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 What do you think the person you have chosen is an extraordinary one?
 The person I chose my father. He is an extraordinary one and the most
amazing, hardworking, and fearless man that we have. No words can
express how thankful I am to God that he gives us a man and a father that
is very strong and a protector to our family and gives us smile.
 How do you think the life and actions of your chosen person changed one's
perspective and beliefs?
 As I grow up, I’ve witnessed all the sacrifices and hardships that my father
did to be able to give us better life and apprise us to be a good person and
be thankful for the simple life that we have. He never failed teaching us
what is right and wrong, to do good deeds to others and be respectful.
All the actions that he did change me to have a good perspective in life
and guided with the right beliefs.
 Would you consider the same thing as what s/he did? why?
 Yes, I always looked up to her of how brave he was in molding us and
helped me to become the best version of myself. How I wish I would be
like my father, that is independent, strong, and brave man that always
focus on positive things in life. I’m very proud to say that he is my father
and he’s not just father but also a fighter.
 How would you know if a person's story is good or bad?
 For me, I believe that through listening and seeing his/her actions will help
me to determine if that person’s story is good or bad. In addition, we
should also not focus on the good or bad side because we all know that
there’s no such perfect in life but if you’re a good person then it will
eventually flow.
 Why do you think people who read books or watch films are moved by the beliefs
and actions of a person?
 Some people prefer to watch the movie first. Others prefer to read the
book first. Consequently, I see value and differences in both. But
regardless of one’s preference, reading and watching movies are different
things. But both are great for stress relief, growth in knowledge and
vocabulary and are great hobbies.
 What makes a life story good?
 For me, in what makes a life story good by making good memories. Each of us has
different story to tell. We encounter a lot of problems and difficulties in life. But by
making good memories with your family, friends and loved ones will always be kept
in your heart and mind.

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