ÔN CHUYÊN (22-23) ĐỀ 2'

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ÔN CHUYÊN (22-23) ĐỀ 2’


1. The environmentalists ______ enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that
had been caught in driftnets.
A. designated B. generated C. consumed D. absorbed
2. Many people believe that natural resources will never be _______.
A. used away B. used up C. used out D. used off
3. These days almost everybody ______ the danger of smoking.
A. are aware about B. is aware of C. is aware about D. are aware of
4. An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities
as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials _________________ (ADVERSITY).
5. She took a ______ of absence from work when she had baby.
A. record B. permit C. leave D. file
6. I didn't go to work this morning. I stayed at home ______ the morning rain.
A. thanks to B. in spite of C. on account of D. in addition to
7. Since _________________ (SUBSTACE) importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites,
religious leaders usually assumed that task.
8. John: "Your parents must be proud of your result at school." -- Jean: "______."
A. Sorry to hear that B. Of course
C. Thanks. It's certainly encouraging D. I am glad you like it
9. The boy felt _________________ (GRACE) because he knew that he had been wrong to steal.
10. No sooner had I picked up my book than I found that the cover has been torn.
--> On ___________________________________________________________________.

11. Frankly speaking, I'd rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.
A. don't do B. have done C. haven't done D. didn't do
12. In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know ______.
A. that is required by each vegetable B. what are each vegetable's requirements
C. that the requirements for each vegetable D. what the requirements for each vegetables are
13. It's high time we ______ the party for the last bus.
A. had left B. to leave C. left D. leave
14. ______ Alan's amazement, the passport office was closed when he arrived.
A. For B. With C. Of D. To
15. ______ turn up late at the meeting, but he ______ forget his relevant documents.
A. As soon as he - also B. No sooner did he - than
C. Not only did he - also D. As long as he did - never
16. Applications should be submitted at least eight weeks in advance of the session in which the student wishes to enroll.
A. prior to B. after the end of C. on either side of D. into
17. It takes a ______ time for me to prepare for the dinner, but the results are so good that it's worth the ______.
A. short - force B. many - labor C. much - pains D. long - effort
18. It took the director two hours ______.
A. explaining the new plan to us B. explaining us the new plan
C. to explain the new plan to us D. to explain us the new plan
19. A dolphin six ______ length can move as fast as most ships.
A. feet in B. foot of C. feet of D. foot in
20. This behavior, _______ the fact that Timber rattlesnakes tend to concentrate in large numbers at their wintering sites,
make them easy prey.
A. compared with B. combined with C. supported with D. controlled with

21. If you run ______ Steve, give him my best wishes.
A. over B. to C. up D. into
22. It's about time Mrs. Richards apologized to me ______ me a gossip in front of everybody.
A. for having called B. that she called C. from calling D. to have called
23. Any candidate caught ______ in the examination will be disqualified.
A. deceiving B. deluding C. conjuring D. cheating
24. The hunters responsible for tribe _________________ (PROVIDE) stayed on the move almost continuously.
25. ______ we have had these days!
A. What lovely weathers B. What a lovely weather
C. What lovely a weather D. What lovely weather
26. The Internet makes ______ communicate with one another.
A. much easier to people for B. it much easier for people to
C. it much easier for people D. it much easier that people can
27. Jones: "Would you say that English is a global language?" -- Jack: "______."
A. Yes, it has B. I like it
C. Oh, absolutely D. I don't understand the difference
28. ______ his advice, I would never have participated in the contest.
A. As for B. But for C. Except D. Apart from
29. Just the fact that species such as the Great White Shark have managed to live in the ocean for so many millions of
years is enough _________________ (PROVE) of their efficiency and adaptability to changing environments.
30. ______ on the environment for the gratification of its needs.
A. Many organism can depend B. Every organism depends
C. All organisms depending D. Each organism to depend
31. New peace proposals ______ at the recent Middle East conference.
A. were put forward B. had made up C. are spoken out D. have presented
32. The ______ of the stock market in 1929 signaled the beginning of the Depression.
A. rebirth B. collapse C. rise D. debt
33. With the help of German experts, the factory produced ______ cars in 1993 as the year before.
A. twice as many B. as many as twice C. as twice many D. as twice as many
34. Research in the workplace reveals that people work for many reasons ______.
A. besides money B. money beside C. beside money D. money besides
35. These days women are not expected to stay at home ______ their mothers did in the past.
A. such as B. as C. like D. as if
36. The mother ______ her little son. She gives him whatever he wants.
A. ruins B. spoils C. harms D. damages
37. Tom is running off ______ too much. I wish he would temper his remarks.
A. at the mouth B. at the back C. on the nose D. in the mind
38. I don't mind ______ a movie in my house very late, but I object to ______ about it so loudly.
A. your looking at - your speaking B. her talking about - tell
C. his watching - talk D. their seeing - their talking
39. ______ for my illness, I would have lent him a helping hand.
A. Not being B. Without being C. Had it not been D. Were it
40. When he turned to teaching, he discovered how _________________ (ADEQUACY) the available schoolbooks were
for the children of a new and independent nation.
41. John: "Let's go to Vung Tau on the weekend." -- Jean: "______."
A. That's a good trip B. Yes, let's C. Yes, please D. That's a fine day
42. The nursing staff are exhausted; they've been ______ all weekend.
A. on patrol B. on line C. on call D. on guard

43. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
--> It came __________________________________________________________________.
44. The new cowboy film _______ the fancy of the children.
A. pays B. catches C. makes D. takes
45. Jane was on the verge of leaving the airport when her luggage showed up.
--> Jane was just about _________________________________________________________.
46. Some countries in an effort to circumvent the problem, have _______ large amounts of land to animal reserves.
A. organized B. taken off C. allocated D. combined
47. Not only knowledge and skills but also attitudes ______ in schools for students' future adjustment to society.
A. which need to be cultivated B. when cultivated
C. cultivated D. need to be cultivated
48. Waiter: "How would you like your steak?" -- Customer: "______."
A. Yes, sir B. Very good C. Well-done, please D. Not too bad
49. On Mercator's maps, the far northern and southern polar regions are ______.
A. greatly exaggerated in area B. great exaggeration in area
C. greatly exaggerate in areaD. exaggerating greatly in area
50. We would contact your nearest relative ______ any accident occurring.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. in place of D. in the event that
51. Peter: "Oh, dear! I'm sorry for stepping on your foot." -- John: "______."
A. You don't mind B. That's fine C. You're welcome D. Never mind
52. Some countries in an effort to ______ the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves.
A. worsen B. depress C. destroy D. circumvent
53. The student was very bright. He could solve all the math problems. (STUDENT)
--> He was so bright ___________________________________________________________.
54. The famous racehorse Secretariat had to be destroyed because of a painfull, _________________ (CURE) hoof
55. John has been looking for his car, ______ is light blue.
A. whose its color B. of which color C. which color D. the color of which
56. We still haven't made a decision ______to the new engineering project. It's really a hard choice.
A. on account B. by contrast C. in view D. with regard
57. "Excuse me, where is the post office, please?" -- "Turn left and go straight until you see the cinema on your right. The
post office is opposite the cinema. ______."
A. You will surely see it B. It's alright there C. You can miss it D. It's easy
58. They were fortunate ______ from the fire before the building collapsed.
A. to rescue B. to have been rescued C. to have rescued D. rescuing
59. ______ had they recovered from the earthquake when they felt the second tremor.
A. Scarcely B. No sooner C. Never D. Just
60. The best solution was thought of by the monitor.
--> The monitor came _________________________________________________________.
61. It was _________________ (AVOID) that the smaller company should merge with the larger.
62. He operates the new computer as if he ______ special training in it.
A. received B. had received C. would received D. has received
63. Twenty years ago, this region produced twice as much as coal as it does now. (HALVE)
--> In the last twenty years, coal production in this region __________________________________.
64. The children had been ______ of the danger, but had taken no notice.
A. prevented B. explained C. warned D. shown
65. We wondered who was going to pay for the ______ window.
A. breaking B. broke C. broken D. break

