldwide scandal if we were able to see clearly below
Yet most observers believe so many billions of humans
the waves; and it is a disaster affecting an important
are too many for the planet to sustain indefinitely; we
source of food. Add to this the atmospheric pollution
need too much water, we consume too much carbon-
in the megacities that increasingly dominate as human
based energy, and we take over too much land to feed
habitations (more than half of us now live in cities),
ourselves, for the biosphere to cope.
which has caused a huge loss of life, albeit generally
By far the best known problem in our world today is in the older and weaker. The historian I. R. McNeill
climate change. This is mainly caused by the burning estimates a 20th century toll from air pollution of up
of fossil fuels, which results in the production of to forty million people, equivalent to the combined
greenhouse gas. This stops the planet cooling itself as ao casualties of both world wars, or about the same as the
efficiently as it needs to, thereby raising temperatures. 1918-19 flu pandemic. Like other problems, this was
By how much and exactly with what effect are a 'failure of success', in this case caused by the arrival
unknown. An increase in'wild' or unpredictable of cars, air travel and a lifestyle more materially rich;
weather patterns may be one of the consequences. many of those affected by pollution have migrated
Looking at possible projections, this is either a problem os from villages and small towns and cities, prepared to
rather over-stated today and which can be dealt with live in slums or shanty towns simply to have the chance
by greener ways of regenerating energy; or it is an to exploit the greater opportunities of urban life.
imminent catastrophe that could make this the last
Today's parents in the West are the first generation to
human century.
worry that their children will live more meagre, if less
Then there are the problems of deforestation and the zo wasteful, lives than they have. A world population of
extinction of species. Humans have always destroyed around today's size, or bigger, is plausible; and a wide
forests, both because they wanted the wood and to range of scientific fixes, such as those mentioned for
expand their farmland. Northern Europe was once tackling globalwarming, and genetically modified food,
covered in trees. But the deforestation of the 20th would help the planet cope. What is not plausible is
century was particularly dramatic, removing perhaps zs the notion of a bigger population enjoying the new
half of the remaining total; and was concentrated freedoms of car use, air travel and foods flown in from
in tropical areas. The importance of forests for around the globe that many of us now enjoy.
maintaining the health of the atmosphere, and coprng

: :.:a .. : :.
' .:.' : :.

-,': ;'i,4{,1
Vocabu I ary
Com pou nd ad jectives Negative adjectives

I groups a-f with 1-6 to make compound 3" the opposites of words a-h using a negative
adjectives. Then use a dictionary to find four more prefix.
compound adjectives beginning with self. a penetrable imoonetrablo

a half-/light-/broken- 1 minded b tolerable

b open-/narrow-/broad- 2 made c perceptible
c full-/part-/first- 3 handed d reversible
d left-/right-/single- 4 hearted e sensitive
e over-/under-/un- 5 tinw f stable
f man-/hand-/self- 6 stated g measurable
h sociable
2 Ur" compound adjectives from to complete
sentences a-f. More than one answer may be Match the opposites from 3 with the similar
possible. meanings in 1-8 below. Check any words you are
not sure of in a dictionary.
a Due to current expansion, there are vacancies for
two ............... members of staff. 1 uncaring 5 indistinguishable
b These scissors are specially designed to be used 2 incalculable 5 unbearable
by ............... people. 3 insecure 7 inaccessible

c The new play at the Criterion theatre is a

4 inhospitable 8 unchangeable

look at life in suburbia.

Complete sentences a-h with a suitable adjective
d He's so............... - he's not prepared to listen to
from exercises 3 or 4. More than one answer may
anyone else's opinion.
be possible.
e Have you seen these necklaces? They are all
in Chile! a Which of these paintings is the original? They're
e Have you seen these necklaces? They are all completely to me.
in Chile! b They're quite an family. They never
f The seriousness of the problem has been really go out and mix with anyone.
. We have in fact come across very c The heat is in here. I can't believe the
few problems. air conditioning is still broken.
Due to torrential weather conditions the
mountain pass is via this route.
My little sister is still quite and always
seems to feel self-conscious.
There are very few decisions in life that are
in my experience.
Torrel's work is known throughout the world -
his contribution to the arts is................
I don't want to sound but it's time
you sorted out your own mistakes!

@ unit e
[onditionals Rewrite these conditional sentences using the
prompts given.

a My aunt lent me the money, so I was able to go

If my aunt
Never stay out in the midday sun because of the
risk of getting burned.
If you .........
Thomas had three jobs over the summer and
then he was able to buy a motorbike.
If Thomas
It's not certain that I can offer you a scholarship,
but I'd like to know how you feel about it.
Tf T rrraro

Profits are down because demand for our

products is falling.
If demand

Complete these conditional sentences using the

correct form of the verb in brackets.

a When petrol ............... (ignite), it ...............

(go up) in flames.
b If I [know) the answer to your
question, I ............... (tell) you.
c I............... (gain) lots of experience if I
(volunteer) for the project - but I
Look at the picture of the man and complete
ururr L oPPry.
sentences a-e with a suitable conditional phrase
using the verb in brackets. d If visibility............... (not/be) poor last night,
Example the flight (leave) on time.

HL.v,.qu!-d.nq! (slip) if he hadn't gone so e ............... (let) me know if you ............... (like)
ciose to the edge. me to cook dinner tonight.

a If he shouts for help, no one............... [hear)

f If Jack (not/work) so hard at
university, he ............... (not/get) such a
good degree.
b If he (take) a photo, he wouldn't be in
g If only you............... (not/argueJ with your
boss! If you............... (keep) quiet, you
c If he could reach his mobile, he............... (call)
(not/got) the sack!
for help.
d If he (reach) the tree, he could climb
to safety.
e If he had told someone where he was, they
(find) him.

unitB @
Listen ing Part 3 Multiple choice
what do you already know about 'artificial intelligence'? Do you think these
developments in technology are important for our lives?

O yon will hear a radio interview with Paul williams, an expert in artificial
intelligence. For questions 1-6, choose the answer which fits best according
to what you hear.
1 Paul explains that predictions made about AI in the past
A turned out to be surprisingly accurate.
B proved to be a long way off-target.
C overestimated the demand for computers.
D underestimated the 'brain powfer of computers.
2 According to Paul, how do most experts feel about the future of AI?
A convinced it could soon govern every aspect of our lives
B uncertain what impact it might eventually have on our lives
C worried that its development may get out of control
D certain that its full effects will not be seen for some time vet
3 Paul feels that the comparison of AI and the arrival of the
computer industry
A shows that both industries are at a similar state
of development.
B illustrates that the computer industry was more
popular in its time than AI.
C misrepresents the true role of AI in our lives.
D proves that the computer industry was a much
more profitable concern.
4 What does Paul believe people's attitudes were
to new technology in the 1900s?
A They were very excited about its potential.
B They had little idea what impact it would have.
C They were suspicious of how it might change
their lives.
D They expected it to develop more quickly than
it did.
5 Paul is slightly worried by the fact that machines which
have intelligence could
A one day kill off human beings.
B rapidly assume human roles.
C eventually replace humans in the workplace.
D be running our lives in the near future.
6 What conclusion does Paul finally reach?
A Science fiction is closer to reality than we think.
B Intelligent machines will be able to feel emotions.
C AI will develop more rapidly than we can
ever imagine.
D We should not be afraid that technology will
, take over our lives.

@ unit e
t r- f r l'
USe OI part I ','., : :-:''r cecioze
I Read the article below, ignoring the gaps, about a sun-ev into volunteering.
\\'hy do people and businesses want to become involr.ed?

2 fo, questions 1-8, read the article again and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Students and jobseekers keen to get onto the course or into the workplace of their (0)...P..
hope that voluntary work will help them (1) ...... ....... out from the crowd. This chance to
gain experience is (2) on the wish-list of young people.

Surveys reveal that young and old (3) ., find that volunteering improves their lives,
particularly when they are involved in conservation or heritage work.

Businesses often encourage volunteering; staff get a break from their daily routine and also
develop'soft skills'such as initiative and decision-making. One volunteering organisation is
(4) '......-......a survey to find out if volunteering does make a difference in the workplace,
or if it is something businesses do simply to improve their (5)
Not (6) .............. are business-sponsored placements becoming more common, the
government is also investing in a scheme to (7) .............. volunteers. The more people who
participate, the more the act fulfils its (B) .......... ... of making the world a better place.

0 A alternative B choice D election

I A stand B lift C pick T-\ nnint\\LL

2 A extreme B high u DrrdrP Tl qtrnno

3 A similar B the same C alike D too
4 A governing B guiding C conducting D directing
5 Arepresentation Blook C im:oe Tl fiorrre
6 A only B just L rrrcltrly D simply
7 A reinforce B recruit C restore D renew
8 Aaim B direction C mark f) deqion

Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap in 1-6.

1 My husband the 'Emplovee of the year' award!
A won B achieved C acquired D gained
2 Sovernment
The out a survey last year into the benefits of volunteering.
A B found C carried D turned
3 The company has been in this kind of scheme for over a year now.
A committed B associated C connected D involved
4 The management needs to............ out the real cause of discontent among the staff.
A carry B find C make D rurn
5 The new contract has ............ strong emotions within the workforce.
A raised B increased C aroused D motivated
6 Our productivity is low staff motivation is low.
A although B because C whereas D while

unit s @
r lt';cri r".;;,

Read i ng
Part B Multiple matching
1 q,rictty read the text, which reviews several books, and find out in which country each novel is set.

Read the text again and decide in whir"h book review (A-FJ the following are mentioned.
The reviews may be chosen more than once.
a plot that is rather unusual for the writer in question 1 ...
the best novel the writer has produced so far 2 ...
a desire to make international literature more accessible 3 ...
a novel that it is impossible to stop reading 4 ...
a past era accurately captured by the writer 5 ...
a crime against a family of considerable importance 6...
a storyline that deliberately misleads the reader 7...
a family who have come down in the world 8 ...
a character wanting a say in running the country 9...
a character who reacts against their social background 10 ...

Frl It
1t M rl tlH
q ET

A remarkabie young woman makes the first of what I
hope will be many appearances in Denise Minds The
Field of Blood. It's 1981 and Paddy Meehan, eighteen, is
determined that her lowly job as a copygirl on a Scottish
s newspaper will be her firsr step to beioming a reporter.
It's an aspiration that separates her from her working-class
Catholic parents, who are suspicious of ambition and
want everything to continue as it always has. When two
small boys are arrested for the murder of a toddler, Paddy
ro believes that the police dont have the whole story, and
conducts her own investigation. But this is not simply a
murder mystery. Mina produces something special every
time and this book - her finest yet - offers a memorable
portrait of a touching heroine, along with the dynamics of
rs the workplace and, especially, the family.

@ unit s

Barbara Vine also uses crime as one element in
her books. She is in unusually gentle mood in The
Minotaur, in which a Swedish woman describes
an unsettling experience that happened over 30
: \'ears before, when she was engaged to look after
the grown-up son of a bizarre English household.
The once grand, now shabby house, is ruled by
a tyrannical old woman, whose three unmarried
daughters lead separate, dismal lives, moving
:. cautiously around their autistic brother. The
narrative is as compelling, but not as dark, as we have
come to expect from this distinguished author.

The latest addition to Bitter Lemon Press is prize-
'n'inning Cuban novelist Leonardo Padura. He does
:,. nothing to hinder their mission to publish English
translations of the best foreign crime fiction . Havana
Red, the first book in his Havana quartet, introduces
Lieutenant Mario Conde - an eccentric personality
rsith unusual investigative methods. All his skills are
,: called upon when a murder victim turns out to be
the son of a prominent diplomat. Padura's powerful
rrriting creates an atmospheric picture of a turbulent
city, illuminated by Conde's mocking commentary. John Lawton's post-Second World War series features
the London-based policeman Frederick Troy. Troy is
ss upper-class and his friends and colleagues include
both influential figures of society, and faithful
(though sometimes less than law-abiding) members

Effini of the lower classes. Lawton's plots are tough and Troy
spends much of his time in bed, in hospital or getting
e* to know various female characters. In Blue Randa,

ll ll/,t we have reached the 1950s and Troy, now a Chief

Superintendent, is investigating a gangland war whilst

rdl,#irt recovering from yet another injury and ... other
subplots! Lawton's period atmosphere, illustrated with
es credible characters, is impeccable and the writing
elegantly precise.
TessWalter continues to impress with his new novel
- Citizen Vince, which takes place in the run-up to the Harlan Coben has made his intentions clear: he
1980 US Presidential election. His protagonist, Vince wants to give his protagonist - the good guy - a
Camden, is a life-long criminal who has avoided hard time. And he makes a good job of doing so
another prison sentence by giving evidence against n in The Innocent. Everl'thing is going well for Matt
other criminals. He is in witness protection, Hunter; he has a great job, his wife is expecting
.". contentedly managing a doughnut shop, while their first baby, and they have their ideal American
keeping his hand in with a little credit card fraud, home. But then he finds his life and marriage
rthen he discovers that his life is in danger. Vince inexplicably threatened by an unknown man. The
suddenly realises not only that he enjoys his new life zs enjoyably intricate plot takes several turns, involving

but that, for the first time, it is important to him to a videotape, FBI agents, and even a dead nun, before
: r-ote in an election. His attempts to dodge his assassin we are taken on a final twist when the villains and
and pay off his debts so that he can cast his vote make motive are revealed. A book you cant help reading in
a spiendidly entertaining, thoughtful book. one go.

Units @
Voca bu I ary
Phrasal verbs: multiple particles

Read the different definitions for phrasal verbs with fall. Then use a
dictionary to find the correct particle for each definition a-g.

be tricked into believing something that is not true

have something to use when you are in difficulty

try very hard or want very much to do something

to not be completed or not happen

fail to keep up with something

decrease in quality or quantity

have an argument with someone so that you are no

longer friendly with them

Complete dialogues 1-7 using the phrasal verbs from 1.

1 A: I'm afraid I've with my work this week.

B: Oh, you'll easily catch up over the weekend.
2 A: Did you manage to find anyone interested in joining the student
B: Not really - people weren't exactly . We have to make it
sound more appealing.

3 A: What on earth will I do if the new business doesn't take off?

B: You can always your teaching qualifications - don't worry!

4 A: Did you get that job you wanted with the travel agency?
B: I didn't. At the last minute the whole thing............... because they
filled the vacancy with an internal candidate.
5 A: Do you get on well with the neighbours?
B: No. We............... over a year ago and we haven't spoken since.
6 A: I can't believe that you that story about Jack being a pilot.
B: Neither can I - but it seemed plausible at the time.
7 A: Why isn't the football team getting any funding now?
B: Well, hardly anyone is going to the matches. Attendance has really
over the last few months.

@ unit s

Read the text about an arts academy. Then rewrite

each sentence beginning with the words in bold
and using the passive form.
4 A: I'd forgotten I had this pair of scissors in my

Someone established Bowlands Academy of Arts five B: They're bound to ............... [get) ...............
vears ago. The Department of Education has now by airport security staff.
officially recognised the establishment. The academy 5 A: The engine won't start.
offers students a programme of short, intensile B: I don't believe it. We only
courses, as well as three-year degree courses. Students (have/car) last week.
can take a range of examinations throughout the year.
Slaff instruct students in small groups and they assign
6 A: The central locking's broken so I've had to
every student a personal tutor. Anyone requiring leave the car unlocked.
accommodation in a hall of residence must book it in B: Let's hope it Inot/get)
advance. Students need to enclose a deposit with the 7A: Have you heard anything more about that
enrolment form. The Academy will request the balance enormous tax bill you were sent?
before the course starts. Students need to inform the
B: Actually. I ............... (have/matter) ...............
Academy immediately if they intend to withdraw from
by my accountant at this very moment.
their course.

Example 3 Rewrite statements a*e using the passive form of

Bowlands Acad.emy of Arts was establistted five the word in italics and beginning with the prompts
);esrs ago. given.

Complete dialogues 1-7 using the prompts in a There's a rumour that the government is going
brackets and a verb below in the correct form.
to resign.
! steal service investigate confiscate b Financial experts predict interest rates are about
pierce dry-clean test to rise.
Interest rates ..........
- A: I can't read the small print in this document.
c Everyone assumed the missing gangland leader
B: Maybe you should go to the optician's and
had been murdered.
Iget/eyesJ The missing
I A: What's Jill done to herself? She looks d They think Ihe piane crash was due to human
different. error.
B: It's the earrings. She............... (have/ears) It
Iast week. People believe terrorists are hiding out in the
-r A: Look at this stain on mrr ql eorre I north of the country.
B: You'll have to ......... .... (get/jacket) Terrorists

Unite @
Listen ing rart r Multiple choice

1 Dis".nr these questions which relate to the extracts in exercise 2.

a what types of discipline are typically used in schools in your country?
b Is antisocial behaviour a problem in schools or in public places where you live?
How do you think this should be dealt with?

