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A rchivos de Medicina Volumen 21 Nº 1 - Enero-Junio de 2021

The importance of minerals in

medical geology: impacts of
the environment on health
Carlos-Alberto Ríos-Reyes1, María-Paula Ríos-Gutiérrez2, Santiago Joya-Neira3

Recibido para publicación: 01-11-2019 - Versión corregida: 26-05-2020 - Aprobado para publicación: 06-07-2020

Ríos-Reyes CA, Ríos-Gutiérrez MP, Joya-Neira S. The importance of minerals in medical

geology: impacts of the environment on health. Arch Med (Manizales). 2021; 21(1):182-202.

Objective: the purpose of this work is to review research on the role of minerals in
Medical Geology, highlighting the importance and interrelationships between geolo-
gical factors and human health. Materials and methods: qualitative study under the
documentary approach from which a review of previous studies on the topic of interest
was carried out, taking into account that there is an increasing interest between the
health and geoscience communities by elucidating the geologic origins and flow of toxic
elements in the environment that lead to human exposure through the consumption
of food and water. Results: during the review process of the existing literature, it was
evidenced that the advance of science and technology has allowed the opening of new
lines of research that require multidisciplinary work with the participation of professio-
nals in different areas of knowledge and the medical geology proposes collaboration
between two broad fields of knowledge that apparently have no relationship, such as
Earth sciences and biomedical sciences. Several aspects are considered, including the
interaction between environment and health, which is very important for an extensive
audience, including students, researchers, geological and biomedical professionals,
policymakers and general public. Conclusion: medical geology should be considered
as a component of the Colombia’s National Health Action Plan and therefore, to be
most effective the Colombian geoscience community should be included as one of the
key players or agencies involved in environmental health studies.
Keywords: health; earth; planet; geosciences; environment; toxicity; minerals.

Archivos de Medicina (Manizales) Volumen 21 N° 1, Enero-Junio 2021, ISSN versión impresa 1657-320X, ISSN
versión en línea 2339-3874, Ríos-Reyes CA , Ríos-Gutiérrez MP, Joya-Neira S.

1 Doctor en Ciencias Aplicadas. Escuela de Geología, Facultad de Ingenierías Fisicoquímicas, Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Bucaramanga, Colombia. ORCID: 0000-0003-0170-5558. Correo e.:
2 Estudiante de Medicina. Programa de Medicina, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga.
Bucaramanga, Colombia. ORCID: 0000-0002-0574-5293. Correo e.:
3 Estudiante de Medicina. Programa de Medicina, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga.
Bucaramanga, Colombia. ORCID: 0000-0002-8727-3970. Correo e.:

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

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La importancia de los minerales en la geología

médica: impactos del medio ambiente en la salud
Objetivo: la finalidad del presente trabajo es revisar investigaciones sobre el papel
de los minerales en Geología Médica, destacando la importancia y las interrelaciones
entre los factores geológicos y la salud humana. Materiales y métodos: estudio de
carácter cualitativo bajo el enfoque documental a partir del cual se llevó a cabo una
revisión de estudios previos sobre el tópico de interés, teniendo en cuenta que existe
un interés creciente entre las comunidades de salud y geociencia al dilucidar los orí-
genes geológicos y flujo de elementos tóxicos en el medio ambiente que conducen
a la exposición humana a través del consumo de alimentos y agua. Resultados: du-
rante el proceso de revisión de la literatura existente, se evidenció que el avance de
la ciencia y la tecnología ha permitido la apertura de nuevas líneas de investigación
que requieren un trabajo multidisciplinario con la participación de profesionales en
diferentes áreas del conocimiento y la geología médica propone colaboración entre
dos amplios campos de conocimiento que aparentemente no tienen relación, como las
ciencias de la tierra y las ciencias biomédicas. Se consideran varios aspectos, incluida
la interacción entre el medio ambiente y la salud, que es muy importante para una
audiencia extensa, incluidos estudiantes, investigadores, profesionales geológicos y
biomédicos, encargados de formular políticas y público en general. Conclusión: la
geología médica debe considerarse como un componente del Plan de Acción Nacional
de Salud de Colombia y, por lo tanto, para ser más eficaz, la comunidad de geociencia
colombiana debe ser incluida como uno de los actores o agencias clave involucradas
en los estudios de salud ambiental.
Palabras clave: salud; planeta tierra; geociencias; ambiente; toxicidad; minerales.

Introduction construction of implants in maxillofacial surgery.

Minerals are widely used in the pharmaceutical
Medical Geology is an emerging interdis- industry. A number of minerals can be used as
ciplinary scientific field, which refers to the excipients in pharmaceutical preparations due
relationship between geological factors and to their physicochemical properties. However,
human health. Its field of study is complex and they must not be toxic for human health. The fo-
is shared by specialists from different areas llowing minerals are commonly used in medical/
and scientific domains, including geosciences. health: oxides, hydroxides, sulfates, carbona-
The unique and exceptional physicochemical tes, phosphates, chlorides, phyllosilicates and
properties of some minerals favor their use in zeolites. Minerals can be applied in contrast
numerous applications in medicine, among media in diagnostic imaging, production of
which are the formulation of pharmaceutical dental cements and molds, immobilization of
drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, the ma- limbs and fractures, surgeries, construction of
nufacture of dental cements and molds in den- implants, spas and aesthetic centers.
tistry, the immobilization by fractures or surgical
procedures in traumatology or bone grafts or Zeolites have attracted the attention of the
world scientific community, being considered of
The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
A rchivos de Medicina Volumen 21 Nº 1 - Enero-Junio de 2021

