Abhilash N - Java

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+1 (872) 222 8701

 An accomplished IT professional with 12+ Years of Experience in design and developing large scale high
business value mobile / web applications with TDD focusing mainly in Angular, Java, Spring, Spring boot,
Microservices, React, Redux, Oracle based technologies.
 Having an experience in Identity and Access Management (IAM) domain implementing various
solutions for Authorization (RBAC, ABAC), Authentication, SOD, Re-certification process.
 Experience in building middleware REST API, Web services using JAVA, Spring, JSON etc.
 Experience in building micro services based on Spring boot.
 Experience in developing application using Spring Framework (Spring boot, Spring JPA, Spring Data
etc.) along with Hibernate.
 Experience in Front end technologies using AngularJS, Angular 10/11/12, React JS, Type Script, ES06,
CSS3, Sass, Less, Bootstrap, Styled Components.
 Experience in developing cross platform native apps using Ionic framework.
 Experience in working on databases like Oracle, MySQL MongoDB.
 Experienced in the use of DevOps pipeline. Worked on configuration and source code management
tools (Git), CI tools (Jenkins), build tools (Maven), Project Management Tools (Jira).
 Experience in building iOS Apps using Swift, Objective C and XCode.
 Experience in reporting framework iReport JASPER.
 Has experience working in Agile Development. Also worked on Waterfall Model.
 Worked on BDD and TDD application development.
 Worked on Unit Testing frameworks. Karma, Jasmine, JEST, React testing library.
 Have worked as Team Lead to deliver the product deliverables.
 SDLC experience including Requirement Analysis, Design, Documentation, Coding & Review, Testing,
Release / Deployment.
 Strong analytical abilities with good understanding of technology environment and trends.
 Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to coordinate and motivate team members.
 Proven skills working at client place, client interaction and ease in grasping newer technologies.

Platform Windows, Unix
Programming Languages C++, Java, Type Script, Objective C, Swift
UI Angular JS, Angular 10/11/12, React JS , Redux, CSS3, Bootstrap
Middleware Spring boot, Spring Framework, Hibernate
Databases Oracle 11g/12C, MS SQL, My SQL, DB2, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Servers Apache Tomcat
CI / CD JIRA, GIT, Jenkins, Maven, npm
IDE Tools IntelliJ, Visual Source Code, SQL Developer, Jasper iReport, Visual Studio
Others JSON, Ionic, PhoneGap, OpenGL, iTunes SDK, Brew SDK
Project Execution Models Agile, Waterfall


Client: InComm, Alpharetta, GA Feb 2021 - Present

Full Stack Java Developer
 As a Full stack developer, involved in back-end and front-end in developing, maintaining, reviewing and
supporting quality code and services.
 Involved in Daily SCRUM meetings and weekly SPRINT Meetings.
 Enhanced and optimized the functionality of Web UI using React and Redux.
 Fetched JSON data within Orchestration Layer with Spring Boot Application and displaying it in UI using
 Analysed business requirements to translate functional requirements into technical requirements and
developed web application using MongoDB, Express, React.js/Redux and Node.js (MERN stack).
 The back-end use of Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB and Mongoose, the complete MERN Stack to
provide RESTful API..
 Developed SOAP web services using JAX-WS and persistence using Hibernate and JPA framework.
 Involved in writing and testing test scripts using Selenium WebDriver and Java Object Oriented
Programming Language.
 Developed Restful microservices using Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Batch and Java 8 based on the
 Experience in Web application functional testing using Selenium.
 Implemented Selenium Web Drivers and Protractor For testing the UI components.
 Involved in running Selenium automation scripts and updating the scripts per enhanced requirements
using Selenium WebDriver.
 Developed various screens for frontend using ReactJS, Used predefined components from NPM and
Redux library.
 Deployed all the microservices into OpenShift and AWS. Verified the deployments by testing the API
using web service testing tools like Soap-UI and Postman.
 Implemented TDD (Test Driven Development) for new enhancements
 Develop the front-end components using React, CSS3 and Bootstrap3.
 Implemented various features of spring framework such as Dependency Injection, IOC, Annotations and
Spring integration with Hibernate.
 Implemented Java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring
security modules.
 Implemented the application using design patterns such as Session Facade, Business Delegate, Bean
Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator.
 Worked with JAXB, SAXP and XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from
XML to database and JAXB in the web service's request response data marshalling as well as un-
marshalling process.
 Defined strategic initiatives on Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD) model with Test-driven
development, Extreme programming (XP), and build automation, in an AGILE development
environment to help, respond quickly to business needs and to ship world class Quality products.
 Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) purposes for persistence onto the Oracle

Environment: Java, JDBC, Struts, JavaScript, Html, Microservices, CSS, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, CVS,
ANT, Log4J, Web Logic Server, MongoDB, ReactJS, Angular, Node.Js, DHTML, Spring, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka,
Jenkins, JQuery, GIT, AWS, Angular, REST Web services, SOAP UI.

