Wargames Illustrated #120

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f,ilNTS, f,G22 ,lJX, UI(
TEVF]IX Or2168r7?46

German 222' seriesof light ArmouredCars
"late version"
GV36 SdAz222"early version" f6.50 GY37 Sdl+f2222 f6.50
Gil38 SdAz222"SSlateversion" f.6.50 GV39 SdW223 (Mediumrangeradio)!6.50
GV4O 5dW260,261lightArmouredradiocar (Longrangeradio) f6.50
GermanHanomag 251AustD' seriesof ArmouredHalf-tracks
GV26 SdW251/l APC(with 1l SScrew) $.00 GV26A SdAz2J.l,./APC(no crew) !6.50
GV27 SdW251/10APC (37mrnATG& SScrew) L8.00 GV21A SriW?J/'.|0APC(no crew) 96.50
GY28 Wz25l,t2 APC(8 l rnrnMortar & SScrew) La.oO APC (no ctew) t6.50
GY28A Sdkfz2s1./2
Gv29 SdlcJz25liT(with assaultbridge& SScrew) l8.OO APC(No crew) t6.50
GV3O SdW25l.'227.5cmPak40 SPG(SScrew) L8.00 GV30A SdW25.l,2?SPGO,iocrew) f,6.50
Standard lnfantr] cre* & Accessor.rpeclir
CVI lnfantrv. driver.Nco & grnner for MG,t2 B
Gv2 Six s€atedlatewarinfaftn in helmers C
GV2 Six seatedlatewarinfanl4 in caps C
CV6 fusortcd Gcrman stolragcilems A
\?l Germanoildrums A
VP2 Ge.Inan"Jerry canj A
\fP{ Asso(ed sto*age boxes A
We also havea large rangeof other Lareqar Gennan
Vehicles.Guns& 200 + different figxres.

SS2210 seatedSScfewfor HanomagVTrucks t4.00 SS23SSon Bicycleswith PaEerfaust(2) A

(shownabove,usedin GV26 & 29) (Yeseventhe SShad1ous€biqiclesin l91l/15)

NEW ltems Available frorn l/9191

Rrssiar T26 Tanks(single& twin turret versions 'l9,. r'.sllA13 Tanks& Austin Trucks
Geh@n lr,far'try tn Cteatcoats 10cm Kl8 FieldGun l5 cm sFH l8 Hea\ryFieldHowitzer
Pleasecontactfor fu.ther information
We will b. tt the "Colous 97" R€ding l5 & la Septdnb.r & "Phalanx 97" St l|el€ns tT h Seplsnter
We cln oow .cc.pt crcdit c.rd payr*nt6
PriceCod6r A-!1.2O; B-11@t C-!2.0O: O-E2.25 E-!0.5O H !0.90
Posrage:- UK 10%, min5op, Mar 12.50 EEc 20% Re6tof rcrld 30%
All Fbur6 & ilbdels aE hade of rtlne meLl and@ suppliedUnpainted(rehid6 requic asmbly
Avaitable Gemans,British,American,Polkh,Dtrtch,Russiar,Resislarce,Figures,Cavalry,Guns,vehicles
& postww2 S€nda SrampedSerfAddaeised or 2 IRCfor our ever expancling lisl

The Exclusive Distributor for

SHQin NorthAmerica!
12188BmokhurstStreet.GardenGrove.CA 92840 U.S.A.
Phone(714)636-3580or useour24 hf.lax: (714)636-9150 Trade & Dealer lnquiries are Welcome!





auechi. rGtus {i6 sFr ud ii.rd

tjd pik mi n'niil8 dEdlblrcon (E)
20 ciydry comrud in hr
13/14 Sept Colours Reading
2? Sept Phalanx Sl Helens
4/5 Oct Worlds Derby
26 Oct SELWG London (E)
2 Nov SAIVO Colc
15/16Nov Warfayre Reading
6 Dec Recon Leeds
Moifud drieon. caryi8 msr"B (E)



i l D c r $ e nAt l c n u e . (min 50pnax !4)
uK/BFPo:109, CIAMP DE u^.s
Biggl€s\\.rde. REst Air 4070surface30%
I I Rue de Seligne, ?5004 Pris, France
T e l : ( l )4 80 40 1 0 2
BedsS(;lS ltII (minf1)
LPoslal rddressonl\') MAsTERcaRD & vlsa ACCEPTED RICAL MINIATURS
ll 16Broddway.
PolkCity. lA 50226USA
cnrarogr.floll rRc,supdaresher
ffte*irh sAE
T e u f r \( 0 1 7 6 7 1 . 1 1 { 8 8 1 Telr51593,1J670
lnstitute House, Box 20
GLORY New Kyo, Stanley,
Co- Durham,DH9 7TJ
The Finest" Tel: (01207)283332 Tel: 4124233580
Prm,.r dsrsns an,ry.o.pr. Fax: (01207)281902 Fax: 4124236898

*& &
& 6 tr \J

# tu
$ " € s_

!!!!-4!9!!j!& I I\& Dl l,{r l0ooof.rd.' \r|k ll R{}t,t,25o!oford.r\at!. ()l tStD!: rrt Ropr 5r)oooLo,ud\rr(
\\'rN.!it\lS\&\I\SrlR( \Rl) ClBqu.\n1ld!pa\ablrb ()ld(jlo^ (irrrxn{ion t irnrl,e!. |l 1)0tlus l.eu S U { n tunnrnnnt.rs.
trl(;l Rus(o\T.\I\ LF,\D \Ol St|T.\BLU FOR( Htl,DRti:
Institute Ilouse, Bor 20
GLORY New Kyo, Str ey,
Co. Durhrm, DIl9 7TJ
The Finest'l Tel: (01207)283332 Tel: 4124233580
It niq d6igB Andy cmp6 Fsx: (01207)2E1902 Fax: 412423 6898

25mmWar Paint& NewReleases

This monthwe list the 25rnmWar Paint rangeto dateand a massofnerv releasesfrorn your favouriteminirafures
company-Nerv Releasesinclude25mmWar Paint, 25mmNapoleonicequipmert, l5mn British Napolmnicsand
l5mm CommandDecisionWW2. Thenew itemsbeloware onlv a selection.seelatestcataloaue.

25mm Wrr Prbt wP27 Cuslerslasisland

W? I Plains Indiam ChieRains wP 28 Marshal's,Sheriffs& lawmen(15 ditrtg)
WP2 MountedWarrio6 / War Bonnets wP 29 Gunfighteis.shootists (t5 ditrr9)
& no-goods
W?3 Mounted Wardors / Buffalo Hcads l5mm British Napol€onics. 1815
WP4 Mounted Warrion / F€athers BNC I HeaWDragoons chargingplusCornmard
WP 5 DismountedWarriors / War Bonnels BNC 2 Hea\yDragoomin r€seNeplusComnand
WP 6 DismountedWarriors / Buffalo Heads BNC 3 Light DragoonschargingplusCommand
WP 7 DismountedWarriors / Feathers BNC 1 Light Dragoonsin reserveplusComrnand
WP 9 Plaim Indian Villagers BNC 5 chargingplusCornmand
WP l0 MountedApach€s BNC 6 in reserveplusComrnand
W? I I DismountedApachesskirmishing I smmCopmandDecisionWW2
WP 12 United SlatesCavallv Comnand CDAI 12 USParaarti ery.75nm Howitze$@
WP 13 United SlatesCavalryadvancingin colurnn CDUSMC4 USMarineLMGSa4)
WP 14 United SlatesCavatrychargingin column cD(isNIc 5 USMarineHMG'S@
WP 15 United Statesdis. Cavalryskirmishing+Com CDGI12 GerlrunParasupport& Com@
WP 16 WagonTrain - ConestogaWagon f,17 CDGI13 GermanPara,Heau/weapons & crew@
WP 17 WagonTrain Setdcrs CDGI14 ZundapM/C sid€cars
& creEt7-50
WP 18 StageCoach tl1 cDGlr5 BMw I\tC sidecars& crewf,7-50
WP 19 PlainsIndians Tep€es tI3 CDGI16 LargeGermanassaultrafts& crewt7-50
WP 20 Sacand Fox mounteal$ariors 25mmAncients
WP 2l Sacand Fox dismountedwarriors DAR3 RussCommand
WP 22 Indians falling wounded t7-50 cwc 30 EarlyGermanCommrJrd
WP 23 Indians lying dead t7-50 CWG3I EarlyGennanswith onchandodaxcs
WP 24 DismountedUS Cav falling woundedrT-50 25mmNapol€onics
WP 25 DismountedUS Cavalrylying deadf7-50 NXG 43 FrcnchColonelsin Shako-ll2-50
WP 26 MountedCusterand Staff NXG 44 FrcnchColonelsin Bicome,,12-50

AiSqr !15 pr basof30 fot or l0 mourd ligurs" I5m !14 p6 blg of r00 for tr 30 nouined.t4 = 50 tbor!r !7-50. o0B s Ficed.
4b9-s!44b&,tsa,- !lS4!En txt6 HQ.57t4 wesl lrvins Palg chi6eo.lllircis 60634. Q44!4 old clo4
Caada 242 Windem* Avdue, Tormlq (hrrio, M6s 3K3, cn^d^ (416)7667690 @z@j rhie csud
,4vailarl€ ,ov, "b cloiE oLD
Oues" VnchovsG.15, 86391Sladrbdgm. &!r9r cnarp D€ Mm, I I Ruc De Sevielc,7004 Pris. &g!!
CIrRY's Wds@ing supplmc.!
4 is6 ps ys, Subsriplion ,13 ,\clicrl S.,{ Pmagls J. 23023 l,Ia&id. PrlrrA Rob.d! Rob€nGolebjws*i, 02J34 W'ur4 tJI - Go Sierpnit
30 M25. P6la'i!.22 4466473.4!g!4!!g! wairus & Crpsrter, It Fl@( 97-99 Ar$,le Stre( Pafuatr! NSW
2150.02 6871836
9Lp-SUN:lsaLsz&AjtlE: -waBmc 97. 28DD7, OLD GLORY w.4annlg (llmDioBhiDs D.rby
Irieh quality dsig6 *!'led qd
4Vr0,97, Sp€il9?. EsM Gmany 23-26rI 1,97 sEl,wEC. crynal lalae 28/l0DZ ?mde Cmu4 srske
CV & eaapld lo alEve addls 22l I 1197.Crnic Anlw@ 29111,97

Posr't Pdxtitu: I IK & BFIO l0'^ ofordd klue. EtrRoPE 25% oford* value orrSIDE EIjROPE50c'.ofodq valuc.
we adrrt vlSA & MASTERCARD. Chequg nade payanbb: Old CIdy Co.F .rion Ca&/,€'re al.00 plu lds€ SA! *ith 50psknp pleG.
Turnpike, Trowbridge,
Semington, wilts BA146LB,England.
Tel:01380870228 Fax 01380871045


BA | 6M'o,xE4'R


When replying to adverts please mention Wargames lllustrated.

wdgd€6 llbuar.d i3 publishedon rberbirdThursd.yof ejch nonrb
by: SlratagcotublicaEos Ltd., I 8 tDvds Lee, Ndetq Nou.. NC, CONTENTS
ItZ Tcl 01636?193 EDrIO& Dun6 Macf.rlec,
PRINTED in Engla . DISTRIBUTORS: Conag MaSaine 14 Craig Rowlinss 'OpdationOak'
Mark riry. TavistockRoad,W€stE\zyto4 Middles UB7 ?eE USA:
The Ebpcrq'B H€adquaieB.57,14We$ lning Pak Road,Chicago. 20 'Ihe
Druns of chanpion Hill
Iuinok 60614.Tet: I I 2 7?? 8668.AUSTRALIi: RayCodpror, Es;
MiniaruBLd..22 Sydn.yRoadH@sby Heighrs, NSW2m7. 26 MedievalNavalWarfareRules

36 Ater King Pari two of a look at P.P.S.D

SUBCRIPTIONS for 12 issu€sof WarganesIllusrrat€dare !30 in
opetunon 'G.eif'h the
the U.K. Europ€ & R6r of rhe World surfacs f3Z. Resr of World
airmail: r42 40 GaryHugbs
BACK NUMBERS AI issuesa'rceprnos. 1,2 & 3 aE stil available
at !2.50 .3ch post paid. Ba.k numbss of our occdionat sD€cial
e\tm publicanonWargamesWorld are also stitt avaitablerNoa 2, J,
4: t2.50 post paid. No 5 !2.00 post paid 4E DavidA. Smith C&adi.n VictorianBattles
BINDERS For Waeama lllus6ated (capaciry 12 issus). Binders mree NireteenthCentury
for Warganes Wodd also awilable. Sane capacity, san€ price,
Price:t6 postpaid in UK. Rst of World: add!1.50 exEapostaSe. 52 MikeSiggins

OI]R U.SDISTRIBUTORS Warganes !,xt ded #l2l vlll be publish€d on

5744we$ IrvinePdk Road,CHICAGOlL. 60634
Ph$t : 773.7T.4992Faxt773.777.4a2a
SIIBCRIPTIONSaathefoltowiosrares: Fmnt Coverphoto: An ECW gMe at th. Neeaft showa lew
6 issuerfor $33:t2 issues
fora66 rea$ d|o! (...a t can ftrunbe...!)

e g TilEBRTTtSfl g g

ffi rr{E
uKnrnonrnuPffiffirs ,e,W
Aslon University,Birmingham: Friday 29th - Surday 31stAugust 1997
The CompletcWargames E4terience!
Thrcedalx - Sit games!
StandardCorventionPackage f,60 - Oo CampusB&B Accommodation
Deluxe conventionPackage f85. - superiorB&B Accommodation at theThrcestar Rolal AngusThistleHotel
FridayEvering: Saturday: Sunday:
Check-ln& lst Game ThrceCames Two Cames& prizegiving

T I I R E E D A Y-S S I X C A I E S- T R A D E S T A N -D S B R I N E & 8 U Y
The Britilh Hilroricsl crm€t Society,Th€ Whire Cort|ge, E W€.rHtI Av€nu€,Epsoh, Surr$y, UL KT19 8LE
Tel-013724r2132 e-mril-100523,547@compuserv€.com
Website http://memb€N.sotcom/BrittuhHcs/i ex'htm
lEi NetleyAbbey

POST & PACKING - In u.x.: or&3 b {r5, dl 1(f6 ofvjue mitr 60p : oE I35 DdnE EN!.: ordd b l3t,.dd 25%ofralq bil ll 0o; oG,35 idd lt% or'd@
woriffd. (AirfflD: ftj* b I4O, idd aap,6othlua nir !2.00.r ow {,40.dd 3ct6 ofqda \dG l!'lrl..h.qB ud pGbl qdd p.}.b|.6 s DD

