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Jonas Isaias M.

Temple Grandin is based on a true story of a young girl who was first diagnosed with autism at age three.
It was at age five when she was then labeled as autistic. Growing up, she visits the doctor for treatments
and rehabilitation. Unfortunately, Temple was told by the doctor that she might not be able to speak.
Thus, the need for her to be institutionalized for further assistance. Her mother was dedicated to
teaching Temple how to speak. At first, in short words and in slow pacing. When she was able to
communicate short words and phrases, her mother decided for her to attend school, Hampshire Country
School, where the child is pressured and has undergone obstacles. Eventually, she managed to prevail
over the teasing, difficulty in understanding, overly upset, and recurring episodes as caused by stress.
Temple Gardin is just like any human being experiencing the daily challenges of life. What makes
it different is her inability to communicate and understand to the full extent. Being diagnosed with
autism changes the life of a person the entire life. There are instances where she will lose control of her
emotions. Temple’s mother and the teacher did a great job in being patient and inspiring her to
persevere throughout her academic years. Dr. Carlock inspired Temple to go to college in spite of her
condition. She may be having a hard time socializing with people but there will always be good and bad
days. She is not the type of person who fancies physical affection from people. As much as possible, she
wants to be distant from them. Thus, her shy and timid attitude applies. In spite of her disorder, Temple
is an extremely smart child. In fact, she loves animals, science, and math. She is a kid that is way different
from the others.
Throughout the years, Temple managed to get by in terms of speech, attitude, and interaction. It
may be a difficult start for her but she proved that not because she is autistic does not indicate that her
life will end in a facility. One day, she was working on a farm where cows enter a squeezing machine. Her
interest reached making one for her own in college. Observing the cows made her realize how these
machines managed to make them calm. Making one of her own is where she sought comfort and
relaxation. She placed the machine in her room for it to be used to her benefit. The school, then, asked
her to have the machine removed from her room. Because of her dedication, she managed to create a
scientific study on the squeeze machine how the students will respond while the machine is in use.
In the midst of her study, she was then introduced to a new roommate who is visually impaired.
Since then, she was able to build a bond with her roommate without even trying so hard to fit in. Being
friends made her more open to social interaction and trained her in communicating well with her peers.
It is a great start for someone who is diagnosed with autistic early on-set. Temple graduated from college
right after and she chose to be a professional rancher. She is responsible for altering and redesigning the
paradigm that would be held effective in dealing with cattle. Her success is brought to her by her written
articles about these systems she is designing throughout a variety of magazines and even newspapers.
Based on the story, she was given multiple reasons to give up but she did not manage to give up
on herself. The story provides a wide perspective for those who do not understand autism and the
challenges autistic people undergo. It is like seeing autism through their eyes. Her disability was an
extreme drawback of what she could have become in the long run. But then, she was born extremely
smart. Autism gave her gifts alongside being just a disability. Having autism will make you realize how
other people will treat you for who they are even on your lowest points. She was well-acquainted with
her mother’s genuine love and her teacher’s care as compared to how she was bullied by kids her age
just because she was different.
Being different is an asset rather than a challenge. It gives others the opportunity to see what is
beyond the norm of society. Thanks to her mother and teacher, she grew up to be a kind, loving, and
persevering person. Her abnormalities did not define the life she is going to live in the future. She did.
Her perspective and hard work allowed her to make a difference in a world where everything is normal
and standard. She saw how unreal people’s treatment is when you are different and when you do not
have the capability to communicate. More than her mother and teacher, she paved her way to live a
successful and fulfilling life, to a life where she prioritized herself and her crafts.
This movie gave me a perspective from the people with special needs. People like Temple should
be treated as equals with respect and compassion. In a world full of challenges, the way they view the
world is more complicated compared to someone who grew to be psychologically capable. It gives
inspiration to those who want to give up after the smallest inconvenience. Temple chose to wake up
every day and face what the world offers in the most enthusiastic manner possible.

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