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Vol 04 | Issue 29 | Gangtok | Thursday | 31 January 2019 RNI No. SIKENG/2016/69420 Pages 8 | ` 5

15-member committee on adhoc Union MoS Tourism

inaugurates Swadesh Darshan
teachers demands to meet on 01 Feb project at Zero Point
SAGAR CHETTRI with HRDDD Minister and of- ervation for weightage to adhoc rule so that the adhoc system
GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: icials on Tuesday, the adhoc teachers would be from 30% to is ultimately ended, they said.

T he committee constituted
by Human Resource Devel-
opment Department to look into
teachers had said that they
were not completely satis ied
with the meeting.
50% and all the existing adhoc
teachers will be given extension
in the new academic session till
They also stated that delay-
ing discussions would hamper
studies as schools are reopen-
the demands of adhoc teachers Speaking to Summit Times, the posts are illed up by regu- ing from 01 Feb.
will hold its irst meeting on 01 an ASATEA representative lar appointment. “We are concerned for stu-
Feb at the HRDD conference said, “Among various decisions Likewise, under Samagra dents and do not want any stu-
hall. The State government has taken by the department in Shiksha [SS], salaries of SSA dent to suffer due to delay in
constituted a 15-member com- yesterday’s meeting, adhoc employees downgraded to the work of the department.
mittee headed by HRDD Special teachers are unhappy with the Rs 7,000 from Rs 10,000 So we want the department
Secretary, BR Subba and having decision of given extension to would be restored, the pre- to immediately find a solution
HRDD of icials along with 07 existing adhoc teachers in the PAB gap in the salary will be for us otherwise our move-
representatives from All Sikkim new academic session till the paid and absorption of eligi- ment will also be joined by
Adhoc & Temporary Employees posts are filled up by regular ble SSA employees in nominal students and members of civil
Association [ASATEA] as mem- appointment.” roll is under process. society,” they said.
bers to look into the demands The meeting had decided The adhoc teachers have They stated that the Chief
of adhoc teachers and submit a that 68 existing adhoc physi- objected to extension to ex- Minister has already assured to
report within 15 days. cal education teachers [PETs] isting adhoc teachers in the solve all issues of adhoc teach-
The meeting was announced would be absorbed as per their new academic session till the ers but the department is not
today after adhoc teachers again eligibility in the appropriate posts are filled up by regular taking the decision of the CM REBYNA RANA/IPR the State government’s sanctioned for the SDP-I
gathered in front of the HRDD level of cadre since there are 82 appointment. This should be seriously. They demanded GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: efforts in promoting under which, the Tour-
head-of ice today demanding
that the committee should meet
as soon as possible.
posts lying vacant. For HRDD
teacher, the meeting decided
there will be no break in adhoc
ruled out and every adhoc
teacher should be given con-
tinuation until they are regu-
that the department imme-
diately take action on issues
concerning 3600 adhoc teach-
U nion Minister of
State [I/C], Ministry
of Tourism, Government
tourism in Sikkim and
ensuring efficient ad-
ist Interpretation Centre
cum Live Demonstration
of Handicraft and Han-
Following a long meeting teachers’ salary, the ratio of res- larized with the help of some ers of Sikkim. of India, Mr KJ Alphons Mr Alphons said that dloom was inaugurated
inaugurated the Swadesh tourism has immense today. SDP-II is on-go-
Cabinet SKM hosts Sadbhawana Bhoj, sees Darshan-1 Project under
Sikkim, in the presence of
potential to boost local
economy, create jobs
ing and has been sanc-
tioned for an amount of
sits and
SDF absence as proof of guilt
Minister for Tourism, Ugen and hence, bring about Rs 98.06 crore while a
T Gyatso here at Zero Point overall welfare. He also proposal for SDP-III has
in Gangtok today.
Along with the Min-
praised the Forest de-
partment for doing a
been made for an amount
of Rs 99.98 crore.
SUMMIT REPORT GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: ister of State (IC), were commendable job. Special Secretary,

GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: ikkim Krantikari Mor- Assistant Director Gen- State Tourism Sec- Tourism, Namrata
T he following are
some of the decisions
taken by the Cabinet in
cha organised a ‘Sad-
bhawana Bhoj cum De-
eral, Ministry of Tour-
ism, Bharati Sharma and
retary, TT Bhutia wel-
comed the gathering and
Thapa delivered the
vote of thanks.
bate’ at Rey Khola in East Regional Director (North spoke about the birth and The Tourism Inter-
the meeting held on 30 Sikkim today. The event East), SS Dev Barman. growth of the tourism pretation Centre cum
January, 2019: was attended by senior Mr Alphons along sector in Sikkim. From Live Demonstration of
DEPARTMENT OF PER- leaders, workers and with other dignitaries infrastructural develop- Handicraft and Hand-
SONNEL, ADMINISTRA- supporters of SKM party. went over the photo- ment to rural tourism loom is located inside
TIVE REFORMS, TRAINING The debate between graphs and audio/visual and pilgrimage tourism, the premise of the Di-
AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES SKM and Sikkim Dem- of completed projects he stated that the sector rectorate of Handicraft
1. Approval of cadre ocratic Front as an- under the Swadesh Dar- has grown tremendously and Handloom at Zero
revision of Sikkim State nounced by SKM did not shan Scheme. because of the stability Point. It is a ive-storeyed
General Service Rules for happen on the day. It Addressing the func- of the State and the guid- structure that consists of
Schedule IA. may be mentioned that tion, Mr Alphons praised ance and support from two blocks. Block A has
2. Approval to grant SDF spokesperson, Bhim Sikkim for its natural the State Government. 21 stalls with 3 basements;
Non-Practising Allowanc- Dahal had recently chal- beauty, peace and clean- He informed that Rs ground loor with an area of
es of Rs.2500/- per month lenged SKM to a debate liness. He appreciated 95.32 crore had been turn to pg02
to the Veterinary Doctors . which the latter had accept-
3. Approval to allow
Non-Practising Allowances
ed. SKM had then gone on
to announce that the de-
SDF begins campaign with door-
to Doctors who are not per-
forming clinical duties but
bate would happen today.
Speaking to media
to-door outreach at Lumsey
are engaged in implemen- SUMMIT REPORT the door-to-door cam- thanked the government
persons, SKM spokesper-
tation of various schemes decided to give the right Khaling said that SKM was GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: paign and shared de- for the many develop-
son, Jacob Khaling stated his speech has divided
and programmes.
4. Cadre revision of
the Sikkim State Electri-
that SKM was compelled
to organise this event
communities of Sikkim
and sent a wrong mes-
message of communal
harmony and love be-
really sad that the debate
could not take place due to T he constituency-level
monitoring and cam-
paign committee of the
tails of the policies and
programmes of the SDF
party, informs a press
mental activities in the
area and placed a demand
for a sewerage line at
following the Chief Min- sage to the world that tween different commu- the absence of spokesper-
cal Engineering Service. nities of Sikkim to the sons from SDF. Sikkim Democratic Front release issued by general Lumsey among other de-
ister’s remarks on dif- untouchability still exists
FOREST, ENVIRONMENT world by organising Sad- “Their absence in the for Upper Tadong began secretary, Kiran Chettri. mands, the release adds.
ferent communities in in Sikkimese society.
AND WILDLIFE MANAGE- bhawana Bhoj,” he said. debate proves that all its campaign with direct The release adds that In his interactions,
his address on 05 Dec at “SKM being a respon-
MENT DEPARTMENT On the debate, Mr turn to pg02 interaction with house- the people of Lumsey Mr Lepcha shared that
Gangtok. He stated that sible opposition party,
5. Approval and sanc- holds of the constituency expressed satisfaction and SDF works for the over-
tion of Rs.2,93,89,597/-
for payment of cost esca-
Biteka Kura Haru to release today from Lumsey today.
The commit-
happiness with the policies
of the SDF Government and
all development of Sik-
kim and that Sikkim has
lation for construction of SUMMIT REPORT leased here at Nepali Sahitya Samiti, Ran- clude poetry recitals tee, chaired by party thanked the State govern- been witnessing con-
Sidkeong Tulku Bird Park GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: Sahitya Parishad in De- ka, and will feature and other events. The vice-president Menlon ment for providing jobs to stant development in
at Rabdentse.
B iteka Kura Haru, a
book by journalist
Arjun Chamling ‘Yawa,’
velopment Area on
Thursday. The release
function is being or-
respected litterateurs
from Nepal, Assam
and Sikkim. The pro-
organisers have invit-
ed all literature-loving
people to be the part of
Lepcha, interacted with
farmers, workers, stu-
dents, youth and resi-
20,000 unemployed youth
under the “One Family, One
Job” scheme.
the past 25 years under
the leadership of SDF
president, Chief Minister
SHIP DEPARTMENT is scheduled to be re- ganised by Abhiyan gramme will also in- the programme. dents of Lumsey during The people also Pawan Chamling.
6. Approval and sanc-
tion of Rs.930.94 lakhs
for construction of Gov-
PHC Mos trained on substance abuse disorder and suicide prevention
ernment ITI, Kewzing. SUMMIT REPORT NCD, were present as resource
HOME DEPARTMENT GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: persons for the training.
7. Approval and sanc-
tion of Rs.291.30 lakhs
for construction of male
A three-day training on
mental health was con-
ducted by the Health Depart-
The Health Department
is conducting an integrated
programme to address the
& female barracks at State ment for Medical Of icers at problems of substance abuse
Central Prison, Rongyek. the European Commission and suicide in Sikkim in part-
SOCIAL JUSTICE, EM- Hall here at the STNM Hospi- nership with the National In-
POWERMENT & WEL- tal from 28 to 30 January. stitute of Mental Health and
FARE DEPARTMENT The objective of the train- Neuro Sciences [NIMHANS].
8. Approval and sanc- ing was to strengthen the pri- Dr C Naveen Kumar, Addi-
tion of Rs.355.55 lakhs mary care services on mental tional Professor of Psychiatry,
for construction and es- health, an of icial press re- NIMHANS, was here as one of
tablishment of rehabili- lease informs. the resource persons and held
tation home for persons The PHC Medical Of icers a detailed discussion with the
suffering from mental were trained on various top- Commissioner-cum-Secretary
illness at Assam Lingzey . ics of mental illnesses, includ- and the doctors on the deliv-
9. Approval and sanc- ing assessing and managing ery of the Suicidal Behavior
tion of Rs.122.04 lakhs mental health related prob- Dr CS Sharma, HOD, Psy- with senior Psychiatrists Dr rung, Dr Satish Rasaily, Clini- pital, Dr Sonam Lasopa and Dr Prevention Action Network
turn to pg02 lems at the PHC level . chiatry, STNM Hospital, along Netra Thapa, Dr Geeta Gu- cal Psychologist of STNM Hos- Rinzing Lhamu, Addl. Director, (SPAN) Project.
2 SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019 SikkimSCAN
Goyal to
present interim Holy Cross students win
Budget 2019-
20 on Feb 1 Saksham PCRA Quiz
NĊĜ DĊđčĎ, JĆē 30
(PTI): Keeping up with
the tradition, the Nar-
endra Modi-led govern-
ment ahead of the gener-
al election will present an
interim Budget on Feb-
ruary 1, which is widely
expected to contain cer-
tain sops for farmers and
middle class.
The last Budget of
the present NDA gov-
ernment is likely to be
presented by interim
Finance Minister Piyush
Goyal in the Lok Sabha.
Confusion was creat- SUMMIT REPORT vanced to the zonal level organised by the Pe-
ed after the commerce GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē: competition scheduled troleum Conservation