66. He says he's turned ______ a new leaf, but I have my doubts.
A. up B. down C. out D. over
67. He's up to his ears in work and cannot possibly see you now.
A. very interested in B. concerned with C. not involved with D. fully occupied with
68. In the 20th century, drug _________________ (MARK) improved health throughout the world.
69. You ______ to your teacher like that. It was very rude.
A. wouldn't have talked B. shouldn't have talked C. must have talked D. needn't have talked
70. As the bus stopped, the two bombs exploded simultaneously. (opposite meaning)
A. once in a while B. accidentally C. at different times D. all of a sudden
71. Married couples can get a divorce if they find they are _________________ (COMPATIBILITY).
72. We expected her at nine but she finally ______ at midnight.
A. came to B. turned out C. turned up D. came off
73. Do you happen to know ______?
A. whose watch this is B. whose watch is this C. of whom this watch is
74. It was a very wonderful opportunity for us to catch.
A. miss B. destroy C. hold D. break
75. Released in 1915, ______.
A. the Civil War was the subject of D.W. Griffith's epic film, "Birth of a Nation"
B. D.W. Griffith made an epic film about the Civil War, "Birth of a Nation"
C. D.W. Griffith's epic film "Birth of a Nation" was about the Civil War
D. the subject of D.W. Griffith's epic film "Birth of a Nation" was the Civil War
76. By the end of next year, we ______ this advanced training course.
A. have finished B. are finishing C. will have finished D. will be finished
77. Don't try too hard. Don't ______ off more than you can ______.
A. bite - swallow B. eat - chew C. eat - swallow D. bite – chew


1. I thought Sue’s original plan was to move to Australia. (IMPRESSION)
I ________________________________________________ was orginally planning to move to Australia.
2. Mr. Smith was well-known as a bad-tempered man, but he was also fair. (REPUTATION)
Despite _______________________________________________ bad tempered, Mr. Smith was also fair.
3. It looks like you didn’t sleep well last night. (IF)
You look ______________________________________________ much sleep last night.
4. I don’t believe that Jane ran that distance in only five minutes. (POSSIBLY)
Jane _____________________________________________ that distance in only five minutes.
5. Andrew’s lawyer suggested that he ignored the reporters. (ATTENTION)
Andrew’s lawyer advised ______________________________________ the reporters.
6. I doubt that Simon will lend us the money. (CHANCE)
I think _____________________________________________ Simon lending the money to us.
7. It was very easy for someone to steal the car because Dad forgot to lock it. (STOLEN)
Dad forgot to lock the car which explains ______________________________ easily.
8. Anne told me that she doesn’t intend to stop working. (INTENTION)
Anne told me that she __________________________________________ up her job.
9. I don’t usually learn anything useful from the TV, but last night I did. (CHANGE)
It ______________________________________________ useful from the television last night.
10. Jill wished she had tried to have a better relationship with her father. (GET)
Jill regretted _____________________________________________ better with her father.
11. The team are determined to finish the race however tough it is. (MATTER)
The team are determined to finish the race __________________________________ be.
12. We expect to solve the problem before the product launch. (SORTED)
The problem should ___________________________________ time for the product launch.



The idea of distance learning has been in (1)_______ for a long time. In recent years, due to the rapid advances in
computer technology, an extremely adaptable method of study has evolved around this idea. Distance learning it
becoming increasingly popular with students, and the composition of today's university population is changing as a result.
For students whose chosen university is beyond daily travelling distance, studying online using what is known as e-
learning, is an attractive (2)_______ because it enables them to complete a degree without the expense of paying for
accommodation in the (3)_______ of their place of study. Similarly, parents at home bringing up young children can take
advantage of this flexible method of study because web-based support materials can (4)_______ with any individual time
Initially, as e-learning grew (5)_______ popularity, there was a certain amount of (6)_______ amongst
university tutors, who feared that students studying in the isolation of their own home might be (7)_______ of daily
contact with their fellow students, something they regarded as an important aspect of a university education. It soon
became evident, however, that e-learning can actually improve communication, through the creation of so-called
"discussion boards", where the students submit their questions online, making them readily (8)_______ to all.
This system encourages a lively exchange of opinions between students, and it also means that the tutor's response
to each query is immediately available to a wide (9)_______ . Nevertheless, it is recognized that human support is still a
key factor in the learning experience, and on most distance-learning courses, students are (10)_______ with face-to-face
contact at some point.
Câu 1. A. duration B. continuity C. existence D. actually
Câu 2. A. favorite B. option C. preference D. selection
Câu 3. A. whereabouts B. precincts C. vicinity D. situation
Câu 4. A. fit in B. stay in C. go in D. put in
Câu 5. A. of B. off C. in D. with
Câu 6. A. concern B. trouble C. attention D. worry
Câu 7. A. deprive B. deprived C. deprivation D. depriving
Câu 8. A. applicable B. allowance C. achievable D. accessible
Câu 9. A. audience B. assembly C. reception D. following
Câu 10. A. permitted B. delivered C. offered D. provided