strategic importance thanks to their numerous Medical geology

applications. The outstanding physicochemical
properties of zeolites make them make them The environment is the result of the dyna-
very useful in a variety of technological appli- mic interaction of complex of external factors
cations ranging from industrial [1-2] and envi- (physical, chemical and biological as well as
ronmental [3-6] applications to biotechnological socioeconomical components), which are not
[7-9], biomedical [10-11] and medical [9,12-14] yet fully identified and their interaction with
functionalities. The properties of zeolites in their humans is still far from being satisfactorily un-
interaction with the biological environment, their derstood (Figure 1). The human being is the
stability, low toxicity and minimal biological risk, only species capable of generating a positive or
allow their use in human health and nutrition; negative impact on the environment. However,
however, the use of zeolites in medicine has not anthropogenic activity has somehow been cau-
developed so rapidly as a consequence of the sing a devastating effect on the environment,
ignoring its own intellectual capacity, which
rigor established by the agencies specialized
could otherwise be used to focus on a future
in the quality control of drugs [15]. Recently, an
with better expectations and in benefit of the
increased number of studies have introduced
environment for the living beings. Currently,
zeolites in the field of pharmacology as drug de-
humanity is immersed in a technological era,
livery for oral and topical administration [16-18].
in which nature has been relegated to a secon-
According to Pavelic et al. [19], zeolites contribu-
dary role in which it only matters as a resource
te to regulate the immune system, since they act
of raw materials for the development of society.
as a non-specific immuno-modulator. They can
Therefore, it is important to be aware of the
be used as carriers for small drug molecules due
importance of contributing to the improvement
to their biocompatibility, low toxicity and small
of environmental quality in order to mitigate its
pore size [20]. Previous studies [21-24] indicate
progressive deterioration. On the other hand,
the use of zeolites as a novel strategy for drug
the environmental mobilization of contaminants
delivery systems, investigating their ability and
by natural phenomena is a subject of much
efficiency to encapsulate and to release drugs.
interest; however, inexplicably there are few
efforts to investigate its effect on health [25].
Materials and methods It is well known that human beings take
A qualitative study under the documentary advantage of natural resources to satisfy their
approach from which a review of previous needs no matter what happens to the envi-
studies on the topic of interest was carried ronment and its impacts (exposure to toxic
out, taking into account the Scopus, Scielo, levels of trace elements, deficiency of essen-
Dialnet, Redalyc, Science Direct and Pubmed tial trace elements, exposure to mineral dusts
databases, which were used to search and or radioactivity) on public health, which is the
locate the bibliographic sources. The search object of study of medical geology (Figure 2).
was conducted from April 2018 to July and 2019 The advance of science and technology has
using the following search descriptors: enviro- allowed the opening of new lines of research
mental health, applied mineralogy, minerals, that require multidisciplinary work with the par-
geosciences, health sciences, medical geolo- ticipation of professionals in different areas of
gy, environmental exposure, pollution, health, knowledge. Medical geology is an example of
toxicicity. For the selection of the articles, the this because it proposes collaboration between
title and abstract of each one were read. From two broad fields of knowledge that apparently
the selected articles, relevant information about have no relationship, such as Earth sciences
the results obtained was extracted. and biomedical sciences. Medical geology is a

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

Revisión de
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Figure 1. Environment, natural phenomena and anthropogenic activity Source: Authors.

field of action of the applied sciences that is be- in living beings, to identify the environmental
coming increasingly popular, which refers to the causes of problems associated with health.
complex relationships between environmental Through interaction with professionals in the
factors relating to the presence of contaminnats biomedical sciences and public health, it will
in different geological settings, their mobility, be possible to find solutions to prevent or mi-
geographical distribution and their effects on nimize these problems, to establish the role of
in health of humans, animals and plants health minerals and geological processes in health, to
[26-29]. It is well known that the environment inform the public about unwarranted concerns
can affect health in different ways. However, it health issues associated with minerals and
is necessary to understand the complex inte- geological processes, and establishing links
ractions between the environment and human between developed and developing countries to
health, which requires a multidisciplinary work find solutions to environmental health problems
in which the participation of professionals in [30]. Its field of study is complex and is shared
the fields of medicine and geology is essential. by specialists from different areas and scientific
According to Bunnell et al. [30], there are en- domains, including geosciences. Therefore, it
vironmental health problems in which medical is expected that medical geology will grow in
and geology professionals could interact and importance in the future, in order to provide
contribute to the search for solutions, including humanity with the necessary resources through
exposure to natural dust, radioactivity, toxic sustainable development, contributing to the
elements, toxic organic and inorganic com- improvement of environmental quality with con-
pounds, volcanic emissions, etc. Besides, the centrations that do not adversely affect human,
advance of a series of tools and databases animal and plant health [31]. Medical geology
allows medical geology professionals to study contributes extensively to scientific knowledge
vector-borne diseases, to model the dispersion in medicinal and/or pathogenic potential of
of pollutants in surface and groundwater, in minerals, geochemical and epidemiological
soils and in the air. The aims of medical geology characterization of a territory to know the con-
is to identify geochemical anomalies in water, centration and geographical distribution of ele-
soils and air that may adversely affect health ments and their possible relations with several
The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
A rchivos de Medicina Volumen 21 Nº 1 - Enero-Junio de 2021

Figure 2. Medical geology and health Source: Authors.