Transport Minister visits new MV ofϐice R

ministry on Wednesday ishal Pandey Chettri to be held at Doordar- Research Association
in a whatsapp message and Prajwal Chettri shan Bhawan in New (PCRA) under the ae-
to media said: “do not of classes 10 (2018–19 Delhi on 07 Feb 2019. gis of the Ministry of
refer Budget 2019-20 as SUMMIT REPORT The Minister interacted with the of icials and batch) and 9 at Holy The duo will be fly- Petroleum and Natural
interim Budget, it is of i- RĆēČĕĔ, 30 JĆē: staff during his visit. This of ice is scheduled to get Cross School, Tadong, ing to New Delhi on 06 Gas and has seen the
cially referred as general
Budget 2019-20”. T ransport Minister DT Lepcha today inspected
the newly constructed of ice of the Motor Ve-
hicles Division at Singtam accompanied by the Sec-
inaugurated very soon, after which registration of
vehicles can be done at Singtam as well.
Executive Member, All Sikkim Democratic Trans-
respectively have won
the state-level Saksham
Feb and the quiz will be
aired on Doordarshan.
participation of over 2
lakh students from all
However, the Finance PCRA Quiz and have ad- The Quiz is being over India.
Ministry later clari ied retary, SD Dhakal, SNT General Manager, RTO, Dy port/Drivers Front (ASDTF), Tinku Adhikari, also
that the Budget will be
called interim Budget
RTO, ARTO and other of icers of the Department. met the Minister and the of icers of the department.
2-day prog for Aadhaar updates
held at Upper Pachak
NPF to boycott consultative
There was confusion
in political circle that the

meeting called by Nagaland govt

government may deviate
from the practice of pre-
senting interim Budget
and come up with full KĔčĎĒĆ, JĆē 30 (PTI): meeting on CAB. government in Naga- cle 371(A) of the Consti-
Budget ahead of the gen- Opposition Naga Peoples He said the core com- land has “not opposed” tution of India and the
eral elections. Front (NPF) has decided mittee decided to boycott the bill when it was ta- Inner Line Permit during
To this principal op- to boycott the Nagaland Thursday’s consultative bled in the Lok Sabha the State cabinet meet-
position party Congress government convened meeting called by the on January 6 last and ings held on January 7
had said it will strongly consultative meeting state government and NDPP MP in Lok Sabha and 18.
oppose both inside and on Citizenship Amend- has resolved to seriously also “failed” to oppose “NPF as the oldest po-
outside Parliament the ment Bill (CAB) sched- re-examine the coalition the bill. litical party of the region
presentation of a “full bud- uled for Thursday in status of NPF with BJP Kikon said that NPF dont need a certi icate
get” by the BJP-led NDA Dimapur, a party lead- in Manipur following the observed that “the from NDPP or PDA gov-
government as it has “no er said Thursday. passage of the Citizen- NDPP-led PDA govern- ernment to support the
electoral legitimacy” and Addressing a press ship Bill in Lok Sabha. ment has no moral right interest of the Nagas and
the step will go against conference here Wednes- The NPF spokesper- whatsoever to convene indigenous people of the
set precedents and Parlia- day evening, NPF spokes- son also announced that a consultative meeting North East,” Kikon said.
person Achumbemo its Rajya Sabha MP from either with the political The NPF stated that
mentary traditions.
Kikon said the core Nagaland, K G Kenye parties or civil societies the intention of NDPP-
Last week, Railway committee of the par- will go oppose the Cit- on this particular issue.” led PDA government in SUMMIT REPORT & Evaluation (DESME), Rhenock Constituency
Minister Goyal was given ty held a meeting at the izenship Amendment The NPF spokesper- convening the consul- RĆēČĕĔ, 30 JĆē: Government of Sikkim on 29 and 30 Jan.

additional charge of the residential of ice of their Bill if laid in the Upper son said that the PDA tative meet is “nothing an Sewa Samittee [an organised two-day pro- The programme was
Finance Ministry as Arun president Dr Shrhozelie House of the Parliament government had been but an eye wash and to NGO], Upper Pachak, gramme for Aadhaar held at the of ice of Jan
Jaitley has gone to the US Liezietsu to discuss on Kikon said the core “fooling” the Naga people shift the blame to the in collaboration with Di- updates, corrections and Sewa Samittee, Upper
for treatment. the state government committee was of the by stating that Nagaland political parties and rectorate of Economics, new enrolments at Up- Pachak which was at-
Jaitley as the Finance convened consultative view that NDPP-led PDA is protected under Arti- civil societies.” Statistics, Monitoring per Pachak ward under tended by local residents.
Minister has presented
ive Budgets. Cabinet sits...
As per practice, a for construction of Tribal Bhawan at Kewzing. lakhs for infrastructure development works at works along Pakyong-Dikling . for implementation of Soil Health Card Scheme un-
Vote-on-Account or ap- 10. Approval and sanction of Rs.111.75 Labdang, West Sikkim. 37. Approval and sanction of Rs.1232.29 der Paramparagat Krishi Vikash Yojana.
proval for essential gov- lakhs as Grants-in-aid to be released to differ- 25. Approval and sanction of Rs.217.18 lakhs for work re-surfacing, strengthening and 49. Approval and sanction of Rs.98.29
ernment spending for a ent Commissions & Boards. lakhs for construction of Rural Marketing Cen- re-carpeting of Tintek –Dikchu Road . lakhs for implementation of Soil Health Card
limited period is taken in ROADS AND BRIDGES DEPARTMENT tre at Rabongla. 38. Approval and sanction of 8.90 crores Scheme under National Mission for Sustain-
an election year and a full- 11. Approval and sanction of Rs.506.85 HOME DEPARTMENT for strengthening, carpeting and drainage able Agriculture .
ledged budget presented crores for construction of link road from NH- 26. Approval for creation of 2posts of Civ- works along Pakyong-Karthok-Rai Gaon road. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DE-
by the new government. 10 (Near Old India Press Burtuk) towards ICDS il Judge –cum-Judicial Magistrate at Rangpo 39. Approval and sanction of Rs. PARTMENT
While P Chidam- and Gurung Gaon via Gurung Crematorium. and Jorethang . 50,94,455/- for the payment of compensation 50. Approval and sanction of Rs.7.80 crores for the
baram had presented 12. Approval and sanction of Rs.88,78,483/- 27. Approval and sanction of Rs.315 lakhs for land, house and standing properties involved establishment of a Professional College at Chisopani,
for payment of land compensation involved in for construction of Women’s Training Block construction of road from Susleydara -Tinley to under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan.
the previous UPA gov-
construction of New Road from Nandu Gaon and Faculty Guest House at PTC, Yangang. Upper Nizrameng Village in South Sikkim. 51. Approval and sanction of Rs.4 crores to
ernment’s Vote-on-Ac- to Water Pumping Site via Sameybong I.C.D.S 28. Approval and sanction of Rs.613.27 SOCIAL JUSTICE, EMPOWERMENT AND be released as remaining grant in aid to CCCT,
count in February 2014, Centre and Ambotey under Poklok Block. lakhs for construction of Sainik Rest House WELFARE DEPARTMENT Chisopani and ATTC, Bardang .
Jaitley presented a full 13. Approval and sanction of Rs.332.23 -cum-Of ice, Rajya Sainik Board, Gangtok. 40. Approval and sanction of Rs 5.40 crores ENERGY AND POWER DEPARTMENT
budget in July that year. crores for construction of link road from ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT for construction of Tribal Research Institute at 52. Approval and sanction of Rs.58,70,141/-
Narendra Modi-led gov- Chakung- Soreng to Borbotey via Rupsang. 29. Approval and sanction of Rs.2 crores Assam Lingzey. for replacement of damaged 66KV double
ernment scrapped a co- 14. Approval and sanction of Rs 1.64 crores to be released to new committee of Thaur- TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION DEPART- circuit transmission tower no.4 at 5th mile,
lonial-era tradition of for construction of new road from Ledung bari Mandir for construction of Thakurbari MENT Tadong, near Entel Motors.
presenting the Budget Turning to Changey Busty , East Sikkim. Mandir, Gangtok. 41. Approval and sanction of Rs. HORTICULTURE AND CASH CROPS DEVEL-
at the end of February. 15. Approval and sanction of Rs.173.797 TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT 6,80,27,567/- for construction of 14 huts and OPMENT DEPARTMENT
lakhs for construction of alternative road at 30. Approval and sanction of kitchen at Yangang Cultural Centre Upper Ran- 53. Approval and sanction of Rs.1 crore for
Union MoS Mantam in the block of Lingthem, Upper Dzongu. Rs.1,89,69,678/- for the acquisition of two gang. procurement of poly tanks and pipes through
Tourism... 16. Approval and sanction of Rs.1, 20, 24+1 seater A/C Buses and four 19+1 seater URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING SIMFED.
4392 sq.ft. and irst loor 22,493/- as payment of land compensation AC luxury buses. DEPARTMENT ENERGY AND POWER DEPARTMENT
with an area of 651sft. involved in construction of SPWD Road from BUILDINGS AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT 42. Approval and sanction of Rs.979.94 54. Approval and sanction of Rs.168.38
Block B consists of 7 stalls Tessithang to Chowri under Nambu & Sindra- 31. Approval and sanction of Rs.2030.62 lakhs for construction of Kissan Bazaar at lakhs to be released to SREDA as Grant in aid .
with 2 basements and bong Block in West Sikkim. lakhs for construction of underground parking Mangan. HORTICULTURE AND CASH CROPS DE-
an open terrace, cover- 17. Approval and sanction of Rs.69,44,269/- space at Namchi. HOME DEPARTMENT VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT
ing an area of 1005 sq.ft. as payment of land compensation involved in CULTURAL AFFAIRS AND HERITAGE DE- 43. Approval and sanction of Rs.21,63,499/- 55. Approval and sanction of Rs.765.45
The project was started construction of road from Lingdum Gumpa to PARTMENT for construction of Women Guard Room and lakhs for implementation of National Bamboo
on the 29 March, 2016 Sadatham under Lingdum Block in East Sikkim. 32. Approval and sanction of Rs.4,57, installation of 500 litres Solar Water Heating Mission .
and was completed on 18. Approval for amendment in Schedule of Rates 60,347/- for acquisition of additional land for System at Namchi Sub-Jail. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, LIVESTOCK FISH-
24 Nov, 2018. The total -2012 on implementation of Goods and Service Tax. the project- Folk Healers Centre, Assam Lingzey. BUILDINGS AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT ERIES AND VETERINARY SERVICES
cost of the project is Rs 19. Revised approval of Rs.18,10,92,000/- and COOPERATION DEPARTMENT 44. Approval and sanction of Rs.15.30 56. Approval and sanction of Rs 92.23
439.43 lakh. additional inancial sanction of Rs.42,19,000/- 33. Approval and sanction of 1 crore as crores for construction of Multi-Disciplinary lakhs for acquisition of land at various places
SKM hosts for surface improvement, pre-mix carpeting, grants-in-aid to be released to 13 Cooperative Centre at Syari, Gangtok. for construction of Veterinary Dispensaries.
drainage and protective work along Ralong-Tin- Societies for construction of their infrastructure. SOCIAL JUSTICE EMPOWERMENT AND 57. Approval and sanction of Rs.30 lakhs
Sadbhawana... kitam road under Rabong Sub-Division. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DE- WELFARE DEPARTMENT for strengthening of veterinary dispensaries.
allegations of corruption TOURISM AND CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT PARTMENT 45. Approval and sanction of Rs.250 lakhs 58. Approval and sanction of Rs 1 crore for dis-
against SDF are true. 20. Approval and sanction of Rs.4430.17 34. En-bloc approval and inancial sanction for purchase of uniform for children of Angan- tribution of 2353 piglets to 1176 bene iciaries.
They are guilty which is lakhs for the development of tourist infra- of Rs.73.06 crores under Rashtriya Uchchatar wadi Centres. (Post facto) URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING
why they did not turn up structure for Kailash Manasarovar Yatra at Shiksha Abhiyan for establishing a Profession- FOREST, ENVIRONMENT AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT
today,” Mr Khaling said. 18th Mile and Hangu Lake in East Sikkim. al College at Dentam , Model Degree College, MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 59. Approval and sanction of Rs.86.80
He added that it was 21. Approval and sanction of Rs.910 lakhs Mangshilla, Model Degree College, Chakung , in- 46. Approval and sanction of Rs.20.80 lakhs as Grant-in-aid for payment of salary and
SDF spokesperson, Bhim for construction of boating pool at Chopta Val- frastructure grant for Nar Bahadur Bhandari De- crores for implementation of schemes under honorarium to the Urban Local Bodies.
Dahal who had asked for ley in North Sikkim. gree College and Faculty Recruitment support . Sikkim Ecology Fund and Environment Cess. ROADS AND BRIDGES DEPARTMENT
one-on-one debate while 22. Approval and sanction of Rs.123.45 lakhs ROADS AND BRIDGES DEPARTMENT ROADS AND BRIDGES DEPARTMENT 60. Approval to rename Pakyong-Tar-
refuting allegations of for implementation of Deendayal Antyodaya Yo- 35. Approval and sanction of Rs.159.61 47. Approval and sanction of Rs.52.89 eythang-Rorathang Road as “Bande Pokhrel Marg”.
corruption against the jana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission . lakhs for re-surfacing, strengthening and crores for construction of 55 fair weather HOME DEPARTMENT
SDF government. SKM 23. Approval and sanction of Rs.350.44 re-carpeting of Namchi-Kopchey road to Low- roads (Phase-V),totaling to 106.20 km. 61. Approval and sanction of Rs.21,94,251/-
accepted his challenge lakhs for construction of Administrative Build- er Boomtar via Singhithang . FOOD SECURITY AND AGRICULTURE DE- for procurement of items for strengthening of en-
and invited him for this ing of UD & HD at Jorethang . 36. Approval and sanction of 2.10 crores VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT forcement capabilities for combating illicit traf ic in
debate, said Mr Khaling. 24. Approval and sanction of Rs.966.99 for strengthening, carpeting and drainage 48. Approval and sanction of Rs.555.8176 lakhs narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
CapitalTIMES SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019 3
Youth Parliament held for East and North districts Assam Cong delegation urges
GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē:
Tadong on 28 Jan.
Youth and speakersRahul to ensure citizenship
jee, Kushal Rai, Subaksha
Pradhan, Neha Gupta,
ratives on climate change”.
The top-5 speakers
be remain on standby.
The two best speak-

