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Chapter 1

A. The Enterprise’s Banner

Review of Related Literature on the chosen base product

Turon, also known as lumpiang saging (Filipino for "banana lumpia"), is a

Filipino snack made of thinly sliced bananas (preferably saba or Cardaba bananas),
dusted with brown sugar, rolled in a spring roll wrapper, and fried until the wrapper
crisps. Turon may also contain other fillings (Osborne, 2021). Turon is a popular
street food and snack among Filipinos. It is typically sold along streets alongside
banana cue, camote cue, and maruya. It is one of the most well-known street foods in
the Philippines. Its portability makes it an ideal on-the-go snack (Merano, 2009).
Turon's creation is thought to be linked to the presence of Chinese culture in the
Philippines prior to Spanish colonization beginning in 1521. Traditional Filipino
dishes such as pancit were created using Chinese cooking techniques. In reality, there
have been many influences from Chinese and Spanish cultures within Filipino culture.
In contrast to Chinese cuisine, which consists of spring rolls and egg rolls, Filipino
cuisine consists of lumpia (a savory meat and veggie-filled roll) and turon (Chibundle,

Glutinous rice is a type of rice that is primarily grown in Asian countries. It is

now being exported around the world and sold in stores all over the world. Because of
its sticky consistency when cooked, glutinous rice is also known as "sticky rice." It's a
filling dish that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Glutinous rice is the name
of a type of rice, not of a specific dish. Its composition is unique in that when cooked,
the rice becomes sticky. The name may be deceptive. In fact, many people believe
that glutinous rice contains a high level of gluten. This is not always the case. White
glutinous rice contains little to no gluten, whereas whole grain rice contains trace
amounts. Glutinous rice is preferred by Asian communities for making sweet treats
and snacks. The rice can also be incorporated into desserts to increase their filling
power (Merano, 2009).
It has a distinct nutritional quality, including a high protein content, which makes
it an excellent vegetarian food. Protein helps to build and repair muscle tissue, which
helps to reduce muscle loss. It also aids in cell proliferation and bone strength. Rice,
on the other hand, has approximately 170 calories per cup and contains a variety of b-
vitamins, selenium, zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and iron. Iron is a mineral
that aids in the formation of red blood cells and the delivery of oxygen, both of which
are necessary for the regulation of bodily movement (Staughton, 2021). Sticky purple
rice has an intact outer bran layer, making it a whole grain. As a result, it's high in
fiber and has a slightly nutty flavor. Fiber is essential for regular bowel movements
and overall bowel health; it also aids in weight loss and the reduction of cholesterol
and blood pressure (Whelan, 2019).

With these silent needs in mind, entrepreneurs set out to create an alternative
turon filled with glutinous rice instead of banana, which is more filling than a regular
turon that is sold as a snack at a reasonable price that is comparable to the taste of the
original turon. The group of potential entrepreneurs decided to revolutionize a product
that will serve as a sustainable snack. Nonetheless, a turon filled with sweetened
glutinous rice will be introduced to the market as a revolutionized snack that allows
consumers to satisfy their appetites while maintaining their health without being
conscious of the snack being consumed. As agreed by the team, the name of the
product that will be introduced is “QuaranTuron” with the catchphrase being “Your
Healthy Turon Snack this Quarantine.”

B. Impact of the Enterprise’s Product

a. Nutritional Value
Vegetable oil is essential in diet and nutrition. It contains polyunsaturated
and monounsaturated fats, as well as saturated fats in varying proportions. It also
contains a trace amount of iron (Wai Ng et al., 2019).

Glutinous rice is high in carbs and low in fats, which are the polar opposite
of the macronutrient requirements of the keto diet. The ideal macronutrient ratio
for keto is 70% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates. This means that
the majority of your foods should be low in carbohydrates and high in fat.
Because of the starch content, the grains of rice clump together, making it
a"sticky" rice. Sticky rice is less nutritious than regular rice in general, but it is
high in protein, fiber, and zinc (Hidaya et. al., 2015).

