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Management Comm Sem 7

Next writing assessment in week 13

Bad news message

- Bad news is received more positively when preceded by explanation.

- Cushioning the bad news shows consideration for your reader’s feelings.
- Correctness, Transparent and Honest.
- What authority do you have to provide compensation for this bad news?
- In justification its different from persuasion (You are atuhtoritative but yet professional and
positive) Move away from words like “unfortunately”.

General Indirect plan

1. Begin with a strategic buffer  Direct outcome of a great audience analysis, Could be on the
guy’s person achievements, work ethic. Move towards a general situation could be through
economy, the company itself. (Paragrah 1)
2. Develop the strategy -Your background and introduction.
You need to communicate (Justification and need 3 reasons) ** Don’t forget to give context.
3. State and explain your reasons and think of justifications (Evidence, support and credibility).
Don’t go and say sorry all the time just be direct. “As of 1 April 2021 we have to terminate
the contract and we apologize for the restructuring.”
4. situation then present the bad news.
5. Offer an alternative that is logical and relevant.  Maybe send them for workshps, referral
6. End with goodwill, specifically adapted.  End in a way that is positive and moving forward
and not apologizing for firing him.

Types of Bad News stuff

Indirect plan Refusal (Responding)

1. Opening  Begin with words that identify the subject are neutral and set up the message
2. Body  Prevent reasons using positive language ad you-viewpoint, Refuse clearly and
positively embedding where possible to de-emphasize on the negative
3. Closing  With adaptive goodwill

Adjustment refusals (Responding no)

1. Opening buffer
2. Body Make it factual and positive, lead systematically to the refusal, then refuse clearly
and positively
3. Closing

Negative announcements

1. Presenting the bad news to customer or employees

2. Always follow the indirect pattern  Especially if news is very disappointing
3. Often the news will come as a surprise to you need o make sure that reasons are justified
before you announce the bad news
4. Opening buffer --. Start with a buffer that sests up an explanation fo the bad news
5. BodyPresent the justification
6. Alternative  Can give things like free trial or subscription to why you are increasing the

Writing Difficult News framework

- PAIBOC or Communication Square

- Communication Square 
Audience (Who are you writing to?, audience and analysis) to
Persona (Who you are and your relationship with the audience)
Purpose (To write the bad news)
and then Message (Then communicate the message)
- When compensating, we don’t overpromise especially with paid leave etc. Because when
you do for one employee then you have to do for other employees. Instead of giving paid
things, we prioritize it in the future.
- Do not repeat the bad news don’t apologize over and again and in the conclusion. You
want to apologize, o it with the bad news

To Dos for next class:

1. Case study: Sing post: Trasnforming Mail Services in the internet

 Read the case study and bring outline (Audience analysis and communication square)

Business Story Telling Lecture

What is the purpose of writing the story.

How to tell a good story?

Appeal to:

1. Pride
2. Envy
3. Insecurity

Tropes for empathy  Put a character in a state of vulnerability so people understand why they do
what they do. Also make them experience unexpected joy.

Tropes for outrage  Facing unfair treatment or Experiencing unacceptable hardship

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