Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles: April 2009

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

Chapter · April 2009

DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195335903.003.0016


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2 authors:

Zachary M Weil David Crews

West Virginia University University of Texas at Austin


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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

University Press Scholarship Online

Oxford Scholarship Online

Photoperiodism: The Biological Calendar

Randy J. Nelson, David L. Denlinger, and David E. Somers

Print publication date: 2009

Print ISBN-13: 9780195335903
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: May 2010
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195335903.001.0001

Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

Zachary M. Weil
David Crews


Abstract and Keywords

This chapter provides a broad overview of photoperiodic regulation of reproductive and

nonreproductive responses in amphibians and reptiles. It focuses mostly on laboratory
investigations of photoperiodic and seasonal phenomena where environmental factors can
be precisely controlled, and the respective contributions of day length and environmental
temperature elucidated.

Keywords: photoperiodism, amphibians, reptiles, seasonal breeding

As animals moved from the aquatic to terrestrial habitats, novel adaptations developed to
cope with the more pronounced seasonal variations in environmental conditions. This is
especially true for tetrapod vertebrates inhabiting temperate and boreal zones that
evolved mechanisms to time reproduction to coincide with the time of year during which

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

environmental conditions are mild and conducive to offspring (and parental) survival.
Specifically, most small terrestrial animals breed during the spring and summer when
temperatures are mild and food is relatively abundant. Most temperate-zone amphibians
and reptiles display marked annual cycles in breeding. As noted throughout this volume,
organisms across taxa have evolved mechanisms to attend to photoperiod to monitor
seasonal time, presumably because it is a consistent and relatively noise-free
environmental signal.

Photoperiodic signals can be decoded by organisms in essentially two broad ways. The
first relatively straightforward system is an hourglass or interval timer. These systems
function by measuring the total period of light (or dark), and the buildup (or breakdown)
of photoproducts regulates the downstream neuroendocrine systems. This type of
photoperiodic system exists in some insect species (Lees, 1966; Truman, 1971). The
other general class of photoperiodic systems are those based on the circadian clock
(Bünning, 1936). Circadian theories of photoperiodism propose that organisms have
endogenous daily rhythms of responsiveness and nonresponsiveness to the effects of
light. Said another way, light must fall during the circadian phase of photoresponsiveness
in order to interact with the photoperiod detection circuitry. This model has been called
“external coincidence” because the circadian rhythm of photosensitivity has to coincide
with external stimuli (light). An alternative model suggests that light entrains two separate
oscillators (e.g., a dawn and dusk oscillator) and the phase relationship between the two
rhythms or “internal coincidence” determines the responses to the observed day length
(Pittendrigh and Minis, 1964; Pittendrigh, 1972).

In contrast to mammals and most birds, however, ambient temperature is an important

variable for poikilothermic organisms such as amphibians and reptiles in addition to
photoperiod in regulating seasonal physiology. The principle aim of this chapter is to
provide a broad overview of photoperiodic regulation of reproductive and
nonreproductive responses in amphibians and reptiles. This chapter (p.400) focuses
mostly on laboratory investigations of photoperiodic and seasonal phenomena where
environmental factors can be precisely controlled and the respective contributions of day
length and environmental temperature can be elucidated.

The class Amphibia consists of three orders, anurans (frogs and toads), urodeles
(salamanders and newts), and caecilians (legless snakelike or wormlike amphibians),
together comprising thousands of species (Duellman and Trueb, 1986). Little is known
about the caecilians, so we focus on the anuran and urodele amphibians. Evolutionarily,
amphibians represent an intermediate between fish and fully terrestrial vertebrates and
thus can provide important insights into the evolution of photoperiodism in higher
vertebrates. Additionally, amphibianspecies utilize a substantial variety of reproductive
strategies, including the dramatic indirect development; indeed, the term “amphibian” is
derived from the Greek αμϕι?, “double,” and βιζ, “life,” as many species are born in
larval states and undergo a metamorphosis into an adult phenotype.

As a general rule, day length appears to be less of an important player in the regulation of

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

reproduction in amphibians than it is in other vertebrate taxa. Few data are available in
controlled laboratory studies on the role of photoperiod in biological timing in amphibians.
Further, many of the studies have been conducted used “unnatural” extreme
photoperiods (e.g., constant light, or a 1/23-h light/dark cycle [LD 1:23]) that do not
recapitulate the day lengths experienced in nature. However, in some temperate-zone
species, day length can play an important modulatory role in the regulation of
reproductive responses to other stimuli (Rastogi et al., 1976).