A school in Scotland has (11)_______ up with an unusual way to improve its pupils' health and well-being,
(12)_______ at the same time helping them to become better learners. The six-year-old children have started doing a type
of massage that was developed in Sweden. In the classes, each child chooses a partner and takes it in (13)_______ to
receive a massage of their back, neck and shoulders. Not only do the children (14)_______ the activity fun, but this kind
of massage also (15)_______ muscle tension.
To (16)_______ interest to the activity, the teachers have linked it to a story about a small boy who wants to play
in the snow, but first must put on his glasses - the shape of the glasses is traced on the children's shoulders. Then he helps
his mum with the baking - this involves kneading the shoulders, and finally he goes out for a walk and has to
(17)_______ the snow off his coat on his return. The story is told slowly, each movement being repeated three times.
When the massage classes started, the children used to chatter and (18)_______ about, but now they are quiet,
their faces pictures of (19)_______ concentration. And the activity (20)_______ them in other ways too; they are
noticeably calmer and more (21)_______ of each other in the playground as well as being more relaxed and keen to learn
in the classroom.
Câu 11. A. made B. met C. come D. caught
Câu 12. A. instead B. whilst C. whereas D. otherwise
Câu 13. A. sequences B. order C. turns D. rota
Câu 14. A. regard B. discover C. perceive D. find
Câu 15. A. comforts B. relieves C. supports D. softens
Câu 16. A. earn B. increase C. gain D. add

Câu 17. A. dust B. sweep C. brush D. mop
Câu 18. A. laugh B. mess C. joke D. kid
Câu 19. A. stressful B. intense C. strong D. heavy
Câu 20. A. favors B. benefits C. enhances D. promotes
Câu 21. A. cooperative B. friendly C. helpful D. tolerant

Ever since it was first possible to make a real robot, people have been hoping for the invention of a machine that
would do all the necessary jobs (22)_______ the house. If boring and repetitive factory work could be (23)_______ by
robots, why not boring and repetitive household chores too?
For a long time the only people who really (24)_______ the problem their attention were amateur inventors. And
they came up (25)_______ a major difficulty. That is, housework is (26)_______ very complex. It has never been one
job, it has always been many. A factory robot (27)_______ one task endlessly (28)_______ it is reprogrammed to do
something else. It doesn't run the (29)_______ factory. A housework robot, on the other (30)_______ , has to do several
different (31)_______ of cleaning and carrying jobs and also has to cope (32)_______ all the different shapes and
positions of rooms, furniture, ornaments, cats and dogs.
(33)_______ , there have been some developments recently. Sensors are avail able to (34)_______ the robot
locate objects and avoid obstacles. We have the technology to produce the hardware. All that is (35)_______ is the
software - the programs that will (36)_______ the machine.
Câu 22. A. over B. around C. for D. through
Câu 23. A. given B. managed C. made D. succeeded
Câu 24. A. took B. gave C. showed D. did
Câu 25. A. on B. to C. against D. for
Câu 26. A. actually B. surely C. hardly D. seriously
Câu 27. A. carries away B. carries over C. carries out D. carries off
Câu 28. A. since B. until C. while D. when
Câu 29. A. whole B. full C. total D. all
Câu 30. A. side B. view C. part D. hand
Câu 31. A. ways B. systems C. types D. methods
Câu 32. A. with B. by C. from D. for
Câu 33. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Besides
Câu 34. A. assist B. allow C. enable D. help
Câu 35. A. left B. short C. missing D. needing
Câu 36. A. order B. operate C. practice D. perform

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