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Ph#: 720-657-6393
Professional Summary:
 Over 5+ years of experience as a .Net developer in developing and implementing, database driven Client/Server
applications using .NET Framework.
 Experience in various Phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) i.e. Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, Testing and User Training of Enterprise Web-Applications, Stand alone and Distributed
 Expertise in implementing web applications using .NET 4.7/4.6/4.5/4.0/3.5/3.0/2.0, C#, ADO.NET, XML and IIS.
 Strong hands on experience in using Microsoft Technologies like Win-forms, Web-forms, Web Services using Visual
Studio .Net, Visual C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, SQL Server, MS access, Web Forms, Win Forms, SOAP, WSDL
and Web Services.
 Expertise in Code reviews, defining coding standards and performance optimization using .NET.
 Strong Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) and C#, VB.NET Programming skills.
 Proficient in web application using HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, VBScript and AJAX.
 Experienced in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
 Extensive work experience with Data Adapter, Dataset and Data reader as a part of ADO.NET to access and update
 Experience in using LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework and ADO.NET to develop Data Access Layer.
 Good Experience in database development in creating complex database Queries, Views, Stored Procedures, User
Defined Functions, Cursors and Triggers.
 Strong database knowledge and experience in working with different database servers for developing complex
queries, stored procedures, cursors and triggers using SQL Server, Entity Framework, SQL Reporting Services,
 Experience in development of Stored Procedures and Triggers using SQL Server, Reporting Services.
 Strong Knowledge in End-to-End Software Development Life Cycle, Application Development Methodology (ADM)
and Agile Methodologies, ER Diagram.
 Effective Technical skills with self-motivated, presentation skills with a focused result oriented approach and
interpersonal skills.
 Proven track record in software development with strong work ethics, problem solving capabilities and
communication skills.

Technical Skills:
Languages C#, VB.Net, C, C++, SQL & PL/SQL
Web Technologies .NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/4.6/4.7, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WCF, ASP.NET MVC,
Scripting Java Script, AJAX, Angular 2/4, JQuery
Development Tools MS Visual Studio, N-Unit Testing Framework
Version Controller MS Visual Source Safe (VSS), GIT, TFS
Service Oriented Architecture WCF, .NET Web Services, SOAP
Web Servers Internet Information Services (IIS)
Database SQL Server, My-SQL
Operating System Windows Variants

Professional Experience:

Client: Jefferson Bank, San Antonio, TX. Dec 2020 – Till Date
Role: .NET Developer
 Involved in requirement gathering, requirement analysis, defining scope, and design by reverse engineering the
existing application.
 Utilized C# generics, delegates, events, extension methods, anonymous types, and lambda expressions.
 Involved in the creation of a lot of User controls and custom controls using C#, ASP.NET that build up the pages.
 Designed different components using C#.NET and built N-Tier architecture with extensive use of object oriented
programming techniques likes Inheritance, Interfaces etc.
 Designed and developed Web Forms using ASP.NET and C# and created necessary classes in the business
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) was designed using ASP.NET MVC and the business logic was coded in C# [MVC
 Created WCF Services responsible for communicating and providing real time data from integrated server to Client
 Implemented Windows Authentication WCF to authenticate users of the application.
 Worked on ASP.NET client side state management (view state, cookies and query strings) and server side state
management (application state, session state and profile properties) using C#.Net.
 Extensively involved in developing components for Business and Data tier using C#.Net and ADO.NET.
 Involved in Design and Developing components of this application using C#.NET and JavaScript.
 Implemented business, database access layer classes in C#.Net using UML class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
 Used WPF for creating windows and custom win form control using various animation techniques.
 Worked extensively on web forms and data binding controls like data list and drop down boxes.
 Used ADO.NET and data objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset, data table for consistent access to SQL
data sources.
 Used LINQ to Entities, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML and LINQ to Objects for retrieving the data proficiently.
 Stored and accessed data from XML files programmatically using C# and LINQ to XML.
 Implemented validations using ASP.NET validation Controls.
 Developed User Interface with CSS, HTML and DHTML and also involved in developing web Pages with rich UI, AJAX,
JQuery using ASP.NET.
 Designed and developed desktop Application using WPF, XAML, and Expression blend Modified web services using
C# to interact with the other applications and exposed them using HTTP and SOAP.
 Implemented Web Services in C# based on SOAP protocols using XML, XSLT and WSDL transforms extensively for
data transfers.
 Used Angular HTTPClient to (post, get, put and delete) to retrieve data through Web API, used Angular to create the
modules with the components and routing client path.
 Implemented Angular 2/4 formats view results using various controls and filters.
 Involved in portal GUI design using Site map and Client-side validation is done by AJAX validation extender.
 Used JQuery libraries to simplify event handling, AJAX interactions
 The incoming data was stored in a JSON format on to the set- top boxes and a windows service was created to
maintain the updated data.
 Used Visual Studio .NET IDE to design the forms, develop and debug the application.
 Written stored procedures and SQL statements to access data from SQL Server and developed database stored
procedures, functions, views and created DTS packages for data transfer from various files.
 Created & published reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
 Used Agile (Scrum) Methodology for rapid and more disciplined development during implementation.

Environment: .Net 4.7, Visual Studio, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, MVC, Web Forms, Web API, CSS3, HTML5, Angular 2/4,
JSON, JQuery, XML, LINQ, SOAP, Web Services, agile, SSRS, SQL Server and Windows.