WWllUehiclesin *l5B7,D*spa l5Rl4 Zill 76bn AT,6i.ld cu l5c4l
,|3@.zlv ,]50/$3 50
Vehicles for WW II r5B Do reACV a3.Odl725 !20011493 SnKA252 w. hild r3.001t7 25
l5RI6l21ffi M30Hd r2ml$493
in 15mmMetal *l5Bs2Mmmn{,inlhMlrt
.- ......... .. tz54!a593 lrco@tddven|.|d
.... ... . . . t3.ws725
*]5B33CdARV ...... !/rf,$99t r5lcl D!.lher-rTr* !2.0o1s4.$ I5G'14 Op.l!/hfi' 11505350
*I5B3 A*IT-I' 93 15G45 lt@trh.4l
. !400r!9.9t rsLC? BdED T15LT!r* I2.OCyt4 Il5ctlr60
at&bhAlnhn tttui1 25
l5B0l NonhowP'bjer I0 5a/11.25 c.,*v.hLld
r5Br2 Norr5d6P,bj. reinr0.5o/'|.25
7:5 ,jao, Mobq,,.DR,?) ''s"n," llil :i,Y-l'* jl3:::
15803 Bl|.l6am6{d q}60/$l1t0 unrr..rst rd v.r .rd riaa, pzrvaBrD(ddtu:,"ItL-^_ ;]S #;* -,*"",,ff-*'
. t ! 0 r 7 x
15805 B@Mtl .. 11.00/0150 sic,'r 5' r5G03t"uo*l1l..1Tr]#rr, r5c5o op.rBriraAmo.d €'0or725
.. ll.00A? 50 t5a3 whi&sdcf r3.00tr.25 rllll
I5B05 B.!vq*riir2
r5co{ p.IvA*rr:. . cowszzr ryqy-'"" :19:::
15807 BaE&ML3 ll50/t1.60 i;;; ;;;;;r* ;;;; 'l9l? ll9y
; ;;;;;; ;;;; ua{i !,K38so,mAr.rr.so,n.oo l: ?'*-
15803 B@Mt4 .. t1.5063.60
,5ci7H--ax,aoe "1" u"* *.S.*,,
15809 B@Mt5 .. ,1.50/93.60 ;;; ;;i,;,*..;i;;
l5Bl0 Adn?C& ...... tl.m,/$2.50 l 5 A 7 2 5 l m T t r r . d B.0og'
ljAt z5TmTtut .m 15c04 sEclrEshd75 sdKal].r2p.^ rlml'?'j
l5Bll B.ddd30 d Td.t
r3Dsr25 r5cr0 SEcEFLo'E?t B@tt25
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. ]. @ $ 7 . 2 5 rrct wi,t thdFl.rpz tv
€3.005715 l5A9 Mlacb"te rloo5?2( l5cll
l5Bl2 Bquod3loTruk
rrAro pa*i4 &@93
l5BI3 B.dtordOXAaT. ,2 50 lt.93 r/.c(!t993 rror, [.Ic 7tlm r,f cua2 0o/9 os
r2$6tq! l5GI2 Mtul.combbdm
l5B)4 B.dfdd OY S.P.3 p&.
........ . ........ €3.m6725 ,,ar:i.rp r,5dB60
,.^,. ,, ..,,," lml l;H; ;tri.;* ;]#;l
l5Bl5 Afir.dillo 2 30d ll.m6725 ,ra,r M+r shru 7r-- ::::: ::T::i;; ,5c,62sdKD25o,r
15816 ,rr$dillo2 3b . €3.0ortt25 !3 00,t75 lJc63 SdKfz t5lvll
l5Br? ABtrdino3 r/2 p& €3 0o572t .re'r r.r' ,1q n r!knt,.J 0ors?25 lrc64 sd'fz lll MmhB,sd tPF
'l5Br3 r-FrB AndslBE rt ro,is i0
r3.0([57?l lJcl6 sdc III G (ski't) l]0019725 ,
I3Ar7 M4 sh.ffiAFlqr
15823 MiiliirML2 ..... !3.0(r472t
l5B3l 6p&.A/IGc .... 41 54Y33.60
r5Ar3!r3!e.. .....r4oo/se.e3 r5crse,r rlrors.rar5!l :53111?- liYl:
15833 LRDGLa. .. !l 5CVl3 60 Iscle PzIBcmd.. r25ol$5.9€u91l 4300575
r5Are M4A3sh.*76m !ffz25l8/16
. .. . r4oo/le.esI5c20 Pd<Frtu) o mr5725 l5cz "*-t*Y,.*.""
15835 r-lold ceid ...... l2.m/l4.93 lJczr sdrlzzrrsRrlD ri 00jt?25 ,<.a
FFochv.t ct6 :;v..,_! ;;;;;; -
15833 Ditl3oSdC{-Roll
r5fl 4r,,ha/Tcn Doo,ra.$ r5cz risarA'dE ,,4oorsr$ ;;;; *i-"j"*.,"o"''-
I'P? FCMTbL I-l r0/tr98 l<c23 PDdE l425ill25
t5FJ 25mHobbrisAT r10dt49s I5G24 KireTisa r45osl09t r5c75 sdKfz23,4/l...... goav57?5
, , , , ' ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l 2 ' m / l 4 . 9 3 t5F6 ?5mlnfo!yc6 ,2oot4.* I3c25 33ffiF1*Gu t20c/s493 rtcTs oF.lMldriE&eudn&
r5B44 ShffiVCrircOy 13 50/t3.95 R@t. v.Ncrd l:I ?lY'-"
15845 clmrcn ..... ...I40d,19.93 isn' r.r."u ',*r"* r?5c/s5es r<c'c
l:-"ll i:*"tu I'j')
15846 Cfiu\tlillIl ......
t:Y t;1 ;;::! ll:l:tr;#'l: ::H:
rtB5l 25p&.Fi.ldG6 rl5o/t3.6o l: '*" t:-"1111*t-1,*"
l3:!1-':l-"*"'' trc:r orrgr,un'.t rroo/i7x rrcs:
15852 qdudl-ibh6 .. rl.00/t 25
ItB53 HdEy!iCnT,* 13 oogt 25 , , * ' t , ; ; i . ; . , ;od;;;'5cn,5msIGr3hrcdr?od'4ei
ItB64 C@uCS95M sm/993 rsrr sr.l d00,$.r2515C34L.FH13l05mHdMb
l5B@ LrDilo*td .. s.oo,rg 9f ,5R7su.'00 rr5o!r50
,,",, ,.*,,,-,,",_,1#;" ff;,,::ffi; ^_.*l*""
15870 D.idna AmoE lc{ l5R3 T,!5 A1 TU r.md) {3 0O5r25 r2oqr493
''''.''' , , , 1 30 0 , f , ' 2 5 r5Re r-26B-ru(6!!d) 4r0o$??r *jrcs6dclrdpz:s{rc,irb
r5c35 ;;;;;;;;.*" ^r"*
l5B?l V.l6th.III2Dd 13.50/$3.95 l5RI0 AT-5TU(md)I30d9?5 {200!49a . .... . . . . . . . . 130ar/t725
l5t7l Bihop&libta {40069.93 r5Rll 0T-26(nmdM.) rl0a5r25 15c33 H@DrMLinbqq 5o/$60 tr5c8TsdKlz22lnir23d?zB
l5B?4 Cd.d6II2p&. . !3.50$3.95 *l5Rr2 a5* pr? r9r2 1505360 lrcig Hosf,tsrhscrcd ... e25ua593
15!75 Cn&dam6p&. 13 5063.95 r5Rr3 Z;2 5?'MAT .. '2OS49S ...... . .... tl.@117.25*15G3320-F1"I30.....ll.5O/13.50
15876 t\4drd*L.ry. ... 13 0cr/$725 15c"40SdKfz25C/10 .... t3.00372j

The ExclusiveDistributor for S.D.D.

(inc. B&M Moclels)in NorthAmerica!
Street.GardenGrove.CA 92640U.s.A.
Phone(714)636-3580or useour24hr.laxr(714)S+9150 Trade& Dealerlnquiries are Welcome!
28tm tau bo<Lls in lone double-b@sredcoars scnlptedby Alm md Michlel P.rry.
Tlis 60 h Aom Gumey Foudry we havea deiacbnor of hdd binen, vetctu US cav.rry led by Cuier nimself (in €ontrst to l.st monlhsgeernoms). ed
Napol€oricPrussimCniBsienedDEgmNfromWargu6Foudry. lfyotr'd liLe to Reive tunn€ Plahs Ws or Prussifl NapoleonicDealsaulomaticallyd
soond se get th€D cdr up, you cd jotu our srdding odq sysremaDdrdve an additional l0p/, ofour al@dyni$olnted Deal prices. lryou havmt seh m
exmple ftom eiilld of thee tuges yet, gel in toucnmd we ll serd you ooeout post fte mrvh@ in the world. Coming ov€r lne next fw w€ets we shouu nrve
ACWartillery,mor.Napolo c Prusim cavaLf ed Seva Y.a W& Hus$: giv. u a call for boE infolmtion.


NPCav?91onNPH55 NPCdt789onNPH56 NPCar788onNPH54 NPCa\787onNPH54


As PtussianCrirossids did na1veor a cuir6s. NPH54 CninssieE hon€ erlloping
NPCa!788 Sldd&dB@i a.d then uriforn wos o,l! phrsi.oll! NPl55 Cuitusien ho* cdlrins
NPCav789 Trumpder dilkmtioted lnn fie Drusao$ b their NPH56 CniEssien boff ealdng
NPCav790 Tiooper,shouldeiedswordi6 vdimls) helnet, tou ca" uv trev nodels as ttuopts ol NPHs? Dasoons hoBeE3lloping
NPCavT9l Troopercharei.g NPH53 Dhgoonshone celding
DRAGOONS NPCav?97 Ttupr, shoulderedssord NPH59 Dmsoons honewlkins
NPCav798 Tmpercharging
NPCav?93 StzndardBeffi NPCav?99 TMpercharsing,bareh€aded
NPCav?94 Truhpe!€r
NPCav?g5 T@pr. snouldeedsword(6 vtridts)
NPCav?96 TMpercbargin8


28nn talI nodels sculpredby Mart Copplesto.e.
28 lm tall nodels olihe lodian fishting cavalryoflhe PlainsWN sculpledby Mrt Copplesrone:nor lhe usualseneric'?th Covslry" ofihe nolies. buracclnre
Epcsenbtionsof thenen. cosMes, ve,po.s d<l equipnentNom in acrionon lhe plainsi. rbe 1870! GeorgeCust* leadshis ba.d ofeidt hdd-binen.

Troop.B otr a@t,o.bir€. Mout d Tmopers, rcvolvcr

Pw I8 Corotu, kieelins firins PwHl CallopinshoreI
Ca!Pwl9 McDomell,carbi.e PwH2 Callopinghone2

Pw2l Mano.ey,advecing
PW22Mccanhy. at theEady
Pw23 DuBan,c@kire cribine
Pw24 Conner,relolver fld carbine Ca!Pw24 Comer, carbin€
Ch.r.crer modeh on f@t MourredChlnct rmod.l.
Pw53 CeneEl GeorgeAmstrong Csv?W53CarcBl CmlgeCusrer
Cusler,Bllldos rryolveB Ca!Pw54CuidonBemr

