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MINI TEST 2 7-48. sorularda, cimiede bos birakiian yerlere uygun dlisen sézcikk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing financial crisis characterized by contracted liquidity in global credit markets and banking ‘system ---- the failure of mortgage ‘companies. ‘A) complied with B) relied on ©)let off D) carried out E) triggered by 2. Tornadoes occur throughout the world, but for several reasons scientists are not yet able fo --- how such natural phenomena occur exactly. A) release B) purchase C) conduct D) determine E) reject 3. French writer Cyrano de Bergerac’s many adventures gained him a-—-~ as a romantic hero, which led him to be highly remarkable. A) notion B) oriticism C) reputation D) turmoit E) notoriety 4, The unfavourable effects of cigarette smoking on the heart have frequently been described, but the ---- reason of these offects has not been clarified. A) exact B) fragile ©) belligerent 1D) ampie E) compulsory 5. In Hard Times’, Charles Dickens harsh regime and mechanical routine forced upon the labourers. ‘A) concerns 8) reckons ©) refutes D) interests E) comments 6. China —- one of the world's oldest people and continuous civilizations, consisting of states and cultures that ~~ back more than six millennia. A) has had / have dated B) has date ©) Is having / are dating D) would have / can be dated E) may have / had been dated @axinoieesirin © egitim @ anew 10. 12, Since the release of internet, knowledge freely and thus any information --- available to all internet users. A) flow / could be B) has been flowing f has been ©) had flown / was D) would flow / may be E) flows / would be MINI TESTS Espionage or Spying ~--~ individual ‘obtaining information that ---- -secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information ‘A. involves/ is considered 8) has been involving/ would be considered ©) Involved / has been considered D) would involve / was considered ) had been involving / might be considered an unprecedented move for local officials, over 100 mayors across the country have agreed to abide ——- the terms of an international environmental treaty. A) From at 8) With / with ©) By/to ©) Among fin E) in by Food allergies in American children seem to be »-~ the rise, now affecting about 3 million kids, in accordance --~ the first federal ‘study of the problem. ‘A) beyond / by B) on / with C)in sof D)at/on ) with /for |. = steps are quickly taken to plan and design more resilient housing, Haitians may experience disasters again. 1A) Whenever B) Whereas, ©) Unless D) White ei The French Revolution was a period of political and social upheaval, ---- the French governmental structure underwent radical changes. A) during which B) for which (©) on which D) out which ) of which ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS 43. Insomnia may be caused by stress from the many areas of life, -~-it can also result from medication prescribed by physicians for ‘other conditions and anxiety as well. A) at most B) so that ©) whether Dy thus E) but 14, With regard to the Big Bang experiment in Cern, the question ----- there will appear tiny black holes has been controversial among most of the world's leading physicists. A) in which 8) that C)even if Dyin case E) whether 415, The consequences of the two world wars. were —-- devastating for Europe -~- it almost took a century for many regional governments to recover. A)as/as 8) rather / than ©) so / that D) both / and E)either / or bin eeirim egitim ‘humaralanmis yerlere uygun diigen sézcuk ya di MINI TEST 2 ‘sorularda, as; laki pargada sdeyi bulunuz, ‘The way people are affected by the environment is often presented on a global scale—tides rising or forests dying the way human beings have a direct —- (17) «= ‘on the plant (16) climate change. But ‘often more visible on a local tevel. Communities closer to industrial areas 18)- by higher than average asthma rates, for instance, and towns with poor water treatment or slow clean-up from disasters may show a disproportionate number of children with developmental problems. A report released today by two (19) —locali vironmental organizations found xd pollution is ~~ (20) —- leading contributing factor to disability and disease in ‘communities across the world. 16. 47, 18, 49. A) for B) despite C)asa result of D) in view that E)for all A) impact 8B) collision ) trouble 0) collapse E) defeat A) will have been affected 8) may be affected ©) would be affected D) wore affected E} had been affected A) that 8) whether ©) in whieh 1D) when ever E) what A)as 8) much ) too D) more E) the most @akinoi esitin ‘MINITEST2 21.- 25. sorularda, asagidaki parcada numaralanis yerlere uygun dligen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz Clara Barton is well known for her -- (21) —- as a ‘urse on the battlefield during the Civil War and for her role in founding the American Red Cross. She Is perhaps not as well known, ~- (22) =, for her role in establishing a bureau for tracing missing soldiers following the Civil War. At the close of the Civil War, the USA did not have in place any agency responsible for accounting = (23) -— what had happened to the innumerable men who had served in the military during the war, and (24) --- families had no ideas as to the fate of their loved ones. Clara Barton developed a system for using print media to publish the names of soldiers known to have been wounded or killed during various battles of the war. She was prepared to publish names that she herself had gathered on the battlefield as well as information gathered from ~ (25) ~ a. A) confessions B) allusions ©) depictions D) contributions E) Inquiries 2. A) therefore B) whereas ©) howover D) because E) moreover 23. A) for Bas o)by djoft E) out 24, A) none 88) many ©) each D) ow E) neither 25. ‘another 8) the other ©) others ) other E) the others, @aAKinol.esirim © pie e@itim 40 ADVANCED TESTS 26. - 35. sorularda, veriien ingilizce camieye anlamea en yakin Tirkce climleyi bulunuz. 26. that global warming will continue and ‘get worse much faster than was expected ‘even in their last report. ‘A). Recently released reports on the level of warming were neglected B) No one can ever imagine the actual causes of the recent global warming ©) The World's leading scientist consensually predicted D) Environmental scientists, at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warn people E) Sea level rise and glacier retreat may also bbe some of the reasons, © 27. The recently introduced Semata is a complex. iL egitim system of programming ——~. |A) wherever a database operator may classify data easily BB) that the earlier models of computing originated C) whereby certain symbols are transformed into codes and kept for future use 1D) even though there are numerous projects to be finalized soon E) while the inconsistencies keep users benefiting from it 28. Although people regard the “Dracula” as a work of imagination and fiction, ‘A) Itwas not an immediate bestseller when it was first published 8) It does contain some historical references to the historical Transyivanian-born Viad Ill Dracula of Wallachia ) there are other sections in the novel where Dracula refers to his own background, D) it stil had drawbacks and neaded to be studied excessively E) the novel had become more significant for film makers in that period 29. The Panic of 1907 was a financial crisis --. A) as if economical crises usually occur each year BB) when its stock market fell close to 50 percent from its peak the previous year ©) in that there was loss of confidence among depositors, and the absence of a statutory lender of last resort D) which occurred after the failure of an financial attempt E) but the consequences of the crisis were devastating ee) ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS 30. 31. 