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Thời gian: 180 phút

PART 1: LISTENING (15 marks)

I. Listening Activity Number 1: (5 marks)

Listen and complete the passage. Write ONE word for each answer.
Christopher Columbus was an (1) ________________ from Italy. He sailed from
Spain to the Americas on three (2) ________________. On October 12th, (3)
________________, he arrived at the islands of the Bahamas and then went to Cuba. On
his third (4) ________________ he landed in America.
Actually, Columbus was not looking for America. He only wanted to sail from Europe
to Asia. Spain wanted to (5) ________________ more with Asia, so the Spanish king
gave Columbus (6) ________________ to go. Columbus and his men found a new
world, but they didn’t know it.
Columbus started a (7) ________________ in America and became a governor.
Later, he lost his (8) ________________, but he was still rich. He brought back (9)
________________ from America. When Columbus died, he was buried in Spain. Many
countries (10) ________________ his life with Columbus Day.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Listening Activity Number 2: (5 marks)

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
Customer number Example: 5062 7840
Name 1. __________________________
Date of birth 2. __________________________
New address 18 King Street, 3. __________________________
New telephone number 4. __________________________
Billing period 5. __________________________

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

III. Listening Activity Number 3: (5 marks)

Listen to a talk about the Women's Conference and circle the correct answer
1. How many meetings are going to be held from August to September in Beijing?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
2. When will the Non-governmental Organization Forum of Women be held?
A. From August 13 to September 8, 1995.
B. From August 30 to September 8, 1995.
C. From September 4 to September 15, 1995.
D. From September 4 to September 16, 1995.
3. Where was the Third World Conference on Women held?
A. In Beijing. B. In Mexico City. C. In Copenhagen. D. In
4. How many people are expected to attend the Fourth World Conference on Women?
A. 30,000 B. 184 C. About 6,000 D. About 60,000
5. How many years has it taken to prepare for the Fourth World Conference in Beijing?
A. 13 years B. 10 years C. 5 years D. 3 years

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


I. Choose the correct answer. (10 marks)
1. It was hard to _______________ the temptation to watch the late night show even
though I was so tired.
A. defy B. refuse C. resist D. oppose
2. The realization of our holiday plans has had to be _______________ because of my
mother’s sudden illness.
A. prevented B. shelved C. expired D. lingered
3. The alarm sound was received by several units which hurried to the
_______________ immediately.
A. rescue B. saving C. protection D. security
4. Don’t be angry with Sue. All that she did was in good _______________.
A. hope B. belief C. idea D. faith
5. I think we can rely on Mr. Bronson’s advice. I’ve known him ages and I have already
found out he has got excellent _______________ in modern art.
A. fashion B. intelligence C. taste D. feeling
6. All the inhabitants in the area have been asked to _______________ at home if the
storm returns.
A. settle B. dwell C. wait D. interruption
7. We were lucky the taxi arrived without any _______________. Otherwise we
wouldn’t have arrived in time for our train.
A. pause B. delay C. assure D. declare
8. Could you _______________ us that any possible obstacles will be eliminated?
A. confirm B. pledge C. assure D. declare
9. Not only were the little children _______________ with this nasty cold. We had a
few adult patients, too.
A. afflicted B. imposed C. injured D. aggravated
10. What’s your _______________ towards their advice? Do you think it’s convincing
or not?
A. appeal B. matter C. regard D. attitude
11. The jury _____________ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
12. We couldn’t stay long, so we only wished Mark many happy _____________ of his
birthday and hurried to the airport.
A. days B. returns C. moments D. regards
13. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been _____________
A. assured B. confirmed C. defined D. guaranteed
14. If I had known that she had fallen so seriously _____________, I’d certainly have
visited her in hospital.
A. ill B. unhealthy C. invalid D. unwell
15. A young tourist has been declared _____________ after he got lost in the mountains
last Monday.
A. absent B. deserter C. missing D. vanished
16. You needn’t hurried. You may take your _____________ before you give me the
definite answer.
A. while B. minute C. time D. thinking
17. Michael was _____________ with anger when he saw his car had been scratched.
A. stored B. fixed C. loaded D. filled
18. The schoolboy’s excuse wasn’t _____________ at all. Nobody in the classroom
believed in the far-fetched story he told.
A. credential B. credible C. creditable D. credulous
19. The professor wasn’t _____________ with the current political affairs in his country
after his long stay abroad.
A. familiar B. present C. knowledgeable D. actual
20. It’s not easy to make Stanley furious, the boy is very gentle by _____________.
A. himself B. personality C. reaction D. nature