Sugar is a carbohydrate and energy source. It has 4 calories per gram and 16
calories per level teaspoon. In comparison, the same amount of fat or oil, such as
margarine or butter, has 36 calories. Giving up sugar will not only boost your
immune system, but it will also lower your risk of chronic inflammation, which
can boost your body's ability to fight off infections such as colds and flu (White,

Spring rolls are traditionally wrapped in spring roll wrappers. Rice paper
wrappers are translucent, brittle, and delicate, and are made from a paste of rice
flour and water that is stamped into bamboo mats and dried. As a result, it
contains more carbs, protein, fat, and calories.

b. Affordability
Food prices and affordability are important factors in determining food
choices. Furthermore, food choices are one of the factors that influence
customer's health and nutritional status. The Quaranturon's goal is to produce
affordable and healthy afternoon snacks that will keep the customers satisfied
in terms of taste and financial cost. Given the ingredients are less expensive,
then the product will be in reasonable priced. Therefore, Quaranturon is a
nutrient dense food which could help reduce the increase of malnutrition.

C. Enterprise’s Mission and Goals

1.1. Financial Goal

The enterprise aims to profit by providing a product that is helpful in the
current situation and affordable. As the planned revolutionized product is
nutritiously made and budget-friendly, there’s high potential in profitability once
it will be released in the market. With the allocated budget, the team will make
sure to spend it on necessary commodities for the processing of the product. The
quality of product and service is mainly focused to ensure to meet the public’s
demand as well as to reach the target profit. Customers’ feedbacks are also being
assessed in order to provide a better service that would help in business growth.
Additionally, the revenue gain will be monitored and will be compared to capital
to evaluate how much the business profit. Furthermore, the success of this
business would be beneficial for the continuous regulation of the product and for
development in the future.

1.2. Customer Goal

As customers are regarded as one of the company's most valuable assets. One
of the key reasons for selling a product to customers is to satisfy their expectations
and expectations with innovative food, The company ensures that the product is
nutritious, inexpensive, delicious, gratifying, and of high quality, ensuring that the
customer's money is well spent. It also promotes staff and customers to form
healthy relationships or interactions in order to have a satisfying transaction or
service all throughout. Furthermore, the sought-after product primarily aims to
meet the population's expectations by providing low-cost, high-quality foods that
will fill in the gaps of other existing problems with the product in a way that is
both beneficial to the customers and the enterprise.

1.3. Internal Goal

The internal goal of the company is to ensure success and to have a foothold
in the business industry. To achieve this, the team will strive to make top-notched
products, top-notched services, and top-notched raw materials. The team will also
continue to release new products, give discounts and promos, and advertise the
products through marketing. Making sure of the consistency of the food, work,
and the service is also one of the goals to be a successful company, the team will
continue to revolutionize, create, and expand the product and the business. The
target goal is to secure and improve the revenues of the company, have a steady
number of loyal customers, and continue to advertise the products to have new
customers. Hence, the team will procure fresh and healthy raw materials in
making the QuaranTuron. Instead of the usual banana inside the team include
malagkit/glutinous rice to make it healthier, more worth it of the money, and more

1.4. Learning and Growth Goal

The enterprise's goal is to conquer and solve the possible existing problem
and learn from it to do better. Employees need skills, such as self-confidence,
communication skills, passion, and motivation. The employees surely experience
tough problems that couldn't be solved directly, learning from this experience and
trying to develop the skills is one of the enterprise's goals. With the experience
employees got, they will grow as an individual which gives them strength and
courage to do and work great. Putting together each Individual strength will
produce teamwork chemistry and the enterprise's work will improve. Enterprises
also want to learn the customer’s needs, to do that, employees’ determination and
marketing strategies come with it. Knowing the customer needs is needed to help
the enterprises to grow, to come up with strategies that would satisfy the
customers, and employees' motivation to enhance their mental and physical
strength. Learning from each mistake is much needed in the world of
entrepreneurship, to avoid big failures and to continue to keep moving forward as
a team.

Chapter 2

A. Organizational Structure
The sector clarifies how well the creation interaction would be coordinated. Its
design makes it conceivable to organize the cycle. It is likewise connected to the
actual design, the business strategy or practice, work conditions, work enlistment,
compensation, and other designation of jobs

Columbres & Faustino

Field Sales Accountant
Gaviola & Dalus Checker
Ceballos & Ejedio

Advertising and Promotion Internal Sales Checker

or Treasurer
Guardion & Delos Santos
Dalus & Ceballos

Figure 1. Below is a simple organization structure that shows the fair

distribution of tasks among the members in the team.

