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Vol 03 | Issue 127 | Gangtok | Wednesday | 16 May 2018 RNI No. SIKENG/2016/69420 Pages 8 | ` 5

Sikkim’s merger with India was Let us work ef iciently &

based on trust: Chief Minister take the State to greater
at Sikkim’s merger with India in
resonance at the national level.
We have taken steps to improve
heights: Governor
“It was our af irmation of the weaker sections, women and SUMMIT REPORT
WHERE WE HAVE democracy and our collective members of Scheduled Tribes GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ:
HEALTHY DISCOURSE, choice to determine the future and Scheduled Castes,” the CM Governor Shriniwas Patil
DEBATE AND of Sikkim. In the context of the says, as goes on to detail the var- has extended heartiest
DIALOGUE” process of evolution of Republic ious achievements secured by felicitations and greet-
of India, Sikkim that was bat- the SDF Government in its ive ings to the people of Sik-
SUMMIT REPORT tling for democracy, it was the terms in of ice. kim on the occasion of
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: only logical move,” the CM says. He also reiterates the Gov- 43rd State Day.
C hief Minister Pawan Cham-
ling, while greeting the peo-
ple on the occasion of State Day
“From the time we were vot-
ed to power in 1994, we planned
our development strategy based
ernment’s primary focus in Ru-
ral Sikkim for better infrastruc-
ture infrastructure develop-
In a press commu-
niqué received from Raj
Bhavan, the Governor
which falls on 16 May, Wednes- on ground realities. We have ment, employment generation has congratulated Chief
day, shares that Sikkim’s merger people of Sikkim reposed full worked towards empowering and creation of quality public Minister Pawan Cham-
with India was based on “trust” trust in the nationhood of India the weaker sections of our pop- amenities. ling on achieving the
and “there is no other example and how bravely and patient- ulation. The Sikkim Democratic “As provided under the 73rd milestone of being the
of patriotism as high as the one ly crossed all the hurdles and Front Government has taken and 74th Constitutional Amend- longest serving CM of the
shown by the Sikkimese people”. barriers that came in the way of unique initiative not only in ment Acts of the Constitution, country, surpassing Late
“The people of this country merger,” the CM mentions in his the North-East, but in the en- Sikkim now has a strong body of Jyoti Basu’s record on 29
should never forget how un- opening remarks while inviting tire country. We have seen our local representation at the grass Apr 2018 and for leading
doubtedly and resolutely the the people to take a look back initiatives ind acceptance and turn to pg02 the State along its jour- of hard work, dedication for the unemployed
ney of progress, peace and determination of youth to become start up
Karnataka and harmony. successive government entrepreneurs.
The Governor has and the people of Sik- The Governor has
fate hangs in urged all to remember kim,” he added. further informed about
and pay tributes to dem-
balance as ocratic leaders of the
Highlighting the pro-
poor and pro-people
the Government’s so-
cial housing mission to
BJP falls short past for their wisdom in
establishing a Govern-
initiatives of the Gov-
ernment that have led to
ensure quality housing
for families living in hut-
of majority, ment of the people based
on people’s franchise.
accelerated development
of rural Sikkim, the Gov-
ments and has stated that
Sikkim will soon be the
Cong-JD(S) “Sikkim has come ernor has credited the irst State in the country
a long way since 1975 people of Sikkim for the to provide ‘pucca’ houses
join hands and today we pride our- success of its policies. to all its residents.
selves in our success. Be He has further Highlighting Pakyo-
it becoming India’s irst addressed the initiatives ng’s Green ield Airport
ȍPTIȎ: The Karnataka As-
Nirmal Rajya, best per- of the government and railway connectivity
sembly election results
forming State in Pancha- to provide maximum in the State, the Governor
threw up an unexpected
yati Raj, India’s cleanest opportunities to the has said, “Recently, the
suspense today, as a sim-
hill station or India’s irst youth of the State with Union Civil Aviation Min-
ple majority tantalisingly
Organic State, Sikkim has major focus on its ister has indicated that
eluded BJP and the Con-
shown the way to the lagship programme, the State’s sole airport
gress quickly proclaimed
rest of the country. The Chief Minister’s Start would be made opera-
support to third-placed
fruit of progress that we Up Scheme [CMSS], that tional by middle of June
JD(S) to keep the saffron
reap today is the result provides opportunities turn to pg02
party out of power .
All eyes are now on

Need to protect
Governor Vajubhai Vala
who will have to decide
whether to call BJP, the
single largest winner of
seats, to try to form the
government or go with
the JD(S)-Congress com-
our children
from predators, express
bine, which together have
a clear majority in the
224-member Assembly.
for 222 seats on May 12.
Both sides rushed to
meet Vala, their vehicles
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ [IPR]: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling attended the concluding day of the 16-day
‘wang’ (profound empowerment) bestowed by His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpochee and His Eminence
Zurmang Gharwang Rinpochee at Lingdum Monastery today.
concerned citizens
turn to pg03 NITESH R PRADHAN precedented level of empowerment of
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: women but it is wrong to say that there

CM should retire if he fails to reserve L&T A s the State’s media on a regular

basis reports on cases of sexual
crimes against children, there has been
is no violence against women and chil-
dren in the State with a rise in similar
cases being prominent.

seats before 2019 election: SKM a sense of urgency that has now made
our citizens increasingly worried about
the direction in which our society is
A female police on anonymity states
that such cases have always happened
in Sikkim but now there is increased
SUMMIT REPORT Sikkim at the credit for the this issue to its logical end.
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: Centre in his tribal status “SDF government played the going. social awareness on various crimes

S ikkim Krantikari Morcha one-week to Limboo & role of villain in delaying the “We need to protect our chil- particularly of sexual nature against
party has strongly refuted visit to Delhi. Tamang as it Karmapa’s visit to Sikkim,” he dren from these predators,” says one children and women.
various allegations made by “Before was done by alleged. 28-year-old school teacher, Varshu One of the most important factors
SDF spokesperson, Bhim Dahal, m a k i n g the earlier He mentioned that SDF gov- Kashyap. that have contributed to the rise in
on SKM Sangha MLA, Sonam mockery of government. ernment had sent a letter to the The POCSO Act is also not being crimes against women and children has
Lama. The party asserted that Sangha MLA, “ T h e Centre on 24 May in 1997 along feared by such predators is the com- been due to serious lack of awareness
the Constitution of the country it is more Chief Min- with annexure which alleged mon answer that one gets to hear from in the public with regard to laws per-
has given the right to every peo- important ister should that the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley various stakeholders. taining to sexual violence and punish-
ple’s representative irrespective for SDF party to think seriously stick with his words to take re- Dorje was a Chinese spy. On the The recent case of Namchi where- ment.
of any party to raise voice and on why it has failed to ful ill the tirement from politics if his gov- same, he added that this letter in a teacher sexually assaulted one “There seems to be a notion that
place demands at the Centre and demands of Sikkimese people in ernment fails to reserve seats had stopped the Karmapa to vis- 09-year-old minor is still fresh in the why would educated youths and old
other agencies. his last 24 years of the govern- for Limboo & Tamang before it Sikkim till date. collective conscience of the Sikkimese. people rape children or it is the com-
Addressing a press confer- ment,” he stressed. 2019 election instead of point- “But we have ful illed our “No one will trust even teachers plete lack of fear of the law,” says an ac-
ence here today, SKM spokes- He alleged that SDF gov- ing at the Centre failing to do so,” promise made in 2014 election now,” she adds. tivist working in NGO sector.
person, Jacob Khaling, has sug- ernment has failed to place de- he added. manifesto to get permission While the State has an enviable re- While crimes in public spaces have
gested Mr Dahal to properly mands and issues effectively Mr Khaling refuted the al- for the Karmapa to visit Sikkim cord in women empowerment with been on a rise, citizens have cautioned
study the Constitution of India and seriously at the Centre. legation made by Mr Dahal on without coming into the power,” our society not as patriarchal as other and unanimously expressed grave con-
and other related acts before Mr Khaling also lashed out on Sangha MLA of taking credit for Mr Khaling said. States in the country, the increase in cerns against the rise in sexual violence
giving any statement to avoid SDF party and its spokesperson Karmapa’s visit to Sikkim. On He also alleged that SDF has crime and violence against women and in private space like home.
insulting Sikkimese people. He for making misleading and false the same, he stated that Sangha never mentioned the name of Kar- children is a cause for worry. Clearly the current system that is in
mentioned that Sangha MLA has statements on Limboo & Tamang MLA has not taken any credit but mapa in its manifestos till date. In a recent interview, Deputy Secre- place has increasingly failed to address
placed only genuine and con- seat reservation issue. He stat- the people have appreciated his He alleged that the ruling tary, Social Welfare Department, Rohini concerns with citizens constantly voic-
cerned demand of the people of ed that SDF has also taken false efforts and hard work for taking turn to pg03 Pradhan, said that while Sikkim has un- ing for proper redressal of the issue. | | | | Summit TIMES Daily

