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Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

Catheryn M. Yashar, MD, FACR, FACRO

Introduction to Electromagnetic Radiation Normal Tissue Tolerance
Radiation Units Pelvic Organ Tolerance
Radiation Physics Long-term Effects
Energy Deposition New Radiation Modalities
Sources of Radiation Protons
Photon Interactions Electrons
Radioactive Decay Fast Neutrons
Inverse Square Law Negative Pi Mesons and Other Heavy Ions
Depth Dose Characteristics of Radiation New Radiation Delivery Technology
Radiobiology Intraoperative Radiation
Structural Changes Hyperthermia
Radiosensitivity Three-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy
Radiosensitizers, Hypoxic Cell Sensitizers, and Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy
Radioprotectors Stereotactic Radiotherapy
Genetic Effects Immune-tagged Radiation Therapy
Fetal Effects Glossary
Principles of Clinical Radiation Therapy
External-beam Radiation (Teletherapy)
Local Radiation (Brachytherapy)

1. Radiation therapy is used for the treatment of primary 8. In general, radiation is delivered in two basic manners.
and metastatic gynecologic carcinomas. External-beam radiation therapy delivers radiation to the
2. Radiation therapy depends on the differential body from an external source. Brachytherapy, a crucial
susceptibility of tumors to irradiation compared with component to the safest and most effective treatment of
normal tissues, and research attempts to maximize the many gynecologic cancers, delivers radiation from sources
therapeutic ratio are ongoing. that are placed within the body.
3. Photons, a nonparticulate form of radiation, are the 9. An important concept, crucial to the delivery of
primary modality of therapeutic irradiation used in brachytherapy, is that the dose of radiation at a given
gynecologic carcinomas. point is inversely proportional to the square of the
4. Particulate irradiation with electrons and protons are also distance from the source of radiation (dose ∝ 1/
used in many centers but have specialized indications. Distance2). This forms the basis of high therapeutic dose
5. Radiation is measured in international system (SI) unit of directly to the tumor and safe doses to adjacent critical
centigray and Gray. A typical dose for therapeutic organs. External methods of delivery cannot duplicate
irradiation for adjuvant therapy is 45 to 50 Gy and for this delivery. A level of expertise is absolutely crucial to
gross disease, as in cervical carcinoma, is 80 to 85 Gy. the delivery of this modality.
6. Radiation is primarily generated from human-made 10. Low-dose-rate brachytherapy is being replaced in most
sources, as in a linear accelerator, called x-rays, or from centers by high-dose-rate brachytherapy or pulse-dose-
naturally radioactive decay, termed gamma rays. rate brachytherapy.
Therapeutically, these are indistinguishable, although 11. Image guidance with computed tomography, magnetic
photons or electrons may be the therapeutic source. resonance imaging, or positron emission computed
7. A variety of DNA lesions are produced by radiation tomography scans, in all aspects of radiation therapy
including base damage, DNA–protein crosslinking, (planning, external and brachytherapy), appears to
single-strand breaks, and double-strand breaks. increase the therapeutic ratio.

CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 587

12. Concurrent therapies (radiosensitizers and protectors) 14. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, image-guided
seek to increase this therapeutic ratio, each with its own radiation therapy, and stereotactic radiation therapy are
mechanism of action to be exploited. all tools in an ever increasingly complex toolbox for the
13. The short- and long-term effects of irradiation are not radiation oncologist to use for increased local control,
trivial, and a risk-to-benefit discussion is crucial to the survival, and palliation. Ongoing studies evaluate the
patient and multidisciplinary oncology team. During and risk-to-benefit ratio and cost effectiveness of these new
after therapy, a team approach best serves the patient. and expensive technologies.

A basic understanding of the principles of radiation oncol- or efficiently than malignant tissue. Radiation causes both
ogy is essential to gynecologic oncologists. Radiation therapy reversible and irreversible changes in normal tissue, and these
is used in the curative treatment of locoregionally advanced effects are placed into two categories: acute effects (apparent
cervical and vaginal carcinoma. It is often an adjuvant therapy during or shortly after the radiation course) and long-term
prescribed for uterine or vulvar carcinoma and in inoperable effects (apparent from 6 months to years after completion of
patients may be the only definitive therapy available. Last, it can therapy). Radiation effects may not be initially apparent except
be used for the palliative treatment of gynecologic carcinomas. by careful chemical or microscopic study. Indeed, the effects
may not be apparent for many years or may manifest only in
INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROMAGNETIC the offspring of the irradiated organism. The accepted position
regarding radiation exposure is that incidental environmental
RADIATION radiation, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic radiation can all be
Radiant energy or radiation is an essential component of life on detrimental. Although in many cases the chance of injury from
earth. For example, sunlight provides heat, light, and energy for diagnostic or environmental radiation is slight, the possibility
plant photosynthesis, and radio waves provide a method of of damage from a known exposure must always be weighed
communication. This electromagnetic radiation physically against the importance of the information to be gained or the
consists of photons, or “packets” of energy without mass or effect desired. Incidental exposure must be avoided through
charge. The primary difference between the radiations is the control of environmental hazards whenever possible by fol-
energy of the photons. The energy is proportional to frequency lowing the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle.
(E = hν, where h is Planck’s constant and ν is frequency) and There are many forms and sources of radiation, including
inversely proportional to wavelength (Table 23.1). A common natural isotopes and human-made radiations. The natural
analogy is to compare wavelength to the length of a person’s radiation emissions (gamma and beta rays) of isotopes such as
stride when walking; the number of strides per minute is the iridium, iodine, and cesium are used for therapeutic purposes
frequency of the wave. in many human malignancies (Table 23.4). In addition, during
Photons, a nonparticulate radiation, are only one form of the past 4 decades, increasingly sophisticated machines have
radiation. Another form of radiation is particulate radiation. been manufactured to produce high-intensity, directed radia-
Particulate radiation consists of subatomic particles such as tion to treat both malignant and benign conditions. Modern
electrons, protons, α particles, and neutrons. machines emit energies greater than 1 million electron volts
Radiation is not harmful in ordinary quantities and is (1 MeV) and are termed supervoltage or megavoltage machines
actually helpful to life processes. In fact, exposure to radiation (Table 23.5). The most commonly available are called linear
is a constant phenomenon (Tables 23.2 and 23.3). However, accelerators (linacs). Even these have recently become more
high-energy, or “ionizing,” radiation is not entirely harmless, sophisticated to allow increasingly precise delivery of radiation
although it is commonly used for both diagnostic and thera- in the form of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT).
peutic purposes. High-energy radiation can be injurious to The newest generation models allow for real-time computed
biologic material, and its use in oncology depends on the ability tomography (CT) for position verification, termed image-
of normal tissue to recover from the effects more effectively guided radiation therapy, or IGRT. Image guidance is also more

TABLE 23.1  Electromagnetic Spectrum

Wavelength (M) Frequency (Hz) Energy (J)
Radio >1 × 10−1 <3 × 109 <2 × 10−24
Microwave 1 × 10−3 − 1 × 10−1 3 × 109 − 3 × 1011 2 × 10−24 − 2 × 10−22
Infrared 7 × 10−7 − 1 × 10−3 3 × 1011 − 4 × 1014 2 × 10−22 − 3 × 10−19
Visible 4 × 10−7 − 7 × 10−7 4 × 1014 − 7.5 × 1014 3 × 10−19 − 5 × 10−19
Ultraviolet 1 × 10−8 − 4 × 10−7 7.5 × 1014 − 3 × 1016 5 × 10−19 − 2 × 10−17
X-ray 1 × 10−11 − 1 × 10−8 3 × 1016 − 3 × 1019 2 × 10−17 − 2 × 10−14
Gamma ray <1 × 10−11 >3 × 1019 >2 × 10−14
588 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

