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Bibingka Cassava

For the bibingka

3 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 cup evaporated milk (fresh milk can be substituted)

7 cups raw cassava, grated (or frozen) - cassava are now available in most groceries in cities
with a large Latin American or Asian population.

1/4 cup butter, melted

banana leaves (available frozen in Philippine stores; or use cookie sheet or something)
For the topping

1 cup thick coconut milk (available in Asian stores)

2 tablespoon flour

1 can condensed milk

2 egg yolks

2 tablespoons grated cheddar cheese

Beat eggs and sugar till lemon colored. Add the rest of the ingredients. Pour into a greased 9x9
in pan lined with banana leaves (or cookie sheet).
2. Mix coconut milk with the flour. Add condensed milk and cook over medium heat till thick.
Add eggyolks and mix well. Return to heat and cook 5 minutes more. Pour over baked
bibingka. Sprinkle with the grated cheese and broil till golden brown.
Brazo de Mercedes
Creme-filled Log Cake


5 cups milk

1 cup sugar

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

8 egg yolks

1/4 cup toasted and finely ground

cashew nuts

In a saucepan, simmer milk over low heat until reduced to 2 cups. Add suger, butter and
vanilla extract, stirring all the while. Remove from heat. Beat egg yolks in mixing bowl. To egg
yolks, gradually add milk mixture by spoonfuls, beating all the while. Stir well to avoid
curdling. Add cashew nuts and continue cooking entire mixture over low heat, stirring
constantly, until mixture has consistency of a paste. Set aside.


10 egg whites

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 400 F. Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradually add 1 cup sugar, beating
continuously. Stir in vanilla. Line large cookie sheet with parchment paper greased with butter
and spread meringue on top. Bake until brown. Spreadfilling evenly on top of meringue and
roll into a log. Brush with butter and brown again in overn.
Original Leche Flan Recipe

12 egg yolks

1 can condensed milk

1 pint Vit D milk

1 tablespoon vanilla (lemon essence or peppermit can be substituted)

Blend all ingredients in a blender. Pour mixture into a loaf tin lined with caramelized sugar
(see below). Cover with aluminum foil. Place tin in a larger baking pan half-filled with water.
Place pan in pre-heated oven (375 F) and bake flan for about 1 hour or until it is firm.

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

Put sugar and water in a saucepan. Caramelize in high heat. Line loaf tin with caramelized
sugar. Be sure to line the sides of the pan.

Kalabasa (Pumpkin) Leche Flan

This recipe is from the province of Bulacan. Source for this recipe is the
wonderful Philippine Food and Live by Gilda Cordero Fernando. Published by Anvil
Publishing, Pasig, Metro Manila, 1992.

2 cups kalabasa (pumpkin), cut finely, 1 cup condensed milk, 3 eggs , sugar, 1/2 teaspoon
dayap (lime) or vanilla

Boil the squash. Mash until smooth. Add eggs, mil, rind or vanilla. Strain. Sprinkle sugar on
the leche flan mold (llanera), and put the mold on the fire until sugar browns. Place the squash
mixture into the llanera, and steam for about 20 minutes.
Light and Fruity Caramel Flan
This recipe comes from another wonderful book, Pacific Crossings by Lily
Gamboa O'Boyle. Acacia Corporation, NY, 1994.

1 1/3 cup sugar, divided
1/3 cup water
6 to 8 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
1 cup peach or mango puree
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon lime peel, grated finely
seasonal fresh berries, for garnish


Preheat oven to 350 F. make a caramel using 1 cup sugar and 1/3 cup water. Pour into a 5 cup gratin or souffle dish.
In a bowl, whisk eggs, milk, remaining 1/3 cup water, puree and salt. Add grated lime peel, stir and pour into
prepared pan. Place in a bain-marie. Bake in oven until a toothpic inserted halfway between center and edge comes
out clean, about 50 minutes to 1 hour. Let cool to room temperature. Chill at least 1 - 2 hours. Unmold onto serving
platter and garnish with seasonal fresh berries as desired.

Chef's note: Gratin or souffle dish may be aluminum or ceramic. Bain- marie is the term used for cooking through
steam in a water bath. The dish is placed in a larger pan half-filled with water and placed into a preheated oven or a

250 g glutininous rice (sweet rice) flour
6 saba (or plantain), sliced
1 can coconut milk
250 g ripe langka (jackfruit) (canned will do)
6 pandan leaves (optional) (1 tsp vanilla will substitute)
200 g cooked sago pearls
225 g camote (sweet potato), cubed
300 g white sugar
225 gabi (taro root), cubed
1 can coconut cream other ingredients (e.g. root crops) may be used

Combine rice flour with 250 ml water and form into small balls.
Place the coconut mil in a casserole and bring to a boil, then add the sago, sweet potato, taro and other root crops
you may have. Cook for 5 minutes, then add the banana, jackfruit and rice balls. Continue to cook over moderate
heat until all the rice balls float to the surface.
Stir in sugar and coconut crea, then transfer to a serving bowl. Recipe modified from Glenda Rosales-Barretto's
Flavors of the Philippines
This is from a beautiful recipe book called The
Food of the Philippines by by Reynaldo Alejandro
now available at Made in the Philippines for $15.50 plus
shipping and handling. Secure ordering online available!

Kutsinta is a brown rice cake, a favorite snack in the

Philippines and is good with freshly grated coconut.

1 cup rice flour
2 cups brown sugar
3 cups water
1 teaspoon lye water (potassium carbonate solution sold in Asian food stores)
Freshly grated coconut

In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well. Pour into muffin pans, until
halfway full. Steam in a large pan with a cover; the water should be 2 inches deep. Cook for 30
minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Add more water if needed until cooking
is done.

Remove from the muffin pans and serve with freshly grated coconut. Serves 4.

Puto (Rice Muffins)

2 cups rice flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups coconut milk
1 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon anise seeds (optional)
1 cup grated coconut (or coconut flakes)

Sift first four ingredients together. In a mixing bowl, add coconut milk to sifted ingredients
and blend well to make a smooth mixture. Add anise seeds. Mix and blend thoroughly and fill
greased muffin pans 2/3 full. Cook in a steamer for 30 minutes. Test for doneness. Muffins are
done when toothpick or cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Serve hot topped with
grated coconut, or butter.

Recipe from Reynaldo Alejandro's excellent The Philippine Cookbook

Gulaman at Sago
(Gelatin and Tapioca Pearls)
This recipe came from The Philippine Cookbook by Virginia Roces de
Guzman and Nina Daza Puyat available at Made in the Philippines.

