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Please give a short statement that describes your academic interests, purpose, objectives and

motivation in undertaking this postgraduate study. (max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words)

Criminal administration is a dynamic field. The professionals working in the field have to adapt
with new knowledge, technology and process of occurrence of crime. In addition to that, with
the advancement of globalization and technology, dimension of crime is rapidly changing.
Newer patterns of crime like cyber crime, trans-border crime, terrorism, financial crime, human
trafficking, patent, trademark and copyright breach, etc are taking place and challenging the
officers’ of this field to cope up with. For this reason, there is no alternative to continuous skill
development of the officers’ of law enforcement agencies. Newly achieved knowledge, skill and
experience gained through trainings and higher studies can significantly contribute in the
professional fields. Besides, professional excellence cannot only be attained through regular
policing experience, rather academic knowledge can facilitate that process very well. Therefore,
I opted to go for higher education in a field that can enable me to reduce the gap between my
achieved quality and the demand that my service requires. I am a mid-level police officer
working in Bangladesh Police for last six years. In my policing career, trainings and higher
studies contributed heavily in attaining bigger role and promotion. For this reason I am very
interested to obtain a Master degree that is relevant to my professional arena. In doing so, I
was searching for a perfect course from a reputed university. After browsing various programs
from a range of globally acclaimed universities, I have come to understand that, Global Crime,
Justice and Security, MSc degree program at the University of Edinburgh is the perfect option
for me. I have found that many of the course choices are very relevant to my need. This has
given me an impression that getting enrolled in the program would enable me to gain essential
knowledge and experience on issues which can instill capacity in me to be able to cope up with
my professional demands. My country is one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) of the
world that is trying to become a middle income country by 2031. I always feel proud of myself
being able to contribute for my country through my professional field. Especially, I feel very
enthusiastic to contribute in my country’s aspiration to become a middle income country. I
know, to maintain economic progress there is no alternative to ensuring justice. Without
ensuring a secured environment progress of business, commerce and investment is impossible.
I wish, through my contribution there will be a better and safer environment where people will
be able to lead their life unharmed, investment will be expedited, better employment
opportunity would be created and punishment would be properly served to the criminals. As I
am a mid-level officer of Bangladesh Police, I aspire to serve this department for another 25
years till my retirement. In my service, Career progression is very competitive and much
dependent on individual qualifications. In my projection, this degree program can ensure my
career development in a desired way.
Relevant Knowledge/Training Skills (max 3500 chars – approx. 500 words)
As a student of International Relations, in my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, I have come across
knowledge of security studies that enhanced my understanding of this field. I have come to realize how
this field helped to shape the history of the world and protect millions of lives from armed conflicts that
have been waged between different actors of international arena. Particularly, in the period of cold war,
after the Second World War, this field of study have evolved and contributed immensely. During my
university days, I have had a strong interest in understanding role-plays of global actors. I found it
immensely pleasing to see the analyses of security often led to avert conflicts among parties. This interest
further grew up when I have started working for Bangladesh Police. In my opinion, understanding
security from an academic perspective is crucial for a police officer.

As a police officer, I have always worked to provide physical security to the people and neutralize threats.
In my area of responsibility, I worked to secure key point installations, provide security in mass
processions or meetings, ensure security to the Very Important Persons (VIP), neutralize security threats
with a special attention to terrorism, investigate cases and instruct subordinate officers in this regard.
During this period, I have received various trainings in home and abroad on issues like crisis response,
tactical command, financial crime, human rights law, humanitarian law, good investigation, hostage
negotiation, arms use, rescue operation, etc. Knowledge from these trainings has had a huge impact on my
capacity in dealing critical security issues. Additionally, I am now working in maintaining law and order
in the Rohingya refugee camps. Rohingyas are the people who have fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh
after a massive crackdown on them. Since it’s an international issue, this job requires me to work closely
with international organizations like UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), IOM
(International Organization for Migration), UN Women, Save the Children, Oxfam, Danish Refugee
Council (DRC), etc. Working in the Rohingya refugee camps have enabled me to understand policing in a
broader perspective since it is required to understand international norms and rules to deal with the
refugees. Over the years of my experience in policing, I have understood that being in this profession I
can play a vital role in shaping a congenial environment that is pivotal for development. However, I
believe, equipped with better knowledge and skills I will be able to serve head and shoulders above the
rest. Furthermore, I aspire to be in the top ranks of Bangladesh Police to serve my country better and
work for the United Nations in peacekeeping missions abroad. Having a degree on security and terrorism
can substantially contribute to fulfill my dream.

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