2 O neaa questions 1-6 below before you listen to the three different extracts. Then listen
and choose the answer (A, B or c) which fits best according to what you hear.

You hear part of an interview with a teacher talking about

'the cooler room'.
1 'The cooler room' has attrarted a lot of publicity because it
A is seen as a controversial punishment.
B has a link with a famous film.
C shows an old-fashioned approach to discipline.
2 The punishment has been effective because pupils
A dislike being constantly watched.
B do not Iike being on their own.
C hate the restrictions imposed on them.


You hear two people on a current affairs programme talking

about ASBOs (Antisocial Behaviour Orders).
3 What do ASBOs do?
A give a short prison sentence
B offer help to offenders
C restrict people's movements
4 The problem with ASBOs is that they
A are not always obeyed.
B can be given to the wrong people.
C do not last long enough.


i.l:i' -
You hear part of an interview with a woman from the
Witness Support Programme.
5 Why can giving evidence be distressing? lH
A lt's frightening to face criminals.
B lt's something you can't prepare for.
C lt can bring back bad memories.
6 The majority of people who work on the programme
A work unusual hours.
B do not receive payment.
C have special trainino.

@ unit s
USe Of English Part2 opencroze

1 Read the description below of the film Ocean's Twelve and find out what type of film it is.

2 f'o. questions 1-8, read the text again and think of the word which best fits each gap.

Ocean's Twelve
The film Qcean's F/even {and {0) .",..,?.t...,", that, I rnean
the remake) had an indefinable quality, Now we have a
sequel which feels too much (1) ..,.,,, ,, . .. a clone of the
first one.

Three years after the first daring robbery, Danny 0cean

is living out a quiet retirement. But one day, (2)
should arrive at his front door but Terry Benedict, the
man (3) whom Ocean's Hleven stole a fortilne"
{4) ,.,,,.,,,.,.,,.though the insurance eompany paid him
in full for his loss, he wants the money back - with the
interest, Terry has managed to hunt down the rest of
Ocean's gang and he wants nearly two million dollars
within twp weeks, {g) ......,,,,...., they witl die.

There'g (6) ,,..,",,..,.,.. choice, renlly, so the crew heads for Amsterdam. Thern they have a {ontact who nffers them
a ehanee tn make the money they need, lt is at this point
that A#*n'sTwelve, however, romes {7) ,".,,....,,..," ai
being far tno eomplieated, Perhaps it tries tos hard, maybe it's not trying hard (B) .. .,,,.,,,,"., , or possibly both,

=24 4 Key word transformations

For a-d, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Use between three and six words.
a I don't think you'll find a better deal for car insurance.
The............... find a better deal for car insurance.
: Our latest project presented us with manv nrohlems
During our latest project we............... many problems.
,- The issue will be investigated next week without fail.
The issue is............... next week without fail.
: I'm still waiting for you to repay the money I lent you six months ago.
\bu still

unit e @
r Review Units 7-9
1 vr"t"h 4 Complete sentences a-f with words formed by
1 narrow-
adding suffixes to l-6.
I 1
self- neighbour
J down 2 care
+ first-
5 open-
3 act

6 over
4 employ
light- 5 friend
6 child
Complete the text about astronomy by putting the a Sally won............... of the month at her officel
words in brackets into a suitable participle form. b I think socialising and forming new...............
(1 peer) for years across 1,500 light are the rnost enjoyable parts of my life.
years of space, scientists now believe they may c I spent my............... in Scotland; it was an
have found an explanation for creation. amazing place to grow up.
(2 use) a sophisticated telescope, d Nicole Kidman is my favourite...............I adore
scientists have studied hundreds of stars. all her films.
(3 identify) 27 that behave as the sun e This is very exclusive; it's an
did 4.6 billion years ago. The nine planets around extremely affluent area.
the sun were the only ones (4 know) ............... in f He is unbelievably............... with his work and
the whole universe, but (5 make) ............... use continuously makes mistakes.
of recent observations, astronomers then began
to detect other planets. [6 conclude)............... 5 Complete a-g with an appropriate phrasal verb in
their research, scientists believe they may have the correct form.
discovered the beginnings of earth-like planets. a Why aren't you and Andrew speaking? Have you
with each other?
Complete these sentences using the correct form of b Please don't put any onions in the casserole.
fall with a suitable particle. I used to like them but I'm afraid L..............
a What's it like to be head-over-heels in love? them recently.
I've anybody. c If you with your schedule, you'll find
b Never with your studies. If you do, it very difficult to keep up with your work.
you'll never catch up. d The children got............... by our neighbour for
c When the sale started, crowds of customers were breaking his window with their football.
to grab a bargain. e Maybe we'll have to ...............Iodgers to make a
d The skiing trip in the end, as it proved little more cash.
too complicated to arrange. f A good education is something that you can
e Things haven't been so pleasant here since we always in times of trouble.
with the neighbours in the flat above. g No one expected the film to do well but it really
f Surely you didn't............... tfrat ridiculous story? in a big way.
It.was obvious he was lying!

@ neview Units 7-9

Write the correct phrasal verb with off or in f.or 5 Complete the gaps a-g in the table with the correct
definitions a-g. form of the words given.
a understand or remember sth 1............. i Noun
rr^..^ A;;^^r,.^
1 Adjective
d suddenlybecomesuccessful t.............. 1" 1 """""'
e introduce a new law b .......
b....... .. :A claritY
qrr(y 1 ...,...........
,: o Ii

f interrupt sb when speaking c.............. , ' I secret

i e diplomacy
g succeed in doing sth difficult b..,.... ;

it : authentic
Add the correct negative prefix to. adjectives 1-8, ,q -.-,. *---j**::*:-'--
then match them with synonyms a-h. .'l ^
u Correct the mistakes in the passive form in a-g'
1 ........tolerabre ' inaccessible a
2 ........reversible b^ inhospitabre The package was arrived safely and on schedule
this morning.
3 ........stable c indistinguishable b Tonight's"l is been given by a well-known
4........sensitive d insecure pianist.
5 ........sociable e incalculabie c Exhibit 451 is being thought to have been
6 ........penetrable f unbearable painted by Picasso.
7 ........nercentihleI uncarlng d This violin is to be considered the best example
g ........measurabie h unchangeable of a period instrument of this kind.
e I can't stand having made to do what I consider
to be a waste of time'
underline the correct conditional form in f A collection of priceless gold coins has being
sentences a_h. discovered in a castle on the south coast.
a If I would l'tave/had enough free time, I would g According to the police, this building could have
do voluntary work. abandoned for some time.
b If she asks/had asked me,l'll consider helping
out at the festival. 11 Rewrite the second sentence in a-c keeping
c If they Ltad left/leaue home earlier, they would the meaning the same. Use three to six words
not have missed the train. including the word given.
d If students read/would read English newspapers'
a Remote parts of the country arways become
it helps improve their vocabulary'
lso rated in severe weather.
e If you see/lmd seen Ben this morning, remind
him to pick up those tickets'
Remote parts of the country
i If I went/lnduisited Australia, I might have
" "" ln severe weatner'
emigrated permanently
g b Apparently the entire warehouse was destroyed
If the restaurant was/wasn,tso expensive, we
in a fire last month.
could go there for our anniversary.
h If only 1 didn't buy/lndn't bought that second-
Aooarentlv the entire warehouse
hand car - it's been nothing but trouble.
last month.
You should go for an eye test if you're struggling
to read the newspaper.
You should
if you're struggling to read the newspaper.

Review Units 7-9 @

Read i n$ eart 7 Gapped text

1 Qni"t ty read the article about the textile industry in China. What facts or figures do you find surprising?

2 neaa the article again. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract. Choose from the paragraphs
A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6J. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

dressing for success

The next time you get dressed, think about Qiaotou. But Chinese businessmen are unfazed by this action.
Whether you are wearing jeans or a skirt, the chances 'Even if we lose a few customers in the short term, they
are that the button or zip comes from this unassuming, will have to come back,'says the president of the Great
dustv town. lt is too small to be on most western maps, lo Wall Zipper group. 'There is almost nowhere else in the
l too insignificant to appear in newspapers, and is barely world that makes zips.'
known outside the local area. But in just a couple of
decades this humble Chinese community has become
Take, for instance, Yiwu. lf China is the workshop of the
the global capital of buttons and zips.
world, Yiwu is its showroom. Selling everything from
1 ................ engine parts to jewellery, ihis town's market has grown
The commercial revolution here is on an unorecedented ss from a few street stalls to become the world's biggest
ro scale. The first workshop was established in 1980 by commodity trading centre.
three brothers who picked their first buttons off the
5 ............... .

street. Now the town's 700 family-run factories produce

It is hard to imagine this worldwide monopoly will end
15 billion buttons and 200 million metres of zips
soon; Lanswe, the biggest global sock manufacturer,
a n n ua ly. The low-i nvestment, labou r-i ntensive i nd ustry
produces two million socks a day. Within two years
rs was ideal for this remote community. And the timing was
+o the company plans to triple its workforce and increase
perfect. Qiaotou began popping buttons just as China
output to five million socks a day, half of which are
started dressing up. 0ut went the Mao suits, and in came
destined for exoort.
chic western clothes. So if you want any kind of button to
adorn vour new fashions, this is the place to come.
The view from China is that foreign countries say they
want China to develop, but when it does, they become
zo Such mind-boggling export statistics, at least initially,
45 nervous. China is changing and change is a cause for
were seen as evidence of the Chinese miracle. After the
hope. But China needs to be given time to make sure its
Cultural Revolution, the world cheered on the market-
miracle does not sour.
oriented reforms. Growth of around.9% a year for over
two decades lifted many millions out of poverty. And
:5 consumers across the globe have benefited from cheap
goods ma'de by workers in Qiaotou and elsewhere.

@ unit to
Thus a modest village became a manufacturing
powerhouse - a microcosm of what has happened to
the Chinese economy in the last few decades. Paddy
es fields were cleared for factories and peasants have
become industrialists. The river, once a clean source for
irrigation, is now a heavily polluted outlet for plastic

The same confidence prevails throughout the southern

70 provinces. With endless streets of giant factories and
company dormitories, the most developed areas are
reminiscent of Western cities during the Industrial
Revolution. The small towns have become world-beaters
by focusing on labour-intensive niches.

And international buyers do indeed come here. E

Attracted by low prices and decent quality, retail outlets zs The company's president understands why countries
sand fashion houses are increasingly purchasing from might restrict this growth and impose limits, even
Qiaotou. The local chamber of commerce estimates that though it damages his business. 'But, even if the
three out of every five buttons in the world are made in yuan gets stronger, rich countries will import socks
the town, which ships around two million zips a day, the because they cannot make them cheaply themselves.'
highest quota of China's B0% share of the world-wide eo He believes change must come through market forces
szip market. rather than export quotas and currency manipulation.
'To compete with China, the wealthier nations need to
B make us richer. That's the wav to make prices rise here.'
Talk of unfair currency manipulation is nothing new.
The domination of the world markets for cars and F
electronics in the i9B0s led to a fierce trade dispute Towns like this one grew almost unnoticed, but the
and pressure for appreciation of the yen. When this as world now sees how powerful they have become.
o happened, the flood of money into the country inflated Thanks to globalisation, the world's clothes are zipped
a speculative bubble in the earlv 90s.
and buttoned up by migrant workers, our teeth are
brushed with bristles from Huang 7i, and our toes are
warmed by the products of Yiwu.

go But recently, warnings have replaced the rejoicing.
Chinese goods have flooded international markets,
threatening jobs and alarming governments. One
administration responded by setting a limit on
shipments of certain items. Others have acted less
ss aggressively, setting quotas to protect their clothing
i ndustries from Chinese comoetition.

Unit 10 @
Voca bu I ary
Money Word formation
1 rnu three words given in each of 1-4 have a 3" the verb forms of a-i, ending in -ate, -en, or
similar meaning. Complete sentences a and b with -ify. Use a dictionary to help you.
the most suitable word from the three given.
a false
1 fees/invoices/fares D etren oth
a Taxi usually increase dramatically C activity
,after midnipht. ) broad

b Entrance to the gallery are reduced c typical

for students. f alternative
? hill /rocoint /nhp,
-.^,que I demonstration
a You will need to obtain a............... to claim h sad
your expenses. i peace
b I didn't expect to receive such a large
..'..'..'....., l 4 Ure the verbs from 3 in the correct form to
3 paylsalary/wage complete these sentences.
a The introduction of the minimum...............
was welcomed by all employees.
a Opposition to our plans............... and increased
our determination to put them into action.
b His annual fell just below the
national average.
b To be fluent in another language, you shouid
the vocabulary you learn by using it
4 cash/change/tip
as often as possible.
a We need to resolve the business's...............
flow problems within the next month. c It later became apparent that the documentation
b Do you have any loose to pay for had been and we had all been misled.
the coffees? d The mood of the waiting crowd
between boredom and anger.
Complete sentences a-d with words from I in the e Can you find a way to............... the region and
correct form. resolve the conflict?
We were all ............... to hear about the loss of
a .,............. for manual work are still way behind
your grandfather, and send our sympathy.
those of skilled workers.
After working in the same city for ten years, I
Tuition are one of many issues facing
decided to............... mv horizons and travel the
students today.
Have you got some to leave a tip for
the waiter?
Make sure that you get a............... when you
pay for the goods.

@ unit to
G fa m ma f Mixed conditionals
Make conditional sentences from the boxes below. There mav be
more than one possibilitv.
Permission for the event mll not be given it's an emergency.
b What you may have done in the past unless you are honest with me now.
is not important provided I wanted you to be involved in it?
I never use my mobile phone as long as he'd been forced to.
d Would you agree to the scheme supposing all safety regulations are complied with.
e Jim would never have changed his job

Choose the correct option, a or b, to complete sentences 1-7.

1 Don't you wish you............... speak moie languages fluently?

a could b would @ffi
2 I wish I...............
a would be able
afford to upgrade my computer
to b could
My brother wishes he............... the firm he is currently working
a didn't join b hadn't joined
-l If only my boss
,r haven't exnectpd
me to work al1 day long.
h didn'r exnect ffiq
Do you ever wish you............... to go somewhere else on holiday?
a had chosen b chose
i. If only people keep interrupting me in mid-sentencel
a won't
I I wish L..............
b wouldn't
to your advice.
a wouldn't listen b hadn't listened

Gra m ma r Fxtra Dererminers

J Circle the correct determiner to complete sentences a-j.

a The wlrcIe/All tlrc idea of raising money to keep run-down museums open seems pointless.
r There is not many/hardly any good news in the media these days.
; The question of whether we can actually help developing countries by giving aid is a
diffir-r rlt nn c / nr fipy.
J None/Netther of the advice that Charlotte offered was useful to me.
e Every/Each of the paintings on loan for the exhibition has been insured against damage.
: Unfortunately, due to my family commitments, I have a little/littte time to myself these days.
g Loads/Seueral of. people came to the opening of the Italian restaurant.
n Some traffic restrictions do prevent accidents, whereas others/anotltermerely cause traffic jams.
- Fortunately, a few/few people managed to make it to work yesterday, despite the atrocious
weather conditions.
' The most/wlrcle we can do is hope they don't notice our mistakes.

unit 10 @
LiSten in$ nart: Murtipre choice
1 Wnat problems or consequences do you think 'music piracy' (illegally
obtaining musicJ may cause?

2 O you will hear an interview with a journalist, Sam Broadbent, who is

talking about music piracy. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answers.
According to Sam, the issue of music piracy is complicated because
A too many private individuals are being taken to court.
B it's unclear who should actually be prosecuted.
C it's difficult to prevent people buying the necessary software.
D the entertainment industry is making downloading too desirable.
What happened in one legal case ifi 1984?
A The use of video recorders was banned in certain places.
B The entertainment industry successfully sued a video manufacturer,
C It was decided that the main purpose of video recording was not
D A video manufacturer was found guilty of making illegal copies of
Sam says the current legal case
A concentrates on the many people losing their income.
B doesn't question how the products are used.
C is targeting the firms that enable people to download illegally.
D suggests the banning of illegal products.

What is Sam's greatest fear?

A People will stop worrying about whether downloading is right
or wrong.
B The development of downioading technology will be slowed.
L- People in the entertainment industry will no longer be active.

D Manufacturers of new technology will constantly be involved

in lawsuits.
According to Sam, many members of the public he has
talked to feel that
A copyright laws should be further tightened.
B the products they buy could be less expensive.
C the entertainment industry is losing out financially.
D distribution costs should be passed on to the manufacturers.
In Sam's opinion, films should be released
A much more quickly on DVD.
B in Europe before being released in the USA.
C on the Internet and at the cinema at the same time.
D in cinemas all over the world simultaneouslv.