TABLE 23.2  General Population Radiation TABLE 23.6  Historical and International
Exposure System (SI) Units of Radiation
Average Annual Historical Conversion
Whole-Body Dose Quantity Unit SI Unit Factor
Radiation Source (millirem/yr) Exposure R C/kg 2.58 × 10−4 C/kg/R
Natural: cosmic 29 Absorbed dose Rad Gray (Gy) 10−2 Gy/rad
Terrestrial 29 Dose equivalent Rem Seivert (Sv) 10−2 Sv/rem
Radon 200 (used in radiation
Internal (eg, 40K, 14C) 40 protection)
Human made (diagnostic radiography, 64 Activity Curie (Ci) Becquerel (Bq) 3.7 × 1010 Bq/Ci
nuclear medicine, consumer products
such as smoke detectors)
All others (fallout, air travel, occupational) 2
Average annual total 360\ commonly used in brachytherapy, which historically used only
Tobacco smokers: add ~280 mrem two-dimensional imaging. With the advent of CT- and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI)–compatible brachytherapy applica-
tors, imaging modalities are used to more precisely direct the
radiation to the tissues at risk while simultaneously avoiding
TABLE 23.3  Radiation Associated With
normal, uninvolved tissues. The acceleration in technology has
Common Activities
paralleled the advances in computer technology. In addition,
Activity Typical Radiation Dose simulations that combine radiation delivery planning with
Smoking 280 mrem/yr positron emission tomography (PET) and MRI are currently
Chest radiography 8 mrem/single radiograph being used at several centers.
Drinking water 5 mrem/yr
Cross-country airplane trip 5 mrem/yr
Those in training and in practice must familiarize themselves
TABLE 23.4  Radioactive Isotopes Used in with the international system (SI) of weights and measures used
Radiation Oncology today. The SI units and appropriate conversions are shown in
Table 23.6.
Element Isotope Emax (MeV) T1/2 Clinical Use When a radiation exposure occurs, the resultant ionizations
Radium 236
Ra 3.26 1600 yr Historical deposit energy in the air. If a patient lies in the path of the beam,
Cesium Cs 0.514, 1.17 30 yr Temporary energy will be deposited in the patient. This deposition of
intracavitary energy by radiation exposure is called radiation-absorbed
implants dose, measured in the acronym rad. One rad is equivalent to
Iridium Ir 0.38ave 74.2 d Temporary interstitial the deposition of 100 ergs of energy into each gram of the
implants and source
irradiated object. The SI unit of radiation absorbed dose is
for high dose rate
the gray (Gy), and 1 Gy = 1 cGy =100 rads = 1 joule/kg. The
Iodine 125
I 0.028ave 60.2 d Permanent interstitial erg and joule are units of energy.
Phosphorus 32
P None 14.3 d Permanent RADIATION PHYSICS
placement Energy Deposition
Palladium Pd 20KV 17 d Permanent prostate Radiation energy is deposited into the tissue in one of two ways:
seed implant direct or indirect ionization. Ionization is when an outer shell
electron is stripped from an atom, leaving a positive charge.
Direct ionization is the predominant mechanism of action of
TABLE 23.5  Radiation Delivery by Energy particles that possess charge, but photons can also cause direct
ionization. Examples of directly ionizing particles include par-
Modality Voltage Source ticulate radiation such as protons and neutrons. Indirect ioniza-
Low voltage (superficial) 85−150 keV X-ray tion produces free radicals of other molecules, namely water,
Medium voltage 180−400 keV X-ray which diffuse and damage critical targets (Fig. 23.1). A free
(orthovotage) radical has an unpaired outer shell electron that is chemically
Supervoltage 500 keV−8 MeV Linear accelerator, unstable and very reactive. The hydroxyl free radical (made by
Co machine
the lysis of H20) diffuses only about 1 nm and breaks the chemi-
Megavoltage Above supervoltage Betatron, linear
cal bonds in cellular proteins and other key substances such as
energy accelerator
DNA. Either form of energy deposition results in ionization of
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 589

Indirect action Direct action orbital vacancies (see later discussion). Gamma rays and x-rays
can be collectively called photons, and what is of medical impor-
tance is the energy and delivery of the photon, not the source.

Incoming Photon Interactions

photon The interaction of photons with matter is accomplished through
six mechanisms: (1) Compton scattering, (2) photoelectric
Damage to DNA absorption, (3) pair production, (4) triplet production, (5)
H2O Free
radical photodisintegration, and (6) coherent scattering (no energy
transfer). The Compton effect is the major interaction of
Damage to DNA photons in tissue used in modern radiotherapy (Fig. 23.2).
When the photon from the linear accelerator interacts with
outer orbital atomic electrons, part of the photon energy trans-
fers to the electron as kinetic energy. The photon is deflected
with reduced energy. The ejected electron is propelled forward
and sets up a cascade of increasing energy deposition by dis-
DNA placing more electrons. As a result of this initiation and subse-
FIGURE 23.1  Direct and indirect actions of radiation. DNA, the quent buildup effect, megavoltage photon beams have a
most lethal target of radiation is schematically shown in the skin-sparing effect not seen in older machines and therefore
center. In direct action, the incident photon displaces an elec- produce less superficial tissue change.
tron from the target (DNA) molecule. In indirect action, another The photoelectric effect is seen at lower energies. This effect
molecule, such as water, is ionized, and the displaced electron is the most important in diagnostic radiology. In this interac-
diffuses to the target and damages the DNA. tion, the incident photon is absorbed completely by an inner
shell electron. The inner shell electron is ejected with kinetic
energy equal to the incident photon energy less the electron-
target molecules. Scientists estimate that about two-thirds of binding energy. An outer shell electron then drops into the
cell biologic damage is from indirect action by ionizing radia- vacancy. As this electron changes orbit, its energy is reduced,
tion, from sources such as x-rays and gamma rays. and the excess energy is given off in the form of a photon, called
The electrons generated by penetrating photons lose their a “characteristic photon.”
energy slowly, resulting in a low energy deposition along the In pair production, photon energies greater than 1.02 MeV
electron track, or low linear energy transfer (LET; defined as interact with the strong electric field of the nucleus and lose all
energy transferred per unit length of track, or keV/µm). High incident energy. The incident photon energy is converted into
LET radiations (neutrons, negative p mesons, or alpha particles) matter in the form of a positron–electron pair. If this happens
deposit more energy per unit length, are more commonly in the field of an orbital electron, three particles are produced in
directly ionizing, and are less susceptible to perturbations such the interaction, and the interaction is called triplet production.
as oxygen tension. This means that for the same reaction pro- Last, in photodisintegration, the high-energy photon enters
duced in healthy cells by all radiation modalities, high LET the nucleus and ejects a neutron, proton, or alpha particle. This
radiation has a higher probability (1.5 to 2.5 times that of is important for shielding considerations in linear accelerators
x-rays) of killing those cells in less than ideal circumstances (ie, that operate at energies above 15 MeV.
hypoxic tumor cells, cells in a resistant part of the cell cycle).
Radioactive Decay
Sources of Radiation Naturally radioactive substances decay to more stable sub-
Gamma rays are the photons emitted from the atomic nuclear stances by several methods: (1) beta decay (32P, 18F), (2) electron
decay of radioactive isotopes—for example, 137Cs (cesium) or capture (125I), (3) alpha decay (226Ra), and (4) isomeric transi-
Co (cobalt). X-rays are photons electrically generated by tion (gamma emission and internal conversion). “Decay” is the
bombarding a target such as tungsten with electrons (how a manner in which an isotope releases, or gains, matter, or energy
linear accelerator works). When these fast-moving electrons to become a more stable substance. The rate of decay of a
approach the tungsten nuclear field, they are attracted to the radionuclide is exponential and is termed the “activity.” The old
nucleus and thus veer from their original path. This change in unit for activity was the Curie (Ci). The SI unit is the becquerel
direction causes deceleration and kinetic energy is converted to (Bq) defined by 1 Bq = 1 dps (disintegration per second). The
x-rays in the form of bremsstrahlung photons. These emitted half-life (T1/2) is the time required to disintegrate to half the
x-rays, or photons, vary in energy from zero to a maximum original activity. T1/2 of commonly used radioactive substances
determined by the kinetic energy of the bombarding electrons. is in Table 23.4.
Machines such as the betatron and linear accelerator generate Cs (Cesium-137), used in low dose rate (LDR) applica-
electrons with high kinetic energy and thus produce high- tions, is a byproduct of the fission process in a nuclear reactor
energy x-rays. In addition to bremsstrahlung photons, charac- and decays via beta and gamma emission. In beta decay, a
teristic photons are also produced as atoms seek to fill electron neutron from the nucleus converts into a proton (positively
590 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

Compton effect Photoelectric effect

Vacancy in k-shell

e- e-
Incident photon e-
e- Fast electron
e- e-
Fast electron e-

e- e-

Scattered photon e-
Characteristic x-rays
Incident photon

Pair production


Incident photon e-
Positron electron pair
e- e+


FIGURE 23.2  The major photons interactions important in therapeutic and diagnostic radiation

charged) and an electron. Again, to increase stability, a photon Cesium

is released, and the 127Cs becomes the more stable 137Ba (Fig.
23.3). 137Cs decays approximately 2%/year. Cs
192 55 0.51 MeV (95%)
Ir (iridium 192) is also produced in a nuclear reactor and
decays via beta decay (see earlier) and electron capture. In 137 m
electron capture, the nucleus “captures” an orbital electron and 56
1.17 MeV (5%)
converts a proton into a neutron. 192Ir then becomes the excit- 0.662 MeV
able 192mPt and 192mOs, which release gamma rays to stabilize. 137
Ir is the primary isotope used for high dose rate (HDR) Ba
applications and interstitial implants. It decays approximately
Inverse Square Law Iridium Ir
Another important physics concept in radiotherapy is the
4.4% 95%
inverse square law. This law states that the dose of radiation at
a given point is inversely proportional to the square of the 192 m 192 m
Os Pt
distance from the source of radiation (dose ∝ 1/distance2). This 76 78
rapid decrease in dose is very important in brachytherapy. It
underscores why the bladder and rectum can be relatively 192 192
Os Pt
protected from the high intracavitary doses of radiation, espe- 76 78
cially with good vaginal packing to maximize the distance from FIGURE 23.3  Decay diagram of 137
Cs and 192
the source to the normal organ. It also underscores why good
geometry is critical when performing implants. Last, it explains
the reasoning behind standing at the door (increasing the dis-
tance) while conversing with a brachytherapy patient. As a
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 591

