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A research study presented to the

Senior High School Faculty of
Malandag National High School

Practical Research II

Justine Marc B. Alarcon
Kyth Julius Parillon

March 2020
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Rodolfo Talledo (2009) said that discipline is a major factor in our

collective survival which is long overdue. Natures with can be handled if we have

the intension of not abusing it. We need to educate ourselves and future

generation on how to look our environment so that we do not reap their fury in

the form of major disaster.

Discipline within ourselves, it is one of the most important life skill to

develop. Major problem in the community especially in a certain school is the

disposal and waste management, every school prepares and provide bins and

policy to manage waste, the improper waste disposal and the disciplinary

problem of students are the factor which consider as the main problem why this

things was able to fully achieve the proper waste disposal and segregation of the


This study intent the following implication of having the level of self-

discipline in the proper waste management. The problem started during the time

where different production and high demand of plastic arises of the student and

the negligence which created huge impact to the proper waste management.
Statement of the Problem

The study would like to seek the factors and performance on the students

Self-Confidence, this study would like to answer the following;

1. What is the profile of performing grade 10 EUCLID student in term of;


Gender: Male female

How many sack of garbage’s or waste did you produce at home and

school per week.

Half – 1 sack 2-5 sacks 5-10 sacks

2. What is the level of self-discipline of performing grade 10 EUCLID student in

terms of;

1. Reducing of garbage.

a. Using of cloth bags instead of plastics.

b. Buy food that has less packaging.

c. Reducing your paper usage.

d. Using bottle drinks instead of cellophane.

2. Reusing and recycling.

a. Donating extra clothes.

b. Reusing containers.
c. Disposing trash properly.

3. Proper waste disposal.

a. sorting your garbage into the different bins.

b. selling recyclable materials into junk shop.

c. Turn food and garden waste into compost pit.

d. Proper waste segregation.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research will focused on Malandag, Malungon,

Sarangani Province. The study will limit to the G10 EUCLID performing student
junior Malandag National High School. This study will limit to the G11 TVL Senior
High Department, School Year 2019-2020. This study will only discus the level of
self-discipline and what its implication of the proper waste management of the
following respondent.

Significance of the study

This study would like to give awareness to all student on how important

the self-discipline in their daily lives and especially to the proper waste

management and the implication of having disciplinary problem on the waste

management and to the teacher, it will serve as a guide to give attention on how

to improve the discipline of the student and especially to made innovation to

enhance students discipline of to the future researcher. This will be a reference

to their study it will be a guide and a source to finish the certain study it will can

get new information.

Chapter II


This chapter represents the related literature and studies after the
thorough and in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the
hypothesis, conceptual framework and definition of terms to full understand the

Related Literatures

It was long suspected that Washington state schools had a teach problem.

For decades, locale, schools and person teachers seem uphold their claim teach

approaches. As a result, teach was ineffectively followed and frequently doled

out excessively. Understudies of Dark, Local American, and Latino plunge, in

specific, were suspended and ousted at tall rates. Then, taking after a 2013

government examination into racially dissimilar rates of suspension of Dark

understudies in Seattle, schools were required to report disciplinary information

to the state Office of Administrator of Open Instruction. Now eyewitnesses know

that Washington state contains a teach issue and precisely what that issue looks

like. Information has appeared that Black students over the state have reliably

gotten the foremost teach among each racial subgroup since following begun,

taken after by Local American understudies.

The primary thing I can share is to have a self teach that able to

essentially start with the right arrange of trash or isolating waste appropriately,

bio-degridable garbage together, and non-biodegridable too together. Since

tossing rubbish fair somewhere may caused clogging the seepage and surge
may happen. We have too to educate others not to demolish plants since plants

makes a difference anticipate streak surges and makes a difference freshen

discuss. One thing that gives us more not climate is the one layer that has as of

now damaged that’s why we ought to plant more trees. Fire, streak, surges,

avalanche are all environmental harmed that cause individuals to involvement

more on adolescence.