2 SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018 SikkimSCAN
Safai Karmacharis live with respect & dignity in Sikkim: MV Zala
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ [IPR]: “Sikkim is the Supervisor and Sanitation Workers at Dis-
only State in India where Safai Karm- trict Zilla Bhawan, Sichey.
acharis are living with great respect and During the meet, various issues related
dignity and are very respectfully called to sanitary workers were discussed, their
‘Gangtok Beauti iers’,” said Chairman of grievances and demands were put-forth,
National Commission for Safai Karmacha- health insurance, education facilities for
ri, Government of India, Manhar Valjibhai their children, housing/accommodation
Zala, while addressing a press meet at the schemes, loans, salary/pension,recruit-
conference hall of Gangtok Municipal Cor- ment, orientation, medical camps, etc., for
poration [GMC] today. the welfare of the Safai Karmachari were
Mr Zala is on a four-daylong visit to elaborately discussed.
Sikkim for a series of meetings with GMC, While addressing the meeting, the DC
District Administration and Safai Karm- [East], Kapil Meena, welcomed the chair-
achari Associations and members under person on behalf of everyone and thanked
Municipal Corporation. him for visiting the State.
“I had heard so many things about Mr Meena apprised the visiting Chair-
Sikkim and after what I have seen in past man that Sikkim has always being blessed
two days I can say that Sikkim is one of the to follow the positive culture and tradition
cleanest and best places in India. I would towards cleanliness which is part of the
like to congratulate Chief Minister Pawan Sikkimese culture including government
Chamling, GMC and people of Sikkim for initiatives. He further informed that man-
making Sikkim a neat and clean State,” ual scavenging is not practised in Sikkim.
said Mr Zala. The DC said that the discussions and
He stated that in some other States of suggestions put-forth will be followed up
India, Safari Karmacharis are living in pa- It may be mentioned here, so far, 169 regular health check up, awareness and to change the society’s vision towards and proper implementation of facilities
thetic conditions with little or no bene its Sanitary Workers are working under GMC orientation programme, etc. Sanitation Workers and to respect them. and schemes for sanitary workers will be
from Municipal Corporation but in Sikkim to clean 19 KM stretch which falls under He urged stakeholders, local people He added that the issue of achieving com- provided by the administration.
they are living in good standard with ade- Gangtok Municipal Corporation. and tourists to come together to make plete sanitation in the country is very high He thanked the Chairman holding the
quate facilities without any problems and He requested GMC to apply Pradhan Sikkim beautiful and environment clean on agenda of the Central Government. meet with District Administration and
complaints. Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Pradhan State as Sikkim is one of the tourists’ des- Earlier, the Chairman conveyed a re- Nagar Panchayats which will help to mo-
“Sikkim has set high standards and is Mantri Jeewan Jyoti Bima Yojna for sani- tinations. view meeting with GMC Mayor, Commis- tive and provide encouragement to work
doing commendable work under the good tary workers and also touched upon Awas “In every State, our sanitary workers sioner, of icials and Sanitary workers and further.
leadership of Chief Minister Pawan Cham- [Housing] Yojana for sanitation workers have their problems and demands but in lauded the efforts made by GMC for the
ling. The cleanliness and scenic beauty are and regularization of casual workers. Sikkim they don’t have any problems and welfare of sanitary workers.
its biggest assets. Sanitary workers are the He appreciated the facilities which are demands. It means the government and Later in the afternoon, he also held
unsung heroes behind making Sikkim neat being provided by the State Government the GMC is very much kind enough to sup- meeting with District Collector [East],
and clean and free of diseases emanating and GMC like timely regularization as per port them,” he stated. Superintendent of Police [East] and oth-
from unhygienic conditions,” added Mr the government norms, disbursement of He stated that Prime Minister Naren- er senior level of icers, representatives
Zala. monthly salary, sanitary and safety kits, dra Modi has given out a strong message of Rangpo/Singtam Nagar Panchayat and

Sikkim’s Ofϐicials from Bhutan visit Sikkim

merger with to learn organic farming

GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ:

contd from pg01

T en of icials from Da-
gana District Admin-
istration from South Cen-
he has requested Prime
root level, sub-division Minister Narendra Modi tral Bhutan are currently
and district level to fruc- to inaugurate the airport. on a ive-day study tour
tify towards larger policy He also talks about in Sikkim from 13 May.
intervention of the State the construction of irst The study cum exposure
Government introduced rail track from New Jal- tour which will wrap up
from time to time. Elec- paiguri in West Bengal to on 18 May aims to help
tions to the rural bodies Rangpo. organic farming enthusi-
in November 2017 for the
Gram Panchayats and Zil-
In his message, the
CM has also highlight-
GPU level farmers asts to study and explore
various initiatives under-
la Panchayat seats have
taken place in which our
ed his Government’s
achievements to secure training prog held in taken by the Government
of Sikkim towards organ-
people exercised their ic certi ication and in-
Budang Malbasey
some of the crucial politi-
rights of electing their cal demands like enforce- novative waste manage-
grass root representa- ment and implementa- ment both in urban and
tives,” he details. tion of central OBC pro- SUMMIT REPORT rural settings, a press
The CM further vision in Sikkim, income GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: release informs.
congratulates the people
of Sikkim ‘for exercising
tax exemption for the
Sikkim Subject holders, M evedir organized daylong Gram Panchayat Unit
level farmer’s training programme for the farm-
ers of Budang Malbasey GPU in West Sikkim today, a
The team is led by
Choeden and Deputy
sion of icials.
Executive Director,
Sikkim Organic Mission,
collaboration with Inter-
national Panaacea Limit-
ed [IPL], another service
The visiting team also
interacted with the pro-
gressive farmers under
their democratic rights tribal status for Limboo
and choosing their and Tamang communi- press release informs. Governor, Tashi Gyelt- Dr Anabalagan gave an provider located in East IPL regarding organic
representatives’. ties and permission for Mevedir ield of icer, Binita Tamang outlined the shen. The visiting del- outline and presentation Sikkim coordinated the procedures.
He further shares His Holiness Ugen Trin- objective of the training programme and asked the egates comprises of on the various initiatives programme. The visit- The group is sched-
that access to quality ley Dorjee to visit Sikkim. farmers to make use of the natural resources available sector heads from the taken by the Govern- ing delegates interacted uled to visit Yuksom to
health and educational The CM further in- in the area. Education, Legal and En- ment of Sikkim towards with departmental of i- meet the Khangchend-
facilities have made ‘sig- forms that his Govern- Mevedir ield of icer, Kamal Kumar Sharma in the vironment, Agriculture, Sikkim achieving the cials, Additional Direc- zonga Conservation
ni icant difference’ in the ment is currently pursu- technical session demonstrated the preparation and Municipality and Dagana status of a fully organic tors, Pem Doma Lepcha Committee and learn
socio-cultural composi- ing its next demands for usage of natural made herbal spray from local plants District Administration. State. and Tilak Gajmer and about Zero Waste Pro-
tion and expectation of tribal seats reservation like tetaypati (Artimisea vulgaris L), Hatibar (Agave The team on its irst Mevedir, the local Joint Director, S. Shar- gram spearheaded by the
the Sikkimese people. for the Limboo and Ta- americana), Peray-Unyue (Pteridophytes) & Banmara day on 14 May interacted service provider for in- ma from Sikkim Organic committee, the release
The CM also shares mang tribes in Sikkim (Eupatorium sp.). with Sikkim Organic Mis- ternal control system in Mission. reads.
his methods to ‘diversi- Assembly and demand More than 40 farmers took part in the training

SPCC urges people to re lect on

fy livelihood options’ for for tribal status to the 11 progreamme.
the people. left out Sikkimese com-
“With limited poten-
tial to create additional
munities of Gurung, Man-
gar, Rai, Sunwar, Mukhia, Let us work
employment, alternative
sources to absorb our ed-
ucated people in the job
Jogi, Thami, Yakha, Ba-
hun, Chettri and Newar
in the ST list way. ef iciently & take Sikkim’s 43 years of Statehood
market also become lim-
the State to...
We all need to build SUMMIT REPORT tial growth in its population in government for carrying on their
ited,” he says. In addition a society where we have GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: the last few decades owing main- living, making them vulnerable