@ unt to
Use of English
Part 3 Word formation
1 Reaa the article below about 'Freecycle' and find out what it is For a-e, complete the sentences with
and how it started. the correct forrns of the word given.
2 po, questions 1-8, read the text again and use the words given
I love buying second-hand goods. I find
in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap' them............ .
The polar bear shows impressive
to extremely cold temPeratures.
The recycling process in this town
Craving a new outfit or a little treat is an understandable is very . Surely it can be
(o) and resisting the ( 1 )
..........ind.q!.9?.f.99.......... improved.
urge to buy one is hard. Nowadays, however, guilty shoppers I was impressed by the speed and
can get rid of (2) ....... purchases by simply giving of the new machinery.
them away online using organisations such as Freecycle. These FREE
organisations help to reduce the amount of rubbish sent to
What I value more than anything is my
landfill sites through the (3) ....... of a more efficient
form of recycling. Whether it's a CD, old jeans or a broken
I hope you feel that you can speak
bicycle, the free item will be (a) ........... to someone!
to me about the issue.
Freecycle is the creation of Deron Beal, an (5) '..........'.'."
from Arizona. Today, it is a cross between an internet auction
Many of these items are ............ , so
house and a (6) .......,..... chain of charity shops' Beal
don't throw them away!
says his aim is to cut waste. 'l live in a beautiful desert area,'
This gadget is terrible - it's the most
he explained to (7) ........... , 'and in the middle is this
thins I've ever had in the
hideous landfill, overflowing with good, reusable stuff.' The
Freecycle Network now has millions of members worldwide. So,
if you want a sofa in (8) ............ good condition, and EXPLAIN
the owner lives nearby, can be picked up rather than posted! Various people have given............ of
the process, but I stiil don't understand
O INDULGE If the reasons for my resignation are
1 IMPULSE not clear, I would be happy to write an
2 WANT ............ letter.

Unit 10 @
I Enhrtaindent or art?
Read i ng
Part 6 Cross-text multiple matching
A GraysonPerry, artist
1 q,rictty read the texts opposite. What are the After compact automatjc cameras became
writers talking about? available I took a lot of snaps, particularly when
my daughter was young. This was a habit I
Read the texts again. For questions 1-4, choose
kept up until fairly recently. I used to put them
Iovingly in albums, until I saw a TV programme
from the writers A-D. The writers may be chosen
which pointed out that those clingfilm-sty1e
more than once.
albums are terrible for the prints. I found
this very disconcerting, so I now keep them
Which writer, A, B, C or D: in a shoebox. Since the advent of digital
takes a similar view to writer A regarding the 10 photography, I have taken fewer and fewer
frequency of taking photographic images? I ... photos for fun, but hugely more for research,
or to record my work. I take a few when I
has a different opinion from writer C about go on hoiiday but return with just a dozen
modern methods of taking photographs? 2.. snaps. I don't know whether this ls because of
expresses a different view from the others age, laziness or the feeling that photography
has become a torrent of c1ich6s. The camera-
regarding the impact of oid family photos? 3 ...
phone has made the forest of glowing screens
shares writer A's feelings regarding the ubiquitous at events. Maybe I'm a snob, but it's
storage of photographic images? 4... put me off photography.

@ unittt
B Sean O'Hagan, photography critic
Though I write about photography for a living D Blake Morrison, author
and have taken many photos in my time, I did
not own a camera untl1 a few years ago. Now My father was scrupulous about documenting
I try not to shoot as freely as I used to because his children's childhood, first in tiny black-and-
so many photographers have told me that the
white prints, then with colour transparencles,
real editing takes place as you are shooting. My which were looked at through a viewfinder on
photos are all saved on my hard disk and this a white screen. He also had a cine camera. Why

iittr *. with a vague anxiety. Looking at these my wife and I never bought a video camera, I
photos, I can see that I shoot certain things over don't know (laziness? expense?). Most of my
and over: landscapes whizzing by from moving father's snaps, however, were taken without
trains; peopie dozing on the tube. l think us noticing. But a few were trick photos, such
as the one with my mother, sister and me
photographs should be intimate. And everyday.
And luminous. When my father was ill a f:w arranged above each other on a steep hill to
years ago, I photographed the interior of his look like acrobats standing on each other's
garden shed. The images feei like a portrait of shoulders. Despite their playfulness, my chief
him somehow - a portrait of the inside of his feeling when I look at those photos is sadness:
head and al1 the stuff he had collected there. For that the times they commemorate can't be
me, they possess a meaning that many of my retrieved. It's sentimental, I know: time passes;
other photographs do not. the moment goes as the shutter clicks.

C Mary McCartney, photographer

My mum was a photographer and I grew up in
that world, so I assumed everyone could take
pictures. Now T realise that not everyone has
the eye. It takes skill, time and attention to do a
prop", shoot, or go into depth. I'm embarrassed
to say that I often tend to take photos on my
mobile nhone. I like how immediate it is - I can
upload i*ug", straight onto the web. l upload
with filters; I'm not that purist about it. But if
there's absolutely stunning Iight, and a picture
hasn't needed a filter, then i'11 upload it just as
it is. Family pictures are the most precious. i
have a set of prints I carry around in my wallet
of mv kids, mv husband and mv parents. I iook
at thtse rather than writing u ality, they're
wonderfullv evocative and textural. I change
them every so often after they get worn oui.

Unit 11 [
Th ree-part ptrrurul verbs
I Choor" the correct verb in sentences a-h to make Make two three-part phrasal verbs from each of
three-part phrasal verbs. 1-3 below.
a We should Look/take/go up to the older I put down with
generation - they have so much wisdom. up to
b I'm afraid the job didn't pull/live/moue up to my
expectations so I decided to hand in my notice. 2 get with
c Dad will just have to look/face/sif up to the fact come
that he's not as young as he used to be. $iils$fti
d The only way to deal with bullies is either to run
away or stand/push/callup to them.
e No one saw/felt/went tp to going to the concert Use a dictionary to answer the following questions
so we stayed at home instead. about the phrasal verbs in 3.
f Thanks for the lovely lunch. It's great to see you,
but I'm afraid I've gotlo get/take/move back to a In which phrasal verb is the object placed before
work. Bye! the particles?
g There was so much to do in the week going/ b Where is the object of three-part phrasal verbs
Ieoding/walking up to the holiday, that we were usually placed?
exhausted when we finally got on the plane. c What other three-part phrasal verbs can you find
h Why don't you stort/wake/jump up to the fact for those in 3? What do thev mean?
that you will never pass your exams if you go
out all the time? Use the phrasal verbs from 3 to replace the words
in italics in a-f.
2 Uut.h phrasal verbs from 1 with meanings l-8. a We don't tolerate that kind of behaviour in this
I respect school.
2 have the energy to do something b Not many people went to the exhibilion.I think
3 return this ls because of the location - it's really hard to
4 confront someone find that gallery.
5 approach or prepare for something c In winter many elderly people become iIL wittt
6 accept and deal with something the flu.
7 be as good as expected d How did Bob manage to go unpunished for
8 become aware of a situation forgetting his wedding anniversary?
e Almost half of the students chose to stop going to
the debating society meetings.
; hr s,ro*
f I'm just going Io quickly ulslf Jill for a coffee -
do you want to come along?


@ unitrt
Grammar Grammar Extra
Com pa ratives a nd su perlatives so and such
Correct the mistakes with comparatives and 4 Complete sentences a-g using so or such.
superlatives in sentences a-f.
a Fresh vegetables, as cauliflowers
a Have you read his latest novel? It's so boring and and aubergines, are available at the market.
just as all the others.
b Sarah hated travelling by coach. In her opinion,
b The measures have been introduced
that safety standards can be improved.
it was by far the worse choice. The train was
simply the best option. c We consider ourselves fortunate to have
c She's a lot as her sister. They're both extremely friendly neighbours.
creative and have fiery tempers. , d Housing is expensive in the capital and
d The more time I spend travelling, the little I is the cost of parking.
want to settle down in one place. e 'Is Mike here yet?' 'Yes, I think
e Why don't we go to the modern art gallery on f It was a complicated form that no one
Thornton Street? It's far interesting than the
could understand how to fill it in.
other one.
f I've never had such a boring holiday. It was not
g Fifty or............... people attended the lecture.
near as good as I thought it would be.
5 Uut.h the examples of so and such in 4 with
uses 1-6 below.
Complete sentences a-h using the words below
I to give an example
I jurt no more nothing nowhere great 2 to indicate that something is not exact
bit nearly slightly 3 to say that something else is true
a Booking online is only cheaper than
4 to emphasise
booking by phone.
5 to offer an explanation
6 to avoid repeating a phrase
b According to the airlines, air travel is...............
as safe as any other form of transport.
c Season tickets aren't............... as expensive as
those bought on a daily basis.
d Buying decent quality sportswear is...............
expensive than buying clothes with a designer
e Unfortunately, the band's latest album is
near as good as their previous one.
f Learning to play the piano is ............... like as
difficult as learning to play the violin.
g If you worked a ............... harder, you might
actually achieve your objectives.
h Tfavelling alone is a............... deal more
exciting than travelling in a group.

Choose four of the expressions in 2 and,use them

in sentences to compare
o watching DVDs or going to the cinema.
. reading a ftay or going to the theatre.
. modern art and Renaissance art.
Part 2 Sentence comoletion

1 Wtrictr of the following do you think is necessary to show that you appreciate
modern art?
r having a thorough knowledge of art
. obtaining a qualification in art
r creating your own works of art
o behaving in a certain manner at galleries
. owning works by famous artists

2 O yo., will hear an expert giving some advice on art appreciation. For questions 1-8,
complete the sentences.

how to oppreciote modern ort

Remember that modern art began around the year (1)
The aim of modern art was to rebel against (2)
It is essential to (3) at a gallery.
You need to wear (4) . .. during your visit.
Never stand where the (5) interfere with your appreciation
of a painting.
Remember that (6) is taken extremely seriously in galleries.
You can actually get a better view by (7) . . .. and using
Make sure you only stop to look at (8) ........ .. works of art.

@ unittt
Use of English
Part2 0pen cloze

1 qni.tty read the text below. What is so unusual about the paintings mentioned in the

2 pot questions 1-8, read the text again and think of the word which best fits each gap.

Collection of Dalf paintings go on sale

At a glance they seem 101 .....IiFt ..... familiar 19th'century botanical
lithographs, the type you see on endless hotel room walls. But look
closer and the plum seems to be running away and the raspberries
appear embarrassed. The fourteen original watercolour fruit studies were
(1) ............ fact painted by the surrealist artist Salvador Dali and are
remarkable because they have remained (2) ............ 0r less hidden
since 1959, the year of their creation. 'They are wonderful,' said William
0'Reilley, director of impressionist and modern art at Bonhams, the
auction house that announced their sale (3) ............ the hammer.

They were commissioned by the publisher Jean-Paul Schneider and

became a series of lithographs. The publisher kept the originals
(4)............their sale to an unnamed European collector.'(5) ............
except the buyer had seen the originals since then,'said O'Reilley, who
recalled the thrill of entering the seller's house'and (6) ............ they
were - on the wall. lt was completely unexpected.'The works have names
(7) .. ......... as Hasty Plum and Raspberry Blush. Each painting is valued
(8) ... .. ...... . r40,000-170,000.

rart 4 Key word transformation

3 Rewrite the second sentence in a-d keeping the meaning the same. Use three to six words including
the word given.
a I want to know if you have finalised those delivery dates yet.
Have you those delivery dates yet?
b Unfortunately, if there is a rise in interest rates, we shall have to increase our prices.
Unfortunately,.............. a rise in interest rates, we shall have to increase our prices.

c Somehow no one found out that he had stolen the technical design from another company.
Somehow he managed stealing the technical design from another company.
d My best friend became a big name on the stage after leaving drama school.
After leaving drama school my best friend......... ... a big name on the stage.

Unit 11
IA ch anglng world
Read i ng Part B Multiple matching

Read the article about how to be environmentally friendly. Which summary

of the writer's comments [a-c) is the most accurate?
a There are numerous ways to help the planet.
b It is pointless to try to follow schemes and ideas.
c We should be aware of unexpected consequences of our actions.

Read the article again. In which paragraph (A-E) of the text are 1-10 mentioned?
The paragraphs may be chosen more than once.
a controversial pastime that raises considerable money 1 ...
an action which creates a different weather pattern 2 ...
an undesirable result of unnecessary global transportation 3 ... 4 ...
inadequate research into harmful substances 5 ...
people at the greatest risk from factors beyond their control 6 ...
a far-reaching change in official attitude 7 ...
benefits for those the scheme was not originally intended for 8 ... 9 ...
the bringing of a source of energy to remote areas 10 ...

But will it savffi €tury il-Faffiffiffi€?

@ untt tz
A Fair trade C Recycling
Farmers in developing countries are some of the most A great shift has taken place in the way we think
vulnerable people on earth, prey to world commodity about rubbish. Where once we were happy to bury it
markets, middle men and the weather. So-called 'fair- in landfills, we are now being urged by national and
trade' arrangements guarantee co-operative groups a local governments to recycle it and think of waste as a
price above the world market and a bonus on too. The resource. The wheelie-bin culture is being replaced by
growing fair-trade market has distributed hundreds of a series of kerbside collections for paper, metals, plastic,
millions of pounds to more than 50 million people bottles, clothes and compost. The idea is to cut landfill
worldwide. But critics say that fair trade will never lift a as well as saving the planet. lt is, however, having some
country out of poverty; indeed, it may keep it there, unexpected consequences. Most of Britain's plastic
because the money generated from sales goes almost and paper is now being sent for recycling in China
in its entirety to rich countries which promote the or India, which creates more greenhouse gases just
products. As a simple guide, only about 57o of the sale to get it there, plus workers then have to separate it.
price of a fair-trade chocolate bar may actually go to Meanwhile, some paper and bottles carefully sorted out
the poor country. 45 by householders end up being dumped in landfills after
all, because the demand for recycled materials
constantly fluctuates.
li Organic food
For food to be organic it must be free of added
chemicals, both in the growing of the food and in the
D Being carbon neutral
killing of the pests that might damage the crop. In a lf you want to make yourself feel better about the
world where many manufactured chemicals have never planet, there are lots of ways for you to ease your
been properly tested for safety, this is a very big selling conscience by becoming 'carbon neutral'. One of the
point. Parents are thus prepared to pay a premium for most appealing methods is to pay for someone to
organic food, especially when chemicals suspected of plant trees, preferably creating or regenerating new
causing a variety of problems have been found, albeit forests. The theory is that trees grow by absorbing
in tiny quantities, in most children's blood. The carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen, storing the
problem is that many farmers have not switched to )) carbon in their trunks. But woods and forests create
organic in sufficient numbers to satisfy this growing their own mini-climate, which collects and stores water
market. As a result supermarkets are often forced to and creates rainclouds. Added to this, there is the
fly 'organic' vegetables halfway round the world, at potential problem that planting trees often releases
a great cost to the planet in extra greenhouse gases. carbon stored in the soil - and what happens if the
Environmentalists are now urging shoppers to buy forests catch fire, or are chopped down and harvested
locally produced vegetables, even if they are not for timber? A better solution might be to invest in
organic. small-scale hydro-electric schemes, so that people who
live in the Himalayas, for example, and currently do
not have electricity, can develop a 21st century lifestyle
without polluting the planet.

E Eco-tourism
The idea of 'green' tourism is to persuade local people
not to chop down forests or wipe out tigers, but to
preserve them so rich tourists visit and peer at the
wildlife through binoculars. Unfortunately, the best
lj money is made from reintroducing animals for trophy
hunting by the very rich - an idea which does not
always meet with approval and has caused much
debate. While tourists may help sustain some national
parks, they often create as many problems as they solve.
One is that they tend to demand all mod cons in their
hotels, such as a great deal of water for showers; a
luxury sometimes not available for locals. Eco-tourism,
when properly managed, can offer the locals and the
animals a brighter future. Sometimes, though, the only
winners are the hotel owners.