Client: LPL Financial, San Diego, CA. Sep 2019 – Nov 2020
Role: .NET Developer
 Gathered functional, business, and technical requirements and prepared the requirement documents.
 Designed and developed the complete system development life cycle like system analysis, design, development, and
implementing of the architecture.
 Deployment of Classic ASP and MVC .Net Applications using different application tools on web server as a single
Intranet Application
 Developed ASP.NET caching features, configuring ASP.NET optimizations, securing ASP.NET web application.
 Involved in requirement analysis and application designing sessions Designed and implemented the Web Pages of
project using ASP.NET and C#.
 Developed Web Forms for User Interfaces using ASP.NET and C#.NET using Server Controls, HTML Controls and User
 Implemented Web Services to integrate the client systems using WCF.
 Created and deployed XML Web Services (WCF) using ASP.NET and C#, used them to generate the proxy class files
based on the web services and consumed in web application.
 Used the ADO.NET data binding controls like Grid View in order to bind the data to the control and display the
retrieved data.
 Developed custom controls to enable reusability and used rich graphic controls of Windows Presentation
Foundation (WPF).
 Developed GUI using ASP.NET Server Controls, User Controls and Custom Controls and Master Pages, Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS) for consistent look.
 Designed and developed a web application by using Angular.js as front-end, and using Web API core to receive and
pass data to back-end.
 Used ASP.NET Master Pages, JQuery, utilizing Server Controls, User Controls, Data Grid Controls, Form Validation
controls, Custom controls and CSS.
 Worked on Client side validations using Java Script, JQuery, and CSS for validation issues.
 Used JQuery to validate user controls and web forms.
 Provided seamless user experience by utilizing JQuery, AJAX and JSON to communicate with ASP.NET WCF web
services and handlers without disrupting usage.
 Used ADO.NET and LINQ to SQL database programming to access and retrieve data from the SQL Server 14
 Written LINQ enabled queries to access the data from SQL Server database.
 Used SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) for generating various invoices and cover pages of the application.
 Successfully followed Test Driven Development (TDD)/ Agile Methodologies.

Environment: .Net Framework 4.7, Visual Studio, C#.Net, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular.js, HTML,
SQL Server, SSRS, Ajax, LINQ, JSON, WCF, WPF, XML, Web services and Windows.

Client: Rent-A-Center, Plano, TX. Apr 2018 – Aug 2019

Role: .NET Developer
 Involved in design and development stages.
 Developed UI screens using ASP.NET MVC pattern, Windows Forms and C#.
 Designed and Developed Master Pages, Themes and Skins in ASP.NET to achieve consistent, rich look and feel of the
web site.
 Configured security features for the application using Form Based Authentication and Role Based Authorization
using C#, and ASP.NET.
 Implemented AJAX and used Ajax Controls toolkit to improve performance, responsiveness, interactivity and
features of application.
 Responsible for writing Web services/WCF for Data access layer related development.
 Contributed towards the security model in .NET framework for the administration module using verification process,
Code Access security, and Role-based security.
 Implemented JQuery UI core interaction plug-in for advanced effects built on top of JQuery JavaScript Library.
 Implemented a separate query processing using LINQ and created data entry web applications, with LINQ to SQL
CRUD operations.
 Used Sessions, Cookies and Application Level State Management in Application.
 Performed validations on Web Forms using .NET Validation Controls and also Client Side Validation using JavaScript.
 Performed Unit Tests, Sanity tests and bug wise test on overall product just before release.
 Followed Agile / scrum in process of developing new features or fixing bugs.
 Participated in various Client meetings with the team and the Project manager to discuss improvements
/amendments in the development of the section.

Environment: .Net 4.5 framework, C#, JQuery, WCF, AJAX, ADO.NET, PL/SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Visual Studio
2008, IIS 6.0, agile, SQL, Oracle and Windows.
Client: Envision Healthcare, Nashville, TN. Oct 2016 – Mar 2018
Role: .NET Developer
 Involved in development cycle including high-level design, data design, coding, testing, and creation of functional
 Involved in creation of new WPF Browser Applications and maintenance of old ASP.NET modules.
 Created a numerous Class and Interface to implement Business Logic and Data Manipulation.
 Extensively worked on Consuming, Calling, Transmitting and Processing Web Services and WCF services.
 Used SMTP mail class of .NET for users to send mail with suggestions, receive any alerts from the bank, receive
confirmation notifications etc.
 Implemented the Logging and Application error handling using the MSDN libraries like Event viewer and Log file.
 Used XSLT for XML data transformation in the application and Schema to check the validity of XML Document at
various stages.
 Heavily used ADO.NET objects, DataSet, Data Table and Data Adapter for manipulating, retrieving, storing and
displaying data from SQL Server.
 Responsible for debugging, tracing, deployment, installation and Maintaining work.
 Involved in High level design of the project using ADO.Net that accessed the data in tables and procedures created
during the SQL Server Project (using SQL Server as the backend).Connection string was made used to establish
connection with the backend.
 Extensively worked on SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers using T-SQL in SQL Server.
 Created a Data Source which contains all the tables required in the project .Made use of Datasets, Data Adapters
supporting disconnected mode.

Environment: Visual Studio, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, Ajax, CSS, HTML, XML, JavaScript, MVC, ADO.NET, SQL Server,
LINQ to Objects, Windows.

References: Will be provided upon request.

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