32, 33, 10 -—— yet most do not have the same government back up in underdeveloped regions. ‘A) The reasons for conflict between men and women seems to continue 8) Poverty and discrimination have plagued the world for quite a long time C) Average income per person might be misleading when it comes to women in the werd D) Every single woman has to endure harsh conditions in thelr families £} Women in developed and developing ccountrias enjoy official support Basically having the size of 10 centimeters in length, A) zoologists have always admired the green tree frog B) itis quite surprising how large the green tree frog is ©) species on the earth do not show any resemblance to the green tree frog D) the green frog is larger than most Australian frogs the average lifespan of the frog in captivity is about sixteen months As soon as Einstein proved thi tiny parts of matter, —- A) atoms and other substances had already been discovered by other scientists. B) the molecules in a substance were known to have various dimensions, ©) he referred them as molecules and atoms, and described how they moved. D) contributions of Einstein would have been disregarded by most ofthe scientific ‘communities of the time, ) the phenomena of such indications must have been related with something else. istence of Ina database management unit, as soon as new data arrives to the administration, ‘A) database engineers are so busy that they cannot tackle with other problems B) the gathered data are transformed into tables by database operators ©) they would make much more sense for the ‘operations center D) more effort is supposed to be spent on data management E none will have to be reviewed by the sales department iL carrie bin egiriae © 35, MiNi TEST 2 » Such stress and the use of antioxidants in pharmacology must be intensively studied, A) As oxidative stress is an important part of many human diseases B) While they can rarely be associated with serious diseases: ©) Whether any harm may appear out of some oxidative substances 0) That oxidative stress is caused by abnormal bodily activities ) Though medical scientist are aware of the oxidative threats ‘The Panama Canal caused a confliction between the USA and Panama ‘A) which is a common and crucial trade zone today B) where there are certain international ‘companies ) altough it connects two oceans and saves @ lot of time and money D) yet there are military confrontations between these two countries as well ) which nearly continued for more than a hundred years @axinoieesirin MINI TEST 3 1. - 15, sorularda bog birakilan yerlere uygun digen sézcilk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. When exceeding the light- speed, flying object can be ---~ and thus they are often thought to be alien space crafts. A) significant By illusive ©) random: D) competent E) overwhelming 2. The King Vulture, which is known to have —~ from the Sarcoramphus papa, is a large bird found in Central and South America. A) descended B) enhanced C) consisted D) curtailed &) varied 3. Many Aftican countries which are highly should be funded by developed ones as ‘soon as possible. A) affluent 8) delicate C)impoverished ——_D) fluctuating E) invincible 4. European -~-- began in the fifteenth century with the "Age of Discovery", led by Spanish and Portuguese, which would eventually end up in fierce rivalries and fighting in the world. A) deficiency 8) jurislition ©)aliance D) contribution E) colonialism 5. World War Il, often abbreviated WWII or WW2, --- a global military conflict which —a majority of the world's nations, including ail of the great powers. A) is has involved B) was /involved ©) had been / was Involving D) would be f involves E) could be / had involved @AKINoIL siti @ rein oie eer 6 10, Vithoba ~-- a Hindu god which, predominantly by the ancient Indian states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra, A) had been /is worshipped B) would be / may be worshipped C)is / was worshipped 10) has been / had been worship ) must have been / has been worshiped MINI TESTS Estimations on climate change ~~ the fact fora that, the level of global warming millennia. ‘A) have indicated / might continue B) indicated / would have continued (©) had indicated / continue 1D) would indicate / continued E) will have indicated / had continued In neurophysiology, the action potential is a self-regenerating wave --- electrochemical activity that allows nerve cells to carry a signal ~-a distance. A) in from B)to/ about ©) off over D) from / along ) with / through ‘The “Chepotea” is a cephalopod --- the family of Octopoda that inhabits many diverse regions — the ocean, especially coral reefs. A)at son B) to / for C)of / along D) with / against E)in/ of ‘The discovery of America ~ to the 16” century, however, there are recent records that -- ancient explorers having visited the and. A) was dated / will demonstrate B) has been dated / would demonstrate C) is dated / demonstrate 1D) might have been dated / had demonstrated E) would be dated / have demonstrated uw 40 ADVANCED TESTS 11. At the recent innovation fair in London, Microsoft has released a new software — accounting and other office applications can be run efficiently. A) whatever B) whether ©) by which ) which E) how 42, In accordance with recently released reports, GM owned up to selling 53% fewer cars and trucks than a year ago, —- Chrysler admitted that its total production also fell dramatically. A)in that B) just as, C) in case D) whether E) whereas 13, The hurricane Linda was actually forecast to move toward southern California, but headed for another unexpected route that surprised weather forecasters A)instead B) except ©) hence D) in adaition E)in case 14. scientists are concerned, the effects of global warming may last for at least a thousand years even if carbon emissions are totally stopped today. A) Asif ) Unless E) Providing that B) As far as D) Now that 15. Mankind has become ----- dependable on ‘machinery -—~-it is almost impossible to consider future living without technology and advance. A) not only / but also B) so/ that ©) much /so D) either J or E) the more / the less 12 pik egitim ie eeiriae MINI TEST 3 16. 20. sorularda agagidaki parcada humaralandiriimts yerlere uygun diigen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. ‘The July 16, 1212 battle of Las Navas de Tolosa is considered a major —-(16)--point in the history ‘of Medieval Iberia. The forces of King Alfonso Vill of Castile -~(17)~-by the armies of Christian rivals, Sancho Vil of Navarre, Pedro Il of Aragon and Afonso I! of Portugal in battle ++(18)--the Berber Muslim Almohad rulers of the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula. The sultan Caliph al-Nasir led the Almohad army, made up of people from the --(19)-- Almohad ‘empire. Most of the men in the Almohad army came from the African side of the empire, included Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and even as far away as Mauritania and Senegal and ‘much of the tberian peninsula's southern half 16. A) turning 8) relieving ©) gathering ) occupying E} marching 47. A) has been joined B) would have been joined C) might be joined D) will have been joined E) were joined 18. A) against 8) through C)forthe sake of —_D) on behalf of B) as of 19. A) mere 8B) whole Cal D) each E) particular 20. A) whereby 8) where ©) whom D) what E) which @aKinole sini MINI TEST 3 ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS. 721. - 25, sorularda agagidaki pargada numaralandinimig yerlere uygun digen sézck ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Even if we --(21)-~ emitting greenhouse gases today, the Earth would still warm by another degree Fahrenheit or so. But what we do from today ~(22)~-makes a big difference. Depending con our choices, scientists ~(23)~- that the Earth could eventually warm by as litte as 2.5 degrees or as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. A commonly cited goal is to stabilize GHG concentrations around 450-550 parts per million, (24)--- about twice pre-industrial levels. Thi the point at which many believe the most damaging impacts of climate change can be avoided. Current concentrations are about 380 ppm, which means there isn't much time to lose. ‘According to the IPCC, we would have to reduce GHG emissions by 50% to 80% of (25) they're on track to be in the next century to reach this level 2. A)have stoppad ——B} will stop C) may stop D) stopped E) stop 22. 