It is pitiful to say that our nation is one of the dirtiest places within the

planet. Usually not since we are a bunch of undisciplined people. It is out of line

for others like us who keep up at slightest a few level of great ethical and right

conduct when it comes to squander. Our cities and towns are grimy since our

government specialists need the will to implement the laws in spite of having

numerous rules and controls on squander administration systems produced by

our national legislators. The problem of strong squander may be a matter of

national discipline. Rather like on numerous other social issues. Since

requirement of laws on squanders isn't strict because it ought to be, normally

individuals tend to disregard the laws.

Self-discipline, by definition, is the capacity to control one's sentiments and

overcome one's shortcomings. It is the capacity to seek after what one considers

is right, in spite of allurements to forsake it. If you need to induce some place in

your life and in business, you've got objectives to attain, and dreams to chase. As

it were a few individuals are able to urge where they need. Is it since of

luckiness, ability, circumstances or difficult work? For each person, it can be one

or more components combined. Of the thousands of standards of victory created

over the a long time, this one ability will guarantee that you’ll ended up shocked

of what you’ll be competent of doing. This expertise is called self-discipline.

Strong squander administration is an basic benefit in any society. Some

time recently presenting the method, in any case, let's begin with a discourse of

the fabric being managed—solid waste. Solid squander alludes to the extend of

rubbish materials—arising from creature and human activities—that are disposed

of as undesirable and futile. Strong squander is created from mechanical, private,

and commercial exercises in a given zone, and may be taken care of in a

assortment of ways. As such, landfills are regularly classified as sterile,

metropolitan, development and devastation, or mechanical squander


Related Studies

Indiscriminate transfer of squander by understudies constitute one of the major

disciplinary problems that obstruct the prospects of the reasoning of instruction.

This paper managed with the students’ squander transfer in tertiary institution in

Nigeria. Among the major disciplinary issues in tertiary teach in Nigeria strong

and fluid squander disposal constitute perpetual issues to both the school

administration and understudies as well. Two inquire about questions and two

speculations guided the consider. The population comprised all the fourth year

understudies (2746) within the thirteen resources of Nnamdi Azikiwe College,

Awka, but workforce of Agribusiness that had as it were moment year students
as at 2013/2014 scholarly session. The test was 819 drawn arbitrarily using 30%

of students’ populace in each staff. The instrument for information collection was

a 20 thing survey.The unwavering quality of the instrument was decided utilizing

Cronbach Alpha strategy at the esteem of 0.85, this was considered satisfactory.

Discoveries showed that understudies aimlessly arrange squanders e.g. pieces

of papers, wrappers from garbage nourishments, groundnut shells, corn controls,

blurbs, urinate around classroom blocks, workplaces, poo in unauthorized

places. Based on the discoveries, it was recommended among others that school

administration ought to organize workshops, seminars to alter understudies mind

approximately squander transfer whereas the government should upgrade

arrangements of required offices for legitimate transfer of squander in schools.

Waste aimless transfer is recognized as an imperative cause of natural

contamination and is related with wellbeing issues. Secure administration and

transfer of family squander are an vital issue to the capital city of Guinea

(Conakry). The objective of this consider was to distinguish financial and statistic

variables related with hone, information, and security behavior of family

individuals with respect to family squander administration and to create a

medicinal activity arrange. I found that no instruction foundation, salary, and

female people were autonomously related with aimless squander transfer.

Spontaneous private range was an extra figure related with aimless squander

transfer. I too found that the community inhabitants had destitute information and

hazardous behavior in connection to squander administration.The advancement

of natural data and open instruction and usage of community activity programs
on infection anticipation and wellbeing advancement will improve natural

invitingness and security of the community.

Abstract In Malaysia, the government is as of now investing up to 40-70% of

taxpayer's cash yearly for strong squander administration. Less than 5% of all

squander is being reused, though up to 70% can really be reused or re utilized in

a few way. The point of this think about was to survey the information,

demeanors, mindfulness status and conduct concerning SWM among to begin

with year understudies (n = 589) utilizing survey study. Comes about appeared,

the students’ information, demeanors, mindfulness status and conduct

concerning SWM were direct. So endeavor to energize, through instruction and

mindfulness on overseeing strong squander within the campus and programs to

advance demeanor alter and economical natural hones must be carry out.