simplistic example, consider the following. The dose at point A physical characteristic of radiation. With higher energy, forward
is 4. Two feet away the dose would be 4 divided by the square movement of the energy cascade (in the direction of the primary
of the distance (22) or 4/4 = 1. Another 2 feet away, the dose beam) is greater with reduced lateral scattering. As the energy
would be 1/4 (4/42 = 4/16 = 1/4). increases, it becomes more penetrating, and the photons and
resultant liberated electrons travel a greater distance into the
Depth Dose Characteristics of Radiation absorbing material. Therefore, the percentage of radiation at
The last physics concept to master is variation in radiation beam any specific depth, compared with the surface dose, increases as
characteristics based on energy. To that end, it is important the energy increases.
to realize that the energy and penetrating power of ionizing In summary, above the energy of 400 to 800 keV, the advan-
radiation increase as the photon frequency increases and tages to higher energy photons are less damage to the skin at
wavelength decreases. In addition, as energy increases, the depth the portal of entry, greater radiation at depth relative to the
of maximum dose increases (Dmax; remember the buildup surface, and reduced lateral scatter of radiation in the tissues.
effect discussed earlier). For low energies, such as 250 keV, the In addition, there is less photoelectric effect at higher energies
maximum dose is at the skin surface. For a 4-MeV (4 million and therefore less absorption in bone.
electron volts) accelerator, the Dmax is approximately 1 cm; for
6 MeV, Dmax is at 1.5 cm; for 22 MeV, Dmax is at 3.5 cm; and so
on. Knowing this, one can see why higher energy beams are
more suited to treat deeply seated tumors, such as in the uterine The selective destruction of tissues forms the basis of therapeu-
or cervix. These higher energy beams differentially spare more tic radiation. Neoplastic cells are preferentially killed by radia-
superficial tissues. Depths of maximum dose curves and isodose tion compared with the surrounding normal tissues, primarily
distributions (areas receiving similar dose) for various energies as a result of differences in repair capabilities. This differential
are shown in Fig. 23.4. radiosensitivity between normal and cancerous tissues deter-
The reduced effect on skin of supervoltage radiation, com- mines in large part whether a radiated neoplasm is eradicated.
pared with orthovoltage (keV range) radiation, is based on a The ratio that defines the dose necessary to effect tumor kill

200 keV 6 MeV 20 MeV betatron
10  10 cm 10  10 cm 10  10 cm 10  10 cm
50 cm SSD 80 cm SSD 100 cm SSD 100 cm SSD
Surface Surface
Depth (cm) 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 Depth (cm)
100 100 100
2 90 2
80 90 100
4 70 4
6 70 80 90 6
8 10
10 8
10 30
80 10
12 20
60 12
14 14
5 5
16 16
18 30 60 18
20 20
22 22
24 20
26 5 10 10 26

28 20 20 28
10 40
30 5 5 20 20 30
10 10
5 5

FIGURE 23.4  Comparison isodose curves and depth-dose distribution through a single field.
Each machine is delivering photons of different energies. Note that higher energy machines
deliver radiation to a greater depth for the same surface dose. Note also the skin sparing with
6- and 20-MV equipment. Last, note the difference in lateral scattering—higher energy photons
are more “forward moving” with less lateral scatter.
592 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy


Major complications

Cure rate (%) 60

50 Tumor
Normal tissue



Acceptable morbidity <10%
FIGURE 23.5  Therapeutic ratio. Diagrammatic representation of a parallel tumor response and
normal tissue tolerance curve demonstrating the relationship between increasing dose, increas-
ing cure rate, and increasing morbidity. Under ideal circumstances (B), an 80% to 90% cure rate
can be achieved with 5% to 10% morbidity. Pushing the cure rate carries with it an increase in
morbidity. However, attempts to avoid all morbidity (A) significantly reduce the ability to cure.
Although the shape of these curves varies for various tumor types and dose rates, general
concepts are valid whenever radiotherapy is used to treat malignant lesions.

with the dose likely to cause normal tissue damage is the A variety of DNA lesions are produced by radiation includ-
therapeutic ratio, and modern radiotherapy is striving to ing base damage, DNA–protein crosslinking, single-strand
maximize this ratio (Fig. 23.5). breaks, and double-strand breaks (DSBs). Repairing even a
single nucleotide requires many genes and a series of steps. The
Structural Changes most toxic cellular lesion inflicted by ionizing radiation is the
Deposition of radiation energy in the cell can lead to a variety DSB. In fact, the proficiency of repair of DSB correlates well
of changes that alter normal function. Degradation, or breaking with radiation-induced lethality. The repair of DSB can occur
into smaller units, and cross-linking are examples of structural by several mechanisms. Religation of complementary DSB ends,
damage that can affect proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids. The homologous recombination (HR), is efficient, and cells can
initial chemical change occurs in a fraction of a second and is usually survive. The Mre11 protein is attracted when a DSB
rarely detected directly. Some changes are repaired almost occurs and may be the first sensor of the break and primarily
immediately, but others can never be repaired. Although various involved in repair through nuclease activity, unwinding DNA,
morphologic and functional changes occur in irradiated cells, or removing hairpin loops. When the ends are not complemen-
the bulk of direct and indirect evidence suggests that the bio- tary, nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) is used and can be
logic effects of radiation result principally from DNA damage. complicated by small DNA deletions or insertions. These errors
For example, it has been calculated that 1 million cGy is required in turn can lead to cell death or mutation. Some of the necessary
to inactivate cell cytoplasmic enzyme systems, and doses of proteins for NHEJ are Ku70, Ku80, DNA ligase IV, and XRCC4.
1000 cGy are required to damage cell membranes. In contrast, The Ku70/Ku80 complex binds to the DSB and unwinds the
chromosomal aberrations and mutations can be produced by strand while the DNA ligase IV/XRCC4 complex repairs DSBs.
very low doses of radiation. Because only a few hundred cGy Mammalian cells seem to repair more by NHEJ than HR.
are needed to produce a high degree of lethality in cell tissue
culture, it seems logical that nuclear changes are responsible for Radiosensitivity
cell death. Radiosensitivity is the response of the tumor to irradiation
Radiation-induced DNA damage destroys the cell by one of that can be measured by the extent of regression, rapidity of
several mechanisms. It may stimulate cell apoptosis, called response, and response durability. Radiosensitivity depends
interphase death, which is visible by several methods, including on several factors. These factors include the ability to repair
light microscopy and Western blot. Radiation may also cause damage, hypoxia, cell cycle position, and growth fraction. In
mitotic death. In this form of damage, the cell outwardly addition, the volume of the initial tumor has been demonstrated
appears normal but is sufficiently damaged so that cell division to influence the ability to eradicate tumors.
is not possible. Actual death of the cell does not occur, however, Understanding that radiosensitivity and radiocurability are
until cell division is attempted. This is why tumors may continue not identical in meaning is essential. Relatively radioresistant
to regress after completion of radiation. tumors accessible to high-dose local radiation therapy can be
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 593