Amphibians use a variety of environmental conditions (temperature, rainfall, and

photoperiod) to regulate the timing of reproduction and metamorphosis (Lofts, 1984).
Reproduction in tropical amphibians tends to be continuous or restricted to the rainy
season with most species minimally responsive to day length. It is important to note,
however, that this characteristic of “continuous reproduction” refers to the population
and not to the individual. That is, reproduction at some level is always apparent in the
population, but this is due to the lack of reproductive synchrony among the individuals in
reproductive readiness. Temperate amphibians, on the other hand, tend to fall into one of
two categories in terms of the timing of breeding, which we will designate here as
determinate and indeterminate breeding strategies. An example of the first category is
the European common frog (Rana temporaria) that breeds after emerging from
hibernation in the spring and then undergoes gonadal regression and ceases
spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis for several months, followed by spontaneous
regression and induction of gonadal activity in preparation for the next breeding season.
During the quiescent period, the gonads are refractory to stimulation with environmental
or endocrine variables (Van Oordt, 1956). However, most species of amphibians are
capable of breeding at any time of the year if conditions permit. Such indeterminate
breeding species may (p.401) exhibit seasonal patterns of reproduction in the field but
are physiologically capable of breeding indefinitely as long as the environmental conditions
remain favorable. This dichotomy thus suggests the lack of a circannual rhythm of
sensitivity to environmental cues.

Most instances of photoperiodism have been reported in temperate-zone anurans that
exhibit an indeterminate breeding strategy and species with a determinate strategy in
which gonadal recrudescence and regression are regulated by a circannual clock that
renders the gonadal responses sensitive and refractory, respectively, to day-length and
temperature signals.

Determinate breeders utilize day length and other environmental cues to time breeding
behavior. Perhaps the best studied in this regard are green frog (Rana esculenta). The
breeding season begins as temperatures increase in late March and early April. The
cessation of breeding is followed by a decrease in circulating androgens and a
concomitant increase in all aspects of spermatogenesis. Over the following winter,
androgen concentrations rise in preparation for breeding in the spring, and the
spermatogenic tissues degenerate (Rastogi et al., 1976). Importantly, in this species,
androgens appear to be important for the regulation of breeding behavior, but not

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

necessary for the early stages of spermatogenesis (Rastogi et al., 1972). However,
androgens appear to inhibit mitotic division of spermatogonia and also be necessary for
spermatidogenesis (meiotic division of secondary spermatocytes into spermatids). In the
laboratory exposure to intermediate day lengths (12:12 LD) and mild temperatures
(20°C) can maintain summer-active gonadal activity indefinitely (at least up to 60 days)
(Rastogi et al., 1978). During winter, LD 12:12 cycles maintain gonadal activity at 28°C,
but if temperatures are lowered to 4°C for as few as seven days, spermatogenesis is
markedly inhibited. Short day lengths (LD 3:21) inhibit gonadal activity in late summer
(Rastogi et al., 1978). Conversely, winter gonadal activity can persist in warm
temperatures even in short day lengths. Taken together, it appears that gonadal
regression in winter is mediated by low temperatures, and these frogs exploit a warm
fall–early winter with a second breeding event, as the short day lengths cannot solely
mediate spermatogenic arrest (Rastogi et al., 1978). Conversely, spring recrudescence
of the gonads requires both warm temperatures and permissive day lengths (>12L)
suggesting that day length prevents inappropriate early breeding in response to early
spring increases in temperature (summarized in Figure 16.1).

It is important to emphasize that the reproductive axis of green frogs can be transformed
from a determinate to an indeterminate breeding strategy. Such flexibility is inherent in
biological systems and usually revealed under specific laboratory conditions. Here the
direction of the flexibility can be instructive. For example, a female rat normally exhibits a
four- to five-day estrous cycle and spontaneously ovulates at a predictable time, but
when placed under constant light she will go (p.402)

FIGURE 16.1. Seasonal patterns of photoperiod, ambient

temperatures, testes size, circulating androgens and gonadotropins,
and spermatogenic activity in green frogs. Reprinted with
permission of Wiley-Liss from Rastogi et al. (1976).

into constant estrus and ovulate in response to copulation. However, it is not possible to
transform an induced ovulating species into one that ovulates spontaneously. In the case
of green frogs, breeding will become continuous breeding in mild conditions if individuals
are removed from the inhibitory effects of short day lengths. For instance, exposure to
LD 21:3 in midsummer induced spermatogenic arrest after 60 days, but LD 12:12

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

maintained gonadal activity throughout. It is likely that these extremely long photoperiods
have various nonspecific effects on the neuroendocrine and circadian systems of these
animals. In their natural habitats these animals never experience day lengths greater than
LD 16:8 or LD 8:16, and so it is difficult to determine what would happen with more
natural photoperiods. Whereas such studies are common in the amphibian literature,
they provide evidence that the neuroendocrine-reproductive axis can process and
respond to changes in day length, albeit in a permissive rather than direct causal fashion
(Rastogi et al., 1976, 1978).