A District Level Youth

conducted by East and
from north and east dis-
bill gets defeated in RS
tricts selected through on-
line screening and walk-in
Sanjeeb Adhikari and Ka-
veri Rai spoke on “Khelo
India: A gate for budding
were selected, the irst,
second and third among
whom will be speaking at
ers from the state will
go on to participate in
the National Youth Par-
North District NSS Cell process conducted on 18 sports”, “India sets global the state-level youth par- liament scheduled to be NĊĜ DĊđčĎ, JĆē 30 sources said. Terming the increasing the deadline
at Nar Bahadur Bhandari January participated. narratives on terrorism” liament scheduled for 07 held in New Delhi on 23 (PTI): Amid stiff opposi- bill as “ lawed”, the Con- from 1971 as per the As-
Degree College here at Speakers Yeshell Dor- and “India sets global nar- February while two will and 24 Feb. tion in Assam against the gress had walked out of sam Accord.
citizenship bill, a Con- the debate in Lok Sabha, Also according to the
BJP, TMC hold gress delegation from which passed it during Assam Accord, all illegal
the state on Wednesday the Winter Session on immigrants who have
protest against met Rahul Gandhi and January 8. The Budget come after 1971, irre-
violence urged him to ensure that Session of Parliament spective of religion, have
the proposed legislation will begin on Thursday. to be deported and this
after Amit is not passed in Rajya The Congress pres- bill violates that.
Shah’s rally Sabha, sources said. ident assured the dele- The Asom Gana Par-
KĔđĐĆęĆ, JĆē 30 (PTI): The delegation, com- gation that he would give ishad (AGP) has quit its
The BJP as well as the prising Assam Pradesh necessary instructions alliance with the BJP in
ruling TMC in West Ben- Congress Committee in this regard, the sourc- Assam protesting against
gal Wednesday organ- president Ripun Bora, es said. The bill provides the Narendra Modi gov-
ised protests here and in leader of Congress leg- for according Indian citi- ernment’s decision to get
other parts of the state islature party Debabrata zenship to Hindus, Jains, Parliament’s approval for
against the violence that Saikia, party in-charge Christians, Sikhs, Bud- the bill.
took place in East Mid- Harish Rawat besides dhists and Parsis from Modi had announced
napore district’s Kanthi others apprised Rahul Bangladesh, Pakistan and that the citizenship bill
area following a rally by about the prevailing sit- Afghanistan after seven is an “atonement of the
BJP president Amit Shah. uation in Assam and the years of residence in India wrong that was done
The saffron party’s Northeast and people’s instead of 12 years, which during India’s Partition...
state leadership has de- strong sentiment against is the norm currently, even India will safeguard all
cided to inform the Elec- the bill, which seeks to if they do not possess any who had been victims of
tion Commission (EC) amend the Citizenship document. the Partition”.
about the clashes. Act 1955 to give Indian There has been Meanwhile, a group
The full bench of the nationality to non-Mus- strong opposition in As- of people from Manipur
EC led by Chief Election lims from Pakistan, Ban- sam and other North- staged protests outside
Commissioner Sunil Arora gladesh and Afghanistan. eastern states against the Parliament on Wednes-

Martyrs’ Day observed

is scheduled to arrive here The team requested bill. Political parties, stu- day and set on ire copies
in the night on a three- Rahul to ensure that the dents groups and others of the bill.
day visit to review the Congress does not walk have been protesting on The slogan shouting
preparedness for the Lok out of the debate on the the grounds that the bill protesters were escort-
GĆēČęĔĐ, 30 JĆē [IPR]: Martyrs’ Day was observed throughout the State with two minutes’ silence in
Sabha polls in West Bengal. bill in the Upper House seeks to grant national- ed out of the high-secu-
today at Tashiling Secretariat here. the memory of those who gave their lives in the
They will also hold a and make sure that it is ity to non-Muslims who rity area by police after
Additional Chief Secretary, Finance cum Devel- struggle for India’s freedom.
series of meetings with defeated with the help of have come up to Decem- about 15 minutes of
opment Commissioner, VB Pathak, led a two-min- All work and movement, including traf-
of icials of the state’s like- minded parties, the ber 31, 2014, thereby, their protests.
ute silence with of icers and staff of the Secretariat fic, stopped exactly from 11 am to 11:02 am
chief electoral of ice
and political parties on
and adjoining of ices. throughout the State. The day was observed Centre enhances fellowship of PhD students
Likewise, Martyrs’ Day was observed with due solemnity.
Thursday. researching in area of science and technology
Following the clash-
es in Kanthi on Tuesday
Home Minister Rajnath Attributing political colour to verdicts NĊĜ DĊđčĎ, JĆē 30 (PTI):
The Centre has enhanced
the fellowship of PhD stu-
28,000. This is effective
from January 1, the state-
ment said.
cluding the quantum of
fellowship. One of the
recommendations was
Singh had called up Chief
Minister Mamata Baner-
jee and expressed seri-
amounts to sheer contempt, says SC dents and other research
personnel enrolled in any
For the irst time, it
noted, the government
to involve the PhD stu-
dents in undergraduate
NĊĜ DĊđčĎ, JĆē 30 political colours to the plaint to the concerned values and to ensure that area of science and tech- has recommended a set teaching and managing
ous concern.
(PTI): Criticising judg- judgments. It is nothing higher authorities who rule of law prevails in the nology, a move that will di- of strong inancial and ac- research infrastructure
The Trinamool Con-
es in the media by law- less than an act of con- can take care of the situ- country, no one can be rectly bene it over 60,000 ademic incentives to en- during their doctoral
gress took out a protest
yers has become very tempt of gravest form,” ation and it is impermis- permitted to destroy the researchers, a statement hance and recognise the research. This will not
march in Kanthi during
common and attribut- the bench said. sible to malign the sys- independence of judicial said Wednesday. performance of research only widen their scope
the day against the clash-
ing “political colours” to Dealing with the pow- tem itself by attributing system from within or Fellowship of the Ju- fellows and there will be of training, but also en-
es Senior BJP leaders
judgments amounted to er of contempt, the bench political motives and by from outside. nior Research Fellows a performance-based ad- hance their career pros-
Mukul Roy and Sayantan
“sheer contempt”, the Su- said, “The court has the making false allegations “A lot of sacri ices are (JRF) in the irst two dition to the fellowship. pects, the statement said.
Basu took out a protest
preme Court has said. power of contempt and against the judicial sys- made to serve the ju- years of the PhD pro- An Empowered In- On January 16, re-
march from the party’s
It said however that that lethal power too ac- tem and its functionaries. diciary for which one gramme has been in- ter-Ministerial Commit- search scholars from
state headquaters to Es-
power of contempt with companies with greater Judges who are attacked cannot regret as it is creased from Rs 25,000 tee has been constituted across the country
plande in the city.
the court is a weapon responsibility. Contempt are not supposed to go to with a purpose and to to Rs 31,000 per month. to periodically examine staged a protest outside
Shouting slogans
like “Bhramastra”, to be is a weapon like ‘Brah- press or media to venti- serve judiciary is not Similarly, in the remain- all the fellowship mat- Shastri Bhawan in the
against the state gov-
used sparingly. mastra’ to be used spar- late their point of view,” less than call of mili- ing tenure of PhD, a Se- ters that have a bearing city in support of their
ernment, BJP workers
The apex court also ingly to remain effective. the top court said. tary service,” it said. nior Research Fellow will on enhancing the value, long-standing demand
carried placards and
said that cases cannot At the same time, a judge While making it clear The bench observed get Rs 35,000 per month, quality and experience of increasing the scholar-
posters against the TMC
be decided by “media has to guard the dignity that corruption is intol- that if the bar fails to instead of the present Rs of doctoral research, in- ship amount.
government. Incidently,
trial” and the bar and of the court and take ac- erable in the judiciary, perform the duty inde-
senior TMC minister and
bench have their own tion in contempt and in the bench said lawyers pendently and becomes a
party leader Partha Chat-
in-built machinery to case of necessity to im- cannot go to streets or “sycophant”, it ultimately
terjee, who was passing
deal with grievance and pose appropriate exem- go on strike except when results in denigrating of
through Central Avenue
no outside interference plary punishment too.” democracy itself is in the judicial system and
also faced protests and
can be allowed. It said that act of at- danger and the entire ju- judiciary itself.
was shown black lags by
Judges who are at- tributing political insinu- dicial system is at stake. “Role of Bar in the le-
the BJP workers.
tacked are not supposed ations on judges in cases “The judgment ren- gal system is signi icant.
“We have called for
to go to the press or the of political importance dered by a judge is based The bar is supposed to be
the protest against yes-
media to ventilate their “are nothing, but an act upon the dint of hard the spokesperson for the
terday’s violence. The
point of view, it added. of denigrating the judi- work and quality of the judiciary as Judges do not
way our party workers
It said lawyers are not ciary itself and destroys arguments that are ad- speak,” the bench said,
were attacked was un-
supposed to be “money the faith of the common vanced before him by adding, “It is the duty of
democratic,” BJP state
guzzlers” and should not man which he reposes in the lawyers. There is no the Bar to protect honest
president Dilip Ghosh
involve in in luencing fair the judicial system”. room for arrogance ei- judges and not to ruin
said. The saffron party or-
decision making process. “In case of genuine ther for a lawyer or for a their reputation and at
ganised agitations in var-
While referring to grievance against any judge,” it said. the same time to ensure
ious parts of the state in
various attacks made judge, the appropriate It said that for the that corrupt judges are
protest against Tuesday’s
on the judicial system process is to lodge a com- protection of democratic not spared”.
violence in which several
from time to time, the
persons were injured.
court said a lot of sacri-
Later on the BJP ac-
fices are made to serve
tivists staged a sit in at
the judiciary which
Esplanade in Kolkata
is not less than call of GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM
following which the po-
lice removed them and
detained some of them,
Arun Mishra and Vineet GANGTOK
party sources said.
Saran said that whenev- Notice for registration of all the Child Care Institutions in Sikkim
The Bengal unit of
er any political matter
the BJP has decided to In compliance to the Judgement passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of
is decided by the court
inform the EC about the India in Writ Petition No. (Crl) No 102 of 2017, it is mandatory for all the
either way, “political in-
Tuesday violence. Government/NGOs/Voluntary Organisations running Child Care Institu-
sinuations” are attribut-
“We will inform the tions (CCIs) for the Children in Sikkim to get their CCIs registered under
ed by “unscrupulous
Election Commission Juvenile Justice Act 2015 regardless of whether they are receiving grants
about the clashes that from the Central Government or the State Government as the case may
The bench made
took place yesterday be. CCIs running without registration is illegal and as per Sec 42 of the
these comments in its
at Kanthi. We will por- Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection off Children) Act 2015, those who fail
78-page judgement dat-
tray the real picture of to comply with the provisions of Section 41(1), shall be punished with
ed January 28, while
the ground situation imprisonment which may extend to one year or a ine of not less than one
striking down certain
that prevails in Bengal,” lakh rupees or both.
amended Rules of the
Ghosh said here. For Application Form and any other query please contact
Madras High Court in-
TMC leader and se- DCPO East/8768976238
cluding the one to debar
nior minister Suvendu DCPO North/9083501548
Adhikari said “We have a lawyer from practising.
“It has become very DCPO West/9735989009
taken out a protest march
common to the mem-
DCPO South/9775431700 or the of ice of the undersigned.
in Kanthi town against
the violence that BJP had bers of the Bar to go to Sd/-
let loose on us yesterday. the press/media to crit- Joint Secretary cum Programme Manager/ICPS
The people have also icize the judges in per- Social Justice Empowerment & Welfare Department
come out in our support son and to commit sheer Government of Sikkim
and joined the march.” contempt by attributing R.O. No: 629/IPR/PUB/Classi/18-19 Date: 28/01/2019
4 SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019