1 cup sugar
2 cups water
1 bar white gulaman (or 1 pack Jello) soaked in water and drained
2 cups cooked sago (tapioca pearls)

Caramelize sugar and when golden brown add water and bring to a boil. Put in the softened
gulaman (or Jello) and stir till completely melted. Strain into a baking pan. Cool and cut into

For the sago, make a syrup following the procedure for gulaman. Continue cooking the
caramelized sugar and water until syrupy. Pour boiling water over the sago, drain and combine
with the syrup. Serve with cubed gulaman with crushed ice.

(Chocolate Rice Pudding)
From the cookbook called "Favorite Filipino Dishes" by J.F Silverio.

1 cup glutinous (sweet/sticky) rice
2 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup (more or less to taste) unsweetened cocoa
1/2 cup (more or less to taste) sugar
1/8 tsp. vanilla extract
some sweetened condensed milk

Cook rice in a medium-sized saucepan with 2 1/2 cups water. Stir constantly. When rice is ready (rice should be
somewhat transparent), add cocoa, sugar and vanilla. Serve in bowls with swirls of sweet condensed milk on top.
Serves 4 people

ripe bananas, peeled and cut into half, lengthwise
brown sugar
3 cups cooking oil
lumpia wrappers
1/2 cup langka preserves (optional)

Roll banana in sugar. Wrap banana (and langka if you have) in lumpia wrapper just like you would a lumpia. Fry in
hot oil until golden and crispy. Recipe from Manong Ken

Ube Halaya
2 lb ube (purple yam) (you can also buy powdered ube from Asian stores)
250 g sugar
1 cup sugar (or as desired)
1 can condensed milk
2 cups coconut milk

Boil yam until tender and cut into cubes, then grind in a food processor with sugar and coconut milk (if you have the
powdered variety, mix ingredients). Transfer to a sauce pan, add the condensed milk (if starting from fresh) and
cook over a low fire, stirring continuously. Continue stirring until the mixture turns into a thick paste and separates
from the pan. Transfer to a shallow platter or pan and allow to cool. Serve.

Sweet rice flour - about a cup.
3/4 cup water
coconut flakes
Lots of white sugar
Toasted linga (sesame seeds).

Mix rice flour with water to make dough. Make little balls then flatten. Boil water in a saucepan. Drop flattened
dough balls into boiling water. The cakes are cooked when they float. Remove from water, let cool a little bit, roll in
combined sugar and toasted sesame seeds and coconut flakes.
Peanut Squares
1 cup of shelled roasted peanuts
1/2 cup of sugar
3/4 cup of milk
1/4 cup of sugar for the pastry board

Equipment needed:
You will need meat grinder, a saucepan, a spatula, a rolling pin, a knife and, a
cooking spoon.
Put the peanuts through a meat grinder with a medium blade. Then place them in a saucepan with the 1/2 cup of
sugar and the milk. Mix well.
Place the peanut mixture over medium flame and cook, stir constantly, until the mixture boils and the sugar
Lower the flame and cook, stir often, until the mixture thickens. As the mixture gets very thick, stir continually, to
prevent sticking. This will take around 15 minutes.
When the mixture is so thick that you can see the bottom of the pan when you stir, remove from stove.
Sprinkle the 1/4 cup of sugar on the pastry board. Turn the peanut mixture out onto the sugar and flatten it out
with a spatula.
Allow it to cool so you can handle it.
Next roll it out with a rolling pin until the mixture is about 1/4 inch thick. With a knife, cut the mixture into small
squares or with a cookie cutter.
Remove the cookies from the pastry board with a spatula.
This recipe makes 3 1/2 to 4 dozen.

Pich Pichi
2 cups grated cassava (see note)
2 cups sugar
2 cups pandan water (see note)
Grated coconut, for garnish

Combine all ingredients, except the coconut. Pour into 2 9-inch round pans. Steam for 45
minutes or until set. Cool. Form into balls, then roll in grated coconut.

Note: Cassava is a root vegetable, also called manioc and yuca, available in Asian and Latin
markets. It is the base ingredient in tapioca. Pandan is related to lauhala, classified as a
pandanus plant, and is widely available in Asian markets. It is sometimes called fragrant
screwpine. The leaves are used throughout Asia as a flavoring. To make pandan water, boil the
leaves from 4 pandan stalks in 2 cups of water until fragrant. Cool.
From:"The Filipino Cookbook: The Maya Kitchen"
(Anvil Publishing Inc., Philippines, 1994)
Cassava Cake
This is a classic Filipino dessert enjoyed year round. Most of the ingredients can be found in
an oriental store near you. I have found the most difficult ingredient to find is usually the
coconut cream. If you can't find it don't worry. Simply use another can of coconut milk in it's
place. Also it is easier to just buy the cassava already grated. It should be in the freezer
section. You could cut the recipe in half but then you are left with 1/2 a can of everything. Or
try making one thick cake. You'll have to cook much longer though. Careful, I'm not sure if it
will all fit in one pan. I hope you enjoy it!

2 Lbs Grated Cassava
1 14 oz. Can Sweetened Condensed Milk (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)
1 12 oz. Can Evaporated Milk
1 14 oz. Can Coconut Milk (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)
1 13 oz. Can Coconut Cream (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)
2/3 Cup Sugar
3 Eggs plus 3 Egg Whites
1 Cup Grated Coconut

3 Egg Yokes
1/3 Cup Reserved Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/3 Cup Reserved Coconut Milk
1/3 Cup Reserved Coconut Cream

Preheat oven to 325° f. In large mixing bowl combine cake ingredients. Mix well. Pour equally
into two large greased rectangular pans. Bake until top is no longer liquid (approximately 30
minutes). Mix topping ingredients well and spread evenly on the two cakes. Bake an
additional 20 to 30 minutes. Cool cakes completely. Slice each cake into 24 equal squares.

Courtesy of Jeff Palazzo

Rum flan cake
Yield: 8 Servings
1 c Sugar
3 Egg yolks
2 Eggs
13 oz Evaporated milk
1 ts Grated orange peel
2 tb Rum
3/4 c Sifted cake flour
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
2 Egg yolks
3 tb Oil
1 tb Rum
3 tb Orange juice
3 Egg whites
1/4 ts Cream of tartar
Whipped cream


Caramelize 1/2 cup sugar in 9-inch (about 3 1/2- to 4-inches deep) heart-shaped or round pan.
Beat together 3 egg yolks, eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, evaporated milk, orange peel and 2 tablespoons
rum. Set aside. To make cake batter, sift flour with 1/4 cup sugar, baking powder and salt.
Place in small bowl and make well in center. Place 2 yolks, oil, 1 tablespoon rum and orange
juice in well. Stir until blended, starting from center. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until
foamy. Gradually add remaining 1/4 cup sugar, beating until stiff but not dry. Gently fold
batter into whites.