1A) backwards 8) beyond C) onwards: D) about E) against 23, Ajemerge B) forecast C) contribute D) relieve E) plunge 24, A)or B) yet C) so that D) in that E) whereas 25. A) that B) since C)yet Djas E) what @AKINDIL siti pik egitim pit egitim 26. — 36. sorularda, verilen cimleyi uygun sekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 26. Habitat destruction Is the process ~~. ‘A) that scientists have been taking steps to reduce these emissions urgently B) even if the nature tries to prevent loss of arable lands and fertility. €) in which natural habitat is rendered functionally unable to support the species originally present D) but nothing may prevent the destruction itself in the course of time E) whether deforestation is stil another process In the realm of biology 27. in that they extremely differ in quantity and dimension. A) Sociologists have always had to devise innovative methods to make celestial assumptions 8) Early scholars residing in the region abandoned their studies immediately ©) One of the major consequences of them is their vulnerability to specific environments D) Asteroids have always been hard to classify for scholars and scientists E) Planetary objects enable scholars to identify the orbit and destination of these massive bodies: 28. Athough the concept of biology as a single coherent field arose in the 19th century, —~. |A) the biological sciences date back to the period of ancient Egyptians and Romans B) inthe early 20th century, the rediscovery of Mendel's work led to the rapid development of gonetios ©) the vast spread of contemporary sciences are highly controversial D) these effects should neither be overlooked nor postponed due to their immense effects E) biological sciences such as botany and zoology may also contribute to identify the diversity of species CU eae a 13 40 ADVANCED TESTS 29, The final decision at the UN summit is —— A) even if underfunded sites enforce rigid restrictions 'B) how the decision could be put into reguiation despite political obstacles, ©) due to the fact that there are racial boundaries between the two tribes D) that urgent aid should instantly be sent to underfunded countries E}_ whether all members of the organization hold the same belief 30, Thanks to recent achievements in technology and sciences, A) scientific breakthroughs could have raised our view further B) we have a better understanding of our planet and living C) the most may also be regarded as 2 menace to humanity and all living organisms D) severity of current obstacles remain dormant in the nature ) scientists and scholars can not make use of contemporary research techniques 31. Had the Ottoman Empire not allied with the German Empire in the First World War, |A) the map of the Middle East, Asia and Europe would be different now. B) similar political struggle may have remained in the territory CC) further countries might have joined the Allied forces in the course of these wars, D) it may be hard to predict what consequences it might lead to E) that would have definitely determine the borders of these nations in the region 32, The Mimoza Uritella, ~~, is a good chance for historians and anthropologists to interpret the rituals of ancient Sumerians. ‘A) what was once considered to be the habitat Cf ancient civilizations in the region B) only ifitis studied carefully relying on ancient inscriptions ©) in that its incredibly valuable for anthropologists D) now that we are able to make use of the latest research techniques ) which is a relic unearthed at the excavations in Anatolia 14 bit egirim pik esirim 33, 34, MINETEST 3 ‘The moment German doctors became the first to identify the link between smoking and lung eancer, - ‘A) the first such German language journal was Der Tabakgegner, the Tobacco Opponent. 8) Adolf Hitler was a heavy smoker in his early life as he used to smoke 25 to 40 cigarettes daily C) anti-tobacco campaigns stil remain in Germany and other European countries 1D) the campaign persists to the present day win much more supporters ) Nazi Germany initiated a strong anti-tobacco movement and led the first public anti- smoking campaign in modern history. Depending on its range in severity and type, |A) Down Syndrome occurs in all human populations and some other species such as mice and chimpanzees B) Individuals with Down Syndrome may have some or all ofthe following physical characteristics ©) John Langdon Down, the British doctor who described the syndrome in 1866, was the first to name the Down Syndrome 1D) many of these common physical features of Down Syndrome also appear in people with a standard set of chromosomes. ) the disorder was identified as a chromosome 21 trisomy by Jéréme Lejeune in 1959, but they also include harsh treatments. performed during a battle or campaign. A) A trealy-based court located in The Hague, ‘came into being for the prosecution of war crimes committed on or after that date B) War orimes include violations of established protections of the laws of war ©) Some of the provisions had been considered to be part of customary international law D) Many of the customary laws were clarified in the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 E) The mode concept of war crime was further developed under the auspices of the Nuremberg Trials MINI TEST 4 1, 18, sorularda bog birakilan yerlere uygun dugen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 4. Due to the lack of regional collaboration, major water projects get ~~ half way, resulting in regional instability. A) disrupted 8) overwhelmed ) interrelated D) accelerated E) involved 2. The RADATA is a new space project, ‘several European and Asian nations, which aims more precise space observation. A) overlooked B) attributed C) undertaken D) lessened E) diminished 3. The UN has decided to ~— rural areas endangered by global warming and harmed by natural disasters in order to avoid migration as well. A) abandon 8) discriminate C)atain ) subsidize E) avoid 4, Man has always been able to create ways to ‘express himself and pass information from ‘one generation to another since the --- of civilization. A) course B) altitude C) investment D) dawn, E) selection 5. The effects of the Gold Rush were ~~ since San Francisco grew from a small settlement to.a boomtown, and roads, churches, schools and other towns were built throughout California, A) impartial B) mutual ©) flourishing ) gradual E) profound ®acinvoie esi 6. Although modern polish formulae ----- early in the 20th century, various other substances. ---as shoe polish for hundreds of years. A) had been introduced / are used 8) were inroduced / have been used ©) have been introduced / could be used D) would have been introduced / were used ) are introduced / have been used ® MINI TESTS egitin 7. Once the final draft of the contract ——-, in the editing section, it --~ typed and submitted for approval. |A) has been approved / had been B) had been approved / can be ©) Is approved Fis, 1D) was approved / has been E) would bee approved / would be @ anew 8. It through the efforts of several Biologists, that contemporary scientists -—- references to their studies. ‘A) could be f might have made B) has been / had made ©) is /could have made D) has been / can make ) had been / must have made 9. In fiction, continuity is consistency --- the © characteristics of persons, plot, objects, places and events seen ~~ the reader or = viewer EA) tor'to 8) about / with 2 cjotiby D)at/on = Binot = 10. Stemming ~~ discontent within the ranks of © _ the Liberal and Country League, the Liberal Movement was organized in response —-- a perceived resistance to sought reform within its parent. ‘A) about / for B)up/in ©) by / through ) from J to E) of fat 15, ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS 11, Some leading cosmetics companies are trying to discover ways --~ they can reduce costs and extra-spending remarkably. A) whether B) which ©) what ) by which Eyhow 12, ions of dollar have been spent for space Mars exploration projects, —— none could have been able to gather satisfactory ‘evidence yet. A)in that 8) thus ©) but ) now that E)just as being used for medical purposes, the seeds of the “octavius” flower are also used in many other industries. A) Besides: B) Though ©) Whether D) As though E) On the other hand 14, Most of the collapsing mass is collected in the centre that forms the Sun, ~~ the rest of the mass is flattened into a proto-planetary disc, out of which the planets, moons, asteroids, and other small Solar System bodies formed. A) since B) while C) s0 long as D) due to E) so that 45. In roughly 5 billion years, the Sun and expand outward to many times its current diameter; ---, itis likely that the Sun ‘will be left alone with no bodies in orbit around it A) still B) even so. ©) however D) nevertheless E) moreover 16 © bit eetria pik egitim MINE TEST 4 16. -20, sorularda agagidaki parcada humaralandinimis yeriere uygun diigen sézcilk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Aesthetics is the study of beauty, and what ‘we find beautiful. Since beauty can have some personal ~ (16) —-, many people refer to aesthetics instead as the study of judgments of taste and sentiment. Tho judgment being studied ~ (17) -- one which ‘occurs based on any of the senses, sight, ‘sound, touch, taste, or smell. Being able to determine - (18) -- something is beautiful is based on our being able to make judgments about what our senses perceive. Aesthetic studies not only what a single person finds beautiful, but whether that sense of beauty is shared with a few people, many people, or -- (19) ~ all people. Immanuel Kant, writing ‘on aesthetics in 1790 made a distinction between what one finds agreeable, and what ‘one finds beautiful. He stated that beauty required ~ (20) ~people to share the sentiment, while simply being fond of ‘something could be based on a personal oddity. 