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

II. Find ten mistakes in this passage and correct them. (5 marks)
1 Whirlwind, any rotating air mass, includes the tornado and the large cyclonic and
2 anti-cyclonic storm. In meteorology, the term whirlwind is more strict applied to
3 the smaller swirling atmospheric phenomenon commonly known as dust devil or
4 dust whirl, that occurs mostly over deserts and semiarid plains during hot, calm
5 days. The principal cause of whirlwinds is intense insulation, or incoming solar
6 radiation receiving by the earth, which produces an overheated air mass just
7 above the ground. This air masses rises, usually in the form of a cylindrical
8 column, sucking up loose surface material, so as dust, sand, and leaves.
9 Whirlwinds vary in high from 30 to 152 m, but exceptionally vigorous dust devils
10 may exceed 1524m in height. The vortices of whirlwinds range in size from a
11 little meters to several hundred meters and, depend on their force and size, dust
12 devils may disappear in seconds and last several hours. Brief whirlwinds are
13 erratic in motion, but the longer-lasting ones move slow with the prevailing
14 winds.

Your answer:
Line Mistakes Corrections

III. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle.
(5 marks)
1. Although Mark said that he’d be there at 8.00, he didn’t turn ________________ until
2. She takes ________________ her father; she has the same gestures and mannerisms.
3. He said he would make me a rich man, but I saw ________________ him
4. We’ve run ________________ coffee. Could you go and buy some?
5. Those naughty boys went on making terrible noise in the park even though they had
been ticked ________________ by the annoyed constable.
6. He looks ________________ his older brother and follows his example in everything.
7. She had to cancel her holiday when she went ________________ the flu.
8. I don’t know if she’ll get ________________ her husband’s death.
9. He was told to cut ________________ sugar and fats or he would suffer serious
health problems.
10. We don’t know yet how we’ll solve the problem but I’m sure someone will come
________________ a solution soon.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words given. (5
1. It’s undeniable that the (DIAGNOSE) ________________________ of the local
incompetent healer was responsible for her sudden death.
2. A few jokes can (LIFE) ________________________ up a lecture.
3. We (VARY) _________________ go to the pub before lunch on Sunday.
4. Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as you follow the strict (GUIDE)
___________ set by the inspector.
5. I’m thinking of giving Anna and Mathew a (CRYSTAL)
________________________ vase for her silver wedding.
6. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced overtime by natural process or is
(EXHAUST) ________________________ .
7. It is said that the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic
(FOREST) ________________________.
8. The mother of the child hurried (BREATH) ________________________ to her
neighborhood drugstore.
9. The workers who were (SIZE) ________________________ during the recession
badly need help from the government.
10. His performance in the match today (LIE) ________________________ his
reputation as a great player.

Your answers
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10,

V. Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE suitable word. (10 marks)
Special boats designed to dive and operate beneath the surface of the sea, submarines,
were first devised in 1620 and hand-operated (1) ___boats/ones___ were invented in the
1770s. By the 1870s, a steam-operated submarine was in use which had a fire to heat
water to (2) ___operate/ create/produce__ steam but when it dived, the chimney had to
be pulled down and the fire (3) ____put____ out.
In the twentieth century, submarines were developed and used during both World
Wars by the opposing naval forces. They were (4) __controlled/ driven___ by petrol-
driven engines while on the surface but (5) ____ran___ on batteries beneath the sea, and
today diesel is used in modern submarines of this (6) ___kind_.
All submarines operate on a similar principle, as far as diving and (7) ____rising____
to the surface is concerned. They have hollow ballast tanks beneath the outer ‘skin’
which are filled with air when the craft is on the surface. In order to dive, valves are (8)
___closed/ opened_____ and water enters the tanks driving out the air, so the submarine
becomes heavier and (9) ___dive/ sinks___. To return to the surface, compressed air is
pumped into the tanks, with the valves open so that the water is forced out. (10)
__Then/Therefore___, the submarine becomes lighter again and rises to the surface
with wing-like hydroplanes providing control as it dives and rises.