One of the foremost common issue within the Barangay Mojon Tampoy is the

inappropriate squander transfer, which may influence the current living of the

inhabitants of the barangay. The sort of investigate approach may be a

subjective investigate. In this think about the analysts point to form a

arrangement for the most issue that the analysts found out by meeting the

inhabitants. The Hypothesis on Squander Administration (2004) by E. Pongrácz,

P. S. Phillips, and R. L. Keiski is utilized as a reference through the movement of

the ponder. An meet was conducted with (9) readily inhabitants of the chosen

community, barangay Mojon Tampoy. The address inquired to the respondents

were their fundamental data, source of pay and the issues that they experienced

within the community. According to the result, dishonorable squander transfer is

the major issue of the inhabitants in Mojon Tampoy. These issues were

characterized as burning, tossing their waste on the well and the need of trash

collection.These issues might hurt not as it were the inhabitants but too the

environment itself. The information of the inhabitants almost their current

circumstance is based on their claim encounters. In spite of the fact that they

were able to provide exhortation to individuals that might encounter the same

circumstance by isolating their squander legitimately but since they don’t have

sufficient reserves to bolster rubbish truck collection they brought about to the

burning of their trash.

Many cities have experienced issues with uncollected strong squander. Isolated

transfer of recyclable squander is seen as the foremost viable method in

squander administration. In any case, this requires the cooperation of the

individuals within the community. Community mapping is the foremost compelling

apparatus for understanding a community but it does not address conceivable

ways to alter people’s behavior. The Hypothesis of Planned Behavior was the

premise for this think about of reusing behavior because it offers strategies for

changing people’s propensities. However, the hypothesis does not give direction

on how to encourage the utilize of reusing canisters within the community.

Numerous reusing ventures have been unsuccessfully executed due to the

reality that most individuals don't need squander containers set close their

houses. In this manner, both of these compelling apparatuses were combined in

this ponder, which propose an compelling execution strategy for community

strong squander administration.

Hypothesis of the Study

Null Hypothesis

The level of self-discipline has no implication on the proper waste

management of performing G10 EUCLID students in Malandag National High


Alternative hypothesis

The level of self-discipline has an implication on the proper waste

management of performing G10 EUCLID student in Malandag National High


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Figure 1.
This table the conceptual framework of this study, this contains the level of self-

discipline which is the independent variable and proper waste management

which is the dependent variable. The researcher wants to know the relationship

or the significant difference of the both variable.

Definition of terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are

operationally define.

Reap-means to obtain or receive the reward of what you have done either in a
good or bad manner, in due season means to get the reward of what you saw in
a expected time.

DISPOSAL-refers to arrange of processes including collecting, transporting,

recycling, treating or dumping waste in a proper and environmentally-friendly
manner. There are certain regulations and monitoring procedures associated
with proper waste disposal as well.

SEGREGATION-means that less waste goes to landfills and there`s less water,
air and land pollution.

IMPLICATION-a possible effect or result of an action or a decision, they failed to

consider the wider implications of their actions.
Chapter III


This chapter present the research design, sampling method, respondent

of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical

Research Design

This study used a descriptive-correlation study research design to know

the implication and significant-difference between the level of self-discipline and
the Percentage-weighted mean of G10-euclid.Descriptive research design refers
to research questions, design of the research and the data analysis that would be
conducted in the Researchers topic. This is a method that attempts to collect
quantitative information to be used for statistical analysis of the population
Correlational research in which are researchers measures two variables under-
Stands and assess the statistical relationship between them with no influence
Any extraneous variable

Sampling method
The researcher used the convenience sampling which is a type of non-probability
Sampling, which doesn’t include random selection of participants. the
Used because this is lone of the only method researchers can use when they
cant get a list of all numbers of a population. This sampling method is
inexpensive and participants are readily available

Research instruments
The instrument used was researcher made questionnaire to gather the
needed data for the students profile. The questionnaire will be used to assess the
respondents level of self-discipline and what is the implication to the waste
Statistical Treatment
Descriptive statistics was use to aim while describing a number of features
of data usually involved in this study. This wants to provide a brief summary of
the simples. A brief summary of samples and the measures done on this
research. It is quite different from inferential statistics descriptive statistical is
about describing what the data you have shown while inferential statistics the
researching trying to come up with a conclusion drawing from the data you have.
The rating scale justify the methods of the respondents about proper
waste management the level of self-discipline will be scale by its corresponding
range number and be determined by the following description Very High, Low,
High, Moderately High, and Very High.

