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Project 3 – A shape poem Assessment criteria Total Competence mark:

10: Excellent 5: Adequate 140–150: Excellent 61–84: Adequate

Name 8–9: Very good 1–4: Needs 120–139: Very good 0–60: Needs
6–7: Good improvement 85–119: Good improvement

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences Total Competence mark Observations
Linguistic competence

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Understands and uses vocabulary for climate, seasons and weather /10
Understands and uses language for talking about the seasons and weather /10
Successfully prepares a shape poem /10
Successfully presents the shape poem to the class /10
Understands the use of adjectives to describe the seasons and weather /10
Social and civic competence
Collaborates with others to create their project /10
Learning to learn
Reflects on their work by completing a self-evaluation activity in their Activity Book /10
Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best /10
Digital competence
Uses the Internet to discover and identify information to help create their shape poem /10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Volunteers answers to questions /10
Successfully plans for the objects they will need to complete the project in an exchange
with a partner
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by designing and creating a shape poem /10
Creates a visually attractive poem /10
+ – Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
= Understands how to plan a poem /10
Demonstrates an understanding of the structure of a poem /10
Total mark /150
Key Competences evaluation


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Project 3 – A shape poem
This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.

Learning standards Assessment criteria Assessment criteria

Comprehension of oral texts
Understands the main points of short, simple and well-structured presentations Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information
on topics that are familiar or of interest via watching or listening to Oliver’s or main points

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shape poem
Understands the gist and main points, and detects a change in topic, in audio Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and
visual material recognizes general communicative meanings and intentions related to said
Production of oral texts
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed presentations on Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple
everyday topics or topics of interest monologues
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Fulfils the communicative function(s) of an oral text
Participates in everyday exchanges when completing a speaking activity Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about
related to their shape poem immediate needs or familiar topics
Comprehension of written texts
Understands key information and locates specific information in simple Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information
informational materials by completing the preparation activities in the Activity or main points of a text
Book and Project Zone website
Understands instructions, directions and basic information for completing Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and
the shape poem through successfully following the stages of the project specific information from very short and simple written texts
Production of written texts
Composes short, simple, information-type texts when preparing the shape poem Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in written texts
Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping


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Name: Unit 4 Standard test

1 Listen and circle A or B. / 8 marks

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

My Book My Book
of Stories of Stories

2 Talk to your teacher. / 8 marks
1 2

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Name: Unit 4 Standard test

3 Read and match. / 8 marks

1 There’s a 5 There isn’t a

wizard in the footballer. It isn’t
story. a football story.

2 There isn’t a 6 There’s an

queen in the explorer in the
story. story. He’s strong.

3 There’s a king. 7 There’s a princess.

He’s old. She’s young.

4 There’s a spy. 8 There’s a boy. He’s tall.

I like spy stories. He’s my favourite character.

4 Write the questions and answers. / 8 marks

1 fls there ? No, there isn’t.

2 Yes, there is.

3 Yes, there is.

4 No, there isn’t.

5 Is the queen old? 7 Is the prince good-looking?

6 Is the explorer short? 8 Is the wizard young?

Total for test ______ / 32 marks

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Name: Unit 4 Challenge test

1 Listen and number. / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and circle A or B. / 8 marks

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

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Name: Unit 4 Challenge test

3 Talk to your teacher. / 8 marks

4 Talk to your teacher. / 8 marks

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Name: Unit 4 Challenge test

5 Read and write the number. / 8 marks

a b c 1 There’s a wizard in the story.

He’s got a beard.
2 There’s a king. He isn’t young.
He’s old.
3 There’s a spy in the story.
I like spy stories.
d e f 4 There’s an explorer.
He’s strong and good-looking.
5 There’s a prince. He’s young and
he’s got a beard.
6 The princess is my
favourite character.
7 There isn’t a wizard but there is
a witch.
8 This is a fantastic story.
It’s about a footballer.

6 Read and circle the correct answer. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4 1 Is there a king? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

2 Is there a princess? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
3 Is there an explorer? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
4 Is there a spy? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

5 6 7 8

5 Is she young? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

6 Is he strong? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
7 Is he good-looking? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
8 Is she old? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

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Name: Unit 4 Challenge test

7 Write the vocabulary. / 4 marks

E good-looking E 1 2 5

1 6

2 3 4 5 7
3 8

4 6 7 8

8 Write questions and answers. / 7 marks

1 fls there a wizard?

2 ¥es, there is.

3 fls she good-looking?

4 old?

5 strong?

9 Write about these story characters. / 5 marks

†here’s a prince. ™e’s strong.