Your answers
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10,

PART 3: READING (30 marks)

I. For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D)
best fits each gap. (10 marks)
Sleeping disorders like insomnia can (1) ____________ to be a worrying question for
many of us. Almost anyone can easily conjure up at least one sleepless night of (2)
____________ and turning in bed awaiting the bliss of the deep dream. Most probably, a
third of us undergo the distressing experience at least once a week.
Even though it is possible for people to (3) ____________ without any sleep at all for
a certain period of time, such occurrences are rather few and far (4) ____________ and
there is no evidence to substantiate this assumption. What is sure, however, is the fact
that we do need some sleep to regenerate our strength and to (5) ____________the brain
to its proper activity. No wonder, then, that the tiredness and fatigue that appear after a
sleepless night (6) ____________ many of us to go for chemical support in the form of
sleep inducing tablets or powders.
However long the problem of sleeplessness has afflicted many individuals, very little
has been (7) ____________ in the question of its original causes. We are conscious that
it usually (8) ____________ those who are exposed to a great deal of stress, anxiety or

depression. It may also be engendered by overworking or unfavorable surroundings with
scarcity of fresh air.
Sleeping pills may provide some relief and can act as an alternative in this desperate
situation. Yet, they do little to combat the ailment in full. Consequently, our hopes
should be (9) ____________ on the medical authorities to (10) ____________ the root
cause of insomnia before we take to being nocturnals leading our noisy lives in the dead
of night.

1. A. present B. entail C. realize D. prove

2. A. rolling B. wriggling C. tossing D. spinning
3. A. operate B. process C. function D. perform
4. A. between B. along C. within D. beyond
5. A. recuperate B. restore C. revive D. resume
6. A. exert B. affect C. enforce D. compel
7. A. disparaged B. retrieved C. detected D. originated
8. A. betrays B. besets C. bemoans D. bestows
9. A. placed B. ascribed C. focused D. attached
10. A. emerge B. release C. determine D. confess

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Read the passage and answer the questions following. (10 marks)
By far the most important United States export product in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries was cotton, favored by the European textile industry over flax or
wool because it was easy to process and soft to tile touch. Mechanization of spinning
and weaving allowed significant centralization and expansion in the textile industry
during this period, and at the same time the demand for cotton increased dramatically.
American producers were able to meet this demand largely because of tile invention of
the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793. Cotton could be grown throughout the South, but
separating the fiber – or lint – from the seed was a laborious process. Sea island cotton
was relatively easy to process by hand, because its fibers were long and seeds were
concentrated at the base of the flower, but it demanded a long growing season, available
only along the nation's eastern seacoast. Short-staple cotton required a much shorter
growing season, but the shortness of the fibers and their mixture with seeds meant that a
worker could hand-process only about one pound per day. Whitney's gin was a hand-
powered machine with revolving drums and metal teeth to pull cotton fibers away from
seeds. Using the gin, a worker could produce up to 50 pounds of lint a day. The later
development of larger gins, powered by horses, water, or steam, multiplied productivity
The interaction of improved processing and high demand led to the rapid spread of
the cultivation of cotton and to a surge in production. It became the main American
export, dwarfing all others. In 1802, cotton composed 14 percent of total American
exports by value. Cotton had a 36 percent share by 1810 and over a 50 percent share in
1830. In 1860, 61 percent of the value of American exports was represented by cotton.
In contrast, wheat and wheat flour composed only 6 percent of the value of American
exports in that year. Clearly, cotton was king in the trade of the young republic. The
growing market for cotton and other American agricultural products led to an
unprecedented expansion of agricultural settlement, mostly in the eastern half of the
United States- west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River.
1. The main point of the passage is that the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were
a time when
A. the European textile industry increased its demand for American export products
B. mechanization of spinning and weaving dramatically changed the textile industry
C. cotton became a profitable crop but was still time-consuming to process
D. cotton became the most important American export product
2. The word "favored" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. preferred B. recommended C. imported D. included
3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as reasons for the increased
demand for cotton EXCEPT
A. cotton's softness
B. cotton's ease of processing
C. a shortage of flax and wool
D. the growth that occurred in the textile industry.
4. The word "laborious" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. unfamiliar B. primitive C. skilled D. difficult
5. According to the passage, one advantage of sea island cotton was its
A. abundance of seeds B. long fibers
C. long growing season D. adaptability to different climates
6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about cotton production in
the United States after the introduction of Whitney's cotton gin?
A. More cotton came from sea island cotton plants than before.
B. More cotton came from short-staple cotton plants than before.
C. Most cotton produced was sold domestically.
D. Most cotton produced was exported to England.
7. The word "surge" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. sharp increase B. sudden stop
C. important change D. excess amount
8. The author mentions "wheat and wheat flour" in paragraph 2 in order to
A. show that Americans exported more agricultural products than they imported.
B. show the increase in the amount of wheat products exported.
C. demonstrate the importance of cotton among American export products.
D. demonstrate that wheat farming was becoming more profitable.
9. The word "unprecedented" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. slow B. profitable C. not seen before D. never explained
10. According to the passage, the Mississippi River was
A. one of the boundaries of a region where new agricultural settlement took place
B. a major source of water for agricultural crops
C. the primary route by which agricultural crops were transported
D. a main source of power for most agricultural machinery