Pour custard mixture into caramel-lined pan. Gently spoon cake batter over flan mixture.
Place pan in larger pan and pour hot (not boiling) water into larger pan until it reaches half
depth of cake pan. Bake at 325F 50 to 60 minutes, or until cake is done. Cool on rack or chill
until ready to serve. Invert onto serving platter and pipe whipped cream rosettes around edges
of flan.
Coconut Rice
(Mochi - Bibinka)
2 1/2 lb (5 1/2 cups) mochi rice

1 can (12 oz) frozen coconut milk thawed

1 package (1 lb.) dark brown sugar (2 1/3 cups packed)

Rinse rice and cook in rice cooker. In saucepan combine coconut milk and 1 1/4 cups of the
brown sugar. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until thickened. (Approx. 20 min.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Put cooked rice into a large bowl. Reserving 1/2 cup of coconut mixture, stir remainder and
remaining brown sugar evenly into hot rice. Put into prepared pan. Top with reserved 1/2 cup
of coconut milk mixture. Bake for 20 minutes then broil for 5 minutes to set topping. Cut into
small pieces. Makes 45

Avocado Milkshakes
This sounds really weird, I know, but it's actually quite good. You'll see
avocado icecream in Asian supermarkets that carry foods and ingredients
from the Philippines, and this is close to that. Give it a try, you might be
surprised. Thanks to Nathan Chua for the recipe.

1 avocado

1/3 quart whole milk

3 tablespoons sugar

2 scoops vanilla ice cream

Blend. Drink.
Pianono Dessert
Pianono Dessert recipe (Filipino jelly roll)...a nice filipino dessert recipe to
try !


1/4 cup butter

1/3 cup ground unsalted almonds

1 cup coconut flakes

12-ounce can condensed milk

1 cup sifted flour

1/3 cup cocoa

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup sugar 3 eggs, separated

1/3 cup cold water

1 teaspoon vanilla confectioner’s sugar

Instructions :
1. Line a 10-by-15-inch jelly-roll pan with foil. Preheat oven to 375F.
2. Melt butter and pour into foiled pan. Mix nuts and coconut flakes and sprinkle evenly in
pan. Drizzle with condensed milk.
3. Sift together flour, cocoa, salt, baking soda and sugar.
4. Beat egg yolks in bowl until fluffy.
5. Blend sifted dry ingredients, water and vanilla and beat for another minute.
6. Beat egg whites separately until stiff and fold into mixture.
7. Pour into pan and bake for 20 minutes or until cake is done. Sprinkle with confectioner’s
sugar. Transfer to a cookie sheet, roll in jelly-roll fashion and wrap with a towel to set until
8. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with more confectioner’s sugar.
9. The Filipino dessert recipe is ready to serve....enjoy !
Cascaron - bitsu-bitsu
Yield: 1 Recipe

1 pk Mochi flour
1 Coconut; grated, place -coconut in a large bowl
1 1/2 c Hot water; pour into bowl -of coconut
1/3 Box of dark brown sugar
1/4 c Cold water

Squeeze grated coconut in water than strain coconut water in clean dish towel over another bowl. Squeeze
until all liquid has been extracted. (Instead of fresh coconut, you may use 1/2 can of grated coconut and 1
1/2 cups of water.) Place canned coconut in flour and add water until dough is soft but not too sticky. Do
the same with fresh coconut. Shape dough in balls of 1 inch diameter and fry in deep fat until golden
brown. Drain dough balls on paper towel. Then put them in a large mixing bowl. When all have been fried,
boil water and brown sugar in a small sauce pan until it reaches the soft boil stage. This is done by placing
a drop of syrup in a bowl of cold water. If it retains it shape and is soft, it is ready. Pour over dough balls.
Mix well so that all are coated with syrup. Remove from bowl and place them in a platter to cool. Excellent
with coffee or TEA

Bibingkang Galapong

4 eggs, well beaten
2 cups coconut milk
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup melted margarine
2 cups rice flour
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup coco cream, 1/4 cup sugar for topping
Add sugar to beaten eggs.
Combine salt and flour; add to egg mixture.
Add melted margarine, coconut milk, and baking powder.
Pour into banana leaf-lined mold.
Bake in 375 degrees Fahrenheit oven.
When half-done, take it out from the oven and brush top with coconut cream and sugar and
bake until golden crust is formed.
Yield: 3 large bibingkas.

Buko Pie

2 cup all purpose flour

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup corn oil

1 tablespoon water

3 1 /3 cup buko, young coconut

1/2 cup white sugar

1/2 cup evaporated milk

1/4 cup cornstarch

1/4 cup cheese, grated

To prepare the crust, combine flour and salt. Blend in oil thoroughly using a fork. Sprinkle
with water. Continue "cutting" with a fork until flour mixture forms tiny lumps. Form flour
mixture into a ball. Divide dough into 2 equal portions. Roll out to make 2 crusts. Cover
bottom of pie pan with one crust. Cut excess. Prick pastry all over with fork. Bake in preheated
oven at 450°F for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown
Combine all ingredients except cheese and cook over low heat. Continue stirring until thick.
Pour mixture into pastry-lined pie pan. Top filling with the second crust. Seal ends all around
with a fork. Bake at 400 °F until crust turns golden brown. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake
for additional 5 minutes. Serves 8
Sapin Sapin

Sapin-Sapin Recipe, made from rice flour or rice that has

been soaked overnight then crushed into a paste, sometimes yams or yam flour, coconut milk
and sugar. Each layer is tinted (the bottom one a deep ube-like purple, the middle a golden
yolk yellow,the top one white), and steamed before the next layer is added.
This famous Sapin-Sapin originated from the northern part of the Philippines, the province of Abra. A treat as sumptuous as
sapin-sapin is no longer surprising when ways of cooking it is already spread down to other provinces, and thus now being
enjoyed by many. Fast foods, cake and pastry shops are making and selling their versions of sapin-sapin.

Estimated cooking time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Sapin Sapin Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups malagkit dough (galapong)

1/2 cup rice galapong

2 1/2 cups white sugar

3 cups cooked ubi (mashed)

grated coconut

4 cups thick coconut cream (from 2-3 coconuts)

2 cans (big) condensed milk

food coloring; violet & egg-yellow

Sapin Sapin Cooking Instructions:

Blend all ingredients except mashed ubi and food coloring.