Good Rules Need Better

Regulations are required, but
try building conϔidence ϔirst

I t has now been two years since the government

announced speed-limits for Sikkim roads. You
don’t remember, do you? The move was wel-
come most would say while adding that good
rules need better implementation to be of any
consequence. Knowing Sikkim though, this reg-
ulation too was only super icially thought out,
Mexico is bleeding. Can its new
and even when and if implemented is done so
only for nuisance value for some time and then
forgotten. To begin with, how were speed-lim-
president stop the violence?
its to be checked everywhere, and how was the ANGÉLICA DURÁNǧMARTÍNEZ mayor’s order, handed over to a local gang, which a guarantee, given the corruption it will almost
breaking of speed limits to be penalized? What killed them and burned their bodies. certainly uncover – it could restore some faith in
were the traf ic cops on the prowl to check more Investigators from the Inter-American Commis- Mexico’s justice system. Currently, 97 percent of all
diligently against, unauthorized/ irresponsible
parking, dangerous driving or over-speeding?
N early 34,000 people were murdered in Mex-
ico last year, according to new government
statistics — the deadliest year since modern re-
sion on Human Rights could not corroborate this
story. In the burn pit identi ied in 2016, they found
no physical evidence of the missing students.
crimes go unpunished.
Focusing on truth may also help the country
better understand – and therefore address – the
Does the speed regulation apply to all vehicles? cord-keeping began. In a scathing inal report, investigators said that root causes of violence in Mexico.
Couldn’t be, because parking rules don’t appear Of all the challenges facing Mexico’s new pres- authorities had ignored crucial evidence that the Truth commissions, however, will not immedi-
to be universally applicable and VIPs treated to ident, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, curbing vio- army and federal police were involved in the stu- ately solve an incredibly complex security crisis.
empty slots kept empty in anticipation of their lence may be the biggest. dents’ disappearance. As Amnesty International has said, the Mexi-
Mexico has seen ever-growing bloodshed since A truth commission will help Mexicans “under- can government cannot create a truth commission
arrival even in areas like MG Marg where private 2006, when President Felipe Calderon deployed stand the truth and do justice to the young people to investigate every mass atrocity of the drug war.
citizens often whistled away. the Mexican armed forces to ight drug cartels. of Ayotzinapa,” López Obrador said on Twitter in Mexico also needs a functioning justice system.
One wonders why the speed limit was formal- Rather than reduce violence, the government’s announcing its creation. PARDONING LOW LEVEL CRIMES
ized. Again, most people would think that it was crackdown actually increased con licts between The Ayotzinapa truth commission will put ex- Another transitional justice tool the López
to make the roads safer. But, if it is only the pri- and among cartels, according to my research on traordinary resources and personnel on the case Obrador government has proposed is amnesty to
criminal violence and numerous other studies. It and give the victims’ families and perpetrators a non-violent, low-level drug offenders.
vate citizens who need to observe the speed lim-
also led to widespread military abuses of power voice in the process – neither of which police inves- The president’s chief-of-staff, Olga Sánchez
its while the VIPs and their of icers can ignore it, against civilians. tigations in Mexico typically do. Cordero, says that pardoning people convicted and
then one would be forced to surmise that private More than 250,000 people have been murdered TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE jailed for growing, processing, transporting or using
vehicles are being intentionally slowed down so and 35,000 have disappeared since the beginning Truth commissions aim to create a collective, drugs – particularly women and offenders from margin-
that those who consider themselves “very im- of Mexico’s drug war. participatory narrative of human rights atrocities alized populations – would stop the cycle of violence in
portant” can travel even faster. If that is not the López Obrador said on the campaign trail that that not only exposes the perpetrators but also Mexico and encourage petty criminals to disarm.
Mexico must “consider multiple alternatives to identi ies the conditions that facilitated violence. Mexico’s amnesty proposal is not unlike the
case, then ensure that the speed regulation is They are a central component of transitional jus- First Step Act recently passed in the United States,
achieve the paci ication of the country.”
extended to every vehicle on the roads. And this He pitched several possibilities to reduce crime tice, an approach to helping countries recover after which will result in the early release of about 2,600
brings one back to the need for improved imple- without using law enforcement, including granting civil war or dictatorship. prisoners, many of them drug offenders.
mentation to ensure that well intentioned moves amnesty to low-level criminals, negotiating with Countries like Argentina, Guatemala, Brazil and Mexico’s prison population has been steadily
deliver on their promise. crime bosses to dismantle their syndicates and Peru all used truth commissions to reckon with the rising for years.
Some years ago, the Motor Vehicle Rules were confronting the human rights violations committed toll of their bloody dictatorships and wars and give Between 2000 and 2016, it increased 40 per-
by soldiers, police and public of icials. reparations to victims. South Africa famously used cent, from 154,765 inmates to 217,868 inmates, ac-
marked for an amendment to deliver a stronger FINDING THE TRUTH a truth commission to document the horri ic hu- cording to the Institute of Criminal Policy Research.
commitment to making vehicular traf ic safer in Some of those ideas – particularly the controver- man rights violations committed under apartheid. The number of people jailed in Mexico for drug of-
Sikkim. The proposed amendment required a sial notion of negotiating with organized crime – have Mexico’s situation is different: It has a criminal fenders has also increased markedly.
driver to produce a driving license issued from faded away since López Obrador took of ice on Dec. 1. violence problem, not a civil war. As in the United States, most prisoners in
hill regions or procure such a special permit So far, his administration has put more empha- But my research indicates this paci ication Mexico come from economically and socially
sis on traditional law-and-order policies. strategy may have some promise. disadvantaged backgrounds, according to the
from Sikkim before being allowed to ferry pas-
In December, he ordered the creation of a Mexi- Recent studies suggest that truth commissions Collective for the Study of Drugs and Law, a non-
sengers as a taxi driver in the State. The idea was can national guard to ight organized crime. Though can actually help prevent future violence. Because profit research group.
sound. At one level it ensured that those hired human rights advocates and security experts fear they identify perpetrators, who then face punish- WHAT LIES AHEAD
as taxi drivers in Sikkim were tried hands on hill this approach will repeat past fatal mistakes of ment for their crimes, truth commissions can both Should López Obrador’s amnesty idea become
roads and not landing jobs despite suspect driv- militarizing Mexican law enforcement, the lower take criminals off the street and deter others from policy, it would surely be controversial.
ing skills only because they have managed to buy house of Congress recently approved the measure. committing crime. Victims of violence in Ciudad Juárez were out-
It will likely be approved in the Senate. Holding public of icials responsible for their cor- raged when, in August 2018, President-elect López
a driving license elsewhere. The requirement to ruption would be a major achievement in Mexico. Obrador said residents must be “willing to forgive.”
López Obrador has followed through on one of his
get these permits renewed and the powers giv- campaign proposals for “pacifying” Mexico, though. As the U.S. federal trial of drug traf icker Joa- Many caught in the cross ire of Mexico’s drug
en to the licensing authorities here to verify the Days after being sworn in, the president estab- quín “Chapo” Guzmán illustrates, corruption pen- war say justice and punishment should come be-
antecedents of the applicants ensured that drivers lished a truth commission to investigate the un- etrates the highest levels of Mexican government. fore forgiveness.
took their jobs more seriously and the authorities solved disappearance of 43 students from the Ayo- Since the beginning of its drug war, in 2006, But violence in Mexico is so pervasive that, in
have a paper trail to follow in case someone absconds tzinapa teachers college in the southern Mexican Mexican citizens have iled 10,000 complaints of my opinion, the country must consider every op-
town of Iguala in 2014. abuse against soldiers, including accusations of tion that might stanch the bleeding.
after a mishap (a common response). One wonders Five years after their disappearance, the truth extrajudicial killings and torture. The government Truth commissions and amnesties to low level
where this rule sits nowadays because it sure does of this infamous case remains elusive. has done little to look into those allegations. Nor crimes will not pacify the country immediately –
not appear to be in practical practice. Agreed, this one According to the government of former presi- has it actively investigated most of the murders of but they may bring some of the truth and justice
was complicated and presented many genuine com- dent Enrique Peña Nieto, the crime was a local af- 97 Mexican journalists since then. Mexicans so desperately need.
plications, but in the many years that have passed, fair. Students en route to a protest march in Mexico If an Ayotzinapa truth commission enjoys the [the writer is Assistant Professor of Political
City were detained by the Iguala police, and, at the full support of federal authorities – which is not Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell]
these could have been ironed out to guarantee that
drivers of passenger vehicles in Sikkim had tested
driving skills. That is a substantial assurance to re- The future of psychiatry promises to be digital – from
ceive for passengers nowadays.
The point being reiterated is that ‘good rules’ need apps that track your mood to smartphone therapy
good implementation to deliver ‘good results.’ After DAVID GRATZER HEALTH APPS TRACK MOOD well as with in-person care, but at the onset of depression earlier.
all, there is no dearth of either good rules or good Mental health care is an area in a lower cost. THE CHALLENGE OF PRIVACY
intentions in the country, but it is in the delivery that need of transformation. One in ive SMARTPHONES IDENTIFY SYMP- We also need to be careful. There
everything goes wrong. The more stringent stipula-
tions to keep the roads safe are welcome, but almost
E lla, who is in her early 20s, has
depression. When her sleep start-
ed to fall away after a stressful term
Canadians will have mental health
problems this year, yet many struggle
to access care. According to one study,
The advantages are more than
economic. For the single mother with
are hundreds of depression apps,
but quantity doesn’t mean quality. In
one study, when a basic quality con-
immediately raise the fear of more complicated red at school, her smartphone was pro- only half of people with depression three kids or the older person who trol standard was applied (such as
tape, more powerful of icials, more dugdi. In fact, it grammed to note the late-night texts get adequate care. hesitates to attend a clinic in the dead revealing the source of information),
would not be a bad idea to irst win back the trust of and phone conversations indicating Evidence-based psychotherapy is of winter, online therapy isn’t better only 25 per cent of the apps studied
the people before issuing any more rules. There is too her insomnia. It made suggestions to particularly dif icult for people to ac- care, it’s the only care. passed the test.
improve her sleep. cess; a recent Canadian study found Not surprisingly, the idea has Digital mental health also needs
much disconnect nowadays between the janta and When her social media posts grew just 13 per cent of people with de- proven popular with the private sec- to include digital privacy and con i-
their janardhans, too much distrust. Let’s work at re- more negative and she was calling pression had any psychotherapy. Yet tor and also with governments in dentiality. Just as banking informa-
pair this faith irst. friends less often, her phone had her cognitive behavioural therapy — a Norway and Sweden. tion shouldn’t be shared recklessly,
do a depression scale, booked her in type of therapy that focuses on how And there is great potential to see medical information carried on a
to see her psychiatrist, then uploaded a person’s thoughts can affect his or technology assist with all aspects of smartphone or a wearable device
the scale results and a log of her re- her behaviour and mood — is as ef- care. The majority of North Ameri- needs to be safe for the user.
cent sleep patterns. fective as medications. cans have smartphones, which are And con licts of interest must be
WRITE US: Readers are invited to
She connected with her psychia- Just as technology has trans- carried around everywhere. clear. A smart phone app, for exam-
comment on, criticise, run down, even trist though videoconferencing and formed other aspects of our lives, By looking at speech patterns and ple, shouldn’t be a hidden advertise-
appreciate if they like something in this this doctor made some medication people are increasingly tapping it our movements, smartphones could ment for a private company.
paper. Letters carrying abusive/ indecorous adjustments. Ella also began some fo- for health needs. There are, for in- pick up on subtle changes indicating People often ask me if I think
language and personal attacks, except cused psychotherapy through an app. stance, more than 315,000 mobile the start or worsening of symptoms, technology will soon replace psychi-
Ella isn’t real, but hundreds of health apps. while wearables may notice subtle atrists. That’s unlikely to happen. But
when against people responsible in this thousands of Canadians do have ma- Many of my patients use apps for physical changes — long before pa- one day, a patient like Ella may tap
newspaper (who are fair game), will have jor depressive disorder. Today, smart- information on their illnesses; some tients themselves even notice prob- technology to get better care. And
to be ignored. Letters which carry forward phones don’t pick up on insomnia, and incorporate apps into their care, lems. These devices could be bringing that’s good news — if we have the
a conversation or initiate a dialogue will they don’t set up appointments with helping them remember when to take objective, real-time data to care. government policies and provider
psychiatrists. But one day they could. medications or track their mood over Needless to say, the research is practices in place to ensure that the
command immediate attention and receive
We may soon use smartphones time. And more people are now look- active; for example, several of my col- technology is used thoughtfully.
prominence. and wearables to help treat depres- ing online for therapy. leagues at the Centre for Addiction [the writer is Psychiatrist,
Mail us at: sion. As a psychiatrist, I see this as a Studies show that if the therapy is and Mental Health in Toronto are Centre for Addiction and Mental
good thing, allowing more people to done right (with a therapist guid- looking at depression and Fitbit data Health, Assistant Professor of
access quality care. ing the process), people can do as to detect patterns that could signal Psychiatry, University of Toronto]
NeighbourhoodWATCH SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019 5
attack priests
Assam blasts case: CBI court awards life BJP not on back foot in Northeast
in Meghalaya imprisonment to NDFB chief, 9 others over citizenship bill: Deb
KĔđĐĆęĆ, JĆē 30 (PTI): were held on January to portray the northeast-
church, ϔlee Tripura Chief Minister Bi- 19 amid protests over ern states as a disturbed
with cash plab Kumar Deb claimed
on Wednesday that the
the Citizenship (Amend-
ment) Bill, 2019.
territory. But we will not
allow it to happen.”
TĚėĆ (MĊČčĆđĆĞĆ), JĆē citizenship bill had not “The victory in the To a query whether
30 (PTI): Two senior put the BJP on the back election means people he would implement the
priests in Meghalaya’s foot in the Northeast. are with us,” the chief bill in Tripura, Deb said,
West Garo Hills district Deb accused some or- minister said. “The state of Tripura is
sustained injuries when ganisations “with no sup- The bill seeks to a part of India and we
a group of masked men port base” of portraying the provide citizenship to are part of the federal
attacked them inside a Northeast as a troubled re- non-Muslims who had structure. This bill is ap-
church early Wednesday, gion for personal gains. led religious persecu- plicable to all the states
ransacked the premises “The claims that the tion in Bangladesh, Pa- of the country.”
and escaped with over Citizenship (Amend- kistan and Afghanistan Asked about BJP al-
Rs 1 lakh in cash, a senior ment) Bill has caused and entered India before lies in the Northeast
police of icer said. trouble in the region and December 31, 2014, after objecting to the bill, the
This was the fourth has put the BJP on the six years of residence in chief minister declined
such instance of dacoity back foot is completely the country. any comment, saying ev-
in Garo Hills churches in false and baseless. Had The bill, which was ery political party had its
the past one month, and this been the truth, the passed in the Lok Sabha own policy and agenda.
police suspect it to be the BJP would not have won earlier this month, has The BJP will win
handiwork of one and autonomous council triggered protests across more than 20 out of the
the same gang, he said. elections in Assam,” the the region. 25 Lok Sabha seats in
“Around 1am, the un- saffron party leader said. Asked about political the region and over 300
identi ied goons, around GĚĜĆčĆęĎ, JĆē 30 (PTI): The As he was being whisked away 22 accused - seven of them still The Bharatiya Jana- and social out its pro- seats across the country
20 in number, entered chief of the National Democratic by the police, the NDFB chief told absconding. The irst charge sheet ta Party had won 19 of testing against the bill, to form the next govern-
Dominic Savio Mission Front of Bodoland (NDFB), Ranjan reporters that he would appeal to was iled in 2009, followed by the the 28 seats in the North Deb said, “The organisa- ment under Prime Minis-
here during a power cut, Daimary, and nine other members a higher court against his convic- second and the inal one on De- Cachar Hills Autonomous tions that don’t have any ter Narendra Modi again,
tied up Rev Fr Thomas of the out it were sentenced to life tion. “Bodoland will be created as cember 20, 2010. Council, where elections base in the region want he asserted.
John and Daniel M Sang- imprisonment by a CBI special we continue to serve our jail sen- The trial began in 2011 and