46. A) evaluation 8) hindrance ©) assumption ) barier E) obstruction 17. A) was: 8) can be ©) might have been 0) had to be E) would be 48. A) whereas 8) since C) whether (1D) though E) yet 49. A)as of B) about C) below: D) each E) almost 20. A) another B) the others C) every other ‘D) other ) one another @AKINDILEsiTi MINI TEST 4 25, sorularda agagidaki parcada dirilmis yerlere uygun diigen Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but —{21)-recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and concentrated scientific—(22). Chances are that you've often found yourself puzzling ‘over the mysterious content of a dream, —(23)-perhaps you've wondered why you dream at all. A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions —-(24)-— are ‘experienced during sleep. Dreams can be ~{25)~ vivid or very vague; filled with joyful ‘emotions or frightening imagery; focused and understandable or unclear and confusing. a. A) such 8) sti Celso Dj only E) just 2. A) sorutiny B) adoption C) verification 0) ignorance E) sovereignty 23, Aso 8) now that C)or D)as far as E) as long as 24. A) in which 8) of whom Cc) why D) that E) what 25. A) extraordinarily 8) majorty ©) finally D) correspondingly E) deliberately @aAKinit.e¢ pie egitim pit gettin 28. 40 ADVANCED TESTS that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at ‘some finite time in the past, and continues to ‘expand to this day. ‘A) Colonization on the Moon seems likely to {ake place in the next hundred years 8) Cosmologists have maintained, when uttering the term Big Bang, ©) Several other issues have been announced to the scientific community 1D) Tho mystery of the cosmological events have long been debated ) None have attempted to make further conclusion on the project ee -. Having been buried under the ashes of mount Vesuvius, — A) excavation in the territory provided ample evidence of whal happened BB) historians and anthropologists benefited from the archeological evidence at Pompei C) the eruption of that giant mountain destroyed everything at once 1D) Pompeii is one of the most appealing tourism spots in the worid today. ) several researches were conducted to reveal the truth behind the disaster Even though the modem calculator dates to the 20" century, ——-. AA) ils early use has been proved to have ‘oxisted in the Middle East in the 3th century BC B) its numerous benefits and use have provided people with ease ) there are also several drawbacks of these devices in terms of ergonomics D) itis stil hard to make a comparison with a ‘computer as well ) we would have benefited from several other devices in mathematics 17 40 ADVANCED TESTS 29. 30. 32. 18 ‘The head of the security council declared at the last annual assembly —-— A) that international alliance was urgent and vital for the security of those in Africa B) in that he had nothing to add further to his ‘speech C) which lasted for two weeks and involved. International politics 1) what the organization could do for the impoverished nations ) unless there were other matters to be discussed in the frame work of international security but for the invention of the computer and the internet. ‘A) There had been several achievements in technology at the turn of the last century 8) The invention of several devices have changed our world dramatically C) Such innovative solutions could have led to rivalry in the technology ) Not only did the invention of the wheel and electricity affect our ving ) We would explicitly be living in a very different world today ---— Just after the constructions collapsed and became an entire wreckage. ‘A) Many people had not been able to evacuate the Twin Towers on time 8) The actual causes of the collapses of the Twin Towers could be understood ) People buried under these buildings would never be forgotten ) Conspiracy theories had been put forward about the event immediately E) There would have been more vietims according to experts It has been revealed that ruins of Ephesus, ==, were once the center of wealth and arts. ‘A) what was also the capital of ancient chulizations in Anatolia B) because its fame has been world famous since prehistoric times C) which is one of the most interesting places to visit in Turkey 1D) whether the stories of this ancient site may be true E) though it needs care and protection against natura hazards 33, bie egitim 38, oie ceitin @® MINI TEST 4 Just as football attracts millions of people today, ~ A) wrestling was a sport whose enthusiasts founded clubs and distinct elite societies in ancient times B) organizational skils have nat advanced in other flaids of sports, C) merits of @ sport can also have @ crucial role in one’s personality D) itis now appreciated as the sole international event broadcast to the entire world E) there is rarely a distinction between being a fanatic and supporter |. There is no doubt that the first World War did not break out because of the assassination of the archduke, ===. A) inasmuch as there must have been other reasons why these nations challenged each other B) whereas the consequences of the war were far beyond our imagination CC) but the rivalry for oll and geopolitics were the prime causes to trigger the war D) 50 that the arms race in Europe could come to an end immediately E) whether technological challenges and the race for superior arms might have contributed can only be determined through. ‘extensive research and observation A) That space exploration and observation might cost a fortune B) Whether there is life on other planets in adaition to ours C) Now that sciontists cannot discover a reasonable explanation for the origins of ife D) As long as there is evidence to the contrary ‘about the formation of the universe E) Such scientific investigations use various dala @AKINMEsiti MINI TEST 5 sorularda, agagidald pargad numaralanmis yerlere uygun digen sézoi 1. Since about the mid-1800s the Earth has ‘experienced alan ---- rate of change of destruction of forests worldwide. A) promising 8) intultve ©) disputable D) misleading E) unprecedented . ---- 17,808 islands, The Republic of Indonesia, is the world's largest archipelagic stat |A) Comprising 8) Accompanying ©) Excluding D) Situating E) Nominating 3. Members of a “nation” share a common identity, and usually a common origin, in the sense of history, ancestry, parentage or A) reluctance 8) kinship ©) attachment D) formality E) probability 4, Ethnic identity is identi from others of the A) distinctiveness. ©) recurrence E) assurance 1d by recognition ‘of a group. B) ambiguity D) disturbance 5. The purposes of the Expedition Two will be to ~~ a wide range of research projects in a 200km radius of Arkaroola. A) carry out B) make up ©) break down ) comply with ) sort out @axinoiee egitim @ anvw eatrim @ruw 6 10. In accordance with Britain's legendary history, the lyric King Arthur —-- by many modern scholars that he ~~ against the Saxon invasion following the withdrawal of Rome. A) had been thought / was fighting B) is thought / fought ©) has been thought / had fought D) may have been thought / would fight E}_ had been thought / could have fought ‘Some legal authorities ——~- that an