Divide Into 3 Parts:
To one part – add mashed ubi. To heighten the color of the ubi, add a dash of violet food coloring. Mix well.
To 2nd part – add egg-yellow coloring. Mix well.
To 3rd part – just plain white, nothing to add.
Grease a round baking pan. Line with banana leaves and grease the leaves. Then, pour in ubi mixture. Spread evenly. Steam for
30 minutes or more, until firm. Note: cover the baking pan with cheese cloth before steaming.
Pour 2nd layer on top of the cooked ubi. Cover again and steam for 30 minutes.
Lastly, pour in 3rd layer or the plain mixture. Again, steam for 30 minutes or until firm.
Meanwhile, fry the grated coconut until brown and put on top of the sapin-sapin.
Cool before slicing.
Tags: delicacy, rice, sweets

Suman sa Ibus
Our Filipino rice-farming forefathers believed that there is nothing better to fill the stomach than rice grown and tended by
one’s own perseverance. Whether it is simple boiled rice, rice gruel or rice cake it is prepared carefully in appreciation of the
farmers hard work. In the province, it is still a sight to see women gathered around a tub of soaked rice telling stories as they
wrapped suman. And if the variety of ways a suman is wrapped is any indication, it is of the artistry, skill and ingenuity of these

Suman sa Ibus Ingredients:

3 cups malagkit rice

2 teaspoons salt
2 cups thick coconut milk

Suman sa Ibus Cooking Instructions:

Soak malagkit in water for an hour or ntil grains are swollen. Drain.
Add salt nd coconut milk. Mix well.
Prepare ibus then fill with rice mixture. Seal tubes and tie with strips of the ibus.
Arrange the suman in a big saucepan and cover with water. Cover the pot and
boil for 2 hours or until cooked.
Serve with sugar or ripe mango.
How to wrap a Suman Ibu

Fold the end of the buri leaf by 1 ? inches.

Fold the bottom edge into a triangle.

Start rolling up the buri leaf in an overlapping manner.

Roll up the buri to make a tube.

Attach a small piece of wooden pick to secure the tube.

Fill the tube with malagkit.

Seal the ibus tube.

Tie with strips of buri.

Adobong Baboy Ingredients:

1 kilo pork; cut in cubes

1 clove garlic; pounded
1 medium onion; chopped
1 tablespoon sugar
4 laurel leaves
6 tablespoons soy sauce
6 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon ground or whole black pepper
1 cup rice water
MSG (optional)
Sugar (optional)
Cooking oil

Adobong Baboy Cooking Instructions:

Marinate pork in soy sauce, garlic, and pepper for 1 hour.

Sauté onion, then drop the marinated pork and laurel leaves. Continue sauteing until liquid has
evaporated and meat starts to render fat. Pour the marinade including the bits of garlic and a cup of rice
water. Add the potato and continue boiling in medium fire until pork becomes tender. Pour vinegar and
simmer until little sauce is left. Season with sugar if desired according to taste. Serve hot!
Filipino Callos (Beef tripe) Ingredients:

1 kilo beef's tripe (tuwalya ng baka); sliced in serving pieces

1 tablespoon garlic; minced
1 small onion; chopped
1 can pork and beans
5 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 tablespoon ground black pepper
1/4 tablespoon sugar
1 root ginger; crushed
1 tablespoon salt
MSG (optional)

Filipino Callos (Beef tripe) Cooking Instuctions:

In a stock pot with enough water, add the beef stripe, ginger, and salt. Bring to a boil for 20 minutes to
remove the obscenity.

Remove from fire, replace water and boil again until beef's tripe becomes tender. Slice the beef's tripe
lengthwise and set aside.

Sauté garlic and onion. Add the beef's tripe, soy sauce, pepper. Stir fry for 10 minutes. Add the pork and
beans, and sugar. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes or until done. Serve hot!
Warek Warek Ingredients:

Pig’s meat and entrails (tongue, liver, intestine)

White onion; thinly sliced
Salt and pepper
Calamansi or lemon juice
Pig's brain
Mayonnaise (optional)

Warek Warek Instructions:

Parboil intestines with sliced lemon or calamansi to remove the odor. Parboil tongue until half cooked.
Wash and clean well the liver.

Grill intestine, tongue, and liver until brown. Slice into 1” long and 1/4” thick (or your desired sizes), then
place in a large bowl. Mix the slices of onion and boiled brain. Balance seasoning with calamansi juice, salt,
and pepper according to taste.

Cooking Tip:

If pork's brain is not enough or not available, you may use mayonnaise as a substitute.

You can also wrap the brain in an aluminum foil and grill. Blend in the dinakdakan and viola! Ready to eat!
Pork Sisig Ingredients:

1 kilo pork head (face, ear, cheek, tongue)

1/4 cup liver; broiled and cut in cubes
1 tablespoon garlic; minced
1 small onion; chopped
2 bay leaves
1/2 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon red bell pepper; chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup pork or beef stock
2 kalamansi; sliced
3 siling labuyo; chopped
Salt or fish sauce to taste

Pork Sisig Cooking Instructions:

Grill pork’s head to remove any remaining hair. Boil until tender, debone, and then cut in small cubes.

Sauté garlic, onion, red bell pepper. Add liver and pork. Season with salt, vinegar, and pepper. Add stock
and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then simmer until little sauce is left. Adjust seasoning according to taste.

Garnish with kalamansi, and siling labuyo on a sizzling plate. Squeeze the kalamansi and stir the
chopped siling labuyo over the plate if desired.
Pork Sinigang Ingredients:

10 tamarind seeds or 1 package sinigang mix

1 kilo pork; cut in 1 1/2 inches chunks (liempo, kasim, or ribs)
1 onion; sliced
4 tomatoes; sliced
1 radish (labanos); sliced
5 string beans(sitaw), cut in 2” length
1/2 cup kangkong leaves (river spinach)
4 pieces gabi (taro); peeled and cut in halve
2 whole siling haba (long green pepper)
Soy sauce

Pork Sinigang Cooking Instructions:

Boil the tamarind seeds, mash, and drain the juice. Set aside.

In a saucepan or stock pot, boil pork until tender. Add onion, tomato, and tamarind juice. Add gabi until
tender and thickens the soup. Simmer, then add radish and string beans. When tender,
add kangkongleaves. Season with fish sauce according to taste. Serve hot with soy sauce and sliced
Sinanglaw / Sinanglao Ingredients:

1 1/2 kilo of beef innards of your preference:

large intestine




2 clove garlic; pounded

3 onions; sliced
1 package sinigang mix (or kamyas or tamarind seeds)
1 root ginger; crushed
Banana leaves (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste

Sinanglaw / Sinanglao Cooking Instructions:

Wash and mash the raw innards with salt and banana leaves. When cleaned, parboil in a large kettle with
ginger to remove the odor and obstinacy. Strain and cut 1 – 2 inches lengths or your desired sizes.

