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Members of Kiith Manaan are carefree and free-spirited.

A Manaani is also quick

KIITH MANAAN to try new things or volunteer for a new procedure, always eager to have new

Name: Jariin Manaan Role: Pilot

Armor Rating: 1 Talents Equipment

Upbringing: Artistic and Open Max Stress: 10
Environment: Wandering Truth of the Trade Goggles: In situations where environmental
Settlement You receive the Expert conditions would effect vision, such as high
Rank: Lieutenant Pilot truth. Whenever winds or debris, the difficulty of any tests
Injury this truth would affect relating to vision are decreased in difficulty
a skill test and that test by 1. If you would take damage from such a
Attributes generates Momentum, you condition, these goggles give you a single point
generate an extra point of of armor.
Agility 10 Brawn 08
Non-Plated Body Armor: +1 to Armor Rating
Coordination 10 Insight 10
Reason 08 Will 10 Emergency Breach Patch: A small palm-sized
Whenever you use the
stick containing a chemical compound used
Additional Skill Test
to temporarily patch small-scale damage in a
Skills Momentum spend to make
ships hull or substructure, or any solid object.
Combat 02 Command 01 a test using one of the
The stick is snapped, activating a chemical
ship’s attributes, you do not
reaction between the two compounds and it
Engineering 02 Exploration 03 increase the difficulty of
is then pushed into the hole. Providing the
the second task.
Flight 04 Medical 02 hole itself is no larger than the size of a fist,
the compound will expand within moments to
completely fill and seal the
You may always use Flight
Focuses Defining Aspects breach. This repair
instead of Engineering
My Wandering is Often is only temporary
Historical Art when attempting to assess
Seen as Indecisiveness. however, and will
Navigation a problem or repair damage
become brittle over
Evasion Techniques I’ve dabbled in many to a ship.
Unfamiliar Flight Crafts careers before this one.
Pilot Talent
Emergency Medicine A creative solution is When operating or
Expert Pilot usually the best one. repairing technology
associated with ships, you
Truths may always use your Flight
skill instead of Engineering.
Kiith Manaan. Kiith Manaan are renowned as traders
and entertainers, with many having broad skills and an Troubleshooting
even bolder personality. For those that moved away When you use Engineering
from trade, the need to broaden their horizons turns as part of a successful
them into diplomats, ship engineers, and pilots. They are test to understand an
an adaptable people who thrive on challenge and new unfamiliar system or
experiences. technology, you may ask
the gamemaster one
Stress Range free question relating to
Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type your assessment, as per
the Obtain Information
Combat Debilitat-
Knife 4 Reach Vicious 1
Momentum spend.

5 Close

Unarmed 2 Reach

(Additional dice from Combat skill have been added here already for you)
It is commonly said of the Naabal that they carry a hidden strength in their poise
KIITH NABAAL and attitude. They make excellent and diligent officers, getting the job done no
matter the cost for the sake of staying ahead of defeat.