Iberian water frogs (Rana perezi) exhibit a reproductive pattern that combines an
indeterminate breeding strategy with a temporal dissociation between spermatogenesis
and steroidogenesis (Delgado et al., 1989). Reproduction in this species appears to be
regulated by both exogenous environmental conditions and an endogenous (p.403)
clock. Frogs captured in the winter and exposed to either warm temperatures (25°C) or
long photoperiods (LD 18:6) increase gonadal size and the number of primary
spermatocytes. However, in the early spring, testicular recrudescence is sensitive only
to high temperatures; frogs exposed to long days in low temperatures are unresponsive
(Delgado et al., 1992). Spermatogenesis is reduced by warm temperatures in the winter
and enhanced by short days in the late spring but is refractory to low temperatures
following breeding. Unlike green frogs, Iberian water frogs appear to have a
reproductive cycle that is the product of an interaction between environmental light and
temperature. In the winter, low temperatures and short photoperiods stimulate
androgen production and inhibit spermatogenesis. Rising photoperiods stimulate further
release of androgens in low temperatures in the late winter and through breeding,
indicating that rising photoperiods in the spring are necessary for mating behavior.
Following breeding, warm temperatures and long photoperiods inhibit androgen
production and stimulate spermatogenesis. Once started, spermatogenesis proceeds to
completion independent of photoperiod signaling (Delgado et al., 1992). Taken together,
these data indicate that day length interacts with temperature and an endogenous
oscillator to time breeding and spermatogenesis.

Much as with anuran amphibians, early experiments with urodeles consistently failed to
detect photoperiodism in the regulation of reproduction (e.g., Ifft, 1942). Since then,
there have been few studies that have examined the question of photoperiodism in
urodeles. Red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) breed twice a year, once in
early spring and again in late September and early October. Between the two breeding
periods, the gonads grow and produce sperm. In spring, when spermatogenesis is just
beginning, warm temperatures greatly increase gonadal growth, and this effect is slightly
potentiated by exposure to long days. Similarly, warm temperatures stimulate
spermatogenesis with maximal effect in long days (Werner, 1969). Early in the winter the
gonads are refractory to both warm temperatures and long photoperiods, but later in
the winter quiescent period, long days and warm temperatures stimulate gonadal growth
and slightly increase spermatogenesis. Neither warm temperatures nor photoperiod
alone stimulate either gonadal growth or spermatogenesis (Werner, 1969). Similar results

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

have been reported for marbled newts (Triturus marmoratus), which also exhibit gonadal
growth and enhanced spermatogenesis following exposure to long days at warm
temperatures (Fraile et al., 1988).

A striking characteristic of urodeles is their ability to regenerate limbs. In vermillion
spotted newts (T. viridiscens), day length alters the rate of forelimb regeneration
(p.404) after bilateral amputation. Exposure to constant light increases, while constant
darkness inhibits, limb regeneration, with LD 5:9 cycles falling intermediate (Maier and
Singer, 1977). The effects of light appears to interact with circulating prolactin
concentrations, as treating newts in constant light with prolactin has no effect on forelimb
regeneration. However, exogenous prolactin does markedly speed regeneration in newts
housed in constant darkness (Maier and Singer, 1981).


The anatomical site of photoperiod transduction in amphibians remains somewhat
unspecified. The lateral eyes, pineal gland, and associated frontal organ are all competent
photoreceptors (Oksche and Hartwig, 1979; Oksche, 1984). Removal of either the eyes
or the pineal gland eliminated the stimulatory effects of long day lengths in green frogs
(Rastogi et al., 1976) and enhanced ovarian function in Iberian water frogs (Alonso-
Gomez et al., 1990). In skipping frogs (R. cyanophlictis), blinding or parietal shielding
(blocking pineal photoreceptors directly) each increased ovarian size alone and in
combination (Udaykumar and Joshi, 1996). On the other hand, marbled newts lacking
eyes and intact animals both respond identically to photoperiod stimulation (Fraile et al.,

The role of the pineal melatonin system in the interpretation of day-length information in
amphibians has yet to be fully explicated even though melatonin was originally described
as the hormone responsible for blanching of leopard frog (Rana pipiens) skin in the
darkness (McCord and Allen, 1917). The pineal gland does not seem to be the principle
source of circulating melatonin in amphibians. Most amphibians exhibit strong daily
rhythms of melatonin in the blood with peaks during the scotophase (Gern and Norris,
1979; Delgado and Vivien-Roels, 1989; Rawding and Hutchison, 1992; d'Istria et al.,
1994) and both temperature and day length contribute to the pattern of melatonin
production (Delgado and Vivien-Roels, 1989). However, in anurans the concentration of
melatonin in the pineal itself is markedly lower than in the retina. Further blood dynamics
of circulating melatonin most closely mirror the concentrations of melatonin in the retina
(Delgado and Vivien-Roels, 1989). In green frogs daily rhythms in the expression of the
rate limiting enzyme N-acetyl transferase do not relate to circadian rhythms of melatonin
content in the pineal (d'Istria et al., 1994). However, pinealectomy abolished nighttime
peaks in melatonin rhythms in melatonin, but not diurnal concentrations in tiger
salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum; Gern and Norris, 1979).