B. Presentation of the Incorporation

Eight people will manage the business and will work in various fields in making up
the entire company. The fields are as follows:

a. Production Controller (Kyle Columbres, Bryan Faustino)

This group is primarily concerned with the production of the food product that
will be sold. The operations of the kitchen will be overseen by the aforementioned
group. Members of this team have prior knowledge in cooking and kitchen
management experience.

b. Sales Staff (Athena Joy Gaviola, Nashra Dalus)

Their primary goal is to build a positive reputation by providing excellent
customer service. To avoid problems, members of this team must ensure the
overall product's quality through organizational skills, attention to detail,
communication, and interpersonal abilities.

c. Advertising and Promotion (Ely Joy Guardion, Lavina Grace Delos

The main goal of this team is to promote and advertise the product to
customers by politely interacting with them, in order to increase the enterprise's
sales gain.

d. Field Sales Accountant Checker (Kianna Ceballos, Philip Ejedio)

The Accountant Checker is in charge of procuring the materials and
ingredients that will be used in the production of the goods – both the product and
the packaging. They must also consider the manufacturing costs.

e. Internal Sales Checker or Treasurer ( Nashra Dalus, Kianna Ceballos)

The treasurer's main responsibility is to keep the money in order to calculate
the company's revenue and expenses, which will determine whether or not the
company made a profit.
C. Pre-Operational Scheme

I. Procurement
To be able to run the operation, the team will gather various ingredients by
purchasing the necessary materials for the said product. The ingredients of toron
includes spring rolls, sugar, and glutinous rice. Other materials also includes paper
bag for packaging purposes.

i. Ingredients

The team will buy a minimum of one (1) pack of spring rolls, one (1)
kilogram of sugar, and three-fourth (3/4) kilogram of glutinous rice. All
ingredients and materials will be purchased at KCC Mall de Zamboanga,
which will be one of the enterprise's key suppliers due to its low material
pricing. Additional expenses to the list of ingredients and materials
needed, the pre-supposed capital of the group is 200.00 php.
Furthermore, the ingredients will be bought a day before the production
will take place to keep the ingredients and other materials fresh. As a
result, the ingredients and supplies will be stored in the incorporators'
premises until the start of business operations.
ii. Materials
Wok Tong Basket
Spoon Plastic gloves Table Napkin
Non-stick rack Strainer Pot Holder

II. Production
The pandemic caused so much devastation that it made people's life more
difficult. People who enter the business world have a proclivity to seek out new
ideas and tactics for making income in surviving on a daily basis. The team wanted
not only to serve a very affordable friendly budget afternoon snack, but to serve a
portion of very delicious food that will satisfy your cravings. The team wanted to
make a turon but with a twist, instead of using a saba banana, the team will use
glutinous rice (malagkit rice). The production and quantity of the commodity every
day will be calculated through the amount of spring roll wrapper. The team's
development controllers will be in charge of preparing the spring roll wrapper,
calculating the amount of the glutinous rice in every wrapper, and lastly, the
assigned members where the turon will be cooking. Aside from preparing the
product, the team will also prepare a poster to advertise the product made, as well as
the QuaranTURON's logo. The logo will be posted on the social media accounts of
each member of the team and for marketing purposes as well. The newly cooked
turon will be placed on a strainer to let the excess oil drip after 5 minutes the turon
will be placed on a basket covered with a kitchen tissue (table napkin) and the
product is ready to sell in the public and satisfy the cravings of everyone

III. Promotion
As we are in the midst of a pandemic, new variant (Omicron) need being
occurred which the government issued another lockdown, the team decided to
promote the QuaranTuron in the virtual world. The team will use all of the available
resources to promote the product, by using the technologies and social media
platforms. The team will post the poster, and description of the product through the
Facebook app, We will also send these to various group chats, personally messaging
people, and we will also make an FB page for the interested customers to scroll and
view about our business and product. The team will also ask help from people we
are close with to share our posts, and also to invite other people to like our FB page.
The business and the product will likely reach thousands of people, and with time
the FB page will likely reach thousands of likes. The team will also encourage the
customers to comment their reviews and service experiences in our FB page to make
other people be interested in purchasing the product.

