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[ SINCERE ] Ideas and challenges

[ ] [ Sincere bulletin 2 ] [ February 2008 ]

[ Editorial ]
Dear Researchers and Stakeholders in Education, If you wish to participate in this thematic
discussion forum please register on the
Welcome to the second issue of the SINCERE SINCERE website (
BULLETTIN “Ideas and Challeges”.
by following these simple steps:
SINCERE is a support action co-funded by the
1. Type in your
European Commission in the frame of FP6–Priority
7 aimed at strengthening international networking
2. On the left side of the page click in "Register
and cooperation in Educational Research and at
promoting a reflection on the future of educational
3. Fill in the information requested by the system
research in an international perspective. Since its
4. Click in "Register".
inception in 2006 SINCERE is working to enhance
a process of reflection on the future of educational The username and password will be delivered
research in an international perspective so to directly to your inbox. Enter your username and

contribute to the identification of the necessary password on the SINCERE main page and then
steps to ensure that future research in education click in "Log-in". Finally you just have to go to the
is relevant to the needs of society and to the "Collaboration space" section.
globalisation trend we are all experiencing.
We would like to invite you to express your
The second issue of the SINCERE Thematic comments about the Malaysian experience and
Bullettin "Ideas and challenges" deals with the share with us ongoing experiences in your own
theme of Rural Education highlighting the country and to discuss with us on the extent to
experience of Malaysia in promoting education in which educational research is contributing to
rural areas. A virtual discussion forum has been enhance policies and initiatives related to the
launched on the theme of Rural Education on inclusion of potentially marginalised groups such
the SINCERE web site (www.sincere- as the inhabitants of rural areas. The forum will be active until the end of March 2008. Once the forum
is closed a report will be drafted on the main
outcomes of the discussion and participants to the
forum will get one free copy of the report .

[ SINCERE News: ]

The first SINCERE Policy Seminar took place in experts and decision makers took part in the
Brussels on December 10 2007, hosted by the seminar which turned out to be a successful
European Commission - DG EAC. The Seminar event both in terms of participation and of the
was aimed at presenting the SINCERE Green issues discussed. You can download the report
Paper on the Internationalisation of Educational of the Seminar directly from the main page of
Research and at discussing the challenges the SINCERE website (
related to making educational research
responsive to the needs of society in an The next SINCERE Policy Seminar will take
international perspective. Representatives of the place in Spain in Spring 2008. Further details
European Commission, of European educational will be given shortly on the SINCERE
research networks and educational research web site.

The SINCERE Green Paper on Enjoy the reading and send your
Internationalisation of Educational Research is comments/reflections/questions to Stefania Aceto
now on-line on the SINCERE website -

[S]upporting [IN]ternacional [C]ooperacition on [E]ducational [RE]search

This newsletter is an output of the SINCERE project. SINCERE is a project supported by the European Commission (VII Framework Program). The content
of this newsletter has been produced by the SINCERE consortium and it does not necessarily reflects the opinion or position of the European Commission.
[ Rural education in Malaysia: ]
Jamaliah Abdul Hamid & Ramli Basir
Faculty of Educational Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia

The Ministry of Education, Malaysia defines In the Master Plan for Education in the Ninth
rural schools as schools whose location are Malaysian Budget Allocation for 2006-2010
outside of the ministration of a town council. (Chapter 7), the Ministry of Education has
In contrast, urban schools are those within the pledged efforts and funding to develop the
parameters of the nearest town council, and infrastructure and schooling facilities in rural
have access to at least two public amenities schools, particularly in very remote areas of
namely water, electricity and health services. Sabah and Sarawak, minimize student attrition,
In June 2007, there are 5,262 rural primary increase the number of qualified and trained
schools and 876 rural secondary schools in teachers in rural schools, and to improve aids
Malaysia, bringing to a total of 9,679 in various forms to poor students and students
(Educational Planning and Research Division, with special needs or who come from a minority
2007). There are about 104,301 teachers in ethnic group.