Unit 12
Voca bu I ary
Meanings of set Words with similar meanings
1 Choor" the correct meaning (A-C) of the verb set Complete sentences a and b with the correct form
in 1-8. of the words in 1-4. Use a dictionary to help you.
1 Diana's birthday present was a ruby set in a gold I refuse/decline
ring. a We have to your invitation to the
A organised B positioned C marked opening as we have a prior engagement.
2 A deadline for the assignment has not yet been b Paul to admit that he had been the
set. one to cause the accident.
A decided B regulated C concluded 2 refute/reject
3 All questions for the quiz are set bf experts in a Despite several job offers, JuIia...............
their field. them and went back to university.
A studied B oublished C written b Many people have tried to............... the
4 Leave twenty-four hours for the glue to set. scientist's theories.
A harden B soften C widen 3 deny/disallow
5 Howard's latest film is sef in an indeterminate a The accused being anywhere near
time in the future. the scene of the crime.
A comes about B goes on C takes place b There were numerous objections from the
6 The waitress sef the dining tables using the best players when the goal was
cutlery and crockery. 4 rpqiqt /nnnnqe
A prepared B placed C piled a The local residents will the idea of
7 Some schools set extremely high standards for a new nuclear power plant.
their students. b I have the temptation to open this
A insert B expect C present packet of chocolate biscuits!
8 Our teacher's friendly manner always set the
tone for her classes. Read sentences a-e below and explain the meaning
A established B arranged C insisted of the words in italics. Use a dictionary to check
how accurate your answers are.
Match phrases a-e with 1-5, joining them with the
verb set in the correct form.
a Could passengers please ensure they have all
their belongings with them before leaving the
a The writer explained that he ... aircraft?
b To make sure the jelly ... b All doors and windows must be secured when
the building is vacated.
c Since its creation five years ago, the school ...
c I was assured that the tickets would be delivered
d The company always ...
on Monday.
e Unfortunately the date for the reunion ... d We strongly advise customers to lnsure their
t high standards for its teachers. possessions when travelling.
2 early enough to obtain the preferred venue. e The purpose of this form is to ascertain whether
you are eligible for the loan you have requested.
3 job applicants an intelligence test.
4 you need to put it in a cool place.
5 his latest novel in France because he had lived
there as a child.

@ unit tz
Grammar Gram ma r Extra
rm pnasrs too and enough
1 Uatctt a-g with I-7 to make complete sentences. 3 Rewrite these sentences using the words in
a In no way ...
b Only when ... Example
c Little ...
The sea isn't warm enough for us to go swimming.
d Scarcely ...
e No sooner ...
S.r ?}itril'$:
f Under no circumstances ...
.?r1. 1?. !9.9. .{.qr. .qt. 19 . 9.9. ...

g Nowhere... a Pat is too short to be a professional dancer.

t had the boat left the quay than a storm blew up. b There aren't enough people using public
2 we opened the front door did we realise that we transport nowadays.
had been burgled. (far too)
3 had the lead marathon runner reached the c The training course is too expensive for most
finishing line when she collapsed. people to consider enrolling.
4 is this newspaper report a true representation of Ienough)
what actually happened. d I'm not old enough to drive.
5 in the city do staff treat you better than in this (too)..........
hotel. e He spoke too quickly for me to hear what
6 did William suspect what lay in store for him. he said.
7 will I ever speak to him again. (enough)

2 Rewrite the following sentences using one of the 4 Insert too or enough in the correct place in
openers a-g in 1. More than one answer may be sentences a-h.
a If the tea is not hot, I can make you another cup.
a I have absolutely no intention of resigning. h I'm young to vote in an election this year, but
b They had just finished eating when the doorbell next year I'll be able to.
rang. There's much poverty in the world today.
c We had no idea that we were living next to a d Is there time to look at the shons before we
notorious criminal. check in?
d I can't find a copy of that book anywhere. e Didn't you find that documentary far
e I decided to buy the car when I saw how cheap complicated?
it was. f I'm afraid you are just not studying hard this term.
g Have you really got experience to apply for the
h Please speak clearly for everyone to hear you.

unft 12 @
Listeni ng purt 4 Muttipte matching

1 Wtr"t are the main environmental concerns in vour countrv?

2 O firt".r to five people talking about environmental issues and complete the exam
task below.

For 1-5, choose from A-H what the people would like governments to do.

A take action now without having to explain their decisions speaker fTil
B provide more funding for thorough scientific studies
speaker 2 aTl
C make sure the information they base decisions on is reliable
D pass laws preventing people from harming the environment r-E_]
bpeaKerJ^ I l5l
E make sure everyone knows the consequences of international travei
F give more individual responsibilities to specific nations speaker n [f4
G help poorer nations become more environmentally friendly
- f----r-----
H try to get rid of all threats to the environment speaKer5 | l5l
For 5-10, choose from A-H why the people would like governments to do
these things.

A to encourage more students to consider science as a career speaker 1 [Tt]

B to highlight the harm caused by people's ways of living
C to try to limit the amount of climate change already taking place speaker 2 a-71
D to utilise all available natural resources on the planet
^ f-T-:-l
bpeaKerJ I ldl
E to find answers to questions we cannot answer at the moment
F to prevent developing nations making mistakes made by other nations 4
G to avoid making decisions which could have damaging financial results
Speaker [Ttl
H to increase the production of cheap types of fuel speaker s f.Fol

@ unit tz
Use of English
)art 1 Multiole-choice cloze

Quickly read the text below about plastic bags, ignoring the gaps, and
decide who might have written such a text and why.

For questions 1-8, read the text again and decide which answer
(A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

Did you know that on (0)....f.... we take home 150 plastic bags
annually? In other words, that's one million plastic bags every minute.
This is a truly shocking statistic.
Plastjc bags cannot simply be (1) ......... of along with your domestic
rubbish - they can blow off landfill sites and become highly (2) .........
litter which can remain in the environment for years. They are not only
an eyesore but a (3) to the environment too. For example, plastic
bags almost dammed the Buriganga river in Bangladesh, and they are
widely (4) ......... responsible for causing devastating floods there on
two separate (5) ......... .

They also (6) .........a particular threat to wildlife. More and more
dead turtles and whales are discovered washed up on beaches after
swallowing plastic bags. To marine life, a plastic bag closely (7) .........
a jellyfish.

These are the (S) why you should reuse plastic bags or take a
small rucksack on trips to the supermarket. Why not take this small step
to show that you care about the environment?

0 A;rrpr:qe B normal C ev:mnlo D ratio

1 A finished B thrown f- disposed D used
2 A evident B visible observable D marked
J A risk B danger C difficulty D problem
4 A shown B taken made D held
5 A occasions B events C incidents D episodes
I] A place B set C pose D generate
7 A resembies B reminds ef,rr )tec D appears
a A motives B reasons L explanations D causes

unit 12 @
r Review Units 1g-.12
Rewrite the second sentence in a-c keeping the 4 Complete the paragraph about money with the
meaning the same. Use between three to six words words below.
including the word given.
I cash fares salary money change
a The Mediterranean is warm, whereas the North wages bills
Sea is much colder.
NOTHING There is a saying'1 ............... makes the world go
round' but whether this is true or not is debatable.
The North Sea is............... the Mediterranean.
What is perhaps true is that our style of living is
b Tom used to trust Jane, but there's no way he'll
dictated not by the amount of small
ever do that again. 2 ............... we have in our pocket but by our
CIRCUMSTANCES annual 3 ............... , or the 4............... we manage
Tom used to trust Jane, but he ever to earn on a regular basis. Without those, we
trrrct her eorin wouldn't be able to pay the 5 ............... , or afford
c I would like to be able to soeak Chinese. the 6............... to get us to work. And if we have
HAD nothing in the bank, the 7............... dispenser is
of little use.
I wish I ............... to speak Chinese.

5 Combine the two sentences in a-f beginning with

2 Write two comparative sentences for each pair of
the words given.
sentences in a-d. Use the words in brackets.

a James finished cooking dinner. His sister arrived.
No sooner
Brass is cheap. Gold is expensive. (nowhere near)
Brass ls nowhere Tlear as expensive as gold. Gold is b He overheard my phonecall to the bank. I didn't
nowlrcre near as cheap as brass. know this.
d Mexican food is spicy. British food is bland. (far)
b Summer temperatures in France are around The plane landed on the narrow runway. All the
26'C. Summer temperatures in Britain are passengers began to cheer.
around 24'C. (only slightly) Scarcely
Extreme sports are exciting. Racket sports are
Central Park is beautiful. You won't find a park
boring. (a great deal)
like this anywhere else in the city.
This exercise is quite difficult. The other
exercises are less difficult. (a bit)
There was a cry of protest from the audience.
3 Put the words in sentences a-e into the correct The politici an mentioned taxes.
order. Start with the word in bold. Only when

a long brilliant far was film too The but I reached home. The heavens opened.
b allowed Do project we to time finish you think Hardly
enough the have?
c carefully this through haven't enough We
thought problem
d much has money The venture invested company
too in already this new
e too application I'm arrived be late your for to
considered afraid you

@ Review Units tG-12

Complete the three-part phrasal verbs in a-g. Complete sentences a-g with so or such.
a Much to my disappointment, studying abroad a 'ls there any coffee left in the cupboard?'
didn't ............... my expectations. 'l don't think
u Il uurr
l.- l^"-,* r redly
-^-11.. gning __. this
o_-^-o nrrt ...._ ev
-.enlng, b The restaurant, as it was. closed down
I'm afraid. last month.
c I don't know how Anne has............... that c It was an easy exam that I'm sure I've
dreadful boyfriend of hers for so long. passedl
d Unfortunately, the children have ............... d Bill reached for a glass on the top shelf. As he
chicken pox. did..............., he knocked over a vase.
e Do us for a coffee if you have a few e My best friend's just bought a new mobile
minutes spare tomorrow. We'lI be at home all phone. And............... have I.
day. f We went on holiday out of season
f L.............. his disgraceful behaviour we could save some money.
the fact that he was exhausted after the long g This is ............... a complicated instruction
journey. manual that I can't understand anything.
g I've a great idea for the end of term
party. I think you'li like it. 10 Cfroose the correct word to complete sentences
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form to a The company's representative denied/refused to
make suitable conditional sentences. comment on the allegations of fraud.
a Tim often wishes he ............... (join) the navy b Please ensure/assure that you switch off your car
alarm before leaving your vehicle.
instead of going to work in a bank.
b As iong as you (not/make a noise),
c The results of the research were decLined/refuted
by experts in the medical field.
you can watch the film.
d Investigators are still trying Io assure/ascertatn
c If only the children (stop) making so the cause of the plane crash.
much mess! e The children denied/reiected all knowledge of
d Supposing L..............(tell) you the truth - do the broken window.
you think you would have believed me? f Ron secured/o-ssuredhis boss that he would do
e If I (not/drive) so fast the accident his best to meet the deadline.
might never have happenedl g I will do everything in my power to oppose/resist
the proposed new law.
f The meeting will take place unless something
h It really is very important that you ensure/insure
unforeseen (happen).
your belongings.

Write a synonym or explanation for each

expression with sef.
a My sister got a beautiful ring for her birthday -
it's a ruby sef in pearls.
b I'm reading a fascinating novel which is sef in
the eighteenth century.
c The team sefs high standards for its existing and
potential members.
d We haven't set a date for our hoiiday, but it will
probably be sometime in June.
e If you don't put the mousse in the tridge, it
won't sef.

Review Units 10-12 @


n Writin$

This writing section contains twelve practice tasks for Paper 2 of the Cambridge English:
Advanced exam.
Each task practises the same task presented in the Student's Book and, in most cases,
shares the same topic.

For help with the tasks, look back at the Student's Book and refer to the:
o Writing section and how to do it boxer in the corresponding unit
e Writing Guide on pages 155-165 for model answers and phrase banks
The Vocabulary and Grammar sections in the Student's Book and the Workbook will
help you use a broad range of structures and vocabulary.
Write your answers in 22O-260 words in an appropriate style.

Unit 1 Parr2Aforrnat tetter

Your friend is applying for the job below and has asked you to write a letter giving
him/her a character reference explaining why he/she would be a suitable candidate
for the iob.

A well-established language school for

international students is looking for someone to
organise and run a social programme for students
during their free time. lf you are:
. energetic
. resourceful
' organised
you are the person we need.
. |.]:]

Write your letter.

@ wtitins
UniI2 Part"2 A proposal

You are on a committee planning a festival in your town. You have been asked to write
a proposal suggesting what could be included in the festival. Your proposal should
r what should be included to best represent yJur town.
. why your suggestions would appeal to local people.
o what might be included to attract visitors from elsewhere.
Write your proposal.

Unit 3 ParI 1 An essay

You have read a book on what life might be like in the future. you have made the
notes below.

ffiffifiY i
. trans?od and favot
tome ideat etpree*d in
. {arnr\\ \rio tha book:
may nol be enoughfood
.s+,#rd4.*s*!4d"d**rs41+#rd 'Different for eve\ono.,
forms of fuel nevd to be
will be common.,

Write an essay discussing two of the aspects of life mentioned in your notes. You should
explain how you think these aspects might change in the future, giving reasons in
support your opinion.

\bu may, if you wish, make use of the ideas expressed in the book, but you should use
!'our own words as far as possible.

Writing @
Unit 4 Part2 A report
An international organisation called Back to Nature has asked you to write a report on
how people can appreciate the countryside near where you live.

You should include details of interesting places, what these places have to offer and
what steps have been taken to encourage people to visit these places responsibly.
Write your report.

Unit 5 Part 1 An essav


Your class has had a debate on how to encourage young people to lead healthier
lifestyles. You have made the notes below.

- 'rage hoa\thisr

t\udontt 1

carn?ai9n i
^r^.+ a 02llo0'$id?
.61Zlta""".. .t.'l-.a

r "t""
'- u'"\th - {ilnobl
Irvar"' and
proff\o\& itsues raised in
'- "#* " t
lhe debale:
****ed*'***+'dd:' shoutd eLucate children?, i
TV a uselul campaign
tool?, f

Write an essay discussing two of the strategies mentioned in your notes. You should
explain which strategy you think would be more effective, giving reasons in support
of your opinion.

You may, if you wish, make use of the issues raised in the debate, but you should use
your own words as far as possible.

@ writins
Unit 6 ParI2 A review
\s.usee\\\s ailrer\rsernen\\n a rnagazrne lor young peop\e.

Reviews wanted
We want to encourage young people to
read more. Help us do this by sending us
a review which describes two of the best
books you have ever read. Make sure you
give reasons foryour choices.

Write your review.


Unlt / parr2Aproposal

You are on a planning committee organising an exhibition of the history of the area
where you live. You have been asked to write a proposal suggesting what should
appear in the exhibition so that the committee can make a decision about what form
the exhibition should take. Your proposal should outline what aspects of local history
should be included in the exhibition and how these aspects could be presented

Write your proposal.

I I t. n
Un lt U parr2 An informal email

You recently did some volunteer work for a charity that raises money to help people
need. You have received an email from a friend asking whether you would recommend
that he/she does some similar volunteer work duringlh" s.r**"r holidays. Reply to
your friend's email. You should include:
. your reactions to your own volunteer experience.
o whether you would recommend volunteer work to Vour friend or not.
. your reasons for your opinions.

Write your email.

Writing @
Unit I Par-t 'l An essay

Your class has had a class discussion on crime prevention. You have made the notes

-''^r, rri(\el
. "",Ofitcvt"
'. $ore

::I;tjll)..,, ^'*'
' oncoura$n$
,.., .,''... ".'
tome ideas erprer*d in
the discussion:
more officert rs oxpenilve.,
'%urglar alarms
can acI as a delerrenl
Io crime.,
'9eing aware of dangers can holp prevenl

Write an essay discussing two of the methods mentioned in your notes. You should
explain which method you think is more effective, giving reasons in support of your

You may, if you wish, make use of the ideas expressed in the discussion, but you should
use your own words as far as possible.

Un it i 0 Parr 2,A reoorr

The International Recruiting Agency has asked you to write a report on the
employment of young people in your country.

Your report should explain which jobs are currently most popular with young people
in your country, why these jobs are popular with that age group and what companies
can do to make jobs more attractive to young people.

Write your report.

@ wtiting
Unit 11 Part 2 A review

You see this announcement in an international magazine called The wortd_ of


The best entertainment for all

We believe television is for everybody. That's why
we wantyou to write us a review recommending
two television programmes in your country - one
for teenagers and the other for an older age group.
Your review should describe one programme for
each group, commenting on the style and content
of each programme and explaining why it is
suitable for that age group.

Write your review.

Un it 12 part 1 An essay

You have just listened to a talk on how the world is changing. You have made the
notes below.

rn \ho \tor\A
. tho \echnica\
. inlarnaiiona\

' busl \r{ott'i\ot ioma id eas erpres*d in Jhe talk:


r:FtrlEF-rrde.q'r"*!'rEddr. X!',t;,!:::^y':,i:::i,'!,':i:,Tiir::,wa1 paopre wrra'

,iome f
people feel that we have 106l the real meaning of life., i

Write an essay discussing two of the changes mentioned in your notes. you should
explain whether these changes are positive or negative, giving reasons in support of
1'our opinion.

You may, if you wish, make use of the ideas expressed in the talk, but you should use
-vour own words as far as possible.

Writins @
il ffipffiffikfrmxry

This speaking section contains practice activities for Paper 4 of the Cambridge English: Advanced exam.
Some of the tasks, tips and photos are taken from the Student's Book, and there are some additional tasks.

For help with the tasks, look back at the Student's Book and refer to the Speaking section and How to do it
boxes in each unit.