cured, but radiosensitive tumors that are widely metastatic can doses in clinical radiation therapy, in which differential capaci-
only be controlled locally. An excellent example of a relatively ties between normal tissue and tumor to repair a sublethal
radioresistant tumor is squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix; injury can be exploited (Fig. 23.7). This differential repair
however, this malignancy remains one of the most curable capacity also forms the basis for accelerated fractionation or
tumors in humans because of its accessibility to high-dose hyperfractionation in which the dose is given twice a day. This
irradiation and the relatively radioresistant nature of the approach works very well with rapidly growing tumors. Treated
hosting normal tissues (eg, cervix and vagina). The ability to twice a day, the normal tissues have sufficient time to repair, but
place radium or cesium in juxtaposition to the malignancy the tumor tissues, which are less organized, efficient, and accu-
within dose ranges tolerable to the surrounding normal tissue rate, are differentially killed. Some cells have almost no shoulder,
is the key to success. indicating a limited ability to repair sublethal damage, and these
Many attempts have been made to develop an assay to predict cells can be eradicated with relatively low doses of radiation. For
tumor radiosensitivity. However, no assay yet developed accu- example, dysgerminomas are highly curable with relatively low
rately predicts the outcome in a given tumor. This is likely doses of radiation (20–30 Gy) compared with cervical cancer
secondary to tumors containing mixed cell populations with tumors, which may require more than 70 Gy to obtain cure.
differing sensitivities to chemotherapy and radiation. Sensi- The availability of oxygen is of vital importance to the
tive cells are eliminated, but resistant cells continue to grow. radiosensitivity of the cell also. As radiation enters the cell, it
This explains why many tumors initially respond to therapy interacts with organic molecules (DNA). This molecule may
but are ultimately incurable. repair itself unless an oxygen molecule becomes attached,
In vitro models have been developed to predict and study thereby “fixing” the damage. The addition of O2 will enhance
tumor cell radiosensitivity. Cellular radiosensitivity is generally low LET radiation (photons) but does not similarly affect high
quantified by measuring the loss of reproductive capacity, LET radiation. The ability of oxygen to enhance radiation is
which can be plotted in a survival curve. Survival curves are measured by the oxygen enhancement ratio, or oxygen enhance-
characterized by an initial slope, α, and the terminal slope, β. α ment ratio (OER) (OER = Dose of XRT without O2 for a given
represents irreparable damage to the cell, and β represents the effect/Dose of XRT with O2 for the same effect). It takes at least
repairable damage (Fig. 23.6). The α/β ratio is the dose at which 2% (17 mm Hg) tissue O2 to see the full oxygen effect.
the contribution from alpha equals the contribution from beta Tumor cells with potentially unlimited capacity for growth
and is a measure of radiosensitivity. Large ratios are seen with are limited as they outgrow the blood supply. In fact, tumors
rapidly dividing cells and help predict the response of tumors above 200 µm have necrotic cores secondary to a limited dif-
and the early effects of radiation. Low ratios characterize late fusion distance for oxygen. Oxygen may effectively penetrate
responding tissues. approximately 70 µm from the blood vessel (Fig. 23.8). Outside
In addition, the size of the shoulder (Dq) on a survival curve this distance, tumor cells become deficient and enter a noncycling 
relays valuable information because it represents the magnitude phase. They may become hypoxic or even anoxic and necrotic.
of repair of sublethal damage (SLD). Broad shoulders have
small α/β ratios and good repair of SLD. This repair of sublethal
damage takes several hours (2–6 hours) to complete. The ability
of cells to repair SLD forms the basis for the use of fractionated

1 Normal
Surviving fraction
Surviving fraction




Dose Fractionated dose

FIGURE 23.6  Cell survival curve. The initial slope, α, represents FIGURE 23.7  Different capacities between normal tissue and
irreparable damage, and the terminal slope, β, represents repa- tumor to accumulate and repair sublethal injury from fraction-
rable damage. The α/β ratio is the point on the curve where the ated doses result in differential survival. The normal tissue is
two are equal. able to repair more efficiently and effectively.
594 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy


O Capillary G2
Gap 2
Gap 1

Aerated cell
Hypoxic viable cell
Anoxic necrotic cell G0
70 m S Noncycling
FIGURE 23.8  As the distance from the blood supply increases, Synthesis
cells become hypoxic and even anoxic. Hypoxic cells are more
radioresistant and therefore harder to sterilize. Oxygen diffuses FIGURE 23.9  Cell cycle.
about 70 µm from the capillary.

This is important from a radiobiologic standpoint because

noncycling cells exhibit a greater capacity to repair radia-
tion injury. Hypoxic cells are more resistant to the effects of
radiation than are cells with normal oxygen tension. Thus large
tumors can be difficult to control with radiation therapy, not
only because there is a greater number of cells to sterilize but
also because a proportion of these cells are hypoxic, noncycling, Late S
Cell survival

and radioresistant. As a clinical example, experience notes

that exophytic friable cervical lesions that hemorrhage easily
on contact respond better and more quickly than infiltrative
lesions. The blood supply and oxygenation vary considerably Early S
between these two lesions, with the friable lesion better vas-
cularized and oxygenated and therefore more radiosensitive.
Unfortunately, attempts to overcome this differential sensitivity
by mechanisms such as hyperbaric oxygen and radiosensitizers
have been less than optimal to date. M G2
Another factor important in radiosensitivity is the propor-
tion of mitotic or clonogenic cells in the tumor. Cycling cells
are more radiosensitive. In fact, mitotic counts have been shown Dose
to correlate with the prognosis in many tumors. The position FIGURE 23.10  The survival curve for cells in mitosis, and G2
in the cell cycle is also important (Fig. 23.9). Cells in late G2 is steep and has no shoulder. The curve for cells late in S phase
and mitosis (M-phase) are the most sensitive to radiation, and is shallower and has a large shoulder. G1 and early S are
cells in late synthesis (S-phase) are the most resistant (Fig. intermediate in sensitivity.
23.10). This is exploited with chemotherapies such as paclitaxel,
which arrests cells in mitosis and is a profound radiation
sensitizer. the therapy, the greater long-term control, assuming that no
Finally, the initial tumor volume greatly influences the ability distant metastasis occurs. Although this is not uniformly true,
to sterilize a site. Generally, the smaller the tumor volume, the it has been shown in cervical cancer that there is a good correla-
less radiation is required to destroy all cells. As the volume tion between local tumor control and complete or partial
increases, the dose to obtain local control is increased. The regression of the cancer at the completion of radiation. In addi-
concept of treating with “shrinking” fields is to serially reduce tion, Grigsby and associates have correlated posttreatment PET
the size of the radiation portals to give a higher dose of radia- tumor response (which measures glucose metabolism) with
tion therapy to the central portion of the tumor, where presum- survival.
ably more hypoxic, radioresistant cells are present. Another factor limiting radiocurability is the normal tissue
Historically, clinicians attempted to correlate radiation toxicity with increasing radiation doses. Normal tissue effects
tumor response and local tumor control. Generally, the faster depend on total dose, dose fraction size, volume, and inherent
and more complete the tumor response at the completion of tissue radiosensitivity. The ultimate goal is to obtain maximal
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 595

curability with minimal side effects. Combining radiation cisplatin, radiation, and tirapazamine was opened but closed
therapy with surgery or chemotherapy decreases normal tissue for accrual in 2009.
tolerance to a given dose. Well-established port size, total dose, Radioprotection has been proved in several sites with the use
and fractionation schemes have been identified but cannot of Ethyol. Amifostine (Ethyol; WR-2721) is an organic thio-
remain static. Variations are being investigated to increase phosphate extensively studied by the Walter Reed Army Institute
curability and decrease complications, including new che- of Research. Normal tissues noted to be protected included the
motherapeutic radiosensitizers, technological advances in the salivary glands, bone marrow, immune system, skin, oral
delivery of radiation such as IMRT, and radioprotectors such  mucosa, esophagus, intestinal mucosa, kidney, and testes. It is
as Ethyol. dephosphorylated to the active metabolite (WR-1065) in the
RADIOSENSITIZERS, HYPOXIC CELL It is believed that tissue versus tumor alkaline phosphatase
concentration variations provide the differential protective
SENSITIZERS, AND RADIOPROTECTORS effect. In addition, tissue pH differences afford selective tissue
Radiation sensitizers and protectors are being actively investi- versus tumor uptake of Ethyol. When given intravenously, the
gated to increase the effectiveness of radiation or allow dose plasma half-life is less than 10 minutes, but there is prolonged
escalation while minimizing side effects. Radiation sensitizers retention of the drug in normal tissue. In the first 30 minutes,
increase the ability of radiation to cause permanent, lethal drug uptake into normal tissues has been shown to be 100 times
damage. This therapeutic gain may be from a variety of mecha- that of tumor tissues. When inside the cell, the metabolite
nisms, including selective uptake, targeting, or activation. To be scavenges oxygen free radicals and provides an alternative target
effective, sensitizers must have acceptable normal tissue side for alkylating agents, such as cisplatin.
effects. Known radiation sensitizers include chemotherapeutic There have been numerous studies of the protective effect of
agents such as cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, paclitaxel, Adriamycin, Ethyol with no reported decrease in antitumor efficacy. A phase
and gemcitabine. Hypoxic cell sensitizers include the imidazole III trial in head and neck cancer unequivocally established its
drugs such as misonidazole and bioreductive agents such as role in salivary gland protection, confirming earlier studies.
tirapazamine. Endogenous sulfhydryl compounds and Ethyol Other clinical trials have shown Ethyol protects from cisplatin-
afford radioprotection to normal tissues. induced renal, neurologic, and bone marrow toxicity. Liu
The advantages afforded by chemoradiation can be by several published a phase III randomized trial in rectal cancer patients
mechanisms. Some agents (eg, cisplatin) inhibit the repair of treated with pelvic radiation with and without Ethyol (340 mg/
radiation damage, but others (eg, paclitaxel) block cells in a m2). The toxicity in the mucous membranes and genitourinary
radiosensitive cell cycle phase. Adriamycin, docetaxel, and (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) tracts was reduced by 50% in
paclitaxel have unique effects when combined serially with the Ethyol arm. Moderate to severe late toxicities were seen in
radiation because “radiation recall” is an uncommon but dis- 14% of those treated without Ethyol compared with zero in the
tressing phenomenon. After a course of radiation, the normal Ethyol-treated patients.
tissue sensitization can be “recalled” when the chemotherapy is Athanassiou and colleagues randomly assigned 205 patients
initiated—this phenomenon is a reemergence of a prior radia- with pelvic radiation plus or minus Ethyol and demonstrated a
tion burn that conforms exactly to the prior radiation portal. significant decrease in bladder and GI toxicity. Complete
The mechanism of this is unknown but well described for these responses to therapy and median survival were not significantly
chemotherapies. different between the arms. The RTOG (Radiation Therapy
The nitroimidazoles such as metronidazole, misonidazole, Oncology Group 0116) completed a two-arm trial using Ethyol
etanidazole, and nimorazole are electron affinic and increase with chemoradiation for pelvic and paraaortic radiation with
the sensitivity of radioresistant hypoxic cells to XRT. They concomitant cisplatin in cervical carcinoma. Arm 1 consisted
mimic oxygen and can diffuse into hypoxic areas. Unfortunately, of cisplatin chemotherapy concomitant with paraaortic radia-
clinical studies to date have demonstrated significant toxicity tion and demonstrated significant acute and late toxicity. Arm
and little clinical utility with these drugs. 2 again demonstrated significant acute and long-term toxicity,
Tirapazamine is entering clinical trials as an adjunct to with no significant benefit demonstrated with the addition of
radiotherapy. Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) trial 219 Ethyol, although compliance to the medication was disappoint-
randomized chemoradiation for cervical cancer with and ing. Ethyol has been found to be useful in reducing early and
without tirapazamine. Tirapazamine is bioactivated intracel- late toxicity with hypofractionated accelerated conformal radia-
lularly to a cytotoxic, active free radical that causes extensive tion by Koukourakis. Toxicities with intravenous administration
chromosomal breaks and inhibits DNA repair. The reaction include hypotension and nausea. Data on subcutaneous admin-
is driven by low tissue oxygen tension and when combined istration demonstrate less hypotension but treatable nausea and
with radiation may allow more effective destruction of tumors skin effects persist. There have been rare reports of Stevens-
with hypoxic cores. The GOG published a phase II trial for Johnson syndrome.
advanced or recurrent cervical carcinoma using tirapazamine
and cisplatin and concluded that the combination was fairly Genetic Effects
well tolerated. A subsequent phase III trial randomizing stages It is not possible to generalize and assign a specific mutation
Ib2 to IVa between standard cisplatin and radiation versus rate to a given radiation dose. Gene loci differ greatly in their
596 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