to the Directorate of Ca- healthy discourse, de- ikkim Pradesh Congress Com- ly to in lux of people from other to exploitation by vested powers.
pacity Building, Institute bate and dialogue. We contd from pg01 mans and special Letter mittee has conveyed its best States as well as its neighboring One of the biggest damages done
of Capacity Building and should never compro- 2018. This will pave the of Appreciations. wishes to the people of Sikkim on countries. Many of the modern to the Sikkimese society has been
the 42 Livelihood Schools, mise on the level and way for direct connectiv- In his concluding the 43rd State Day of Sikkim. amenities are available in the state to disturb the basic fabric of unity
he informs, start-up quality of our debate and ity from the metros and remarks, the Governor In a press release issued to- and our people have been living amongst the three ethnic commu-
schemes for the youths discourse. To create such will bolster tourism and has said, “Let me end by day, the party has stated that it in comfort enjoying the fruits of nities; the Bhutias, Lepchas and
have been started. intellectually vibrant economic growth further. stating that we need to has been 43 years since Sikkim democracy. The demography as Nepalis, which forms the basic
“We are happy to see knowledge society, every The railway connectivity do more and work hard- merged with India in April, 1975 well as geography of Sikkim has foundation of strength and unique
our youths now joining individual has a role to is somewhat delayed. In er to take the State to and transitioned from a 332 years de initely changed over the years. identity of Sikkim. The present SDF
job market outside the play. People have right to the latest development, greater heights. We must old monarchy to democracy. However, how have we evolved as government had initiated this way
state and creating job differ and avoiding cheep the GTA Darjeeling has endeavor to promote a “It is time to contemplate on citizens of the world’s largest de- back in 1994 making it their elec-
facility themselves,” he tirade, sensationalism given the NOC for con- just society through pru- how fruitful our journey has been mocracy? Democracy is freedom toral campaign strategy. They irst
adds. and personal attack is an struction of the rail link dent management of the so far as India’s 22nd State,” the with responsibility. Have we been created a divide within the Nepalis
Going over the list of absolute must. All must to Sikkim through their natural resources. We party has said. responsible as Sikkimese Indians on religious and racist grounds,
the several ongoing proj- preserve and protect the territory to the North must provide livelihood A SPCC press release issued by in preserving the goods of Sikkim and further worked to alienate the
ects, in his State Day ad- sanctity of democratic Eastern Frontier Rail- through economic diver- its working president, Dr Dipen- and contributing to the betterment Bhutia-Lepchas from the Nepalis.
dress, the CM also express- principle and democrat- ways. It is expected that si ication and continue to dra Gurung mentioned that the of our future generations? All these have worked very well
es his happiness over the ic fair play in the way the work would be ex- provide good governance State has de initely been showered The acceptance of a feudal sys- for them to stay on in power for
completion of Green ield we think, speak and act pedited to link Sevoke in to the people which is with developmental projects and tem does not seem to have faded more than 20 years. The govern-
Airport at Pakyong. in our daily interactions, West Bengal to Rangpo.” inclusive, accountable, various schemes, since successive from the Sikkimese mindset judg- ment now seems to be conspiring
He further informs between individuals and The Governor has transparent and equita- governments have been largely ing from the fact that governments to completely erase the identity of
that the airport has for- group of individuals,” the further congratulated ble. Let us continue to engaged only in the distribution of enjoy being voted to power con- Sikkim by amending Sikkim’s only
mally obtained the li- CM writes in his message the recipients of LD Kazi promote peace, harmo- central largesse, and has brought tinuously for several terms! This constitutional safeguard Article
cense to operate for com- to the people of Sikkim Award for Democratic ny and brotherhood in a with it ‘corruption in all forms and has actually made our people un- 371 F, on the pretext of increasing
mercial lights. on Sikkim’s 43rd State Movement, Sikkim Sewa setting in which develop- levels’. aware of their fundamental rights the assembly seats from 32 to 40.
He mentions that Day. Sammans, Krishi Sam- ment will thrive.” “The State has seen exponen- and increasingly dependent on the turn to pg05
CapitalTIMES SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018 3
Gangtok on
16 May
Riverfront cleanliness drive begins at Rani Khola
Temp: 24°C /12°C REBYNA RANA sai School and of icials from
Forecast: A shower RĆēĎĕĔĔđ, 15 MĆĞ: line department.
or thunderstorm in
spots in the morning; D epartment of Forests,
Environment & Wildlife
Management Department,
The cleanliness drive is
scheduled to go on till 05 June.
During the programme,
otherwise, clouds
and sunshine. Government of Sikkim in col- Mr Rao informed that this
Sunrise: 04:47 AM laboration with Ministry of year’s theme for World En-
Sunset: 6:15 PM Environment, Forest and Cli- vironment Day will be ‘Beat
mate Change, Government of Plastic Pollution’.
India as a part of World Envi- He also urged the govern-
Over 300,000 ronment Day 2018 conduct-
ed a riverfront cleaning drive
ment, industry, communities
and individuals to come to-
workers to along Rani Khola and its ad- gether and explore sustain-
joining streams today. able alternatives and urgently
be employed The cleanliness drive reduce the production and
was lagged off by Principal excessive use of single-use
in solar, Chief Conservator of Forests plastic polluting our rivers,
wind energy and Wildlife Warden, C.S Rao
along with Deputy Mayor,
jhora and roadside damaging
human life and threatening
sectors in Lhasey Doma and other se-
nior of icials from various de-
human health.
“From such plastic clean-
India: report partments. up drives in rivers, jhoras and
The programme was fol- public areas, Sikkim will now
lowed by a rally from Ranipool be leading the push to save
15 (PTI): Over 300,000
town to Ranipool bridge our rivers and roadside areas.
workers will be em-
which was participated by the This way Sikkim can set an ex-
ployed in the solar and
students from Biraspati Par- ample worldwide,” he added.
wind energy sectors in
India to meet the coun-
try’s target of generating
175 gigawatts of elec-
Central Pandam SSS
tricity from renewable
sources by 2022, the In-
ternational Labour Or-
soars into inals of
ganisation (ILO) has esti-
mated in a report.
Mahendra Karki
The ILO said in its
annual lagship report Football Tournament
on the state of the global
job market that action to
combat climate change
could create millions of
new job opportunities
and “more than” offset
losses in traditional
The UN labour agen-
cy said that 24 million
new posts “will be cre-
ated globally by 2030”,
but added that “the right
policies to promote a
greener economy” must
also be in place for this to
happen, along with bet-
ter social safety nets for
The report ‘World
Employment and Social
Outlook 2018: Greening
with jobs’ said India has
set itself the goal of gen-
erating 175 gigawatts of
electricity from renew-
able sources by 2022,
SUMMIT REPORT Pandam Senior Second-

Governor visits trout farm in Sreebadam H

which corresponds to
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: ary School, East Sikkim
around half of its total
ee-Gyathang Senior has secured its berth in
electricity production.
Secondary School, the inal round of the
The report cited es-
SUMMIT REPORT from State’s Fisheries Depart- ment of India and State Fish- ish goes very high during the North Sikkim lost to tournament.
timates by The Council
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ: ment and National Fisheries eries had sponsored the 1500 tourist season ensuring them Central Pandam Senior St. Xavier’s School,
on Energy, Environment
and Water (CEEW) and
the Natural Resources
G overnor Shriniwas Patil and
First Lady, Rajanidevi Pa-
til, visited trout farm located at
Development Board [NFDB],
Government of India, a press
communiqué received from Raj
hatchlings each with feed. Lat-
er in 2016-17, NFDB had again
sponsored tanks alongside i-
a very good livelihood and in-
come, they added.
The Governor expressed
Secondary School 4-0
in the irst semi- inal
match of the ongoing
Pakyong is set to face
Modern Senior Second-
ary School in the second
Defence Council (NRDC)
Sreebadam in West Sikkim on Bhavan informs. nancial assistance. happiness for the initiatives LD Kazi Memorial Gold semi- inal match tomor-
that say that based on
13 May during their three-day- During interaction with the The produce from their farm taken by the local enterprising Cup Inter-School Foot- row, the winner will then
surveys of solar and wind
long visit to West Sikkim re- Governor, the farmers informed are in high demand in Gangtok farmers. He urged more youths ball Tournament 2018 at face Central Pandam Se-
companies, developers
cently. The farm is raised by a that they had established the and Pelling where it fetches very to join the farming which can be Chakung ground in West nior Secondary School
and manufacturers, over
cooperative society involving farm in 2011 with inancial as- good price. The farmer further developed as hub in the locality Sikkim. in the inal match of the
300,000 workers will be
six local farmers with assistance sistance from NFDB, Govern- added that the demand of the and replicated elsewhere. With this win, Central tourney on 18 May.
employed in the solar
turn to pg05
Karnataka fate hangs in balance as BJP falls
CM should short of majority, Cong-JD(S) join hands
retire if 5
contd from pg01 Congress leader Ghulam the country. Karnataka
slowly cutting through Nabi Azad told India To- was the only major non-
he fails to the throngs of party day TV. “In the morning, BJP ruled state, and the
it looked like the BJP will party of ices had rever-
reserve L&T workers and supporters
assembled outside the have enough to form the berated with jubilation in
seats... Raj Bhavan gates, and
staked claim to power.
government, and on the
basis of that BJP started
the morning when initial
trends put it ahead. N BUY
contd from pg01 In a roller-coaster celebrating also. Mean- Several BJP and Con-

party has been using the ride for BJP, it initially while, we fared well. gress leaders rushed to
Sikkimese Nepali issue to appeared that the par- JD(S) did not fare that Bengaluru from the na- Alto Wagon R
play with the sentiments ty was set to return to well. And later, when the tional capital. Total Saving Total Saving
Rs. 20,000/-*
ON 0%
power after a ive-year JD(S) and the Congress The swift political Rs. 20,000/-*
of the people to get votes.
He questioned why the hiatus with a resounding numbers swelled up, that manoeuvring by Con-
ruling government had majority. But as all the was the time we felt we gress in reaching out to
not been working sincere-
ly on this issue in its 24
trends became known, it
appeared the party will
can make it,” he said.
Azad’s com-
JD(S) headed showed
that it had learnt its les-
Total Saving
Total Saving
Rs. 10,000/-*
years of the government. fall a few seats short of ments summed up the son after the debacle in Rs. 10,000/-*
“Our Sangha MLA the 112 needed to form breath-taking daylong Manipur and Goa where
brought a private bill for the government. developments in an elec- it failed to form the gov- *SPECIAL OFFERS FOR TAXI OWNERS- Rs. 3,000/* [Additional discount]
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2014 in the interest of when there was a win- tions at a time when the because of BJP’s clever
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ing party MLAs have not *Rs. 5,000/- SPECIAL DISCOUNT- HEALTH DEPTT. EMPLOYEE
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On the same, he stat-

ed that SKM party will
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Assembly and the ruling | advertise@
party should support this
bill if it is honest and sin-
cere towards the people. JUST DIAL:
4 SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018 Opinion
Chief Minister Pawan Chamling’s
No Country
for Women
message on the 43rd State Day
They continue to be at risk because
the predators continue to get away
M y dear fellow Sikkimese citizens,
On the auspicious occasion of the
43rd State Day, I convey my warm greet-
well as impact the longevity of the peo-
ple positively. I am happy to record that
life expectancy among the Sikkimese