Name: Inann Nabaal Role: Technical Operations Manager

Armor Rating: 1 Talents Equipment

Kiithid Background: Naanal
Max Stress: 8
Upbringing: Travel and Trade Pacifist at Heart Goggles: In situations where environmental
Environment: Capital City of Tiir Your people were self- conditions would effect vision, such as high
declared pacifists until winds or debris, the difficulty of any tests
Rank: Lieutenant
Injury intervening to stop the relating to vision are decreased in difficulty
horrors of the Heresy by 1. If you would take damage from such a
Attributes Wars. Now that those condition, these goggles give you a single point
days are over, your people of armor.
Agility 08 Brawn 07
still find peace preferable
to bloodshed. You gain Non-Plated Body Armor: +1 to Armor Rating
Coordination 12 Insight 09
1 bonus d20 on tests to
Reason 09 Will 09 Weapon Repair Kit: Use Limit 1, Reduces the
persuade those who would
difficulty of repairing a broken weapon by 1
resort to violence to find
Skills a peaceful solution. If Wrist Computer: A small screen strapped to the
Combat 01 Command 04 successful, you create wrist. Connecting wirelessly to communicate
an advantage that aids in within a ship, and to receive updates from Fleet
Engineering 05 Exploration 01 keeping the peace. Command and Intelligence. The wrist computer
Flight 02 Medical 01 can also interface with
Technical Operations other computers
Manager Talent allowing the download
When making a test to and transfer of
Focuses Defining Aspects
repair, modify, or jury- rig information.
Composure Peace is always a piece of equipment or
Espionage preferable to violence. a system that you are
Ship Engineering unfamiliar with, you may
The details are crucial
reduce the difficulty of the
Nabaal History to making any decision,
test by 1.
Leadership and I examine them
Jury Rigging carefully.
Coordinated Leadership
I take responsibility for Once per round you may
the morale of my crew. use the Prepare minor
action to grant an ally a
Truths minor action of their choice
(performed immediately).
Kiith Naabal. Your people have an aversion to violence
You must be able to
except in defense of the advancement of kiithid society.
communicate with this ally.
Pushing for this advancement is at the core of your kiith,
though they prefer to do so away from the spotlight. Dedication
You may spend a Fortune
Stress Range
Effects Qualities
point before attempting a
Rating and Type skill test where you have
Combat Debilitat- an applicable focus. If
3 Reach Vicious 1 you do so, you score two
Knife ing
successes for each die that
4 Close rolls equal to or less than
twice the character’s skill,
Unarmed Reach
Knock- instead of the skill’s normal
1 down rating.
(Additional dice from Combat skill have been added here already for you)
Kith Paktu is a clan full of hope and innovation. Independent and headstrong, a
KIITH PAKTU Paktu needs to either be in charge of the situation or have their role clearly defined
for them so they can handle their tasks as they see fit.

Name: Daariu Paktu Role: Chief Medic

Armor Rating: 1 Talents Equipment

Upbringing: Technology and
Science Max Stress: 14 I Can Smell the Sea Goggles: In situations where environmental
Environment: The Southern
Lands along the Majiirian The motto of the Paktu conditions would effect vision, such as high
Sea is enough to give anyone winds or debris, the difficulty of any tests
strength when they need it relating to vision are decreased in difficulty
Rank: Lieutenant Injury
most. Whenever you assist by 1. If you would take damage from such a
another character using your condition, these goggles give you a single point
Attributes Will attribute, the character of armor.
Agility 08 Brawn 09 being assisted may re-roll
1d20. Non-Plated Body Armor: +1 to Armor Rating
Coordination 09 Insight 08
Survivor Medics Toolkit. Use Limit 3, Lowers the
Reason 10 Will 10
Kiith Paktu have always been difficulty of tests by 1 that would benefit from
hopeful and resilient even the use of the toolkit
in the toughest of times,
Combat 02 Command 01 continuing after others
Engineering 01 Exploration 04 would not. You increase your
maximum stress by 3.
Flight 01 Medical 05
First Response
When you attempt the
Focuses Defining Aspects Treatment task during
Emergency Medicine I Prefer the Freedom of combat, you gain a bonus
Open Spaces d20. Further, you may always
Field Surgery
succeed at cost, with each
Stealth Admire Strong Leaders complication you suffer
Rough Terrain adding +1 to the difficulty of
I take it as a point of
Survival pride that I have never healing the patient’s injury
Tracking lost a patient subsequently.

Truths Specialization
When your Survival focus
Kiith Paktu. As Kiith Paktu you are resilient and strong in would apply to a test, each
the face of adversity, always finding a way to overcome die that would generate 2
what is in your way. successes also generates
a point of Momentum. This
Stress Range Momentum cannot be saved
Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type in the group pool, but instead
must be spent immediately on
Combat Debilitat-
Knife 4 Reach Vicious 1
ing a Momentum spend relevant
to the test made, such as (but
Composite not limited to) Create Truth,
5 Close
Obtain Information, or Inflict
Knock- Extra Stress.
Unarmed 2 Reach

(Additional dice from Combat skill have been added here already for you) Chief Medic Talent
When making tests to heal a
character’s injury, you gain 1
bonus d20—counting as your
first die bought—on the test.
Many S’jet are thinkers and scientists, preferring to use their skills and attributes in
KIITH S’JET the pursuit and use of knowledge. It is a mistake to characterize the S’jet as meek and
humble—on Kharak it is a saying to never underestimate the silence of a S’jet in dire times.