Venezuela’s Guaido urges

ma, and attacked them court on Wednesday in the 2008 tence,” he added. the fast track court took over the
with iron rods. Assam serial blasts case that had His supporters, who had gath- case in 2017.
“They then ransacked claimed 88 lives. ered near the court since morning, During the course of the trial,
the church and led with
Rs 1.25 lakh in cash and
two smartphones,” Su-
Amid tight security on court
premises, CBI Special Judge Apa-
shouted slogans in favour of a sep-
arate Bodoland.
the statements of 650 witnesses
were recorded and over 600 exhib-
‘more sanctions’ from EU
resh Chakraborty pronounced Daimary and 14 others were its examined.
perintendent of Police the quantum of punishment for convicted on Monday under vari- Daimary was arrested in Ban-
MGR Kumar said. Daimary, George Bodo, B Tha- ous sections of the IPC. gladesh in 2010 and was shifted to
An FIR has been iled rai, Raju Sarkar, Anchai Bodo, In- The NDFB chief’s bail was Guwahati Central Jail.
in the case and a team of dra Brahma, Loko Basumatary, cancelled immediately after his He was released on condition-
of icers are investigating Khargeswar Basumatary, Ajay Ba- conviction and arrested, while the al bail in 2013 after the state gov-
into the matter, he said. sumatary and Rajen Goyary. others were already in judicial cus- ernment and the CBI stated before
“According to the FIR Three other convicts - Pra- tody. Nine serial blasts were trig- the Kamrup District and Sessions
iled by the authorities bhat Bodo, Jayanti Basumatary gered by the NDFB on October 30, Judge that they had ‘no objection’
of the Dominic Savio and Mathura Brahma - will be 2008 -- three each in Guwahati and to his release, if he was given con-
Mission, John Mathias M released after they pay a fine im- Kokrajhar, two in Barpeta and one ditional bail in view of the ongoing
Marak, another parish posed by the court. in Bongaigaon -- killing 88 people peace talks with the NDFB.
priest, sounded alarm The CBI court has ordered the and injuring 540 others. The court had imposed eight
when he saw the miscre- release of Nilim Daimary and Mrid- The CBI had taken over the conditions, including restrictions
ants. Soon after, they led ul Goyary in the case as they have case from Assam Police and had on Daimary from holding public BĊėđĎē, JĆē 30 (AFP): man-language article. the loyalty of the power-
the church,” Kumar said. already served their sentence. iled two charge sheets, naming meetings and media interviews. Venezuelan opposition “There’s no doubt ful military.
The SP also maintained
leader Juan Guaido called that the regime is total- Germany said last
that the modus operandi of
the four recent attacks in
Families of slain Assam MHA tribunal to visit on the European Union ly corrupt... (Maduro) is Friday it was ready to
the Garo Hills region looks Movement agitators Tripura to record evidence Wednesday to level
“more sanctions” against
a dictator.”
Venezuela, an oil-
recognise US-backed op-
position leader Guaido
“very similar”.
“Three cases of da- to return mementos against outlawed out its President Nicolas Mad- rich but economically as Venezuela’s interim
uro’s government, in an devastated country, was president unless new
coity have been earlier GĚĜĆčĆęĎ, JĆē 30 for the cause of the Assam interview with German plunged into uncertainty elections are held with-
reported from Dawagre (PTI): In protest over Movement will return the daily Bild. last week when Guaido, in eight days. Guaido
in East Garo Hills, Chok- the citizenship bill, the memento to the respective “We need more sanc- the 35-year-old head of also told mass-circula-
pot in South Garo Hills families of those who died district deputy commis- tions from the EU, like the National Assembly, tion daily Bild that “in
and Dalu in the west. We ighting for the cause of sioners, Deka added, with- those decided by the proclaimed himself “act- the past week alone, 70
are very close to a break- the Assam Movement de- out mentioning on which USA,” Guaido said. ing president”. people were arrested at
through, and, hopefully, cided on Wednesday to date they will be returned. “We live in a dicta- Maduro’s reelection protests.
the miscreants will be return the mementos con- The families were torship and there must last year was disputed More than 300 polit-
arrested soon,” he added. ferred by the state govern- honoured with Rs 5 lakh be pressure. More and by the opposition, and ical prisoners are in the
PRISM writes ment. The Swahid Parial
Samannayrakhi Parishad
and a memento each by
the BJP-led Sarbananda
more people are be- criticised internationally jails.” “We all live on the
ing murdered,” he said -- but the socialist leader verge of being impris-
to Rajya Sabha (SPSP), an organisation Sonowal government on according to the Ger- has until now retained oned or even murdered.”
chairman of the families of Assam December 10, 2016, at a
Agitation, gathered at the programme here.
against ‘Saheed Niyas’ here -- the The Assam Move- AČĆėęĆđĆ, JĆē 30 (PTI): ment said on Tuesday.
citizenship bill headquarters of the All ment movement started An “Unlawful Activities The NLFT was formed
AĎğĆĜđ, JĆē 30 (PTI): Assam Students’ Union in 1979 against illegal (Prevention) Tribunal”, on March 12, 1989 with
People’s Representation (AASU) that had spear- immigrants in the state. formed by the Ministry Dhananjoy Reang as its
for Identity and Status of headed the movement -- The six-year agitation of Home Affairs, would self-styled chairman.
Mizoram (PRISM) party to stage a protest against concluded with the sign- visit Tripura from Febru- Reang was later ex-
on Wednesday urged the contentious bill. ing of the Assam Accord ary 2 to record evidence pelled from the NLFT in
the chairman of Rajya Holding the mementos in 1985, which stated against two outlawed in- 1993 and Nayanbasi Ja-
Sabha to ensure that given by the Assam gov- that all those who came surgent out its. matia became the leader
the citizenship bill is ernment to 855 people from Bangladesh after The Home Ministry of the faction.
not introduced in the posthumously, their fami- March 24, 1971, have to had imposed a fresh ban In another split in
Upper House. lies decided to return the be deported irrespective of ive years on the Na- 2001, a faction led by one
In a letter to Rajya plaques in protest against of their religion. tional Liberation Front Biswamohan Debbarma
Sabha Chairman Ven- the Centre’s move to im- Fearing threat to of Tripura (NLFT) and emerged, which is now
kaiah Naidu, PRISM said plement the Citizenship the existence of the in- the All Tripura Tiger the main active wing of
the controversial Citi- (Amendment) Bill, 2019. digenous people, their Force (ATTF) on October the out it.
zenship (Amendment) The bill seeks to pro- language, culture and 3, 2018 for their violent The NLFT was out-
Bill is against the prin- vide citizenship after six heritage, protests broke and subversive activities. lawed in 1997 under the
ciples of secularism and years of residence in India out across the North- The government had Unlawful Activities (Pre-
discriminates on the ba- to non-Muslims who had east after Prime Minis- set up the tribunal, head- vention) Act and later
sis of religion. led religious persecution ter Narendra Modi had ed by Delhi High Court under the Prevention of
“Passage of the bill in Bangladesh, Pakistan announced in Silchar, Judge Suresh Kait, on Terrorism Act (POTA).
in both houses of Par- and Afghanistan and en- Assam, on January 4 that November 15 last year The ATTF was formed
liament would result in tered India before Decem- the citizenship bill would for adjudicating wheth- as All Tripura Tribal
mass illegal entry of for- ber 31, 2014, even if they be passed as soon as pos- er or not the two Tripu- Force (ATTF) on July 11,
eigners in the country, do not possess any doc- sible in the Parliament. ra-based militant out- 1990 by a group of for-
especially in the north ument. “The citizenship “The sacri ices made its should be declared mer Tripura National
eastern region,” it said. bill has been passed in the by the sons and daugh- banned organisations Volunteers (TNV) under
The communication Lok Sabha. It’s a matter of ters of this land will under the law. the leadership of Ranjit
to Naidu also said that utter shame for all of us. If become meaningless if The tribunal had is- Debbarma.
the party would vow to the bill becomes an act, the the Citizenship (Amend- sued show cause notice Though the TNV sur-
continue its opposition sacri ices made by over 800 ment) Bill is passed to the two out its on No- rendered arms as per a
and appeal to the people martyrs of Assam Agitation (and) giving citizenship vember 27, 2018 for sub- peace accord with the
of Mizoram to join the would become meaning- to Bangladeshis, against mitting their objections then prime minister Rajiv
stir. The bill, which was less,” SPSP president Rajen whose illegal presence in or reply within 30 days. Gandhi in 1988, the Ranjit
passed by Lok Sabha on Deka told reporters. Assam they had given up “The NLFT and ATTF, Debbarma faction disso-
“Their sacri ices will their life 40 years ago,” if they wish, may repre- ciated themselves and re-
January 8, seeks to pro-
bear no meaning if Hindu said a family member. sent themselves on Feb- christened itself as ATTF.
vide Indian citizenship to Bangladeshis entering As- “These mementos ruary 2 and February 3 The ATTF surren-
Hindus, Jains, Christians, sam after 1971 are given given by the Assam gov- at 10:30 AM before the dered en masse in 1993
Sikhs, Buddhists and Par- citizenship in India. These ernment were once the tribunal at Agartala by as per the ATTF Peace
sis from Bangladesh, Pa- mementos were once the treasured possessions making a communica- Accord but the Ranjit Deb-
kistan and Afghanistan, prized possessions for us, for us as they were in tion to the Registrar of barma faction continued
after six years of residence but now these are mean- recognition of our chil- the Tribunal well in ad- insurgency activities till
in India even if they do not ingless,” Deka rued. The dren, parents’ and spous- vance,” a press release is- Debbarma was arrested in
possess any documents. families of those who died es’ sacri ice. sued by the state govern- Bangladesh in 2012.
6 SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019 Sport&Specials
Piatek scores twice as Milan beat Azarenka to play Kvitova
Napoli to reach Coppa semis after beating Gasparyan
Sę PĊęĊėĘćĚėČ, JĆē 30 get the victory. won the inal four games
MĎđĆē, JĆē 30 (AFP): (AP): Victoria Azarenka Kvitova has a bye into of the match and beat
Krzysztof Piatek said it set up a meeting with the second round. Maria Sakkari 6-2 7-5 in
was “just the start” to Australian Open inalist Former French Open the irst round.
his AC Milan career after Petra Kvitova at the St. champion Jelena Osta- The ifth-seeded Ger-
scoring twice on his full Petersburg Ladies Tro- penko won a see-saw man trailed 5-3 in the
debut as Gennaro Gattu- phy on Tuesday after a match against Kristina second set before going
so’s side beat Napoli 2-0 sometimes-shaky 6-4 6-1 Mladenovic 6-1 0-6 6-0. on her run.
at the San Siro on Tues- win over Russian quali i- It was Ostapenko’s Goerges will play
day to reach the Coppa er Margarita Gasparyan. irst win of 2019 after Russian veteran Vera
Italia semi- inals. Azarenka, herself starting the year with Zvonareva in the sec-
Piatek, signed from a two-time Australian three straight losses, ond round.
Genoa last week as a Open champion, strug- while Mladenovic is Also, eighth-seeded
replacement for Gon- gled on serve at times now 0-4 on the year, in- Donna Vekic came back
zalo Higuain, put the and gave up three cluding qualifiers. from a set down to
hosts ahead in the 11th breaks to Gasparyan. Ostapenko will next beat Timea Bacsinszky
minute before doubling However, the Belarusian face Anastasia Pavly- 4-6 6-1 6-3 and set up
the lead before the half- won six straight games uchenkova, who won 7-5 a second-round match
hour mark with a fine from 3-4 in the first set 7-6 (4) over Alize Cornet. with lucky loser Veron-
individual strike. to 3-0 in the second to Earlier, Julia Goerges ika Kudermetova.
It was the second
time in four days that
Milan had dealt a blow
Don’t want situation where
to Napoli’s hopes of
winning a trophy this
reserves are not match-ready
season, after a goalless
draw on Saturday at the
during WC: Fielding coach Sridhar
San Siro ultimately left HĆĒĎđęĔē, JĆē 30 (PTI): that) they have to sud- Sridhar.
Carlo Ancelotti’s men ter Milan or Lazio, who bottom corner. The Pol- incredible eight goals in hosts’ goal in the second India’s ielding coach denly play a crucial game “India was always a
11 points behind Serie A play on Thursday, over ish international contin- only three Coppa Italia half, with Donnarumma R Sridhar is expecting during World Cup. That fabulous batting coun-
leaders Juventus. two legs in the last four ued to torment the visit- games this season, hav- saving from Arkadiusz some of the reserve play- is what the team man- try but now bowlers
“I expected a night as they look to go one ing defence and made it ing scored four for Genoa Milik and Adam Ounas. ers to get much-need- agement will be thinking have started picking
like this. I said that I was better than their 4-0 fi- two in the 27th minute. against Lecce in August But Milan held on to ed game time during I am sure,” Sridhar said. wickets throughout
ready and I got a brace, nal defeat by Juventus Piatek appeared to and a double against Vir- reach the semis, with the next few ODIs as The former irst-class different phases of the
but this is just the start,” last season. have few options when tus Entella last month. Donnarumma saving his the team management cricketer from Hyder- match. Whether it’s
Piatek told Milan TV. Piatek did not waste he collected the ball on Lorenzo Insigne best stop for last as he wants every player to be abad feels that New Zea- Bhuvi (Bhuvneshwar
“Both goals were much time in endearing the left-hand side of the looked to be Napoli’s big- denied Ounas again. match-ready going into land is the closest that Kumar) and (Moham-
great, even if they were himself to the Milan fans, area, but he cut inside gest danger, seeing a shot On Wednesday, Ju- this year’s ICC 50-over Indian team can get in med) Shami or the leg-
different. I felt good to- latching onto a hopeful two defenders before un- saved by Gianluigi Don- ventus continue their bid World Cup. terms of match simula- gies (Kuldeep Yadav and
night and it was marvel- long ball forward from leashing a powerful drive narumma, before iring for a ifth straight Coppa The ielding coach is tion keeping English con- Yuzvendra Chahal), they
lous playing at the San Diego Laxalt, before past Napoli goalkeeper over the crossbar. Italia at free-scoring At- happy that the core team ditions in mind. have done it in South
Siro.” Five-time winners calmly taking a touch and Alex Meret. The 23-year- Napoli started to put alanta, while Fiorentina is ready as “all pieces are “There is no better Africa, against Australia
Milan will face either In- slotting the ball into the old has now scored an some pressure on the host Roma. falling in place”, with the place than New Zealand and now here,” Sridhar
bowling unit taking itself to simulate the con- waxed eloquent.
pay tribute
Atletico Madrid’s trainer accused “10 notches higher”.
“Winning is a habit
that you want to contin-
ditions of England in
June. So we would like
to surely create a sit-
(Kuldeep and Chahal)