Melatonin administration to amphibians is generally associated with gonadal inhibition. The

gonadosomatic index (GSI) decreases with daily injections of melatonin in tree frogs (Hyla

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

cinera; De Vlaming et al., 1974) and marsh frogs (Rana ridibunda; Delgado et al., 1983).
Exogenous melatonin counteracts the stimulatory effects of blinding on the GSI in skipper
frogs (Rana cyanophlyctis; Joshi and Udaykumar, 2000). Exogenous melatonin induces
gonadal regression in black spined toads (B. melanosticus) when administered either in
the morning or the (p.405) evening, but not at both phases of the day (Chanda and
Biswas, 1982). Similarly, in Indian green frogs (R. hexadactlya) melatonin inhibited
spermatogenesis under some dosing schedules but not others (Kasinathan and
Gregalatchoumi, 1988). Melatonin also inhibits in vitro ovulation of Argentine common
toads (Bufo arenarum) (de Atenor et al., 1994). However, other in vivo and in vitro
studies have reported no effects or stimulatory actions of exogenous melatonin, including
in seasonally breeding frogs such as Iberian water frog and European common frogs
(Alonso-Bedate et al., 1988, 1990).

Reptiles are the most diverse of the vertebrate taxa, including the snakes, lizards,
turtles, Tuatara, and crocodilians. Ancestral reptiles gave rise to both birds and mammals
250–300 million years ago (Padian and Chiappe, 1998; Godwin and Crews, 2002). The
study of reptilian neuroendocrine systems is guided by the implicit assumption that
modern reptiles exhibit phenotypic properties similar to the putative systems of ancestral
amniotes. Extant traits including poilkiothermy, temperature-dependent sex
determination, oviparity, and underdeveloped cerebral cortices likely also occurred in
common ancestral amniotes (Godwin and Crews, 2002). Additionally, many reptilian
species restrict breeding to a specific time of the year, but substantial diversity exists in
the mechanisms that underlie these rhythms (Crews, 1999). Studying reptilian brains is
therefore advantageous for researchers interested in photoperiodism and seasonality in
general, and also important to the understanding of the evolutionary processes that
shaped seasonality across vertebrate taxa.

Photoperiodic control of reproduction in reptiles was initially reported in the mid-1930s.

Long day lengths produced out-of-season gonadal development in both green anoles
(Anolis carolinensis) (Clausen and Poris, 1937) and red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys
scripta elegans) (Burger, 1937). The overall goal of this section, therefore, is to review
what has been learned in the 80 years since those initial discoveries and to also address
remaining unanswered questions facing the field.

The control of seasonal breeding in reptiles is accomplished by a complex interplay

between photoperiod and a variety of nonphotic cues including temperature, food, and
water availability. Additionally, some species of reptiles appear to exhibit a circannual clock
that interacts with other proximate cues. In general, the reproductive patterns of reptiles
are characterized by those species that exhibit an associated reproductive strategy in
which gonadal growth, steroidogenesis, and gametogenesis precedes and are temporally
associated with breeding or a dissociated reproductive strategy in which gonadal growth,
steroidogenesis, and gametogenesis follow breeding; in the latter instance, the gametes
produced are then used in the next breeding season (Crews, 1984; Whittier and Crews,
1987). We will consider the control of seasonal breeding in both of these general types of

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles



There have been reports of photoperiodic modulation of reproductive and
nonreproductive traits in all reptile groups (Burger, 1937; McPherson, 1981; Mendonca
and Licht, 1986; Haldar and Pandey, 1989). Both the annual breeding cycle and the
control of these rhythms by photoperiodic and nonphotoperiodic cues in reptiles have
been best studied in the green anole lizard, so we will consider this species in detail. The
green anole is a small iguanid lizard that inhabits the temperate zone throughout the
southeastern United States (Conant and Collins, 1998). Although the timing of
reproduction will vary with latitude, in general male green anoles are reproductively
quiescent from late September until late in January. At that point the males emerge from
hibernation and begin establishing and defending territories. Females become active
approximately one month later (see below), and breeding commences shortly thereafter.
The breeding season lasts until approximately the middle of August, at which point
testicular collapse occurs.

