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Package of Practices for Basmati Rice -Wheat – Green manure in Punjab

Details of crops in cropping system

A. Basmati Rice

Particulars Kharif
Crop Basmati
Fortnight of sowing/planting Ist fortnight of July
Fortnight of harvesting Ist Fortnight of November
Varieties suitable for organic farming Punjab Basmati 2

Important features for suitable varieties

Parameter Punjab Basmati 2

Duration (Days) 140
Source(s) of availability PAU
Suitable region/District in the State Punjab

Nursery raising practices

Area of nursery required for 1 ha 500 m2

Nursery raising method Flat bed sowing
Bed size (length x breadth in m ) 10 m x2 m plot size
Seed sowing rate /m2 40 g
Source and optimum quantity of Materials Quantity/ m2 area Method of
organic manures/other nutrient application
source/m2 of nursery FYM (1%N) 12 kg Broadcasting
Organic plant protection practices Name of pest Recommended Quantity/m2 area
disease organic materials
used to control
Stem borer Tricho cards 40 cards /acre at
5-6 times
Optimum age of nursery (days ) 35-40

Field preparation: Two ploughing (Disc Harrow/Cultivator) and planking

Cultural Practices
Seed Rate (Kg/ha) 20
Spacing (Row x plant) in cm 20x15 cm
No. of seedling /hill (in nursery 1-2
crops only)
Irrigation practices Number of Most Critical stages Depth of
irrigation for Irrigation irrigation (cm)
5 Panicle initiation 7.5
Major weeds Cyperus spp, Eleusine indiaca, Caesulia axillaris
Echinochloa crusgalli , Ischaemum rugosum
Sphenoclea zeylanica
Weed Management Critical stage of Recommended practices for
weeding organic condition
30-40DAT Hand weeding

Parameter 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Mean

Economic 2990 3120 2420 - - 2843

yield (kg/ha)

B. Wheat (Rabi)

Important features for suitable varieties

Parameter PBW 621

Duration (Days) 158
Source(s) of availability PAU
Suitable region/District in the State Punjab
Specific resistance/tolerance to Disease Brown rust, Yellow rust

Field preparation: Three Ploughing followed by planking

Cultural Practices
Seed Rate (Kg/ha) 100
Spacing (Row x plant) in cm 20 cm row spacing
Basal application of organic Sources Quantity /ha
manures including soil application FYM(1%N) 30.0 t/ha
of biofertilisers, bio-control agents Or
FYM(1%N) 4.25 t/ha
VC(1.5%N) 2.75t/ha
NEC (2.5% N) 1.65 t/ha
Major weeds Chenopodium album, Phalaris minor, Convovulus
arvensis , Rumex dentatus , Malva neglecta
Irrigation practices Number of Most Critical stages Depth of
irrigation for Irrigation irrigation (cm)
5 CRI 7.5
Weed Management Critical stage Recommended practices for organic
of weeding condition
30-45 DAS Hand weeding


Parameter 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Mean

Economic 3350 4440 4940 - - 4243

yield (kg/ha)

Sunhemp (Green manure summer)

Important features for suitable varieties

Parameter PAU 1691
Duration (Days) 45-60
Source(s) of availability PAU
Suitable region/District in the State Punjab

Cultural Practices
Seed Rate (Kg/ha) 50
Spacing (Row x plant) in cm 22.5 cm row spacing
Irrigation practices No. of Most critical stages Depth of irrigation
irrigations of irrigation
3 - 7.5
(Source: Organic Production Guide NPOF , ICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram )

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