have picked 100 wickets

to Mahatma of violence against women ue and don’t want a let
down on intensity but
uation where we give
game time to our re-
between them in 24-25
games which is magnif-
Gandhi, we need to give game serves,” Sridhar said. icent. The most import-
time to our reserves During the current ant phases of the game
Raghunath with just seven games season, Indian team has been taken care of.
Nayak remaining before the
World Cup,” Sridhar said
has won ODI series in
South Africa, Australia
Then we have excellent
death bowlers in terms
KĊēĉėĆĕĆėĆ (OĉĎĘčĆ),
ahead of India’s fourth and now New Zealand of Bhuvi (Bhuvneshwar
JĆē 30 (PTI): People in
ODI against New Zealand with their only defeat Kumar) and (Jasprit)
a remote village of Odis-
here on Thursday. coming in England. Bumrah,” he added.
ha’s Kendrapara district
Often a situation The experience and “The experience of
observed the 71st death
arises where the irst XI performance of the the side, combined with
anniversary of Mahatma
picks itself and the re- bowling unit are two fitness and bowling has
Gandhi on Wednesday
serves suddenly look aspects that has made gone 10 notches high-
by paying tribute to the
rusty having not played the difference, opines er, making it look like a
Father of the Nation and
matches before being the fielding coach. complete unit and it au-
Raghunath Nayak. Nayak,
suddenly thrust into a “All the pieces are gurs very well for us go-
who hailed from Jaguleipa-
pressure situation. falling together. It’s ing into the World Cup.
da village, used to work as
“We shouldn’t be in a quite an experienced This team under Virat
a gardener at Birla House
situation going into the unit and if you see the Kohli and now with Ro-
in New Delhi and moments
World Cup where the top six players, they hit Sharma as captain
after Gandhi was shot dead,
main XI has played and have all been there has played some of its
he had grappled with the
MĆĉėĎĉ, JĆē 30 (AP): judge on Tuesday. He was without her consent. The practice session on Tues- the reserves have not from 2013 Champions best (ODI) cricket in last
Mahatma’s assassin on this
Atletico Madrid’s itness not immediately charged case will be heard by a day afternoon. got enough game time Trophy (in England),” three years,” he exuded
day in 1948.
trainer was detained and with any crime. court that handles vio- The 60-year-old Uru- when (it might happen said a visibly satisfied con idence.
Residents of Jagulei-
released after being ac- Spanish news agency lence against women. guayan was Atletico’s
pada congregated at the
village school, where the
cused of violence against
women, Spanish police
EFE said Ortega’s wife sent
the agency a statement
No other details were
immediately released.
trainer when coach Di-
ego Simeone played for
New Zealand bring in two rookies
students and locals paid
homage to both of them.
said on Tuesday.
Oscar Ortega was
saying she never accused
him of any wrongdoing.
Atletico Madrid says
it will not consider tak-
the club in 2004. He re-
turned as a member of
for T20I series against India
“Every year, we re- be part of teh Kiwi squad
taken into custody late She said a misunderstand- ing any action until all Simeone’s staff when the for the inal T20I as a
member Bapu along with
Monday and released ing led to another person details are available. Or- Argentine took over as replacement for Lockie
Raghunath Nayak on this
after appearing before a contacting authorities tega attended the team’s coach at the end of 2011. Ferguson, who is there
day,” said Raj Kishore Ma-
for the irst two matches.
British Council celebrates 30 years of
hapatra, a local resident.
Enthusiastic children “Both Daryl and Blair
thronged the school cam- have been rewarded for
pus and recited the Ram-
dhun. Children as well
internet with call for artistic ideas the strong form they’ve
produced in domestic
as teachers and locals NĊĜ DĊđčĎ, JĆē 30 (PTI): Expand- explore how we can make the web brilliant creative, digital ideas cricket,” said Gavin Lars-
garlanded the portrait ing upon the vision with which the more inclusive through artistic to match our ambitions to excite en, the New Zealand se-
of both Mahatma and World Wide Web was created 30 platforms,” he said. and inspire young people with lector. “Daryl has shown
Nayak, another villager, years ago, British Council, in its lat- The theme for the open call digital and mobile content and his value with the bat
Subhransu Sutar, said. est initiative, has invited ideas that also focuses on “equal economic collaborations between the UK and also tends to bowl
Raghus act of hero- will address creativity, connection, access and access to digital con- and India, Birtwistle said. at some tough times for
ism inds mention in ‘Ma- culture and collaboration through nectivity for women and girls”. The project ideas that must WĊđđĎēČęĔē čĊėĊ, JĆē my Neesham ahead of the the Knights, and Blair is
hatma Gandhi-The Last digital media. The initiative in previous be submitted by January 31, can 30 (PTI): New Zealand most recent T20 against well-respected among
Phase, a biography of In the 3rd edition of British years created “Saptan Stories” -- a involve digital platforms, mobile picked two uncapped Sri Lanka, has retained his team-mates and op-
Mahatma Gandhi written Council’s Digital Open Call, a plat- crowdsourced storytelling project applications, movies, and web- players in all-round- his place in the squad,” ponents alike as some-
by his private secretary form that seeks creative ideas involving 2 million people, Mix the sites, he added. er Daryl Mitchell and New Zealand Cricket said one who bowls a heavy
Pyarelal, Mahapatra said. and concepts that show art of Body , Mix The Play , and Mix the Talking about the Council’s pacer Blair Tickner in a statement. ball at good pace,” he
“The portraits of Bapu tomorrow, the winners will get City projects. ongoing and future plans in the for the three-match India will be led by added. The three-match
and Nayak ind a pride of funding of up to GBP 40,000 (Rs While the contest is a way to country, Birtwistle said that after T20 International se- Rohit Sharma in the se- series will be dou-
place in the premises of 37 lakh approx) to launch their connect people through the arts being inspired by the creativity ries against India start- ries as Virat Kohli has ble-headers alongside
Jaya Malavya Nodal Pri- projects in 2019, Tom Birtwistle, and facilitate cultural exchange and talent of young people, they ing February 6 here. been rested to manage women’s matches be-
mary School. The day is Director North India, British between the UK and India , it also have signed MoUs with various Regular skipper Kane his workload. tween the two sides on
observed in the school Council, told PTI. encompasses the celebration of state governments. Williamson was Wednes- Mitchell and Tickner the same pitch.
premises,” Sutar said. “The theme of this year is to “diversity, inclusion, equal oppor- “We are inspired by the creativ- day named captain of the have been rewarded for New Zealand Squad:
An automobile giant celebrate 30 years of the World tunity and freedom of expression . ity and talent of young people, art- 14-strong squad after their good performances Kane Williamson (c),
had installed busts of the Wide Web and how it has silent- “As the UK’s cultural arm, we ists, musicians, teachers and have skipping the one-off T20 in New Zealand’s domes- Doug Bracewell, Colin
Mahatma and Raghunath ly changed the world. The proj- aim to increase the appreciation signed MoUs with various state against Sri Lanka. The tic T20 league -- the Su- de Grandhomme, Lock-
Nayak in the village school. ect should broadly connect to the of contemporary UK culture in governments (West Bengal, Maha- Black Caps are current- per Smash. ie Ferguson (games 1 &
“Had Raghu succeed- theme of celebrating the creation India and vice versa, in order rashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh) ly competing in a ive- Mitchell scored a 2), Martin Guptill, Scott
ed in saving Gandhi, of the world wide web and address to give greater focus, depth and to promote cultural collaboration. match one-day series 23-ball 61 for Northern Kuggeleijn, Daryl Mitch-
modern Indian history creativity, connection, culture and relevance to the long-standing We have been working togeth- against with India and Knights against Central ell, Colin Munro, Mitch-
would have taken a dif- collaboration. relationship between the UK and er with world-class cultural organ- have conceded a 0-3 lead. Stags recently and was ell Santner, Tim Seifert
ferent turn,” he observed. “It could be intended for an au- other countries. isations to create new works and “Doug Bracewell, also in good form for (wk), Ish Sodhi, Tim
Raghunath Nayak dience primarily in India but with “The Digital Open Call offers share new stories around the UK, brought in as a replace- New Zealand A in one- Southee, Ross Taylor,
died on August 13, 1983. the potential to reach beyond and a blank canvas for anyone with India and online,” he said. ment for the injured Jim- day cricket. Tickner will Blair Tickner (game 3).
ElseWhere SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019 7
Brexit deal not open to renegotiation: EU leaders
BėĚĘĘĊđĘ, JĆē 30 (AFP): with the UK govern- ment even to her own eu-
CNN town European leaders moved
quickly Tuesday to reject
ment,” the of icial said.
Tusk’s response mir-
rosceptic ministers.
“There is a very real
hall sets an attempt by Britain’s
Prime Minister Theresa
rored that of France’s
President Emmanuel
risk of crash out. Not by
design but by accident,”
viewership May to re-open talks on
the Brexit divorce deal,
Macron, who had earlier
warned May not to ex-
Weyand said, noting
that if Britain’s position
record as British lawmakers vot-
ed to demand changes.
pect Europe to bend to
British demands.
does no change then
it automatically leaves
When May signed the During a regional Europe without a deal
withdrawal agreement in summit in Cyprus, Ma- on March 29. Through-
November, both she and cron declared that the out the negotiations,
the other 27 EU leaders existing Brexit deal is the Brussels has been clear
hailed it as the only way “best agreement possible that it stands by Ireland
to avoid Britain crashing and is not renegotiable”. -- a continuing member
out of the bloc on March Macron urged Lon- with much to lose from
29 without a plan. don to “promptly” lay any disorderly Brexit.
But the embattled out to EU chief negotiator On Tuesday, Irish for-
British premier failed to Michel Barnier “the next eign minister Simon Cov-
sell the agreement to her steps that will prevent an eney insisted again that
own parliament, which exit without an agreement, the backstop remains
on Tuesday voted to send which nobody wants but necessary “and tonight’s
her back to demand that as soon as possible,” tion that the other mem- the level of ambition of land and the British prov- for which we must all pre- developments at West-
the deal be stripped of Tusk’s spokesman said. bers could ind a way of the political declaration,” ince of Northern Ireland. pare ourselves”. minster do nothing to
the “Irish backstop”, a “The Withdrawal tweaking a political dec- he said. But, crucially, even this Barnier himself had change this”.
clause created to keep the Agreement is and re- laration that was issued This is a restatement offer was only for a more no immediate reaction Finally, even if the
border open with Ireland. mains the best and only with the withdrawal deal. of Brussels’ offer to May ambitious political dec- to the British decision, EU capitals agreed to re-
WĆĘčĎēČęĔē, JĆē 30 May’s call got short shrift way to ensure an orderly If Britain makes a that, if she is willing to laration -- a non-binding and his boss EU Com- open the deal and the
(PTI): Indian-origin from EU Council presi- withdrawal of the United “reasoned request” to ex- reverse her opposition roadmap to future ties mission president Jean- Commission negotiated a
presidential hopeful Ka- dent Donald Tusk, who Kingdom from the Euro- tend the Brexit deadline to Britain remaining in -- and would not involve Claude Juncker is due backstop free text, lead-
mala Harris’ town hall on called round the other 27 pean Union. beyond March 29, this the EU customs union, rescinding the withdraw- to address the crisis on ing members of the EU
CNN with an average of EU capitals to coordinate “The backstop is part could be arranged if the then a broad trade deal al agreement. Wednesday in a speech Parliament have warned
1.957 million viewers got a response and issued a of the Withdrawal Agree- other 27 leaders agree. could be possible. “We will continue to the EU parliament. they would not ratify it.
the network its highest irm statement ruling out ment, and the Withdraw- “If the UK’s intentions This in turn would our preparations for all But on Monday, Bar- The centre-left So-
ratings ever for such an renegotiation. al Agreement is not open for the future partner- make the backstop irrel- outcomes, including a nier’s deputy Sabine cialists and Democrats
event with an individual “We continue to urge for renegotiation.” ship were to evolve, the evant, since it would only no-deal scenario. We will Weyand had laid out the group and the Greens
election candidate, ac- the UK government to Nevertheless, the EU would be prepared to be invoked to prevent the also continue the EU’s situation in stark terms, both issued statements
cording to the network. clarify its intentions with spokesman repeated the reconsider its offer and return of a hard border process of rati ication of chiding May for failing to after the British vote re-
Harris, 54, who was respect to the next steps longstanding EU posi- adjust the content and between EU member Ire- the agreement reached sell the hard-won agree- stating this.
elected to the Senate in
2016, announced her run
for presidency last week.
She has been voted on
Huawei exec’s extradition Growth of Pak, India’s nuke programmes increases
risk of security incident in South Asia: Coats