trtr PWzl

CavPw:l on FwH4 CavPWzoon PWHI


oneol€.ch codc?37-739, 791,79?-799Dluslll
3ir vtnor3 of790: 13dif€.ent b€tr id rheir :18 f20 s42 t23
ho.sesandoei ineeuide.
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.OPERATION OAIT though fuly awre that he wd disobeyinShis instnctions, he wa$1
aboutto give Dpat this stage.
The Mussolini rescue
Cralg Rorolings One by otre the glides crashedinto the ground mud the Albergo
Ritugia. As they cme to a halt the Gemm comandos bunt out and
1943 With Britain dd the U.S. poisedon the bntrk ofthe invasiotrof ru loward the holel- Skorzenyhad orderedrhat no one was to tue a
Italy, the FascistHigh Coutrcil dismissedthe disgc@d Muselini dd sbot unnl he had and so as Iblian senFieswere encoutrtercd.the
placedhid underarrcsLThe new GovmeDt, underthe leadenhip of Germansshouted Mann in altol'r"Hands up!" there was no
Mdsbal Badoglio, then begatrtentativeleace talks with the Allies. r€sistance.Withh minutesSkoueny s men had rcachedthe hotel dd
Hi er, inient on rcsioriDghis old al]y to power, orderedSS Captain the Caphin hirDselfchargedthrcughthe rcrest door Inside,f Italian
Orc Skorzeny, head of the 'Friedenthal Orgdisation' - special radio operatorwas frantically trying to signal d alen, Skozeny senr
commedo uniq to fomolate md exeute a rcscueopemtionto free rhe the manflying widr a kick md smashedthe wirclessto pieces.
The room itself yielded no exits into the hotel's interior md so
Skorzenyhadto rctEce his stepsdd headbackoutside.Runningalong
BACKGROT]ND tbe fagadeof tbe bDildinghe dd his nen cameupon a high terace,
scrmbling Dpmd over they at last found the main €ntrmce ed, moE
Ti'e fi6t problemSkoneny had wd actuallylocatingMussolini. lt was importmdy, Mussolini could be seenpeeringftom one of the fi^t fl@r
knoM thal since his rest he had been moved ar least fou times,
finatly ending up somewherein the mountainregion of crd Sasso, Wastingno time, tie commdos disabledlwo mehine gunswhich
northasl of Rome.Monitoring of Ilalian comunications rcve€ledlhat had been set up on the terace, md rushed thioDgh de entrance,
secuity in $is areahad beensteppedup ud that a lcal horel - fte coming face to face with a laree Sroupof Italid soldierscoining the
Albergo Ritugia - had beetrrecently convertedinto a military camp, other way- Still no one lred a shot Skoueny waded into the
accessibleby cable cd only. cemd lnteligence we€ convinced Ceabinie.i, pistol whippinShis way tbrcughfte throng,andcameto a
MDsolini was there od Skoaeny t@k to the aii over rhe hotel in an flight of stans.Racingup them he wa facedwith a long conidor and
He I t I in order to gathersomereconnaissance photographs- tlrcw open the neest d@r: he wd in luck, Mussolini stood in the
The photographsrevealedftat the AtbergoRitugia was situatedalop room flanked by two Italim offers. MomenE later Skoruenywas
a high mountainplateau.a tridglld shapeddea of flat meadowand joioedby his men,two of whomhadclimbedin fmugh thewindow
tie cablecar's top stationat one side. via a ligbtning condDctorAs the two officen wereled away,the last of
Skorzenyplatrn€dtherefoe to deploy from Rome in a fleet of 12 tbe elideB were landing outside.minus a further two which failed to
DFS 210 glideB with a combined force of 108 pdatmpeB md Mive. Skoreny walchedas one of them was suddenlycaught by a
comandos, lmd on the nountainside and srom the hotel. In the wam rhemal air cunent and sent smashinginto the mourtainside.
meantime.a secondalsault group would seize lhe lower cable c& then cane the sound of tuing. tbe Italims it would sem were now
stationtu the valiey belou A third eroup would ensurcthe releaseof putting up a fight.
Musolini s fdily who were urder house :rest at Rocca della Skorzeny sumoned lhe senior Cdabinieri dd demanded a
completesurender he gavethe officer - a colonel a minDteto thinl
aboulil. Having left fte room, the colonel rctumedwilh two gla$es of
PROBLEMS ARISE qine. hdding one to Skoueny.he todted tbe Captainwitn fte wo.ds,
"To the victor." Then he fomatly surendered.
The emly stagesof the operatior weredoggedby bad luck. Tte gliders Once the ltalian guison had hmded in their weapons, the
andtheir tugshad lo be broDghtover from southemFrance- a job that corrunatrdos)egm prepeing for Mussolini\ evacuationfiom the
woutd take at leastthe days- but rheywere delayed,rcsulting in rhe mouDtain.The dsault on the lower cable car. nadon had been a
mision s D-Day ofdawn, 12Se enber beingput back sev€ralhou6, conplete succes, so SkozeDyprompdy orderedreinforcementsto be
Wlten the glideB finally did dile dd the comandos readiodfor take seni up iiom the valley' As for getting the DDceto saferyrherewere
oq the airield wd hit by d Allied aii raid, which peppercdthe
runwayswith daters ud d€bris.Luckily howeverthe gnde6 dd iuss A The iiAt pld called for an attackon rhenearbyairfield ofAqDila
were undmaged and by l30O hours the asault goup wd finally deAbruzi at ihe €ntranceof the vatley.The Gemm troopswould hold
airbome. 'OperadonOak' wa undeflal the airfield just long enoughfor 3 He I I I s to ldd dd whisk Mussolini
As the gliders somd above tbe clouds Skoueny received some
unfortDnare news from his pilo!. Two of the 12 gliders were B The secondplan consistedof a Fi€seterStorchldding in one of
uMccounted tor What made the situation worse was that ihe two the meadowsadjacentto the lower cablecd slation where Mussolini
missingaircran weredue to leadthe assault-Now in deger of stnying
otr co$q Skoreny cut throughrh€ floor of his glider, and havinSgot C- The tbird plo was for the preceious lmding of a Storchon the
his bedings ftom tbe terain below,direcEd $e tug\ pilot on toward
the objectiv€. Once the Albergo Ritugia was in sight, rhe glid€rs Atter considering the options, it was d@ided to adopt plan A.
slipped $eir tow ropesdd bege their descent. However.the radio operatorwas unableto makeconlacl wirh H.Q. in
order to make the tr@essaryttlagemenls for the NsaDlr-With this
MORE PROBLEMS plan unusable,Skoreny contactedthe troopsin the valley ro checkon
the Siorch he had watchedland in the meadowsedlier, only to be rold
As tbe gliden approachedthe hotel Skozeny realisedro his horor that thar it had
damagedils underceiage dd would aot be readyfor some
the flat ridgulm meadowchosenfor the leding sighr wd in facr a lime. Plaj) was
C now the only viable optior. The Storch cmndy
steepslope-Ib gradienrws later tikened ro tbat of a sk jDmp. Wirh
acting as a sponerabovethem was to ldd on tbe mountainplateau,
lime runningout a decisionhad to be made,Skozeny\ direcr superior
The roclry @a dound the hotel wd fd frcm ideal a! a landingsFip.
Gen€mlStldent had expresslyforbidden a cralh ianditrg. d@ming it but the coImddos md
obliging Iblians togethermanagedto cled
too dogerous. In the €v€nt of atr emerg€ncy,the opemtionwas 1obe aide the larger
boulders to allow fo. the plee's saJetouchdown-
abmdoned,wilh fte glides orderedro .lrift down irto the valley- Lucldly fte pilot skill tully achievedd emergencyldding. bDt wrs
As the hotel looned closer.SkoEenygavethe o.der to 'cnsh lmd', none too pleased
at tire prcspet of loading both Skozeny ed
Musolini into what was essenlially a two man aircnft. Skoueny
explainedthe ned for him to penonaly accompanythe Duce as, if
dything wee to happento the Fuhiels friend at this siageit wotrld be
nore honoubte for him to die also, raiher than retum to Berlin in
shde, Reluclantlylhe pilot agreed,dd aI threeclamb€redab@rdthe
aircrsft, Musolini in the passengerseatmd Skoueny cmn!€d in the
Iuggageslace. As the Storch preparedfor the ddgerous take otr,
coma os took hold of its wings and tail. allowing the plme to build
up its r€vs, then wilh a signal frcm the pilot, the men let 8o md the
aiicraft bounced across the rcugh grcuDd towards the edge of the
plateau. As ir reachedthe edge however and beg& io asceDd.it
faltered,md sEuck the ground hed, losing a wheel. The impact sent
the plaDenose-divinginto fte valley.With a mere 30 nelres frcm lhe
grcund to spare,ft€ pilohegained conFot and lhe Storchleveled out,
needles to say much to lhe relief of thoseaboad.
EventDally,following an energencytwo point landing, dE to the
mjssingwhel, the Storchdived safelyin Rome.Musolini wa! safe,
the missionhad beena completesuccels-
Back at the Albergo Riftgia, wi$ fteir commding otrcer gone. d a liaisotr with the hote! gdison in orde. to avoid bloodshed, he was
rhe Gemu comandos retired to fte lower valley via the cable ca not a p.isoDer and is optioDal in the scendio.
wilh the lalian Colonel and a subsequentlycaptured General as
prisoneK.The cablecar railway ilself aas then efectilely disabledto ITALIANS
rempotuily\trandrheCarabinied Sdison aroplhr mountdin.
Avemge roops - below averagenorale. Comand - two officers
AFTERMATH av€mgeability, .med with pistols. Fony Infotry - 25 amed with rifle.
13with SMGS+ 2 LMGS.TwoAA gDnsPositioned on hotelrcof.
Hitler was delighted wilh the successof OperationOak'. personalty
orderingthat Skor.eny be awardedtbe Knight\ Cros on fte very day MUSSOLINI

Skozeny himself laterwent on to preventa Hungary-Soviet.llidce Mussolini comesunderIhlian conlrol until a Cermancomesinto base
by ki.lnapping Admiral Honiy\ son md forcibty replacing ihe to baseco(act with him. He will not fight.
Hungdid dictator with a pro Nzl t2ter. h 1944 he ted the G€if
conmandosduring the Ardennesotrensive.Following tbe end of fte SET I]P
war in Europe,Skozeny was indicted for wa crimes by lhe Allied
Prosecutor.principally for "FightiDg in eneny nnifom"- Ilonically it Musolini nNl be placed inside lhe hotel at lhe Ilalian playe6
wa the lestimony of the Bnish wd hero Wing Comander Fotesr discretion.The Cmbinieri se1up anywherewithin o. aroundfte holel,
Yeo-Thoms, ihat saved Skoteny from the gallows. Yeo'Thond The Geme glideB mive one per lum.
revealedthat Brilish troopshad often usedeneDy unifoD! in fte Past
and that it was p& for the come- Skozeny was subsequendy CLIDERS
acquitled.With the we over,Skodeny becme a businesmanin Spain
Mosr set of Ww2 rules cale. for elider landing, so the following
*here he lived until his deathin 1975.
fado^ shouldbe applied1()your rcspative system:
The Musolini rescueprolides a g@d scopeof scenanoswhich cd
It was later found our that, of the four gliden ftat faited to makeit rc
mounl to a miDi campaign:the assaultson the lower cablecd statio.
fie Gran Sdso, lwo had gotten losr in the clouds and rwo had fallen
and the Albergo RifDgia,followed by fte actualcarryingoul of planA
foul of the ruined runway bombedin the air Eid. To simulaE these
the holding of theAqDila deAbruzzi airfield - conclDdingfinally with problems,roll a D6 at the beeinningof the sceEio. The nuttber rolled
theflight to Romeof lhe 3 He 1lls heassd by Allied fighters.Each
indi cateshow nmy Slides fail to reachthe mountain-
$endio would havea settine limil to ensurevadoustbrcesrendevouz

This anicle only fcuses on the actualmoumainlop attackhowever, MAP 2 - TIIE LOWER VALLEY
and asnosl WWz gmeE havelheir prefeftd sel of rules.I offer only
guidelinesfor factoB concemingfte 'OperationOak scenuio. '\f
The numbeB of men involved have beenscal€ddom so s not 1o
overcrowd whatis esentiallya smallSming Na.
Pda/Comandos cldsed d 6lite.
Eight x DFS 230 gliden with 8 comandos. one oftcer dd a pilot in
each, all amed wilh d MP.rc and I genades. Therc re also two
MG42 teams,allocatedto a glider of the playels choice. Offces atrd Mg{DOW
pilots de additionally armedwith pistols.
ComrnandingOfficer CaptainSkodeny - HiShly compelant
(Elite)in gliderof playeis choic€. E E ur-n",
Ali otherof6ce6 - VeteranfElite.
There wd also a ltalian of6cer Favellidg wift the Gemans. to acr
E al
their wspons if within rdSe of the hotel-
TITE LANDINGS It lim reinforcenentscom€in lhe shapeof rwo sranng runsa.ross
The Grd Ssso mountainssbouldhaveu addedduger coupledwith the plalea! by a CaproniCa3t4- Again, d in the cde of fte GeMs
normalglider rul€s- th€ fact that Sko@try s menhad lo crsh tmd due calinS in their Storch, the ttalie radio operatormrst sp€ndone th
to the unexpectednaturcof the temin. This fet shouldb€ rcfleted in callinSin the aircraft after which it only app€m oncea 5 or 6 hd been
the gane nechmics. Also. the dea NUrd the hotel should have rolled at rhe beginningof rh€ Iralian nh. The Ca3l4 ha! rwo snafing
patchesof deadly rocks tud bouldeB, onto which the glideB have a runsonly, and oncen hasexpendedlheseit cannotbe usedagain.
ddgs of ldding. If this should happen,the aircra.ftis consider€d Th€ combatin the low€r Ettey h deemedto b€ a Gemm success,
smashedto piecesand all inside n€€da roll of I on a D6 to survive. fo. tbe betrefitof the oDeofi scendio, but altemativ€lyyou could use
m 'off table action system,whereby it @uld acu thal the lower
valley dsault force de bsten or. This could later Esult in Italim
AIR CI]RRENIS grcmd troops beoming available N reinforcementscoming via the
Becauseof'Op€ration Oat' tr-kingplacein mid-aftenoon as opposed
tD a cmpaign, the valley actiotr wil obviously be played d a
to dawn, the dangerof warm an cuJrentsdisrupting the landingswa!
sendio in ihelt In this cde the Gemm dsault forceconsishof the
ttucks of l0 comandos. an HQ truck and an amour€d car. They are
up againsta force of 15 Carabinienaned with I nfles, 6 SMGSand
AA CI]NS atr HMC set up dound the cable crr statiotr, The subsequ€nt
reinfoem€Dts consistof 20 infutry - 10rifl€s, 8 SMGSud u HMG.
Tbe AA gus cm of couse be Dsd to devaltating effect on the They aEive h two Eucks with m lmoued car ar o escon,I hav€
incoming glid€6. with dles for sentriesspottinSthe aircraft being takenlibenies with the facis concening the fidting in the varleyas I
taken inro account. N,B. With rcgdd to Fntries dd visibility, the hav€had very lilde infoination on rhat elenent of the op€rarion,so I
weatheron the aft€m@n of the nid was cloudy ed huy, idsl for apologisefor the inaccuracies.
concealingthe glialers4 they approached.

The Germrns mDst get Mussolini $fely off fte nountain (in a
Thoughin reality Mussolini s glards put up oily slight resistdce, this canpaien, safely to Rome.)in order to securea victory.
'rould nele for a dun scetreio so. although the Italid player cu
The ltalians Inust prevent this either by defeadng lhe Gemds
fight, the sheersurpriseelementof the glider lddirgs should not be and/orkiling Mussolini.
ignoEd. ThercfoE, d soonas the Gemd! either land, or are seenby N.B. - As killitrg the Duce imediately would make tne scetrdo a
sentriesin mid an, the Italie player cenoreact untjl a 5 or 6 is rolled littl€ short,the Ilalim player is not pemined b blm Musolini Dntil
on a D6. he hd comeunderGellrm cortrol.


Once in Gel]rm hmds, Mussolini must be led to safety. ln a mini
In 2Om, both Cemd pdas md Italims cd be obtained from
cmpaign sitDatiotrthe next stagewonld be the airfield assnulr,bur in 'WargamesFoundry', 'Plaloon 20', 'Dixon Miniatures', and
the cde of the hotel battle as a one otr scenario.the Gernan player 'Rave horp€'. 1t2nd Gell]m glides de availablefron Blacksle'
must bring in the FieselerStorch.
In 15Im, 'Peter Pig'do a ldge WWz m8e which featuresa good
It takesone whole uninErruptedtum for SkoEenyt radio opeotor
seleclionof Gemd pardsaid Italians, dd 'QRF do a few parasin
to call in the plane, and a turther thr@ tums for th€ Storch to dive.
tnis scale.As for fte glid€rs, I am unawareof any being availableitr
Whenit does,it stops60cns awayftom the edgeof the plateaufacing
l5mm al rhe mofrent. Incidentalln though nor speifically ww2,
ec{. Ir wiu tnenremainrheRlor aslonga Rquir€d. 'Peter PigS Wiid We$ rules - Hey You In The Jail'. feaure an off
table actior mecbdism, ideal for detemining the oDtcomeof the
TAKING OFF valley assautt.'Hercics ed Ros' dd 'Nawd' cm prcvide 1/300
aircmft for lhe fl ight of the He I I ls ftom Aquila deAbdzzi.
The Storchspendstwo tms lading 3600,then moves20cns per tum For Mussolini himself, a simple civilie figN will suffice. Should
toward the llatsu\ edge.Onceil hs lravelledover the actualedge,it myone wdt d exactrcprcsentationof hin, lhotographs takenduring
hasercaped,Musolini is saJe.At fy lihe the Iblies can openfire on the rescue show him weding a ddk hat md coat, dd under this,
lhe Storch- Should this happenthe aircEft is considered1o havethe ecording lo Skoreny, be wor€ an itl fittitrg li8ht blue suii.
slaristicsof a \oftskin fo. tuing purposs.
Any seriousdamageinflicted on lhe Storchrcsultsin it crashinginto
the vatley,killing all aboad.

