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Portrait of a Leader

No, it’s not a portrait of a leader that comes up in your mind. It’s not all literal here. What we
meant is what are qualities that make up a leader? A good leader specifically. In a time when the
majority of our leaders disappoint us with their ridiculous decisions and choices, our vision of a good
leader coalesces even more. But what is a good leader exactly? What makes a leader good? May it be
that a “good leader” is simply a construct made by society to comfort us from the reality that all people
are merely selfish human beings acting for their own whims? After all the contemplation I did and a bit
of supporting research I have come to propose that a portrait of a leader must possess a great sense of
responsibility, confidence, and in overall, a positive attitude.

We would definitely go for a responsible leader for according to a Lifehack article, “The best
leaders don’t make excuses; they take the blame and then work out how to fix the problem as soon as
possible. This proves that they’re trustworthy and possess integrity.”. In a government where we rarely
find a leader who owes up to their actions, it is not a surprise if we seek a person who is responsible
because apparently even the lowest of leaders seem to not possess such an important quality that they
should have.

Confidence is also a requirement as it is one of the qualities that bring us to places. Like they
say, you won’t get anywhere with being shy and you definitely won’t be an effective leader if you do not
have the confidence. Confidence is important because people will be looking to you on how to behave,
particularly if things aren’t going 100% right. If you remain calm and poised, team members are far more
likely to as well. As a result, morale and productivity will remain high, and the problem will be solved
more quickly (Jones, 2020).

Lastly, a positive attitude. It appears very general so let us discuss what is meant with a positive
attitude. Great leaders know that they won’t have a happy and motivated team unless they themselves
exhibit a positive attitude. This can be done by remaining positive when things go wrong and by creating
a relaxed and happy atmosphere in the workplace (Jones, 2020). A positive attitude does not only mean
being optimistic, it can also be in the form of expressing respect, gratitude, and also good
communication with your fellow coworkers or colleagues. We need respect because “treating people
with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a leader can do. It will ease tensions
and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness.” ( , gratitude because “gratitude can lead to
higher self-esteem, reduced depression and anxiety, and even better sleep.” (, and lastly good
communication because “good communication skills are required at every level of business.”
( and also to maintain good relationship between your fellow colleagues to
ensure a smooth flow of work in your workplace, without good communication, you can expect to hard
to meet a common ground with your fellow colleagues and it will be harder to make connections or
decisions that involves other people.

University of Notre Dame. (2020, October 9). Effective Leadership: 9 Qualities of Successful


What Are the Characteristics of a Good Leader? (2021, July 7). CCL.

Jones, T. (2020, December 8). What Makes a Good Leader: 9 Critical Leadership Qualities.



Pakitapos nalang conclusion grabe writers block ko pag kailangan ng sourcing lmao

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