hearing pushed to March

top of the list of Demo- WĆĘčĎēČęĔē, JĆē 30 (PTI): ued growth and devel- expect the overall threat
cratic leaders aspiring to The continued growth of opment of Pakistan and from weapons of mass
defeat President Donald the atomic weapon pro- India’s nuclear weapons destruction (WMD)
Trump in the November grammes of Pakistan and programmes increase to continue to grow
VĆēĈĔĚěĊė, JĆē 30
2020 election. India increases the risk the risk of a nuclear se- during 2019 and Rus-
(AFP): The extradition
Harris, the second of a “nuclear security curity incident in South sia will remain the
hearing for a top Huawei
African-American wom- incident” in South Asia, Asia, and the new types most capable WMD ad-
executive at the center
an elected to the US sen- America’s top spymaster of nuclear weapons will versary, developing new
of a diplomatic row be-
ate, has drawn compar- has warned. introduce new risks for strategic and non-stra-
tween Ottawa and Bei-
isons to Barack Obama The remarks of Na- escalation dynamics and tegic weapons systems.
jing was pushed back to
since early in her polit- tional Intelligence Direc- security in the region,” He said China will
March, after the US un-
ical career. tor Daniel Coats is part Coats said in his opening also continue to expand
veiled sweeping charges
CNN announced of US intelligence com- statement running into and diversify its WMD
against her and the Chi-
Tuesday that the broad- munity’s assessment of over 40 pages. capabilities.
nese tech giant. Meng
cast was the most- worldwide threats in the Coats and heads of “China continues its
Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief
watched cable news sin- year 2019. other top American in- multi-year effort to mod-
inancial of icer and the
gle candidate election While Pakistan con- telligence agencies ap- ernise its nuclear missile
daughter of its founder,
town hall, according to tinues to develop new peared before the Senate forces, including deploy-
was indicted along with
Nielsen data. types of nuclear weap- Select Committee on In- ing sea-based weapons,
Huawei and two af iliates
The live event on ons, including short- telligence on their world- improving its road-mo-
in a US case related to al-
Monday averaged 1.957 range tactical weapons, wide threat assessment. bile and silo-based
leged Iran sanctions vio-
million viewers, a igure sea-based cruise mis- Prominent among weapons, and testing hy-
lations that has in lamed
far greater than CNN’s siles, air-launched cruise them included CIA Di- personic glide vehicles,”
tensions with China.
previous four town halls, missiles, and longer rector Gina Haspel, who Coats said.
She was arrested at general would have the 13 charges against Meng, ernment involvement in
which attracted an av- range ballistic missiles, has just returned from a He added that these
Washington’s request “ inal say,” he added. The Huawei and two af iliates. either case. The Chinese
erage audience of 1.119 India this year has con- trip to India; FBI Direc- capabilities are intended
on December 1 as she case has drawn Canada The indictment was un- foreign ministry accused
million each, the network ducted its irst deploy- tor Christopher Wray to ensure the viability of
changed planes in Van- into an escalating diplo- sealed as China’s top trade Washington of using
said in a statement. ment of a nuclear-pow- and Defence Intelli- China’s strategic deter-
couver, and was later re- matic crisis with Beijing, negotiator arrived in Wash- “state power to discredit
Monday night’s CNN ered submarine armed gence Agency Director rent by providing a sec-
leased on bail pending a which has detained two ington for high-stakes talks and crack down on spe-
Town Hall with Harris with nuclear missiles, Robert Ashley. ond-strike capability and
decision on extradition Canadians in what was with US of icials, which ci ic Chinese companies
was the most watched he told lawmakers on Coats said the US a way to overcome mis-
to the US. In Meng’s irst widely seen as an act of re- could complicate efforts to in an attempt to strangle
cable news single candi- Tuesday. “The contin- intelligence committee sile defences.
court appearance on Tues- taliation for Meng’s arrest. avert a deepening of their the enterprises’ legitimate
date election town hall day since being released, Over the weekend, trade war. and legal operations.”
ever, the news network the judge moved the start Canada sacked its am- In addition, 10 US fed- It renewed Beijing’s
said in a statement. of her extradition hearing bassador to China after eral charges were iled demand for the US to drop
The town hall aver- to March 6, a month later he said that he believed against two Huawei af ili- its warrant against Meng
aged 712,000 among than previously sched- the US extradition request ates for allegedly stealing and for Canada to re-
adults 25-54 from 10- uled, in order to allow the was lawed. China reacted technology from T-Mobile. lease her. The accusations
11pm, easily topping all defense time to review the furiously to the US criminal FBI Director Christopher against Meng allege that
cable news competition. evidence in the case. charges, saying they were Wray said both sets of between 2007 and 2017,
CNN was also num- Extradition cases can the product of “strong po- charges “expose Huawei’s she, Huawei and subsid-
ber one in prime time take months or years, litical motivations and po- brazen and persistent ac- iaries sought to mask their
in the demos, it said. In noted David Lametti, Can- litical manipulations.” The tions to exploit American business with Iran in vio-
the townhall, Harris re- ada’s new attorney gen- company also denied any companies and inancial lation of US and UN sanc-
flected on her various eral. “By the time all the wrongdoing. institutions, and to threat- tions on the country.
policy issues, respond- individual’s rights are ex- Canadian of icials en the free and fair global Meng in particular “re-
ing to questions from hausted, they can actually have con irmed to AFP marketplace.” peatedly lied” to bankers
the audience. take a long time,” he told that they received a for- But acting US Attor- about the relationships
Moderated by CNN journalists in Ottawa. mal extradition request ney General Matthew between the companies,
anchor Jake Tapper, the At the end of the pro- from the US. Whitaker said there was especially with Skycom,
Town Hall with Kamala cess, if a judge orders an The US Justice De- nothing in the indictment a Huawei af iliate in Iran,
Harris propelled CNN extradition, the attorney partment has announced that alleged Chinese gov- according to the charges.
to 945,000 total day live
starts across digital plat-
forms on Monday. Israeli PM Netanyahu to visit India on Feb 11
The California Sena- HARINDER MISHRA es here told PTI. Both the leaders have been using to project him as
tor is hoping to capital- JĊėĚĘĆđĊĒ, JĆē 30 (PTI): Israeli spoke over the phone earlier this the only leader who can drum up
ize on high early fund- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya- month when Israel’s National Se- support for Israel.
raising numbers and en- hu will travel to India on Febru- curity Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbath Israel has recently seen major
thusiasm from the base ary 11 on a day-long visit during visited New Delhi. Ben-Shabbat diplomatic breakthroughs with
before the Democratic which he will hold talks with Prime also met National Security Adviser Netanyahu visiting Oman, a coun-
primary field. Minister Narendra Modi, his second Ajit Doval. The Israeli prime min- try that doesn’t have diplomatic
It was reported last visit to New Delhi in just over a year. ister is said to have expressed his ties with Israel, and Chad, an over-
week that the Harris Netanyahu visited India in January desire to visit India again to which whelming Muslim country, restart-
campaign raised more 2018 while Prime Minister Modi Modi is said to have consented, ing diplomatic engagement with
than $1.5 million in on- travelled to Tel Aviv in 2017, becom- sources said. His visit comes just the Jewish state.
line donations in the ing the irst Indian Prime Minister to ahead of the Knesset (parliament) The Israeli leader seems to be
24 hours since she an- tour the Jewish state. elections on April 9. trying to convince his people that
nounced her candidacy “Prime Minister Netanyahu will Netanyahu, who hopes for a his country is not isolated in the
for president. She also be in India only for a day on Febru- fourth straight electoral victory, global community and many more
held a highly publi- ary 11 and a meeting with Prime has taken up many trip abroad re- nations would be working with
cised rally Sunday to Minister Narendra Modi has been cently to strengthen Israel’s stand- Tel Aviv, irrespective of a break-
officially kick off her con irmed. Other details are be- ing in the international communi- through on the deadlocked peace
presidential bid. ing worked out,” informed sourc- ty, something that his supporters process with Palestinians.
8 SummitTIMES | 31 Jan 2019 EtCETERA