Total for test ______ / 64 marks

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Name: Term 3 Standard test

1 Listen and match. / 6 marks

2 Listen and circle A or B. / 8 marks

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8


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Name: Term 3 Standard test

3 Answer. / 4 marks

Do you like Where’s the

vegetables? crocodile?

There’s a parrot.
Are monkeys funny? Is it dangerous?

4 Look and answer. / 5 marks

1 There are some penguins.

Are they lively?
2 Look at the gorilla. Is it furry?
3 Where’s the flamingo?
4 Where’s the gorilla?
5 Do you like chips?

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. / 5 marks

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Name: Term 3 Standard test

6 Read and circle A or B. / 5 marks

1 2 3

1 The gorilla is between 2 It isn’t dangerous. 3 She likes noodles
the tree and the rock. It’s lively. and prawns.
4 5

4 There are some 5 The crocodiles are
mushrooms. There next to the lake.
aren’t any peppers.
7 Read and write the letter. / 4 marks

1 The snake is next to the crocodile.

2 I don’t like noodles. I like rice and vegetables.

3 There are some noodles. There aren’t

any vegetables.

4 There are some parrots and some penguins.

8 Read and circle the correct answer. / 5 marks

1 Where’s the snake? It’s on the rock. It’s under the rock.

2 Do you like chicken? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

3 Is it a flamingo? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

4 Are they dangerous? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

5 Where’s the monkey? It’s in the tree. It’s near the tree.

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Name: Term 3 Standard test

9 Write Helen’s answers. / 4 marks

1 Where are the flamingos?

2 Where’s the gorilla?

3 Are the flamingos furry?

4 Are the parrots noisy?

10 Write sentences. / 4 marks

E †here aren’t any mushrooms.

11 Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 4
™e likes

2 5

3 6

Total for test ______ / 56 marks

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Name: Term 3 Challenge test

1 Listen and match. / 5 marks

2 Listen and circle A or B. / 6 marks

1 2 3


4 5 6

3 Listen and circle A or B. / 5 marks

A B 1 A B
2 A B
3 A B
4 A B
5 A B

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Name: Term 3 Challenge test

4 Answer. / 4 marks

Do you like Are monkeys

vegetables? funny?

Where’s the crocodile? There’s a parrot.

Is it dangerous?

5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four questions. / 9 marks

1 There are some penguins.

Are they lively?
2 Look at the gorilla. Is it furry?
3 Where’s the flamingo?
4 Where’s the gorilla?
5 Do you like fish?

6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. / 3 marks

E 1 2 3

Can you pass me

the chips, please?

Yes, here you are.

Thank you.

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Name: Term 3 Challenge test

7 Read and number. / 6 marks

1 They’re big and grey. They’re

next to the lake.
2 It’s my favourite animal. It’s
funny and lively. It’s in the tree.
3 It’s big and strong. It isn’t
colourful. It’s under the monkey.
4 It’s colourful. It’s got feathers.
5 They’re next to the rock.
6 It’s between the tree and
the rock.

8 Read and write True or False. / 5 marks

1 Katie is having breakfast

Hi! I’m Katie. I’m having dinner with my
with her family.
family. There are some prawns and some
vegetables. My favourite vegetable is 2 They’ve got prawns
carrots. Today we’ve got carrots, peppers
and vegetables for dinner.
and mushrooms.
My favourite food is fish and chips. My 3 Her mum doesn’t like fish,
mum likes fish and chips, too. Sometimes but she likes chips.
we go to a fish restaurant. I love the food
at the restaurant, it’s delicious. 4 Her dad’s favourite food
My dad loves pizza, it’s his favourite food. is pizza.
I like pizza with chicken and peppers.
5 Katie likes pizza with
Dad likes pizza with onions and tomatoes.
chicken and mushrooms.

9 Read and match. / 5 marks

E 1 2 3 4 5

E Where’s the snake? a Yes, they are.

1 Do you like chicken? b No, it isn’t. It’s a parrot.
2 Is it a flamingo? c It’s under the rock.
3 Are they dangerous? d Yes, it is.
4 Where’s the monkey? e It’s in the tree. It’s lively.
5 Is it noisy? f Yes, I do.

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Name: Term 3 Challenge test

10 Write Helen’s answers. / 4 marks

1 Where are the rhinos?

2 Where is the gorilla?

3 Are the flamingos dangerous?

4 Is the parrot noisy?

11 Write about the foods that Sarah likes and doesn’t like. / 6 marks

E ‡he likes fish. 5

1 6

12 Write six sentences about the animals. / 6 marks

†he flamingo is near the lake.

flt’s colourful.

Total for test ______ / 64 marks

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Name: End of year Standard test

1 Listen and number. / 7 marks

a b c d

e f g

2 Listen, colour and draw. / 7 marks


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Name: End of year Standard test

3 Answer. / 4 marks

Have you got a Do you like

poster in your noodles?