ings to all the fellow Sikkimese brothers people has increased by over 11 years
exual assaults are not a new crime in our coun-
and sisters. Excerpts… on average during the period 1990 to
try; unfortunately, neither is the complete lack of
Dear citizens, 2016. And may I submit that there is no
anything substantive in how this violent crime is ad- From the time we were voted to pow- greater development than increasing
dressed. This must be why the victim of one of the er in 1994, we planned our development the life span of people by such impres-
more gruesome rapes is now immortalized in our strategy based on ground realities. The sive igures. I send my greetings to all
memories as “Nirbhaya”. The women of our country irst thing we did was framing both short- our 65,000 organic farming communi-
need to be “fearless” to get by because we remain dis- term and long-term strategies for the over- ties of Sikkim for this distinction and
tressingly impotent in providing them with an envi- all development of the State. We have clean congratulate all progressive farmers
ronment without fear. energy generation, eco-tourism, horticul- who have been felicitated today on this
For all the Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao sloganeering, ture, loricultural products and small scale State Day function.
we remain a country which has become lawlessly ef- industries. The State Government has suc-
fective in protecting its VIPs but remains clueless about We have worked towards empowering cessfully introduced the concept of
how to keep its women safe. In the latest instance, a the weaker sections of our population. The eco-friendly tourism with promotion of
SDF Government has taken unique initiative Mangar, Rai, Sunwar, Mukhia, Jogi, Thami, Yakha, all arms of tourism like home stay, vil-
girl from Sikkim was gang-raped in Gurgaon, hence
not only in the North-East, but in the entire coun- Bahun, Chettri and Newar in the ST list way. There lage tourism, culture tourism, adventure tourism
a discussion on rapes arrives in this section and the
try. We have seen our initiatives are inding accep- are positive news from the Central Government for and concept of ban bas, akanta vas in Sikkim. On a
desperation of the situation gets ampli ied for people early resolution of these remaining demands. In a
tance and resonance at the national level. We have very conservative estimate, over 5,000 Sikkimese
here. It is worrying that apart from weekend revelers, democracy, everything is achievable with public
taken steps to improve the weaker sections, women youths are gainfully engaged directly in running
Delhi and its suburbs are also patrolled by predators. pursuit and discussion.
and members of STs and SCs. We have to generate homestays in Sikkim which are proving to be great
What is more worrying though is that sexually deviant awareness on health, hygiene, education and other ENVIRONMENT, AGRICULTURE AND TOURISM success. Introducing unique tourism concept, we
youth feel neither fear in roaming the streets for prey socially and culturally relevant programs so that the We are fortunate to have bounties of nature have developed the Char Dham complex, 150 feet
nor hesitation in kidnapping someone off the streets. less privileged section of the people become aware, and its natural wealth. Ensuring suf icient tall statue of Guru Padmasambhava, 137.50 feet
They obviously gather this courage from the fact that more careful on these and take advantage. environmental safeguards, we have embarked tall statue of Lord Buddha and the 150 feet tall
policing, investigation and prosecution remain weak Rural Sikkim has received our maximum focus upon long-term initiatives to properly harness our statue of Chenregiz being constructed at Pelling.
and easily compromised except in the rare case that for infrastructure development, employment gen- natural resources on a sustainable basis. Hydro- This has not only provided spiritual sanctuary to
manages to remain in the news. eration and creation of quality public amenities. As power generation, eco-tourism, horticulture and the world full of worldly sorrows and grief, but also
There has to also be something clinically wrong with provided under the 73rd and 74th Constitutional loriculture and all the related sectors are some of brought about cultural integration of the State with
us that we groom so many rapists in our country, and in Amendment Acts of the Constitution, Sikkim now the examples. The Sikkimese people are all aware the Indian mainstream.
the long run, that is a failing we need to address and cor- has a strong body of local representation at the of the range of projects and schemes underway to SIKKIM: A PEACEFUL STATE
rect. In the meanwhile, what we need to do as a country grass root level, sub-division and district level to develop these sectors. Sikkim surrounded by three international borders
fructify towards larger policy intervention of the Our people have to exert and improve our pro i- is always exposed to nefarious activities that may
is present a united sense of outrage to demand better of
State Government introduced from time to time. ciency and skill to take advantage of our resources spill over into our peaceful State. However, against
ourselves, our societies and our governments. We have
Elections to the rural bodies in November 2017 for in the State. We can start from our own brothers all odds, we have consistently maintained peace
to be better than a society where a woman risks rape and sisters in the farmland toiling day and night
the gram panchayats and zilla panchayat seats have and tranquility in the border state offering a rare
every time she steps out of her house in the national to eke out their livelihood. But the yield from the
taken place in which our people exercised their example in the Country. The fact that Sikkim is free
capital. And they remain at risk because our systems, farmland is not proportionate to the hard labour
rights of electing their grass root representatives. from any unrest should be fully appreciated by our
by and large, continue to fail the victims and survivors. On this occasion, let me congratulate the people of and meager resources that they invest in the land. fellow Indians.
In the present case, the State Government will hopefully Sikkim for exercising their democratic rights and I have clearly felt that we do not only suffer from Even as we proudly celebrate our State Day
bear enough pressure on Haryana to ensure that inves- choosing their representatives. lack of skill manpower de icit but also intellectual which signi ies the unique patriotism the Sik-
tigation proceeds professionally and the guilty are iden- HEALTH AND EDUCATION FACILITIES de icit. The skills also need to be diversi ied with kimese people pledged to the nation of India, let us
ti ied, nabbed and prosecuted. Unlike in the past, access to quality health and ed- hard work. Our people should not be comfort lov- remind ourselves once again that it was the aspira-
The root problem, however, will remain largely un- ucational facilities has made signi icant difference ing. Comfort enslaves our mentality. Otherwise, our tion and love of democracy that attracted the Sik-
addressed and women will continue to remain at risk. in the socio-cultural composition and expectation routine work will be undertaken by people coming kimese people to the Republic of India. We should
Since we are nowhere close to resolving that collective of the Sikkimese people. With our population in from outside. never forget that democracy formed the irm foun-
failing, we have to ind ways and means to ensure that the most productive age group being high, we have Sikkim now is clearly within the de inition and dation of our union with the world’s largest de-
no case of rape remains unsolved and no accused let to devise ways and means to diversify livelihood scope of Globalization. There is no running away mocracy. We should therefore be always prepared
off. Since we cannot groom our men better, let us at options for our people. With limited potential to from this fact. That means, the Sikkimese people and determined to keep that foundation intact and
create additional employment, alternative sources are widely exposed to the worldwide opportunities robust. Nothing should deter and distract us.
least resolve to bring down the entire weight of law
to absorb our educated people in the job market available in a wide varieties of ields across board. CONCLUSION:
on every perpetrator. A rapist is invariably a person
also become limited. In addition to the Directorate What we lack is enough con idence to make a foray I represent that Sikkimese generation who actively
dealing with his inadequacies and uses sexual assault into the untravelled land and the untraversed ar-
of Capacity Building, Institute of Capacity Building participated in the democratic struggles in 1973. I
to claim some sense of power by taking possession of eas of economic activities. Our youths passing out
and the 42 Livelihood Schools, start-up schemes on behalf of the people of Sikkim, would like to sa-
a woman’s body. They continue to do so because too of colleges and universities have only formal edu-
for our youths have been started. We are happy to lute those proud sons and daughters of Sikkim who
many of them are allowed to get away with it. One way see our youths now joining job market outside the cation lacking in technical knowhow. Therefore, sacri iced and contributed in different ways for the
to beat them is to convince them that something more state and creating job facility themselves. hundreds of small industrial units set up in the cause of democracy in Sikkim. My direct involve-
powerful will slam down hard on them if they rape. The young Sikkimese in the age group of 15-24 State are still looking for skilled manpower from ment in the movement as a youth leader augment-
And we have to ensure that the Law presents itself as years constitutes 22.5 % of total population as per Sikkim to ful ill their local demand. With the diver- ed my conviction about democratic ideologies. I
that powerful deterrent. census 2011. Viable economic activities in the State si ication of economic activities based on our nat- have never ceased to invest my life in the cause for
have to be undertaken by our youths. More inno- ural resources, we have opened up door for many democracy.
vative and progressive policy interventions to face opportunities for our local educated youths. This When we look back, Sikkim’s integration with
Remembering any challenges need to be undertaken.
I am happy to state that construction of Green-
is time to reorient their own thinking pattern and
their mindset to discover opportunities staring at
the Indian mainstream has been one of the most
signi icant event in the recent history of our peo-
Sikkim’s Gandhi Pokhrel ield Airport at Pakyong is completed and has for-
mally obtained the license to operate for commer-
them in every corner and take advantage of them.
Among the human threats, I ind that compla-
ple. We gained freedom to choose our representa-
tives and heralded democratic system to form gov-
on State Day cial lights. Pakyong airport will connect us more to
the North East and will improve aviation network
cency among our younger generation to the idea of
work and the negative perception about dignity of
ernment of our choice through popular elections.
After the merger in 1975, all incumbent state gov-
BINOD BHATTARAI of the country. It is a huge achievement for the labour is surely the most worrying of all. Soft life ernments and all Chief Ministers tried to contrib-