R&B icon James Ingram dead at 66

LĔĘ AēČĊđĊĘ, JĆē 30 (PTI): Grammy lation Funk. He also played key- “There are no words to con-

Summit TIMES
winning soul legend James Ingram boards for Ray Charles before his vey how much my (heart) aches NAMCHI
has passed away at the age of 66. career took off. with the news of the passing of 9832048410,
The news was shared by his He went on to collect two my baby brother, James Ingram. 9775736596
friend and creative partner Debbie Grammy Awards: his song “One With that soulful, whisky sound- SINGTAM
Allen on Twitter Wednesday. Hundred Ways” was named best ing voice, James was simply mag- 7699771651
She, however, did not reveal the male R&B performance in 1981, ical. He was, and always will be,
day and cause of death. and three years later his duet beyond compare. Rest In Peace MANGAN/
“I have lost my dearest friend with Michael McDonald on “Yah my baby bro... You’ll be in my DIKCHU
and creative partner James Ingram Mo B There” earned the award for (heart) forever,” he tweeted. 9832612485/
to the Celestial Choir. He will always best R&B performance by a duo or Singer Jody Watley wrote, “So
be cherished, loved and remem- group with vocals. saddened to hear this. First met
bered for his genius, his love of fam- His irst number one hit was the James when I was in Shalamar, he SILIGURI
ily and his humanity. duet “Baby, Come To Me” with sing- played on ‘Friends’ album and co-
“I am blessed to have been so er Patti Austin. wrote on another. 9609066814
close. We will forever speak his Ingram was nominated for con- “Such a talent vocally and mu- GANGTOK
name,” Allen tweeted. secutive best original song Oscars sically, a family man, witty and 8016270440,
According to TMZ, the veter- in 1993 and 1994, for co-writing wise. My condolences to his fam-
an singer had been suffering from “The Day I Fall in Love” from Bee- ily and friends. Rest in Heaven
Thing)” with Quincy Jones for Mi- the music world shared their trib-
brain cancer. thoven’s 2nd and “Look What Love chael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ album. utes on social media. James Ingram.”
Ohio-born Ingram moved to Has Done” from Junior. He also wrote for Pointer Sisters, Jones shared a video of Ingram “RIP the great James Ingram, a news@summit-
Los Angeles later in life and began He also dabbled as a songwriter George Benson, Ray Charles, Shala- and mourned the demise of his vocalist all vocalists looked up to,”
his career with the band Reve- and co-wrote “P.Y.T. (Pretty Young mar and others. Personalities from “baby brother”. Josh Groban tweeted.

Want to remind people there is still Ryan Reynolds to star in

hope and beauty: Bal on Kashmir
being his constant inspiration
romcom ‘Shotgun Wedding’
SHUBHA DUBEY (PTI): Ryan Reynolds is
MĚĒćĆĎ, JĆē 30 (PTI): giving his Deadpool suit
There is something spe- some rest and is set to
cial in the way Rohit Bal relive his romcom days
captures Kashmir as he with “Shotgun Wedding”.
believes its beauty is a According to EW, the ilm
constant despite the ago- will also have an action el-
ny surrounding the place. ement to go along with the
As someone who was actor’s public image, cour-
born and brought up in tesy the Marvel ilm series.
the Valley, Kashmir has Reynolds said he is
been a major source of in- looking forward to do a
spiration for the designer romantic comedy, his irst
and he makes sure to in- after “The Proposal”.
corporate elements from “I haven’t done a ro-
the region in his every mantic comedy since ‘The
collection. “I want to share the beauty of the place I grew up Proposal’ but I just fell in love with ‘Shotgun Wedding’. It’s
in with as many people as possible. I want to keep reminding so refreshing and surprising. I can’t wait to bring it to life
people that there is a ray of hope amid all the darkness. With- with Jason, Todd, Dave and the great team at Lionsgate,”
in that misery and agony, the beauty of the Valley is still con- he said. According to the of icial logline, the ilm “tells the
stant. The people of Kashmir have been suffering for the lon- hilarious, adrenaline-fuelled story of a couple whose ex-
gest time, but there is hope,” Bal told PTI in an interview here. travagant destination wedding is taken over by criminals.
“I strongly believe there is always a silver lining in every In the process of saving their families, they rediscover
cloud. I am trying to focus on that silver lining. I want to re- why they wanted to get married in the irst place”.
mind the world that it may have become a war zone but there The actor will also produce the ilm, to be directed by
is still beauty and nature, where we can ind solace,” he added. Jason Moore. The ilm is based on an original pitch by writer
Bal says he is drawn to the lora of the Valley as lowers Mark Hammer and “New Girl” screenwriter Liz Meriwether
best suit his sensibilities as a designer. will collaborate on the script. Reynolds’ upcoming ilms in-
“The Valley offers so much inspiration and I have always clude Michael Bay’s “6 Underground” and voicing Detective
picked up something from the lora which is very exclusive to Pikachu in “Pokemon: Detective Pikachu”.
Kashmir. There are so many beautiful landscapes and moun-
tains. But a lot depends on the medium you are expressing
your feelings through.
“If I were a painter, I would have focused on the streams
and waterfalls, probably. But I believe as a designer, lowers
compliment my work the best,” Bal said while talking on the
sidelines of Lakme Fashion Week Summer/ Resort 2019.
The designer is showcasing his latest collection “Guldas-
tah” on Wednesday.
The collection, created in collaboration with the sustain-
able fashion label Usha Silai, is an ode to the lowers of Kash-
mir. “Guldastah” has been created by rural women of Usha
Silai Kashmir under the mentorship of Bal.
It recreates the allure of lowers through different tech-
niques, including thread embroidery and zardozi, while giving
it an imaginative yet realistic interpretation.
“Every bit of Kashmir has become a part of me. The beau-
tiful Valley, I grew up in is still with me. Every collection I do,
I pick some portion of Kashmir. It is a paradise and it is im-
possible to do justice to its beauty with just one collection so I
always try to bring some inspiration from the region.
“In the last two decades that Kashmir has come out in bits
and pieces in my designs and with ‘Guldastah’ I have tried to
go all out about my love for the region,” he said.
The range is both sensitive and ornate with an underly-
CUTE CO-STARS! The Ben Is Back pair - Julia
ing sense of luxury interwoven in its many layers. It makes
use of organic fabrics, cotton silk blends, Chanderi, silk or-
Roberts & Lucas Hedges - is all smiles at a dinner event ganza, silks and velvets.
in Beverly Hills. Lakme Fashion Week Summer/Resort 2019 will take place
at JioGarden, Bandra-Kurla Complex till February 3.

ARIES: Go big or go home, Aries. With an auspicious day to take a chance in love. VIRGO: Are you being a know-it-all, Vir- vague), share what’s on your mind without others will know your message is sincere.
the moon and generous Jupiter merged in Coupled? Move your bond to a deeper level go? Try taking a “live and let live” approach, all the window dressing. Even if your deliv- Besides, a little unpolished honesty can be a
your expansive ninth house, the world is tru- by addressing unspoken issues. especially with your family. Since you only ery is a little rough around the edges, at least potent conversation starter.
ly your oyster. You could be overcome by CANCER: Reminder: Healthy living isn’t want the absolute best for your loved ones, it others will know your message is sincere. AQUARIUS: It’s a no-filters kind of day,
a craving for new scenery and adventures about suffering and deprivation. How about can be hard to withhold your unsolicited ad- Besides, a little unpolished honesty can be a Libra. Today’s merger of the moon and out-
today. Start researching flights and travel making it into an adventure instead? Today’s vice. But today’s alignment of the moon and potent conversation starter! spoken Jupiter in your communication house

plans or register for an inspirational sem- expansive moon-Jupiter merger in your self- expansive Jupiter in your domestic sphere SAGITTARIUS: It’s a no-filters kind of emboldens you to speak frankly with every-
inar. Conversations could also take you to care sector motivates you to create an enjoy- prompts you to listen and ask questions day, Libra. Today’s merger of the moon one. Instead of being overly diplomatic (and
new heights, causing you to rethink some of able routine. Take a Southeast Asian cook- more than talk AT people. Initiate an honest and outspoken Jupiter in your communica- vague), share what’s on your mind without
your core beliefs! ing class, experiment with new spices and conversation with a relative or close friend. tion house emboldens you to speak frankly all the window dressing. Even if your deliv-
TAURUS: Partnering up could be profit- superfoods, sign up for a circus workshop: LIBRA: It’s a no-filters kind of day, Libra. To- with everyone. Instead of being overly dip- ery is a little rough around the edges, at least
able, Taurus. Today, the moon and fortuitous aerial silks, anyone? These orderly stars day’s merger of the moon and outspoken Jupiter lomatic (and vague), share what’s on your others will know your message is sincere.
Jupiter connect in your eighth house of joint could also give you the urge to purge any in your communication house emboldens you mind without all the window dressing. Even Besides, a little unpolished honesty can be a
ventures. Consider how much further along clutter from your space. to speak frankly with everyone. Instead of be- if your delivery is a little rough around the potent conversation starter.
you’d be if you merged your skills and re- LEO: Give your feelings some airtime, Leo. ing overly diplomatic (and vague), share what’s edges, at least others will know your mes- PISCES: Make hay while the sun shines,
sources with others. This cosmic combina- Today, as the moon merges with outspoken on your mind without all the window dressing. sage is sincere. Besides, a little unpolished Pisces. Today’s mashup of the moon and
tion urges you to spend more time on the Jupiter in your shout-it-from-the-rooftops Even if your delivery is a little rough around the honesty can be a potent conversation starter! lucky Jupiter in your ambitious tenth house
tasks you excel at and outsource the rest. fifth house, insist on transparency. There’s a edges, at least others will know your message is CAPRICORN: It’s a no-filters kind of day, could throw open the doors to professional
GEMINI: The truth shall set you free, good chance your emotions will come rush- sincere. Besides, a little unpolished honesty can Libra. Today’s merger of the moon and out- advancement. Don’t wait for opportunity
Gemini. Today, the moon aligns with “tell it ing out before you can stop them, so just roll be a potent conversation starter spoken Jupiter in your communication house to fall in your lap. Connect with an influen-
like it is” Jupiter in your relationship house, with it. Silver lining: With everything in the SCORPIO: It’s a no-filters kind of day, Li- emboldens you to speak frankly with every- tial player and make your bold ask. Under
sparking honest dialogue. A heartfelt dis- open, at least you don’t have to pretend any- bra. Today’s merger of the moon and outspo- one. Instead of being overly diplomatic (and these auspicious skies, you could get exactly
cussion or a clear-the-air conversation can more. The fifth house also rules romance, ken Jupiter in your communication house vague), share what’s on your mind without what you want. If the “yes” you’re seeking
bring you to a deeper understanding. With and this cosmic lineup could dial up the flir- emboldens you to speak frankly with every- all the window dressing. Even if your deliv- doesn’t come immediately, shepherd your
the cosmic gambler, Jupiter, in the mix, it’s tatious vibes. one. Instead of being overly diplomatic (and ery is a little rough around the edges, at least request through the proper channels.

Owner, Printer, Publisher Dr. ROMA KANTI ALLEY, Printed at M/S. Baba Offset Press Works Pvt. Ltd., Tadong Bazaar, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Pin: 737102 and Published from Santa Bhawan Complex, Near Diesel Power House, Gangtok,
East Sikkim- 737101, District- East, Gangtok, State- Sikkim Editor: PURAN TAMANG. Phone- [03592] 208698 E-mail- ~

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