diseases, influence of natural phenomena on human health. Therefore, it is a social challenge

the mobility and exposure of potentially hazar- to establish the environment-health link and
dous geological materials, impact analysis of to know the laws that govern this relationship
natural phenomena and antropogenic activities to improve the quality of life of the population,
on environment and health to look for alterna- improving as far as possible the relationship
tive solutions, development of strategies in the with their environment. In the field of Medical
elaboration of comprehensive public policies, Geology, professionals and scientists linked to
supporting the investigation on public health. different branches of science (geologists, doc-
It is clear that minerals can directly affect tors, pharmacists, chemists, toxicologists, epide-
the well-being of billions of people worldwide, miologists, hydrogeologists, geographers, etc.)
however, this interaction is not yet clearly un- seek a cause-effect relationship in environmental
derstood due in large part to its complexity, since health patterns. Among the problems that can be
it depends on numerous factors. On the other addressed are the impacts of the elements that
hand, there is a general lack of understanding of are naturally present in natural dust, in ground
this reality, not only of the population, in general, and surface waters, or soils, not forgetting natu-
but also of the scientific community. The main ral radiation or exposure to natural materials in
means that interact directly with human beings the workplace or even in urban areas. It is also
and can condition their health by being a vehicle necessary to include in this context the most
of elements that can be harmful or beneficial are impressive geological processes such as volca-
soil, dust, air and water. In this way, much of the nic eruptions, earthquakes or tsunamis, whose
chemical elements that the organism requires consequences on the population’s health are
are in its environment and its deficit or excess evident. Medical geology studies the sources,
can generate a negative or positive response in presence, distribution, concentration and che-

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

Revisión de
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mistry of elements that can cause problems in dental cements and molds in dentistry, the im-
human health, trying to establish the exposure mobilization by fractures or surgical procedures
channels to, in short, produce maps that illus- in traumatology or bone grafts or construction of
trate local geological and geochemical factors, implants in maxillofacial surgery. The porosity,
regional or global, as well as their relationships adsorption capacity and ion exchange proper-
with existing or potential health problems. ties of natural zeolites make them extremely
useful in a variety of applications in health
Impact of minerals sciences as promising vehicle to encapsulate
and to release drugs. On the other hand, some
on health minerals can produce a negative influence
due to exposure to hazardous substances,
Can minerals (Figures 3a-3c) be considered
such as metal(loid)s, radioactive metals and
as substances that produce negative effects
isotopes occurring naturally in georesources,
or benefits on health? Research on minerals
which can be released from their source into
(Figures 3d-3e) is important to carry out in order
the environment as a result of mobilization
to establish not only their applications in the
through biogeochemical activity promoted by
medical field but also their effects on health.
different natural and anthropogenic processes
In this way, it is possible to determine carry
[31]. Therefore, substances, such as As, Pb,
out the characterization of minerals (Figure
Cd, Hg, U and asbestos or their components
3f) to establish their physical and chemical
can be toxic, and, according to Fergusson [32],
properties (Figure 3g) in order to determine
their consumption by food, water, soil or air
which could have negative effects as the case
carries out by ingestion, inhalation or dermal
of asbestos (Figure 3h) or positive as the case
absorption. In this way, considering the phy-
of clays (Figure 3i) and zeolites (Figure 3j).
sical and chemical properties of the minerals,
Minerals can exert a strong impact on health
they can be essential to keep human health in
and influence this in several ways. The unique
good condition, but under adverse conditions,
and exceptional physicochemical properties of
deficiency or excess of minerals can influence
some minerals favor their beneficial use in the
the generation of diseases [28,33-35].
supply of essential nutrients to produce nutri-
tious food products, environmental remediation Figure 4 shows a periodic table of elements
and different drugs (Figures 3a-3c). There are distinguishing the non essential, biologically
numerous applications in medicine, such as essential, essential trace, toxic and radioacti-
the formulation of pharmaceutical drugs in the ve elements. The essential elements marked
pharmaceutical industry, the manufacture of in green constitute the main (something more

Figure 3. Minerals and health Source: Authors.

The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
A rchivos de Medicina Volumen 21 Nº 1 - Enero-Junio de 2021

than 97% of the living beings) and secondary The sources and intake pathways of minerals
(around 2.5 of the living beings) bioelements; and their derivates chemical elements as well
the essential trace elements marked in pink, as the effects of pollution on human health are
sometimes called temporary bioelements, are shown in Figure 5. Hazardous materials present
bioelements present in small quantities (less in the environment due to natural fenomena or
than 0.5%) in living beings, although their abs- anthropogenic activities may cause adverse
ence or excess can be harmful to the organism, effects on human health. In human health,
becoming pathological. There are elements most of the problems are related to the dietary
which are dangerous because of their inherent deficiencies and excesses of certain essential
toxicity (toxic elements marked in red) and tho- chemical elements characterized by specific
se that present a risk because of extreme reac- functions (I, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, F, and
tivity (radioactive elements marked in yellow). Se As [27,35-38]. It is very important to unders-
tand the role of minerals in environmental scien-
H He ces, and, therefore, in human health [39]. They
Li Be B C N O F Ne are essential to every living being that inhabits
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr the Earth planet. Minerals present in soil, sur-
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe face and underground water and in the atmos-
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Ti Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
phere (mineral dust, emissions from volcanic
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu and anthropogenic activities and radon) play an
Non essential
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr important role in promoting an untold number
Essential of gastro-intestinal, muscular–skeletal, respi-
Essential trace
T oxic ratory and dermatological diseases [40-44].

Figure 4. Periodic table of non essential, biologically Air carries always aerosols of dispersed
essential, essential trace, toxic and radioactive elements fine mineral particles such as quartz, feldspar,
Source: Authors. mica, clay minerals, etc. [45]. Wind and volca-

Figure 5. (a) Sources, intake pathways, and uptake of minerals by the human body. (b) Effects of pollution on human health
Source: Adapted and modified from Fergusson [36].

