Amir's New School: Written by April Pulley Illustrated by Wally Rodriguez Source: Reading Paths. Richmond

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Amir’s New School written by April Pulley

Illustrated by Wally Rodriguez

Source: Reading Paths. Richmond.

Today is Monday and it is Amir’s first day at his

new school. Amir is not happy. He is very upset
with his mom.

“I don’t want to go to school!” he cries. “I don’t

have any friends there. I don’t know anybody
and nobody knows me.”

“You have to go to shool today,”says Amir’s

mom. “Okay,” says Amir, “but I’m not going

Amir arrives at school. He’s very unhappy

now. He really wants to go home. Then he sees
a girl. She is smiling at him.

“Hi, Amir! My name is Carmen. I’m your

buddy,” says the girl.

Amir is surprised. Carmen knows his name.

Carmen and Amir walk to their classroom

Carmen opens the door to the classroom.

“This is Mr Jackson, our teacher.”

“Good morning, Amir!” says Mr Jackson. Amir

is really surprised that the teacher knows his

All the kids shout, “Hi, Amir! Welcome to our

class!” Amir is very surprised now. Everybody
knows his name.
Amir’s New School written by April Pulley
Illustrated by Wally Rodriguez
Source: Reading Paths. Richmond.

“I have a surprise,” says Mr Jackson. “Let’s have

a treasure hunt around the school. Each of you
will work with a partner. The first pair to bring
me all the objects is the winner.”

Carmen and Amir work together.

Carmen and Amir read he first clue.

“I know!” says Carmen. “There are lots of books

in the library. We have to find a yellow book in
the library. What’s the next clue, Amir?”

He reads the next clue.

“Hmm...,” says Carmen, “a place where we can


“I know!” says Amir. “The playground! We have

to find a red and gray backpack on th play-

Carmen and Amir solve their clues. Then, they

look for the objects. They find an eraser in the
classroom, a pencil case in th gym, a blue
pencil in th cafeter
Amir’s New School written by April Pulley
Illustrated by Wally Rodriguez
Source: Reading Paths. Richmond.

Mr Jackson collects all the objects. Then, he

anounces the winners.

“Listen, everyone, we have our winners!” says Mr

Jackson. “The winners of the treasure hunt are...
Carmen and Amir!”

Mr Jackson gives them prizes. Amir open his

prize. It is a brand-new pencil case and a note-

At three o’clock, it is time to go home. “Goodbye,

children! See you tomorrow! says Mr Jackson.
Amir’s mom is waiting for him.

”This is my buddy, Mom,” says Amir. “Her name

is Carmen. Bye, Carmen. See you tomorrow.”

“But, Amir,” says his mom, “you are not coming

to school tomorrow. Don’t you remember?”

“Mom, please!” shouts Amir. “Please let me go to

school tomorrow. I love school. I have lots of new
friends. And everyone knows my name!”

Amir’s mom laughs, “That’s good! Of course you

can go to school tomorrow.”

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