innovative solution for the autonomous regions ~--- as soon as possible. A) demanded / would find B) have demanded / should be found ©) were demanding / had been found D) had demanded / would have been found ) could have demanded / were found ‘The Caribbean initially --- England's most important and lucrative colonies, but her attempts at colonization eventually ~~ in the 19 century. A) has provided / have failed 8) might have been provided / fail ©) provides / may fail D) provided / failed E) would provide / had failed Archaeology Is the study ~--- past human life and cuiture through systematically examining and —~ interpreting the material remains left behind. A) by / for 8) of /by (©) about / at D) on with E)in for Overall progress —~- a company determines its credibility, along -- marketing strategies, in macroeconomics. A) of fwith B)for/t0 ) about / on D)insat ) out / away 19 ae 40 ADVANCED TESTS 14. The results of the contest which ran through the whole week will not be made public immediately -~- attempts of abuses can be prevented. ‘A) on the other hand B) just as C) however D) as though E) so that the twice-honored Nobel laureate, is the first scholar ~-- radioactivity in specific terms, AA) discovering By having discovered ©) to discover D) discovered ) would discover 13, A tornado caused widespread damage across downtown Atlanta, including to the CNN Center, ---- the 2008 SEC Men's Basketball Tournament was postponed. A) now that B) likewise ©) whether D) so &) nevertheless 14, The actual history of the Trojans could not go beyond legends and myths ~-- the lack of Proper historical records that cover the realities. A) due to C) as well as E) consequently B) besides D) therefore 15. NASA has declared that the upgraded rocket ‘engines are still on trial and that they could -- ~ make a breakthrough in rocket engineering and space exploration ---- cost a fortune without any specific achievement. A) so / that 8) the more / the less C) rather / than D) either / or E}as well as 20 ole eeirie eeirin (MINI TESTS 16.20, sorularda, agagidaki parcada ‘umaralan ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. ig yerlere uygun dligen sézchk The word Asi (16) -~ from the Ancient Greek word "Asia", first attributed to Herodotus about 440 BC —(17) Anatolia of, for the purposes of describing the Per in Wars, to the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. Herodotus -~(18)-—~ that he was puzzled as to why three women's names were used to describe one enormous and substantial land mass such as Europa, Asia, and Libya, referring to Africa, stating that most Greeks questioned —(19)—~ the wife of Prometheus. In "was named after id, --(20)-- before Herodotus, Homer knew of a Trojan ally named Asios and elsewhere he describes a marsh as Asioc. 16. 17, 18. 19, A) inclined 8) derived ©) persisted ——_D) resulted E) overlooked A)in reference to B) according to ©) account for D) on behaf of ) in response to A) commented 8) had commented C) would have commented ) has commented ) comments, A) whose 8) that ) in whien | ) whether E) by whom A) only B) even C) merely D) also &) as well MINITESTS 40 ADVANCED TESTS 21. ~ 25. sorularda, agagidaki pargada ‘numaralanmis yerlere uygun diigen sézoik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. ‘The ocean is a continuous ~(21)-- of saltwater that covers more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface. Ocean currents govern the world's weather and create a vast -(22)-- of life. Humans depend on these teeming waters for comfort and survival, --{23)-- global warming and overfishing threaten to leave the ocean agitated and empty. Geographers --(24)--the ‘ocean into four major sections: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic. Smaller ocean regions are called seas, gulfs, and bays, such as the Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the Bay of Bengal. Stand-alone bodies of saltwater like the Caspian Sea and the Great Salt Lake are distinct ~(25)- the world's oceans. 24. A) release B) emission ©) body D) construction &) drop 22, A) realm B) epoch C)extinetion —_D) accumulation E) diversity 23. Ayyet B) whereas C)s0 D) because E) in that 24, A) are dividing B) have divided ©) divided 1D) could be divided E) had been divided A) through B) by ©) along D) from E) across @akinoi Le egitim pit egiria 26. ~ 35. sorularda, verilen ctimleyi uygun ‘sekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 26. Because they wore protected by the deserts that were natural barriers to invaders, —. A) itis the shortest sea link between the Indian ‘Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea B) noone has ever been able to arrive in the Death Valley yet, ©) ancient civiizations arose along the narrow floodplain of the Nile D) the consequences of the war were far beyond any disaster man can imagine E) so there have not been any incidences of cerime in the region MINI TESTS ity of failure seems A) the team of scientist are determined to go further until they achieve satisfactory information B) they are in need of financial assistance from the society ) the council will soon give up the experiments and resume until new evidence is found D) the affairs of such nations should not be ignored due their confidentiality ) many ofthe scholars working on these projects will be dismissed that the central bank is worried about the country falling into a recession and that it again slash interest rates sharply. This is a growing view among leading ‘economists 8) Even most critics of the Fed's rate cuts ‘concede some additional cuts ©) Federal funds futures on the Chicago Board of Trade showed investors D) Several economists discussed, including ‘one member of the Fed's policy-making committee, E) Two widely accepted beliefs about the upcoming Federal Reserve meeting Tuesday are 24 40 ADVANCED TESTS 29, —~ by the time a satisfactory level of exports is achieved in the field of car production. A) Most companies will have had to tackle with many obstacles 8) There will be many controversies on how to make use of their imported goods ©) These production plants will have reported any progress D) Low fuet consuming vehicles may have been introduced to the market E) The developed countries have also benefitted from the advances In the area 30, The ancient history of black pepper is often interlinked with A) that there are other spices resembling Pepper in any sense 8) what we know about spices and their origins today even if there are many other cultivated and ‘elated products ) now that the demand for this spice Is quite high because of its flavor E) as the varieties may have been numerous ‘throughout history 9 34. Although the Kingdom of Prussia was a German Kingdom comprising the largest area in Europe, ‘A) itis s0 unbelievable that the assembly consist of many nations and countries B) intemal conflicts prevailed along the entire Europe that hindered economic growth C) it was the leading state of the German Empire ever existed in the course of history D) Its territory was scattered across the lands of the Duchy of Prussia on the south-east coast of the Baltic Sea E) It could merely survive for almost two- hundred years and its strength endured for a very short time @ eeiriw bik egitim MINL TEST 5 32 but not all technology has been used f ul purposes such as the development of weapons. A) People's use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools B) Technology is @ broad concept that deals with a species’ usage and knowledge of tools and crafts ©) Technological developments have developed world wide communication and enabled humans to interact on a global scale D) The pre-historcal discovery ofthe ability to control fire increased the available sources of food E) Technology has affected soctety and its surroundings in a number of way. 33, Anthropologists Sir £.. Tylor and Lewis Henry Morgan worked with data from indigenous people, —-. |A) that developed a theory of socio-cultural evolution 8) but the work of some marked the beginning ‘of the socio-cultural evolution C) in which the internal contradictions in society created a series of escalating stages ) from whom they benefitted throughout alt their experimental work E) published in the early 1900s and attracted a wide scale of public attention 34. The EVA mission was decided to be put in action