D. Operational Scheme

I. Operations
From the procedures and plans incorporators would follow, there might be
issues and difficulties to encounter, including the inaccessibility of ingredients from
the main local store where the team used to purchase ingredients, as well as conflicts
in the production process. In that case, incorporators will look for other local stores
in purchasing necessary ingredients and materials. The team will make sure that the
price is affordable and fits the budget to avoid additional expenses in purchasing
necessities. The operation of the enterprise will be monitored, and in any case of
fluctuations, such as low sales of the product, incorporators would provide different
methods to immediately solve the issue. Customers’ feedback and suggestions will
be considered to improve the product quality and service. The initial plans and
strategies will be observed if there are no conflicts, obstacles, and issues encounterd
and the enterprise operation is running smoothly.

II. Observations
On the first day of the operation, the incorporators will prepare the needed
ingredients such as spring roll wrappers, sugar, glutinous rice, and cooking oil.
These ingredients will be used to produce a food enterprise product which is the
QuaranTURON. In this, every incorporators has a specific role. The incorporators
will sell the product with or without encountering issues or conflict during the
duration of the operation.

The incorporators will do the same procedure in the second day of the process.
In case, problem arises such as lack of ingredients, the team can use alternative
ingredients that can be found around. In this way, the team must have a backup plan.

On the third day, the enterprise will be open for 3-4 days. Expected that more
than half of the product produced, will be sold to the public. In case there is an
increasing orders, the team must sustain its momentum in order to engage. The team
will able to use social media account, specifically Facebook, to promote the product.
The incorporators will also distribute their poster to their stories and Facebook
pages. It is expected that the team's product must be sold in three-days of service.

III Management and System Appraisal

Obstacles and conflicts are unavoidable when it comes to business. The
incorporators should manage any problems before, during and after the labor.
Incorporators should be consistent, aware and informed to counter every obstacle;
Help each other at all cost, to continue the process, development and the flow of the
business. Any problems that might counter must be discussed, analyzed not only as
an individual, but as a team; working as a team will help us ensure the success and
prosperity of the business, and production process just as much as their interaction
and services with customers.
i. Incorporators
Incorporators’ attitude and characteristics will always be a
consideration to enterprises as they handle their roles and jobs that could
affect the profit and system of the business. Any problems can give
disadvantages along the way, which is why they need to work with
passion and determination to guide them in making decisions,
interacting with customers, facing the obstacles and doing their labor as
capable, skilled and qualified in any situation that may appear in the
future. They must encounter any problems with manners and in a
professional way, in order to prevent big casualties in business. The
whole team must trust one another in any hardship, as a result
overwhelming opportunities will come and the business definitely will
ii. Competition
Entrepreneurs shall expect competition especially from those
businesses with the same product. Gathering knowledge, observation
and analysis is the best thing to counter the competition. Entrepreneurs
must stay focused and be innovative to change and invent the products
to produce unique, special and good quality products that will satisfy the
customers and earn good profit from it.

Hidayah, N., Saputro, I., Setyaningsih, W. Saputro, I.E., Lovillo, M. P., & Barroso, C.
G. (2015b). Study of Glutinous and Non-Glutinous Rice (Oryza Sativa)
Varieties on their Antioxidant Compounds. International Conference on Plant,
Marine and Environmental Sciences (PMES-2015) Jan. 1–2, 2015 Kuala
Lumpur (Malaysia).

Merano, V. (2009). Turon Recipe (Banana Lumpia with Caramel). Panlasang Pinoy.

Osborne, A. (2021). How to Make Turon (Filipino Fried Banana Rolls). Serious Eats.

Staughton, J. (2021). 6 Proven Benefits of Sticky Rice. Organic Facts. https://www.

The lasting influence of Chinese Culture on Filipino Cuisine. (2019). Chibundle.

Wai Ng, T. K., Appukutty, M., Shyam, S., Voon, P. T., & Selvaduray, K. R. (2019).
Cooking Oils in Health and Sports. Nutrition and Enhanced Sports
Performance, 751–756.

Whelan, C. (2019). Should I Add Purple Rice to my Diet? Healthline. https://www.

White, J. R. (2018). Sugar. Clinical Diabetes, 36(1), 74–76.


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