Remember, too, that the Vocabulary and Grammar sections in the Student's Book and Workbook will help
you improve your language skills and extend your vocabulary. This, in turn, will help you to give better
responses in the Speaking paper.

Read the information about the Speaking paper on page 8 of the Student's Book and
answer these questions.

How long is the Speaking paper? ... ... minutes

1 parts of the Speaking paper are being described in a-d?

a Talk on your own using visual and written prompts. Part ... .. . .

b Discuss a probiem-soiving task using written prompts. Part ...... .

c Answer questions about yourself. Part.......
d Talk about discussion points related to the previous section. Part.......

Match each of the parts of the Speaking paper to the abilities they test.
Part 1 .......a exchanging ideas, negotiating
Part 2....... b discussing wider issues, justifying opinions
Part 3....... c describing, comparing, speculating, commenting
Part 4....... d using general and social language

Complete the gaps in a-e to show what the examiners assess you on.
a G............... Resource - your ability to use a range of grammatical structures accuratel'
b L............... R............... - your ability to use a range of appropriate vocabulary.
c D............... M............... - your ability to state your ideas clearly and without hesitation.
d P............... - your ability to produce individual sounds correctly and use appropriate
stress and intonation.
e I........,...... C......... - \/nrrr:hilitrz tn inilil{s, respond and develOp interactiOn with
other speakers.

ffi Speakins
Fart 1
1 wrri.rr of these questions or statements would you expect to hear in part 1?
a Where are you from?
b Which activity in the pictures do you think is most useful?
c How long have you been studying English?
d What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
e Now you have a minute to decide what would be the best way to make important decisions.
f What sorts of books or magazines do you like to read?

? Use these words to complete the Hou.r to do ittips below.

expand one interrupt eye contact appropriate speak long

hOw ro cto it
1 Use............... tenses to express your ideas.
z1 Don't............... your partner when heishe is answering a question.
ffi: Don't take 1oo............... to reply. Begin speaking immediately.
4 Don't simply give ...............word answers.
on your answers by giving examples.
clearly enough for both examiners to hear you.
,.7 Remember to maintain with the interlocutor when appropriate.

3 Wn"t answers would you give to these questions? Use the useful phrases below and the
How to do lf tips above to help you.
"o Do you think you have too much or too little free time? (Why?l
would you like to spend time living and working in another country? (why?)
"* What do you think has been your greatest achievement in life so far?
What kind of job do you hope to do in the future?
c How do you usually travel to school/work?
Answering personal questions Expressing personal views
Well, actually... In my opinion, ...
That's a difficult question, but ... I think it's essential to ...
l've never given it much thought but ... I strongly believe that ...
As a matter of fact ... As far as I'm concerned .

Talking about the future

l'm not really sure what ...
lwouldn't be surprised if ...
I think l'll probably decide to ...
I doubt if l'll ...
It's unlikely that l'll ...

Speaking @
Part 2
Which of these statements about Part 2 are true and which are false?
a You should talk about all three of the pictures you are given.
b There are always two questions printed above each set of photographs.
c You need to compare the pictures, not simply describe them.
d You have time to prepare what you are going to say about your chosen pictures.
e The examiner will stop you when your allotted time has come to an end.
f You will be asked to comment for about one minute on vour Dartner's pictures.
2 This is a transcript of what one student said in
response to the first question in the Part 2 task below. Complete
the missing words. More than one answer may be possible.
'Well, I think I of these phoJos show ceremonies 2 would be quite difficult to set up. A
graduation ceremony involves a lot of people - you have to invite not only the students who are graduating,
but their relatives and guests too. 3............... addition to this, Iots of degree certificates would have to be
prepared and printed. On the other 4 , this other ceremony - I think it 5............... be the opening
ceremony of the Olympic Games - would be 6 ............... more challenging to organise. The people 7 ...............
participate in an event 8...............this one come from lots of different countries and 9............... a result they
would all speak different languages.

. How difficult might it be to organise ceremonies like these?

. What might the atmosphere be like at the ceremonies?

3 Work with a partner. Take it in turns to do the 4 Now look at each other's chosen photos and answer
Part 2 task above. Choose two photos to talk about. the follow-up question. You should each speak for
You should each speak for about one minute. Use about 30 seconds. Use the phrases below to help
the phrases below to help you and remember to you.
answer both of the questions.
Which of these ceremonies do you think would
Speculating attract the biggest audience? (Why?)
It looks like/looks as if it is ...
The people seem to be/appear to-!e ...
There might be/could be ... Making decisions and giving reasons
It's difficult to decide between these two, but ..
I'd (definitely)go for this one because ...
It has to be this one because ...

@ Speaking
Parts 3 and 4
1 Choor. the correct option to complete the sentences about Parts 3 and 4.
a Part 3 is divided into two/tllree sections.
b Candidates are given only oral instructions/oraL instructions and written prompts in the first
section of Part 3.
c Candidates have tp to 15 /30 seconds to look at the first section of the Part 3 task.
d Candidates have two/three minutes to speak in the first section of Part 3.
e Candidates talk together for one part/the whole of. Part 3.
f The examiner takes/does not take part in the discussion in Part 3.
g A conclusion should/shouldn't be reached in the first part of Part 3.
h Candidates see/don't see the questions in Part 4.
i The questions in Part 4 ore/are nof related to the Part 3 discussion.
j Candidates sltould/don't need fo agreqon the discussion points in Part 4.
2 U" the two halves of these sentences, which give advice about how to approach Parts 3 and 4.
a Encourage 1 to repeat if you haven't heard something.
b Disagree politely 2 for your opinions.
c Quickly correct 3 with your partner, if you wish.
d Listen carefully 4 any mistakes you make.
e Try to give reasons 5 to the questions the examiner asks you.
f Try to discuss 6 eye-contact with the examiner.
g Don't maintain 7 all the written prompts.
h Only ask the examiner 8 your partner to speak.
3 Witit a partner, do the first section of this Part 3 task. Thke about 2 minutes to discuss the question
using the prompts provided. Use the phrases at the bottom of the page to help you.

physical stamina

How useful might

these qualities be
in ensuring good
a sense of

Inviting your partner to speak Suggesti ng a lternatives

Do/Don't you think this one ... ? You have a point, but ...
Personally, | (don't) think this one ... . What about you? That's true, but don't vou think that ... ?
I believe ... . don't vou? I'm not sure if I agree with you. What about ... ?
Would(n't) you agree that ... ? I can see what you mean, but ...
Wfiat do you think about this one? Yes, but on the other hand ...
How abol.rt you, what would you say? I agree with you up to a point, but ...
How do you feel about the others?

Speakins @
Look at the Part 3 task from page 93 again and do the second section of the task, Take one minute to discuss
this question rvlth .vour partner. Use the phrases below the prompts to heip you.

Which of the qualities would it be most difficult

good leader to manage without?

self-confidence physical stamina

How useful might

these qualities be
in ensuring good
a sense of

Reaching a decision
So, which one do you think is the most/least... ?
Which of them would you choose?
I really think that this one is ... because ...
I'd definitely select this one because ...
Can you explain why you've suggested that one?
It seems that we both agree that ...
Well, lthink ... but you apparently think ... . Let's agree to disagree.

With your partner, discuss these Part 4 questions. Use the phrases below to help you.
r Some people say good leaders are born, not made. What's your view?
. Why do you think some leaders end up being very unpopular?
. Do you think it is important what a leader looks like? [Why/Why not?)
. How necessary do you think it is for groups of human beings to have leaders?
. How can schools encourage children to become good leaders?
Expressing opinions Discussing pros and cons
In my opinion ... On the one hand, ... /0n the other hand,
From my point of vrew. ... Although ... , ...
| (don't) believe/think ... However, ...
I feel strongly that ... Whereas, ...
It seems to me that ... In addition, ...
As far as I'm concerned
Some people believe ... , but I personally think that
It's certainly true that ..

Giving examples
For exarn ple/i nstance,
One example of ... is

@ Speaking

Unit 1 Grammar Speaker 2
One day my husband was rushed
to hospital in another town for an
Read i ng
1r A: tobuy B: changing emergency operation. My best friend was
2 A: making B: spending very supportive and offered to help when
3 A: giving B: seeing she could but all the others just said they
1c 4 A: receiving B: nor informing wouldn't be able to. lt was funny but the
5 A: boasting B: mention people I almost admired were those who
2 tc zB 3c 4c 5A 6D 6 -A: commuting B: to look for were prepared to admit that they couldn't
help but gave plausible reasons for not
2a enter e to provide being able to do so. I've now come to the
Vocabulary b t^ r..ani { to solve conclusion that you can be so-called
c to complete g to strike friends with people for years, but it's all
Positive: confident, cheerful, d feel h to inform rather superficial. We show other people
nntimictie awciiorl our lively, desirable selves. So when we
3a 2 for forgetting
suddenly become vulnerable, we turn
Negative: depressed, fed up, b 4 of ctp;lino
moody, pessimistic, bored into people our friends don't recognise.
c 7 for not panicking
Neutral: curious, resolute, realistic d 1I rrurlt
f-^- ^-^t,i-^
DtrtvNlllS Speaker 3
l'm one of those guys with a fat address
a fed up 3 for not living up to
book - maybe because all my friends tell
h neqqimiqtic f 5 frnm rrrqhino
me l'm charming! But as far as I'm
c positive/optimistic o 6 of travelling
concerned, friendship is a club of seven
d confident (at, on and by are nol neededJ
people which was full by the time I was
e realistic
23. We all share the same interests, and
f moody
g curious Listen ing we don't make any demands on one
another in emotional terms - which is
h excited
something I would avoid like the plague.
i bored 2 tc 2D 3H 4F 5G It's not that I don't like making new
2 a extract or obtain more from
6D 7A BE 98 10H friends but I just don't need them. We all
b avoid doing something
Audio script
grew up in the same social, professional
c understand and geographical world that we now
d nearly Speaker 1 occupy as adults. The group offers me as
e becoming Last month I arranged to go out with my much security and intimacy as I require.
f have a good reiationship best friend Jenny. At the last minute she Speaker 4
g began rang to say she wasn't feeling well. As l'm thrilled when I get invitations from
h achieving nothing luck would have it, I got an unexpected new people because you never know
invitation to a dinner party. lmagine my who you might meet as a result of them.
a 8et on with surprise when I walked in and saw her I make new friends easily but I drop my
b get down to sitting there, socialising with my hosts. I
old ones with equal ease. At the same
c getting us nowhere emailed her the next day asking her why time, I believe we should be loyal to our
d opttino nn fnr she'd lied. In my opinion friends should
p friends while we still have them. I think
oat m^ro put each other before anyone else. She
^rr+ ^f l'm perfectly consistent because in my
f get replied saying that she didn't have to view, friendships should be automatically
g get out of explain herself to me because our dissolved as soon as one participant finds
friendship had 'run its course'. I was the other boring - from that moment on
devastated because I knew then that she any demands made on each other should
just didn't see me as part of her life any
cease. What exasperates me is some
more. people's tendency to keep pursuing me
when it's clear the whole thing has come
to an end.

r'v E
Speaker 5 c The Welsh mountains, where I
l've been part of a group of friends for Vocabulary spent most of my childhood, are
quite a few years. Everyone in the group is lrerrrtifirl
ambitious and competitive. I can honestly I a imaginative, existing only in the d We met other employees, most of
say that my membership of the group has imroinrtinn whom had been with the
been a greater source of pride to me than b exhausting, thorough and detailed c^- a
company ror t^ years.
^ rew
my career. But last year I fell out with the c eonqcipnep dnino qnmcthino e Winning the World Cup was one
most popular couple in the group and thoroughly and carefully of those wonderful moments
gradually, I sensed that my family and I d satisfactory, giving a feeling of when you feel perfectly happy.
were being excluded from the group's joint pleasure f The film star, who will be at the
activities. I think what hurt me most was e sensitive, realistic and practical premiere in New York tomorrow,
the realisation that even within the group f indisnant. nativc ot from a is the subject of much gossip.
l'd thought of as a refuge, your status qrrrrnr rnr:lino :ro:
g We cannot explain why the
inside it was all that counted. No one was accident happened.
prepared to alienate the pair who are the
2 a satisfactory d conscience
'leaders of the pack'. b imaginative e sensitive
: exhaustive f indignant I'
Lrsren Ing
3abar dmark
Use of English b picture e hour 2 ts 2c 3A 48 5B 6A
c data
1c Suggested answers Audio script
a handbag, handbaggage, handball,
Extract one
1 beneficial 5 orally handbell, handcuff
2 presentation 6 professional b film-maker, film noir, filmstrip
A: I understand that your series of food
guides is written to help tourists abroad
3 noticeable 7 responses c news agency, newscaster,
4 find places where they can sample the
speech B unease/ newsletter
authentic, traditional food of that country?
uneasiness d sideboard, sidecar, sideline, side
B: Essentially you're right. But it's a
a advlce, advisor e workbook, work experience.
little more than that. Yes, the guides
b (un)presentable, present/presence/ workforce
list particular places to eat but I've also
presenter/presentation included sections on the history of the
c noticeably 4 a2 b2/3 c4 d3 eI/3/5 dishes too - you know, how all the
d speech, speaker favourite dishes have developed and why,
e professor 5aturnoutesetback and also how they've changed over the
f impressionable, unimpressionable b takeover f turnover yea rs.

g responsive, unresponsive c hre:kthrnrqh q hrndnrrpr A: Why do you think tourists need a guide
h confident, confidential d handout h breakout like this?
B: A country's food is part of its identity
and a visitor to that country should be

Unit 2 Grammar able to f ind places where they can eat

what the inhabitants eat and in some
places observe the customs associated
1 t to going 6 on sending
Read i ng 2 on travelling 7 about/of
with meal times. You can't find this in the
big hotels and restaurants - everything is
3 at coping expanding adapted to the foreigner's taste! That's why
1 a The indigenous people of Lapland 4 in wasting 8 in establishing my series focuses on the small, difficult-
b The separation of the reindeer 5 to being lo-find places that the locals go to. I also
herds into family groups,
think it's interesting to learn something
d!LUru1r16 ,^ .L- siqnq nn tho
LU ulC --o^.- _,. ...- 2a2 toconvince d 3 driving
about the history of traditional dishes and,
ears of each yearling calf, for the D5 to resign e 4 to have
for me, the way table manners differ from
urinter orrzino c1 to be doing f 6 stealing
country to country is quite fascinating.
c He/She was negative about the
experience at first, but at the end 3 Suggested answers Extract two
felt it was a 'privilege'. a This is the old car in which A: lt seems strange but one of the most
William travelled across Europe important moments of my childhood was
2 tc 2F 3E 4c 5A 6D b The new train, whose design is when I discovered the Tooth Fairy didn't
certainly innovative, can reach exrstl
speeds of 300 km per hour. B: The Tooth Fairy?