Client: Standard Insurance, Bridgeport, CT Jul 2019 - Jan 2021

Full Stack Java Developer
● Made use of React JS to build Bootstrap components for responsive UI objects and linked with API data
to view and render the virtual DOM dynamically.
● Responsible for the overall layout design and prototype using React JS with Redux library, jQuery UI,
and CSS/Less and HTML5.
● Implemented Node JS as a server-side proxy for an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to make the
application lightweight and efficient.
● Extensively worked in writing minimal code in building re-usable forms with their validations using
REACT with Redux Architecture.
● Good knowledge of Lambda expressions, Time APIs, and Java 8 core features
● Optimized cleaning up of session-level Data Structure's shared across different open tabs when data is
flushed/committed from one of the tabs.
● Implemented Struts encouraging application architectures based on the Model View Controller (MVC)
design pattern and Struts 2 framework for front-end development and presentation logic.
● Developed JavaScript for all client-side validations and developed GUI using CSS, JSTL, and XSL.
● Apply focused development changes across oracle databases and see the changes applied through the
life cycle of environments and testing into production via internal deployment tool.
● Define requirements and specifications for Development using Oracle R12, Oracle Forms, Oracle
Reports and SQL.
● Web pack module bundler and Babel JavaScript compiler are used accompanying React JS.
● Implemented Spring Boot to create a CRUD back-end for our React-frontend application.
● Worked with Jenkins Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
● Experience in Docker Engine and Docker Machine environment, to deploy the micro services-oriented
environments for scalable applications.
● JUnit is implemented along with Mokito to perform unit testing on our RESTful web application.
● DevOps role converting existing AWS infrastructure to Server-less architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis)
deployed via CloudFormation.
● Dockerized Spring Boot application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry PAAS (Platform as a service).
● Worked with container-based application deployments using Docker with Kubernetes.
● Experience integrating the internal security model into new projects with Spring Batch, Spring
Microservices and Spring Boot.
● Performed Unit testing on ReactJS applications using Karma and Jasmine tools and worked with the
Gulp tool to build automation.
● Performed Unit testing on applications using tools Mocha to test ReactJS and Chai for Node.js.
● Experience in integration testing tools like Selenium Web Driver, Cucumber (Behaviour Driven
Development testing).

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Redis, Express JS, jQuery, JavaScript, Node JS, Bootstrap, REST API, Load Balancer,
Mongoose Connector, Mongo DB, REST administrations, Docker, Mocha, Jasmine, Karma, Gulp, SSO Authentication,
WebPack, Kubernetes, Selenium, Maven and Jenkins. GIT, Jenkins, AWS Services, Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2).

Client: Acertus, Plano, TX Jul 2018 - Jul 2019

Full Stack Developer
 Participation in Agile Scrum Ceremonies
 Participation in SDLC lifecycle phases including Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing & User
Acceptance Testing.
 Involved in the development of the new modules as well as maintenance of the existing modules along
with ongoing defect fixes.
 Used Angular CLI to create modules, components, services etc.
 Used various Angular hooks for components implementation.
 Implemented Angular Service layer wrapper to integrate with backend services using RXJS.
 Implemented ag-grid library for data table implementation.
 Involved in writing middleware REST API layer using Spring boot, Spring Core.
 Involved in writing API with Rest controller, Service Layer, Repository and Entity classes layer.
 Implemented database connectivity operations using Spring JPA, Hibernate.
 Involved in writing unit test cases using Junit.
 Involved in testing the REST API’s using Postman.
 Participated in System Integration Testing and Level 3 Support Cycle
 Participated in peer code review using GIT / BIT Bucket
 Participated In Design / requirement workshops for migrating monolithic application to Micro service
bases application.

Environment: Angular 6/7, Typescript, Bootstrap, CSS3, Angular CLI, ag-grid, D3.js, JSON, Spring boot, Spring Core,
Spring JPA, JAVA, Hibernate, Oracle, JIRA, GIT, Jenkins, Google App Engine