Name: Kajaa S’jet Role: Researcher

Armor Rating: 1 Talents Equipment

Upbringing: Technology and Max Stress: 8
Science Theoretical Knowledge Goggles: In situations where environmental
Environment: Capital City of Tiir Your theoretical knowledge conditions would effect vision, such as high
encompasses many winds or debris, the difficulty of any tests
Rank: Lieutenant subjects, even those
Injury relating to vision are decreased in difficulty
you don’t have practical by 1. If you would take damage from such a
experience in. condition, these goggles give you a single point
Once per scene when a of armor.
Agility 07 Brawn 07 test would be made more
difficult because you Non-Plated Body Armor: +1 to Armor Rating
Coordination 10 Insight 10
lack understanding of a
Researchers Kit: Use Limit 3, Lowers the
Reason 11 Will 09 subject and you succeed
difficulty of tests by 1 that would benefit from
on that test, you may
the use of the toolkit.
Skills ask the gamemaster two
Combat 01 Command 02 free questions, as per
the Obtain Information
Engineering 03 Exploration 04 Momentum spend.

Flight 01 Medical 03 Deep Study

The first time you spend
one or more Momentum
Focuses Defining Aspects on the Obtain Information
Kiith History I am determined to make my spend in a scene, you may
Computer Systems way into the history books ask one additional question
of the gamemaster.
Kiith Politics Preservation of history is key
Triage to developing for the future Experienced Mind
Persuasion I love to teach others and You may always use
Unfamiliar Technology introduce them to new ideas Exploration instead of
Command to persuade,
Truths convince, or deceive as
long as your technical,
Kiith S’jet. As a S’jet, you value research and exploration. scientific, or exploratory
Your kiith is a well-respected one. knowledge can be used
to create a plausible
Stress Range argument.
Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type

Combat Debilitat- Researcher Talent

3 Reach Vicious 1
Knife ing Once per session, you
may declare that you have
4 Close experience in a specific
field of study. Gain this as
Unarmed 1 Reach a temporary focus until the
end of the session.
(Additional dice from Combat skill have been added here already for you)
Few can compete with Kiith Soban in the area of warfare and tactics, as the kiith
KIITH SOBAN has honed its trade to perfection. Members of Kiith Soban immediately impress
with their professionalism, poise, respect, and strength.

Name: Majiir Soban Role: Chief Security Officer

Armor Rating: 2 Talents Equipment

Upbringing: Mercenary Max Stress: 17 Taking the Red Goggles: In situations where environmental
Capital City of Tiir In order to “take the red” conditions would effect vision, such as high
Rank: Lieutenant and join Kiith Soban, winds or debris, the difficulty of any tests
Injury you had to endure the relating to vision are decreased in difficulty
ceremony of having your by 1. If you would take damage from such a
previous kiith colors condition, these goggles give you a single point
Attributes ripped from your body. of armor.
Agility 09 Brawn 12 If you need, or are hired,
to pose as a member of Hard Plated Body Armor: +2 to Armor Rating
Coordination 10 Insight 08
another kiith, the difficulty
Weapon Repair Kit: Use Limit 1, Reduces the
Reason 07 Will 08 of any tests to keep your
difficulty of repairing a broken weapon by 1
deception hidden are
Skills reduced by 1 to a minimum
of 1.
Combat 05 Command 02

Engineering 01 Exploration 02 Formidable

Your people are highly
Flight 02 Medical 02 prized warriors and
commanders who make
formidable opponents.
Focuses Defining Aspects When you succeed at
Melee Combat Always ready for a fight making a melee attack, you
Tactics inflict an additional point
Stealth is as important of stress.
Disguise to a fight as being overt
Hand Guns Morale Boost
People assume I’m
Chain of Command stoic, but I’m very light Whenever you assist an
Gaalsien Tactics hearted ally using Command, the
ally you assist may re-roll
a single d20 in their dice
Truths pool.
Kiith Soban. You believe that kiith who ignore the
needs or the pain of their people are no true kiith. Survivalist
You may reduce the
Stress Range difficulty of tests to
Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type navigate and overcome
dangerous terrain
Pistol 8 Close or environmental
conditions—such as
Long Blade 8 Reach Vicious 2 difficult climbs, unstable
flooring, or maneuvering
Unarmed 1 Reach
in zero gravity—by 1, to a
minimum of 0.
(Additional dice from Combat skill have been added here already for you)
Chief Security Officer
Once per scene you may
use the Additional Minor
Action Momentum spend
at no cost.

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