Formatarea Si Protejarea Spatiului de Lucru

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Formatting Workspace Feature

The Formatting worksheet represents the

foremost Excel feature that provides a significant
improvement as regards the worksheet’s
readability and appearance, as well.
In Excel workspace, formatting commands can
also make it easier for other users to understand,
even to interpret the worksheet’s purpose.
As a conclusion, the worksheet formatting
capabilities deal with the appearance and
readability of the data which you are working with.
Formatting Workspace Feature
In Excel worksheet there is two different formatting types,
as follows:
1. Visual formatting that includes the classical formatting
features (fonts, colors and patterns, aligning sorts, font
styles, borders, etc.);
2. Numeric data formatting that points out the manner in
which Excel stores, displays and calculates the numeric
data contained from the worksheet.
Excel’s formatting tools are available in three locations:
 In the Home tab of the Ribbon;
 In the Mini toolbar that appears when we right-click a
cell or a range of cells;
 In the Format Cells dialog box.
Applying a predefined table format
Normal range
of cells

Applying a predefined table format
Converting the predefined table to
a normal range of cells
Worksheet Formatting Techniques
Formatting Numbers

Currency Increase or Decrease

format the number of

Percentage Thousands
format separator
Worksheet Formatting Techniques
Formatting Numbers (Ctrl +

Number of
decimal places

Add or remove
Negative the thousands
number separator

description of
selected format
Worksheet Formatting Techniques.
Format categories
The General Format is the default format for all cells. For the most
part, numbers formatted with the General format are displayed just
the way we entered them. However, if the cell is not wide enough to
show the entire number, the General format rounds numbers with
decimals or uses scientific notation for large numbers.
The Number Format category contains options for:
• displaying numbers in integer;
• displaying decimal numbers (select between 1 and 30 decimals by
typing or scrolling to the value in the Decimal Places box);
• displaying negative numbers (select an option from the Negative
Numbers list to display negative numbers preceded by a minus
sign, numbers in red, or both in red and with a minus sign;
• selecting thousand separators option to add points between
hundreds and thousands, between thousands and millions and so
Format categories. Currency Format

We can choose from the

drop-down list of more
than 250 worldwide
currency symbols
Format categories. Accounting Format
Format categories. Scientific Format
The Scientific
We can also useFormat is usually
the Scientific usedtotodisplay
format displaythe
in exponential
numbers, notation,
in this actually,
case, using to display
a minus either
sign after thethe very E.
symbol large
numbers, or, on the contrary, the very small ones.
The number that we
enter into the
current cell is
displayed on the
Formula Bar

This expression consists in multiply the

This 9expression
by 10 to the
consists in
The number in scientific format negative
contains the symbol E multiply ninth power9,42 by 10
the number
(9 times 10 to the negative
to the 9th power)
ninth power
representing the exponent code in
a section (10 times itself 9 times)
Worksheet Formatting Techniques.
Format categories
Applying the Text Format to a cell indicates that the entry into the
cell will be treated as usual text, even if it is a number. For all
practical purposes, a numeric constant formatted as text is still
considered a number, because Excel is capable of recognizing its
numeric value. However, if we apply the Text format to a cell that
contains a formula, that formula will be considered a text and will
be displayed as such in the current cell.

The numeric value is normally

right aligned in the current cell,
but when we apply the Text format
to the cell containing a number,
the value will be left aligned, even
if is a numeric entry
Creating Custom Formats
To create a custom number format using the special formatting
codes, we must choose the Custom category from the
Format Cells dialog box (Number tab). From the Type list we
select the built-in format that most closely resembles the
custom format we want to create.