In a stock pot, drop the onions. Put the innards on top of the onions, then on top of the innards, the
garlic. Cover and simmer gently until most of the onions extract its juice. Season with salt then cook for
15 minutes or until seasoning is absord. Add enough water to cover about 3 inches above the meat. Bring
to a boil and add sinigang mix according to preferred sour taste. Continue boiling in medium low fire until
meat becomes tender. Add chili peppers and season with fish sauce to taste. Add little bile if desired and
Menudo Ingredients:

1 kilo pork; cut into desired pieces

1/4 kilo hotdog; cut into desired pieces
1/4 kilo liver; cut into desired pieces
1 potato; diced (fry in 3 minutes)
1 carrot; diced (fry in 3 minutes)
1 onion; minced
1 tablespoon garlic; minced
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup raisins
1 can tomato sauce
2 stems kinchay (celery); chopped
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Cooking Oil

Menudo Cooking Instructions:

Marinate pork in soy sauce and ground black pepper for 1 hour or more.

Boil liver for 5 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Sauté garlic and onion. Add marinated pork and kitchay. Continue sauteing until all liquid has evaporated
and meat starts to render fat.

Add tomato sauce and simmer for 15 minutes. Add liver, hotdog, potato and carrot. Continue cooking in
medium fire for 5 minutes or until done.

Season with little sugar (if desired) according to taste. Serve hot!
Pork Embotido Ingredients:

1 kilo ground pork

1 carrot; minced
1 can reno liver spread
1/2 cup pickles; minced
1/2 cup raisins
2 beaten eggs
1 tablespoon salt
2 small onions; minced
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1/2 cup grated cheese
1 hotdog; minced
2 broiled eggs; sliced
Kinchay o celery; minced
2 slices bread; minced
1/4 tablespoon ground black pepper
MSG (optional)

Embotido Cooking Instructions:

In a bowl, combine all ingredients (except the hard boiled eggs) and mix well until blended.

Place a mound (1 cup per roll) of meat mixture on a sheet of oily greased aluminum foil (place the slices of
egg at the center of each mixture) and form an 8" long by 2" diameter roll.

Steam for 30-40 minutes. Remove from steamer and let cool.

You may either fry or eat it as is. Serve with catsup.

Kare Kare Ingredients:

1 kilo oxtail; cut in chunks

1/2 kilo beef tripe; slice in 2”x3” lengths
2 cloves garlic; crushed
1 big onion; sliced
1/2 cup peanuts ; grounded
1/2 cup toasted rice; grounded
1/4 cup annatto seeds
1 heart of banana (puso ng saging); cut in lengths
10 string beans; cut into 2” lengths
1 eggplant; sliced
Salt and pepper to taste
Bagoong alamang
Cooking oil

Kare Kare Cooking Instructions:

Place annatto seeds in 1/2 cup water for 30 minutes. Mash seeds and set aside the annatto water. Discard
the seeds.

Boil beef’s oxtail and tripe in separate saucepan until tender. Drain both oxtail and tripe. Save the broth of
the oxtail only.

Sauté garlic and onion in a large saucepan. Add annatto water, oxtail, and tripe. Simmer and then add the
grounded peanut and toasted ground rice. Stir and continue to simmer for few minutes. Add broth just
enough to make a thick sauce. Parboil, then add vegetables (do not overcook). Season with salt and pepper
according to taste. Serve hot with bagoong alamang.
Papaitan Ingredients:

1/2 kilo following beef innards; cut in 1" cube

tripe, liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, intestines

1 cup beef tenderloin; cut in 1/2" cubes

1/4 cup bile
1 onion; minced
1 clove garlic; minced
1 head ginger; minced
1/4 cup onion leaves
5 Philippine bird's eye peppers (siling labuyo)
Salt and pepper
Fish sauce

Ingredients for cleaning and boiling the innards:

1 lemon; sliced(optional)
8 kalamansi; sliced (optional)
Banana leaves (optional)
1 ginger root; crushed

Papaitan Cooking Instructions:

Wash and mash the raw innards with salt and banana leaves to get rid of the odor. When cleaned, boil in a large
kettle with ginger and lemon or kalamasi until tender. Cut into 1/2 inch cubes/lengths. Set aside.

Suate ginger, garlic, and onion. When onion appears translucent, drop the beef innards. Spice with salt and pepper
and continue sautéing until enough broth comes out from the innards. Pour enough water to cover the mixture.
Bring to a boil for a while and then drop the beef tenderloin. Simmer until tenderloin is cooked, then drop the siling

Add bile little by little (be careful not to over bitter taste) and adjust seasoning with fish sauce according to taste.
Serve hot in a bowl and garnish with chopped onion leaves.

Cooking Tip:

To make it healthy and if you have the time, cook the papaitan long before you intend to serve. Let it cool, then
refrigerate. All the fat will solidify, and you can easily scrape it from the surface. The taste will not change, it will
even improve as the meat and all the condiments will have blended so well in the broth already.

Calamansi juice will further enhance the taste. And if you want a stronger pepper aroma but not the spice, put some
chopped siling haba.
Pata Tim Ingredients:

1 kilo pork’s leg (pata)

1/4 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup pineapple juice
3/4 cup oyster sauce
2 cloves garlic; rushed
1 tablespoon rice wine
1 tablespoon pepper corns
1 red onion; chopped
3 bay leaves
Lettuce (fried in 2 minutes)

Pata Tim Cooking Instructions:

In a stock pot with enough water, simmer the pork pata with all the ingredients until fork tender. Add hot
water if necessary to replace the evaporated liquid. Drain and cut the meat from one side and separate the
bones. Save 1 cup of broth.

Place lettuce in a platter. Put the pata over the lettuce. Set aside.

Pata Tim Sauce Ingredients:

1 cup broth of pata

5 tablespoons cornstarch
Salt to taste

Pata Tim Sauce Cooking Instructions:

In a skillet, combine broth, cornstarch, and salt to taste. Bring to boil until sauce becomes thick.

Pour the sauce on top of the pata. Serve hot!

Cooking Tip:

Boiling the pork's leg slowly and gently over low heat brings out the flavor of the meat, and keeps the meat
very tender.
Nilagang Baka Ingredients:

1 kilo beef; cut in chunks

1 small head cabbage (repolyo); quartered
1/4 kilo Chinese cabbage (pechay)
2 potatoes; quartered
1 onion; sliced
1 tablespoon peppercorns
Fish sauce
2 beef boullion
1 lemon or 5 kalamansis
Soy sauce

Nilagang Baka Cooking Instructions:

Fry the potatoes in 3 minutes. Set aside

In a stock pot, simmer the beef with onion, and peppercorn for at least one hour. Remove the scum that
rises above the soup. More water maybe added if the beef if tough. When beef is very tender, add potatoes
and carrots. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add repolyo cabbage and Chinese cabbage. Season with fish sauce
according to taste.

Remove from fire and serve hot with a mixture consisting of soy sauce and lemon or kalamansi juice.

