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1. In science, great thinkers produce mathematical formulas to explain …………….. .

A) why a significant number of mathematicians do not agree
B) since their formulas have grown increasingly complicated
C) whether a new scientific renaissance was in the making
D) although this has always been explained in a very matter-of-fact manner
E) how things like the pull of gravity work
2. …………… , it has become the world’s best-selling vehicle.
A) Even though she paid a lot of money
B) As long as more research is done to develop a new type of vehicle
C) Just as companies have got into fierce competition with one another
D) While most people were concerned about the rising fuel prices
E) Since the new car recently developed by one of the leading manufacturers is
environmentally friendly
3. ……………. , the scores of Oxford’s MBA candidates already compare favorably with
the top schools in the world.
A) Until the controversies surrounding the opening of the school have died down
B) As they were well aware of the mounting jealousy
C) Since the major innitial effort would be to establish their reputation
D) Unless other European schools have established formal alliances with American
E) Although the school was only established in 1994
4. ……………… , the response of the West divided world opinion.
A) As soon as the NATO countries have formulated an effective policy
B) Unless Iraq is severly punished for its aggression
C) No matter how the board is constituted
D) As was to be expected
E) When the oil-producing countries gather in Vienna to discuss
5. Although the conventional IQ tests are good predictors of collage grades, …………… .
A) there are actually very few really exceptional individuals
B) they are still the best single predictors of overall success
C) they are less valid for predicting later job success
D) some weaker students have become charismatic leaders
E) brain damage does not necessarily impair certain types of intelligence
6. Whereas ordinary solids have a definite size and shape, ………………… .
A) most liquids do, too
B) gases have none
C) their volumes are definite, as well
D) liquids don’t take the form of the container
E) gases consist of a vast number of molecules
7. ……………., yet it is not possible to go much further without any breakthroughs in
battery technology.
A) Electric cars don’t make economic sense in view of the harsh environmental regulations in force
B) Electric cars have simply been a technological failure
C) Hybrid cars are certainly a step in the right direction
D) Any fuel savings resulting from electric or hybrid cars are likely to be offset by the cost of the
cars themselves
E) One fears that the hybrid car may be yet another technological failure

8. For centuries, mapmakers noted that the Earth’s continents seemed to fit together
like giant puzzle pieces, ………………………. .
A) and they were able to discover new continents
B) because they are far from one another
C) yet they explained in detail how continental movements occur
D) as if they had once been joined together
E) for they believed that continents could not move
9. Bach brought the art of polyphony to the highest pitch of mastery ………………….. .
A) unless his music rose above technical brilliance to achieve intense emotional power
B) why Handel’s working life was mostly spent in England where his operas were widely popular
C) as his instrumental music contains many of his deeper thoughts
D) though, like him, Handel began looking for a new style
E) that has ever been achieved or is ever likely to be achieved
10. Although some studies have found low-carbohydrate diets to be effective, …………….. .
A) the obesity epidemic has fueled explosive growth in the weight loss industry
B) American spend as much as $ 15 billion a year on low-carbohydrate aids and foods
C) few doctors will have recommended low-carbohydrate diets as a healthy way to weight loss
D) others have found that they offer only short-lived benefits
E) weight loss schemes have focuseed on reduced intake of carbohydrates
11. Unless governments take action to control population growth, …………………….. .
A) a great majority of our environmental problems will be solved
B) population control can be possible through strict policies
C) the natural resources in the world will soon become insufficient
D) sustainability policies were formulated by developed countries
E) thousands starved to death in the poorer parts of the world
12. Can’t you remember even approximately ………………….. ?
A) that had been changed
B) where have they decided to hold the meeting
C) how far is it to Istanbul from here
D) how many people we are expecting
E) what sort of an excuse had been made
13. If one end of an electrical conductor is heated while the other end is kept cool, ………….. .
A) the group of scientists is developing new methods for recycling energy
B) the electricity saved would be especially useful
C) attaching thermoelectric devices to power plants could generate more useful power
D) a small voltage is created between the two
E) these thermoelectric devices will also be used alongside solar cells and in geothermal and
nuclear power plants
14. When François Mitterrand nationalized France’s banks in 1981, ………………… .
A) he opposed the view that economic liberty had been under attack
B) he had already decided to minimize these risks in a short term
C) he had tried to avoid populist gestures
D) his ultimate aim has been to regulate France’s financial system
E) he did so because he thought the state would run them better
15. During the early decades of the Industrial Revolution, …………. , while in France it was
checked not only by government interference but also by the bounty of its sources.
A) it took nearly a fortnight to travel from London to Edinburgh
B) textiles made up over 50 per cent of Britain’s exports
C) the steam engine, invented by James Watt, supplied continuous and reliable power
D) technology in Britain was developed by new industrial requirments
E) Britain had a transport network without parallel in Europe

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