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Audit of PPE

PPE transactions - few transactions, large amount

Purely Substantive Procedure approach - no TOC, more SP (100%)

Existence - All PPE on the SFP actually exist.
Completeness - All PPE owned by the entity are included in the SFP.
Valuation and Allocation - PPE is carried at the appropriate amount (PAS 16 and PAS 36)
Rights and Obligations - The entity owns/has legal rights over the PPE on the SFP.
Presentation and Disclosure - All required disclosures are included (PAS 16).

Substantive Procedures
1. Obtaining a lapsing schedule and reconcile with ledgers (SL-GL recon).
List of PPE items
Beginning Balance xx PY PY - agreed with PY WP / AFS
Additions xx TB/GL - agreed with GL
Disposals (xx)
Ending Balance xx TB/GL
Accumulated Depreciation
Beginning Balance xx PY
Depreciation Expense xx
Disposals (xx)
Ending Balance xx TB/GL
2. Vouch for additions and disposals (including retirements) of PPE during the year.
3. Physically inspecting major acquisition of PPE during the year.
4. Examine proof of ownership and restrictions of PPE.
5. Analyze lease, repairs and maintenance expense accounts.
Entry Made Should be Adj. Entry
Rent Expense xx ROUA xx ROUA xx
Cash xx LL xx Dep. Exp - ROUA xx
Int. Exp xx
Dep Exp. - ROUA xx A/D - ROUA xx
A/D - ROUA xx Rent Expense xx
LL xx
LL xx
Int. Exp xx
Cash xx

6. Testing for the accuracy and reasonableness of depreciation or depletion.

7. Investigating current and potential impairment of PPE.
8. Perform analytical procedures to check for reasonableness of PPE and related expense reported in the FS.
9. Evaluate FS presentation and disclosures for an item of PPE including related revenue and expenses.
a. Basis for measuring carrying amount (cost-A/D-A/I, revalued amount)
b. Depreciation method used
c. Useful lives / Depreciation rates
d. Cost: Gross CA - A/D - AI (beg, end)
e. Reconciliation
f. Restrictions on title
g. Expenditures to construct PPE during the period
h. Purchase commitments (PPE)
i. Compensation from 3rd parties for impaired PPE

Entries Made
Repairs and Maintenance Exp. xx
Cash xx

Correct Entry
PPE xx
Cash xx
Dep. Exp. xx
A/D xx

Adjusting Entry
PPE xx
Dep. Exp. xx
Repairs and Maintenance Exp. xx
A/D xx

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