I have included a map of tbe nounlain top and lower valley for use
REINT'ORCEMENTS with the scentuio,bul a fd a the Albergo Ritugia int€rior floor plans
de concemed,the sp€cificsde not impondi. Any floor plds should
Tlle Gems can be consideredto have a tunher 15 men ftom the corsisl of ryproximately five floos, with a conidor dd a nunber of
rEtley dsault forc€ available as ieinforcenents. Though ther€ re
cerraiDlymorc troopsat rhe lower stationonly 15 canbe s€ntup ro tbe
hotel becauseof the need to guard againstan lblian counter-anack
The cablec& cm carry six figures at a tine and takes fou tums to
Chatbs Foley, Conn@ndoEttrao.diMrr, GrahamBooks, 1988
reachthe mountaintop. The sme rulesas used to radio for the Storch
Leo Kessbt, KonMndo,bo Cooper.1995
ee used!o sumotr reinforcements.
Jon E. tsis (edlror), Ttue sbn s oJ the elile Jorcs: Robl6on
As with lhe Slorch, the cablecd cd be shot at. If ntunobilised,it
PublishtugLtd., 1993
remiN so for the rcst of the gmq though thoseinside can srill use



3 Apono$r€€t HesliDgtonRoad, cd!6n6|td.dd

York YOl 5AP TeUFox019{X671101
P6tage 6te 12.5% 50p on ord€s lss thd 12.00 'sDod&s+sll.t|:0
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IRREGIJLAR MINIATURES haver€cendymov€dto larger premises.Formerly a chapelour new workshopis now a templeof
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t h


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$t \'. ndtu.tt th.\. to
..Dtdht.,t th. util. ar
OperutidtC,iil .r t)ug. 16.
Vhilst lh.se tkttta\ utt 0J
Gtrnnus & Rt,ttians ht
Rrsstu n ltt than (;.rDtuDts
\ etnt\ Ani?ila, \ \'. ti 11| htr
h a dr h . b l . a k .e u , \ \ . 1 . n \ . r
ilt rjdrl bltLk ^h. btilr.-
ilt .i.er islt lt0k rrrs5tul
_lt --8-. -l
l A K e m p n b r dR o a d .L o n d o r .5 [ l L ] \ 1 . I e l :0 1 - 1 F a \ :0 l 58- 1901

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ttil| 0llll +1trJ9I t\,0rrlr lrr 'Je

Lrn.n \trnr!\)t^ litlirr lu !t! a',tirid1t. !nn :',,f.1arr t i s r n x / l l 1 i , & r , r . t i , r r r / , 1 r , t i t t h l t ) \ D t t r r \ \ i , r ' i . i r 7 , r ,t r ' . , r r ! , 1

The Drums RaymondRoad,cametwo divisions.comnandedby A. J. Smithand

Blair One and onequane!miles oi wooded(eirainseparared then
of Champion HiIl frcm an adjacentcolumn to the north, Here on rhe Middle Road
marchedOste.hauj divisionfollowed by Cad. Corps connander
GeneralMcclemanddiuected bothofthesecolumnslnd rodewith the
by lroopson lhe Middle Road.Anothe.mile and three-quaneB funher
James R Arnod no.thwasrheJackson Road.Hovey\ divisionwasin thc van-iollowed
bi Logm dd CrockerThe sevendivisionsnunberedabout10,000
At a place caued ChampionHill, a volunleerUnion a.my of men.Giventhat rhe ftree Unioncolurnnswerenoving alongroads
rnid*eslemmen ed boys foughl and won a battlethat drovethe sepaBtedby ruggedrerain, they would havedifficulrycoordinating
Conlederates into Yicksburg\fo.tificalionsdd assured i$ inevitable
slrendei Afterthebarlle,foughron l6 May 1863,theSouthcouldno Tho roads on which lhe two, no.thernmostcolunns mar.hed
longer win the Civil war throughtheir own generals'initiarive. evenrually nergedat a pointusefullyrefered to as the Crosyoads.
ChampionHill redDcedPresidentJeffe6onDavis to relianceupon Fron theCrcssroads, theroadheaded westloab.idgeat Bake6Creek
Union bungling o. northern wd wea.inessto confer southern ard thencontinuedlo EdwardsSlation.A plantationroad.thc Rltliff
independence. If a decisiveba e is definedasone in whicha nalion Road,ransouthwest from theCrossroads alongthespineoia wooded
tatally wounds ils foe, ChampionHill was indeed a decisive ridgefor two and one,quaner niles ro inreaed rhe Ralnond Road
Oneandone-quarter mileswestofthis intersection theRaymondRoad
Because the Vicksburg campaign coincided vith the alsocro$edBaker Crcek.This thenwastheroadnetthrt sas to hlve
Chdcellocville-GettysbD.g campaigns in lhe east,thenandthereaiter adominaflimpacron rhebattle:threeroads- fromsourhro nonhrhe
it has been oveGhadowed. To redressthis ovesight, I recently Raymond, Middle.andJackson alongwhichG.anl'sannymarched
conpleteda campaignhisrory.prolocativelyentitledG/anrWinrrhe ro contad the Confederates; an importantinters€ctionrheCrosroads
War Whetberoneagreesor nor with my assessment, therecanbe no - where tbe Jackson and Middle .oadsjoined; lhe Ratliff Roadthat
denyingthatthebaltiepresenha fineopportunity to fighrachallenging providedlale.alcommunication for the Coniederaiesi andlNo outes
tabletopencounterWhat follows I would like ro descnberhe g6nd headingestove.swouerBake6CreektowddEdwardsSrarion. EighL
tacticalsiluarionand tenain, summarize the battle'shighlighrsand hundredyardsnortheasroflhe C.osroads.inthe direcrioniiom phich
suggeslnow to warSameu. approached HovenLogan,andC.ocker,theJackson Roadcro$edrhe
Sunnseon May l6illuminaledthreeUnioncolumnsmarchingwes- crestoi Champ'onHill. This hill, whichwasto give the Unionnanre
towdd EdwardsStation.(SeeMap l) On fte sourhemmosr roule,the for the baule,was rhehighesrgroundon the batrlcfield. Thc hill qas
clad in a forestcover.A cleanngon ils top provideda commanding
dillery position.The ndge along which ran the planution road
taalDred denserundergrowth anda thickcrstandof kecs.Ravinesand
gulliesbisected boththisddgeod theslopesof ChampionHill In the
bottomland eastof$e planration roadwasJack$nCre€kArrhcpoinr
vhere $e RaymondRoad cro$ed it, JacksonCreek sas nol a
significdr obsracle. Along both deek banksbehveenrhe Raymond
and Middle Roadswas thick underbrush. Overall,the te(ain was
difficult,confusinggroundon whichto nanel]ver. I
Shortlyafte.7 a n., Contede.ate cavalrybegarsknmishingwith rhe
enemyon lhe RaymondRoad.The Confederare connandingoflicer,
Gene.alJohnPernberton, thenreceiveda rne$ageftom his supedo.,
.loeJohnston, proposing ftal hemarchto unite*ith Johnston. lgnoring
the grcwingsoundsof combat.Pemberton orderedhis 21.000-nan
army to countemarchbackto EdwardsStation.So bcgan\ehalo.e
Coniederate brigadierlater called a husrlc to cxtricateourselves
from the predicament."
Pembertonttains werejammedalongtheJacksonRoad.To cover
lheirextrication,andbecause lheyankees we.eclosingfast,Pembenon
o.deredthepartialdeploynenroihis a.ny. He commanded a forceof
threedivisionsposnioned alonga two andone-halfmile frontatopa
woodedndgein theorder,southro north,Lo.ing,Bowen-Stevenson.
Ifeiven time,Pemberton possesedlhe strenglh!o detind his position
qhi.h locdltopogruph)rcndercdn"rurlly tomid.ble.
Because of somesuperbpre-baLtle inteUigence,includingcapturd
disparches andspies'reports, Cranthu..iedto the f.ont in the beliei
thata battlewassoonto occllr.Ar 10:30a.m.,fromhis comnandposr
a1$e Champion House,hejudgedthathe hadd sufficienttbrceon the
fleld to begin the conrest.He orderedcorys commanderrames
McPhe$onto feel for theeneny.DivisionalsknnisheBbelongnrg ro
HoveyandLoganslowlydrovelhe .ebelskimisheGup ChampionHill
andacrcs brokenterain berween rhe hill andBake6Creek.Ir Civil
war parlance,'feeling'the enemymeantlocatingrhe enemy'smain
line oi resistance.When regul volleysbeganro rhickenrhe singje
sho$firedby rebelskinnishers, the Unionskirmishers haddonerh€i.
joh By I l:30 a.m.,McPhe6onorderedHoveyandLoganto stoanrhe
Opposingthen were soldies belorging to Cader Stevenson's
division.ReynoldJb.igadewasakeadyoiithe ueld,havingled what
wassupposed lo bea withdrawaltoEdw{ds StaiioniBanon'sbrigade Thh wd rhe 56th and 57th Georgiaand two sec-ionsol waddells
was moving to @cupy the bo$omlandbetw@n Bale6 Creek and a batlerySpedheaded by rhe 24thlowa,Slack'sbrigadeusednre and
ndge spur wberesat SrephenLee's Alabamab.igade.Cumming's moveracticsro surgeacrossrhecomfieldtowardtheBrlrs.TheGeorgia
Georgjabngade, chdged with defendingthe batrleneld\r*o key infantryfircd a heavyvolley bur could not stop rhe 24th\ spnited
fealDres,the Crosroads ad Chanpion Hill - was fraSmentedinro four charge-Slack s brigadeovedanfte glns and captlrcd the Crcssroads.
separateelements with 2 companies buildinga b.idgeat Bake6Cr@k, Over on the Confederate left, initially StephenLee\ Alabanian
19 companiesatop Chanpion Hill,20 companiesguddinS the bngadehad been doing very well in their flgbi againslLogan\
Crosroad!,and 9 compeies mdning a roadblockon the Middle division.(S@Map 3) Usinga rail fenceto st.adylheir mDskels, lhey
Road.Therewasa 300 yard wide gap betweenrhercbelson Champion hadmanaged to holdoli Leggeu\brigadeduringa 30-minure firefigh(.
Hili andthoseat theCrossroads. An Qhiooffrcerremembered lhal thebullet flew so thickthatwhcna
Hovey'sensuingchdse enjoyedspectacnar success. (SeeMap 2) staff offrcercame to speakwirh a reginenralcolonel,rhe sraflet
Making skillful use of the ground,Mccinnis\ brigadecliDbed "involDnlarjly andunconsciously screened his eyeswith onehand,as
th.ou8h the fire of four rebel cdnon. Seventy-fiveyards below fte one would shieldhis eyesf.om a driving min." However,whenthe
crest,ihey fouDdshellerin somedeadgrcund.Mccinnis appreciated Sunners of CompanyD, I st lllinoisAnillerymanhandled lheir four24-
that his bngadelappedaroundthe ConfedenreL{haped defense. pounderhowilzersto within400 yardsoiLeet iine,therebelinfantry
Fromwhereheslood.hisnen wouldchargesourhwesl aSainnoneside nskedbeingslowly shol apa(. Conseqlently, Lee orderedhis 23rd
of the L. He lnew that rhedefendeswould be ableto fire ontvone Alabamato chargethe guns. It was a mislake.Major Charles
volleyb€forehis menwereon then. Accordingly, he rold the rearby Stolbrand,Logan\ divisionalchiefof artillery,observcd themovemenl
soldiesof the29thWisconsin thalaftertheyhadadvanced a few paces ed rcdetoGene.alJohn Smith.InhislhickCedan acccnt,Slolbnnd
he woDldchophis sworddowneardsas a signalto fall flat on rhe alertedSmithto therbrar, adding,By damnir theyvart mineg!ns."
ground. L'lccinnis hoped thar lhe defendeasvolley would pais Smithhad tvroregimen$in nearbysupport.He gdmly .eplied, Let
hdmlesslyov€rhead- ThenthemenwouldriseDpandcharge. 'em come,wete
readyto receivethen.'Fjre from the big-throated
His schemeworked perfectll Nedly simujtaneously, his llth howirzersand the supporting infantrysenlthe 23rdAlabamareeling.
Indianausedrheir zouavetrairing to advancestealthilyagainsrrhe ThenMccinnis brigade,who hadretainedtheirorderaftercapturing
easkm faceof the rebelposition.After firjng oneshonnnge volley, ChanpionHill. wheeledto therjghtto exploirirsluccessby a$cking
the zouvescharged, The deferdes foughia bmvebut brief hddro, towardLee\ righl flank.Lee wilhdrcwro the ne* Uneparallelto the
handstruBglearoundthe.ebel Suns.Exhibitinga frnecommandof
tactics,Mccin.is commirtedthe 461h Indianainro the breach.
Meanwhile,the lllh Indiananimbly tumed to rhe left wherethey
eniiladedthe adjacentdefendingregirnenr. The suniving defenders

ColonelJamesSlack,who commanded Hoveys secondbngade,

adlancedon Mccinnis leir towardrhe Closyoads.His nen looked
acrossa comtieldto seean anillery-srudded
batle line.

rr:30 A.!1.-l P.ltl.