mutability, and the random damage exerted by irradiation on TABLE 23.7  Radiation Doses to Low
any particular chromosome makes predictability impossible. Pelvis From Diagnostic Scans
The mitotic stage, cell type, sex, species, and dose rate influence
the mutation rate as studied in lower animals and bacteria. Data Dose to Fetus
from lower animals are difficult to extrapolate to humans, and (First Trimester)
and Maternal
therefore prediction of mutation rates cannot be expected from
Examination Gonads (mcGy)
the evidence that has been accumulated from various types of
radiation exposure. Direct evidence of radiation-induced muta- Lower extremity radiography 1
Cervical spine radiography 2
tion in humans is lacking, although there is strong anecdotal
Chest radiography 8
evidence for carcinogenesis in those exposed to radiation. A few Chest fluoroscopy 70
examples are excess skin cancers seen in those exposed to x-rays Lumbar spine radiography 275
before safety standards were established, lung cancer in pitch- Hip radiography 100
blende miners, bone tumors in radium dial painters, and liver IVP 585
tumors in those exposed to Thorotrast contrast. The largest Upper GI 330
groups of humans available for study are survivors and descen- Lower GI 465
dants of those exposed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although Chest CT 8
there has been no detectable effect on the frequency of prenatal Abdominal CT 800
or neonatal deaths or on the frequency of malformations in Pelvic CT 2300
subsequent generations, this does not mean that no hereditary CT, Computed tomography; GI, gastrointestinal; IVP, intravenous
effects were produced. The number of exposed parents was pyelography.
small, and dosages were so low that it would have been surpris- Modified from DiSaia PJ. In Scott JR, DiSaia PJ, Hammond CB,
Spellacy WN, eds. Danforth’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8th ed.
ing if an increase in mutation had been detected in such a brief
Philadelphia, 1999, JB Lippincott.
period. There has not been sufficient time for the several gen-
erations needed to reveal recessive damage.
Radiation does not produce new and unique mutations
but increases the incidence of spontaneous mutations. Based or less (roughly 0.5 cGy). Monthly exposures should not exceed
largely on experiments in mice, it is estimated that the doubling 0.05 rem. If a pregnant patient receives 10 cGy in the sensitive
dose (ie, the dose that will double the spontaneous mutation period of 10 days to 26 weeks, therapeutic abortion should be
rate) for humans is probably 100 cGy. Between 1% and 6% of considered to avoid radiation effects, including malformations,
spontaneous mutations in humans can be ascribed to back- microcephaly, and mental retardation.
ground radiation. With the use of image intensifiers, improved The peak incidence of gross malformations occurs during
radiographic film, and appropriate shielding to prevent scatter, early organogenesis (10–40 days of gestation in humans),
it is possible to attain satisfactory radiographic visualization of although cellular, tissue, and organ hypoplasia can be produced
internal structures with reduced exposure. The average dose of by radiation throughout the fetal and neonatal period with
irradiation to the gonads of some common diagnostic tech- sufficient dose. Diagnostic x-ray procedures should be avoided
niques is given in Table 23.7. The use of diagnostic radiographs in the pregnant woman unless there is overwhelming urgency.
and CT scans has increased and fueled concerns that toxic In women of childbearing age, possible damage to an early
radiation effects may emerge, especially among children exposed conceptus can be prevented by performing tests immediately
to increased diagnostic medical irradiation. Current recom- after the commencement of a menstrual period and obtain-
mendations stress the use of ionizing radiation only when ing a negative pregnancy test result. Compelling evidence that
necessary and substitution of alternate sources of imaging, such radiation may be a causative agent in childhood cancer after
as MRI, which relies on magnetic fields, when possible. prenatal exposure comes from several studies in Great Britain
In general, most mutations are harmful, and there is no and the United States.
known threshold dose for the genetic effect. Permanent sterility Some concrete information is available from the Japanese
in females is estimated to have a threshold of 250 to 600 cGy to survivors of the atom bomb attacks in 1945. Examination of
acute exposure and 0.2 Gy/year for protracted exposure. The children born to survivors demonstrates the primary effect
threshold dose for sterility varies based on the age of the patient, from in utero radiation was microcephaly and mental retarda-
with younger patients being more resistant to the deleterious tion. The most sensitive phase for mental retardation was from
effect. 8 to 15 weeks of gestation. In addition, permanent growth
restriction was also observed, especially in embryos exposed less
Fetal Effects than 1500 m from the center of the explosion. Hall reached the
The classic effects of radiation on the mammalian embryo are following conclusions:
as follows: (1) intrauterine and extrauterine growth restriction; 1. Moderately large doses of radiation (>200 cGy) delivered to
(2) embryonic, fetal, or neonatal death; and (3) gross congenital human embryos before 2 to 3 weeks of gestation are unlikely
malformations. Dose, gestational age, and dose rate are all to produce severe abnormalities in most children born,
important factors influencing radiation damage. The recom- although a considerable number of embryos may be reab-
mendation for fetal dose during the entire gestation is 0.5 rem sorbed or aborted (all-or-none phenomenon).
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 597