Cooking Tip:

Boiling the beef chunks slowly and gently over low heat brings out the flavor of the meat, and keeps the
meat very tender.

But but but....if you don't have much time and you want to expedite the cooking process, use "pressure
cooker" to soften the meat of the beef shank. When tender, add the necessary ingredients.
Sweet and Sour Meatballs Ingredients:

Meatballs Ingredients:

1 kilo ground pork or beef

1 onion; minced
1 clove garlic; minced
3 well beaten eggs
1/2 cup flour
Ground pepper
Soy sauce

Sauce Mixture Ingredients:

1 can pineapple (set aside juice); sliced

1 carrot; sliced
1 bell pepper; sliced lengthwise
4 tablespoons garlic; minced
1 onion; chopped
1/2 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons flour
Ground black pepper
Cooking oil

Sweet and Sour Meatballs Cooking Instructions:

In a bowl, mix all the meat balls ingredients together. Season with salt, soy sauce, and pepper according to
taste. Form a ball 1” diameter out of the mixture. Deep fry the raw meat balls until golden brown. Strain, drain
in a plate with paper towel, and set aside in a platter.

In a skillet, sauté garlic and onion. Add the pineapple and carrot. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add the pineapple
juice, sugar, soy sauce, water, flour, salt and water. Simmer until a saucy consistency is achieved. Add bell
pepper. Simmer for 1 minute.

Pour the hot sauce (mixture) on top of the meat balls. Serve hot with rice!
Lechon Liempo Ingredients:

Pork meat (liempo); 12 -16 inches long

Garlic; pounded
Salt and pepper to taste
Rosemary leaves
Sliced tomatoes for garnishing

Lechon Liempo Cooking Instructions:

Wash and dry meat with paper towel. Rub inner layer of meat with a mixture of salt, pepper, garlic and
rosemary leaves. Roll meat, and then tie both ends forming a circular tube form. Place in a roasting pan.

Preheat oven to 400F. Bake in oven for about 15 minutes, and then decrease heat to 350F. Bake for about
one and a half hours to 2 hours or until meat turns golden brown and crispy! Remove pan from oven,
then put meat on a rack. Slice in rings and place in a platter. Garnish with sliced tomatoes, then serve.
Lechon Kawali Ingredients:

I kilo pork belly (liempo)

2 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon peppercorns
4 cloves garlic; pounded
1 bottle 7-up (optional)
Cooking oil

Sauce Ingredients:

Soy sauce
Onion ; chopped
Garlic; mined
Mang Tomas lechon sauce (optional)

Lechon Kawali Cooking Instructions:

Boil water with salt, garlic, peppercorn, and 7-up. Add pork and continue boiling until tender. Strain pork
and keep dry. Deep fry in hot cooking oil until golden brown and crispy. Chop the lechon kawali and serve
with lechon sauce or vinegar with soy sauce, onion, and garlic.
Kilawing Kambing Ingredients:

1 kilo goat’s meat with skin

*preferred cuts are from the thigh, loin, neck and shoulder
2 big onions; sliced
1 root ginger; cut in strips (optional)
3 siling labuyo; chopped
Salt and pepper
Soy sauce

Kilawing Kambing Cooking Instructions:

Marinate goat meat in soy sauce, grill, then make small slices.

Balance seasoning with vinegar, salt, and pepper according to taste. Garnish with onion and silling labuyo.
Refrigerate, then serve.
Insarabasab Ingredients:

1 kilo pork (shoulder preferred)

1 onion; thinly sliced
1 ginger root; chopped
1 tablespoon Philippine bird's eye pepper
* (siling labuyo)
1/2 tablespoon ground pepper
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 lemon or 5 kalamansi
Soy sauce
Salt to taste

Insarabasab Cooking Instructions:

Slice the pork 1” thick for roasting. Spice with salt.

Roast pork over an open fire until all pink color of meat disappears. When roasted, slice pork again into
1/4" x 1" (thickness x length) long strips, and then mixed with onions, ginger, vinegar, pepper, and siling
labuyo. Season with soy sauce, and lemon or kalamansi juice according to taste. Serve as food in a meal or
as pulutan (something to pick up during drinking session).
Igado Ingredients:

1 kilo combination of the following:

Pork’s liver; cut in slices

pork’s kidney; cut in slices

pork’s heart; cut in slices

1 tablespoon garlic; minced

1 medium onion; chopped
1 segment ginger; cut in stripes
1 small can green peas (gisantes)
2 small carrots; cut in slices
1 bell pepper; cut in slices
1 cup vinegar
Soy sauce
Salt and pepper
Cooking oil

Igado Cooking Instructions:

In a bowl, marinate liver in vinegar. Set aside.

Saute garlic, ginger, and onion in oil. Add pork’s heart and kidney and spice with salt and pepper. Saute for
15 minutes or until broth comes out from the innards (add 1/4 cup water if necessary to soften). Add the
liver and continue sauteing for another 5 minutes. Add soy sauce to season and continue cooking until
sauce thickens. Add the carrots fist and when tender, drop the bell pepper and peas. Cook until vegetables
are done.

Cooking Tip:

You can use pork's meat (pork belly preferred), tenderloin, spleen or combination if pork's heart and
kidney are not available.

Per photo and if you want it dried, just transfer the Igado mixture in another pan and saute until dry. But
it's the one with sauce that is traditional and authentic.
Pork Humba Ingredients:

1/2 kilo pork belly, cut in cubes

2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 small onion; chopped
1/3 cup vinegar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
3 bay leaves
1 cup rice water
1/4 tablespoon ground black pepper
Cooking oil

Pork Humba Cooking Instructions:

Marinate pork in soy sauce and pepper for 1 hour.

Saute garlic and onion. Add pork from the marinade and bay leaves. Stir fry for few minutes until pork
starts to render its oily fat. Add rice water, then bring to a boil until most of the liquid has evaporated. Add
vinegar but do not stir in order not to over sour the flavor. Parboil for few minutes, then add the brown
sugar stirring once in a while. Simmer until a saucy consistency is achieved. Adjust seasoning with soy
sauce according to taste. Serve hot!
Dinuguan (Pork Blood Stew) Ingredients:

1 kilo pork meat, ear, intestine, or combinations

3-4 cups pork’s or beef’s blood
1 small head of garlic; minced
1 small onion; minced
1 tomato; chopped
3 long peppers (siling haba)
5 tablespoon vinegar
Salt or fish sauce (patis) to taste
MSG (optional)

Dinuguan (Pork Blood Stew) Cooking Instructions:

Boil pork until tender and cut into desired sizes. Save the broth.

Sauté garlic, and onion. Add the pork and spice with salt. Continue sauteing until liquid has evaporated
and meat starts to render fat and edges turn to brown.