Table 2. Rating Scale

Rating Description
0.000-1.499 Very High
1.500-2.499 Low
2.500-3.499 High
3.500-4.499 Moderately High
4.500-5.000 Very High
Chapter IV



This chapter includes the presentation analysis, discussion and

interpretation of data that have been gathered from the questionnaires distributed
to the respondents. This chapter also contains the presentation of data in tabular
form along with their corresponding interpretation.

Table 3. Age of the Grade 10 Euclid

Response Frequency Percentage
15 13 43.33
16 15 50
17 1 3.33
18 1 3.33
Total 30 100
This table show that majority of the age is 16 with a percentage of 50% or

half of the population. This means respondent are educated and will practiced

the proper waste management taught by their superior and to the strict

implementation of the No plastic policy of the school. The data shows that the

researchers had 1 respondent with the age of 17 and also 18, this data means

that there are students who are enrolled behind their time.

Table 4. Gender of the Grade 10 Euclid

Response Frequency Percentage
Male 12 40
Female 18 60
Total 30 100

The table shows that there were 12 or 40% were males and 18 or 60%
females. The data above shows that the most respondents were females and not
so many males. This implied that there are more female respondent in in Grade
10- Euclid.

Table 5. Number of Sacks of Paste Per Week.

Response Frequency Percentage

Half-1 sack 11 36.67
2sacks-5sacks 18 60
5sacks-10sacks 1 3.33

This table shows that respondent are producing 2sacks – 5 sacks per
week, this is caused by the over use of the respondent of goods using of plastic
packaging, and poor recycling. Waste are composed by different kind of waste
like, biodegradable, non-biodegradable, residual, and etc.

2. The Level of Self-Discipline of Grade10 Euclid in term of the following.

Table 6. Reducing of garbage.

Methods Weighted Mean Description

a. Using of clothes bags 4.09 Moderately High
instead of plastics.
b. Buy food that has less 3.93 Moderately High
c. Reducing your paper 4.06 Moderately High
d. Using bottled drinks 4.19 Moderately High
instead of cellophane.

This table show that the Level of Self –Discipline of respondent in terms of
proper waste management are all descripted as Moderately High. Using bottled
drink instead of cellophane is the Majority way of proper waste management with
corresponding 4.19 weighted mean. The following weighted mean are close to
each other this mean respondent are practicing this ways regularly.

Table 7. Reusing and Recycling.

Ways Weighted Mean Description

a. Donating extra clothes 3.86 Moderately High
b. Reusing containers 4.56 Very High
c. Disposing trash 4.3 Moderately High
This table shows the reusing containers is the majority in all reusing and
recycling method which respondents adopt with the corresponding 4.56 weighted
mean descripted as very high. While the other methods are descripted
moderately high. This means that reusing containers are one of the most
effective and inexpensive way that respondents applied in their homes and
schools. Reusing containers reduces the environment impact, refilling and
reusing it directly reduces. the demand of disposable plastics.

Proper Waste Disposal

Ways Weighted Mean Description

a 4.10 Moderately High
b 3.82 Moderately High
c 3.95 Moderately High
d 4.26 Moderately High

Majority of the proper waste Disposal Methods is the Proper waste Disposal with
a 4.26 weighted mean descripted as Moderately High. All methods are
descripted as this means respondents are able to performs the methods since
some methods are able proper waste segregations or sorting your garbage’s into
the different bins.

The majority explains .that respondents are embracing the policy which
the school was implemented.

Based on the data shows the variables are being calculated using the calculator
and the value of R is 0.3026 this means the relationship between the two
variables which is the level of self-discipline and the percentage of waste. They
produce per week are weak. This means that the overall Level of self-discipline
are high but still respondent produce an average numbers of waste which results
an imbalance their self-discipline.One of the main causes of unsuitable solid
waste management are lack of management as well as attitudes and socio-
cultural practices.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendation based on data analyzed in the previous chapter.


This research was conducted in Malandag National High School in Prk.

Rosal Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province. With a whole population of 57
respondents coming from the different specializations in Technical Vocational
Livelihood Track such as Electronic Protocols Application Software (EPAS),
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) , Food and Beverage Services (FBS), and
Cosmetology. The researchers used the descriptive-correlational research
design and the non-probability sampling which the convenience sampling.