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

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nic eruptions are important sources not only seases, and short and long-term exposures can
of mineral dust which can be transported over contribute to premature mortality and reduced
thousands of kilometers [46-47]. Air pollution is life expectancy [54,59-60].
composed of a complex mixture of substances
Water pollution is one of the problems of
and represents health risks and an overall de-
greatest concern worldwide, especially in rela-
crease in quality of life [48-49]. Air quality is a
tion to the high concentration of heavy metals.
consequence of a complex interaction between
Natural waters play a fundamental role in the
natural and anthropogenic factors [50], which
transfer of potentially toxic substances from the
include type of relief (physical factor), chemical
physical environment to the biosphere, which
reactions of pollutants in the atmosphere and
constitutes a complex dynamic interrelation
their dispersion (chemical and meteorological
between the environment and human health.
factors), uses and customs of the population
The geological environment is the one that
(social factors), economic activities and the use
conditions the presence of certain chemical ele-
and exploitation of technology (economic and
ments in surface and groundwater to a greater
technological factors). In general, air quality in
extent and, although rocks and minerals gene-
cities is essentially attributed to the pollutant
rally do not have high concentrations of heavy
emissions generated by the use of cars, indus-
metals, it is relatively easy to find waters with
trial, commercial production and services [50-
concentrations that exceed those allowed for
53]. According to Kampa and Castanas [54],
drinking water by the World Health Organization
air pollutants as carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur
(WHO). Society will have to face the future of
dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile
water resources on a globalized planet [61],
organic compounds (VOCs), ozone (O3), heavy
in which georesourses will be scarce and the
metals and respirable particulate matter (PM2.5
impact on the environment and human health
and PM10). PM2.5 particulate material is the
due to anthropogenic activity will be very high.
most aggressive contaminant and is found to
The surface and underground hydric resources
cause adverse health effects and premature
represents a source of water supply, although
mortality in people [55]. Atmospheric particles
anthropogenic sources of contaminants from
can be emitted by a wide variety of sources of
mining, agriculture, domestic and industrial
natural or anthropogenic origin: primary parti-
wastes have been affecting its water quality.
cles are directly emitted into the atmosphere by
The contamination of water promotes the loss
various anthropogenic sources, such as vehi-
of fauna and flora as protective elements and
cles, engines and power plants, and biogenic
quality of life and deteriorates the ecosystem
sources, whereas secondary particles form as
and, therefore, the quality of life of human
a consequence of the atmospheric oxidation of
beings [62]. In industrial processes, particularly
emitted precursor gases [56-57]. The combus-
in mining operations, electroplating plants,
tion of coal is a global concern and burning coal
power plants, appliance factories, and tanne-
may cause significant environmental problems
ries, liquid effluents are generated with high
[58] being responsible for the progressive
concentrations of highly toxic, non-biodegrada-
change in atmospheric composition, contami-
ble and carcinogenic substances [63].
nating the air with CO, SO2, NOx, VOCs, O3,
heavy metals, and particulate materias, which, Metals occur naturally in the Earth’s crust as
despite being in very low concentrations, are a combined state or as a free state. The geogra-
very harmful, particularly to human health. The phical distribution of metals can vary between
presence of pollutants in the air can produce different regions resulting in spatial variations
acute and chronic effects on human health, of background concentrations, which is gover-
which include respiratory, heart, or cancer di- ned by the physical and chemical properties
The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
A rchivos de Medicina Volumen 21 Nº 1 - Enero-Junio de 2021

of metals and several environmental factors sites suggest that sulphide oxidation and the
[64]. Approximately 30 metals and metalloids release of dissolved metals will continue for
are potentially toxic [65]. Heavy metals are the decades to centuries [69]. Sulphide minerals,
generic term for metallic elements having an especially pyrite (FeS2), contribute the most to
atomic weight higher than 40.04 [66]. However, formation of acid mine water. The pyrite oxida-
these are known both for their high density and tion is controlled by bacterial species, such as
for their adverse effects on ecosystems and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans [70].
living beings [67]. Heavy metals are distribu-
As can be lethal to livings beings when
ted in the environment through several natural
being exposed to this element through several
processes such as volcanic eruptions, spring
means, which include industrial sources as
waters, erosion, and bacterial activity, and
smelting and microelectronic industries, and
through anthropogenic activities such as fossil
its toxic effects depend specially on oxidation
fuel combustion, mining, industrial discharges,
state and chemical species, among others [65].
urban runoff, sewage effluents, pest or disease
Drinking water may be contaminated with As
control agents applied to plants, air pollution
[71], which is present in wood preservatives,
fallout, feeding and a number of others [64,68].
herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and paints
Although heavy metals are present in several [72]. As is considered carcinogenic and is re-
ecosystems, their exposure to living beings lated mainly to lung, kidney, bladder, and skin
is through various anthropogenic activities. disorders [71,73-74].
Heavy metals occur in ore minerals, which are
The main sources of Pb exposure include
exploited through open pit or underground mi-
drinking water, food, cigarette, industrial pro-
ning. They can exist both as sulfides (argentite,
cesses and domestic sources [65]. The in-
Ag2S; sphalerite, ZnS; cinnabar, HgS; stibine,
dustrial sources of Pb include gasoline, house
Sb2S3; galena, PbS; oropiment, As2S3; rejalgar,
paint, plumbing pipes, lead bullets, storage ba-
AsS; pyrite, FeS2) or oxides (magnetite, Fe3O4;
tteries, sheets for roofing to screens for X-rays
hematite, Fe2O3; cuprite, Cu2O; casiterite, SnO2;
and radioactive emissions, pewter pitchers,
pyrolusite, MnO2; uraninite, U2O). Some heavy
toys and faucets [65,75]. Pb as a toxicologica-
metals can exist both as sulfides and oxides
lly relevant element has been brought into the
and in some minerals such as chalcopyrite
environment by man in extreme amounts, des-
(CuFeS2) at least two heavy metals can occur
pite its low geochemical mobility and has been
together. As mentiones before, heavy metals
distributed worldwide [76]. Pb is released into
occur in mineral ores as a close system. Howe-
the atmosphere from industrial processes as
ver, because of the development of mining
well as from vehicle exhausts [65]. Therefore,
activities, they are released from the mineral
it can enter the soil and flow into the aquifers,
ores and scattered in the environment, which
and human Pb exposure can also be through
is accompanied by the generation of acid mine
food or drinking water [77].
water (AMW). AMW results as a consequence
of a complex series of geochemical reactions The tannery industry not only generates a lar-
that occur when sulphide minerals are exposed ge amount of toxic waste but also has negative
and interact with the atmosphere, surface and effects on the environment and human health
underground water, conditioning the chemical [78]. In these effluents, Cr can be found as Cr6+
composition and quality of water and produ- or Cr3+; however, Cr6+ form is very toxic, muta-
cing polluted waters strongly acidic with high genic, and carcinogenic [79-80]. Exposure to
concentrations of toxic metals, responsible for Cr may cause many chronic diseases such as
the resulting damage to health of aquatic flora dermatitis, perforation of the nasal septum, res-
and fauna. Future predictios from inactive mine piratory illness, and lung and nasal cancer [81].