Logan.ridingwell foNard with his leadi.Btroops,recognized thdt

Lee'sleit flankwasdanglingin theair CeneralJohnSmith'sbigade
aheady panially ovcrlappedrhe Confede.ateleft. To exploir
thoroughly lhe siluarion,
Logansunrmoned hisrese e brigadeaswell.
JohnStevenson\brigade*as iormedin hrndy battalioncolumns,a
tormationthat penniuedrapid movemcntand e.sy deploymenr.
Slevenson husrled hismenthroughtheUeldsto theUnionri8hrburjusr
belbrerhey afiiled wh.re Logan wantedrhen drey found $rr rhe
'F'W'i1|l?n-x"- enemyhadbeatenthen to it. The Confederates loomnrgbetbredrell
wereBanons CeorgiabriSade, menwho hadjustcompleed noretlrun
mile'lorgjog at thedouble.
,3ra 4rnl \\ _r)4rN Barlon\ mencaDeup just beioreLee relreared. Ba on sawJdrn
- "'l!':iDr Stelenson s wellernersoccupyinga lvood and prcpaing to chrrge
b rcor"-^".-,,.
E o o n1 4r . "i,i,i;ilii againstLee\ left flank. Banonke$ rhe52ndCeorgirin reserlea.d
imnediatelycommiiedhis otherrhreereginenlsto a chargcagainst
's'fcr'ro Il H@?t'\ Stevenson. k enjoyedinitialsuccesanddrcveSrevenson\ sknmishers
R!F*W.i \ backfor severalhundredyards.Bur Srevenson s bdlle line heldlin!
lnd checkedthe rebeladlance.Then Bartonsa$ slclenson\ bdgadc
beginro ourflankhis o*n leii. He summoned his ese e. burrl'c 52nd
l-"-rt -to rt "u*or"ly comesrthe progressof d entirc Udon the onslaughtof Slackt fedemls.
brigade. As the bluecoaB continued to $@p eud his left fldt, Becausethe 5$ Missouri wa caughtin the ad of deploying,at first
Banon saw dother enemybrigadebeganto €nflade his ridt flank. the advantagetay witb Sl&k s p@ple.At a mge of 50 y&ds ft€y fired
Thesesoldim belongedto Leggen\ brigadewbo had advdced irto a punishing volley into the right fldt of the 5th Missoui. The 5rh
the void tf,e hadleft whenhe had withdm\rn. L€ggett'sbrigadepouEd Missouri recoiled,but the metrrcmiDed steadl Tbey R€d back into
a destruclivefie into Barton's flank and then chdged. Ar llinois the snoke. loadedwhile moviDgawayfrom the fe, fomed up b€hind
soldierdesoib€d how his regimetrt"rushedright Dpto them ltheyl had a fence line. md for the nst 15 minDtesexchang€dregule volleys
Dow become€rror-sEicken at our boldness.crouched down in rhe with StacL When the 5th MissouJiretired,it exposedfte ri8ht flanl of
chMnel of the c.€ek, held Dp their hdds and beggedfor nercy. the adjacentregimentto enfiladefire. This rcgimentalso rctircd to the
Banon's men routed wesl along lhe JacksonRoad and surg€dacrcss fe.@ line. It was an altogetherinauspiciousiDtroductionto the batde
for C@I|fell\ brigadeand it mademore thm one Missoui rebel mad.
Meatrwhile. Jobn Stev€nson'smen spied a ConJedeEteartiilery kivate JohnDale of fte 5th MissoDriboundedover the rail fencero
position oDthe crestof the ridge lo rheir left iiont. Ofrce6 Edi@red wdd th€ foe and scr€amed,"Com€ on Compdy I. we cd whip the
the brigade'sth@ regimentsrowardthoseguns: FoMard, guide left, God dam Yank€esons-of-bitches!"Compey I cheeredmd followed
narch.'The rcgimentswheled io the l€ft in line abl6t. Aiter a few the belligerentprivate.The rcginental color parry joined then. Then
stepsthe menof the 32ndOhio - a unir whos€vetetus bad seNedin lhe entireregimentsurgedfosdd dd this causedth€ 3rd Missouri to
\.Jgida whercthey had beencompelledto suender ignominiouslyto advanceas weI. The spontaeous counterattackregainedthe positioD
"Stonewall" Jacksonat Harpe6 Ferry, md had lived with
fte shase where the 56th Georgiahad sbod. Cockell realizd tbat the UDior
ever since ' raised the shout "Go in. Harpefs F€rry cowards."They strcngthwa on his righr so be countemarchedhis @n two left flanl
ignored their officeN comands 'Steady, steady' md charged rcgimetrts.the 2d fd 6th Misouri, to fte oppositeflank wherethey
impetuouslyup hill. Simul&neoustn t ogan. who semed to havehis fonned up unde. heavy fiE. Again the Union boops chargeddd
finger always otr the battlet tactical puls. ordered JotD Smith\ seemedabout to ovesheln the 5th Missoui unril Cocloellt l4r
brigadeto join the attack. regimentcme pdting up the Radir Road-The tst Missouri Regimenr
On th€ hiltop stood eight guns b€longing to Compdy A, lst managedto stop the attackm by liring a heavy volley at t€n pace
Mississippi Light Anillery atrd the Cheroke ceorgia AJtillery. The range.At that morent Doone realird that the tremendouschargeof
Mississippi g'ms slood somewhatapart md to the left of the Hovey'sdivision had reachedits high water mark.
Georgia battery. As the Union line suged towdd them, Caner At this poitrt BoweD\ s@nd brigade corunanded by CreD,
St€vensont chief of .nillery, Major Jos€phAnderson,ordered the deploy€don tbe right of the Missoui brigade. Ne"'q fiv€ Missoui
gume6 to switch fiom shell to canister,dd then doubl€cmister. The batteri€snumberitrB20 gms trundled into position behind Bowen's
Mississippid were cl€arly shak by the rcut of the ceorgia infantry infaDtry.unlimbeEd, dd openedfire. {SeeMap 4) WitI that, Bowen's
dd their aim was pool tn addinon. the rclling lermin offered 5,000-mm dilision conpleted its deploymenr.The division posessed
coNidenble shelterto rhe cbargingtufatry. The Union infantrf tued substanlial tutical adlanrages.Had Hovey s divisiotr b@n inracr,
a volley at 30 yardsrangethat ripped tbrcugh rhe battery kiUing mosr Bowenwould haveoutnumbe€di1five to four Blt Hovey had already
ot rhe horsesatrd numercu!creq. SdU. rhe Mbj$'ppr gunne^ sutreredsignificanl coDbat loses dd wd weakenedby the needto
exhibited amazingtemcity. Batery Caflain SamuelRidley suffered escon pnsoneB and woundedcotrades to the ree. Morcover it had
multille wounds while serviog a gm singl€-hudedly.SectioD jnsr completeda tong chargeover ngged remin which had causeda
colmdder Lieur€nantFmrk Johtrton had his horse shor our from considerablejunbling of the ranks-Iady, the divisiont lwo brigades
underhim in the tust volle' He roseto sfle dorher gun whorc crw werc not in nutual suppoG Mccimis rcmtued on Chmpion Hilt
bad al@dy fallen. Recognizinghe could not extrac!his gunsbecause while Slack was at fte Crossoads.Neither had anillery suppon. ln
of the loss of his ho6es. Ridley orderedJohnsronro ger the menout if sDm,5,000of the bestsoldiersor the field wereaboDtto counreGttack
posible. As he tumed bis hoBe to the rear.an Illinois srgedt called abourI,600 disorgdized menof Slackt brigade.Ar 2:30 p.m. Bowen,
out, Seeme shootthat fellow." The sergeant6Ed md Ridley fell dead. Grcen,ud Cockel the latter acting very mrrh the gallet cavatier
The Mississippi battery lost 74 of 82 men in its desperaBbur furile by holdine both his reinsdd a largefraCnoliaflower in one handmd
deranse.Spe&headedby the 32nd Obio. the federal soldieB ovelfu his sword in rbe otber rode befor $en nen od signalled the
tbe guns- The Harper\ Ferry cowards' had achieved vindication. advdce. The Missoun andArkmss inJolry eavevoice10a wild rcbel
Shordy thereafter John Smith\ brigade successfqlly sromed the
Chercke Anillery. Everywh€relhey l@ked. Logm\ men saw dued While Cekell .lrove tuough th€ Crossrcads,Green\ brigade
or fleeing Confederates. movedfosdd in lnnden on their right, Moy of the federal soldien
It was l:30 p.m. Back at the Chdpion hous€.rhe roe of battle G€en initially encoutrteredhad udoaded mDsketsmd rhis pemitted
cle&iy indicated that Stevenson's brigade was ourflankitrg the Green to push foNed Fpi.Uy. After pasing the Crossroads.the
defenden.Grdt told an aide,"Co down Io tngm and retl hin he his fiShling ragedalongthe eastemgopesof Chmpion Hill whereSlack\
makitrg history today." So f& that hisrory included rhe lhoough brigade conlestedeach tree. stump. and 1og. Slack\ srubbom
thEhing of Caner Slevensons division. the captue of 16 cannondd resistdce slalled Green's advancebut at grcat cost. An Aikdsas
numeros prisres, ad rhe occupation of the batilefield\ key soldierde$ribed whal t@k placewhenbs regimentfred at a rmge of
fe ures.victory seemedat hdd. 80 feet:"Never beforemr sincehaveI everwihessedsucha sight.The
However.colmud dd conEol confusionimposedby tne complex whole lin€ semed to fall md tunble headlongto rhebonoD ofrhe hill.
lermin had coupled with his own incapacity lo preventMccledard ln a momentthey cameagain,dd we werer€ady and againrepulsed
fton effectiv€ly engaging his forces on lhe Raymod od Middle Oem.And againand againfor severalhoDisin this way we held them
Roads. This atlowed Pembenonlo progessively strip forces from
rhis sector 10 rcinforce his left. He disparchedBowent division to CoclEll s bngademadebetterprcSiessand nanagedto comewith
coun€mrlackG@t s brcal1tuough- ten ymdsof MccitrniJs position atopChampionHill untit haltedby a
M.rching along the Radiff rcad toward the Crossrcadscme pair of federal camon. One of Mccinnis's mendescribedhow "men
Cockell's 250cmm Missouri brigade.Cockrell saw lhe 56th ceorgia tumbled.fencerails fles wildly thrcughthe ajr The gunne6..-nowcut
sbnding nm. He orderedhis leading .egiment. the 5th Missouri. to loosedoubleshottedwilh gape andcadsrercompletelymowingdown
deploy on trE Georgians'left. with the baldce of his brigadeto fom tbe enemy.They stood in nadtully for at ledt twenty minuEs then
on the left of the 5th Regimentas tbey cameup. The brigadebuglq tumed and fled.'Having failed in tbeir fiNt nsh. the Confed€rates
soundedthe signalto begir tne deploymentiion roadcolum ro banle begansofteningup the defedels Iine with accDmErifle tue. Whetr
line- His noteshad hardly ceNed whenthe Georgiansdissolvedbefore Cockell's nen chargedagain they received sixteen rounds of firc.
man] of Mccinnis' :nen .erired through them. Under cranfs gaze,
they chargeduphill. Jusrbelow the hill c.est the brigadeencolntereda
solidgraywall oitroops.A mDsket duolbetweenCockru ud Boomer
ensued,andnow..elatedar lova soldieawe..kiUedeachotherasfast
a! we coutd."For 40 ninules Boomels bngadecheckedCockretts
advdce and while so doingstfferedthe heavie$bdgadecaluatties
enduredby Grant\ armyduring the banle.More thaDone rn hree were

BowenoderedG.eenro try lo tum Boonels ]eft,The combinalion

of Green\ advdce and a hrming move by some of Cockrellt
Missourians exposedBoomeasfldk egimenr'toa dargerous enfilade
fire.Halfof thereSimenisleft flankcompanyfell to Confederatefire.
Fromrheheightsar 200-yardrange,rebelgunneBwho werecrewing
$e lwo capturcdgunsalso rargetedBoomeasmen.OveNhetmed,
Boomerwithd.ewdownslope. The batrle'scrisiswasat hand.Afterthe
stemest fighting.Bowen\ divisionhadovercome allresistance
for a remnantoi Slackbbngadewhichcontinue.tro hotdrhewoods
southeast ol ChampionHiU. Now CockeU\ and creen s warrioB
enleredtheopenfieldsbenearh Champion HiUto thrusragaineCranfs

Uly$es Crant had faced rour and near ruin ar Belmonr.Fon

Donehon.and Shiloh. Nor as then he retainedhis balance.The
artjlleryofferedtheclosestreserve al hand.Cmnto.deredhisChiefoi
Artiuery to a$emble rhree barrerieson a rise nonhwesrof fte
Championhouse.He sent a cou.ier to recatl Stevenson's brigade,
shich at thismonenrslillposessedachokeholdon theJackson Road
ne the Baker'sCreekcrossing. Thenhe sawlwo regiments of fr.sh
soldie$ belongingrc Crockeis remainingbngademarchingat thc
quick pace up the JacksonRoad. Evaluatingthe siruationcrant
chamcteristically iocusedon his enemys ratherthanhis own a.myt
pe.il: "Hoveyt divisionand BooneCsbrigadede good troops, he
told an ofticer, andif ihe enemyhasdrivenrhem,he is no1in good
plighthinsell Ifwe cango in againhereandmakea liule showing,I
thinkhewillgive way.'crantorderedthc freshreSimenrs cornnanded
by Holmesto nakehis little showing'by advancing upCharnpion HiU
until sroppedby rheenemy.
As Grantconpletedrhesedisposirions, Bowen\ soldies emerged
onlo the iields ar rhe baseof rhe hill. The cornbination oi Stacks
comnuedresistance on Bowen\ rightandthepresence oftwo federal
inchdingsixdoubleshottedwith canislerThecanisrer rippedrhrough regimenls who occupieda gully on his lefr limitedBowen's rhrusrto
theMissouriinianrryA horified Mhsour'privarevrole thattheblood a namw frontagerhatprobablydid nor exceed400 yards.Oncethey
in fie rutsof lhe road tan in a srream, aswalerwouldhavedone,afrer entered fte opentheypresented a cled rargelro rheUnioncannon. The
a hdd .ain."Six colorbearers of lhe I sr Missouriwerehit whileurging cannonand the infantryc.o$fire innictedheavyloses on Bowent
thencomrades forward.Thusinspired,Cockrelts wamorsoveranue rnen.Thelsr Missouriachieved thedeepesr Confederate penerrationof
tvo Sunsandrecaptured rwo oftheir own,Slill theilghlingcontjnued lhe day.Bcausehe hadhedd rharthe prizedUnionwagontmin was
asMccinnisandBowenfoughtbackdd tbnh arounda log cabinatop parkedjustove.anse nearrheChampion house,rheircotonelledthen
ChampionHill for al least60 minures.Finally,superiorConiederare rhreetimesup this slope.Soldie6of rhe 6rh Misouri gor a! tar as
Hoveys ambDldcewagons. creen\ lgrh Arkansas advanced to wilhin
Pembenon tried1oexploitrhesucc4sby summonjng Lorjng,smen 30 pacesof the federalgun line. But the Unioncannonprovidedfte
from his still unengaged left. But Loring derestedPembenonand tacticaltrumptofinally sropBowen'samzing neD.TheConfederares
.eiiised.Aroundthis riine, aboDt3:15 p.m., tqo ot Lee,sAlabama oi CarterStevensont divisionwho srill .emainedon fte heightscould
regiments cameup to supponCockrcllt leii. The Bllied Oeorgians catchglinpsesof Bowen\ ughr.An officerinquiredwho werethose
alsorenrmedro plug a void thathaddeveloped betweenCockrelland troops? Tlrereplycame'"They areMisouriansgoingto rheirdealh.'
Green.But in Loring'sabsence, it wascled rhatifthe battlewererobe GrudginglyBowenSdivisionretied to thewoodedslopes. Hadrhev
won,Bowent divisionwould havelo proceedlargelyunaided.From beenSranleda breathingspace,rheymight haveheldrbebaxeof the
lhe wtage pointonChampionHiU,Cockrellt mencoDtdseeClanfs hill. But beforeCockrelland his regimenral office^ couldrie in thei.
headquaders at the Championhouse.Nearbystooda wagonrajn, urirs with the divisionalanillery HolmeJs two-regimentbrigade
seeminglyavailablefor rhe taling. Al1 lhat was requiGdwas an
advmce of another600 yards and cranl s cenrer would be ruptured. The EmperorNapoleon, qho prcbablyconducred morebanlesrhan
Cockr€ll'sline charged downslope, drivingoil lhe legimentsmaming any generalin history,onceobsefledthai whena baulehungin rhe
Mccinnis cenbr and left, TheseUnion soldies tried ro halr and balsce, rhe intervenrion of evena small,but ireshunit otien had a
rcform in the meadowirom whe.e they had begunrheir assault.To ore decisiveimpacl.His observation becamecontainedin the aphorism
'rhelast battalionwilldecide
tunningUnionsoldierthepuBuingMissou.irebehsounded like ,.ren rhe issDe.'A!ChanrpionHiU,the 17rh
thousand st{ving andhowlingwolvesl' lowaand l0th Missourihada combinedtolalofabout500 men.Their
G.antwas alen to the p€ril and comnittedBoomels 1,500man chargetippedrhebalanceand the federalsrecaplurcd rhe heightsand
brigadeto shorcup his center.In a performance rharmatchedthatof thenlhe Cmsyoads.Because of Mcclemand\ blundedng,therelvas
Cock.elh bngade,Boomer'ssoldiersdeployedd rheM evenwhile
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wE AREwoRr{ING oN a MAJoR NEw Naval RAN6E.