Custom Format Codes
Symbol Meaning
0 Digit placeholder - this symbol allows to display the leading zeros (extra
zeros) on each side of the decimal point.
# Digit placeholder - this symbol works like 0, except that leading zeros do not
appear if the number has fewer digits on either side of the decimal point than
number of symbols specified in the format.
() $ - + / Standard formatting characters - these symbols allows to type these characters
space directly into the custom format.
. Thousands separator - this symbol is used like digit grouping symbol. If the
format contains a number greater than 999, Excel uses points to separate
hundreds from thousands, thousands from millions, and so on.
„text” Literal character string - in any custom format, a text will be always specified
between two quotation-marks.
* Repetition initiator - repeats the next character in the format enough times to
fill the column width.
@ Text placeholder - if the cell contains text, this symbol inserts that text in the
format where the symbol appears.
[color] Setting color - this format code allows to change the color of an entry, by
typing the name of color enclosed in two square paranthesis.
Custom Format Codes. Examples
Creating Four-Part Formats
In each custom format we can create a general expression for the
custom formats, specifying the completely different formats for the
positive number, negative number, null Custom
The General value and text value,
separating these portions by semicolons.
is entered on the Type box


To apply a new custom format, edit the appropriate format codes

in the Type box of the Format Cells dialog box.
Suppressing certain types of entries: to hide values in a
worksheet, assign a null format to them. To create a null format,
enter only the semicolon separator for that portion of the format.
For example: #.##0,00;; hides negative and zero values
Using Custom Format Conditional Operators
In Excel worksheets it is possible to create many custom formats
that are variable depending on a condition. To do so, it must be
added a conditional operator to the first two parts of a standard
four-parts custom format. We can use the conditional operators <,
>, =, <=, >=, and <> with any number to define a format.
For example, suppose we are tracking accounts-receivable
balances. To display accounts with balances of more than $50.000
in blue, negative values both in parentheses and in red, and all
other values in the default color, we must create the following
numeric format:

[Blue][>50000]$#.##0,00;[Red][<0]($#.##0,00); $#.##0,00
Using a combination of conditional formats, removing the leading
zeros, applying thousands separator can considerably improve
both the readability and the effectiveness of Excel worksheet,
without increasing the number of formulas.
Format categories. Date Format

After the Excel user type a date in a cell,

he can use the Number Format drop-
down list on the Ribbon to change its
default format using the most popular
date formats (Short Date or Long Date
options), or he can click More Number
Formats option at the bottom of the list to
select any of the built-in date formats.
Format categories. Date Format

g Dates

The Location
numeric value
list box
is allows
the current
than 120 cell,
but if we locations
apply thewith
Text unique
In the Format Cells dialog box,
to the the
c user can select the Date
category to display a list of available formats in the Type box
from the right side.
Format categories. Date Format

Note: In European format (the default format in this instance),

entering a date using an Americandate format, will certainly
generate a text data (a non-numeric information), that will be
automatically aligned at left within current cell.
Codes for creating the Custom Date
To supplement the standard Date formats we can create a
diversity of the custom date formats by simply using the “letter-
codes”: d (for day), m (for month) and y (for year). The table
below shows up the formatting codes and the codes combination
which we can use to create a custom date format in Excel sheets.

Regarding the last two-digit of year number from the date format,
there is an agreement: if the last two-digits of year number are
comprised between 0 and 29 (including 29), then the year belong to
the 21th century, otherwise, if that two numbers are greater than or
equal to 30, in this case, the year will belong the 20 th century (for
example, the abbreviation 27 means 2027, while 45 means 1945).
Changing the Appearance of Data
Based on Its Value
Conditional formatting represents an important spreadsheet feature
which has improved significantly starting from the version 2007,
representing now one of the most useful tool for visualizing the
worksheet numeric data.
Conditional Formatting represents an important Excel feature which
allows to apply several formatting attributes for the cell or range of cells
that meet the given criteria. Steps to follow:
1. select the cell or range of cells you want to apply a conditional format;
2. activate the command Conditional Formatting on the Ribbon - as a
result, Excel will display a drop-down list containing all the formatting
options available in current worksheet;
3. choose the formatting type from the drop-down list according to the
nature of information you want to format and your informational
requirements related to the field you selected before.
Home tab – Styles group – Conditional Formatting command
Suppose we want to apply a conditional formatting to a worksheet table
that contains the amount of 2008 sales, by Months and by Products.
In this case, the formatting rule will be the following: if any of the sale
value drop to less than 5 monetary units, the format of the cell changes
(green fill and text) to stand out from the other cells of the table.
Conditional formatting options.
Highlight Cells Rules
Conditional formatting options.
Highlight Cells Rules
Conditional formatting options.
Top/Bottom Rules
Conditional formatting options.
Data Bars
Conditional formatting options.
Color Scales
Conditional formatting options. Icon Sets