Add vinegar, broth, and siling labuyo. Simmer for 10 minutes. Adjust seasoning with fish sauce according
to taste. Pour pork’s blood stirring regularly for 5 minutes. Remove from fire and serve hot!
Crispy Pata Ingrediets:

1 kilo pork’s knuckle (pata)

1 onion; chopped
2 bay leaves
1/4 cup peppercorns
2 tablespoons salt
Cooking oil

Sauce Ingredients:

1 tablespoon onion; chopped

1 tablespoon garlic; pounded
1/2 cup vinegar
Soy sauce to taste

Crispy Pata Cooking Ingredients:

Boil pork’s knuckle in a stock pot with enough water to cover (more water maybe added if the meat is
tough). Add salt, bay leaves, peppercorn, and onion. Continue boiling until tender, then drain and hang to
dry. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Deep fry in hot cooking oil until golden brown. Serve with a
mixture composed of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, and onion.
Bagnet (Chicharon Baboy) Ingredients:

1 kilo pork belly; cut into desired pieces

1 liter cooking oil
1/2 liter water
Salt to taste

Bagnet (Chicharon Baboy) Cooking Instructions:

In a stock pot, bring water to a boil with added salt. Drop pork and continue boiling for 20 minutes. Drain
and set aside.

Submerged pork in hot cooking oil for few seconds, strain, and sprinkle with cold water. Do this process 3
times until skin pops.

Submerge pork until golden brown and serve hot in a platter!

Cooking Tip:

To avoid mess as well as burns, cook in a low cooking area.

Beef Caldereta Ingredients:

1 1/2 kilo beef, cut in chunks

1 potato; quartered (fry in 3 minutes)
1 carrot; cut in 1 inch chunks (fry in 3 minutes)
1 clove garlic; pounded
1 onion; chopped
1 can liver spread or ground liver
1 tomato; quartered
1 can tomato sauce
15 green olives (stoned or pitted)
1 tablespoon pickles
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 grated cheese
1 bell pepper; chopped
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2 stems kinchay (celery); chopped
1/2 cup soy sauce
Cooking oil (Olive oil preferred if available)
MSG (optional)

Beef Caldereta Cooking Instructions:

In a bowl, marinate beef in soy sauce and ground black pepper for 1 hour.

In a saucepan, sauté garlic and onion. Add the marinated beef, tomato, and kitchay. Continue sauteing
until all liquid has evaporated and meat starts to render fat. Add water enough to cover the beef. Boil until
beef becomes tender.

Add tomato sauce and pickles. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add cheese, peanut butter, liver spread, potato,
green olives, and carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes. Drop the bell pepper. Simmer for 1 minute before
serving. Serve hot!
Kilawing Bituka Ingredients:

Large Intestines of pork (bituka ng baboy)

Garlic; minced
Onion; sliced
Ginger; crushed
Long green chili peppers (siling haba)
Scallions; chopped
Banana leaf

Kilawing Bituka Cooking Instructions:

Wash and mash the intestine with salt and banana leaf to get rid of the odor. Wash and clean very well,
then boil intestine with ginger until tender. Cut into desired sizes.

Saute garlic and onion. Add and brown the intestine. Lower heat, then blend with soy sauce, vinegar, and
pepper according to taste. Garnish with scallions and long green chili pepper. Serve as pulutan-something
to pick up when drinking a liquor.
Bistek Ingredients:

3/4 kilo tender pork or beef steaks, sliced

1 tablespoon kalamansi or lemon juice
5 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 big onion; sliced in rings
Salt and pepper to taste
Cooking oil (Olive oil preferred)

Bistek Cooking Ingredients:

Marinate pork/beef steak with kalamansi (or lemon) juice, soy sauce, salt and pepper for 30 minutes or
more. Set aside.

Fry onion rings until translucent. Set aside.

In a skillet, fry marinated pork/beef steak over high heat turning upside down several times until tender.
Add onion rings and just enough marinade to create oily sauce. Cover and simmer until done. Serve hot!
Pork Binagoongan Ingredients:

1 kilo pork liempo; cut in serving pieces

1/2 cup shrimp bagoong
1 tablespoon garlic; minced
1 small onion; chopped
1 medium tomato; sliced in 8 pcs.
1 teaspoon Philippine bird's eye pepper (siling labuyo)
5 tablespoon vinegar
1/2 tablespoon sugar
1 eggplant; cut in slices

Pork Binagoongan Cooking Preparation:

Boil pork until tender and cut into cubes. Set aside.

Sauté garlic, onion, and tomato. Add pork and shrimp bagoong. Stir fry for few minutes until pork starts
to render fat and edges turn to brown. Add vinegar and siling labuyo. Simmer for 5 minutes. Season with
sugar and drop the eggplant. Continue cooking in low fire until the eggplant is done. Serve hot!
Bopis Ingredients:

1/2 kilo pork lungs

1/2 kilo pork heart
1 medium carrots; cut into small cubes
1 medium kinchay or celery
5 Philippine bird’s eye (siling labuyo)
5 tablespoons soy sauce
5 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon annatto (atsuete) seeds
*substitute: 1/4 cup catsup
Salt and pepper to taste
MSG (optional)

Bopis Cooking Preparation:

Boil the heart and lungs for 10 minutes. Remove and chop into small sizes. Set aside and discard the

Boil again for another 10 minutes in "new" water. Strain and set aside.

Mash the annatto seeds in 1/4 cup water. Save the annatto water and discards the seeds.

Sauté garlic and onion. Add lungs, heart, kinchay, and soy sauce. Saute for another 10 minutes. Add
vinegar and siling labuyo. Simmer for 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add carrots and annato
water. Simmer and continue cooking until done. Serve hot!
Kalderetang Kambing Ingredients:

1 1/2 kilos goat meat, cut into chunks

1 potato; quartered
1 carrot; cut in 1 inch chunks or slices
1 clove garlic; pounded
1 onion; chopped
1 can liver spread or ground liver
1 tomato; quartered
1 can tomato sauce
15 green olives (stoned or pitted)
1 tablespoon pickles
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 grated cheese
1 bell pepper; sliced
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
2 stems kinchay (celery); chopped
2 laurel leaves
1/2 cup soy sauce
Cooking oil
MSG (optional)

Kalderetang Kambing Cooking Instructions:

Fry the potato and carrot for 3 minutes. Set aside.

In a bowl, marinate goat meat in vinegar, soy sauce, and ground black pepper for 1 hour. Set aside.

Sauté garlic and onion in a saucepan. Add the marinated goat’s meat, tomato, and kitchay. Continue
sauteing until all liquid has evaporated and meat starts to render fat. Add water enough to cover the goat’s
meat. Boil until tender.