When replying to adverts please mention Wargames lUustrated.

markerson ships.
Medieval Naval J. Notemovemenr
statusfor alt shipsduringthenexttum.
Warfare Rules
A. Movemenrdirection will be determinedby rhe use of a compals
Tbornas Colenev rosewith 16equaly spacedpoinls aroundtbe compas edge.
B. One Dro wil be rolled ar the s$n of eachtum to detemine rhe
numberof pbaes b each tum dd the posibility of wind diEctio!
chuge, rsirg the folowing results:
I producedfiese rulesin orde. to atlow fo. navalactionswithiD a small L A scoRoi | = a *iDd chdSe ot I poilr cl@kwir
scale c.1200 A.D- mythical MediteEuid cupaign, which will 2. A scorcof 2 = a wind chdge of 2 poinls cloclTise
include Chistiu, Byatrtine, Nee E6tem, md North Africa stats. 3.A scoreof 3 = atmof I phde
However,I believe that they would be very suitablefor use in p@ 4.A scoreof 4 - 7 = a tMof 2 phases
nalaypiratecampai$s, aswel 6 prcvidtug a navaldpect for my sort 5.A scorcof 8 = a tmof 3 phdes
ofmedieval cepaig! fioD d edly d 800 up 1o1500A.D. ff anyone 6. A scoreof 9 = a wind changeof I point counterclockwile
has&y questionsor suggestionswith regardto theserules I would be 7. A scoreof l0 = a wind changeof 2 points counEr clockwise
happylo corespond wilh them. 8. A I point wind chug€s iocludesa tm of 2 phases
Thomd Coveney,t1867 E. 165thStreet.Nonalk, Ca.90650. USA 9. A 2 potut wind chmge includesa tum of 3 phases
Theserules de desiSnedto provid€a r€latively fasq easydd bdic
style of gme- h order to achievethis end the nunber, typ€s, and C. Sequenceof movementfor aI ships will be determined using the
op€ratingdetailsof tbe shipsincludedha ben sticdy limit€d. lslm following syslem:
or 25Im figms my be usd. Ships models,such as those sold by l. Onedl0 will be roled for eacnship at the b€ginningof eachtm to
Greedeld Hobbiesmy be used.dek plds from vsious sources.or de0erminethe order of movenent of eachship, including re-rcls for
homemademod€lsusilg suchmaterialsasbalta wood, cardstockand shipswith dle sane score.
dowelsmy be used:ftDm 9 to 13ircha long and 4 incheswide. Dice 2. Eachside will altematelymove 1 ship. srartingwith that side which
needed: D6 = l-6, aveESedice= 2,3,3,43,5& Dlo = l-10. has the ship with the high€st scorc, i.e. one with a scorc of 10 if

tr: SHIPTY"ES (SIZES,PERSONNEL,EQUIPMENT) 3. If due to ship tossesone side hd more thu the otber,the side with
the larger numberof shipswould haveto move2 or moE of its ships
A.This systemusesfive basic t]"€s of ship€ as follol{s: i! seqDeDce, at the end of the tm.
l. Cogs; squ@-rigged,single sail & auiliary oars
2. Dhows;lateeFrigged,single sail & auxiliary oars. D. Ships moving Dder seil Dusa move lhe baximlm nmt€r of
3. Drcmons;oai powered& an auxiliary late€n-riggedsail inches in each pha$ of a tum as detarmir€d by the direction fmtn
4. lonSships;oar powered& a snall auxiliary squre rigg€d sail. shich the wind cltches lheir tlTe of sail, as d€6n€d belowi
5. Ship\ Boats;od powered& a small audiary lateetrsail. 1. Ru = the wind cominCdirecdy iiom lhe stem,and at up to I poitrt
off either side of the centreof the stem.
B. Ships must clEy th€ folloeing offctr€ srd cr€w' with rs nany 2. Qu.ner = the wind coming agoss the srem al fiom I to 2 points
mele€/bisile fiBUIts ar can fit on the nodel {ithout overlapping. nfiher arongfrom the firihest 'Run' point.
l. Ldge Cog: 1 caplain,2 inares& 6 cree 3. Reach= the wind coming acrosseither side of the ship at iiom I to
2. Small cog: I captain,I mate& 3 crew 2 poinb fDnheralong ftom the fulthest Quaner' poinr.
3. Dhows: I captain,I mate& 3 crew.No moretho oneqDanerof the 4. Beat= fte wind coming acrossthe bow at ftom I to 2 poinb nfths
combathoops may be bowmeD atongfton the turthest 'Reach'point.
4. Dromons: I captain,I mate& 4 crcw No morc tbm one quader of 5. Lutr = fte wind coming di@tly ftom .he b@ md at up to I point
the combatimps may be bormen. from eifter sid€ of lhe centreof the bow.
5. t-Dgships: I captaii/officer. No more rhanone fifth of the combat
troopsmay be bomen. E. ff a ship is pointedalonga line sepmling 2 wind sp€edaJeasit nay
6. Ship'sBoats; I mate& I crew be movedat either sped.
C ltmp lo{t! nay imlud€ both foot and mourred ffgur€s, with F. Ships using square-riggedsails nust move the numb€. of inch€s
och mouted ngult t{king the spac€of 3 fooafigurts. duing e&h phasea! listed below:
l. Ru = 6 2. Quaner= 4 3. Re3ch= 2
F. Ships using lat@D-riggedsails musi move the number of inches
A. RoUdice to determinewind dir€ction dd fore. during eachphde 6 listed below:
B. Roll dice to determineoralerof novemont for @ch ship.
C. Move shipsin sequ€nceas d€lerminedby dice sorcs.
D. Rsolve etrets of all rajns.collisions and oar she6. 3. Bear= 2
E. Roll dice io resolve etrecB of nissile fire for each ship at tbe
appropriatepoint duing its movement,if missile Foops@ on bodd. G. Ships operatingunder sails may tum up to 2 points at the end of
by the end of the shiph move al the la0esr, eachpha!€of novemen! which h doneby moving tbe st€mo. 1 poirt
F Detemine total dmage on eachship causedby raming. colisions. if ir hasno r€mainitrgofficer.
bumine &.Vor ruming aground.
G. Detedine gnppled sliatusof all ships allowed to do so doring H. Ships using lat€€n-rigged sails mry attempt to 'Ihck' i.e. moye
dir€ctly fron one 'Beaf itirectior to the oppBile NinA lh€
H. Roll dice to resolveaI meleecombald[jrg ach half of eachtum,
l. The ship must stan the tum ir wishesto Tack'with its bow poioM
L Note d@8e on eeh ship sl,atussheet,renove eliminatedfig!rcs in either 'Beaf direction.
2. Duing a 2 phrle tum a scoreof I ,2 or 3 rciled on one D6 causestheP. Shps rnoving under oa$ must move at ledt one half their cment
bow of the ship lo cross the Lutr' direction to the opposite Beaf speedin order io increasefteir sp€edduring be next tum.
Q. Shipshavelhe fotlowing mardmumnumberof Stmina loina per
3. Duringa 3 phasetum a scoreol 1,2,3,or 4 rolledon oneD6 causes tlT€ as listed beloq which may be recoveredby engagingin no kind
tl'e bow of lhe ship b cross,as above. of rnovenent, while not under missib nre or in inele€, for tne tsted
4. when a ship makesa Tack it will move aheadI inch, dunng a 2
phasetum o.2 inchesduring a 3 phasetum. and lhen shift its bow to 1 Dromons= 8,+2for3 2. Longships = 8, +1 for I
thene@stopposile'Beaf poinl. 3. LargeCo8 = 6, +2 for 2 4. Dhows = 6. +1 for I
5. ff a ship scoresI higber thd it needsto 'Tack' it sill mve aheadI 5. Small Cogs= 6. +2 for 2 6- Ship s Boats = +l for I
incb, thenshift its bow into the middle ofthe Luff'dir€clion dd con€ 7. Any ship nay recover+l sumina poinl for each2 hns

6. If a ship scores2 higherthan il needsto 'Tack' jt will nove ahead2 R. Ships movjng under oars mu$ hale at lealt I renaining Stamina
inchesad thencometo a slo!. point in order to conducldy frovemenl, including tms.
7. If a ship startsa tm with ils bow pointedin dy 'Luff' dirftlion il S. If a longshipor a dromonha! lesstb& one half of its stmina poinh
may tm its bow to the nedesl 'Beaf poinl using lhe fint phaseof a whenit engages in a meleeit will deduct-l pointfromits meleedice
tum and tl'en moveaheadif possible.

l. Ships noviog unde. sail win 'D.ift'dom-wind 6 folos: T' Shipsoperatineunderom may tm the direcnonof their bow up to
l ShipJ boaK will drift I inch at the eld of a tum for each phde in 2 points in either direction after fte number of incbes of fofldd
movementas listed below-
2- Longships and Drcmonswil dnf12 'nchesat the endof a 2 phase 1. DrcDons & longships= each4 inchesof non-Ii.]ming speed
rum. md 3 inchesat lhe end of a 3 phasetum. 2. Cogs& Dhows = each5 inchesof movemen|
3. Snall Cogswill drift I inch at the endof a 2 phde tum. od 2 inches 3. ShipsBoats= each2 inchesofmovement
at fte end of a 3 phasetum.
4. Largecogswill drift I inch at the end of a 3 pbasetum. U. Shi?smay only tum while stopped.cruising. fast & battle speed.

J. Ships may shift fmm oals to sdls, or back, as follov,s: Y Ships moving under ods which re stoppedat the beginningof a
l Ships using auxiliary oars must sp€nd3 tums raising or lowering tum Day tum up lo 6 points h either direction if they nate no other
sails.a t I tum bking in or putting out oN, Dovemetrt,or tum up to 2 pointsin eitherdirectioned moveup to one
2. Ships using auxiliar/ sails nu$ sped 2 tums raisin8 or lowqing third of their cruisingspeed
sails,md 2 tums tahng i! or putting out ods.
3. The times listed abovefor raising or lowering sailswili be doDbled X. Ships able to move may jncr€as€ or decreaselh€ir sp€ed a
for a ship with les thu one half of its original numb€rof fiew figures maxnnumof I l€vel at the b€ginningof a tum a! definedbelow:
on boardai thal poinr. 1 A ship which b€ginsthe tum in Reve.semay either stopor conrinue
4. While a ship is shifting Aon sails to oms, ir will Drift' under the
2. A ship which b€ginsa tum at Stopmay eirherSlop,go inro Reve.se,
a. lf the wind is not comin-qfrcm such r direction so as lo causelhe or go to Cruising. afier having tumed up rc 2 point! to either side.
bow of the ship to be poinred into any each o. run dnecdon, ar the 3. A ship which beginsthe tum at Cruisingspeednay eilher Slop rft€r
begitrningof eachphasethe boa of $e ship wiu shifi I point lowdds having noved a minirnurnof one third of Crlising speedor go to Fast
the nerest reachpoint md drift downwind I inch duing eachphare.
4. A ship which beginsthe tum at Fastspeedrnaygo b eitherCruising
b. If the bow of tbe ship is pointedinto any reachor run direcrionat the
beginningof a phasefte ship will &ift 2 inchesdomwitrd during eeh or Battle/Rming speed.
5. Any ship which des not begin a tum at Stop may 'Stop after
moving Iedt onethird of its cruisingSpeedat the beginningof the tum
K. Ships noving under sail may come ro a conplete stop at fte at $e cost of +1 Stanina Poitrts.
begiming of my tm by 'SpillinS' tbe wind from rheir sail{s) also 6. Ady ship nay slop at fte b€ginningof any um by Digging In' ils
causing then to rcmain sroppedotr the followinS tm including om also causingit to remainstoppedon the following tum, including
drifting asin IVJ above. drifting as in IV. J above.
L. If a ship moving undersail ltans a tum poimedinto my of the Luff' 7. Any ship moling underoa$ may Liff its oarscausingit to drift at
dircctionsit musrtm its bow I point per ph$e until it is poinrd into one h8lf it! speeddu.ing $e previoustum.
the nedest di@tion in which it ca moveahead.
M. Shjpsmoving underods will move onceper tum Y. r friebrly ship! make contact duira e tum ih€ folowitrg n es
N. Dromonsand Longshipshavea maximum sp@din 'tnches while
noving underoa$ for eachtype of movement6 listed betow for each l. If ftiendly ships contact at less thd Rming speedboth must
type of ship,including Staminacost! onceeachtum. imediarely cometo a Stop for the rcs! of that tum.
l. Sropledr0, -0 2. IJ ftiendly shipsmakecontactat RMing Speed.a ram attackwiu
2- Revene a. Dromons= 5,-0 b. Longships= 4.-0 be consideredto have@cu@d. as iD SectionV below
3-Cnisins n. Dronons= 10,-0 b. Longships = 8. -0
4- FsL a-Dronons=13,-l b. Longships= 11,-l Z. Il enerny ships nake con,act at less than Ramming speed the
5- Batde a- Dronons= 16,-2 b. Longships = 11,-2 folowing pmc€dure wil be us€d .o determine the oukome:
6- Ra]mins: a-Dronons= 21, -3 b. Longships = ll, -2 1. The moviDg ship will continue its creft general direction of
movementif at all posible, for the rest of its tum. Pushingasideany
O. Cogs,Dhows and Ship's Boatshavea naximum speedin 'Inchej contactedship if possibte.
while moving underods for eachtype of novement aslistedtelow for 2. If at ledl one lbird of the om of the movitrgship comeinto contEct
eachship, plus stmina cosl5,onceeachtum wilh any pan of the body of the enemyship, $e moljng ship will have
1 Stopped: 0. -0 sutreredan Oar Sheai as in YI. b€loq and will irunediately cone to
2. Cruising a. tjrge cogs=5.'l b. Shipt boats= 4, -0 a futt Stop.
c.SnallcogsandDhows= 7,-I 3. A ship witrr 'Lifted' oa$ may not sutreran Oar Shear'.
by -t loint.
it causes
reduceay damage
'Recovel ftom damge cauwd by ming
G. Shipsmay never
A, DromoN Day attempt io deliver a 'FuI' Rtm attack against
ary semy ship onder ihe folorving conditioru: 'sutrk shi!!
H. Elidinaled ships shoDldbe replacedwith partially
l. h mDsthavecompletedat least 12 inchesof ils raffning sPeed,as 'down
which will .lrift wind' I inch per tum, after spendingI phaseper
in lV. L 5 above,before ir will be consideredto havebuilt up enoDgh
compasspoinl neededto um the bow of lhe wreck into the nerest
2. It must havecompletedany tums by tbe end of lhe fst 6 inchesof
I. Oar Sho. atiack wil b€ conduct€d .s follows:
3. lf it d@snot meelboth of the above€quiremetrtsat fte point when
l. If movementof a ship causesils oN to move acrossthe space
it comesinto conlact with dother ship, it witl b€ consideredto have
occupiedby the bow of aty other ship, or if its bol{, movesacrcsslhe
delivercda'Glancing'Rm d foUows
spaceoccDpiedby oan of eother ship. the player contouing the
4. Once it h6 cornpleleddy changesof di@tiotr during the fist 6
moving ship mustcheck for Od Shed dmage by rolling one D6 and
inchesof movenent of ils fst tum at rmitr8 sPeedil may contitrue
using the folowing resulls:
to move at this speedin a straidt line if it has sufficient remining
a. A scoreof 1 or 2 cause! I sp@dlevel loss, md the drnaged ship
staminapoints, and nny deliver a Ramat any point duing a following
may oDly nove in Reverse,at Cruising and at Fdt for $e rest of the

