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Danielle Angela T.

Hazel Manganaan
BSBA MM – B123

The muscular system enables the body to move, maintains posture, and circulates
blood throughout the body. Through the nervous system, the muscles are able to move the
body. Even though some muscles, such as the cardiac muscle, can be used completely on their
own, most muscle systems in vertebrates are controlled by the nervous system.
There are five major properties to the muscular system, the first one is excitable or irritable, in
other words they have the ability to receive nerve stimulation and respond to it. Second, they
are contractible. They can contract or shorten after receiving stimulation. The next one is
extensible; a muscle can be stretched without damage by the application of force and with
elasticity a muscle is able to return to its original resting shape and length after being extended
or contracted. Lastly, adaptability, it can be changed in response to how it is used. As an
example, the muscle will enlarge or undergo hypertrophy with increased work or it can go to
atrophy, wasting away of muscle.
There are also five types of muscle movements. Adduction is the moving of a body part toward
the mid-line of the body while the abduction is away from the body. Flexion means bending a
joint to decrease the angle between two bones or two body parts while the extension is
straightening and extending a joint to increase the angle. And lastly, rotation, moving a body
part around an axis.
We have 3 types of muscles which are the cardiac muscle, visceral or smooth muscles &
skeletal muscles, all of these muscles move either voluntarily or involuntarily. Cardiac muscle
is founded in our heart and an involuntary muscle because it relaxes our heart without our
consciousness. Visceral or smooth muscles founded in our stomach, intestines and blood
vessels, it's also an involuntary muscle because it has arranged in layered sheets that helps to
the flow and doing its motion without our conscious awareness. Skeletal muscles are usually
attached to our bones and it's a voluntarily muscles because out of all our muscles these
muscles are the ones we can move with our conscious awareness. Skeletal muscle has three
layers of connective tissue that enclose it and provide structure to the muscle as a whole. We
have 2 types of skeletal muscle fiber which are slow twitch and fast twitch.

One of the important parts of the muscle system is its supportive structures which are tendons
and fascia. Tendons basically connect muscles to the bones while Fascia connects muscle to
another muscle and they are work together to help our body to move.

Let's jump to another system but controls our voluntary muscles which is Nervous System. If
our nervous system and skeletal muscles separates, it cannot produce movements to our body
so our body is paralyzed. The only muscle that can do its job without the directly help of the
nervous system is cardiac muscles.

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