A: I'm not sure whether this is a British 2titself5its 2 t a,b,d
thing or whether other countries have a 2 at 2 c,e,f.
6 like
similar custom. You know, when you're
little and your tooth falls out, you put
3 when 7 then/afterwards
it under your pillow at night and the
4 later B such 4 your opinion fascinating disgusting
size,/weight tinY heavY
Tooth Fairy takes it and leaves you some
money? Of course, it's your parents
3a are in favour of observing age young ancient
b accustomed to being invited shape rectangular oval
really but it's magical for kids. c dramatic increase/rise in
B: Yesl But you have to be fast asleep in colour orange purple
attendance (figures) country of origin Chinese Russian
your bed.
d to put up with material silk china
A: That's right! My parents were very E much higher than it has ever
good at keeping up the custom and for
years I believed it. One year, I remember,
5 a (On SaturdayJ spoke (very well)
at the conference (on Saturday)
we were on holiday in Greece and I lost
a tooth. I was so worried that the Tooth
Unit 3 b Christopher probably knows the
way to our house. Jill probably
Fairy didn't work there but she came and
doesn't know the way.
left me some money! A few years later,
Rea'd i n g c T nrritp :grpp urith rrnrr I irrst
when I found out it had been my mother l^.,d.'^". -^"' fItr1.
all along, I was devastated! I've kept up
the tradition with my children though
1 aD bA,BandC d I e:n spp lhe shin rzerrr/nrpttrr
nla:rlrr nn tha hr
because I think these beliefs are a really
important part of your childhood.
2 ta 2D 3c 4c
Extract three
A: Ayers Rock, or Uluru as the Aborigines
3 Extract A: a crux b vested interest Listening
Extract B: c malnutrition
call it, is situated in the National Park
d proceed 2 tc 2B 3D 4B 5D 6,q
and is run by the local Aborigines. lt is
Extract C: e cue f meticulousiy
the world's largest single block of stone.
Extract D: g implicarions Audio script
It's considered one of the great wonders
h caveats
of the world. Depending on the time l: Pete and Sally - thanks for coming
of day and the weather, the rock can to talk to us today. Now, you're about
dramatically change colour, and it's to embark upon a journey of epic
a very popular place with artists and Voca bu la ry proportions, aren't you? Tell us about it.
tourists alike. P: Well, it's an extremely ambitious
B: And can people climb the rock? 1a cutback4 c upbringing2 project. We're travelling through
A: lt can be climbed but not by b downfalil d input5 Siberia, through thousands of miles of
outsiders. lt's all to do with respecting uninhabited forest - and in winterl But
the Aborigines - they believe that the 2 a2 b1c6 d5 e4 f 3 apparently there are fewer swamps then.
area around the rock is inhabited by And it's obviously going to take us a long
their ancestors. They also think that the 3 a Handing outd make out time - five months at least. But what
rock is hollow underground and that it b stand out e knocked out really makes it different is that we'll be
contains a special energy source. They
c passes out f turns out travelling on two motorbikes.
believe that the path up the rock was the
4 a over2 d in1
l: Now all this may sound like quite a
traditional route taken by their ancestors challenge to most of our listeners, and
and today it is associated with important
b of 6 e down 5
I'm sure the question they would all like
ceremonies. They also feel they have a
c away 4 f down 3
to ask is why are you doing it?
duty to ensure the safety of visitors and 5: We could just say 'why not?' or'we
would feel terrible if anything happened were feeling a bit bored and looking
to a tourist while climbing. Grammar for some excitement', but that's not the
whole truth. 0ne of our aims is certainly
1 t will know/find out to try and raise some money for our
Use of English
a1 L^- rrrtrt/ urtrtrL5
will perform/is performing
favourite charity. But what's really behind
it is that it's always been our dream. And
- 4 knows if we make it, and we're still speaking
I It started when lwo high school
5 won't effect to each other, we might even enter the
students made six snow statues in
Odori Park in Sapporo.
6 will sell out/will have sold out record books as being the first married
7 will be given couple to complete a journey o{ this kind
B will be talking and still remain friendsl

r'v E
l: Now I know that vou've already specifically designed for the Arctic. That What a dirty, enormous,
survived some pretty hazardous should keep us from harm in the extreme rectangular Pencil case!
Brenda quite likes being on her
conditions on previous trips to Africa cold. o
and other countries - so how do you feel l: And how often do You Plan to have own.
about what's ahead of you now? rest periods on the journeY?
P: Well, there are some stages that are a S: Well, when you're planning a rest
4a I showed John the PhotograPh.
h Susie bought her brother a
little alarming to say the least. In fact, it stop, you have to watch the weather
bicycie for his birthdaY.
might just prove to be the most perilous conditions. Sometimes, it's actually better
journey we've attempted so far. We'll to keep going than wait for it to pass. But c My new car cost me a fortune!
A The authorities insisted on
virtually leave civilisation behind to go other times, you've got to accept that you
seeing Robert's visa.
through some of the most inhospitable can't go on until the weather improves.
Fetch the visitors some coffee,
terrain in the world. lt's a journey that Even a few inches of fresh snow can
make all the difference when you're
would you?
could be full of danger - and who knows I The principai promised the
what will happen if we break down in riding a motorbike, so we're just going to
students an extra daY's holidaY.
the middle of nowhere, especially in such adjust our plans and be flexible.
l: And when it's all over, when do You My dentist recommended having
cold cond itions.
two wisdom teeth taken out.
l: And what do your friends and family hope to be heading home?
h Be careful not to ]eave the
make of all this? P: Not until we've arrived at the most
appliance switched on after
S: Those who know something about eastern tip of Siberia. After that we'll
using it.
the terrain we're about to cross have travel to Hong Kong and fly home from
warned us that the journeY will be there. But it won't be until we're iust
hazardous in winter. There's the wind about to land at Heathrow that we'll be
5a sensitive d
vq\Iv^J rrro

b exhausting e conscientious
chill, not to mention the verY real saying: 'We're home, thrs is it!'
c imaginary
threat of freezing to death. lt could all l: Sally, Pete - good luck and we hoPe
to see you when you're safelY back!
be over sooner than we think if we're
S/P: Thank you.
6a would prefer it if
not careful! lthink some of our friends b succeeded in winning
are a bit dubious about our chances c we recommend washing
because they've read a lot about winter
conditions in Siberia - particularly the Use of English 7a rnput d cutbacks
places we're heading for, so they know b outburst e upbringing
how bad it can get. But we're trying to 2 tc 2c 3.q 4D c downfall
stay positive. 5B 6C 7D BB
l: So what steps are You taking to trY 8a nowhere
and prevent disasters? b on e out
P: Well, we've planned very carefully so
that food and other basic supplies will Review Units c down

9 a d
be available en route. In fact, the supply
requirement shaped the route itself in
^4t t-J b
whose e
detail. We're going to gather enough c of whom of which
emergency supplies for uP to a week
at a time, so we won't starve if we get
b setback f side effect 10 rb 2c 3c 4a -5a OD /a
stranded. And we're enjoying as many
c breakthrough g turnout
hot meals as we can now - just in case
d newsagent I I |
we end up having to eat dried food for
2 a stand d cut unrt '1
days, which can get very monotonous.
b turned e brought
We're also trying to prepare for freezing
c knocked f stand

temperatures. Temperatures in Siberia
can fall well below those of the Arctic,
so we're very aware that frostbite could 3 a Tim had an extremelY 1 a it has been deliberatelY sunk
be a real concern. Things like wearing
fascinating, rather small ... and is used for training
inappropriate footwear or not wearing b Did you enjoy Yourseif at the b where she first tried diving/
gloves can be fatal in icy conditions. And beach yesterday? where the introductorY course
frostbite can happen very quickly - at c We found the restaurant Pretty takes place
anything below zero degrees centigrade. easily. c someone who is Your Partner on
However, the lower the temPerature, d What a disgusting old oval a dive
the quicker the damage occurs, and wooden table!
the wind-chill factor increases the risk. e I just love your new dress. 2 tn zF 3A 4c 5c 6E
So we've invested in specialist clothing

E *.t
Audio script a run-up to jump five times their own
Voca bu la ry height.
On our'Natural World' slot todav. we're
And last but not least, there's shooting. The
1 -ive informative,argumentative, taking a look at animals in a slightly
fastest shooter in the natural world is the
submissive different light. We humans tend to think
archer fish. This extraordinary creature can
-ious malicious, mysterious, we've got it all sewn up when it comes
shoot not merely a few centimetres but
suspicious to athleticism, and events such as the
a 1.5 metre jet out of the water to catch
-eous outrageous, advantageous Olympics show just what we can achieve.
insects. You might argue that an Olympic
-able controllable, memorable But what we fail to realise is that in terms
archer might actually be able to shoot
-ible forcible, possible, terrrible of real physical abilities, our counterparts further than his ocean-going counterpart,
in the animal world leave us standing.
but he does have to reload more often!
2 a outrageous Let's begin with brute strength. We're
And the fish are probably more effective
b argumentative all impressed when we watch someone than we humans are because they do it
c suspicious like an 0lympic weight-lifting champion
not as individuals or even in oairs but in
d informative hoisting 1.6 times his own body weight groups. So, based on the evidence we have
e submissive above his head. But one tiny ant can
in front of us, it is beginning to look as if
f malicious make arr Olympic champion look
we need to organise another competition
q mrrqterinrrc positively puny in comparison. The ant
L to run alongside all those which will
rr ^1,,^-+^^^^,,^
duvdrrLdSEUuJ can lift not just double, or even treble, but
i memorabie a staggering 50 times its own weight - no
appear in the next Olympic games -
namely, the Animal Olympics!
human could match that. And have you
any idea just how many brain cells an ant
Grammar has? Tens, hundreds, thousands? Well, it
Use of English
may surprise you to know that each ant
1 I have been cutting has 250,000 brain cells, so a colony of
1 Patagonia for six weeks
2 had previously been covered 40,000 ants actually equals one human

3 has now lost being in terms of brain cells!

And what about soeed? The fastest man 2t deal 5never/not
4 have been killed
2 away 6 first
5 had become/have become on earth broke the 100 metre world
3 enough 7 went
6 has recently been added record in 9.58 seconds. But we all know
the cheetah can beat this - by 6.38 4 hardly B with
7 had never (before) shown
seconds in fact - with a time of 3.2
seconds. There are several reasons why
3 a one- e loo
2taa b no article the animals can do this: one is because
b little f from
2 a no article ba of their enlarged heart, liver and lungs,
c long g puf
3 a no article b the which help to deliver bursts of oxygen and
don his
4 a no article b no article energy, and another is - not as you might
5 a Ine bA think because of their long - but
6 a
7 a
no article
no articie
b the
because of their small head, which offers Unit 5
little wind resistance. But all this fast-living
3r a 6 an 11 the
takes its toll and this seemingly healthy
physical exercise does not unfortunately Reading
2ilrc/ a la

guarantee longevity. Exactly the opposite

3the 8
I a Roger Bannister ran a mile in
in fact, because the life expectancy of the
4the 9 the
three minutes, 59 seconds.
cheetah is low, less than ten years to be
510 the
precise, with many cubs never reaching b Bob Beamon set a new record
adulthood. for the long jump of 8.9027
But let's consider another asoect of metres.
Listen ing physical ability - jumping. Well, two c His record was broken.
and a half metres seems to be the best d Children competed in several
2 t Solfifty we humans can achieve. The springbok, sports rather than just one or
2 brain cells however, jump not to win a medal but for two.
3 3.2/Ihree point two joy when they're with the herd. During the
4 small head(s) rainy season, this is particularly common 2 to zB 3c 4c sA 6D
5 life expectancy to see and when they do this, it's easy to
6 rainy see how they got their name. The creature
7 insects can manage a jump of 4 metres from
B groups a standing start - they don't even need

r'v @
Vocabularv 2 a considerate e known our bodies physically need sunshine, and
b natural f suitable lack of it can affect us mentally as well

lahandefoot c correct g flammable - sometimes leading to depression. And

I taking a brisk walk every day, even for 20
b foot f head
u ^^*.^+ill^
minutes, can help prevent back problems
c head g leg
3a non-violent f mistreated occurring. This is becoming more common
d tip h fingers
h imnr:etic:l s rrnstp:drr these days as we're spending so much time
e inenmnetent h unfeaSOnable inactive, sitting at desks and working on
2 a head for
h nn the tin nf mrr ronSue 1
d disconnected i non-fiction com puters.

c opt his hc:d rnrrqd e illegible A: And what if the weathe/s bad?
B: The important thing is not to just flick
d cost an arm and a leg
o oirre mp r h;nrl through a magazine - do a crossword or
f nrrt vorrr fnot in it Listening a word game - it's great exercise for the
g foot the biil bra in.

h wnrkinp mv finqers to the bone 2 tc 2B 3A 4c 5B 6,c Extract three

A: Quite honestly, I think this campaign for
3 a survivor, survival Audio script healthy school dinners has been a disaster.
h nerformer. nerformance B: That's putting it rather strongly, isn't it?
c terrorist, terrorism Extract one It must have had some positive impact,
A: You also released a fitness video a few
d coordinator, coordination su rel y?
e immigrant. immigration
years back, Mary, is that right? A: Not as far as I can see. I know in theory
f B: That was just after l'd finished filming
defender/defendant, defence it is a good idea and something has to
o cn:ch cn:chino The Planet.
be done to encourage children to adopt
h achiever, achievement
A: Did you enjoy making the video? healthier eating habits.
B: I loved itl I know it seemed to be the B: Exactly. And now in school cafeterias
4 a performances 'in' thing to do at the time - just about
there isn't a burger in sightl Junk food has
h Immiqrrnfs everyone was releasing fitness videos. But
disappeared and in its place the kids can
C teIIoIiSm actually sport and exercise were my first
eat salads, vegetables, fruit... .
d defender loves! | was a serious athlete long before
A: That's all very well and good, but
C SUTVIVOIS I went into films. So it was a project that
look at all the food school cooks are
f coordination was close to my heart.
throwing away every day - it's scandalousl
o :ehierrempntc A: Well, it was certainly the most Cafeterias are empty and the children are
h coaches successful video of its kind at the time. going to the fish and chip shop in their
B: l'm not sure why it was quite so lunch breaks. How healthy is that?! The
popular. I think perhaps it was because I
problem is that the whole campaign went
Grammar connected with the people who were using
it. I wasn't trying to be too ambitious or
too far, too quickly. Neither the cooks nor

getting them to push themselves too far.

the kids were prepared for the change -
1 Suggested answers which you've got to admit has been pretty
I just wanted the people who used the
1 He said fthat) it means (that) video to have a fun workout when they
d ra

he has to keep himself in good B: You think we should go back to burgers

had the time. lt's so important to enjoy
nhrrsinel qhrne on the menu?
keeping fit. Like with everything - if it's a
2 He told me (that) travelling ro A: Not at all. We just need to go more
pain to do, you'll find a way to get out of
remntc nlrceq slowry.
it! Human nature!
3 He admitted to always wearing
Extract two
his boots .../He admitted (that) r r f r l'
use oI tngllsn
L^ A: You think people should use
ilc drwdyS
^l--.^-.^.-.^^-^ wcdl5 ...
lunchtimes as a chance to do something
4 He explained that (because) he's
healthy, is that right?
very tall ...
B: Absolutely! lt's really important to use
5 He added that someone in his
lunchtimes profitably - to recharge our
batteries for the afternoon ahead.
2 t membership 5 reduction
6 He went on to sav ithall he
A: And what would you suggest?
2 findings 6 beneficial
rlrrr:rrc nrrrioc
B: One of the best things we can do is
I nrndrrctirre 7 critics
7 He suggested (that) I fcould/
to get out of our workplace and have a
4 pnprqptin:llrz B intensity
qhnrrldl inin him
change of scene. Going for a walk outside
8 (But hel/He warned me to
is an obvious activity. Get out in the park
and get some fresh air in your lungs and
sunshine on your skin. Believe it or not

l@ r.t
3a enthusiasm/enthusiast,
Grammar already got enough, then carrots won't
enthusiastic, enthusiastically make any difference at all.
b reduction Speaker 3
c encouraSement 1 a shouldn't e mioht
Remember that cartoon character.
d achievement b must f can't Popeye, who ate spinach to get super
increase, increasingly c should g ought to strengh and huge muscles? Parents used
f significance, significant, d must
to tell their kids to do the samel There
sionifiernilrr is some truth in the idea because it's
o occurrence 2 t can't have received
packed with iron - a nutrient that's stored
h criticism/critic, critical, critically c might have been delayed
in the muscles. lt can be eaten raw but
d may have missed
it's more nutritious when it's cooked.
4a argument, judgement e must have done
It's something I usually try to have on
b dramatic, revelatlons f can't have been
the menu and customers love itl What
c romantic, exceptionally
3 a2 b3 cl most people don't realise is that to get
the most from it, you should eat it with a
4 a lneedn't have worried fruit or vegetable rich in vitamin C - like
Unit 6 b needn't pay oranges - to increase the absorption of
c needn't arrive the iron.
d needn't have spent Speaker 4
Read i ng Whenever I had a cold, my mother
always said 'feed a cold and starve a
1 disappointed Listen ing fever.' I personally don't think there's
any real cure for sniffly viruses, other
2 7B/E 2 B/E 3F 4A 5C 6D/E 2 tc 28 3E 4F 5A 6c zF than going to bed and resting. That's
7D/E B B 9D 10E BE 9G 1OA
the advice the doctors give out in the
practice where I work. But I read in
Audio script a magazine in the waiting room that
Voca bu la ry Speaker 1
there's some truth in this old wives'tale.
Apparently, eating a meal boosts the
In the 1950s, they carried out some immune system that destroys viruses,
1 1A 28 3C 4C 5A research in America that showed that which cause colds. What they haven't
going without breakfast made you less discovered is whether particular foods
2 1
_ -asisalc
o_oo''t hsniooor efficient during the late morning. For have beneficial effects. But come to think
2 amumble,bwhisper years this wasn't challenged until a closer
3 a overhear, b eavesdrop of it, it's true that when you have a fever,
study of the original research showed that you just don't feel hungry.
Suggested answers the findings hadn't really been proved.
1 unpieasant More recent research shows that going
Speaker 5
2 only a few people can hear l'm not that keen on fish but I was told
without breakfast has no measurable
f cenroilrr licion it makes you brainy, so I always forced
effects at all, either mentally or physically.
myself to eat it at exam time! | must
It seems that breakfast is simply a matter
a eavesdropping of personal preference. As for me,
admit I find myself recommending
b giggled/weregiggling really need regular meals, starting with
it to my pupils when their exams are
c mumble breakfast. I burn up so much energy
approaching. l've read that oily fish like
mackerel are all good sources of omega-
during training that I need the food!
1 responsible 3 fats (which of course don't make you
2 for questioning Speaker 2 fat) and they help the development of
? mrr zttpntinn Clients often ask me about the old saying the brain both before birth and after.
4 extreme views that carrots help you see in the dark. I
So if you're someone who loves fish, the
5 a party can assure you that poor eyesight can good news is that it can help your brain
6 the line only be helped by wearing glasses or function. Thankfully, it doesn't actually
with surgery. lt has very little to do with improve your intelligence, so I don't have
6 a6 b2 e3 d1e4 f 5 nutrition. But it's true that if you're short to eat itl
of vitamin A - which is rare nowadays -
'you won't see well in dim light:
'face but let's
it, no one can see in the dark! And
because carrots contain carotene, which
can be converted to vitamin A, they
make up for,this deficiency, but if you've