b. A scoreof 3 or 4 caDss 2 speedlevel lossesdd tbe daDagedship

B. A Full' rm may only be deliveredagainstlhe side of a ship.being
may only Dole in ReveBeat h.lf speeded at Cruising for the resrof
d€finedd at least I inch id nom fte st€mot 2 inchesin from the bow
of a lar8et ship. along fte side of the base,at d dgte of b€rween45o
c. A scoreof 5 or 6 causes3 speedleael losses,the damagedshiP is
and90" awayfton the centeline of the ramed ship by the bow of the
Stoppedfor the rcst of tbe tum md may moveody at Cruising al half
speedthe rest of the game.
2. A ship cnusingm 'Od Shear'moving farter ftd cruising will cause
C. Any colision betweenships other than that defined in VB above
+l pointtobe addedto thedicescorcin VI.l
will be classedd a Glancing' Rm, causingthe rmed ship to be
3. ff the final scoe is greaterthd 6, the ddaged shiPis iDnedialelv
pushedout of the way of the rMing ship if at a]l Posible.
Stoppedand may not nove for the next 2 lums
D. The nmbe. of points of siructurc damagewtich may be caused
L Any ship which sutrersany rm along its side while moving under
by either type of Ram will be dete.mined a! folows:
om will lose - I pemdenr level of off sPeed.
1. the player causinethe rm rolls ore D6 to determinethe numberoi
points of structuieddage. using lhe chartbelov.
K. Once a sbip has lost aU it! leveb of otr sp€€d, il wil oP€rate
2. A Dronon will add +1 poiDt of damageagainsta Dhow or a Small
und€r the fonowing rcstrictionsl
cog or +2 points againsta Irrgship.
'Full' rm will imediately siik. 1. Ir will hn its bow I loint ler move phde into $e middle of the
3. Any ship\ boatmeiving a
4- The player causinSa 'Glucing' Rd wiu us the following system
2. Until it ce 'RaiseSail' it will drift downwind I inch for eachPhde
to modify ary potertial dmage;
a. IJ a Dromon conlactsa Dhow or small cog, +1 poinl will be added
3. It may not move under oN until it hN beetrfitted with new ods,
to tbe total scoredby the Drcmon, on the chartbelow.
eilher after a battle when il joins ftiendly oded shiP(s)or at a friendlv
h If a D.omon coniactsa Longship, +2 Points will be addedto total
scoredby the Dromon, on the cban below.
c. r a Large Cog contaclsa smaUCog or Dhow. or a small Cog or
Dhow cortacts a Longship,+2 points will be addedto the total scorcd
by the moving ship on the chdt b€lou A. M€ls wil be conductedusing the folowing syslem:
d. If a Ship\ Boat is cont&ted by my other ship type, the Player L Shipsmusl becone SGppledduring the movementponion of a tum
cotrtrolling the moving ship will roll oDeD6, with a scorcof 1,2, or 3
in orderfo. a nelee to be conducted.
causingthe Ship\ Boat to sink. 'FDlt ram will
2. A Dromon which successftrllydelivers a
e. If a Longship or Dhow cotrlac$ a Ldge Cog or a Drcmon _l point aulo@tically becomeSEppledwith its l"lmed oplonent
witl be deductedfrom the lotal damaSePoints scor€by the moving 3- A ship which is within 1 inch of my other ship ar my Point dunng
ship. 'Grapple' by rclliDg one d6
the movem€ntponion of a tm Inay tlf to
t If the finar dice scoreis lessthm I, Dodmage occm with a scoreof 4.5 or 6 causing a success-
g. ff the final dice $ore is greaterth& 6, + I point of additionatalamage
4. As soonas a ship belomesCmppledthe controlling Playe.mav take
one aitenpi 1obreaka Smppleasfollows:
a. OneD6 my be roued for eacbmeteefigm in cont4t alongfte Part
Glmcing RaIndamage
of the side of the ship which hasbecomeelapPled.
I b. Ary figDresconnga 6 wil successfullybreaktbe grapple
2 poinrs 2 5. Gnppled shipsmay engagein no movemenl
3 poinls 6. Meleesoccur after all movementhasbeencomPleted.
2 poinis ?. A boardingnetee will corsist of a ma/jmu of 2 tounds of combat.
8. All boarding meleeswiI begh during the hatf of a nn aier the
E. Shipswill be eliminatedfrom play when they hav€sufferedat least 9. If a ship wins the first bolnd of meleeits cotrtrollingplayer may end
the lotal numberof smlctrdl points listed below as a result of Ru thar meleedd breakgmplles.
Damag€l 10. I'Iie results of a md€€ wil tle detemrin€d as follows:
1. Largecog = 10 2. Dooon = 9 3. Dho* = 7
a-Eachplay€rwill roll I averagedice (2,3,3,4,4.5)for eachof his ships
4. SmaI cog = 6 5. Longship = 5
engagedin that metee.
F. r ftieDdty shipseverbecomeengagedin a rm, the moving ship will b. The dice scoreofeach ship witl b€ multiPtiedby the combinedtobt
of the numberof meleefigrs plus otre third of all the missile ud limit ud my mel@ my replaceany nelee.
E.In a multiple ship mel@ alt shipsnust engagein nelee-
c. The final dice scorcb divided by 10. dd ay ftaction of at leasi 5
beitrgrcundedup md adding +l to that scoE. F.A ship mustactuallybe attek€d by at least I enemyfiglle beforeit
d. r thereis a leaderfigm involvedin a mel@+1 wil be addedto the can b€ co6ideEd to be ca?turcd.

e. The ship wirh the highesrtoral scoie wins rh€ mel€€. G. It will takeprevioDslyg€ppled ships I tum after they utrgmppleto
t If a ship is in a m€leewith 2 or more opponents.that player nust pushtherelves fa enoDShap.it so that both cm mov€away.
decide before rclling his dice how many fiBurcs will be dsistred ro
H. Milsile fir€ from fsuns will tle coduct€d a.! folows:
g. The finat total scoredby qch ship h a met€ewiU detemine the 1. ArchersInay 6re oncehalf way thJoughe&h tm md onceat the
numberof fiBuresoDboardeachship which mDslbe checkedfor with
savingthrowsas below: 2. crossbowsmay tue oncear the end of eeh nm
3. Missile rangesare as followsl
11. One D10 wil be ml€d for each potential ffgur€ todsafter erch a .B o w sN e o = r 0-6 Mid=6'15 Fd=15-30
mund of mele€usirg the folowing sJstem: b . C r o s s b o wnse: a r= 0 - 8 Mid=8-18 Far=18-36
a. r a 1 is scoredthe seniormilitary leaderis checked.
b. If a 2 is scoredlh€ seniorship ofEceris ch€cked. 4. The dishce betwetr sh@ting figurcs dd target ships wil be
c.Ifa 31o 7 is scoreda inetee6gureis cbecked. detemined by using lhe folowinS procedure:
d. r a 8 or 9 is scoreda missile figue is checked. a. The mee will be measuredftoD the outsideof that part of the ship
e. ff a 10 is $ored a sailor / crew is checked. rcrest to the shootingfigu€ to the neeest part of the iarget ship.
t tf a figurc type is not on the ship the followir8 syslemwill be used b. Figuresoily sh@t overd enemyship if suchfiguresaie higher than
to detemine which alrematefi8re will be checked.
1. No l@der causesa meteefigue to be cb@ked. c. Figuresmay rcver shootoveratrypart of ften own or a fiiendly ship.
2. No caprainor mte causesa crcw fi8ue ro be cbeked.
5. If a ship comesto a stopduring $e 6rst halJ of a om any missile
3. No meleefigw causs a misile fi8ue to be cbeked.
shorswhich rcmain nust be done assoonaspossible
4. No misile fi8re causesa meleefi8ue ro be cb@ked.
5. Bo crew figw causesa missile figue to be checked. 6. Missile figures which sbootduring either half of a tum may only
d€fendduring a boardingaction during that halJ a tum.
12. One Dlo wiI b€ ml€d for 4ch figuE to b€ ch€ckedafter ach
mel€€bourd to s€€if it is 'Saved' 7. One D6 win be ml€d fo. erch ffgur€ shooting its nissile werpon
a. MilitaJy leader= a scoreof I to 7 saves uing the foloEing 6nlts:
b. Melee figure = a scoreof I to 5 saves a. Ned = a scorcof 4, 5 or 6 cau$s a hit
c. Missile figure = a scorcof 1 to 3 saves b. Mid = a scoreof 5 or 6 causesa hit
d. Crew figure = a scorcof I or 2 saves c. Fd = a scorcof 6 causesa hit
Dlring a 2 phasetDm the chmce to hit wil be rcduced 1
13.All ligrlB fighling on a ship higher ftd ftei. opponentas defined
below will bave'l deducEdiion ftei dice score. 8- During a 3 phasetm the chdce to hit wil be reducedby -2
a. A laige cog is higher lhan all o$er ship types. 9- r tl'e cbece for figuEs to scorehits is reducedto less tbd I in 6
b. SmarlCogsand Dronons are higher then Dhovs and t ongships. otre dice wil be rcIed for every 2 d 3 fi$res
c. Dhows and lrngships are higher thanShip's Boats. 10. Effects of misile hits will be detemiDedas folows:
a.All figues hit will be ch€ck€dfor 'Saves'd in \aI.B.l1
14.If the bow or stemof a shi! is grappledto dother ship only 1/3 of
b. Figureshit by dossbowsnust deduct'l ftom savingscores.
fte mimum numberoI figures cuied by tha( ship may engagein a
nele fton that pan of rharship. 11. Whenevera ship haslost at ledt otrehalf its total crw ud officers
it may ody tum 1 point at the end of eachph6e while noving wder
15- ff the side of a ship is erappledto molher ship, only 3/4 of the
sail and it must add +l to irs dice scoreehen it atremprsro Tack' a!s
maiDum numberot figms cdied b) $al :hip may eoSagein a
m€l@ ftom that pan of ftai ship.
I. Dromons may atremptto ma-keotre Creek firc'anack during any
16-A ship wiming 2 corccutive bouDdsof mel@ agaist the sme
tum underft€ following conditions:
oplotrent capturesthe opposing ship. which must be tllzmed by al
L The attackmay be mad€whil€ operatingeither underoarsor sail.
least I cr€w figurc in order to more iL
2. Therenust be at lff$ 5 nms betwen eeh att&k-
17. A single ship b€ing boarded by 2 or nore enemy ships may 3. The attackmay be diiecdy to its fron! over the bow or up to 2
automticafy lose the tust bomd of melee,incltrdingcheckingfor the otr eithq side of the bow
player @ntrolitrg the Dromotrwill roll one D6 to det€min€ if
los of I fig@ for lhe first attacKng ship, plus I figure for each 4. The 'Cc\ Ofl wiLba \coE of 6 b€inga failure.
additionalattackingship i.e. I figue for the fi$l ship,2 fo. the second, tbe anack
5. The tuge of a 'G@k tue attackwi]l be determtuedby rc]ling one
D6 usitrgthe followjlg chart:
B. tt wil tak€ 1 bouDdof relee to ttusfer figres ftom I ftieldy
gEppled ship to ey adjacentfti€Ddly Siappledship.
Luff Bea! Broad Run
I -0 -0 +l +2
C- ReidorcemeDts@y bever tucrede the total Duber of fi$rcs
2 -0 +1 +3
which coDldoriSiD.Iy b€ caried by ey rhip.
3 -2 o +t +Z
D. Reinforcernentsof a s!@ific tlTe of figure nay neverincrea!€the -l -2 -l -0 +l
tolal of ihat q?q excepttbat equiEtent t}?es nay b€ counted6 part 5 -2 I -0 +l
of anothergoup e.g. ertra @w may be countedagaiostthe missile 6 -5 -3 -z I -0
a. The be distdce of the nearesipoint wh€re the c@k Firc lmds useonly Cogsand Longships.
will be 9 inchesftom th€ muzle' of the sbot- 2. Those which occw itr the Meditetmem or Black Seashould use
b. The score on the chan above wiu detemiDe dy possible only Cogs,Dhows ad Drcmons.
modificatioDto the basedisrance, 3. SNp s Boatsshouldoily usedwith Cogsdd Dhows.
c. A shot tued into lh€ 'Luff' or 'Beat' dircction wi]l have its tuge
rcducedby -1 inch for eachtm pbe. B. The folowing poirts system should b€ Dsedehen setting up the
d. A shotfir€d into the run dircction will haveits mge incr€asedby sid€seitbe. for . single game or a simpler campaign,
+l inch for eachtum phN. 1.Atldtic, Nonh Sea,or BalticSea:a.largeCog=20
e. If $e shot is tued duing a 2 phasetum, rhe direcrion win be b Smallcog= 15, c. L.lgship =60
deflectedI inch down wind. 2. MedilermneatrSeaatrdBlack Sea: a. Ltrge Cog = 22,
f. If ahe sbot is fiftn during a 3 phase tum. the direction will be b Smallcog = 12,c. Dromon= 72.d. Dhow=10.
deflect€d2 inchesdown wind. 3. Ship\ Boatsalwayscost 4 poinls each-
4. All ships ex@pt htrgships dd Dromos must pay poinu for all
6. w}etr G@k Fire strikes either onto water or againsta ship i. wil combatfigur€scarded on board asfolows:
tplash'into d oval panem4 incheslong by 2 incheswide acrcssthe a. Foot Knights = 10.b. Archs & Crcsbowmen = 4
c Men al Ac - 8. d. Spemen includingAnbs = 6