S ikkim celebrates State Day

today, as this was the day
way back in 1975 that the tiny
state, as this airport is located at more than 4,500
feet above sea level. On this happy occasion, the
Hon’ble Union Civil Aviation Minister, Shri Suresh
style syndrome is the bane of our emerging soci-
ety where people want to spend money only with-
out any commensurate economic activities. The
ute towards greater development of the State and
its people. While I pay deep tribute to our former
Chief Minister of Sikkim, late Shri Nar Bahadur
kingdom, nestled in the lap Prabhu ji in his tweet of May 4, 2018 said that the younger generations care least about the ancestral Bhandari, we also sought to pay him rich tribute to
of the Himalaya, decided to Airport has been ‘an engineering marvel’ and will occupation of say farming. What we can do to bring name the Government Degree College Tadong after
merge with India to become boost tourism & economic growth,” of Sikkim State. back the traditional vibrancy in the context of earn- late Bhandari to keep live his memory and contri-
the country’s 22nd state. De- I have requested the Hon’ble Prime Minister to in- ing their own bread should be the concern of one bution made by him.
spite being surrounded by augurate the airport. We are hopeful that he will and all. We have to reinstate and strengthen the You are aware that peace is the most signi i-
three international boundar- certainly ind time to come to Sikkim for the inau- generational link and the socio-cultural values that cant achievement of Sikkimese people. We have
ies, Sikkim has re-de ined the guration. our forefathers promoted and preserved so dearly. changed the very concept of border state in India
idea of a border state and is Construction of irst rail track from NJP in West Our young boys and girls seem to be increasingly where almost all other border states have militancy
a region of peace, communal Bengal upto Rangpo and later upto Gangtok are be- trapped in the western culture without any social or persistent social unrest or communal violence.
harmony, consensus, and tran- ing started. We expect to get this railway commis- cushioning mechanism. Many dance clubs have Inter-faith and inter-ethnic harmony in Sikkim has
quility. Besides successfully sioned soon. This rail line is expected to be under- sprung up in our towns that churn out juicy music been exemplary. The state government has done all
integrating the state in the na- ground with three or four surface outlet stations. all through the night. it can to preserve and promote the ethnic identi-
tional mainstream, Sikkim has Not much is known about There is no underplaying of the facts of our best Sikkim is our home and we have all the right ties, religious freedom, gender equality and human
been able to ful ill many of the his involvement in the earli- practices of eco- tourism, environment manage- and should have all the discretion to close door rights. The freedom of press is our priority. Media
hopes and aspirations of the er movements of Mahatma ment and clean and green ecology, and of course, against all the harmful culture and tendencies. Let has freedom to print all shades of news. There is
people. People here fully enjoy Gandhi like Non-Cooperation our hospitable Sikkimese people supporting us to us get across the message to every member of the unlimited political freedom. Political parties have
their democratic rights in all Movement and Civil Disobedi- take our state forward. Nationally, we are called the household in the State that to ape others’ culture freedom to publicize their agenda and question the
spheres, be it social, political ence Movement. However, we happening State. On this happy occasion, I would blindly will undermine our own existence. The government. Let me take this opportunity to appeal
or religious, while communal can irmly claim his involve- thank the people of Sikkim for their contribution, purpose of my detailing some of the contexts above to all to uphold dignity and sanctity of freedom.
harmony and secular beliefs ment in the famous Bharat cooperation and the deep understanding to sup- is only to share my concern with each and every I am personally a democrat at heart and I have
have been the hallmark of Sik- Chhodo Andolan (Quit India port the State Government in all its endeavours. Sikkimese citizen. We are collectively responsible tremendous respect for diversity of opinions and
kimese society. Movement) of 1942 from his PENDING DEMANDS and accountable to the noble task of building our counter-perspective. We all need to build a society
There are various unsung contemporaries. You are aware that post 1994 era Sikkim has wit- State as the most vibrant and progressive State in where we have healthy discourse, debate and di-
heroes have contributed to His contemporaries in- nessed democracy in full and bloomed forth with the Country- socially, culturally, economically and alogue. We should never compromise on the level
bring democratic movement form us about his stay with rule of law been paramount. The people are abso- intellectually. I call upon all the fellow citizens to and quality of our debate and discourse. To create
in Sikkim. Among them is Gandhiji at Sabarmati Ash- lutely free to make socio-economic development introspect and share suggestions, opinions and such intellectually vibrant knowledge society, ev-
the late TrilochanPokhrel or ram in Gujarat and Sarvodaya of the State. This is also highlighted in our many ideas with the Government so that what follows ery individual has a role to play. People have right
popularly known as ‘Gandhi Ashram in Bihar. During his achievements to secure some of the crucial politi- next becomes a common agenda for growth and to differ and avoiding cheep tirade, sensationalism
Pokhrel’ or ‘Bande Pokhrel’. stay with Gandhiji, he used cal demands like enforcement and implementation overall contentment and happiness. and personal attack is an absolute must. All must
Late Pokhrel was born at to spin the charkha, rendered of central OBC provision in Sikkim, income tax ex- ORGANIC MISSION preserve and protect the sanctity of democratic
Tareythang Busty in Pakyong his service for the ashrams emption for the Sikkim Subject holders, tribal sta- You are aware that Sikkim has been the only State principle and democratic fair play in the way we
sub-division of East Sikkim and assisted the Mahatma in tus for Limbu and Tamang communities and per- in India and the world to become 100 percent or- think, speak and act in our daily interactions, be-
in the last decade of 19th his daily affairs. Late Trilo- mission for HH Ugen Trinley Dorjee to visit Sikkim. ganic farming State. We have limited land for cul- tween individuals and group of individuals.
Century. During his youth, chan Pokhrel had immense The state OBC have all been taken along where the tivation so cannot possibly augment volume after Finally, I would once again extend my good
he was greatly in luenced by faith in the teachings of sim- centre does not provide reservation for them. certain limitation. Therefore, the idea has been to wishes and appeal to one and all to join hand to
the movements of Mahatma ple life by Mahatma Gandhi. We are pursuing our next demands for tribal add value to our products nationally and interna- make Sikkim the world’s most beautiful place to
Gandhi which were based on His contemporaries at Tar- seats reservation for the Limbo and Tamang tribes tionally. Our farming community would also learn live in.
the fundamental principles eythang village inform us in Sikkim Assembly and demand for tribal status to new skills, new technique to enhance productivity. Thank you
of truth and non-violence. turn to 06 the 11 left out Sikkimese communities of Gurung, And this will provide them with new profession as Jai Hind
NeighbourhoodWATCH SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018 5
Phase IV building of Sikkim High Court inaugurated Guv should call
SUMMIT REPORT Cong, JD(S) to form govt
GĆēČęĔĐ, 15 MĆĞ (IPR): Chief
Justice, Sikkim High Court, Jus-
tice Satish Kumar Agnihotri
in Karnataka: Mamata
laid the foundation stone of KĔđĐĆęĆ, MĆĞ 15 (PTI): Congress gone into an al-
the Phase IV building of High West Bengal Chief Min- liance with the JD(S), the
Court at a ceremony held at the ister Mamata Banerjee results of the elections
premises today. said today that the Kar- would have been “very
The ceremony was attend- nataka governor should different”.
ed by Minister of Law & Leg- follow democratic norms Banerjee congratu-
islative, Parliamentary Affairs and call the Congress and lated H D Deve Gowda’s
Department, R. B Subba as the the JD(S) to form the next JD(S) and went on em-
guest of honour along with government as the two phasising on the growing
Judge, High Court of Sikkim, parties together have the importance of regional
Justice Bhaskar Raj Pradhan majority. parties.
and of icials from various de- Her remarks came in “I cannot say that
partments along with former the backdrop of the past (whether Congress will
luminaries of the legal fraterni- government formation form the next govern-
ty of the State, members of the process in Goa and Mani- ment or not). But we
Sikkim Bar and of icials and of adequate infrastructure. He Mr Subba while deliver- icials of the Buildings and storied structure is an rein- pur, where the Congress must congratulate Deve
staff of the Sikkim High Court called on the lawyers to take opti- ing his address said that such Housing Department who are forced cement concrete build- despite emerging as the Gowda and his party be-
and State Legal Services. mum bene it of the facilities that steps towards infrastructural engaged in this process to en- ing built at 7.37 crores with a single largest party was cause they have done a
Justice Agnihotri in his ad- would be made available after growth will go a long way in sure that the project achieves total loor area of 20,250 FT. not invited to form the better job being a region-
dress welcomed the upcoming the completion of the new build- strengthening the legal envi- completion at the earliest. “It has been planned government by the re- al party.
construction and expressed ing and added that they should ronment in the state. He vo- Chief Engineer, Buildings with consultations with the spective governors. “I have been saying
positivity that this would greatly come together to build an envi- calized that the efforts of the and Housing Department pre- High Court and will provide “There is a prece- that we have to take re-
smooth out the minor glitches ronment for themselves to grow Chief Minister in this pursuit sented a brief technical report additional space to the High dence in Goa and Mani- gional parties into con-
that the legal fraternity faced and also to give the legal aid seek- will continue. In conclusion, on the new building and in- Court for better functioning,” pur where the Congress, idence because they all
every now and then due to lack ers a congenial platform. the Minister directed the of- formed that the proposed ive he informed. despite emerging as the are playing important
single largest party, was roles from their own
not called to form the ield. And today also, that
SPCC Over 300,000 workers to be employed in solar, Straight ight between ruling government. So it de- was proved. I had said
pends on the governor,” that they will be the king-
wind energy sectors in India: report PDA’s consensus candidate
urges contd from pg01 institutions like the Skills below two degrees Cel-
& NPF in Nagaland LS bypoll
she said.
“But what I feel is
makers. They will be the
actual leaders,” Banerjee,
that we are proud of our who has mooted the idea
people and wind energy sectors Council for Green Jobs sius, above pre-indus-
in India to meet the 2022 was set up for the pur- trial levels. This should KĔčĎĒĆ, MĆĞ 15 (PTI): February this year, to democracy. Let that dem- of a federal front of re-
target. pose in 2015. lead to more new jobs The bypoll to the lone contest the Nagaland As- ocratic norms be taken gional parties, said.
to re lect “To meet the tar-
get, the number of
It said that based on
the identi ication of skills
in the sustainable ener-
gy sector through public
Lok Sabha seat in Na-
galand on May 28 will
sembly election.
Rio, who is now the
forward. And I think be-
cause the Congress and
All national parties,
including the Congress