2. Significant irradiation between 4 and 11 weeks of gestation treatment planning CT data is widely available to better delin-
leads to severe abnormalities in many organs. eate tumor targets and normal tissue and in many centers is part
3. Irradiation between 11 and 16 weeks of gestation may of the standard simulator machine. Three areas must be tar-
produce some eye, skeletal, and genital organ abnormalities; geted. The gross tumor volume requires the highest radiation
however, stunted growth, microcephaly, and mental retarda- dose. Microscopic extensions into surrounding tissues must be
tion are often present. targeted but generally require a lesser dose for sterilization.
4. Irradiation of fetuses between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation Subclinical disease presumed to be present in postoperative
may lead to a mild degree of microcephaly, mental retarda- beds or regional nodes must also be treated to prevent marginal
tion, and stunting of growth. failures.
5. Irradiation after 30 weeks of gestation is unlikely to produce
gross structural abnormalities leading to a serious disability Local Radiation (Brachytherapy)
but could cause functional disabilities. Local application of radiation (also known as brachytherapy)
permits very high doses to restricted tissue volumes. In this
PRINCIPLES OF CLINICAL situation, the physical principle (inverse square law) that the
intensity of irradiation rapidly decreases with distance from the
RADIATION THERAPY radiation source is used to advantage. Brachytherapy is well
The technical modalities used in modern radiation therapy may suited to treat small tumors with well-defined limits and a
be divided into two major categories: clinical situation in which it is desirable to restrict the volume
1. External irradiation: This applies to irradiation from of tissue irradiated. Larger volumes of tissue that need radiation
sources at a distance from the body (eg, teletherapy with therapy are best treated with external irradiation. Historically,
60Co, linear accelerator, betatron, or orthovoltage radiograph radium (226Ra) had been the most common isotope used for
machines). local application, but because of storage, risk of leaks, and
2. Local irradiation (brachytherapy): This applies to irradia- extremely long half-life, it is rarely used in the United State.
tion from sources in direct proximity to the tissue or tumor. Sources used today are often converted to mg-Ra-equivalents.
Brachytherapy can be delivered with either an LDR system Brachytherapy sources such as 125I, 137Cs, 192Ir, and 103Pd are
or an HDR system. LDR systems require hospital admission more commonly used today (see Table 23.4).
to a shielded room and dose delivery at roughly 50 to 100 Although conventional LDR intracavitary brachytherapy has
cGy/h. HDR systems are commonly done on an outpatient produced very good results in cervical cancer, remote afterload-
basis and deliver doses of 120 cGy/h. ing HDR intracavitary brachytherapy is becoming more wide-
a. Intracavitary irradiation is done with applicators loaded spread. The treatment results of LDR and HDR appear to be
with radioactive materials such as cesium or iridium  similar both for local control and survival, although there are
(eg, vaginal ovoids, vaginal cylinder, intrauterine tandem, no large American randomized trials. Retrospective studies,
tandem and ring, or, historically, Heyman capsules). however, mirror the results of the randomized studies. There
b. Interstitial irradiation (endocurie therapy) is usually remain concerns over potential differences in late complications
delivered in the form of removable needles containing resulting from the different biologic mechanisms between the
cesium or iridium. The term also applies to permanent continuous low dose rate of LDR and the intermittent high dose
isotope implants, such as 125I (iodine) seeds or 103Pd rate of HDR. The increased interest in HDR arises from cost of
(palladium). inpatient hospitalization, the risks of prolonged bed rest, and
c. Direct therapy was historically delivered by means of radiation exposure to medical personnel with LDR systems. In
cones from an orthovoltage machine (eg, transvaginal) both LDR and HDR, it is very important to keep the doses to
but is rarely available today. normal tissues as low as possible by proper placement of radia-
d. Intraperitoneal or intrapleural instillation of radioactive tion carriers and the use of shielding and packing or retraction
colloids, such as 32P, is yet another local therapy but is techniques. HDR units use computer technology to “optimize”
infrequently used. the dwell time of a single source to give the required distribu-
tion. The American Brachytherapy Society has published con-
External-beam Radiation (Teletherapy) sensus guidelines on the administration of HDR for both
External radiation is radiation therapy that is delivered from cervical and uterine carcinomas. Also in use as an alternative to
outside the body. It is most commonly delivered with pho­ LDR or HDR is pulsed dose rate (PDR), although randomized
tons, electrons, or protons. Machinery to deliver the radiation trials on this method are lacking, and published reports are few
includes 60Co units, orthovoltage machines, and linear accelera- but increasing.
tors, although linear accelerators are the overwhelming major- The term dosimetry is applied to the measurement and cal-
ity. Except in the developing world, 60Co units are unusual. culation of dose that the patient receives. In brachytherapy,
Typically, a patient will need planning done before initiation of as radiation intensity rapidly decreases with increasing distance
radiation, called simulation. Marks or permanent tattoos are from the source, tissue adjacent to the radiation source is treated
applied to the skin to allow for daily setup and, commonly, a to a high dose while relatively sparing surrounding tissue. The
planning CT is performed replacing the traditional fluoroscopic effectiveness of this distribution of irradiation depends on
simulation. The use of MRI, CT, or PET images to fuse with meticulous application of these sources. Interstitial application
598 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

of radioactive sources is more difficult than intracavitary appli- is more advanced than originally indicated. Transperitoneal
cation. It is essential that the gynecologic oncologist be able to lymph node dissection followed by pelvic and possibly para-
critically assess the placement of tandem and ovoids, cylinder, aortic radiation increases radiation-induced complications,
and ring to assess the optimal placement of brachytherapy particularly to the bowel. Radiation complications can be severe,
sources (Figs. 23.11 and 23.12). Increased use of computer including fistula formation, bowel obstruction, and perforation.
planning to optimize the dose to the tumor and minimize the The retroperitoneal approach to lymph node dissection has a
dose to the normal tissues is under active clinical investigation decreased complication rate and is the preferred method of sur-
and is likely to replace the current two-dimensional dosing gically evaluating lymph node status in cervical cancer. Medical
guidelines and restrictions based on calculated doses to points conditions that affect blood flow such as diabetes, hypertension,
(eg, points A, B, and bladder and rectal points) with three- and peripheral vascular disease can also decrease normal tissue
dimensional, volume-directed, image-guided brachytherapy tolerance.
(IGBT). The European collaborative group Groupe Européen
de Curiethérapie and the European Society for Therapeutic Pelvic Organ Tolerance
Radiology and Oncology (GEC-ESTRO) have published exten- Irradiation tolerance of the normal organs of the pelvis varies
sive work on this subject and an international trial. EMBRACE from one patient to another and is subject to the factors previ-
(Mri-guided BRachytherapy in CErvical cancer) is open to test ously mentioned, such as volume, fractionation, and total dose
the utility and applicability of the new guidelines. of irradiation. As is illustrated in many areas of oncology, the
more advanced lesions require higher doses for tumor eradica-
Normal Tissue Tolerance tion, and hence the possibility of morbidity increases. This,
The tolerance of any tissue (normal or tumor) to irradiation combined with the fact that advanced cancer often already
therapy depends on several characteristics of radiation, compromises the integrity of the bladder and rectum, means
including (1) fractionation technique, (2) field arrangement, that serious sequelae can develop in patients with advanced
(3) total dose, (4) dose rate, and (5) volume irradiated. cervical, vaginal, and corpus lesions when curative therapy is
Fractionation is the number of treatments needed to deliver the sought. New advances in radiation delivery will, hopefully,
total dose. Pelvic radiation delivered to a patient for a total dose of decrease these adverse effects.
5000 cGy given in five daily fractions of 200 cGy each week for 5 The normal tissues of the cervix and the corpus of the uterus
weeks is well tolerated in most cases. However, if that same total can tolerate very high doses of radiation. In fact, they withstand
dose of 5000 cGy were given in five fractions of 1000 cGy every higher doses better than any other comparable volume of tissue
Monday for 5 consecutive weeks, tolerance would be low. in the body; surface doses of 20,000 to 30,000 cGy in about 
In addition, multiple fields are used to minimize toxicity by 2 weeks are tolerated. This remarkable tolerance level permits 
dividing the exposure of normal tissue into multiple different a large tumor dose and allows a very high percentage of central
regions. Three-dimensional conformal therapy (3DCF), IMRT, control of cervical cancer. The unusual radiation tolerance of
and IGRT are areas of active investigation to further maximize the uterus and the vagina, stemming from an unusual ability
dose to tumor and minimize toxicity to the surrounding normal to recover from radiation injury, accounts for the success of
tissues (Fig. 23.13). With external irradiation, the patient is brachytherapy in the treatment of cervical lesions.
treated to all fields 5 days/week. In contrast, the sigmoid, rectosigmoid, and rectum are more
As is seen in LDR brachytherapy versus HDR brachytherapy, susceptible to radiation injury than are other pelvic organs.
dose rate affects tolerance. The final dose in HDR is necessarily The frequency of injury to the large bowel often depends 
lower to compensate for normal tissue tolerance concerns with on the total dose administered by both the external beam and 
the markedly higher dose rate in HDR. Conversion of doses to the intracavitary system. With external-beam radiation alone, the 
a 2-Gy dose equivalent is recommended by the Groupe Euro- large bowel is the most sensitive of the pelvic structures. The 
Péen de Curiethérapie-European for Radiotherapy and Oncol- bladder tolerates slightly more radiation than does the recto-
ogy (GECT-ESTRO) guidelines and is becoming more common sigmoid, according to most authorities. Acceptable maximal
(see later). point doses are 75 Gy and 70 Gy to the bladder and rectum,
Finally, the volume of tissue irradiated is also an integral respectively. Fletcher proposed a rule that gives the upper
factor in tolerance. For example, a 1-cm circular field of skin limits of pelvic irradiation and indirectly gives the tolerance
would easily tolerate the fractionation and dose rate of 1000 of the bladder and rectum. The guidelines limit the sum of
cGy each Monday for 5 consecutive weeks. However, for a larger the central dose, stating that external-beam radiation dose plus
volume, such as whole-pelvis radiation, such a treatment plan the number of milligram-hours of cesium administered by
is intolerable. brachytherapy should never exceed 10,000. There is a parallel
Patient factors also affect normal tissue tolerance. Previous time guideline also critical to this limit. This is a necessary safety
surgery affects the morbidity of radiation therapy. In both to prevent compact systems from exceeding vaginal or cervical
cervical and uterine cancer, surgery identifies adverse surgical tolerance. This guideline is valid only when the Fletcher-Suit
pathologic findings that direct radiation therapy. In cervical brachytherapy systems are used. Most of this is applicable
cancer, surgical evaluation of possible lymph node metastases, to therapy for the uterus, cervix, and vagina. In general, if a
particularly in advanced cancers, may be done, or a radical large dose of intracavitary irradiation is applied centrally for
hysterectomy may be aborted because on inspection, the tumor a small lesion, the amount of external beam applied centrally
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 599


FIGURE 23.11  Assessing proper placement of tandem and ovoids. In both photos, small
interstitial silver seeds mark the cervix. Note that in A, the cervical stop, outlined in red, has
dropped away from the cervix, compromising the dose delivery to the tumor and increasing the
complications. In B, this has been corrected. Also note that the vaginal packing (delineated by
radiopaque string) lies below the ovoids and that the tandem is midline and bisects the ovoids.
In C, a lateral radiograph, the tandem again bisects the ovoids and lies beneath the bladder (the
Foley balloon is filled with contrast material) and does not lie too close to the sacrum.
600 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

bowel, but definitive randomized studies are not available to

date (see later).