Early studies based on the experimental methodology that had established a role for the
circadian clock in plant and insect photoperiodism reported no evidence of a similar
mechanism in reptiles. For example, night interruption (presentation of relatively brief
light pulses during various parts of the daily cycle) can distinguish between hourglass
and circadian models because the timing but not the absolute amount of light is the
important parameter; resonance (light:dark cycles with periods of multiples of 12 such as
6:18, 6:30, 6:42) can detect the presence of a circadian rhythm in photoresponsiveness
because without changing the amount of light increasing dark phases can render these
rhythms inductive; and T-cycle experiments (similar to resonance experiments but with
light:dark cycles within the range of entrainment; Nanda and Hamner, 1958; Pittendrigh
and Minis, 1964; see below) initially failed to detect circadian involvement in the
photoperiodic response of the green anole lizard (i.e., the total amount of light, rather
than the timing in which it was administered, appeared to be the key determinant of
reproductive responses to day length). An hour of light placed at various phases of the
circadian clock did not alter gonadal responses to short (LD 6:18) photoperiods in either
the regressive or recrudescent phases. T-cycles of various lengths (24–60 h) failed to
induce gonadal development with 8-h photophases. Additionally, photocycles with 6 h of
light and increasing dark periods were all nonstimulatory, while photoperiods with 16 h of
light and increasing dark cycles were all inductive. These data were interpreted as
support for the hypothesis that the anoles utilized an hourglass-type system
(Underwood, 1978; Underwood and Hall, 1982). However, further studies on the anole
circadian system indicated that locomotor rhythms became disorganized or exhibit
splitting under very short photoperiods or the resonance and T-cycle experiments in the
earlier experiments (Underwood, 1983a). This disorganization apparently rendered
detection of a circadian regulation of photoperiod transduction impossible (Underwood
and Hyde, 1990).

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

(p.407) When later studies used longer photoperiods and night break manipulations, it
became apparent that the circadian system controlled the reception of photoperiod
information as long as the perceived length of the photoperiod was 10–11 h or greater in
night break, resonance, or T-cycle experiments. Again, as in previous experiments,
shorter photoperiods were not permissive to a circadian involvement in day-length
measurement (Underwood and Hyde, 1990). Light pulses late in the subjective night
either from night break, resonance, or T-cycle experiments were associated with
induction of reproductive recrudescence and fat deposition (Ferrell and Meier, 1981;
Underwood and Hyde, 1990).

Temperature and Photoperiod Acting at Different Times of the Cycle

The exogenous and endogenous control of the green anole reproductive cycle is
summarized in Figure 16.2. Temperature is the critical regulator of testicular
recrudescence, with temperatures a few degrees below the preferred body
temperature impairing spermatogenesis, whereas a few degrees over the body
temperature induces rapid testicular degeneration (Licht and Basu, 1967). Stimulation of
reproductively inactive adult male green anoles with a LD 14:10 photoperiod enhances

FIGURE 16.2. Summary of the relationships among photoperiod,

temperature, and photoperiod in the regulation of reproduction in
green anole lizards. Shaded bars indicate the part of the year when
the lizards are most responsive to photoperiod in the wild.
Reproduced by permission of the Ecological Society of America.

(p.408) testicular recrudescence when animals are housed at 32°C but not when
maintained at 20°C; shorter photoperiods do not accelerate testicular recrudescence
even at warmer temperatures (Licht, 1967a; see also Fox and Dessauer, 1958).
Interestingly, a 12-h cycle alternating between 32°C and 20°C was stimulatory when the
warmer temperatures coincided with the light cycle, but not when the elevated
temperatures occurred at night (Licht, 1966, 1967a).

Toward the end of the breeding season as fall approaches photoperiod becomes the
critical factor regulating testicular activity, with shortening day lengths at the end of the
breeding season responsible for testicular collapse. Studies indicate that a photoperiod
below LD 13.5:10.5 inhibits testicular activity, whereas photoperiods above LD 13.5:10.5
maintain testicular activity (Licht, 1970). Several lines of evidence suggest that induction

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

of testicular recrudescence during the winter when animals normally are in hibernation is
independent of day length. First, during the early part of the fall when day lengths are still
long (but decreasing), green anoles exhibit a relative refractoriness to the stimulatory
effects of photoperiod (Licht, 1967b; Crews and Licht, 1974). Additionally, the low winter
temperatures are permissive to photoperiod responsiveness (Licht, 1966). Finally, once
gonadal regeneration begins it is independent of further photoperiod stimulation (Licht,

In addition to photoperiodic and temperature effects on gonadal activity, there is a

circannual rhythm in the responsivity of green anoles to both environmental factors. Early
in the fall, long day lengths maintain gonadal recrudescence, but this effect is greater
when the photoperiod treatment started in October then if it is introduced several weeks
earlier, suggesting a relative photorefractoriness (see Figure 16.3). Additionally, high
temperatures accelerate testicular recrudescence independent of day length after mid-
October. Together, these data indicate that soon after the initial regression of the
reproductive tract, there is a relative refractory period to both temperature and day
length (Licht, 1967b; Crews and Licht, 1974). Finally, photoperiod and temperature
regimens that do not accelerate gonadal recrudescence do eventually result in gonadal
development the following spring. Full spermatogenesis, however, never occurs in green
anoles without exposure to warm temperatures for at least part of the day (Licht, 1967a,
1967b). Gonadal quiescence appears to be mediated by reduced hypothalamic
gonadotropin secretion rather than at the level of the pituitary or gonads themselves
(Crews and Licht, 1974). A similar finding has been reported in mammals (Kriegsfeld et
al., 1999; Shanbhag et al., 2000).