by NASA in 1965, A) when Nasa tried to abandon such risks in advance 8) during which rivalry for dominating the space race was on agenda ©) though the pair of technicians have finished performing the checklist for the EVA D) whereas the US Congress decided to launch a new space program in 1965 ) as ift wore nearly impossible to initiate another space program in 1965 ‘@akinvol. sina MINITEST 5 ‘whereas a few are pathogenic bacteria and stem infectious diseases. |A) The mast common fatal bacterial diseases are respiratory infections B) In industry, bacteria are important in processes such as sewage treatment, the production of cheese and yoghurt ©) Bacterial cells do not contain a nucleus and rarely harbour membrane-bound organelles. D) At first sight, seemed to have been attached with several major medical conditions E) The vast majority of the bacteria are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune, bit eavrine oie caitiw ® 40 ADVANCED TESTS 23 MINI TESTS MINI TEST 6 7 — ‘S.sorularda bos birakilan yerlere uygun dliigen sézeik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz 4, The evaporation of ocean water is the source of most rainfall, and ocean temperatures -~ climate and wind patterns. A) deduce 8) depict ©) decline D) determine ) threaten 2. Inan ecosystem, every single individual is dependent on one another to ~-~ survival. A) enforce 8) abandon ©) maintain D) migrate. E) revolt 3, India became formally independent from the United Kingdom on 18 August 1947 and the country became afan «--- entity. A) advocated 8) exhausted C) collapsed D) expended E) sovereign 4, Salsa music is a diverse and --- Latin ‘American Caribbean genre that is popular across Latin America and among Latinos abroad. A) sarcastically 8) subsequently C) desperately D) toughly E} predominantly 5. Although there have been several rumors about it, many critics were shocked when techno in the clubs which all people like to visit all over the world, A) picked up B) brought about ©) caught on 1D) made up E) carried out 6. In accordance with the latest reports on climate change, it ~~~ thousands of years for the world to recover from the recent global warming until global temperatures — a normal level. A) may have taken/ reached B) will have taken/ would reach () had taken’ had reached D) might take’ reach E} takes / would have reached @akinolesirim earrise eerttm @ anew "1, ‘The fact that the carbon level — until recent years -~-- considered at the approaching international environment summit. ‘A) has been ignored / had to be B) had been ignored / had been ©) Is ignored / would be D) was ignored / had better be E) might have been ignored ! is supposed to be Inhabited by Tainos since the 7th century, the Dominican Republic ‘Columbus in 1492 and permanent European settlement in the Americas. A) is argued / has become B) was reached / became (©) had been reached / would be 1D) has been reached / can be E) would be reached /had became ‘The Bosporus or Bosphorus also known as the Istanbul Strait, is a strait that forms the boundary ~~ the European part ~---Turkey and its Asian part. A) of from B) between / of C) out f from Dyon/in E) with fon Morphology is a branch of life science dealing --- the study --- gross structure of an organism or taxon and its component parts. A)of with 8) for fon cyinsoft D) against /of &) with fof Fossil evidence and intensive biological analysis have demonstrated with no doubt “birds used to be theropod dinosaurs. A) just as B) that ©) though O)asif E) whether 25 MINI TESTS 40 ADVANCED TESTS 12, Early personal computer games often needed a keyboard for game play, ~~ many modern computer games require the player to use a keyboard and mouse simultaneously. Ayas 8) thus ©) for D) whereas E) since 13. A home is a place of residence or refuge and comfort and it is usually a dwelling --- an individual or a family can rest and be able to store personal property. A) whatever B)in which ©) whose D) that E) which iraq hoped to take advantage of revolutionary chaos in tran and attacked without formal warning, they made only limited progress into Iran within several months, A) Because 8) Besides (©) Although ©) Even if EVAsif 15. Crippled by internal conflicts and terrorism, the future of Sierra Leone seems promising in terms of economy appealing for international trade. ‘A) so/ that B) rather /than ©) neither / nor D) as / much ) as well fas 26 bik egivim egitim © MINI TEST 6 16. -20. sorularda, agagu gada numaralanmis yeriere uygun diigen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. ‘The UK is a developed country, with the fifth ‘or sixth largest economy in the world. It was the world's first industrialized country and the ‘world's -(16)~ power during the 19th and early 20th centuries, -(17)-- the economic cost of ‘two world wars and the decline of its ompi the latter half of the 20th century ~(18)- its leading role in global affairs. The UK, ~(19)-—, remains a major power with strong econor cultural, military and political influence. Itis a nuclear power and has the second or third highest defense spending in the world. itis a ‘Member State of the European Union, holding ‘a permanent seat ~(20) ~the United Nations ‘Security Council, and is a member of the G8, NATO, OECD, World Trade Organization and the Commonwealth of Nations. 16. A) vulnerable B) foremost ©) belligerent D) random E) disgraceful 17. A) but B) besides ) so that D) even if ©) whether 18, A) diminished B) diminishes C)had diminished) wil diminish ) have diminished 19, A) while B) even ©) since D) nevertheless E) therefore 20. A) for Bjon oof Djover E) above @acinoleéiri MINI TEST 6 40 ADVANCED TESTS 21, -28, sorularda, agagidaki parcada ‘humaralanmis yerlere uygun diigen sézcik ya da ifadey! bulunuz. ‘The Niagara River flows north from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, it-(21)- part of the border between the Province of Ontario in Canada and New York ‘State in the United States. There are differing theories -(22)- the origin of the name of the river. According to Iroquoian scholar Bruce ‘Trigger, "Niagara" -(23)- from the name given to branch of the locally residing native Neutral Confederacy, -(24)~ are described as being called the "Niagagarega” people on several late 17th century French maps of the area.—(25)~ George R. Stewart, it comes from the name of an Iroquois town called "Ongniaahra”, meaning “point of land cut in two". 21, A) evacuates B) contributes C) forms D) obtains ©) differs 22, Ajas to C) in addition E) owing to B)as well as 1) but for 23, ‘A) should be derived C) had been derived E) would be derived 8) was derived D) is derived 24, A) whoever ©) who E) that B) what 1D) whereby 25. A) In respect of B) In return for ©) On account of D) In view of E) Acoording to @akinolt.e8! pin egitim eoitin 26, — 35, sorularda, veriien cimleyi uygun sekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz 26. There was such an exceptional contestant In Britain’s Got Talent show ‘A) what was produced in 1999 at a school in Whitburn, West Lothian London B) who came to public attention on 11 Apri 2009, when the contestant appeared as a Contestant on the third series of Britain's Got Talent ©) as if these vocal performances were so well received that she has surprised all of the audience 1D) that the audience of the show applauded it for more than thinly minutes E) so many British newspapers carried articles fon these performances and subsequent Internet coverage . =} otherwise it would have taken quite a long time to reconstruct it. A) twill have been almost impossible to get through with all the construction work at the site B) The Jaden Bridge was reinforced with extra ‘cement and supporting materials once the construction started C) The final construction of the Jaden Bridge has been undertaken by an internationat ‘consortium 1D) Usually it takes more time to develop more. rellable construction systems, as did it take inthe Jaden Bridge E)_ One of the challenges seems to set batance and reliability for the Jaden Bridge 28. The world has now acknowledged that China, ., has been on the fore in terms of not only ‘mass production, but also in money flow along with her labour force. ‘A) that can also be considered as a military force in the world B) as far as many economist and analysts can foresee their growth ©) which is one of the so-called tiger ‘economies of Asia 1D) whichever country may challenge it regarding trade and export ) since global industries have now overtaken the oll sector in the territory 27 ee 40 ADVANCED TESTS 29. Although global environmental trends over the past few decades have generally not been favorable, |A) the build-up of greenhouse gases in the almosphere would have been reduced B) some promising developments are nevertheless beginning to emerge ©) the range of global warming seems more serious by all accounts D) future generations should not have been deprived of the opportunity to support themselves E) deforestation proved to be the lesser of the, two euils, triggering the event in that the Battle of Nahori might have ended as a certain defeat for the country. ‘A) Morocco and some other Aftican countries have been in fierce rivalry for years in the territory B) Morocco had to withdraw its troops from all war zones ©) A ceasefire would mean thal the battle had been lost and unconditional surrender D) All necessary equipment and man power had already been exploited to defend the site E) Ithas been years since other interventions ‘were seen in the region 31. The indonesian archipelago has been an important trade region since at least the seventh century, ~~ ‘A) owing to their few population and scarcely populated regions 8) that Indonesia comprises 17,508 istands, ‘and with an estimated population of around 237 million people C) but Local rulers gradually adopted Indian cultural, religious and political models from the early centuries D) when exchange of goods and services began to emerge in the territory E) much as Indonesia's history had been turbulent, with challenges posed by natural disasters, corruptions 32, --- Hong Kong firms moved the more intensive phases of their production process to cheap labour sites in Asia. |A) Unless the working hours were kept limited 8) As production cost in Hong Kong had become excessive ) Once the employers in Hong Kong have won a few more victories 1) So fong as reduction in costs remained the primary goal ) Ifintorest rates in Japan were stable 28 33, egitim 34, reitim MINI TEST 6 Upon colliding with the earth, —~-. ‘A) Nasa has been working on meteor impacts taking place in the era 8) the giant meteor that killed most living things ‘on earth destroyed the dinosaurs justin six moths ) scientists were able to foresee the consequences of such a collision 'D) no matter what size it possessed, the meteor was a threat to all ving things on earth ) the deadly consequences of meteor showers ‘ate now clearly understood Once solely used for military purposes in developed countries, ‘A) these conventional arms cannot be overtooked due fo their reliability and efficiency B) governments are trying hard to prevent such Spending for the technology ©) technology theft and fraud rose to an unprecedented scale D) intemet is today one of the most widely used technologies in all aspects of living )_ simple tools of routine life have always been around us since the dawn of civilization It was discussed at a meeting conducted in Berlin — ‘A) where many scientific investigations take place every year 8) that there were no gravity on earth and our planet possessed no life forms C) even so the outcomes of the experiment seem implicit D) whether there had been any celestial impacts on Martian surface ) though funds for the experiment did not allow the procedure to progress further @AKINDIL siti MINI TEST 7 diigen sézcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz 1— iSsorularda bos birakiian yerlere uygun 1. The Security Councit this afternoon terrorist bombings that took pla Egypt, on 24” April. A) applauded 8) appealed ©) hindered D) condemned E) restrained 2. Thousands of country's gifted students are not receiving —~ education today because there's no state mandate to provide them and there's not enough money. A)controversial ——_—B) collective ©) futile 0) ilusive ) proper 3. The 1990 International onvention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of thelr Families, came into effect last month, after the report was ----~ printing, when Timor-Leste became. the twentieth country to ratify it. A) run down B) taken after ©) tumed up D) sent for E) made out ‘4. Until the industrial Revolution, the European ‘economy was —~- an agricultural one rather than an industrial one. A) internally B) overwhelmingly C) decisively D) incompetently E) delicately 5, The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programs, --- those people relating to international migration. A) declining 8) recalling ©) disappointing D) including E) negotiating @akinoitesirin eeirim @aciw cam ® @ aun 6. The Indus region of P: stan, which — much of the country, ~~ the site of several ancient cultures during the Neolithic era and the Bronze Age. ‘A) covered / had been BB) has covered / has been ©) covers / was D) would cover / will have been E) could have covered / might be Many leading scientists and energy production experts ~- that solar energy — the immediate alternative to be applied in terms of energy production A) pointed out /is B) would point out /had been ©) point out / can be ) has pointed out / was E) had pointed out fis In Little Ice Age, pack ice began advancing southwards in the North Atlantic, — did glaciers in Greenland. A) thus B) nor Cyonly Dyas E)yet |. the early stages of the occupation of Germany, the Red Army seized a great deal of industrial equipment from eastern Germany to be shipped back to the Soviet Union as war reparations. A) While 8) During ©) Incase ) Whether E) Unless thelr records can be traced from the second century AD, the Tamil people did not rise to prominence as an imperial dynasty until the sixth century. A) Now that 8) Because ©) However ) Although E) As though 29 MINI TESTS ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS 11. An electric car is a type of alternative fuel car that utilizes electric motors and motor controllers ---- conventional engines with fossil fuels. A) instead of B) in case of ©) in accordance with D) but for E) soasto 42, The Macintosh 128K was the first ‘commercially successful personal computer feature a mouse and a graphical user interface rather --- a command line interface. A) for/ that B) as / about ©) tof than D)on/ by E) at / through 13. Rural societies -—- social ethics have a dominancy in specifying how an individual should behave are totally distinct from urban A) whether B) which ©) in that D) in whieh E) whenever 14, No one can dispute the fact ——- motor vehicles are the major cause of atmospheric pollution in the country today. A) why 8) that ©) what ) which E) for which 415, The most common view regarding the mass extinction of dinosaurs was a wide-spread infectious disease, -- over time an ‘extraterrestrial collision has been proven to be effective. A) yet ©) just as E) consequently B) whereas D) s0 that 30 blk eeitins bi, egitim ‘MINI TEST 7 46. ~ 20. sorularda, agagidaki pargada ‘numaralanmis yerlere uygun diigen sdzcik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Karl Heinrich Marx was a 19th-century philosopher, political economist, sociologist, humanist, political theorist and revolutionary. Frequently, --(16)— as the father of communism, ‘Marx was both a scholar and a political activist. He addressed a wide range of political --(17) social issues, and is known for, amongst -~ (18)-~ things, his analysis of history. Marx stated that capitalism, like previous. socioeconomic systems, ~(19)- internal tensions which could lead to its destruction. Just as capitalism replaced feudalism, Capitalism itself will be displaced by communism, a classless society which ~ (20)-- after a transitional period in which the state would be nothing else but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. 16. A) tobe referred 8) referring C) to refer ) having referred E) referred 17. A) s0 as to C) as well as E)asto BB) in order that D) in case 18, A) other ©) one another &) others, B) another ) the other 19. ‘A) will produce 8) may produce C) would produce Dy have produced E) had beter produce 20. A) surrenders C) emerges: E) enacts B) alters Dj alleges: @AKINO!LEsitin MIN TEST7 ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS 25, sorularda, agagidaki parcada 26. - 35. sorularda, verilen ciimleyi uygun lanmug yerlere uygun diigen sdzctik ya da ssekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. Hfadoyi bulunuz. 