Long-term Effects
B A A B Finally, it is important to understand the permanent nature
75 150 150 75 of radiation injury. When any area of the body is subjected to
30 50 100 200 200 100 50 30 tumoricidal doses of radiation, the normal tissues of that area
sustain an injury that is only partially repaired. The tumor
tissue disappears, but the normal tissue bed remains, and
residual radiation changes must be seriously considered if other
disease processes ensue. Radiobiologists estimate that in the
case of injury to normal tissues, only 5% to 20% of the damage
is repaired. If a second malignant neoplasm arises in that same
area many years later, additional tumoricidal radiation is fre-
quently impossible because of permanent radiation changes. In
addition, any surgical procedures performed within a previ-
FIGURE 23.12  Isodose curves surrounding a typical Fletcher- ously irradiated field are at higher risk for poor healing, fistula
Suit intracavitary application (tandem plus ovoids) for cervical formation, and so forth.
cancer. Note the location of points A and B and the relative Radiation-induced soft tissue necrosis can be a significant
dose rates at distances from the system. complication. This is usually a result of a progressive oblitera-
tive endarteritis that leads to decreased blood flow and a
must be reduced. Conversely, if a lesion is large and the vaginal resultant hypoxic tissue bed. This causes increased fibrosis, poor
geometry is poor, a smaller intracavitary dose can be given healing, and chronic ulceration. Local conservative manage-
and the dose administered by external beam may be raised  ment (eg, hydrogen peroxide douche, estrogen therapy) resolves
(6000–7000 cGy). the problem in many cases. A small group of patients has sig-
GEC-ESTRO dose/volume guidelines limit the bladder to nificant tissue breakdown that may be painful and may lead to
90 GyEQD2 and rectum/sigmoid to 70 to 75 GyEQD2 for a calcu- fistula formation. The use of hyperbaric oxygen has been shown
lated 2-cc volume combining doses from both external-beam to enhance healing in these radiation-induced injuries. Treat-
irradiation and brachytherapy. In this system, doses from HDR ment with hyperbaric oxygen requires entering a tank where
brachytherapy are converted by a formula to a 2-Gy equivalent one breathes 100% oxygen at an increased atmospheric pres-
to allow the doses to be added (EQD2, or equivalent dose at sure. This increases the oxygen concentration in all body tissues
2 Gy). The formula for conversion is EQD2 = D X [(d + α/β)/2 up to 20 times normal. This treatment is done daily for 6 to 8
+ α/β], where D is total dose, d is dose/fraction, and α/β is 3 weeks. Side effects include nausea, claustrophobia, painful pres-
for late-responding tissues and 10 for tumor/acute-responding sure on the ears—similar to the changes experienced with
tissues. Certain assumptions are made in this model, such as the airline pressure changes—pneumothorax, and oxygen toxicity.
same 2 cc of bladder, rectum, and sigmoid receive the maximal Permanent changes to the GU and GI tract can cause signs
amount of irradiation with each fraction of brachytherapy. and symptoms such as decreased bladder capacity, hematuria,
Especially in the mobile sigmoid colon, this assumption may be ureteral or urethral stricture, hematochezia, bowel obstruction,
erroneous but models the worst-case scenario. A recent paper chronic diarrhea, tenesmus, fecal incontinence, and fistula for-
by Georg and colleagues demonstrated that the 5-year actuarial mation. Gynecologic changes include dryness and shortening
rectal toxicity rate was 20% if the dose exceeded 75 GyEQD2 and of the vagina, dyspareunia, and decreased orgasm. All of these
5% if the 2-cc dose remained below 75 GyEQD2. For the bladder, long-term effects should be addressed by the oncology team to
the 5-year actuarial toxicity rate was 13% versus 9% if a value of maximize the patient’s quality of life.
100 GyEQD2 was used. Insufficient events occurred in the sigmoid
colon in this study for definitive analysis, but recommendations NEW RADIATION MODALITIES
remain to keep the sigmoid less than 70 to 75 GyEQD2. It is hoped
that further study will refine these guidelines. Protons
Pelvic radiation spares a significant portion of the small Protons result in an excellent physical dose distribution. The
bowel because bowel is normally in episodic motion. This tends dose increases slowly with depth and reaches a sharp maximum
to prevent any one segment from receiving an excessive dose. near the end of the particle’s range called the Bragg peak. This
However, if loops of small bowel are immobilized as a result of sharp dose peak allows for extremely precise, circumscribed
adhesions caused by previous surgery, they may be held directly delivery. Other than the physical distribution advantage, protons
in the path of the radiation beam and thus injured (Fig. 23.14). have biologic properties similar to x-rays. Protons are ideal for
The result of such an injury is usually not manifested for at least specific clinical situations, such as spinal cord tumors and eye
6 months or longer after completion of radiation. Studies melanomas, in which a sharp dose delivery is critical to avoid
demonstrate that the use of IMRT in the postoperative setting normal tissue damage. Reports also describe the utility in more
can decrease the acute effects of irradiation on the bladder and common tumors, such as prostate cancer. Although useful in
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 601

FIGURE 23.13  Comparison of normal

tissue irradiated with four field box tech-
nique (A), three-dimensional conformal
therapy (B), and intensity-modulated
radiation therapy (C). The red represents
areas that receive 100% of the prescrip-
tion dose, yellow 90%, green 50%, and
blue 40%. Notice how the normal tissue
volume receives less dose as the treat-
ment is delivered more conformally.

602 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

from a reduced OER (this translates into decreased hypoxic cell

resistance), reduced differential killing by cell cycle, reduced
ability for cells to repair sublethal damage, and higher effective-
ness for slowly cycling tumors.
Although randomized controlled trials demonstrated that
neutron therapy provided improved local control in some
tumors, its utility was limited by higher morbidity and cost.
Overall, use is limited by the cost of the cyclotron, limited depth
penetrations, high surface entrance dose, lack of sharp beam
boundaries, and variable intensity modulation.

Negative Pi Mesons and Other Heavy Ions

Negative pi mesons, or pions, are negatively charged particles
that have a mass 273 times that of an electron. These are pro-
duced in a cyclotron or linear accelerator using 400 to 800 MeV
protons that bombard a beryllium target. Pions exhibit a Bragg
peak produced by elicited protons, neutrons, and α particles.
Other heavy ions such as neon, argon, and carbon have been
studied, but equipment to produce these special particles is
expensive and not widely available. Use is limited to experimen-
tal therapy only. As with neutrons, these forms of radiation have
a high biologic effectiveness and a low dependence on oxygen.


Intraoperative Radiation
Several centers throughout the world are investigating the
utility of large-fraction intraoperative external irradiation.
FIGURE 23.14  Small bowel in the pelvis demonstrated by
small bowel contrast.
Patients are subjected to operative procedures in which the area
of involvement is carefully defined, and radiation fractions of
1500 to 2500 cGy are delivered directly to the area identified.
several clinical situations, the cost of delivery from a cyclotron Applications of this technique in gynecologic oncology have
or special linear accelerator makes it currently available in a few been in the treatment of biopsy-proven positive paraaortic or
cities, although interest is mounting and new centers are being pelvic nodes and marginally resectable recurrences. Electron
built or contemplated in other areas. beam radiation is delivered with one high-dose fraction with
the bowel and other sensitive normal tissues packed to the side,
Electrons thus minimizing the probability of visceral injuries. For best
Most modern linear accelerators can produce high-energy results, external-beam radiation is often combined with intra-
electron beams. Electrons lose energy rapidly as they travel in operative therapy. Because the intraoperative accelerators only
tissue and interact with tissue atoms, and ultimately their deliver electrons, it is subject to the same limitations as all
kinetic energy is reduced to zero. Therefore, unlike photons, electron beams (see previous discussion). Experience in both
electrons have a specific range dependent on energy and the primary and recurrent tumors has been reported. The results
tissue traversed. Transvaginal electron irradiation can be used are limited but have shown increased local control when used
for a copiously bleeding exophytic cervical lesion to induce selectively. The role of intraoperative radiation in gynecology is
hemostasis. The dosimetry is such that most of the energy not widespread and is limited to a few institutions that are
delivered transvaginally is absorbed into the malignant lesions capable of providing this specialized therapy. New techniques
itself. Lesions of the vulva and inguinofemoral lymph nodes are involving intraoperative low-energy radiation sources in the kV
also treated with electron beams in many institutions. The range are being investigated in other sites such as breast, but
limitations of electron therapy are related to the strengths. there are no reports of use in gynecologic cancers as yet.
Because it loses energy rapidly, it cannot be used for deep-seated
tumors, and the applicator must rest very close to the tumor Hyperthermia
itself, so only fairly superficial, shallow lesions are appropriately As discussed previously, solid tumor masses often have hypo-
treated with electrons. vascular centers, which are poorly penetrated by antineoplastic
drugs and have hypoxic, radioresistant cell fractions. Hyper-
Fast Neutrons thermia is another method used to overcome these relatively
Neutrons interact in tissue to produce recoil protons, α particles, radioresistant tumors. Although several anecdotal clinical observa-
and other nuclear particles. Their potential usefulness stems tions have been made, current interest in hyperthermia is based
CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 603