Aside from the pronounced dependence on environmental temperature, this type of

rhythm is similar to those seen in warm-blooded vertebrates. For instance, hamsters can
breed indefinitely under stimulatory day lengths; gonads regress in response to short
days and either will “spontaneously” recrudesce the following spring or can be
stimulated to do so sooner with exposure to long days (Zucker and Morin, 1977;
Goldman, 2001). Additionally, reptiles display the familiar vertebrate pattern of an
endogenous oscillator that interacts with environmental information to regulate breeding
cycles. However, the relative contribution of day-length signaling and circannual rhythms
are difficult to tease apart based on the extant (p.409)

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

FIGURE 16.3. An underlying circannual rhythm in environmental

sensitivity is indicated by the more rapid rate of ovarian
recrudescence in winter dormant female green anole lizard to a
stimulatory environmental regimen as the period of normal breeding
nears. Dates indicate time of year. In all studies, reproductively
inactive females were exposed to an unseasonal environmental
conditions (LD 14:10 photic cycle with a corresponding 32:23°C daily
thermal cycle and constant 60–70% relative humidity. Reprinted
from Crews and Garrick (1980). Courtesy Society for the Study of
Amphibians and Reptiles.

literature. Fence lizards (Sceloropus undulatus) and parthenogenetic whiptail lizards

(Cnemidophorous uniparens) appear to regulate reproductive cycles independently of
photoperiod and via endogenous fluctuations in the sensitivity to temperature (Marion,
1970; Cuellar and Cuellar, 1977; Moore et al., 1984), whereas the response of
checkered water snakes (Natrix piscator) to photoperiod is dependent on ambient
humidity (Haldar and Pandey, 1989). The green anole studies presented here were
conducted on lizards that had been captured in the weeks after the conclusion of the
breeding season (e.g., Fox and Dessauer, 1958; Licht, 1966). Therefore, it is difficult to
tell whether endogenous oscillators were entrained by photoperiod exposure prior to
the previous breeding season or a true circannual clock exists.

(p.410) The reproductive cycle of the female green anole is somewhat different in its
regulation by temperature and photoperiod cues. The cycle can be divided into three
distinct phases (Crews, 1975, 1980; Crews and Garrick, 1980): (1) Previtellogenesis
from November to February is marked by inactive ovaries with small translucent
unyolked follicles and regressed oviducts. (2) Vitellogenesis starts in March and
continues until the end of the breeding season. This stage is characterized by follicular
development and ovulation every 10–14 days. (3) The third stage regression is
associated with follicular atresia and ovarian collapse (Licht, 1973; Crews and Licht,

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

1974; Crews, 1975).

Long day lengths can stimulate ovarian recrudescence late in the fall or during the
winter, but immediately after breeding there is a period of photo- and
thermorefractoriness (Licht, 1973; Crews and Licht, 1974). This is very similar to the
pattern of reproductive cyclicity in side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) (Tinkle and
Irwin, 1965) and to mammalian patterns. The period of refractoriness may be related to
the presence of large highly vascularized atretic follicles during the postbreeding period.
The atretic follicles may directly inhibit the ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropin-induced by
exogenous cues (Crews and Licht, 1974; Figure 16.4). In addition to photoperiod,
temperature, humidity, and social stimuli are significant (Crews et al., 1974). For example,
long days and warm temperatures during the photophase induce ovarian recrudescence
during the winter, and this effect is potentiated by exposure to intact males (Crews et al.,
1974; Crews, 1975). High relative humidity is essential important for this photothermal
regimen to

FIGURE 16.4. Average ovarian and oviducal responses (± SEM) to

either 10 or 50 μg of exogenous follicle-stimulating hormone
following removal of an atretic or nonatretic previtellogenic follicle in
the green anole lizard. Dashed lines indicate responses in saline-
injected animals. Atretic follicles may mediate the photo- and
thermorefractoriness exhibited by female green anoles after the
mating season. Reprinted with permission from Crews and Licht
(1974). Copyright 1974, The Endocrine Society.

(p.411) stimulate gonadal activity in anole lizards and the checkered water snake
(Haldar and Pandey, 1989).


The circuitry through which photoperiod information is communicated to reptile tissues is
not well defined. The pineal gland seems critical to the expression of photoperiodic
responsiveness, and this is likely secondary to the role of the pineal as both
photoreceptor and endogenous oscillator (see below). The lizard pineal gland differs from
mammalian pineal glands in several important ways. First, the principal pineal cells
(analogous to the pinealocytes of birds and mammals) are both secretory in nature (as in
mammals), but also are rudimentary photoreceptors. Additionally, there are populations
of nerve cells that project axons to tectal and tegmental structures and receives synaptic
input from various brain regions (Quay, 1979).