r.v IEI
A: no article, the 3 t take it in 4 brought in
Use of English B: the 2 show ... in 5 cuts in
A: no article 3 called in
1 a giant mirror was erected on a B: the
mountain to reflect sunlight into the d.d 4 a4 bZ c1 d5 e3
village during the winter months' B: the
A: the 5 aoff bin coff din ein
2 ts zA 38 4D 58 6c B: The
7B 8A
suspicious, informative, courteous' Gram mar
malicious, outrageous
a courteous I t Lying
Review Units b
4-6 d
not seeing/not having seen
a put my foot in it 6 known
b head for I Suggested answers 7 searching
c give me a hand a
Sarah admitted that ever since
d working your fingers to the bone she had been a child, she had 2 a -ee

e It's on the tiP of mY tongue been desperate to travel. b -ship

She asked Ted if he had ever c -ess (actress)
The students became aware .. ' been on a safari. d -hood (likelihood)
when they started some research '. ' c He told her that he hadn't. e -ness (happiness)
It appeared that the IYnx had been d But added that it was one of his f -ist
threatened ... their numbers have ambitions. g -less/ful
been greatly depleted and their e She went on to saY that she h -ese fChinese, Portuguese,
natural habitat has been decreasing. hoped (that) one daY he would Lebanese)
go on a safari.
a counterfeit d take f She offered him a Place on her 3 Group g can take -less and -ful'
b count e whispering next trip.
c eavesdropped on f oisolinq
o^oo"'_o 4 a politician Democracy
10 a offered to give me/said he b contentment h argument
a attention would give me c anxiety i technician
b line b was taken in bY d musician j secrecy
c responsible c get my head round e clarity k authenticitY
d questioning f fulfilment I diplomacy
e party

a unsteady
Unit 7
b non-violent
d imprecise 1 a manuscriPt
f unnatural Read i ng b Gluck
g disorganised
h misunderstood during the English Civil War/in the 2 t extra cash
i mispronounced 17th century 2 fake
3 decades
Jane Henley could not have been 2 tt zB 3c 4c 4 blue
happier ... Her Parents must have 5 auction house
been ... It can't have been .. ' they 5 own hand
needn't have worried! Vocabulary 7 grandfather

8 generation
,L A: no article 1t cut off 4 called off
B: no article, no article 2 bring ... off 5 took off Audio script
A: no article, the J showing off
Searching dusty attics for hidden
B: no article, a
treasures has become a national pastime
5 A:'the, the, the 2 a4 b2 c5 OI e3
in some countries, no doubt encouraged
B: the
by the popularity of many TV antique
4 A: no article, the
programmes or just the desire to make
B: no article

@ *tt
some extra cash! All of us are becoming stored in trunks in her attic until the next 2 a full-time/part-time
increasingly aware that items we've generation and the librarian eventually b left-handed
found may actually be quite valuable made the find. So, there are treasures out c' lioht-hp:rtpd
or at least worth more than just a few there - amongst all the rubbish and the d narrow-minded
pounds. People everywhere it seems clutter. Keep looking. Who knows what e handmade
are clearing out their attics, cupboards, you'llfind?
garages, wherever, and taking what they
f overstated

find to be valued. The upside of this 3Uincimdirein

is that there are a lot of tidy houses!
But what have you reallv found? ls that
Use of English f un gim hun
picture you're convinced is a Rembrandt
1 fne terracotta army is famous
4 re 2g3f 4h 5c 6b 7a 8d
really a Rembrandt? The downside of all
because the figures are more than
this searching is that it could result in
two thousand years old and
5 a indistinguishable
finding a fake and nothing more.
incredibly detailed.
b unsociable
However, having said that, some people c unbearable
do strike lucky. Back in 1990, a librarian
2 t gmperor
d inaccessible
in southern California was clearing out
4I ^^^il^^+^11,,
e sensitive/insecure
her attic when she discovered the original
3 excavations
f irreversible/unchangeable
first half of Huckleberry Finn by lilark
4 burial
g immeasurable
Twainl The story goes that a set of old
5 assassinate
h insensitive/uncaring
trunks, full of paper, had been sitting in
her attic for decades. She had inherited
6 arrangements
7 warriors
them from her aunt but had never got
round to investigating them. So, one B unmistakabie Grammar
day she finally decided to get rid of all 1
the clutter and while checking through
3 a fame Suggested answers
b powerfui a will hear
the trunks she found a fragile package
c reign b hadn't taken/tried to take
wrapped in brown wrapping paper. On
d explanation c could call
opening it she found lots of blue paper
covered in writing in black and purple
e building d could reach

ink. lt was the original manuscript of f detailed e might be able to find

q fiorrreiirrolrr
Huckleberry Finn,well, the flrst half
h watchful 2 a If my aunt hadn't lent me the
anyway. I imagine the librarian nearly money, I wouldn't have been
passed outl i credibility
So, what would you do in this situation?
j continuity/continuation able to go abroad.
b If you stay out in the midday
The librarian contacted the world-famous
sun, you'll get burned.
auction house Sotheby's and faxed I I rr 4l
c If Thomas hadn't had three jobs
them copies of the pages. Sotheby's UNIT U over the summer, he wouldn't
then confirmed the find and they had
have been able to buy a
it rushed to New York in an armoured
car! They were ecstatic! The manuscript, Read i ng d If I were to offer you a
totalling 665 pages, contained passages
scholarship, how would you feel
not included in the final version of the
book and corrections, all of which were
1 He expresses some hope in the about it?

written in Mark Twain's own hand. They the final paragraph, but generally e If demand for our products were
the author does not appear to be not falling, profits would not be
called it'the most extraordinary literary
nntimictir down.
discovery of the post-war period'.
The history of the manuscript was
2 tc zB 38 4c 5A 6D 3 a ignites/is ignited, goes up/will
traced. lt seems that Twain had sent the go up
manuscript to the librarian's grandfather,
b knew, would tell
James Gluck, who was a collector of c
original manuscripts. They found a letter Vocabulary would have gained, had
acknowledging receipt of the manuscript.
hadn't been, would have left
Unfortunately Gluck caught pneumonia .1. a4 b1 c5 d3 e6 f.2 e Let, 'd like
a short time after receiving it and died. ' Suggested answers f hadn't worked, wouidn't have
Upset by his death, the family packed self-motivated, self-opinionated, got
away all his papgrs without checking
self-righteous, self-service, hadn't argued, had kept,
through them. They were eventually
self-sufficient wouldn't have got
inherited by one of his daughters and

x'v @
P: Well, I think that in the next few
Listen ing decades we'll have a much better Unit 9
understanding of how the human brain
2 ts 2D 3c 48 sc 6D works. That will give us a sort of template
to follow and it'll really help in developing
Audio script Al. That would mean that within the next

l: Today I welcome Paul Williams, who's fifty years, there'll be a lot of intelligent 1 A Scotland D USA

an expert in artificial intelligence, or Al', as robots. You may say that it all sounds a B England E England

it's known. Paul - let's start with a forward- bit far-fetched, but take a moment to C Cuba F USA
think back to the 1900s. Who would have
looking question. How difficult is it to
predict the future of artificial intelligence? thought that a century later, it would be 2 ts2A3c 4F5E6czF
normal to have computers in your home 88 9D 1OA
P: Well, l'll answer that one by actually
Iooking backwards. lt's interesting that in - and l'm not just talking about laptops or
personal computers. You only have to look
the 1940s, a man called Thomas Watson,
head of the company IBM at the time, at the computer chips in our coffee makers, Voca bu la ry
famously predicted that the world demand refrigprators and dishwashers to see the

for computers might be as many as five. kind of unexpected leaps that took place. laforebehind
And in the 1950s, Al researchers predicted l: So should we be afraid of what these b back on f off
that a comouter would be the world chess intelligent machines might soon do to us? c over (oneself) g out with
champion by 1968 - but that took a few P: The thought of a hyper-intelligent d through
more decades. Al's certainly had its share of coffee maker trying to kill us all seems a

wacky predictionsl little far-fetchedl What we should perhaps 2 t fallen behind

l: But leaving aside the predictions of the be more worried about is whether we 2 falling over themselves
past, what would be your appraisal of Al's humans will be made redundant by a 3 fall back on
futu re? legion of intelligent machines. But the 4 fell through
P: There's still a lot of controversy about simple answer is that we won't wake up 5 fell out
all this. But basically, most experts remain one morning to find our lives dominated 6 fell for
optimistic about its future. Nevertheless, by artifi cially intelligent devices. 7 fallen off
they're currently predicting that it won't l: How can you be so sure?

be until the middle o{ this century that P: Well, science fiction is just that -
intelligent machines will be present in most fiction; it's not based on fact. Spielberg's
film A/ may have had a company designing
areas of our lives.
l: a robot that could bond like a human, but
0K. So what's the imoact of Al now?
that was in a film. But scientists don't just
1 Bowlands Academy of Arts was
P: Well, as you may know, every text established five years ago. The
message and email you send is routed suddenly decide to make an emotional,
establishment has now been
using Al. And there are many other human-like robot. Things don't happen
officially recognised by the
examples of what you would call 'narrow that way. Some of these innovations take
Department of Education. A
Al'- that's something which can now be many years to perfect. The road from
programme of short, intensive
done by a computer, but which used to be here to the real application of artificial
courses, as well as three-year degree
done manually. lt's called 'narrow' because intelligence will take thousands of different
courses, are offered to students.
it is within a specific area, but it's actually routes. There's really no need to panic.
A range of examinations can be
getting wider. l: Paul, thanksvery much ...
taken (by students) throughout
l: So is this an unprecedented leap the year. Students are instructed
fonryard? in small groups (by staff-J and a
P: Some people would say that the best Use of English personal tutor is assigned to every
comparison is probably that Al is at the student. Accommodation in a hall
same stage now as the personal computer 1 People want to get onto a course or
of residence must be booked in
industry was in 1978. There wasn't a lot into a workplace, and to develop
advance (by anyone requiring itJ.
of choice back then. And, obviously, they
'soft skills'. Businesses want to raise
A deposit needs to be enclosed
couldn't do as much as todav's computers their profile in the community.
with the enrolment form. The
do. But my take on the situation is that balance will be requested [by the
the comparison with the early computer
2 tn 28 3c 4c sc 6A
Academy) before the course starts.
industry doesn't give a true picture of
78 8A
The Academy needs to be informed
Al's successes. lt's already used in very
advanced ways, like scheduling flights or
3 ra 2c 3D 49 sc 68 immediately if students intend to
withdraw from their course.
reading X-rays. And the best is surely to
l: What do you mean exactly?

@ rtt
2r qpi \/nrrr tr\/pc taeip.l Extract two large numbers of volunteers who help
2 had her ears pierced A. At the time ther rrere introduced, the witnesses along the way.
3 get the/your jacket dry-cleaned ASBOs seemed a realll good idea - a
4 qet nonfiqertod form of punishment that targets people
had the car serviced
dnpqn't oet stnlen
guilty of habitual antisocial behaviour
and forbids them to do certain things,
Use of English
7 am having the matter associate with certain people or go to
investigated certain places. That's got to be better
1 crime/drama/thriller
than sending them to prison. Well, that
3a It is rumoured that the was the thinking anyway.
2ttke 5or
government is going to resign. B: But these recent statistics are pretty
2 who 6 no/little
b Interest rates are predicted to alarming, wouldn't you say? lt appears 3 from 7 over/across
rise by financial experts. that ASBOs aren't having the effect that 4 Even R ennrroh

c The missing gangland leader government thought they would.

was assumed to have been A: You're right. What's happening is
3 a chances are [that) you won't/
murdered. that a lot of the kids don't actually
will not
L ^--^,,^ ^--i'-^+
u Ldlllr uP dE,dlrrDt
d It is thought (that) the plane understand the limitations of the orders
crash was due to human error. and those that do understand don't
c being looked into
Terrorists are believed to be particularly care. In some cases it's d haven't/have not paid back
hiding out in the north of the developed into a game to see how often
country. they can breach their order, ignoring all
the restrictions, and get away with it.
B: The report says that ASBOs are even Review Units
Listening seen as a 'badge of honour'.
A: I knowl Rather like a symbol - t-J
-l at

something to show off about and be

2 ta283c 4,q5c68 proud of. So, you see in one way they're l ta2e3c4bsc/d6f 7c
Audio script encouraging antisocial behaviour rather
than discouraging it! 2 t Having peered
Extract one
Extract three
2 Using
A: This new punishment policy seems I idpntifruino
A: Could you tell our listeners exactly
to be succeeding but it has certainly
what the Witness Support Programme
4 known
attracted a lot of media attention.
5 making
B: Yes - that's true. There's been a fair
B: Certainly. We do a lot of different
6 Having concluded
amount of controversy surrounding it.
types of work but mainly we're
But there will always be people for and
concerned with supporting people
3 a fallen for
against different forms of punishment.
who have been victims, or witnesses,
b fall behind
This particular idea is proving very c fallinp over thcmselves
to crimes. In particular, we help when d fell throrroh
cases go to trial and they are required to
A: Why do people call it'the cooler
attend court to give evidence.
e feli out
A: And why do these people need help at
f fa1l for
B: Well, it's an isolation unit and I

suppose people see it as a place for

cou rt? 4 a employee
B: You can imagine the trauma they h friondchinc
schoolchildren to cool off. 'The cooler
have suffered, then having to relive this c childhood
room' also featured in the film The Great
and describe what happened when they d actress
Escape where it was a room used to
give evidence. Standing up in court can e noiqhhnrrrhnnd
punish the prisoners.
A: So, what happens in 'the cooler room'?
be an unnerving experience. We try to f careless
make it less stressful. We bring them to
B: Disruptive pupils are sent there to
do work away from their friends and
the court, prior to the trial, to familiarise 5 a fallen out ^

they aren't allowed to leave without

them with the surroundings and the h h:rzp qnnc nff f fa1l back on

permission. Food and drink are brought

procedures. Then, during the trial, we c fall behind g took off
into the room and they're constantly
provide a separate room away from the d told off
public and the risk of meeting the friends
observed through a window. They can be
sent there for as little as one hour but
and family of the accused person. 6 a take in p hrino in

for really bad behaviour it can be up to

A: This support programme is a charity, b show off f cut in
ISN I I11 c call in o hrino nf{
three schooldays! They hate being away
from their mates and this is what makes
B: Yes. In this area, three of us are paid d take off
to organise everything but we depend on
it effective.

ruv @
7t inf 5 unb
Grammar piracy -in other words, making illegal
2 irh 6 ima copies of films. So it all came to nothing.
3 und 7 imc I a unless all safety regulations are
l: So what's different about this week's
4 in o B ime nnmnlierl rxrith
Sam: I think it all hinges on how much a
8a had e see
b provided/as long as you are
product can be used illegally as opposed
honest with me now.
b asks f had visited to legally. Just going back to the robbers
c had left g wasn't
c unless it's an emergency.
for a moment, who would seriously
d read h hadn't bought
d supposing i wanted you to be
expect ladders to be banned because a
involved in it.
minority of people use them illegally? lt
9a contentment e diplomatic e uniess he'd been forced to. just doesn't make sense, does it? | think
b anxious f authenticity
2ta2b3b4b5a6bzb most people would agree that
c clear g democratic manufactu rers who prod uce softwa re
d secrecy
3 a The whole f litrle used primarily for distributing

10 a arrived
l-u 1-
rldlury .--,
--1t., drly g Loads of copyrighted works are in a different

b iq heinq qirren
c one h others position because that work should legally

is thought
d None i afew be paid for and earn artists money.
e Each i Thc mnst l: So who's right? What's your view on
d is considered to be the su bject?
hpins m:dp
Sam: That's not an easy one to answer. lf
f has been the music industry gets its way, you could
b could have been Listening argue that this might block the

