Cümle Tamamlama 3

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1. ………………. why no one warned him to check the pressure in the tank constantly.
a) Surely someone have thought of it
b) I simply cannot comprehend
c) It’s just another example of irresponsibility
d) The instructions state expressly
e) It should have been matter of common sense
2. ………….…. because the Byzantine empire was the uninterrupted successor of the Roman state.
a) A new period in the history of Western civilizations began in the seventh century
b) It is impossible to date the beginning of Byzantine history with any precision
c) The history of Western civilizations is largely a story of rivalries and interactions
d) In mediaval Italy, commerce and cities continued to flourish due to trade with the East
e) By 650 the Arabs had taken most of the Byzantine territories, including Jerusalam
3. Certain therapies are effective for certain disorders ………………………………….. .
a) that individuals receiving therapy actually did improve
b) which treatment is effective for which problem
c) since one school of therapy emphasizes insight
d) but are relatively ineffective for others
e) as these were the untreated control-group patients
4. Though Kenya had been self-sufficient until the 1980s, ……………………………… .
a) the same problem faces small farmers in all parts of the world
b) the situation in developing countries is becoming critical
c) the economic interest of small farmers have been disregarded
d) wheat prices there are dropping fast
e) it now imports 80 per cent of its food
5. …………………… if heat energy is being passed on from one molecule to the next.
a) They decided not to use the aluminium
b) Silver and copper were the metals chosen
c) The transmission of heat by convection proved equally dangerous
d) Conduction caused the fire to spread with alarming speed
e) We say heat is transmitted by conduction
6. The central concept of Freud’s theory in The Interpretations of Dreams is ……………….. .
a) that dreams reveal a censored representation of our iner flings and concerns
b) whether the brain rids itself of unncssary information by dreaming
c) because dreaming takes place only during REM sleep
d) the fact that mammals exhibit the various REM-associated characteristics observed in humans
e) a major part of human activity is sexorientated
7. The early Arctic explorers could locate themselves by looking at the stars …………………….. .
a) for the purpose of using the most accurate compasses available
b) that they worked out the latitude by using sextants
c) since longitude is difficult to determine
d) as long as they could determine the exact time
e) despite matching celestial observations to certain points in time

8. ……………….. until Willam Gladstone presented his proposal for home rule in Ireland in 1885.
a) The Republic of Ireland gained sovereignty in 1922
b) Northern Ireland did not separate from the South
c) Northern Ireland is composed of 26 districts
d) Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom
e) The Irish nationalists are still struggling to
9. If the brain were simpler, …………………. .
a) we have lots of data observed from identical twins
b) the scientists can produce simulations of it
c) we wouldn’t be smart enough to understand how it works
d) our brains surely had a way of interfering with our minds
e) some of us could cure genetically-determined illnesses
10. Once we have acknowledged the painful memories of the past, …………………….. .
a) trying to remember the distant past can be difficult
b) we can begin to come to terms with them
c) you can start by trying to remember them
d) remind yourself of the choices you have made
e) remembering them makes you feel hopeless
11. Just because global warming has come to dominate conversations about the environment, ………
a) it does not mean that industrial pollution has disappeared
b) Japan has passed a law that will reduce industrial pollution
c) the US has decided not to introduce technological changes
d) global pollution problems are becoming more serious
e) developing nations such as Turkey have been negatively affected
12. Although people complain about paying a high fee for paid TV channels, …………………. .
a) they are supposed to cancel their membership
b) the fee is considerably higher than in the previous year
c) most viewers still preferred to watch football
d) no one thinks of those who cannot afford it
e) they accept it as they have no other choice
13. ………………………. , the disagreement will continue.
a) While the primary concern is transparency through a secret ballot
b) If the United Nations have agreed on the structure of the Assembly
c) Until the nomination process was cancelled by the majority
d) When the candidates for the position have been declared
e) Unless African countries take a pragmatic approach
14. Productivity has been improving in the Turkish private manufacturing sector …………….. .
a) because the effects of economic recovery had prompted a heated public debate
b) while real wages have been going down
c) if the employers started recruiting again
d) although Turkey’s long-term potential growth rate may rise as well
e) whether inflation has lost its decades-long status as the number one economic problem