Add tomato sauce and pickles. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cheese, peanut butter, liver spread, potato,
olives, and carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes. Drop the bell pepper. Simmer 1 minute before serving. Serve
Lechon Kawali Ingredients:

I kilo pork belly (liempo)

2 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon peppercorns
4 cloves garlic; pounded
1 bottle 7-up (optional)
Cooking oil

Sauce Ingredients:

Soy sauce
Onion ; chopped
Garlic; mined
Mang Tomas lechon sauce (optional)

Lechon Kawali Cooking Instructions:

Boil water with salt, garlic, peppercorn, and 7-up. Add pork and continue boiling until tender. Strain pork
and keep dry. Deep fry in hot cooking oil until golden brown and crispy. Chop the lechon kawali and serve
with lechon sauce or vinegar with soy sauce, onion, and garlic.
Pata Tim Ingredients:

1 kilo pork’s leg (pata); cut in chunks

1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 onion; chopped
1 clove garlic; minced
1 tomato; chopped
2 tablespoon banana blossoms
1 tablespoon star anise
1 can tomato sauce
Cooking oil

Pata Tim Cooking Instructions:

In a saucepan, brown pork pata in oil, then add the garlic, onion, and tomatoes. Stir fry for 3 minutes,
then add the broth to cover, soy sauce, and sugar. Cover and simmer until the pork is tender. When little
sauce is left, add the tomato sauce. Simmer for few minutes until sauce thickens. Season with salt, pepper,
and oyster sauce to taste. Drop the banana blossoms and star anise. Cook until done are done and serve.
Pork Adobo Ingredients:

1 kilo pork; cut in cubes

1 clove garlic; pounded
1 medium onion; chopped
1 tablespoon sugar
4 laurel leaves
6 tablespoons soy sauce
6 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 cup rice water
1 potato; quartered
Hard boiled eggs
MSG (optional)
Cooking oil

Pork Adobo Cooking Instructions:

Fry potato in 3 minutes. Set aside.

Brown the pork, then add rice water, vinegar, soy sauce, and the rest of the ingredients except the potato
and hard boiled eggs. When pork is light tender, add the potato. Cook until done or when little sauce is
left, then garnish with hard boiled eggs.
Adobong Kangkong Ingredients:

1 bundle of kangkong (river spinanch); cut stems 1” length

1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 clove garlic; minced

Adobong Kangkong Cooking Instructions:

Saute garlic. When golden brown, add all other ingredients. Cover and simmer until done. Don’t overcook
the kangkong. Serve hot!
Filipino Spaghetti Ingredients:

1 kilo spaghetti noodles

3/4 kilo ground beef
1 carrot; minced
1 small can evaporated milk
1 can liver spread
1/4 kilo hotdog slices
1 tablespoon garlic; minced
1 onion; minced
2 bottles of banana catsup
1 can tomato sauce
1 cup grated cheese
1 tablespoon sugar
Salt and pepper
Cooking oil

Filipino Spaghetti Cooking Instructions:

Boil spaghetti noodles with salt and cooking oil for 10 minutes. Drain and set aside in a platter.

Sauté garlic and onion. Add ground beef and cook until meat turns light brown. Season with salt and
pepper. Add banana catsup and tomato sauce. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add hotdog, carrots, sugar, liver
spread and milk. Simmer for 5 minutes. This is your sauce mixture.

Pour the mixture on top of the spaghetti noddles. Garnish with grated cheese.
Arroz Caldo Ingredients:

1 kilo chicken; cut in small pieces

1 cup uncooked malagkit or plain rice or combination
1 small onion; chopped
1 tablespoon garlic; chopped
1 root ginger; sliced
6 cups water or broth
Fish sauce
Cooking oil
Salt to taste (optional)
Chicken bouillon cubes (optional)
1 tablespoon minced fried garlic (for garnishing)
1 tablespoon scallions (for garnishing)

Arroz Caldo Cooking Instructions:

In a casserole, sauté garlic, onion, and ginger in oil. Add chicken and stir fry with fish sauce until light
browned. Drain any remaining oil and then add rice. Add enough water and bring to boil. Continue
cooking, stirring occasionally, until chicken is tender and rice is done (add hot water if necessary). Season
with fish sauce according to taste. Serve hot in a bowl. Garnish on top with fried minced garlic and

Cooking Tip:

Always dry chicken well with paper towels before placing into hot frying pan so it won't stick.

You have the option of using salt or chicken bouillon cubes as seasoning instead of fish sauce.
Leche Flan (egg yolk) Ingredients:

10 egg yolks (pula ng itlog); well beaten

1 big can evaporated milk
1 big can condense milk
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 moulds (lyanera) container
Aluminum foil
3/4 cup water

Leche Flan (egg yolks) Cooking Instructions:

Mix water and sugar in the moulds. Parboil in very low fire until it turns brown and sticky. Do not
overcook the sugar.

In a bowl, mix the following ingredients: egg yolks, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and vanilla. Pour
the mixture in the moulds and cover with aluminum foil. Steam for about 15 - 20 minutes. Remove from
the steamer. Cool it down before serving.

Cooking Tip:

You can also bake it for 45 minutes 370F placing the lyanera in the middle of a bigger tray half filled with
water. -
Okoy - Deep Fried Shredded Papayas w/ Shrimp


1 medium sized Papaya, shredded

1/4 kilo of prawns

1 onion sliced

1/2 cup of flour

1 egg

1 cup of water

1/2 tsp. of salt

Cooking oil for deep frying

Cooking Procedure:

Mix flour, egg, salt and water in a bowl then add the shredded papaya and mix it well.

Get your deep frying pan and pour the cooking oil. Let it heat up well. Get a small saucer and place about two to three spoonful
of your papaya and flour mixture. Flatten the mixture with the back of a spoon to have a nice round shape of about an inch
thickness. Decorate the top with a prawn, from the saucer slide the mixture gently on your hot oil and cook both sides until
golden brown. Be careful, don't splatter it. Now to prepare a vinegar dip: - Get a cup of Vinegar (any kind but preferably sukang
puti or according to your likeness), chopped some chilis, ground garlic, salt and pepper.
Sisig Bangus/Milkfish

Ampalaya Leaves with Sardines


Ingredients and cooking procedure after the jump.


1 kilo of Galapong malagkit (Glutinous rice dough)

1 coconut, meat grated

1/2 kilo fo white sugar

Water for cooking

Sesame seeds, toasted

Cooking procedure:

Divide the galapong into several portions, depending on the size of serving you desire.

Roll each ortion into a ball and flatten to make a tounge like shape.

Boil some water. While the water is boiling, dro each of the galaong portions. It is cooked when the galapong

Remove each cooked portion. Allow to cool.

Dredge in grated coconut and srinkle with sugar mixed with toasted sesame seeds before serving.

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