11 a are always cut off 2 te 2c 3c 4c 58 6D development of technology used to

download music and films. Anyone
b went up in flames
Audio script involved in developing new technology in
c have/get your eyes tested
this field would be put off by the threats
l: Sam, this issue of music piracy is a of lawsuits from tilm and music
very complicated one, isn't it? companies who argue that the invention
Unit 10 Sam: lt certainly is and for one marn
reason. Firstly, just to clarify the situation,
could allow people to download songs or
films for free. And we all know that if free
it's allabout firms creating software for music is available, people will take it
Reading distributing songs and films on the
Internet without any royalties being paid
whatever the rights or wrongs. But my
biggest worry is thal if arLists don't get
2 tc zA 3G 4D sF 6E to the artists or anyone else involved in paid, they'll be less likely to perform. And
the production. These firms are being where will that leave us? We'll be left
taken to court but they aren't the ones without an entertainment industry.
Voca bu la ry downloading the songs and films - they l: But have you talked to members of
only manufacture the software. I suppose the public about this?
a good comparison would be if there was,
1r t--^^
d- IdITJ,
L f^^^
U IEIJ say, an outbreak of robberies, should the
Sam: I've done a lot of interesting
research into this quite recently. One of
2 a receipt, b bill police be chasing the manufacturers o{
the most popular reactions has been this:
3 a wage, b salary the ladders or the tools the thieves used to it's time for the entertainment industry
4 a cash, change commit the robberies, or should they be to look into new methods of distribution.
chasing the thieves themselves?
2a Wages c nh:nqo
l: 50, is there is a legal precedent - any
It needs to make distribution costs lower
and produce cheaper products for the
b fees d reccint
other cases like these which have taken public. There seems to be a general
place in a court of law?
3a falsify f alternate
Sam: Well, interestingly enough, back in
feeling that because the copyright laws
b ctranothpn a demonstrate are so strict, the entertainment industry
1984, the entertainment industry tried
c activate h sadden
and failed to legally block the
is making a fortune while the general
d broaden i pacify public is being ripped off, as rt were.
e typify
manufacturers of video recorders because l: Do you think it's worse in the film
they could be used to make pirate copies i nd ustry?
4a strengthened e pacify of films. The judge ruled that a 5am: There is a problem with films.
manufacturer couldn't be held responsible
b activate f saddened Currently, most titles are released in the
c f:lqified e broaden for the use to which its products were put. US trrst. before transferring across the
It's close, although not exactly parallel, Atlantic to Europe and the rest of the
d alternated
with this current case. Apart from anything world. This leads to movies recorded on
else, it wasn't clear that the overwhelming camcorder in a US cinema appearing on
use of video recorders would be for

l@ r"
the Internet within a matter of days. 5 a put up with those who did that got the headlines.
Once a film's been released everywhere b put (it) do*'n to And remember that modern art doesn't
and in every medium, illegal copies c come down with necessarily represent concrete objects but
cease to be in big demand. So maybe the d get away with delights in its own strangeness.
answer is that all films should be released e dropped out of Once you've understood that, it's time to
on the big screen in every country across f drop in on visit an art gallery. The most important
the world at the same time. thing you should do is arrive early. You
l: Thanks, Sam, we'll just have to wait want to see the works of art, not the back
and see what happens next ...
Grammar of someone's head. Also, remember not to
wear smart footwear - wear comfortable
1a ... and just like all the others. shoes - you could easily walk a couple of
Use of English b ... it was by far the worst choice. kilometres in a gallery.
c She's a lot like her sister. The next question is what to do when
1 A website where people give away uI the less I want to settle down ... standing in front of a work of art. First,
unwanted items. It started as a list It's far more interesting ... stand in the right place - it's different for
on the Internet. f It was nowhere near ... each work, so try a few different positions
to see what works best. Don't stand where
2 t impulsive 2 a shghtly nowhere spotlights make a glare on the painting.
2 unwanted b just f nothing lf you see people crouched on the floor
I nrnmnfinn e ncrrlrr peering up, join them in trying to find
o bir
4 valuable d no more h qrort that glare-free corner. lt'll prove that you
5 environmentalist really are analysing the painting instead of
6 global 4 a such dso gso looking at it.
7 reporters bso eso Don't forget that art can be priceless, and
B reasonably c such f such protecting it is a serious issue for galleries.
Security is therefore strict - avoid leaning
3 a irresistible, resistance 5 ta 29 3d 4c,f 5b 6e over the ropes; if you get too close to the
b inefficient, efficiency art, you might be thrown out. And no
c freedom freelrr
matter what, never touch the art unless a
d reusable/useful, useless Listen ing sign specifically says you can. Remember
e explanations, expianatory that you may harm the work by doing so.
2 t l800/eighteen hundred I know it sounds ridiculous. but take a oair
z1 f-.^+l +--li+i^-^
tPdJr./ LrdurtlurrJ of binoculars. Sometimes you can get a
Unit 11 3
arrive early
comfortable shoes
better view by standing back and looking
through binoculars than by wrestling your
5 spotlights way to the front of the crowd.
Read i ng 6 security And, don't waste time in front of mediocre
7 standing back works. Look for something unusual. Even
1 their personal experience of B unusual in the best gallery, not everything is great.
nhnfnqrrnhrr And if it doesn't interest you, pass it by.
Audio script And if someone asks you why you don't
2ts2A 3D 48 Fver felt baffled by modern art? Well, if like a painting, just say something like, 'the
you learn the tricks, you can fake a level of artist obviously didn't take into account
expertise easily. Faking art appreciation is the subject's emotional state'. Nobody will
Voca bu la rv not difficult, and l'll tell you how to do it. argue.
Who knows, you might even pick up a bit So,that's it. lf you commit all this to
1a look d stand g leading of genuine appreciation along the way. memory, the next time you go to a gallery,
b live E IEII h wake The last two centuries have seen many you'll be able to appreciate the art.
c face f oet movements in modern art. Don't worry
about that; just realise that art that doesn'1
2 ta 2e 3f 4d obviously try to reflect reality is usually Use of English
-o 6 c 7b Bh considered 'modern'. Modern Art began
I fire paintings have remained hidden
3r put down to, put up with
around 1800, a century before Picasso and
" his friends revived it in the 1900s. since 1969/thev were created.
2 get away with, come down with
There was a growing movement of artists
3 drop in on, drop out of
trying to break away from traditions. 2tin 5 no one/nobody
2 more 6 there
4a put down to So what makes a work'modern' is the
breaking away from these traditions; 3 under 7 such
b after the particles 4 until Bat

r'v @
c The training course is not cheaP fresh fruit and vegetables around the
3 a got round to finalising
enough for most PeoPle to world should be made clear - just like
b in the event of
the damage caused by taking a package
consider enrolling.
c to get away with
holiday and flying to your destination.
d went on to become d I'm too Young to drive'
e He didn't sPeak slow(iY) enough It's only by doing this that you can make
for me to hear what he said' people realise the short and long-term

tfnit 12 4 a If the tea is not hot enough ...

effects of what theY're doing.
Speaker 3
b I'm too young ... Science has already demonstrated that
c There's too much Poverty ... climate change is happening - but there
Read i ng d Is there enough time ... are still many unanswered questions
e ... far too comPlicated? that need detailed scientific research.
1c f ... studying hard enough These include: What are the likelY
g ... enough exPerience to ... environmental and human imPacts?
2 tE zD 3B/c 4B/c 5B 6A h Please speak clearlY enough ... What exactly are the regional changes
TCBA/E9AlE10D going to be? How are extreme events
going to change, for example, flooding'
Listening heat waves and drought? These questions
Voca lo u la ry can only be answered through continued
2 tc 2E 38 4D sc coordinated research. And that costs
1 rn zA 3c 4A 6G 7B 8E 9C 10F money. So my request would be that
5C 6A 7B BA governments invest much more in doing
Audlo script research in this field.
2 a 5hadset/set d 3 sets
Speaker 1
b 4 sets e 2 wasn't set
Of course, l'm not going to denY that
Speaker 4
c t has set My worry ls that governments are not
governments have a huge responsibility focusing enough on adaptation' True,
b to protect the planet. But the single, most they all make statements about cutting
3 I a decline refused
b important statement I would like to hear greenhouse gas emissions. But what
2 a rejected refute
governments making is that the science of
3 a denied b disallowed they fail to realise is that climate change
global warming is not an exact one - not
4 a oppose b resisted is occurring and it's going to carry on
as long as various methods of measuring occurring even if we do cut emissions.
temperatures give contradictory results' We already know that sea levels are
Over the last 25 years, weather satellites rising and there are heatwaves now in
Grammar have shown little, if any warnings, and countries like the UK. 5o what I want
computer models used to predict future governments to do is admit that they
1 a4 b2 c6 d3
temperatures and other climate effects
e1 f 7 g5 need to bring in global legislation which
have prod uced completely different will help to minimise whai is going on at
predictions that can't be relied on.
2 Suggested answers
It would be crazy to use inaccurate
this moment in time.
a Under no circumstances will I Speaker 5
information as a basis for policies
The point is that the develoPed
b Hardly/ScarcelY had theY that could have an ef{ect on national
world created the present problems
finished eating when the with the environment as it became
doorbeli rang. Speaker 2 industrialised and wealthy. So I think
No sooner had theY finished The one measure I would like to see that governments have to recognise
eating than the doorbell rang' governments agreeing on and promoting the fact that developing countries will
c Little did we realise/know would be to introduce legislation need more energy as their standards of
that we were living next to a forcing producers and manufacturers living rise - and that if those needs are
notorious criminal. to clearly show the environmental met in the easiest and cheaPest waY,
d Nowhere can I find a coPY of cost of transporting goods. Consumers their greenhouse gas emissions would
that book. everywhere should be able to see at be enormously high. So we have an
e Only when I saw how cheaP the a glance exactly what they're doing to obligation to help developing countrles
car was did I decide to buY it. the environment by flying in a plane, avoid a repetition of what happened to
for example. Showing people that they us. And the developing countries must
3 a Pat is not tall enough to be a can make different lifestyle choices play their part in protecting the planet as
professional dancer. and purchases is one essential step their economies grow.
b There are far too few PeoPle towards reflecting the damage to the
using Public transport environment. So the environmental
nowadays. damage caused by transporting, say.

@ *.t
Use of English 5a No sooner had James finished
cooking thal his sister arrived. Speaking
1 Suggested answers b Little did I knorv that he had
an environmental group/local overheard my phonecall to the
recycling group/supermarkets, to bank.
Qu ick quiz
encourage people to reuse piastic c Scarcely had the plane landed
bags and avoid unnecessary waste on the narrow runway when the lrs
passengers began to cheer.
2 tc 28 38 4D sA 6c d Nowhere in the city wili you 2 Partlc
7 A 8B find a park as beautiful as Part 2 a
Central Park/this (one). Part 3 b
e Only when the politician Part 4 d
mentioned taxes was there a cry
Review Units of protest from the audience. 3 a3 b4 c2 d1
f had I reached home when the
4 a
10-12 f.eavens opened.
Lexical Resource
a live up to c Discourse Management
1 a nothing like as warm as
b feel up to d Pronunciation
b under no circumstances will
c put up with e Interactive Communication
c had the ability
d come down with
2 a e drop in on
Mexican food is far spicier than
British food./British food is far
f put, down to Part 1
more biand than Mexlcan food. I come up with
1 a,c,d,f
b The summer temperature in
a had joined (b) is typical of a Part 2 question
France is only slightly warmer
than it is in Britain./The summer
b don't make a noise (e) is typical of a Part 3 question
c would stop/had stopped
temperature in Britain is only
d had told 2t appropnare
slightly colder than it is in
e hadn't been driving/hadn't 2 interrupt
driven 3 long
Extreme sports are a great
deal more exciting than racket
f happens 4 one
5 Expand
sports./Racket sports are a great 8a positioned d decided 6 Speak
deal more boring than extreme b takes place e become solid 7 eye contact
spons. c enforce
This exercise is a bit more
difficult than the others./The aso eso Part 2
other exercises are a bit less b such fso
difficult than this exercise. c such o crreh 1 True: b, c, e
3a The film was brilliant but far
False: a [you talk about only two
too long. 10 a refused denied d (you should begin speaking
b Do you think we have allowed b ensure f assured ;-
- ^l
i .+ ^1.,1
rr rtlucurdttrly
enough time to finish the project? c refuted o
b oppose

f (you have about 30 seconds for

c We haven't thought this problem e ascertain h insure this part of the task)
through carefully enough.
u The company has already 2 t both
invested too much money in
this new venture.
2 which/that
I'm afraid your application
arrived too late for you to be
4 hand
5 must/could/might/may
6 even/much/a lot/considerably
4r money 4wages Tcash 7 who/that
8 like/such as
2 change 5 bilis
3 salary 6 fares

Key l@
'.ri .. ,,,_" 'i
,-.i,. -i:l :

a lwo
b oral instructions and written
c 15
d two
e the whole
f does not take
g shouldn't
h don't see
i are
i don't need to

a8 b3 c4 d5 e2 f 7
g6 h 1

ffi il*t'
ffi oxford english
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workbook by playing the MultiROM in an audio CD player, MultiROM. The test comes with instant marking, feedback,
or in a media player on your computer. tips, a dictionary look-up, and many other features. To find
out how to access the test, read this page.

How da I use my MultiROM?

You will find your practice test on a website called J Put the MultiROM into the CD drive of your computer. The website contains many different 4 A screen will appear giving you two options.
practice tests, including the one that you have access to.
Single click to access your test.
Because the practice test is on the internet you will need:
* to be connected to the internet when you use the test
) siogk *i"t ir*=to a.cessyor$practic*te*t
5 to have an email address (so that you can register). l':r; 1a;: :=-testing.i==
f5 *=
Re*ember lDu mtst be anline:o aeess the rebsile
When you're ready to try out your practice test for the first and vou! test-

time follow these steos: l,\Iorklook audio

1 Turn on your computer. You cs ?lay ihis Ct in e edio CD player, or ffi t}le
media play€r ir your lomputer. If tou mt to ljsten
2 Connect to the internet. (lf you have a broadband io the audio cn lour comp{ts u* the media pla}Er.

connection, you will probably already be online.)

What do I da when I get to the website?

After a few moments your internet browser will open and take 4 lf you have a problem using your MultiROM, go to
you directly to the Welcome page on the website. Follow the you will be asked to click
steps below. Register now if you are a ne* userfou will then be asked to fill
in a registration form and to enter an unlock code. you can find
1 Choose a language from the drop-down list and click Go. the unlock code printed on your MultiROM. lt will look like this
All pages, apart from the actual practice test, will be in the 9219 e6-9 47 1 d9 - cf7 c7 9 -a5143 b. Each code is u n iq ue.
language you choose. Once you have registered, you can access your test in future by
going to and logging in. Remember
2 Click on the Register now button and fill in the details on you will need your email and password to log in. you must also
the registration form. You will need to give an email address be online to do your practice test.
and make up a password. you will need your email address
and password every time you log into the system. lf you are
already registered, click on the Log in button.

3 After filling in the registration form click on Register. To

confirm your registration, click on Save registration details.
Click on My tests where you will be asked to log in. you have
365 days to use the practice test before you have to submit it
for final marking.
What are the features sf sn snline practice test?
Exam tips You can see a tip on how to answer every question type'

Dictionary look-up you can look up the meaning of any word in the practice test using lhe Oxt'ord
Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Type the word in the box on the screen to see
the definition. You will need to have pop-up windows enabled.

Instant marking and feedback When you've answered a question, you can mark it straight away to see whether
you got it right or wrong, and you can get Feedback to find out why.

Change your answer or try again You can then go back and try to answer the question again as many times as
you like. Understanding why you answered a question incorrectly helps you
think more clearly about a similar question next time.

Save and come back later You don't have to complete a Paper at one time' When you log out, it saves
what you've done. You can come back to it at any time. You have 365 days
before you have to submit the practice test for final marking. The My tests page
tells you when the test expires.

Mark individual answers, a part, However much you've done of the practice test, you can mark it and see how
a paper, or the whole test well you're doing.

Audio scripts These are available for all parts of the Listening test. Reading the Audio script
will help you understand any areas you didn't understand when you were

Sample answers for questions You can see Sample answers after you've written your own. They've been
in the Writing paper written by real students, and will give you a good idea of what's expected. What
you write will not be marked automatically. lf you would like your teacher to
mark it, you can print it off to give to them or email it to them. When they've
marked it, you can enter the mark on your Results page. lt does not matter if
you do not enter a mark for the writing tasks. The final marks will be adjusted
to take that into account.

Useful phrases for the Speaking paper You get sample Speaking papers and Useful language to help you practise
offline. You can print the Speaking paper from lhe Resources page, and ask
your teacher to do the Speaking paper with you' As with the Writing paper, you
can enter the mark your teacher gives you. However, if you don't, your final
marks will be adjusted to take that into account.

Results page Remember this is a practice test, not the real exam. You will see your score by
paper and part and as a percentage. Your final score on the practice test is only
an indication of how you might perform in the real exam.

Try a sample test first You can try out a short version of a practice test on
before you do a real one. This lets you find out how to use a test before you

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