15. In the early years of the global warming debate, there was great controversy over ……………. .
a) while China has been blamed for the climate crisis today
b) although scientists have concluded that this warming is dangerous
c) since the details of future forecasts about warming remain unclear
d) that warming would be a significant problem in the decades ahead
e) whether the planet was indeed warming
16. Following World War II, Japan emerged as a major industrial power because large state subsidies
supported the success of Japanese firms, ……………………………. .
a) if the Japanese government launched a series of austere economic measures to reduce
b) unless the firms themselves concentrated on the efficiency and technical reliability of their
c) even though every Japanese government regarded the creation of prosperity as a fundamental
patriotic duty
d) while a well-funded programme of technical education aided research and the development of
new goods
e) whereas Japan, as a fully industrialized country, not only led the way but also became the
most influential model of success
17. ……………. you get magnificent views of the oak-covered slopes of these coastal mountain
ranges that rise up from the Pacific.
a) If only the new road had been opened
b) As they headed for Sanfrancisco
c) However unfairly the state of the roads was being attacked
d) Even though a great deal of money went into constructing the road
e) As you drive along the coast road
18. While man has been learning to control his own environment, ……………………….. .
a) they continue to blame each other in much the same way as their fathers had before them
b) there would have been as many volunteers as were needed
c) such adverse conditions will have to be avoided
d) this can only be achieved by the destruction of other environments and this is to be avoided
e) his activities have often upset the balance of natural communities of animals and plants
19. Advertising has increasingly less credibility with consumers …………………………….. .
a) whether it plays a role in sustaining an established brand
b) that a fundamental rethinking is clearly called for
c) as if it were the indispensable foundation of marketing
d) though they cannot always reject its messages
e) since it was rarely effective in building a new brand
20. For a small planet, the Earth is extremely heavy, ………………………………. .
a) whether the liquid iron creates a powerful magnetic field
b) that two-thirds of it are covered with ocean
c) since its iron core is very large
d) that the atmosphere screens the sun’s radiation
e) if the atmosphere were brought oxygne

21. Missions to the Moon previously unvisited mountains and polar regions will aid the search for
water, ……………………………… .
a) since the first crewed mission will be planned for the far side of the Moon
b) whereby test landings are scheduled to begin in 2010
c) which is vital to any lunar base to be set up by NASA
d) even if the mission aims to land astronauts on the surface of the Moon by 2015
e) even though dense clouds of interstellar dust conceal the heart of our galaxy
22. …………………… , in Brook’s narrative every piece of information pushes the story forward.
a) While most novels try to inspire and interest their readers
b) Although some literary narrative can focus too much on the plot
c) When the protagonist is tolerant and enlightened and has highminded convictions
d) After each page is turned to reveal the remarkable achievement in the story
e) Whereas much literary fiction struggles to refer backwards
23. They did not know that they had been successful ………………………… .
a) even though many claimed the project a failure
b) until they returned and calculated the measurements
c) so they decided to celebrate the event
d) because linguistic diversity is a cultural resource to be preserved
e) but various aspects of the question have already been answered
24. Space solar power is still an idea far ahead of its time ………………………… .
a) therefore a national space programme would be needed to be established first
b) so engineers can now work on space shuttles to build orbiting spacestations
c) but the necessary technology already exists and is gradually falling in cost
d) because no one would have the technology to develop it further
e) if more and more effort needs to be put in developing space tourism
25. If born at 24 weeks, ……………………………… .
a) the fetus grows rapidly during the final trimester
b) several hormones are involved in initiating the birth process
c) the brain would begin to send impulses that regulate the functions of some organs
d) the fetus has only about a 50% chance of surviving
e) the average full-term baby weighs about 3,000 grams and measures about 52 centimetres
26. ……………….. as if surgery may be unnecessary.
a) They had already explained
b) In the light of the latest report, it looks
c) The doctor might have decided
d) According to final tests, one can conclude
e) The patient was encouraged
27. Before the 21st century has run its course, ………………………….. .
a) the powers of computers have expanded vastly due to advanced research
b) countless technologies not envisioned yet will be available to us
c) a great deal of scientific effort is being made to find solutions to complex problems
d) most people in developed countries enjoy a state of true health throughout their lives
e) our knowledge of the world around us has improved to a great extent

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