on... workers required by

ground-mounted solar,
needs in these sectors,
26 new Technical and Vo-
policy shifts - as well as
private sector develop-
witness a straight ight
between the NDPP, sup-
chief minister, had won
unopposed from the
Deve Gowda’s party has
already requested the
and the BJP, should re-
alise the importance of
Contd from pg03 rooftop solar and wind cational Education and ment - ranging from the ported by the ruling Northern Angami-II seat governor stating that regional parties, she said.
Firstly, in a small state power projects, will need Training (TVET) cours- promotion of electric People’s Democratic Alli- in Kohima district. Veter- they want to form the “Every state has its
like Sikkim 32 seats are to increase The potential es have been developed cars to energy-ef icient ance, and the opposition an politician Yepthomi is government together. We own identity and re-
more than suf icient. for employment creation for occupations ranging buildings, according to NPF, Returning Of icer M the consensus candidate must give respect to our gional aspiration. The
The increase in seats has is conditional on the do- from water treatment the ILO report. Patton has said. of the partners in the democratic set up,” Ba- national parties have to
been proposed with an mestic capacity of solar plant helper to solar India and France have As Tokheho Yepthomi PDA government. nerjee told reporters at consider their aspira-
aim to accommodate the module manufacturing project manager and im- launched an Internation- of the Nationalist Demo- PDA comprises NDPP the state secretariat. tion and the regional ex-
Limbus and Tamangs in and the establishment of proved cooking stove in- al Solar Alliance at the UN cratic Progressive Party (18), BJP (12), NPP (2), According to latest pectation of the people
the assembly reserva- vocational training pro- staller. Climate Change Confer- (NDPP) and C Apok Jamir JD(U) and Independent results and trends of and I feel that both Con-
tion. However, the fact is grammes and certi ica- India is rapidly increas- ence in Paris on Novem- of the Naga People’s (one each) Karnataka polls for 222 gress and BJP must re-
it is the Representation tion schemes,” the report ing its share of renewable ber 30, 2015. The idea Front (NPF) did not with- The opposition NPF seats, the BJP has won member the importance
of Peoples (Amendment) addd. energy sources but still re- was to form a coalition draw nomination till the has nominated former 99 seats and was leading of the regional parties...
Act, 1980 that needs to It said that in coun- lies on coal, oil and natural of solar resource-rich expiry of the of icial time Rajya Sabha MP and ex- at 4, while the Congress We must remember that
be amended in order to tries such as Denmark, gas and the related carbon countries to collaborate last evening, only these MLA, C Apok Jamir. won 76 and leading on 2. the Centre is the policy
ensure equal represen- Estonia, France and Ger- emissions for 80 per cent on addressing the identi- two candidates were in At a meeting with the The JD(S) has bagged maker and the states
tation of all the three many, as well as in India, of its electricity. ied gaps in their energy fray, Patton told PTI yes- candidates yesterday, the 37 seats. are actually implement-
ethnic communities in South Korea, the Philip- The ILO report pre- requirements through a terday. returning of icer urged A party or coalition ing them,” she said. Ba-
the assembly. It was pines and South Africa, a dicts that the transition common approach. The bypoll to the Lok them and the respective would need to win 112 nerjee described the
the same act that was number of environmen- to a green economy will It indicates that the Sabha seat in Nagaland political parties to strict- seats to form a govern- performance of the Con-
amended in 1980, which tal policies and national also lead to the loss of six regional winners from has been necessitated ly adhere to the Model ment in the 224-member gress in the Karnataka
resulted in the loss of development strategies million jobs in industries investment in energy following the resignation Code of Conduct, which Karnataka Assembly. polls as “a lot better”,
assembly seats reserved make reference to skills that are heavily reliant on use and production will of Neiphiu Rio. has been in force since This morning, the Tri- though the number of
for Sikkimese of Nepali development for the carbon-based production. be Asia and the Paci ic, Rio had resigned the announcement of the namool Congress supre- seats increased for the
origin; and the amend- green transition. Two sectors, name- with 14 million jobs cre- from the Lok Sabha in polls on April 26 last. mo tweeted that had the BJP.
ment of the same can The report noted that ly petroleum extraction ated, the Americas (three
very well be proposed by India has made environ- and re ining, are set to million) and Europe (two
the present government mental sustainability a see job losses of one mil- million).
if they remain genuinely central objective of its lion or more. In contrast, negative
committed to the cause development strategy in In line with the his- job growth is forecast in
of not just Limbus and its twelfth Five-Year Plan toric Paris Agreement on the Middle East (minus
Tamangs, but Sikkimese (2012 17) and set up a climate change accord 0.48 per cent) and Africa
as a whole. There is no comprehensive frame- of December 2015, UN (minus 0.04 per cent) if
justi ication in amend- work for skills develop- Member States pledged the reliance of these re-
ing article 371F on the ment for green transition to respond to destructive gions continues, respec-
pretext of increasing as- at the national level, tar- climate change, by keep- tively, on fossil fuels and
sembly seats since this geting key sectors and ing temperature rises to mining.
would only pave the way
for further erosion of
Sikkim’s constitutional
guarantees which will ul-
timately erase the unique
identity of Sikkim.
In a border State like
Sikkim, which has its
own national strategic
ant that the Central gov- 5TH MILE, BAL BHAWAN, LUMSEY, TADONG, GANGTOK
ernment ensures peace
and stability, which can QUOTATION INVITING TENDER
only be achieved by On behalf of Commissioner cum Secretary, Divisional Engineer, Social
maintaining a satisfacto- Justice, Empowerment & Welfare Department, Government of Sikkim at Bal
ry level of contentment Bhawan At Lumsey, Tadong – 737102, East District, Sikkim, sealed quota-
and communal harmony tion are invited for repair and maintenance of one number of Lift installed at
among the three ethnic Samaj Kalyan Bhawan, Lumsey, Tadong, East Sikkim. For details please
communities. see government website: and office of undersigned
We urge the Sik- during working days and in working hours.
kimese society today to Sd/- DIVISIONAL ENGINEER,
ters and contemplate on BAL BHAWAN, LUMSEY, TADONG – 737102,
whether we have played EAST DISTRICT, SIKKIM.
our roles as responsible R.O. No. 84/ipr/pub/classi./18-19 dt. 15.5.2018
Sikkimese Indians. Will
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as unaware citizens and
allow the powers that be
To book ad-space, Ambedkar Building, Room No.7, 1st
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Are we taking responsi- GANGTOK:
ble steps and/or making For circulation details Contact: (Sand- KOLKATA OFFICE:
necessary sacri ices to eep) 9734152451 Irshad Ali/ Imteeyaz. Synapse, 6,
ensure a better Sikkim & for Advertisement booking at Madan Street, Mezine – 2, 2nd floor.
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kimese unity,” the mes- com
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sage reads.
6 SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018 Sport&Specials

Manohar elected unopposed, to

or Spain to
serve 2nd term as ICC chairman
DĚćĆĎ, MĆĞ 15 (PTI): Former

lift World BCCI president Shashank Mano-

har will expectedly serve a sec-

Cup ond term as the independent

chairman of the International
Cricket Council after he was
Atletico bid to
Former India football
skipper Baichung Bhutia
elected unopposed by the gov-
erning body’s Board. erase pain of inals
Manohar, who became the
past in Marseille
is backing reigning cham-
pions Germany and for- irst independent ICC Chairman
mer champions France in 2016, will continue for a sec-
and Spain to lift the FIFA ond two-year term following his LĞĔē, MĆĞ 15 (AFP): previously appeared in
World Cup beginning on unopposed election. After painful defeats in four, losing three, the
June 14 in Russia. According to the election recent continental inals, exception being their
But Belgium could be process, ICC Directors were Diego Simeone’s Atletico victory over AC Milan in
the dark horse, he thinks. each allowed to nominate one Madrid are determined the inaugural Champions
“Surprise, for me, candidate, who had to be either to justify their status as League inal in 1993.
it could be Belgium. It a present or a past ICC Director. favourites in Wednes- Rudi Garcia’s team
is one thing that I feel Nominees with the support day’s Europa League were not expected to
they have the talent. Big of two or more Directors would showpiece against Mar- make it this far, having
names like France, Ger- have been eligible to contest an seille in Lyon. started their European
many are the favourites election. month’s quarterly meet of ICC in re-elected as the Chairman of the sport. Atletico lost in extra campaign in the qualify-
to win it, but teams like However, given that Mano- Kolkata as there wasn’t any op- the International Cricket Coun- Over the next two years, we time to Real Madrid in ing rounds last July.
Belgium (can spring a har was the sole nominee for position to his candidature. cil and I would like to thank my can look forward to launching the Champions League i- But after rousing
surprise),” Bhutia told the position, the independent During the last two years, fellow ICC Directors for their a global strategy for the sport nal of 2014, having been wins over RB Leipzig in
reporters here today. Audit Committee Chairman, Manohar has led signi icant re- continued support. Together in partnership with our mem- seconds away from vic- the last eight and Salz-
The `Sikkimese Snip- Edward Quinlan, who has been form of the sport, reversing the we have made big strides over bers so we can grow the game tory in 90 minutes, and burg in the semi- inals,
er’ was speaking after of- overseeing the election process, resolutions of 2014, introducing the last two years, fulfilling and ensure more of the world then lost on penalties to OM and their passionate
icial broadcasters Sony declared the process complete, a revised governance structure, promises I made to the sport can enjoy cricket. The sport is their city rivals in the i- fans are now dreaming of
Pictures Networks India and Manohar the successful can- including the appointment of when I was appointed in 2016,” in good health but we are the nal of the same competi- glory on home soil.
launched a promotional didate. the ICC’s irst independent fe- said Manohar. guardians of the game and we tion two years later. “Those who won the
campaign, “Meri Doosri That Manohar will get a sec- male Director. Manohar said that ICC plans must continue to work hard to An exit from this sea- Champions League in
Country”, ahead of the ond term was clear during last It is an honour to be to launch a global strategy for maintain that. son’s Champions League 1993 are still heroes be-
mega event. in the group stage came cause nobody else has
Bhutia also said that as a big surprise for a for- done it since,” Dimitri
hosts Russia could go midable side spearhead- Payet told
past the Group stage ed by Antoine Griezmann “We know how tough
while Spain are also ca- in attack, but they have it is. Of course, that’s an
pable of lifting the Cup. put that behind them added source of moti-
“They will go past to close on glory in Eu- vation, and if we do win
the group stages - the rope’s less prestigious the inal, our names will
Russians would do well. competition. be written into the club’s
They have the play- Atletico are looking history books forever.”
ers to take them to the to win the Europa League Marseille are also
pre-quarters. Spain is for the third time in nine battling for a top-three
always a team that is seasons, after triumph- inish in the French
a favourite to win, but ing in 2010 and again in league, and the fear is
again, the World Cup is 2012, shortly after ‘Cho- that fatigue will be a fac-
a tournament where you lo’ Simeone was appoint- tor as they try to break
can have a great league ed coach. down Atletico’s brilliant
(stage) and then one bad “We can’t wait for the defence.
match and you are out of inal to come around,” “They are a big club,
the tournament,” he said. full-back Juanfran told a super team with great
Asked about his fa- Radio Marca as Atletico players and a great
vourite World Cup mem- target a irst trophy since coach. They are used to
ory, Bhutia said it was 2014, when they won La playing in big European
Argentine legend Diego Liga. matches. They are clear
Maradona’s stupendous “With ‘Cholo’ lots favourites but we will
goal, beating a host of of things have changed do everything to create a
defenders with the ball at Atletico. Everything surprise,” winger Florian
seemingly tied to his we have experienced in Thauvin told sports daily
shoelaces against En- these last few years we L’Equipe.
gland in the 1986 World will remember forever. I Payet is “optimistic”
Cup in Mexico, a game hope we can get another he will shake off a mi-
that beamed live in India little medal.” nor muscle problem to
too. It would be a irst, feature in Wednesday’s
“I have never been to and possibly last ma- game, where Marseille
a World Cup. My irst ex- jor medal as an Atletico will hope to have a big
perience -- as a kid you player for Griezmann, support behind them.
don’t remember much
-- but I remember Ma- BHAICHUNG TO COMMENTARY THE WORLD CUP 2018 who was raised not far
from Lyon but has spent
Only around 11,500
of their fans will of icially
radona’s goal against
England and Maradona
lifting that World Cup in
B haichung Bhutia, former Indian football team captain, was at Mumbai today. He launched a promotional campaign of FIFA World
Cup Russia 2018 for the television channel which will broadcast the World Cup matches. He will also be in Mumbai during the
World Cup period to give commentary from the studio room of the television channel. [Rebyna Rana]
his whole career in Spain.
The 27-year-old for-
ward joined Atletico
be in attendance, howev-
er, but several thousand
more should make the
Mexico....that can’t beat from Real Sociedad on three-hour trip to Lyon.