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

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Cd is generally used in the production of through plant and livestock [88-89]. Once in
paints, pigment alloys, coatings, batteries, and the food chain Hg can bioaccumulate causing
plastics, however, most of the Cd is consumed adverse effects to human health [40,43]. Hg
in the production of alkaline batteries [65]. Sig- toxicity has been linked to with nervous system
nificant human exposure to Cd may be due to damage in adults and impaired neurological
ingestion of contaminated food and beverages development in infants and children, and it has
[82,83] or by inhalation through incineration of profound cellular, cardiovascular, hematologi-
municipal waste [65]. cal, pulmonary, renal, immunological, neurolo-
gical, endocrine, reproductive, and embryonic
Cu is used in the production of tubes, cables,
toxicological effects [43,90-92].
wires, kitchen utensils, intrauterine devices,
and birth control pills or in water treatment [84]. U and Th are the most common radioac-
This element can accumulate in the soil and be tive elements in the Earth and their radioac-
absorbed by plants. tive decay generates a range of radioactive
daughter elements [93-94]. They play a very
Gasoline vapors contain VOCs that contri-
important role in the current and future supply
bute to the formation of ground-level ozone. In
of fossil energy and minerals. Essentially all
addition, they contain many other toxic substan-
rocks and soils exhibit a low-level of natural
ces, such as Mn [85]. Mn, like other elements,
radioactivity as a consequence of the decay
cannot be degraded in the environment but can
of radionuclides, and the primary sources of
change shape or adhere or detach itself from
natural radioactivity are radionuclides of the
particles. The Mn-containing agent added to ga-
elements U and Th, specifically the U238 and
soline can rapidly degrade in the environment
Th232, which, however, may contribute to the
when exposed to natural light, thereby releasing
radioactivity of groundwater [94]. The most
Mn. However, there are factors that determine
common “primary” radioactive minerals are
whether exposure to Mn can be harmful or not.
uraninite (UO2) and thorianite (ThO2), which can
Ni is used in the production of batteries, be affected by weathering producing “secon-
nickel-plated jewelry, machine parts, nickel dary” radioactive minerals such as carbonates,
plating on metal objects, steel fabrication, ci- sulphates, phosphates, arsenates, vanadates
garette smoking, cables, electrical parts, etc. and silicates, which contain radioactive ele-
This element can also be found in contaminated ments [93]. Radioactive minerals can cause
food and alcoholic beverages [85]. adverse effects on human health, which include
According to Haidouti [86], the main sources from renal failure and diminished bone growth
of soil, water and air pollution from mercury (Hg) to damage to the DNA [95-96]. They possess
are associated with mining processes, smelting both chemical toxicity and radioactivity. The
of minerals, burning of fossil fuels, industrial effects of low-level radioactivity include cancer,
production processes and consumption-related shortening of life, and subtle changes in fertility
discharges. Hg is ranked third by the US Go- or viability of offspring [97].
vernment Agency for Toxic Substances and Oil spills are the accidental or intentional
Disease Registry of the most toxic elements discharges of crude oil and petroleum products
or substances on the planet to As and Pb that into the natural environment as a result of
continues to be dumped into our waterways and anthropogenic activities [98]. The consequen-
soil, spilled into our atmosphere, and consumed ces of oil spills are usually evaluated in terms
in our food and water [87]. Soil contaminated of environmental damage, effects on marine
by Hg or the redistribution of contaminated species and economic losses in the fisheries
water has the potential to enter the food chain and tourism industries, however, relatively little