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. The following reading passage has six paragraphs, 0-5. Choose the correct
heading for paragraphs 1- 5 from the list of headings below. Paragraph 0 has been
done for you as an example. One of the heading will not be used. (5 marks)
A. Knowing what you are about to view
B. Not an unusual agreement
C. In widespread agreement
D. Predictions in the armed forces
E. Raising complex questions
F. Not an ordinary medical test
G. A tragic example

Is This REALLY Proof That People Can See Into The Future?
Do some of us avoid tragedy by foreseeing it? Some scientists now believe that the
brain really can predict events before they happen.
0. ___F___
Professor Dick Bierman sits hunched over his computer. In the next room, a patient slips
inside a hospital brain scanner. If it wasn’t for the strange smiles that flicker across the
woman’s face, you could be forgiven for thinking this was just a normal health check.
But this scanner is engaged in one of the most profound paranormal experiments of all
time, one that may well prove whether it is possible to predict the future. For the results
suggest that ordinary people really do have a sixth sense that can help them ‘see’ the
future. Such amazing studies – if verified – might help explain the predictive powers of
mediums and a range of other psychic phenomena such as extrasensory perception, deja
vu and clairvoyance. On a more mundane level, it may account for ‘gut feelings’ and
1. _________________
The man behind the experiments is certainly convinced. “We’re satisfied that people can
sense the future before it happens,’ says Professor Bierman, a psychologist at the
University of Amsterdam. Bierman is not alone: his findings mirror the data gathered by
other scientists and paranormal researchers. Professor Brian Josephson, a Nobel Prize-
winning physicist from Cambridge University, say: ‘So far, the evidence seems
compelling. What seem to be happening is that information is coming from the future.
‘The scientist Ed Cox found that trains ‘destined’ to crash carried fewer people than they
did normally. Dr Jessica Utts, a statistician at the University of California, found exactly
the same bizarre effect.
2. _________________
The military has long been fascinated by such phenomena. For many years the US
military funded a programme know as Stargate, which set out to investigate
premonitions. Dr Dean Radin worked on the programme and became fascinated by the
ability of ‘lucky’ soldiers to forecast the future. Radin became convinced that thoughts
and feelings could flow backwards in time to guide them. It helped them make life-
saving decisions, often on the basis of a hunch.
3. _________________
Radin devised an experiment to test these ideas. He showed violent or soothing images
to volunteers in a random sequence. He soon discovered that people began reacting to
the pictures before they actually saw them. Professor Dick Bierman decided to take this
work further, by looking inside the brains of volunteers using an MRI* scanner while
repeating Dr Radin’s experiments. The results suggest that seemingly ordinary people
are capable of sensing the future on a fairy consistent basis. Bierman emphasises that
people are receiving feelings from the future rather than specific ‘visions’.
4. _________________
But if we can sense what is going to happen, doesn’t that mean we can change the future
and make the ‘prediction’ obsolete? Such paradoxes provide material for films such as
Minority Report, in which a special police department is able to foresee and prevent
crimes before they have taken place. could such science fiction have a grain of truth in it
after all? Professor Bierman responds: This phenomenon allows you to make a decision
on the basis of what will happen in the future. Does that restrain out free will? That’s up
to the philosophers.’
5. _________________
There are plenty of instances where people wished they had listened to their
premonitions. In 1966, a coal tip collapsed and swept through a Welsh school, killing
144 people. It turned out that 24 people had had premonitions of the tragedy. One
involved a girl who was killed. She told her mother shortly before she was taken to
school: ‘I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there. Something black had
come down all over it.’