Mancini given job of rebuilding Italy

any (other) World Cup the back of their title suc- Authorities are pre-
(memory),” he signed off. cess in 2014, but could paring for the threat of
soon be on his way to trouble, with a big rival-
Barcelona. ry developing in recent
to book RĔĒĊ, MĆĞ 15 (AFP): Former been looking for a prestigious Zenit Saint Petersburg. Italian FA commissioner Ro- Griezmann and Diego years between Marseille
advertisements Manchester City and Inter Milan coach to rebuild an Azzurri side After his three-year contract berto Fabbricini said Mancini Costa will lead Simeone’s and Lyon.
in boss Roberto Mancini has been decimated after their play-off was of icially terminated by had proved his “great desire” to attack as Atletico return Since reaching the i-
given the job of reviving the for- defeat to Sweden in the San Siro mutual consent on Sunday, the become the new Italy coach. to Lyon, where they lost nal, Marseille fans have
SummitTimes tunes of Italy’s national team six last November. 53-year-old lew immediately to The new coach’s irst press 3-0 to Dynamo Kiev in taunted Lyon and their
call months after their shock failure The names of former Bayern Rome on Monday morning and conference will be held Tuesday the inal of the now de- outspoken president
03592-208698 to qualify for the World Cup. Munich coach Carlo Ancelotti signed his new deal later in the at 12:00 (1000GMT) at the na- funct Cup Winners’ Cup Jean-Michel Aulas with
9734152541 Italy have been without a and Chelsea boss Antonio Conte day. tional team’s training centre at in 1986. chants of: “We’re going to
permanent coach since Gian had also been touted, with Ance- His task will be to rebuild Coverciano near Florence. Atletico have had smash up your house”.
9647102692 Piero Ventura was sacked after lotti reported to have said “no”. and qualify Italy for the 2020 “It went the way we want- plenty of heartbreak in There will be 1,250
advertise@ the four-time world champions Mancini had shown an ear- European Championships, ed, we are happy and Roberto European inals down police of icers deployed
summittimes. failed to qualify for the World ly interest in taking over the with his irst match in charge a is happy,” Fabbricini told jour- the years, as have Mar- in the city and around
com Cup for the irst time since 1958. national side and was ready to friendly on May 28 against Saudi nalists after the contract was seille. the Groupama Stadium
The Italian federation had sever his lucrative contract with Arabia in Switzerland. signed in Rome. The French club have for Wednesday’s match.

Remembering Sikkim’s Gandhi Pokhrel on State Day...

contd from pg04 greeting his elders at the vil- cept of Swadeshi of Mahatma ister in a voluminous manner. the British India. This had a gather much information was posted from the Purnia
that he used to visit his native lage. Therefore, they began to Gandhi among the Sikkimese Perhaps this was his last visit huge impact on Sikkim’s Sov- about his other part of his district of Bihar which con-
village in the costumes of the refer him as Bande Pokhrel. peasantry. During his leisure, to his native land and possi- ereignty. The appointment of life. The only person from tains the death con irmation
naked fakir Gandhi. Akin to Still, there is a piece of land he used to visit local hatt-ba- bly he is the lone Sikkimese John Claude White, a Political whom we can secure good in- of this SikkimeseGandhian
Gandhiji he too wore a piece at the said village which once zar (such as Rongli, Rhenock, to take part in the Indian of icer established new land- formation about late Pokhrel which read like this: “Ex-
of cotton Dhoti, with a pair belonged to this Gandhian Pakyong, Rangpo etc) and sit Struggle for independence. holdings in Sikkim. Direct or is Mr Tara Prasad Bhattarai pired on 27-1-69 at Prakritik
of Khadau (an Indian slipper known as Pokhrel Bari (Land there a side with his charkha Late Pokhrel was the irst Indirect in luence of British- of Tareythang (Kapurpatey) Chikitsalaya, Ranipatra, P.O.
made up of wood). Hence, of Pokhrel). But, he never (spinning wheel) to make cot- Sikkimese freedom ighter ers in Sikkim made Trilochan village. He still preserved Ranipatra, District Purunia,
they began to call him Gandhi used to stay at his home for a ton threads. Few legends who who fought against the Brit- Pokhrel to join mainstream some of the glimpses as well Bihar at 9 AM”.
Pokhrel. Further, few legends long time. Few elders of this knew late Pokhrel told us that ish hegemony. Actually, Sik- Indian Freedom Moment. as valuable sources related to (Binod Bhattarai is
are still alive in the village of village claim about their meet- during Pandit Jawaharlal Neh- kim was protectorate state of While inquiring about his him. He has maintained one Assistant Professor at
Tareythang about late Trilo- ing with this Gandhian soul of ru’s visit to Sikkim in 1957 he British. In the year 1861 with descendants we were told of his last photograph and an Department of Sociology,
chanPokhrel. Sikkim. In one of the stories, had come to his native place the signature of the Treaty of that all his family members envelope which was received Sikkim University. He can
It is said that he used to we heard about his involve- and used to talk about the Tumlong effectively made Sik- were migrated to Assam long by his family members 49 be contacted at bhattara-
say Vande Mataram while ment in propagating the con- enigmatic Indian Prime Min- kim a de-facto protectorate of back. Hence we could not years ago. The said envelope
ElseWhere SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018 7
Palestinians bury dead after bloodiest
Gaza day since 2014
GĆğĆ CĎęĞ, MĆĞ 15 (AP): Pal-
estinians observed a strike
today to mourn dozens killed
by Israeli troops in a mass
protest on the Gaza border
the single deadliest day there
since a 2014 war and part of
a high-stakes campaign by Ga-
za’s Hamas rulers to break a Renowned physicist
decade-long border blockade.
In Monday’s protest, Israeli
forces killed 58 Palestinians,
E C G Sudarshan
most by gun ire, and injured
more than 2,700, Gaza health passes away at 86
of icials said. In jarring con-
HĔĚĘęĔē, MĆĞ 15 (PTI): - A theory of weak inter-
trast, the U.S. held a festive
The cremation of emi- actions while working on
inauguration ceremony for a
nent Indian-American his PhD thesis under the
new U.S. Embassy in contest-
theoretical physicist, EC late Robert E. Marshak.
ed Jerusalem just a few miles
George Sudarshan who He has made remark-
passed away on Sunday able discoveries in many
The juxtaposition of blood-
in Austin, Texas will be ields of physics, includ-
shed on the Gaza border
held on Thursday. ing quantum optics,
and festivities attended by a
According to the tachyons, quantum Zeno
high-powered Trump adminis-
family sources and close effect, non-invariance
tration delegation captured on
friends, Sudarshan, 86, groups, positive maps of
split screens in TV broadcasts
died of natural causes. density matrices, quan-
around the world brie ly drew
He is survived by his wife tum computation, etc.
attention to the plight of Gaza Two UN diplomats said led weekly protests near the Egypt and Hamas, presumably marks the 70th anniversary Bhamathi Sudarshan and His contributions include
and its 2 million people. The members couldn’t reach unan- border with Israel since late on easing the blockade in ex- of what Palestinians call their two children. also relations between
high casualty toll also revived imous agreement on issuing a March as part of this push. change for ending the protests. “nakba,” or catastrophe the The cremation ser- east and west science,
international criticism of Isra- proposed statement, circulated On Tuesday, there were no Hamas has said protests uprooting of hundreds of thou- vices will be held in Aus- philosophy and religion.
el’s use of lethal force against by Kuwait, that would have ex- signs that Hamas had made a would continue in a weekly sands in the Mideast war over tin, Texas on Thursday. In 2007, the Indian
unarmed protesters. At the pressed “outrage and sorrow” breakthrough in shaking off format, but it was not clear if Israel’s 1948 creation. Sudarshan had been government recognised
same time, the opening of the over the killings and sought an the blockade that was imposed it would be able to maintain The border marches are teaching as a professor and awarded the physi-
embassy, condemned by Pales- independent investigation. by Israel and Egypt in 2007. momentum during the fasting seen as Hamas’ last hope of at University of Texas for cist with the second high-
tinians as blatantly pro-Israel, The diplomats spoke on In a sign of an easing, Egypt month of Ramadan, which be- ending the blockade that has over 40 years. est civilian award, Padma
further dimmed prospects of condition of anonymity be- extended the opening of its gins this week. made it increasingly dif i- He served as Hon- Vibhushan. He was also
what President Donald Trump cause the discussions were border crossing with Gaza, ini- Protest organizers said cult for the group to govern. orary Advisory Council awarded the Dirac Medal
had once touted as plans to supposed to be private. tially set to continue for four Tuesday was set aside for fu- Other tactics, including three Member of Houston Sri in 2010, which is known
negotiate the Mideast “deal of For Hamas, the Islamic mil- days, by two more days, until nerals, in an apparent attempt cross-border wars with Israel Meenakshi Temple. He to be given out to scien-
the century.” The U.N. Security itant group that seized Gaza in Thursday. Typically, the Rafah to lower expectation of anoth- in a decade and reconciliation was associated with the tists who have made sub-
Council planned to meet Tues- 2007, Monday’s border pro- crossing is closed for most of er mass protest later in the day. with Hamas’ chief Palestinian temple from 1977. stantial contributions in
day to discuss the violence, test was the culmination of a the year. Hamas had initially said rival, West Bank-based Pres- Sudarshan, an out- theoretical physics, com-
though it was not clear what weeks-long campaign to try to In recent days, there had mass border protests would ident Mahmoud Abbas, have standing theoretical putational chemistry and
might come out of the session. break the blockade. The group been negotiations between continue Tuesday, which failed. physicist, was born in mathematics.
Kottayam, Kerala, India, The renowned phys-
Hamas is
to blame
Trump defends his decision to help in 1931. The profession-
al career of Sudarshan
spans ive decades.
He discovered the V
icist was even recom-
mended for the Nobel
Prize nine times but nev-
er awarded.
for Gaza
violence: US
Chinese telecom giant ZTE
WĆĘčĎēČęĔē, MĆĞ 15 (PTI): merce to look into the matter
WĆĘčĎēČęĔē, MĆĞ 15 President Donald Trump today consistent with laws and regula-
(PTI): The US today defended his decision to offer an tion,” he said.
blamed Hamas for the
latest violence in Gaza
olive branch to Chinese telecom
equipment maker ZTE, which
The White House strongly
refuted allegations that Trump
to book
where more than 50 peo-
ple died in Israeli iring
his administration had previ-
ously banned from purchasing
was giving any kind of “conces-
sion” to the Chinese companies.
amid demonstrations
against the new Ameri-
can embassy in Jerusa-
US components or acquiring
American companies.
Responding to a question
on “how does the President in SummitTIMES
Following series of com- Trump’s statement that too
lem. “We are aware of plaints from China, Trump has many Chinese jobs are at risk
the reports of continued
asked his Commerce Secretary square with his campaign prom-
violence in Gaza today. Wilbur Ross to look into the is- ise that China is stealing Ameri-
The responsibility for sue. The move was criticised by can jobs?”
these tragic deaths rests
squarely with Hamas.
anti-China hardliners in the US,
saying the President is getting
Shah replied, “I don’t think
this has frankly any bearing on
Hamas is intentionally
and cynically provoking
soft on China in the middle of
trade negotiations.
the President’s campaign prom-
ises...The President has over-
this response,” White
House Deputy Press Sec-
“ZTE, the large Chinese
phone company, buys a big per-
seen an economy in which we
have the lowest unemployment
retary Raj Shah told re-
centage of individual parts from
US companies. This is also re-
rate since 2000. It’s at 3.9 per
cent, over two million jobs have
And as the US Sec-
retary of State Mike
lective of the larger trade deal
we are negotiating with China
been created since this Presi-
dent took of ice,”
Pompeo said, Israel has
the “right to defend it-
and my personal relationship
with President Xi,” Trump said been raised with the US govern- talks on a number of issues,” he
“With respect to trade with
China, he’s been tough. Let’s summittimes16@
self”, Shah said in re-
sponse to a question at
in a tweet.
White House Press Secre-
ment and with our administra-
tion at various levels,” he told
Shah, however, refrained it
put this into context. I mean
this President has taken Chi-
the daily White House tary Raj Shah told reporters that reporters at a news conference. from linking the ZTE issue with na to task for its unfair trade
news conference. Trump has asked Ross to look Shah was responding to the upcoming trade meetings practices through this Section