1. Select the cells range;

2. Choose the Icon Sets option
from the Conditional
Formatting drop-down menu;
3. Select the desirable icon set
from the palette of icon styles;
4. Choose Manage Rules option.
Conditional formatting options. Icon Sets

ChangeNew Rule
the first icontab from
setting the Value
to When Conditional
Is >= 80,Formatting Rules
specify Number as
the Type; dialog
leave thebox.other icon settings as they are, and return to the
Conditional Formatting Rules Manager.
Conditional formatting options. Icon Sets

Choose the Format Only Cells That Contain; in the bottom section
of the dialog box, specify Cell Value Less Than 80 and return to
the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager; as you can see, the
dialog box has now two formatting rules .
Conditional formatting options. Icon Sets

The first rule checks to see whether the value is less than 80.
If so, rule checking stops, and no conditional formatting is applied.
If the value is greater than or equal to 80, the second rule will be
applied. This rule indicates that values greater than or equal to 80
are displayed with an icon.
Icon Sets Example – Student Test Marks

=C3 – B3

 Select the Trend column (the range E3:E14);

The Change
 Select thecolumn contains
desirable Icon setafrom
formula that palette-3
the icons calculatesArrows
the difference
 Choose the
thetwo tests Rules
Manage and the Trend from
command columnthemust basically
drop-down menu;contains
the samethe
 Edit formula that references the Change column.
new rules.
Icon Sets Example – Student Test Marks
Icon Sets Example – Student Test Marks
Creating Formula-Based Rules
To specify conditional formatting based on a formula, select the
cells and then choose from Conditional Formatting drop-down
menu ➪ New Rule. This command displays the New Formatting
Rule dialog box. Click the rule type labelled Use A Formula To
Determine Which Cells To Format, and you’ll be able to specify
the desirable formula on the field Edit the Rule Description.
Creating Formula-Based Rules. Example
Suppose we want to display the total sales by quarters, only when all
quarter sales are entered (range B20:B23). The report sales A19:B24
shows a range with a formula that uses the SUM function in cell B24.
Conditional formatting is used to hide the sum if any of the four cells
above is blank. The conditional formatting formula for cell B24 (and cell
A24, which contains a label) requires the COUNT function.

Creating Formula-Based Rules. Example
wewe press
to display
key to the
by quarters,
of a cell,
whenwe all
not delete
sales the
are conditional
entered (range formatting
too. The
To remove
report all
shows a range
we mustwithfirstly
a formula
to select
the function
range of in cells,
cell then
group is from
to hidetabthe➪sumClear
if any
of the four
➪ Clear
above is blank.
choose Clear formatting
Rules option
for cell
(and cell
A24, which drop-down
contains a label)
menu.requires the COUNT function.

The sum is displayed only when all four values have been entered.
A missing value causes the sum to be hidden.
Aligning Data in Worksheet Cells
The contents of a cell can be aligned horizontally and vertically.
By default, Excel aligns numbers to the right and text to the left side, but
vertically, all cells use the bottom alignment. The Alignment group on the
Home tab on the Ribbon contains the most useful tools for aligning data
within worksheet cells. For more alignment capabilities, click the dialog
box arrow adjacent to the title of the Alignment group to display the
Format Cells dialog box (Alignment tab).
Vertical alignment buttons
Orientation button and menu
Wrap Text

Merge and center button and menu

Indent buttons
Horizontal alignment buttons
Alignment features in Format Cells dialog
Aligning Text Horizontally
and Vertically

Indenting Cell Contents

Wrapping Text
using the
Multiline Feature
Controlling Text
Shrinking Text to Fit
in Cell

Merging Cells into one Rotating Text using the

Degrees spinner
Formatting Fonts in Worksheet Cells
The term “font” refers to a typeface (type of the character), along with
its attributes, such as point size and text color. The Font group on the
Home tab is, actually, the easiest way to apply general font formatting to
the selected cell or range of cells. For more extensive control over fonts,
we must use the Font tab of the Format cells dialog box (CTRL + 1).
Font size
Font type Increase/Decrease Font Size button

