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Pastolero, Mark David M.


1-ED1 Sir. Kitz Layusa

1. Differentiate all the principles:

Utilitarianism, Deontology, Natural Law, and Virtue Ethics.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by

focusing on outcomes, next is Deontology is an theory that suggests
actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules, then in Natural
Law is law as seen as being independent of, and pre-existent to, the
positive law of any given political order, society or nation state, and last is
Virtue Ethics are normative ethical theories which emphasize virtues of
mind, character and sense of honestly.

2. Give me three challenging debate topics that you think is really

interesting as hard to deal on. Explain your stand for each.

 Should homework be banned?

- Absolutely, No because as a future educator many students in
their home are busy for playing online games or addict of using
social media, so we need to give some extracurricular activies
in their home like homework or assignments for refreshing their
mind that studying in their school and also for their
improvement as a student.

 Did God create the Universe or did it just occur naturally?

-For me, God is the creator of the Universe because some of
people not believing in God and the Universe are started when
the Big Bang Theory was exploding and after million years the
Universe was developed and the planets are growing. As a
Bible believer, I believed that the Universe are creating of our
Almighty God and all living things of this Universe are creating
them also.

 Is the death penalty appropriate? Or it should be banned?

In our country the death penalty are banned after the death of
Leo Echagarray, Echagarray was slain for their sentence of
death using lethal injection. So my opinion of that death penalty
are needed appropriate because, many people are making bad
things for their better ways like stealing or killing people for their
revenging their enemies or mistaken to kill and also selling
drugs their earning money, so the death penalty are in the law,
Dr. Jose Rizal are slain using firing squad because of their
violating the law of Spanish in Spanish Era of our country, and
also all over the countries in the world are continue because it
is the law so we need back the death penalty to our country and
appropriating this law.

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