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Personal Statement

I was born and raised in a poor family of a remote village of Bangladesh. Struggle was part of my life to
ensure education, food and a better future. Legal remedies to deprivations were often a fantasy in a
country that is one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) of the world. I have experienced a state
system where basic human rights have been barely ensured, health services hardly available and
education system unable to cope up with necessity. Political violence often marred progress of my
country, cost valuable lives and assets. International interventions were necessary at times to pacify
domestic belligerent political groups. In this situation of murky future I have studied International
Relations to become a diplomat. However, I ended up becoming a police officer.

My desire to get a specialized degree on human rights enabled me to find the International Development
Law and Human Rights, LLM degree at the University of Warwick. Being one of the Russell Group
universities, this university is globally reputed for providing quality education and it has a rich heritage as
being one of the best in the world. In addition, I have gone through the courses which are included in the
degree program that covers important issues to enable me to be a better qualified officer to serve head and
shoulders above the rest. Specifically, this study program focuses on development, human rights and
global justice with a special attention on global south and covers important topics like approaches to
global justice and international criminal law; understanding of which can have a sweeping impact on my
career progression. I believe, getting an opportunity to get enrolled at the program would enable me to be
a better human resource and contribute immensely in both my career and my country’s development

After joining in Bangladesh Police, I have taken basic training that is the prerequisite to become a police
officer. As part of the training I got myself enrolled in Master of Police Science degree at the University
of Rajshahi. In this degree program, I have studied relevant courses that includes constitutional law, major
and minor penal laws, law of criminal procedure, law of evidence, criminology, human rights and
international humanitarian laws, medical jurisprudence, etc. Apart from this course, I have taken part in
training programs on human rights, international human rights law and humanitarian law, etc. conducted
by various international agencies as part of the basic training. As a student of Department of International
Relations at Jahangirnagar University, I was very attentive in my Bachelor and Master degree studies. I
have gained essential knowledge on foreign policy, international politics of regions, theories of
nationalism and ethnicity, strategic studies, economic diplomacy, jurisprudence, principles of
constitutions, international law, civil society and human rights, oriental and western political thoughts,
conflict and peace studies, etc. These courses of studies enabled me to get introduced with comprehensive
knowledge on a range of topics. I have been working in Bangladesh Police as a mid-level police officer
for over six years. In these years of service, I have served in different capacities in different places, took
part in trainings in various institutions both home and abroad and got promoted in due course. Over the
years of my service, thousands of people have come to me to seek legal assistance and I received them in
proper and cordial manner and ensured professional service under purview of legal, moral and
humanitarian boundary. I attended people in their worst calamities, saved valuable lives, arrested
offenders, recovered illicit goods and weapons. In return, I received various recognitions. Currently, I am
working at the Rohingya refugee camps. Rohingyas’ are the people who fled from Myanmar to
Bangladesh to seek refuge after a massive crackdown on them. Millions of the persecuted rohingyas’ are
Md. Ashikur Rahman, Additional SP, Bangladesh Police Page 1
residing at the refugee camps here. I am posted here to oversee law and order situation at the camps,
render humanitarian support, provide legal assistance and ensure medical support for them. This job
requires an understanding of global rules and regulations pertaining to human rights law, humanitarian
law and a basic understanding of procedures of working with international development agencies.

I am convinced that my professional capacity can enable me to contribute immensely in the process of
development of my country. Over the last few years, my country progressed significantly in economic
and social indicators. Now is the time to ensure basic human rights for all of the citizens irrespective of
their gender, race, cast, religion, ethnicity, etc. In addition, inclusive service requires an understanding of
rights and privileges of the citizens. Without proper understating of basics of development rules and its
interplay with human rights and specialized degree on it, officers’ serving in the law enforcement and
legal administration would not fare much. By equipping me with better and specialized knowledge this
degree can significantly reduce that gap. As a developing country, Bangladesh Police lack skilled and
knowledgeable officers equipped with higher studies and specialized degrees. To maintain the momentum
of economic progress and to ensure development of the country, there is no alternative to improving the
situation. I dream of serving Bangladesh Police from the top. With the knowledge attained from the
degree that process would be easier for me.

Bangladesh is in a period of rapid transformation towards development. It is our government priority and
also a goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) formulated by the United Nations (UN) for
developing countries that by 2030 human rights situation should be improved concurrently with economic
progress. I want to contribute in that process and attained knowledge from this course would help me in
contributing significantly.

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