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1. In region 1 of the Fig. B1 = 1.2 ax + 0.8ay +0.4az T. Find H2 (i.e. H at z > 0 in region 2)
and the angles between the field vectors and the normal to the interface.
z B2
μ2 =1

1 z<0
μ1 =15

2. Which of the followings represent the Ampere’s law for magnetostatics?

(i) ∫ H⃗ .d ⃗l =I fenc (ii) ∫ H⃗ .d ⃗l =I enc (iii) ∫ ⃗B .d ⃗l =μ0 I fenc (iv) ∫ ⃗B .d ⃗l =μ0 I enc
I enc is the current enclosed by the amperian loop
I fenc
is the free current enclosed by the amperian loop
3. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, express the statement mathematically.
4. What is Poynting Vector Theorem and what is its significance, express mathematically
with suitable meaning for each term. (6)
5. Express the Magnetic potential vector in terms of bound currents. Explain the meaning of
those bound currents with the help of geometrical figures. (4)

6. Find the ratio of the conduction current density to the displacement current density. (2)
Given: Conduction current density = σ ⃗E ; σ is the conductivity of the medium.

7. A conductor, 1 cm in length and parallel to the z axis, rotates at a radius of 20 cm with an

angular speed of 20 π rad/s in anti- clockwise
direction. Find the induced voltage if the radial field is
given by B =
0.5 ρ T. (4)

8. Prove that the electric field and magnetic field associated with electromagnetic waves in
free space are perpendicular to each other and also perpendicular to the propagation
vector. (6)
Fill in the blanks for next two questions
9. A Paramagnetic material, when placed in a magnetic field, it will experience a force of
………….. (attraction/repulsion) towards the region of stronger field where as the
Diamagnetic material, when placed in a magnetic field, it will experience a force of
…………….. (attraction/repulsion) towards the region of stronger filed. (4)

10. The relative permeability of a typical paramagnetic material is ………… (equal to/
greater than/ less than) one whereas that of a diamagnetic material is ………… (equal to/
greater than/ less than) One. (2)

11. The Electric field intensity of a plane wave in free space is given as
→ →
E=94 . 25cos(ωt +6 z)a x V/m. Determine the wave frequency, and direction of
propagation. Find the displacement current density and average power flow per unit area.
Determine Magnetic field intensity. (6)

12. The magnetic Flux density – B az passing through the bounded region (in xy plane)
between a and b is decreasing with time. Determine the polarity of
the points a and b. )

13. Derive the expression for magnetic energy density stored in an inductance L.
14. Explain the difference between electric field lines produced by a stationary charge and
the changing magnetic field. You should draw the figure and write the suitable Maxwell
equations for the two cases.

15. The electric and magnetic fields associated with plane TEM wave in free space are

(a) Always in the same phase

(b) Never in the same phase
(c) Sometimes in the phase
(d) Their phases are independent of each other

16. A conductor moving, with a uniform velocity V in the x direction, through a uniform
magnetic flux density pointed towards z direction. The conductor was cut into two equal
half pieces while it was still in motion. What difference would you observe between the
two pieces when they were brought to rest? Explain.
17. What do you understand by magnetization? Explain the difference between
Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic and Ferromagnetic materials

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