Eyesha Sadiq - News Story 2 Stacy Carol

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News Story 2: Stacy Carol

Sophomore Stacy Carol might be moved to a different school by the school board in the
disciplinary hearing tomorrow, because she is violating the school dress code.
Stacy refuses to take off her lip-piercing jewelry for religious reasons.. Stacy believes her
rights are being violated.
“The piercing is part of Stacy’s religion,” parent Lareina Carol said. “My daughter wants
to go to class, but she also doesn’t want her First Amendment rights trampled.”
Leaguetown ISD dress code prohibits facial jewelry except ears for females.
“When we created this dress code in 2009, the district sought input from students,
faculty, and community members,” superintendent Parker Gordon said. “Imagine what our
schools would be like if we allowed students to wear whatever they liked. We also want our
students to understand expectations in dress. Employers have dress codes. We are modeling
the business world with our expectations.”
Stacy has been in In-School Suspension for nine school days.
“I don’t understand why the district won’t drop this,” Carol said. “We don’t worship a
tattooed god or anything like that. One spiritually comes from what we choose to do to
ourselves, Through body modification, we change how we see ourselves and the world around
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is defending Stacy at her discipline hearing.
The ACLU has said that if she loses then they will take this issue in court.
“Stacy has a solid case,” ACLU lawyer Sonia Stephens said. “It is in the best interest of
the school district to allow her a religious exemption from the dress code. A court case could be
costly and lengthy. That district doesn’t have much to stand out since it already has two religious
exemptions on file. It will be hard pressed to defend that in court.”
Stacy goes to the Church of Body Modification and practices ancient and modern body
modification. The church has around 3,500 members that live in the US.
“Just because a few people get together and call themselves a church doesn’t mean
they have a church in the eyes of the law,” constitutional lawyer Jett Ramirez said. “Heck, In
Australia, there is a movement for a Jedi Church. Does that mean we have to allow all teenage
boys to wear Jedi Knight robes and carry lightsabers to school? The school district should hold
its ground. I believe the courts will see the absurdity in this.”
The dress code does not allow hats and headwear, but two Muslims students get
exemptions because they wear hijab.
“I don’t think you can compare the Muslim religion to the Church of Body Modification,”
junior Amina Shkuri said. “We have a rich and long history. There are more than a billion
Muslims worldwide. Our beliefs are documented. I don’t have a problem with Stacy’s lip
piercing, but comparing her lip piercing to my hijab is absurd.”
Stacy wants to express her faith.
“I asked Stacy if she wanted to back down and take out the lip jewelry, but she believes
in our church and in our freedom,” Lareina said. “She wants to stand up for herself and for that, I
am proud.”

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