Altice USA, Bethpage, NY Oct 2017 - Jun 2018

Sr Java Developer
 Developing through the use ofHTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript& working knowledge of bootstrap.js.
 Designed Frontend with an object-oriented JavaScript Framework like AngularJS.
 Built HTML5 pages which were wrapped into a CRX for deployment as a chrome extension.
 Used a combination of ATDD, TortoiseMerge and Beyond Compare to keep the windows application
branch and the chrome extension branch in sync.
 Used Apache Cordova to wrap the AngularJS SPA for deployment as a windows application.
 Interacted with Salesforce to fetch data using SOQL queries and Angular's$http service.
 Used SVN through TortoiseSVN for version control.
 Added a custom implementation of a gesture-based navigation on page with snapping through the use
of Vanilla JavaScript.
 Used jQuery to make the HTML, DHTML and CSS code interact with the JavaScript functions to add
dynamism to the web pages at the client side.
 Built custom rest API though the use of AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway.
 Used NodeJS to build AWS Lambda code and used it to debug code locally before pushing the code to
 Used AWS CloudFront to setup a dynamic CDN to use as a mirror for files in an AWSS3 bucket to side
step simultaneous connection limitations for AWSS3.
 Debugged the AWS Lambda code through the use of AWS CloudWatch.
 Used an AWSEC2 instances with NodeJS, Jasmine to performance test the code that was being written.

Environment: HTML5, AWS, CSS, Selenium, FIX Protocol 4.4, ATDD, GIT, Ajax, PostgreSQL, Splunk, ELK, Angular 4,
Angular CLI, Webpack, Node JS, React JS, Redux, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, REST, Grails, Struts, Junit, Mockito,
Power Mock, Mock MVC, Jasmine, Karma, Gradle, Selenium, Protractor, Lambda, Cloud formation, SNS, Cucumber,
Jira, Confluence, Windows, Linux, UNIX.

Johnson & Johnson, Raritan, NJ Nov 2016 - Sep 2017

Sr Java Developer
● Used HTML5, CSS, jQuery, Ajax and performed client-side validations using JavaScript.
● Effectively used Angular Directives, filters, declarative templates, service providers, and context-aware
● Developed application on Spring framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency injection,
Spring Beans, Spring Security, Spring JPA, Spring Web flow using MVC
● Worked on Spring Framework handling major concepts like Dependency Injections, Spring IoC
Containers, Transaction Management Declaratives (annotations based).
● Deployed the drools rules as a service in the J2EE stack environment.
● Wrote SQL Queries, PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers, packages on Oracle database.
● Configured Hibernate's second-level cache using EH cache to reduce the number of hits to the
configuration table data.  
● Implemented security functionality for various projects using Site minder (SSO).
● Hibernate ORM framework is used to interact with databases through Hibernate query language (HQL).
And also worked with the Hibernate EH Cache technique for the critical objects in the application.
● Used Backbone JS to utilize its rendering functions and create controllers to handle events triggered by
clients and send requests to the server.
● Developed an automated application using JMS for messaging and JNDI to interact with the server. 
● Configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructure utilizing Amazon Web Services like
Amazon Ec2, Amazon S3.
● Configured Jenkins to handle application deployment in the Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) server and
integrate with GitHub version control.
● Implemented ODBC, which is used for connecting to the Oracle database.
● Used Maven build tool to deploy the application on web servers, i.e., JBoss.
● Unit, functional, end-to-end testing is achieved using the TestNg framework. 
● Integration testing methods and Behavioral driven testing in the application are implemented using
Selenium and Cucumber, respectively. 

Environment: Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, Active MQ, JMS, Hibernate, DB2, SOAP-AXIS2,
Restful services, JAX-RS SOA, Eclipse Java EE IDE Neon, Jenkins, Git, Log4j, DB2, Grunt, Jasmine, JBoss, Jenkins,
OpenShift, Drools, Maven, TestNg, Protractor, Grunt, Selenium, Cucumber, WADL.

Infomatrix, Hyderabad, India Aug 2011 - Apr 2014

Java Developer
• Involved in designing functional specifications.
• Designed technical design documents using UML.
• Implemented the business logic with MVC and DAO.
• Used Spring and Hibernate framework.
• Developed utilities for Mailing, accessing pdf and excel files.
• Involved in data modeling and writing SQL queries.
• Ant implemented to build and deploy the application on the servers.
• Log4j was used to take care of the logging events.
• Implemented the singleton reload mechanism.
• Designed and developed Webservices.
• Involved in code rebasing and code delivering activities with clear Case.
• Reviewed Java codes, checked for anti-patterns and re-factored applications.
• Performed tuning on JAVA code, JVM configuration and SQL queries.

Environment: JDK 1.5, J2EE, Eclipse 3.2, JSP, JPA, Servlets, EJB, RMI, JDBC, HTML, JavaScript, Oracle 10g, Windows

Malgudi Trading, Mumbai, India Jan 2009 - Jul 2011

iOS Programmer
 Built and developed applications on iOS. The apps were based on current trends in retail industry
 Participated in SDLC activities including Analysis, Design, Development
 Interface design and implementation.
 Creating/Handling app messaging system
 Porting data to various platforms
 Performed Unit Testing for modules
 App release management

Environment: iOS, XCode, Objective-C

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