The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
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is known about their impact on human health system, deteriorate the blood system and or-
[99]. They are considered as a form of pollution, gans such as the lungs, kidneys, liver, among
which is hazardous and problematic worldwide others, promote diseases such as Parkinson’s
[100]. Contamination of soils by petroleum hy- and Alzheimer’s, damage nucleic acids, muta-
drocarbons (PHCs) represents a major environ- tion or cancer [106-107]. The various sources
mental concern and a serious hazard to human of heavy metals are summarized by Morais et
health, causes organic pollution of underground al. [64] in Figure 6. Living organisms can ingest
water which limits its use, causes economic heavy metals through consumption of contami-
loss, environmental problems, and decreases nated animal and plant-based foods or water,
the agricultural productivity of the soil [101- inhalation of contaminated air, or occupational
102]. Oil spills may involve health risks for exposure in the workplace [66]. The chain of
people participating in the cleanup operations heavy metal contamination begins from industry
and coastal inhabitants, given the toxicological to the atmosphere, soil, water and food, and
properties of the oil components [44]. PHCs can ends in humans [108]. Heavy metals can enter
cause skin irritations and rashes [28] and they the body through the gastrointestinal route, by
are highly toxic and carcinogenic substances inhalation or absorption through the skin. Most
[103]. Potential health effects of oil spills have heavy metals are distributed in the body through
been evaluated through epidemiological studies the blood to the tissues [109]. They have no be-
on people participating in the cleanup opera- neficial effects in humans, and there is no known
tions and coastal inhabitants, which have been homeostasis mechanism for them [110]. They
summarized in recent studies [44,104-105], are generally considered the most toxic to living
providing evidence on the association between beings; the adverse health effects associated
exposure to oil spills and the appearance of with exposure to them, even at low concentra-
diseases in exposed population [99]. tions, are diverse and include, but are not limited
to, neurotoxic and carcinogenic actions [111].
Heavy metals are assimilated by living things,
causing adverse health effects at the cellular A further disease is mainly caused by a group
level [65]. They can affect the central nervous of fibrous silicates called asbestos [112,113].

Figure 6. Pathway of heavy metals sources and exposure to humans

Source: Adapted and modified from Engwa et al. [114].

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

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Asbestos were recognized in 1960 by the World different functions, taking into account that they
Health Organization (WHO) as potentially contribute to the formation of skin, muscles,
carcinogenic, being banned only few years af- bones and teeth, are essential constituents
terwards from important industrial applications of body fluids and tissues, are components of
(for instance, asbestos cement and lining of enzyme systems and promote normal nerve
pipes where fluids circulated to heat buildings) function [28,118]. To accomplish these goals,
in which they were used for their fire-resistant the human body requires raw materials, vita-
and thermal insulation properties. However, mins (organic micronutrients, lipid-soluble like
these days various asbestos substitutes are A, D, E, K, or watersoluble like B and C) and
being used over a wide range of industrial minerals, which are obtained through food or
applications, raising concern about the safety of nutritional supplements [28]. When essential
workers exposed to these fibers in occupational minerals are missing, deficient or unbalanced
environments. in our diets, our bodies fail to perform optima-
lly and this can result in the development of
There is abundant literature regarding health
many non-communicable diseases, which are
problems caused by the excess or deficiency
the main contributor to mortality and morbidity
of trace elements, exposure to environmental
globally [119-120]. However, different amounts
dust and other health problems or geologically
of each mineral are required by the human
related health problems for which tools, tech-
body according to the age, sex, physiological
niques or bases could be applied of data for
state and sometimes state of health of the living
geosciences [27,29,41,64,71,112,115-116].
beings. Accurate knowledge on mineral intake
However, in relation to the benefits that mine-
is an important issue for disease prevention,
rals provide in health, little attention has been
which is being considered very carefully by
devoted, considering that the medicinal use of
public health organisations [121]. In this way,
minerals is most probably as old as mankind
it is possible to contribute to the improvement
itself and that there are evidences on their use
of the quality of life of human beings and to
as curative or healing materials in Mesopo-
mitigate the costs of medical care [122-123].
tamia, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece in
diseases of the alimentary tract, of the urinary The relationship between minerals and
tract, of metabolism, of the muscular–skeletal health is very close since there are about
system, of the respiratory system, of the circula- 20 essential substances of this type that are
tory system, and of the dermal system [28,117]. necessary as substrates in the formation of
Potential health benefits of minerals include functional products for chemical reactions of
essential nutrients, pharmaceuticals, talismans the organism, are part of the structure of the
and amulets, hot springs or geophagia. skeletal system, actively participate of the
transport of oxygen in the bloodstream, in the
Every day the human body produces the
production of hormones necessary for me-
essential nutrients that make life possible. Hu-
tabolism and its regulation, among others of
man body requires essential minerals, which
equal physiological importance. It is essential
can be divided up into major minerals (Ca, Mg,
to assess the importance of these and promo-
Na, K, P and S) and trace minerals (Fe, Si, F,
te their consumption in the diet from various
Cu, Zn, Mn, Se, Mo, Cr, and I), which are very
sources of animal and plant origin as well as
important in the functioning of human beings,
reduce the factors that prevent the adequate
although trace minerals are needed in smaller
absorption of minerals (age, amount ingested,
amounts than major minerals. Essential mine-
interactions with substances consumed and
rals are inorganic substances required by the
problems in the barrier intestinal absorptive)
human body in small amounts for a variety of
in order to ensure an optimal environment that

The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
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allows the performance of the processes de- quired since, in to a large extent, it is possible
pendent on these substances and maintain a to avoid organic dysfunctions by maintaining a
state of health in good condition. On the other balance between excess and lack of minerals.
hand, the appearance of pathologies due to the Minerals can be added in formulations of
absence or excess of different types of minerals medicines, not only in their elementary form but
such as iron deficiency anemia, goitre secon- also as inorganic or organic salts or as other
dary to hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, kidney chemical compounds [28]. On the other hand,
stones, among others, represent a challenge individual patients might be expected to react
for primary care entities, responsible for the differently to health treatments using natural
promotion and prevention of health, since the means, the so-called naturotherapy, which is is
incidence of these diseases should be reduced a healing system using the power of nature and
to the smallest possible number, generating, in it is considered an art, science and philosophy
turn, a considerable cost reduction in the health [124-125]. Table 1 depicted the main hazardous
system to act on health conditions that are re- or beneficial minerals and their effect in health.