The primary objective of this research was to identify the significant

difference or implication of the level of self-confidence to the performance of
Grade 11-TVL students, which aims to answer the following questions; What is
the profile of the first the profile of Grade 11-TVL students the respondents which
includes the age, gender, address, specialization, tribe, average grade and the
school that they graduated during junior high school and their satisfaction. What
is the Level of Self-Confidence of Grade 11-TVL students this includes the public
speaking, reporting, socialization in peers, communication with parents, taking
exams, communicating in superiors or people with high position, negotiation
skills, and life solving problem and decisions. Is there any significant difference
between the level of self-confidence and It’s implication to the performance of
Grade 11-TVL students.

Through this problem stated, the researcher came up with the Hypothesis,
the level of self-confidence has no implication to the performance of Grade 11-
TVL students and the level of self-confidence has an implication to the
performance of Grade 11-TVL students. After administering the questionnaires,
the researcher used the weighted mean and range scale to determine the
significant difference.


1. Base on the data gathered, the age range of Grade 11-TVL students of
MNHS, under this the age 17 got the highest percentage of 43.45% with
the number of 25 students.
2. There were 25 or 43.86% were males and 32 or 56.14% females. Majority
of the respondent lives in Brgy. Malandag with an average of 57.89% with
the number of 33 students.
3. Electronic Protocols Application Software (EPAS) is the majority among all
specialization with an average of 38.84% with the number of 21 students.
Ilonggo tribe got the highest percent which responded by 21 students with
the percentage of 36.84%.
4. Most of the respondent graduated at Malandag National High School
during Junior High School with an average of 70.18% with the number of
40 students.
5. Fifty-four (54) or 94.74% is satisfied to the school that they graduated and
three (3) or 5.26% is dissatisfied to the school they graduated.
6. The weighted mean of public speaking was 3.94 and interpreted as
moderately high , reporting has a weighted mean of 2.93 and interpreted
as high, socialization with peers has weighted mean of 2.96 and
interpreted as high, communicating with parents has a weighted mean of
3.57 and interpreted as moderately high, taking exams has weighted
mean of 3.63 and interpreted as moderately high, Communication with
Superiors has weighted mean of 3.01 and interpreted as high, Negotiation
Skills has weighted mean of 3.07 and interpreted as high, Life solving
problems/decisions has weighted mean of 3.33 and interpreted as high.
7. In terms of level of self-confidence of the respondents, the respondents
obtained with an overall average of has weighted mean of 3.30 and
interpreted as “high”. And when the value is being calculated, the level of
self-confidence has no implication to the performance of the respondents.


Based on the data gathered the researchers concluded the following


The researcher defines that self-confidence can’t be attain to performance

only. Humans has its own status and factors that may not and may affect its
confidence. Hence, a person performance can’t be measured by self-confidence
only but it is composed of different factors like their socio-economic status,
aptitude, learning abilities as well as the facilities, and teacher characteristics and
abilities. High and low grades will not determine a person self-confidence. Ages
are one of the most affected of individual differences. It means that in that age,
students are more aware and conscious to their environment. The level of
intelligence maybe one’s ability to judge his or her own social and personal
standing with respect to his environment.

Practicing our confident has enough ability to understand our limitations

and knows to manage one’s personality. In such working environment like school
and respondents address will be able to practice his or her skills and talent
beyond expectations, as he or she get an opportunity to setting goals, and learn
new things.


Based on the conclusions of study, there are the recommendations of the


a. To the students, they must develop their motivational factors in order for
them to overcome life challenges. Learn to manage their perspective in
many ways.

b. To the persons in authority, like teachers, principals and other staff

personnel must be trained about strategies which are related to the self-
confidence building and have to observe students and their interactions
with peers carefully to meet the need of them.

c. To the parents, they should observe and pay more attention to the lives
of their children. They must be more aware of what their children feel and
understand how it can affect their child.

d. Schools should introduce awareness about how to improve or develop

human self-confidence by raising a program or implementations.

e. To the future researcher, should develop the different aspect that may
affect a person confidence such as effects, causes, and factors

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