Can you play Has she got a

the recorder? ponytail?

4 Look and answer. / 5 marks

1 Where’s the rhino?

2 Has she got straight hair?
3 What colour is her belt?
4 Can she play the violin?
5 She likes prawns. Do you
like prawns?

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. / 5 marks

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Name: End of year Standard test

6 Read and circle A or B. / 5 marks

1 2 3

1 The plant is between the 2 There’s a queen in 3 He doesn’t like rice.
bed and the wardrobe. the story. She’s old.
4 5

4 He’s got curly hair 5 Is it a bookcase?
and a moustache. Yes, it is.

7 Read and write the letter. / 4 marks

a b 1 It isn’t a mirror. It’s a clock.

2 She likes fish and chips.

c d 3 It isn’t dangerous. It’s funny.
4 He can play the triangle.

8 Read and circle the correct answer. / 5 marks

1 What’s he doing? He’s having a snack. He’s playing games.

2 Has she got a ponytail? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

3 Can he play the violin? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.

4 Is there a spy in the story? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

5 Where’s the snake? It’s on the rock. It’s under the rock.

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Name: End of year Standard test

9 Write answers. / 4 marks

1 Where’s the gorilla?

2 Can she play the flute?

3 Has she got a lamp?

4 Has she got straight hair?

10 Write sentences. / 4 marks

1 flt’s a 3 ‡he’s

2 ™e 4 †here

11 Write answers. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 What colour are her trainers?

2 Can he play the violin?

3 What’s she doing?

4 Is he good-looking?

5 Has he got a beard?

6 Is it a cushion?

Total for test ______ / 56 marks

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Name: End of year Challenge test

1 Listen and number. / 4 marks

a b c d

2 Listen, colour and draw. / 6 marks


3 Listen and circle A, B or C. / 6 marks

1 4


2 5


3 6


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Name: End of year Challenge test

4 Answer. / 4 marks

Have you got

Do you like
a poster in
your room?

Can you play

Is she old?
the recorder?

5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four questions. / 9 marks

1 Is she old?
2 Where’s the rhino?
3 Has she got straight hair?
4 What colour is her belt?
5 Can she play the violin?

6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. / 3 marks

E 1 2 3

Can you open the

door, please?

Yes, of course.

Thank you.

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Name: End of year Challenge test

7 Read and write the letter. / 6 marks

a b c d e f

1 She’s young. She hasn’t got straight hair. She’s got curly hair.

2 Look at the parrots! They’re in the tree. They’re noisy.

3 My brother is in the bedroom. Look! He can play the trumpet.

4 I’ve got a plant in my bedroom. It’s between the bed and the wardrobe.

5 John has got straight hair. He’s wearing socks. They’re white.
6 There isn’t a princess in the story. There’s an explorer. She’s tall.

8 Read and write True or False. / 6 marks

1 Toby has got a

Hi! I’m Toby. I like my bedroom. I’ve got a bed computer in his bedroom.
and a wardrobe. I’ve got a computer on my
desk. I’ve got a poster on the wall. There are 2 The monkeys are next
monkeys in the trees. They’re funny!
to the trees.
I’ve got straight hair. It’s short. I haven’t got
a ponytail. My brother’s name is Sam. He’s got 3 Sam has got curly hair.
curly hair.
Sam is in his bedroom. He’s listening to
4 Sam can play the
music. He can play the trumpet and the drums. trumpet and the flute.
He can’t play the flute. I can play the triangle.
5 Toby can play the triangle.
I like books. My favourite story is about a king.
There’s a wizard in the story, too. He’s very old. 6 His favourite book is
He’s my favourite character.
about a king and a wizard.

9 Read and match. / 4 marks

1 What’s he doing? No, she hasn’t.

2 Has she got a ponytail? He’s having a snack.

3 Can he play the violin? Yes, I do. It’s delicious.

4 Do you like chicken? Yes, he can. He’s good.

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Name: End of year Challenge test

10 Write Ella’s answers. / 4 marks

1 Have you got a poster in your bedroom?

2 Can you play the recorder?

3 Have you got straight hair?

4 What colour is your sweater?

11 Write the questions. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Æhat ? They’re white.

2 ™as ? Yes, he has.

3 ©an ? No, he can’t.

4 Æhat’s ? She’s playing chess.

5 fls ? Yes, he is.

6 Æhere ? It’s in the lake.

12 Write six more sentences about James. / 6 marks

™ello! µy name’s James. fl’m nine.

†his is my bedroom.

Total for test ______ / 64 marks

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