Font style Font Color button and palette

Fill Color button and palette

Border button and palette

Underline button and palette

Applying borders, colors and shading
Borders and shading can be effective devices for defining certain areas
in the current worksheet or for drawing a special attention to
important cells of its tables. In other words, borders (and lines within
the borders) are another visual enhancement that we can add around
the groups of cells. From this point of view, Excel offers 13 preset
styles of borders, presented in Border drop-down list on the Ribbon.
Another way to apply borders is to use the Border tab of the Format
Cells dialog box. A handy way to display this dialog box is to select
More Borders option from the Border drop-down list.
The Fill Color button in the Font group offers multiple colors we can
apply to the selected range. Click the button’s arrow to display the
palette that contains a great variety of colors.
If we want to do more than just fill cells with color, the Fill tab in the
Format Cells dialog box provides an additional control.
Using the Border drop-down list on the
Applying borders feature from the
Format Cells dialog box – Border tab
Using the Fill Color palette on the Ribbon
Applying background color and
patterns from the Format Cells dialog
Protecting Worksheets and Workbooks
Excel’s protection-related features refer to the following two categories:
1. Worksheet protection: protecting a worksheet from being modified,
or restricting the modifications to certain users;
2. Workbook protection: protecting a workbook from having inserted or
deleted sheets, and also requiring the use of password in order to
protect the data workbook.
In addition to password protection for your files, Excel offers several
important features that you can use to protect your worksheet data (the
workbook structures, individual cells - protecting and hiding the
formulas, graphic objects, charts, diagrams, scenarios, editing actions)
from access by other users with whom you might share your work.
To protect a worksheet, you have to activate the Review tab from the
Ribbon (Changes group) and press the Protect Sheet command button.
Excel will display a dialog box where you can type a password.
Locking and Hiding worksheet cells
Initially, Excel locks (protects) all the worksheet cells, but that protection
is actually disabled until we proceed to activate the global protection (by
selecting the Protect sheet command on the Ribbon). Locking cells and,
also, hiding formulas has not effect at all unless the current worksheet is
protected. Before we protect a worksheet we have to follow the steps:
• to change the locked attribute we must select the cells we want to
keep unlocked;
• we activate the Format Cells dialog box and click the Protection tab;
• finally, we remove the check mark from Locked check box.
Protecting/Unprotecting Worksheet
To activate the worksheet global protection, we must choose from the
Ribbon the Review tab – Changes group - Protect Sheet command.
The protection status we specify applies to the current worksheet only.
After protection is enabled, we cannot change a locked item.
Still if we try to do this, Excel will automatically display an error message
into a specific dialog box.
In fact, after we assign a password, there is no way to unprotect the
worksheet without it and, in addition, we must also remember the
capitalization matter - the password are case-sensitive, so it makes
difference between using the uppercase or the lowercase characters.
To unprotect a worksheet, choose Review tab – Changes group -
Unprotect Sheet command. If the current worksheet is protected with a
When we choose the Protect
you’re prompted to enter that password.
command, optional we can
assign a password that must be
used to disable anytime the global
protection .
Hiding Excel formulas
The Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box has another attribute,
called Hidden. In a protected worksheet, if we applied the hidden
protection format to a cell that contains a formula, that formula remains
hidden from view in the Formula bar, even when we select that cell.
To hide a selected cell or a range of cells, we have to display the Format
Cells dialog box. Then click the Protection tab and mark the Hidden
check box. Formulas in hidden cells are still functional (visible), because
we must activate the global protection, as we have done in previous
case with the locked cells.
Protecting Excel workbooks
MS Excel gives you several ways to protect a workbook. You can require
a password to open it, a password to change data, and a password for
changing the file's structure—adding, deleting or hiding worksheets.
Therefore, Excel provides the following ways to protect a workbook:
1) Requiring a password to open the workbook;
2) Preventing user from adding, deleting, renaming and hiding sheets.

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