mainly on careful biologic studies on cells and transplantable marrow, has been demonstrated, especially in the postoperative
tumors performed in the 1980s. Although there is no evidence setting. Papers have been published on the use of IMRT in post-
that tumor cells are consistently more sensitive to heat than operative uterine and cervical carcinoma, vulvar carcinoma,
normal cells, several factors may contribute to a therapeutic whole abdominal radiotherapy, vaginal carcinoma, and intact
gain. Tumor hypoxic cell populations have an acidic pH and are cervical carcinoma. Because of the daily variation in bladder
nutritionally deprived. These factors increase sensitivity to heat. and rectal filling, the mobility of the upper vagina and cervix,
Therapeutic gain is also derived from selective heat retention and the change in cervical volume over the span of treatment
in the tumor. The hypoxic core is maintained at a higher tem- in intact cervical cancer, use of IMRT should be undertaken
perature than the normal tissues, which more efficiently remove with extreme caution and special attention should be given
heat secondary to better-organized vasculature. Ultimately, cell to assure that the target is accurately delineated and treated
death is dependent on the temperature achieved and is time with each fraction. Randomized, prospective trials evaluating
dependent. Hyperthermia is combined with radiation as each IMRT are anticipated, and consensus guidelines for clinical
modality preferentially kills a separate part of the tumor; in target volume delineation have been recently published by Lim
addition, heat increases the cell kill of external radiation by and colleagues. Introduction of new technology such as tomo-
inhibiting sublethal and potentially lethal damage repair. Late therapy (a linear accelerator linked to an online CT scanner),
S phase is the most sensitive phase to hyperthermia but the CyberKnife (a linear accelerator capable of fiducial imaging
most resistant to low LET (photon) radiation, and thus the two to target radiation), and cone-beam CT (CT scan mounted to
modalities complement one another. The first notable use of the linear accelerator) for image-guided radiotherapy assists in
hyperthermia in gynecologic oncology has been with interstitial daily target and normal tissue localization but in gynecologic
hyperthermia for deep tumors of the pelvis. Increased survival cancer is still investigational. Other concerns regarding this
has been demonstrated, although reports are mixed and the technology include the enormous physician and physics time
therapy is not commonly available. used for planning, increased cost, and the unknown long-term
consequences of lower dose but increased volume of tissue
Three-dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy exposed to radiation.
Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy is linked to a
multiplicity of imaging modalities, especially CT. Beam place- Stereotactic Radiotherapy
ment using a CT simulator replaces the conventional simulator Stereotactic radiation and gamma knife radiation are similar to
(fluoroscopic planning machine) for plan design to the extent IMRT and 3DCF radiation because they allow precise, high-
that the term “virtual simulation” is used to describe it. The dose delivery of external radiation. It is commonly used for
digitally reconstructed radiographs link the plan to the treat- both primary and metastatic brain tumors, small lung tumors,
ment unit in a manner that is rapidly replacing the conventional and an increasing number of other sites. Whereas stereotactic
simulator. Three dimensional conformal therapy (3DCF) entails radiation uses a modification of the linear accelerator, gamma
shaping of the beam to conform to the target as seen by CT knife is a separate machine with 201 separate 60Co sources used
imaging. The physician arranges the beams to maximize dose to to focus on the target.
the tumor and minimize dose to normal tissues. Patient, tumor,
and normal target movement demand patient immobilization Immune-tagged Radiation Therapy
and that adequate margin be placed around the targets to Recently, several products that tag a radioisotope to a monoclo-
prevent a “marginal miss.” nal antibody have entered the market. This modality of radia-
tion allows delivery of the radioactive isotope to the unique
Intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy antibody target. It has been used successfully in lymphomas and
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, compared with 3DCF awaits the identification of a unique target before development
therapy, uses the power of computers to perform hundreds to for a gynecologic use.
thousands of iterations of planning to maximize and shape
tumor dose and minimize normal tissue dose (Fig. 23.15). This GLOSSARY
form of planning, called forward planning, gives the computer absorbed dose  The energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation per unit
instructions on what dose to deliver to the targets and sets mass of irradiated material. The unit is the gray (Gy), defined to be an energy
limitations on normal structures. Both 3DCF therapy and absorption of 1 joule/kg. The old unit was the rad, which was defined as an
IMRT use small collimator “leaves” to finely shape the beam. energy absorption of 100 ergs/g.
brachytherapy  Treatment of malignant tumors by radioactive sources that
These “leaves” are mobile and block portions of the generated
are implanted close to (intracavitary) or within (interstitial) the tumor.
x-rays. If the collimator “leaves” move while the radiation beam dosimetry  The term applied to the measurement and calculation of dose that
is on and vary the beam intensity, areas of tumor and normal the patient receives.
tissue can receive a spectrum of doses, hence the term intensity electron volt (eV)  The energy of motion acquired by an electron accelerated
modulated. These collimator “leaves” also allow for irregular through a potential difference of 1 volt.
excitation  The moving of an electron to a more distant orbit within the same
shapes to be treated. This technology has demonstrated similar
local control with reduced complications in several sites such gamma rays  Electromagnetic irradiation (originating inside the nucleus)
as prostate and head and neck. In gynecologic cancer, decreased emitted by excited nuclei. The gamma rays from an isotope will have one or
radiation to normal tissues, including bowel, bladder, and bone several sharply defined energies.
604 CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy

FIGURE 23.15  In A and B, note how little normal

tissue is treated to accomplish the sidewall nodal
boost. In C, note how the renal parenchyma and
spinal cord are relatively spared in treating the
paraaortic recurrence.

CHAPTER 23  Basic Principles in Gynecologic Radiotherapy 605

Gray (Gy)  The special name for the unit of absorbed dose and specific energy oxygen enhancement ratio (OER)  The ratio of the dose required for a
impacted; 1 Gy = 1 joule/kg = 100 rads. given level of cell killing under hypoxic conditions compared with the dose
half-life  The time in which half the atoms of a radioactive species needed in air.
disintegrate. penumbra  The radiation outside the full beam, which is often caused by
image-guided brachytherapy (IGBT)  The use of imaging for three- scatter or incomplete collimation.
dimensional, volume directed planning. rad  A unit-absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equivalent to the absorption
image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT)  The use of images taken before, of 100 erg per gram of irradiated material.
during, or after treatment while in the treatment room to allow visualization relative biologic effectiveness (RBE)  A ratio of the absorbed dose of a
of target, fiducial markers, or organs at risk. reference radiation to the absorbed dose of a test radiation to produce the
intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)  Computer technology same level of biologic effect, other conditions being equal.
that allows variable fluence across the beam and increased conformance to rem  The old unit of dose equivalent. It is the product of the absorbed dose
target relative to normal tissues. in rads and modifying factor and is being replaced by the sievert.
inverse square law  The intensity of radiation from a point varies inversely as roentgen (R)  An internationally accepted unit of radiation quantity: It is the
the square of the distance from the source. Thus, the dose rate at 2 cm from a quantity of “x-ray or gamma irradiation such that the associated corpuscular
source is one fourth that at 1 cm. At 3 cm, the dose rate is one-ninth that at 1 cm. emission per 0.001293 g of air produces, in air, ions carrying 1 esu of
ionization  The removal of an electron from an atom, leaving a positively quantity of electricity of either sign.” X-rays originate outside the nucleus.
charged ion. Sievert (SU):  The unit of dose equivalent in the SI system (1 Sv = 100 rem).
ionizing radiation  Radiation capable of causing ionization. x-rays:  Rays emitted by a particular generator will emit a spectrum of
isotope  Nuclides having an equal number of protons but a different number energies.
of neutrons (excitable situation).
keV  1000 eV.
linear energy transfer (LET)  The energy lost by the particle or photon per
For the bibliography list, log onto www.expertconsult.com
micron of path depth. High LET radiations are more effective against 〈http://www.expertconsult.com〉.
hypoxic cells.
meV  1,000,000 eV.
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