the rural primary schools, while another 53,991
service the rural secondary schools. In June As of June 2006, 767 of the primary schools
2007, 1,439,532 students were enrolled in the and 28 of the secondary schools in rural areas
primary rural schools, while another 826,714 lack a 24-hr electricity facility, and the Ministry
in the secondary rural schools. However, there of Education intends to provide these schools
are rural schools with student enrolment of with 30-35Kva diesel generators to enable
less that 150 students and these schools are these schools to participate in the nation wide
also known as the under-enrolment schools. computer aided education program initiated
Under-enrolled schools are typically small, in the nation. However, the problem of ensuring
and lack the general administrative support fuel supply into remote rural schools is still
structure, available in most schools. Typically, one of the major problems in the government’s
there are not enough teachers, and it is initiative. In many of these schools that also
common to find multi-grade teaching (teaching lack fresh water supply, the Ministry of
across all ages and grades) in these schools. Education in its Educational Master Plan has
In 2005, there were 2,261 of under-enrolled invested allocations on projects for rain
schools. Another type of school typically in the harvesting, digging tube wells, and piping water
rural areas is the Schools for Indigenous through gravity from nearby rivers or waterfalls.
Students, and Very Remote Schools.
In the effort to reduce the digital divide between
Rural education however, is given due urban and rural schools, the Ministry of
emphasis in the Education Master Plan 2006- Education has pledged to build computer
2010. In the Ninth Malaysian Budget Allocation laboratories in rural schools, and ensuring
for 2006-2010, projects to uplift and expand connectivity of all rural schools through the
pre school education in the rural area received SchoolNet bandwidth. Teachers are also
funding of MYR260.9 million, with primary trained to incorporate the use of computers in
education receiving MYR2, 737.8 million, and their teaching and learning activities, while
secondary schools MYR2, 571.7 million. In administrators are given exposure to the use
comparison, urban school projects received of computers to facilitate school administration
66.4 million for pre-school education, MYR1, functions.
386.4 million for primary school education and
MYR1, 949.5 million for secondary school The mastery of basic skills Reading, Writing
education. In addition, MYR606.1 million was and Mathematics is still a major core of concern
allocated for the specific purpose of upgrading particularly in pre-school and primary school
facilities in rural primary schools and MYR335.9 education in the rural areas. In 2006, the
million for secondary schools. For hard core Ministry of Education introduced the Early
rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak in East Intervention Class for Reading and Writing
Malaysia, a further MYR1, 147.5 million was (known as the KIA2M) in the first three years
also pumped in to upgrade and expand of primary school education for students who
education in rural areas. In many rural areas, are identified as at-risk in the skills of reading
day hostels facilities are also provided, and and writing. Students who fail to master the
MYR1, 183.5 million was allocated to improve skills will be placed in Special Remedial
this facility. Classes, and taught by specially trained
[ Rural education in Malaysia: ]
Jamaliah Abdul Hamid & Ramli Basir
Faculty of Educational Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia

teachers. Although this option is expected to other non-governmental bodies and at times,
benefit all students nationwide, some of the even politicians. Random duplication of funding
greatest impact will be amongst students who for the same type of projects or programs will
attend Remote Schools and whose early increase cost but with not necessarily the
learning experiences have been compromised impact intended. There have been many
due to the lack of teachers or multigrade donations and grants awarded to schools to
teaching-learning classrooms. aid poor students, purchase ICT hardware and
software, and to implement better co-curricular
Several types of generic aids are made activities, to name a few. Nevertheless, better
available to students nationwide, and some of coordination between various sourcing
these have the potential to benefit the rural agencies should be reached so that more
poor. A few examples of the aid schemes are equal spread of funding and support reaches
Food Supplement and Milk programs, wider number of schools.

Scholarships for the very poor students to help
them pay fees, buy uniforms and other The improvement of education in rural areas
schooling necessities, Free Text Book Aid in Malaysia is one of the top agenda in nation
scheme, and Free Tuition Voucher Scheme building. It is recognized that equity in education
for students who have been identified by their is the basis for national unity and national
schools to be weak in Science, Mathematics, resiliency. Malaysia needs to ensure that its
English and the Malay Language. future generation of citizens is all united and
capable of rising to the challenges brought
about by globalization, and in particular to
One of the challenges in planning for and maintain global perspectives whilst remaining
executing aid projects and programs for rural committed to developing the local community
schools and poor students is the coordination in terms of knowledge, skills, values, and
of schemes initiated by the government and economic competitiveness.

[ References ]
· Educational Planning and Research Division,
· Education Master Plan in the Ninth Malaysian
Budget Allocation for 2006-2010
· Website: (accessed
2-4 February 2007)

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