Table 1. Minerals based of their hazardous or beneficial character.

Hazardous Minerals Characteristic/Source Effect on heatlh
Renal function, liver effects, hematological alterations, neuroendocrine
Radioactive minerals (U or
Main source of U and Th. hormone levels, semen characteristics, bone function, neurocogntive
Th concentration > 0,1%)
effects, and genotoxicity.
Crocidolite (Na2(Fe2+,M
Blue asbesto. Lung diseases, including lung and mesothelial cancer.
Form deposits in human heart valves and arteries.cause acute or
Hydroxyapatite Main component of teeth and
chronic arthritis in a manner similar to that caused by monosodium
(Ca5(PO4)3(OH)) bones.
urate deposition
Fibrous zeolite (sometimes
Erionite (NaK2MgCa1.5)
referred to as a molecular Malignant mesotheliomas in humans.
Beryllium (Be)-containing dust
Phenacite (BeSiO4) Highly poisonous.
is highly poisonous.
Contains small quantities of Lung cancer; tiredness or weakness a feeling of numbness or
K-Feldspar (KAlSi3O8) radioactive U, a major source tingling nausea or vomiting trouble breathing chest pain palpitations
of Pb. or irregular heartbeats.
Chronic exposure can cause asbestosis, a progressive lung disease
White asbesto. that causes hardening of lung tissue resulting in loss of elasticity and
difficulty in breathing.
Respiratory effects (silicosis or silicotuberculosis), lung cancer and
Quartz (SiO2) Fine particulate.
other cancers, kidney disease, and immunological problems.
A very severe bone disorder, resulting in an irreversible disease
Fluorite (CaF2) Major F-containing mineral.
referred to as skeletal fluorosis.
Main source of acid mine waters
Solubilization of toxic heavy metals, resulting in their dispersal in the
Pyrite (FeS2) associated with sulfide mine
environment, affecting millions of people.
Developmental and nervous system disorders in fetuses and
Galena (PbS) Main source of Pb.
children, cardiovascular disease in adults.
Main source of Hg; Methyl
mercury and dimethyl mercury Developmental and nervous system disorders in fetuses and
Cinnabar (HgS)
are two of the most toxic children, and can kill at low concentration levels.
compounds known to human.

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

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Beneficial Minerals Characteristic/Source Benefits

Holding nutrient elements,
Formulation of various medicines based on the ability to adsorb and
Clay minerals which are necessary for plant
retain harmful and toxic substances.
Hydroxyapatite Main component of teeth and
Surgeries involving bones and tooth enamel.
(Ca5(PO4)3(OH)) bones.
Source of P; meat, fish, poultry,
Phosphates eggs, milk, processed foods Essential plant nutrient used in fertilizers.
(including soda pop).
Main source of Ca; acid-
neutralizing ability; milk and Neutralization of stomach acidity; ingredient in numerous
milk products; canned fish medicaments used to treat digestive and other ailments; builds
Calcite (CaCO3) with bones (salmon, sardines); bones and teeth; activates enzymes throughout the body; helps
fortified tofu and fortified soy regulate blood pressure; and helps muscles to contract, nerves to
milk; greens (broccoli, mustard send messages and blood to clot.
greens); legumes.
Major source of Mg; nuts and
Builds bones and teeth. It also helps to regulate blood pressure
seeds; legumes; leafy, green
Magnesite (MgCO3) and blood sugar and enables muscles to contract, nerves to send
vegetables; seafood; chocolate;
messages, blood to clot, and enzymes to work.
artichokes; “hard” drinking water.
Accelerates the healing of the afflictions derived from stress and
Quartz (SiO2) Crystals struggle alike and strengthens the capacity for psychic and emotional
Essential nutrient; table salt, Flavor enhancer; seasoning and preservation; supplement for the
soy sauce; large amounts in trace elements; promotes neural communication; prevents cancer;
Halite (NaCl) processed foods; small amounts fights against asthma; mantains bone and muscle health; balances
in milk, breads, vegetables, and fluids in the body, helps send nerve impulses and helps make
unprocessed meats. muscles contract.
Non-hazardous, non-toxic, Soil amendment; impression plasters in dentistry; no long term
Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O)
inherently safe material. adverse medical effects from ingestion of gypsum.
Cracking of petroleum to make gasoline, in chemical catalysis, and
Zeolites Molecular sieves.
as cation exchangers in softening H2O.
Ferrihydrite (˜Fe(OH)3) Enterosorbent. Sorbers of toxic heavy metals and metalloids.
Essential trace mineral, which along with amino and fatty acids as
Major source of Cu; legumes,
well as vitamins is required for normal metabolic processes, making
Cu minerals nuts and seeds, whole grains,
red blood cells, regulating neurotransmitters, and mopping up free
organ meats, drinking water.
Main source of Fe; organ meats; Essential trace mineral; emerging therapy for neuronal disorders as
red meats; fish; poultry; shellfish well as cancer and regenerative medicine; helps make hemoglobin
(especially clams); egg yolks; (the oxygen-carrying chemical in the body’s red blood cells) and
Fe oxides
legumes; dried fruits; dark, leafy myoglobin (a protein in muscle cells); essential for activating certain
greens; iron-enriched breads enzymes and for making amino acids, collagen, neurotransmitters
and cereals; and fortified cereals. and hormones.
Bauxite and Al-hydroxides Main source of Al. Food and pharmaceutical applications.
Main source of Cr; unrefined
Essential trace mineral; kitchen appliances, food processing
foods, especially liver, brewer’s
Cromite (Cr2O3) equipment, and medical and dental tools; Helps maintain normal
yeast, whole grains, nuts,
blood sugar levels and helps cells draw energy from blood sugar.
Main source of Mn; widespread Essential trace mineral; helps form bones and helps metabolize
Pyrolusite (MnO2)
in foods, especially plant foods. amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates; part of many enzymes.
Main source of Mo; legumes;
breads and grains; leafy greens; Essential trace mineral; activates several enzymes that break down
Molibdenite (MoO2)
leafy, green vegetables; milk; toxins and prevents the buildup of harmful sulfites in the body.