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging (used for diagnostic purposes)
Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. You are going to read an article about a woman who shops for clothes for film
stars. Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from sentences A-
F the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you do not
need to use. (5 marks)
Helping Hollywood stars look their best
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could shop for a living? 1. _________________ I'm talking
about the latest fashions in the best shops. For Hollywood wardrobe stylists, this kind of
shopping largely defines the job.
“Obviously it’s fun to get paid to spend money,” says Jami, “and to get to feel like one
of the rich and famous. But I also like to help make people look good. 2.
_________________ That’s because every job is different, from game shows to
commercials to movies.”
Jami had no idea this job even existed until some actresses she knew kept telling her
she’d be good at it. 3. _________________I basically carried around her shopping bags
for free and learned the business, including stuff like who has the best evening wear and
which tailor can do overnight alterations.” 4. _________________ "It's hard not to let
your own tastes interfere, but ultimately you're not the final decision maker,” says Jami,
who thinks for a minute and then says, “My all-time favourite actor was a monkey,
because he didn’t talk back and he didn’t drop his clothes on the floor.”
It’s no wonder these stylists are often credited with setting fashion trends around the
globe. A stylist might give an actress a beautiful bag or amazing scarf to wear to a
premiere. 5. _________________ The next thing she knows, she’s got her
own line of accessories and a Boutique at Sunset Plaza.
So the next time someone compliments your sense of style, you could think of
becoming a wardrobe stylist- it could be your introduction to the stars!

A. Once it’s splashed across the pages of every magazine across the country it becomes
a trend.
B. And I don’t mean for groceries or socks.
C. A stylist, of course, often has to deal with strong personalities as well as big budgets.
D. But that’s one of the few disadvantages of the job.
E. She already had a distinctive personal style, so she apprenticed with a well-known
F. And one of the best things is that it’s never monotonous.

Your answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PART 4: WRITING (20 marks)

I. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it. (5 marks)
1. We were surprised to learn that Brian had become a monk.
It came ________________________________________________________________.
2. Mike doesn’t use his tape recorder very often.
Hardly ever ____________________________________________________________.
3. You are all welcome to take any food you like.
Help __________________________________________________________________.
4. I doubt whether it will stop raining till afternoon.
It is ___________________________________________________________________.
5. Mark doesn’t like to be told what to do.
Mark hates _____________________________________________________________.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between three and eight words, including the word given. (5 marks)
1. I’m never going to forget to consider Darren’s views when I make a decision again.
That’s the last time I _______________________________________ when I make a
2. I don’t know how on earth she thinks of such brilliant plots for her novels. COME
How on earth _______________________________________ such brilliant plots for
her novels?
3. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. IMPRESSION
I’m sure Nancy _______________________________________ that the party starts at
4. Sean, do you know yet what you’re doing this evening? MIND
Sean, _______________________________________ yet what you’re doing this
5. I told Jeanne, thinking that she’d be supportive- how wrong I was! BELIEF
I told Jeanne _______________________________________ that she’d be supportive-
how wrong I was!
III. Write a paragraph of about 200 words about the following topic:
“How does the mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great
influence in shaping people’s ideas?” (10 marks)



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