“We believe that you into the ZTE issue, consistent questions on a tweet by Trump between the US and Chinese of- 301 investigation. He’s intro-
know Hamas is respon- with applicable laws and regu- in which he had said that he was icials. duced and proposed or rather

sible for these tragic lations. working with his Chinese coun- “It’s part of again the US re- up to USD 150 billion of tariffs
deaths, that their rather “This is part of a very com- terpart Xi Jinping to give China’s lationship with China, which is on China for intellectual prop-
cynical exploitation of plex relationship between the telecom giant ZTE a way to get complex. It has economic fac- erty theft, dumping in a range
the situation, it is what’s US and China that involves eco- back into business. tors, it has national security of you know inimical Chinese
leading to these deaths nomic issues, national security “The matter has been factors. This is just one of many economic action. So he’s been
and we want them to issues and the like. It’s an issue brought up at a number of lev- factors, and again the President tough and he’s confronted
stop,” he said. of high concern for China that’s els, you know, as part of bilateral is asking the Secretary of Com- them, he added.
ARIES: It’s never very agreeable expect some real changes! you’ve recently experienced that haze of misunderstanding SCORPIO: More than ever be- satisfactory relationships, don’t you have about your vocation,
to have to question oneself, Ari- GEMINI: If you have grievanc- at work is likely to inspire the and con lict is likely to last all fore, you’ll feel as though it’s be afraid to leave them behind. Aquarius. You may even have
es, but this is the main objective es to voice about your love life, most outlandish ideas. It must day. However, it makes this an time to take matters into your If you’re fretting about an un- a little more clarity about your
of today’s celestial aspect. You’ll Gemini, this is the day to speak be that you sense your need for ideal time to speak up about own hands and build your fu- answered request, let it go. No feelings regarding what you
soon be launched into new ad- up. Indeed, anything less than a change of scene. anything that’s bothering you! ture, Scorpio. You’re fed up with response is forthcoming. think your destiny is. It would

ventures. Take advantage of the total honesty won’t be toler- LEO: You’re likely to ind peo- Don’t be shy about going on living on hope and putting your CAPRICORN: Something is now be better for you to stop
energy generated by this plane- ated today. You can expect to ple somewhat irritating today, the warpath today. If you don’t, happiness off until tomorrow. coming to an end concerning thinking about such things and
tary con iguration to look with- confront the “other,” whether Leo. It’s as though nothing is you’re likely to be the target of a Your determination will be so your lack of con idence in your- let life take over. You’re well
in and ind the source of some of mate, friend, or family mem- good enough and nobody seems surprise attack. strong that you may even sur- self, Capricorn. You’ve been armed for this!
your failings. This isn’t an easy ber, on the basis of truth and to know exactly what he or she LIBRA: The mood you’re in to- prise yourself. You’ll re ine your hesitant to stand in the spot- PISCES: These last few weeks
exercise, to be sure, but it will righteousness. Know that you’ll wants. You’ll reign supreme day is the stuff of which mem- approach and make it more con- light for quite a while now, per- have been good for your equilib-
do you some good. Just be hon- command their attention! But within this con lict and dissatis- orable encounters are made, crete in the coming days. Today haps feeling you weren’t quite rium, Pisces. It was a question
est with yourself. be careful that the weight of faction. You may even be asked Libra. You’ll be wary at irst, per- is the irst day of a new life for ready. Well, no more excuses! of becoming a bit more involved
TAURUS: The great period of your words doesn’t surpass to step in and restore order. If haps even somewhat hostile to you. Ready or not, you’re going to in life than usual, and showing
meditation that started for you that of your thoughts. the con lict is on the domestic someone who dares to intrude SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarius, this have to push forward. The only what you’re capable of. Most
a few weeks ago is now inished, CANCER: Are you thinking of front, go ahead. But tread care- on your freedom. Then suddenly is an ideal moment to address thing you risk losing is your likely you had a mixture of suc-
Taurus. This means that you are switching careers, Cancer, or fully if you’re asked to take on you’ll realize that this person is once and for all the questions pride, and that is your most re- cesses and setbacks, but on the
going to have to get back into the traveling to the other side of the the role of sheriff! someone special, intriguing, and that have been on your mind for silient asset. whole, improvements have been
real world again! You are going world? Perhaps you just want VIRGO: You may have felt an de initely out of the ordinary. the last few weeks. Pay partic- AQUARIUS: It’s possible that steady. You may have noticed
to have to test out how the “new to pull a “Greta Garbo” and stay oppressive mood hanging in Finally, you’ll see that the qual- ular attention to questions that the last few weeks have allowed that this or that about yourself
and improved” you operates in home with the shades drawn the air when you woke up this ities they offer just happen to be touch on your sentimental life. If you to become a little bit clear- needs improvement, but isn’t
everyday life. Get ready. You can tight. A series of small incidents morning, Virgo. Unfortunately, what you need most right now. you’re currently involved in un- er concerning certain questions that true for everyone?
8 SummitTIMES | 16 May 2018

R.O. No. IPR/PUB/Dis/18-19 Dt. 07.05.2018

Owner, Printer, Publisher Dr. ROMA KANTI ALLEY, Printed at M/S. Baba Offset Press Works Pvt. Ltd., Tadong Bazaar, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Pin: 737102 and Published from Santa Bhawan Complex, Near Diesel Power House, Gangtok,
East Sikkim- 737101, District- East, Gangtok, State- Sikkim Editor: PURAN TAMANG. Phone- [03592] 208698 E-mail- ~

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