The importance of minerals in medical geology: impacts of the environment on health. pp 182-202
A rchivos de Medicina Volumen 21 Nº 1 - Enero-Junio de 2021

Main source of K; meats, milk, Balances fluids in the body, helps to maintain a steady heartbeat
Orthoclase (KAlSi3O8) fresh fruits and vegetables, and to make muscles contract, and may benefit bones and blood
whole grains, legumes. pressure.
Main source of Zn; meats, fish, Essential trace mineral; helps blood clot, helps make proteins and
Sphalerite (ZnS) poultry, leavened whole grains, DNA, bolsters the immune system, and helps with wound healing
vegetables. and cell division.
Main source of F; drinking water
(either fluoridated or naturally Essential trace mineral, which helps in formation of bones and teeth
Fluorite (CaF2)
containing fluoride), fish, and and prevents tooth decay.
most teas.
Source: adapted and modified from Brown and Calas [126-127] and Markov [128].

Environmental health that support it are behind the ecological crisis:

Excessive opulence brings inequality, discrimi-
and social repercusions nation and poverty. Precisely, poverty is a factor
fundamental in environmental deterioration are
Global warming is a concern due to the acce- the countries poor and, specifically, people with
lerated process that it has had in recent years as minors income those that are most exposed to
it is affecting health and threatening the future of the natural environment. Often these people
humanity [129]. The geological environment is a have to work or live in close relationship with
factor that can condition the environmental health the environment that when harmful, makes this
of an area, so that a relationship between the me- segment of the population in the most vulne-
dium can be established natural and health of the rable. In order to maintain a balance between
population of that environment. This relationship environmental health and that of living beings,
occurs both in urban and rural areas, but talking it is essential to contribute to the preservation of
about the natural environment, the geological natural resources, mitigating the environmental
environment, this link is especially evident in rural damage caused by anthropogenic activity. This
areas and mainly in the poorest and disadvanta- will be the basis for providing a healthy envi-
ged. The modern worldview, based on the anthro- ronment (Figure 7) and preventing diseases,
pocentrism and marked by the development of applying available technologies, policies and
science has driven human action towards world prevention and public health measures. On the
domination in the mid-twentieth century the called other hand, a better knowledge of the effects
environmental ethics [130], which raised a reflec- associated with various environmental factors
tion critical and rational about the intrinsic value can therefore help guide the regulatory bodies
that the natural environment and its non-human in the design of preventive health measures that
elements. Since then, the need to become aware not only contribute to mitigate the proliferation
of the way in which living things must interact of diseases but also the costs for the health
with the environment has become credible in system. In addition, the awareness of society
recent years due to the proliferation of numerous in relation to the importance of carrying out
diseases. Both deterioration environmental as best practices in relation to environmental care
the influence of the natural environment, when within the framework of sustainable develop-
unfavorable, they can be aggravated by the ac- ment in order to reduce environmental hazards
tion and responsibility of public authorities, since and exposure to them can generate numerous
most policies have consequences environmental benefits, which include the improvement of the
and regulatory, and generally ignore ethical as- quality of life and well-being, as well as the
pects of them. Modern civilization and the values​​ opportunities for education and employment.

Universidad de Manizales - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

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Figure 7. Healthy environment Source: Authors.

Conclusions planet contributes to the pollution through vol-

canic eruptions, radiation, toxic elements, dust,
Future studies in the field of medical geology etc., however, if the anthropogenic activities
should focus on establishing a better unders- continue contributing to increase the levels
tanding of the role of minerals in ecosystems of contamination, it would be very difficult to
and their interaction with biological organisms, protect the humanity.
for which it will be necessary to resort to the use
of advanced technologies in the characteriza- Acknowledgements
tion of samples, providing valuable information This work forms part of the research activities
not only in relation to environmental conditions of the Research Group in Basic and Applied
but also in relation to the state of human health. Geology, School of Geology, Universidad In-
However, it is necessary to consider essentiality dustrial de Santander, which was supported
and non-essentiality minerals with reference to by students of medicine of the Universidad
human health, sources of exposure of toxic ele- Autónoma de Bucaramanga.
ments, and health effects induced by deficiency
and excess of minerals. This will be essential Conflicts of interest: the authors declare
in defining environmental and public health that they have no conflicts of interest.
strategies. Therefore, to be most effective the Sources of financing: the authors declare
Colombian geoscience community should be that the sources of financing are the Universi-
included as one of the key players or agencies dad Industrial de Santander and the Universi-
involved in environmental health studies. Earth dad Autónoma de Bucaramanga.

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