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Pineal glands in lizards appear to be the critical site for the detection of photoperiod
information. Retinal photoreceptors are not necessary for the regulation of circadian
rhythms or day-length determinations in green anole lizards. Extraretinal photoreceptors
maintained gonadal responses to day length, and the phase response curve for circadian
responses to environmental light was actually enhanced by blinding (Underwood, 1985b;
Underwood and Calaban, 1987b). Removal of the parietal eye also does not alter the
reception of photoperiodic information (Underwood, 1985c). Conversely, circadian
rhythms of locomotor activity can be entrained in pinealectomized and/or blinded lizards
by 24-h cycles of either light or temperature (Underwood and Groos, 1982;
Underwood, 1986a), indicating that extraretinal and extrapineal photoreceptors exist in
lizards. However, shielding the heads of blinded-pinealectomized Texas spiny lizards
(Sceloporous olivaceous) causes them to free run (Underwood and Menaker, 1976). The
anatomical sites of these receptors have not been determined, but it is known that the
parietal eye cannot be the location because pinealectomy includes removal of the parietal

The lizard pineal is a rhythmic oscillator that is directly responsive to light and maintains
daily rhythms of melatonin production in culture under constant lighting conditions
(Menaker and Wisner, 1983; Underwood, 1983b), although the pineal gland of desert
iguanas (Diposaurus dorsalis) becomes arrhythmic under constant conditions (Janik and
Menaker, 1990). Additionally, removal of the pineal gland leads to splitting of locomotor
rhythms of anoles, suggesting that the pineal is a master oscillator that when removed
allows other subordinate oscillators to be expressed (Underwood, 1983a, 1983b).
Melatonin may be the key output signal for the circadian system particularly because
exogenous melatonin can shift the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity (Underwood,
1986a; Hyde and Underwood, 1995) possibly by binding to receptors in the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (Bertolucci et al., 2000).

(p.412) As in mammals, the pineal is necessary for the proper transduction of

photoperiod signals in reptiles. However, melatonin replacement cannot recapitulate the
physiological effects of day length as it can in mammals. In green anole lizards males will
undergo testicular recrudescence regardless of day length at all times of the year,
including during the photorefractory period (Underwood, 1985a). A similar pattern is
observed in Indian garden lizards (Calotes versicolor). Injections of melatonin during the
photo- or scotophase (or both) will not reverse the effect of pinealectomy (Haldar and
Thapliyal, 1977; Thapliyal and Haldar, 1979) Administration of melatonin to intact animals
also did not alter gonadal responses (Underwood, 1985a). Chronic-release melatonin
capsules, however, will block the progonadal effects of pinealectomy in short inhibitory
day lengths. This is consistent with data from ruin lizards that exhibit bimodal activity
patterns with peaks in the early morning and late afternoon; in the autumn and spring,
however, activity is unimodal (Foa et al., 1992, 1994). Pinealectomy or constant-release
melatonin in constant conditions induces the unimodal spring/fall phenotype (Bertolucci et
al., 2000). Additionally, phase response curves to melatonin are not apparent in seasons
other than summer (Bertolucci and Foa, 1998). Considered together, these data suggest
that in addition to being a key regulator of photoperiodic responses, the pineal gland in

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

lizards also is involved in the expression of circadian rhythms, although this function
varies during different times of the year.

It is apparent that the pineal gland is the key receptor for photoperiod information, but
that melatonin is not the sole neuroendocrine signal of day-length information. Although
melatonin replacement does not rescue the apparent photoperiod insensitivity in
pinealectomized green anoles under all conditions, a potential role for pineal melatonin in
the regulation of intact reptile photoperiodism cannot be ruled out. At a minimum, the
pineal or circulating melatonin content can provide information about the phase of the
pineal oscillator. Indeed, the pineal melatonin rhythm is a powerful transducer of
environmental information (particularly light and temperature) into a physiological one.
The phase, amplitude, and duration of the pineal melatonin rhythm in iguanid lizards can
be affected by photoperiod and thermoperiod duration, light intensity, and amplitude of
temperature rhythms (Underwood, 1985d; Underwood and Calaban, 1987a; Vivien-
Roels et al., 1988). Under appropriate photoperiod and temperature cycles (e.g., LD
12:12 and cooler temperatures during the lights on period) strong daily peaks of
melatonin can occur during lights on (Underwood and Calaban, 1987a).