26. However hard scholars may struggle to find Insomnia is a symptom of a sleeping disorder ‘out a solution to the global warming, —. = ‘characterized by persistent difficulty falling ‘A) climatic changes seem to be inevitable and oS sloop or staying asleep w= (21)=—tho Uunavoidable in the future na ‘opportunity. tis typically followed by functional Imparmont while vase insomnics nave bean @_—&) Weteused tobe ther soklons covering a = known -- (22) -- about being unable to close broader range a their eyes or “rest their mind” for more than a CC) predictions in such a large scale might have 3 few minutes at a time. Although two-thirds of z attracted some attention = Americans have sleep problems, (23) -- fewer = ‘en i = than 3% are seeing a physician about it. ee eemtuaty ney Svermeced a ‘According to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, the ~(24)-—- majority of = E) activists of global warming undertine the fact people in the country with sleep disturbances 3 that there are various options suffer in silence. They enjoy life less, are loss : productive, and —(28)-~ more illnesses and : Accidents at home, on the job, and on the road, : a © 27. anitusion isa distortion of a sensory AA) thanks to B) bs perception ~ = ) becaus A) whereas the receiver does not recognize the ©) now that D) despite trek E)in caso 8) wing to the fact that such imaginary tenforcements may lead to confusion over time 2 ©) fortis widely used in the show world and the world of entertainment as well A) complaining ) which reves how the brain normaly B) to have complained organizes and interprets sensory stimulation ©) being complained E) soithas been a matter of interest to many D) complain people for years E) to complain — just as it has been declared by the board ‘of managers that these figures may lead to ‘an expected economical crisis. A)at least B) more @ A) There should have been some sort of c) some D) merely predictions In advance E) luckily = 8) Ithas atways been difcult to make ends = ‘meet by accountants in large companies = ©) Providing there have been enormous efforts ° to take control ofthe economy =D) The act that no organization can accurately A) much 8B) fer 5 be sure and forecast what is coming C) few D) some. = —_E) There appears an unexpected fall in sales E) vast z and clemand in accordance with latest figures 25. ‘A) challenge B) reside ©) quality D) attain E) confront @axinvoleesiiw — 31 ‘40 ADVANCED TESTS 29, 30. a1, 32, =~, for all of the world economies are bound together in terms of money flow and production. |A) There would have been some limitation in banking and finance B) There should have been some additional measures in order to avoid the crisis C) The world wil have been left over with hundreds of starving people D) The subprime mortgage crisis in the USA not only affected the country, but also the ‘entire world ) Underfunded sites are inoreasing with an immense rate of growth whether the excavations will reveal the lost history of Egypt. ‘A) The excavations near Cairo have received ‘world recognition B) It has never launched such a massive debate ©) The expected consequences of the discovery could have been foreseen D) Anew hope had arisen in the excavations near Cairo. E)_No anthropologists and Egyptologists in charge of the Cairo excavations may predict precisely Since they encountered some challenges and misunderstandings, ‘A) one must consistently be aware of the fact that challenges in life always exist 8) another argument was put forward so that the demolition could better be explained C) some of the candidates, selected in the finals of 1990, were just about to give up fighting D) two valuable professors and a group of students insisted in carrying on E) others were proven to be applicable and stable by the authorities ‘Though once abundantly found in many parts of Australia, |A) the species in the continent are now subject to become extinct due to increasing human habitation on the land 8) Columbus and his fellow people had Unfortunately neglected these findings ) thanks to the National geographic society, ‘we now know about the species 1D) the marsupial, kangaroo, from the family Macropodidae is also rare in other regions ) the crew did not recognize what they were looking at 33. eeitim 35. bit egitim MINITEST 7 Hurricane Ismael was a weak Pacific hurricane ~---, ‘A) whether it developed from a persistent area ‘of deep convection on September 12, and steadily strengthened as it moved to the north-northwest B) after passing a short distance east of Baja California it made landfall on Topolobampo in the state of Sinaloa ©) that killed over one hundred people in rnorthem Mexico in September of the 1995 Pacific hurricane season D) when the remnants entered the United States and extended eastward into the Mid- Aiiantic States E) due to the fact that the hurricane destroyed thousands of houses, leaving 30,000 people homeless ‘that our concept of life is based on our ‘own perception of the universe ‘A) Some mutations happening during replication are called B) A number of researchers have been debating ©) Upon seeing the peculiarity of organisms D) Interms of scientific knowiedge, we need to acknowledge ) No matter what findings we have in hand, no ‘one is exactly sure Even though numerous attempts have been made and several trials have been conducted, ——. ‘A) environmentalists have only managed to regenerate some species in protected wild- life areas. B) scientist have at last managed to conserve some species which are in jeopardy C) we cannot be sure how to keep these areas from being left over by many species D) the first inhabitants of this planet are bacteria and microorganisms. E) now we have a better understanding of the possible consequences of species extinction and deforestation @AKinol.esitiv MINI TEST 8 7. 18.sorularda bos birakilan yerlere uygun dlUigen sézciik ya da ifadeyi bulunuz 4. The electronic microscope, by which scientist are able to conduct precise ‘screening, has been —- in the fiold of bacteriology research since in the 1700s. A) vulnerable B) controversial ) indistinguishable D) ambiguous ) invaluable 2. Pasteur devoted his whole life to research and discovered not only bacteria, which ‘cause many illness, but also the ---- of fighting them. A) shortcomings 8) convictions C) consistencies D) means. E) alterations 3. In the ancient world it was in the Egy! civilization where astronomy and medicine had a/an -~-- role in all areas of living. Ajitlusive 8) prominent ©) doubtful ©) instinative E) quite 4, The — of the swine flu is believed to have started in March 2009 and was classified as meeting the criteria for the World Health Organization pandemic Phase 5 status on 29" of April A) prevention B)issue ©) outbreak D) failure E) slaughter 5. Humans have been —- with disturbing events since the dawn of man, making for sleepless hts. A) ceased 8) provided ©) surrendered D)allured E) challenged @akinoi.ecirin egitin 6. 10. When people -—- by a psychologist, they generally assume as if they ~-- just normally speaking with a friend. A) hypnotized / had been B) are hypnotized / have been C) have been hypnotized / are D) were hypnotized / had been E) are hypnotized / were ee) One of the distinctions between birds and other species is that they possess wings which --- with feathers, and ——~ most of them to fly. A) are covered | allow B) have been covered / are to allow (©) had been cover / may allow D) may have been covered / could allow E) were covered / are allowing Originally built to carry men to the surface of the moon, Apollo 18 was poised to go until the early 1970s, when the US ---- out of money, so the giant missile —- to stand down. ‘A) could run ordered 'B) was running / had been ordered C) has run is ordered D) runs / has been ordered ) ran / was ordered Tobacco advertising is one of the most highly-regulated forms of marketing, —~ alcohol advertising. A) as well as B)in that ©)in addition D)asif E) unless the new software that has been developed for sorting out various insecticides, we are now able to keep better records. A) Because B) In order to ©) Whether D) As fong as E) Thanks to 33

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