Light at night does not acutely suppress melatonin production in green anole lizards
(Underwood, 1986b) or box turtles (Terrapene carolina triunguis) (Vivien-Roels et al.,
1988). When daily melatonin rhythms are assessed under various T-cycle, resonance, or
night-break conditions, neither the amplitude nor the duration of the melatonin signal
predicts whether the treatment would stimulate gonadal regrowth (Hyde and
Underwood, 1993). Instead, the only aspect of the melatonin rhythm that covaries
significantly with reproductive responses is the phase at which the melatonin peak
occurred. Photoperiod (and temperature) regimens that produce melatonin peaks during
the early or late phase of the lights-off period stimulated (p.413) gonadal growth,
whereas those regimens that produced a peak toward the middle of the dark period are
inhibitory (Hyde and Underwood, 1993). Finally, the same types of manipulations (e.g.,
temperature amplitude, light intensity) that alter melatonin rhythms also alter the
expression of circadian clock genes (Magnone et al., 2005; Malatesta et al., 2007; Vallone
et al., 2007). Together, these data suggest that the phase relationship between melatonin
and some endogenous oscillator (e.g., an internal coincidence system) determines
reproductive responses to day length and temperature. However, an external
coincidence system cannot be ruled out, nor can a direct role of pineal synaptic
connections on other central nervous system targets.

In most seasonal vertebrates increases in gonadal steroids and spermatogenesis occur
shortly before the onset of the breeding season and are necessary for the full expression
of reproductive behaviors. However, there are examples of vertebrates with dissociated
reproductive patterns in which the gonads are quiescent during winter hibernation and
the breeding season and become activated only after the conclusion of the mating season
(Crews, 1984; Whittier and Crews, 1987). Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis)
display such a dissociated pattern as the gonads do not become active until after the brief

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

summer breeding season; sex behavior is not dependent on circulating androgens.

Instead, the increase in sex steroid hormones the previous summer appear to program
the brain and regulate mating the following spring (Crews, 1991; Crews et al., 1993).
These animals are not photoperiodic per se as the major cue for the expression of spring
mating behavior is prolonged exposure to low temperatures (Whittier et al., 1987;
Lutterschmidt et al., 2006).

However, a role for pineal melatonin has been suggested in the regulation of spring
breeding. Depending upon the time of year the pineal is removed, spring courtship
behavior is either disrupted or enhanced. Pinealectomy prior to hibernation prevents
males from courting females on spring emergence, but if conducted on males that are
actively courting, there is no effect on behavior (Nelson et al., 1987; Crews et al., 1988;
Mendonca et al., 1996a, 1996b). Interestingly, in those few males that fail to court on
emergence, pinealectomy induces robust courtship behavior. Measurements of
circulating concentrations of melatonin reveal significantly higher levels in males that are
actively courting but in males that fail to court, the circadian rhythm is absent. Shielding
the eyes disrupts the retinal melatonin rhythm and abolishes the effect of pinealectomy
(Nelson et al., 1987; Crews et al., 1988; Mendonca et al., 1996a, 1996b). Exogenous
melatonin fails to reinstate mating behavior (Mendonca et al., 1996b). It is likely that
melatonin communicates temperature rather than photoperiod information, as these
animals are nonresponsive to day length. Circulating melatonin also varies with
temperature in the diamondback water snake (Nerodia rhombifera) (Tilden and
Hutchinson, 1993).


The study of amphibian and reptile photoperiodism has revealed evolutionary processes
that underlie seasonality in all vertebrate taxa. Changes in the photoperiodic machinery
over evolutionary time, including a reduced number of pineal efferents and a greater
reliance on the pineal itself for the production of melatonin, could not be appreciated by
studying mammalian or avian systems alone. Of particular interest is the manner by which
day-length signals are communicated to all target tissues. In mammals, melatonin
productions is under the direct control of a multisynaptic pathway from the retina, and it
serves as the principle, if not the only, cue that transduces photoperiodic information
from an environmental signal into a physiological one. However, in all other vertebrate
taxa, the source, targets, and control of production and release of melatonin are all more
equivocal and subject to regulation by nonphotic cues. In any case, to fully appreciate the
way in which photoperiodic measurement of seasonal time evolved, it is critical to studies
taxa that retain traits similar to those of ancestral vertebrates.

There is certainly much more work to do as the physiological substrates that underlie
photoperiodism in reptiles and particularly amphibians have not been fully described.
Additionally, research on photoperiodism in these taxa has dropped off in recent years,
so many of the modern neuroendocrine and molecular techniques have not been used in
these species, although there are some notable exceptions (e.g., Inai et al., 2003;
Magnone et al., 2005; Izzo et al., 2006; Malatesta et al., 2007; Neal and Wade, 2007).

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Photoperiodism in Amphibians and Reptiles

Finally, the demonstrated diversity in the reproductive strategies present in these two
vertebrate taxa combined with studies of additional species with differing life history
characteristics will deepen our understanding of the causes and constraints of
reproduction in vertebrate in general.


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