7, If G]r€k fire hits sry pdt of a ship fre damaee rvil be C. Whenevera long t€rm campaignis being set up ships dd fi8lres
detemired uslng the folowing systeb: shourdbe pioducedusing whatevereconomicsystemis being usedfor
a. thereh a I in l0 chuce that GreekFire will eo out ar thepoint when the rest of the cmpaign.

b. Therc is a 1 in 6 chancetbat Greektue will sprcadto the mast,sails D. Wben setting up a sirgle battle, the opposingships should b€ on
ed riegtug at the point when it Iandsagairst a ship, if it do€srot go the gamirg 3M ud€. the following conditioN:
l. A1l ships on a.h side must be within I move of at ledt I othe.
c. r the Grcek Fire spreadsto tlE masts,sails, rieging ir can only be ftiendly ship, md moving in lh€ sane direction.
stopp€d by discarding the bumiog msts, sa s, rigging oveftoard, 2. The oppositesidesshouldtJ€placedso ftat enemyshipsneest eeh
wbich may be accomplishedio 2 tums while the ship is engagedin no other re at ledt 6 cruisingtums apad.
3. The wind sbouldbe set up so that it is blowing ar a ridt angleto the
d. Greekfire which succestuly startsto bm a ship causesa numb€r dircction ach gioup is facing.
of points of structural d4mageeachtm equal to the num&r rolled 4. UDlessthe playerswish to roll dice to detenioe the sidefrcm which
wilh one D6. the wind is bloqing, the player with the largesl number of lateen-
e. While the ndts, sails, rigging e still pan of OE ship md @ iigged ships. or if thesede equal,the side with the l.rg€st nunber of
buming,+1 poitrt will be added1()the structuratdanagecausedby the Dromons or t ngshipswill detemirc from which side the wind is

i Ifthere @ 2 pba€s in a Nm +1 poinr will be addedto my srructural 5. The opposiDgflets shouldbe placedso that there is at ledt some
rypeof land, codt or isldd(s), arongthe side of fte playing ea.
g. If therc re 3 phdes in a tum +2 poinrs will be added to my 6. The playe.s on eachside shotrldmdk down the relatile locarionof
structuraldamagecalsd by the Greekfire. their individual ships. subjectto the prcimity restiictions desc.ibed

J. Eachpoint of damSe causedby Raltrmingwitl be equalto 3 poinls 7. Playe6 should strongly consider gr€atly limiting their
of ddage causedby Gre€kFire comunications after d inidal discussionof then phns for the cou6e
of the batdebeing ser up.
K. Figms on boarda buming ship my attemplto put out a tue using 8. ff the mtue of the gamebeiD8orgdised rcsults f6m mdcuvres
the following pmedure: during a cmpaign, the playeB sbould oily discuss the geneEl
1 The ship may be engrged in no other &tivity campaigngoalswhich havebroughtabourthe actionand shouldnot be
2. The basecbmce to put out a fire is I in 6 a,llowedto seedy particDld shipswhich havebeensightedatrdcould
3, For eachsuc@ssivetm tnat an att€mptis madero put out a tue tbe b€ hiendly or etreny as wen d beinSgiven only a sketchmap of the
chanceto do so wiU in@.se by I in 6
4. Eachfigw eliminatedby nissile fift fion a bumiDSship reduces
the chancero plt oDtthe fire by I in 6. E. Wl€n c.€atiDg a rlvd campaigr or uling shlps as part of a
larger campaign. Play€B shourd rcnenbtr the folowingl
L- If a bqming ship is grappledro my other ship(s).they win havea l. Ihere should be enoughobj@lives in a cmpaign so lhar serious
bde chanceof I in 6 to catchfir which will increaseby I in 6 for each thoughtwill hav€to be given to a[ options-
successivegrappledtum. 2. Playds should rememtEr that Cogs ed Dhows were usually
privately owoed nerchanr ships conscriptedfor a limited period of
M. Ships will be eliminatedfrom action when they hale sufiered ar time, dd the los of lhe nilitary colmoder otr bodd woDld .lmost
ledt the toizl numberof strudural points listed below ar a result of automatic.Iy causeit to leave the combat dea as soon d posible,
probably with no bett€rthan a I in 10 chanceof EmainiDg.
l. Ldge cog= 27 2. Dromon= 21 3. Dbow= 18 3. PlayeB shotrld be encouragedto a8rEeto severelimirs on tbeir
4. SmallCog = 15 5. t-ongship= 12 6. Shipt Boat= 5 ability to chdge from using oals atrdsdls, inctuditrga rule that there
shouldbe a I in 3 chanceof a one tum aletayfor €eb ruB of 2 phNs,
N. Shipseliminatedby 6re wil be Fearedrhe sde as sunk€nships. md a 50% chmce of a I tum detayfor eachtum of thE phases.

VII: SPECIALRULES F. Ship€ transporting horsesshourd use the fonowirg system:

L The list b€low givesthe mdinurn horsecarryingcapacity:
A. th€ totlowing 6t icaions a]t Euggestedfor s€tting up Dlysl a- Latge Cog = 12 bo6es + 3 combatfigur€sas ho6e pages
b. SnaI Cog = 6 hmes + 2 horsepagesas above
l. Thosewhich ccu in the Atlantic. North Sea.or Baltic Seashotrld
c. Dhow = 8 hoNs + 2 horsepagesas above e. Shoals.reefsand beachesshoutdhaveat teast3 levels,for purposes
d.Irtrgship = l0 hones +3 horsepagesa above. of ships gounding'; and on€ dagerous oDly at high tide: distances
ftorn a coastdep€ndingon the codt twe,
2- Only feDdaynercenary Europeus ud Byzdtines shoDld be 3. Tidal etrectsshouldbe recorded,if known to play6 or by m umpire
allowedto Dsehngships ashorseEansportsat 16 poiDts. if possiblefor locationsunlsoM to playeB. bur which coutdbe found
l. Shipsbeing usedashoBe transporrsmy only use sails.
4. Shipssailing in fte Noih Seawill add +l to their lcore. 4. Cogsmd Dbows shoDldbe allowedto ldd at d@ks.
5. Shipssailing in Winter wiu add +l to their score 5. AI other ship types may eithd Ds dock! m push ashoreon sandy
6. All ships b€ing Dsedas ho$e transpon! should roll I D6 at the bqches along coastsor islands.
b€giming of eachcmpaign tum when the wind sp€edis equal to the
equivaletrtof eilher a 2 or 3 seCmenrbattle tum using the folowine L The chanceof ships running aground'shouldbe b6ed oD the type
of coast / island, ship sped dd direction of movenent, dd tidal
condinonsa3weu asweatherstatus.including the followirg:
Numberof Ho6e figues losl
L Cogsand Dhows will be nore likely to suryive coDtactwitb @ky
or rough coail! / islandsftan ofter ship ||es.
No Horsesl-ost 2. Cogsand Dhows win be morc likely to be pemtuendy 'gronnded'
2 No Horseslrst on smdy b@chesthm other sbip 9?es-
J. The following nles e suggest€dfor detemining the abitity of ships
5 lo 'Tow other shipsinclDdingspeedreductions:
6 2 HorsesLosl 1 Shipsmustb@ome grappledbeforc they cm engagein a Tow
2. Dromons dd LDgships should b€ twice 4 likely 1o be able to
7. ff playersareusing difiering crw qualities,the following modifien 'Tow
eroundedships fte thm other ship types, with the chdce of
shouldb€ usedwith the chdt above: succes detenined by the weather codition, with a better chance
a. Poor crew = -l to the $orc whenthe tide is nmine out to rca.
h Averageoew = no modification. 3. No more thu two shipsmay attemptto 'Tow' one groundedship.
c. Vetem crew = +l to the scorc 4. ff a ship is towing a ldSer ship the ihelf in openwaterit will Inov€
at 50% of its mdimlm sp€ed.
8. Cogs& Dhows shouldoDlybe able ro load dd / or unloadhorsesar 5. r a ship is towinS a ship no longd thanii.elf in op€n water ir will
Dove at 70% of its mdjmum sped.
9. tongships should b€ able to load / or unload horsesar peruent 6. r a ship is lowing anothership dosrl wind it will increde its twing
docks as wetl 6 alor8 sh.low coasb, ihe laner opention raking 3
dmesastong a the fomer 7. Shipsmay tow Ship'sBoatsat the cost of -1 iDcbfor eeh sucbboar
10.For everyhose lost by a transponsuryivitrghoNs sbouldhaveto
spend eitber 1 cdpaigl tum with m novemert or move the
apprcpnate nuDberof led canpdgn rumsar onehatf.ped. K. The following syslemshouldbe usedfor 'Anchoring' ships:
L Ships should only be allowed to Anchoi if they @ docked or
G. During cmlaigD tms €acb ship in a goup sbould use the within l0 ro 15inchesof rhe coastar the end of a tum.
following syst€mlo detemine il! ability ro sraywith irs grcup. 2. Ships should be required to spetrdat l€dt fou tms in order to
l. Each ship ir a grcup should bave a I in 10 chece of b@oming 'RaiseAnchor' and at leastsix tums if they haveles thd one half of
separatedfrod its own group when it is out of siShtof ldd, as well as thetr cr€w and caplain aboard.

2. An isolaledship shoutdhav€a I tu 6 chace per cmprign turn of K. Shipsshoutdbe alowed 1obe 'Chained' togetherunderas followsl
fitrdjrg one or moft other shipsliom its own grcup. l. Only shipsof the sme getreraltype c& be chainedtogelher
3. r a ship rcDjrs lost at the end of $e campaigntM, it shouldhave i-e. Dromonswith Longshipsdd Cogswirh Dhows.
a I in 6 chdce of firding sone olher ship(s) which would have d 2- Shipsmu$ s|alt a batttechainedtogether
equalchanceof b€ing Aien.Uy,neutnl or hostile. 3. Shipsmy only b€ unchainedafter a banle haseded.
4. If a lost ship 6nds Doother ship(s)at the end of a canpaign tu it
should have a 1 in 6 cbanceof sighting a coalt wbich ha o equal L. As pan of a canpaign ir is suggest€dthat a Cog e.yor Dhow
chanceof betugfrien.[y, neutral or hostile. eogagedin a boardiDg action against a Drcmotr ddor tnngship
5. If a ship rcmjns lost for one cmpaign tum without sightingltud, it shouldadd +l or +2 to its rneteescore.
will b€ considercdto havebeeneliminacd ftom play.
6. r a ship fin& a ftieDdly codt it will ldd at the neaiesrporr ud M. Ship's Boatsmy only join theii p.rent ship or orher Ship s Boats
uDload,wbereir may b€ brcught backiDto play laler in a b@rdir8 action, dd must deduct-2 to ils meleescor€.
7- ff a ship 6rds my non-ftiendly co6t it will move alonSthat coan
uDtil it |@hes a ftiendly port as above. N. For lat€r 13th ud l4th certuy gm€s / cmpaigns m€dium and
h€avycrossbowsmay be added,using th€ folowinS ruls:
H The folowing systemis sugg€stedfor using 'Tenin' in a gme a! 1. Medium crosbows usethe followjng tugs in ircbes:
well asfor a cmpaigr, sincemostactiotrst@k placevery ned a coast a . N e a r = O t o 1 0 b . M i d = 1 0 t o 2 4 c-Fd=24to48
2. HeavycmssbowsuseOe fonowtug rugs iD irchs:
1-Th€ utue of coaslsshould be detenircd aspart of th€ begiming a . N e a r = 0 t o 1 4 b . M i d = 1 4 r o3 6 c.Fd=36to?2
of a cdpaign, a wel asbefore singlebat les.
3. Medim / heavycrcssbowshit with the folwing $orcs with a D6:
2- Codt typesshould includ€ the folowiDg: a. Near = a scorcof 3,4,5 or 6 calses a hir.
a. Harbou6, including tides dd dock, if present. b. Mid - a score4,5 or 6 caDs€sa hit.
b. Satrdybeaches,including varying depthsof sboals. c. Fm = a scoreof 6 causesa hit.
c. R@ky b@hes, including varying depthsof shoals.
d. Off-shorcislmds, including numb€r,siz€s,nd qes. 4. Figues hit by nedium / h€aif crossbowsmust deduct -2 Iiom
except that they eachhave a I in 6 chanceof not tuing which wil
5. Heavycrossbowsnay only sh@t orce everyother rum. requirc 3 hms before firing again.
h Cdon will use tbe following 3 ratrgesin inches
P Tlle ship rypes described below may be used for l4rh and l5rh l Nee= 0 to 18. Mid= 18ro40. Fd=40to80
cennfy batdesdd canpaig$ md may replaceone of the older lypes
ircluding thei specificgme statistics. c. Cmon will normally have3 preparedchdges at qch eun position
l Carmck squaErigged, 2 or 3 sirgle sail masts. which can b€ usedevery third tum.
2. Carvel squde rigged, 3 or 4 malts eachwith I or 2 sails. d. Afler a cadon hastued all its prcpded cbdges, ii will ta,l(e6 tums
l. Balinger: od lowered & I or 2 single sail auxiliary lateenrigged to prepareeachsuccessivecmon shot.
mats. (Replrcesth€ t-ongship) e. Camon fie hd a 50% chanc€to hir figures.killing rhem,or to cause
4. Mediterdem greatGa,lley:2 or 3 singlesail aDxiliarylateenrigged sail / m4t d@ge, a total cansedby rollig one D6.
ndts & auxjliary oars for raming ed mdcuring. (Replacesfte f. tndividual mats / sails shouldbe able to sufr€riiom 15 to 60 ooinls
dmage, dependingon their rumber od ship size.
5. Below @ the gme statisticsfor the aboveships,under sail:
a.Cuack: I captain,2 nales and I c.ew.Rutr = 8, Quaner= 6, 16. Wlile movementfrom the Adantic to lhe North Sq through the
Reach= 3, English Chmel sbouldbe relatively straighdoMard,eitherunder sail
b. Cdel . I cap6in.2 mate\ed l0 cEq. Run = a. Quaner- 7. or oars, movementin th€ other direction uder sail sbould be very
Bear= 2 unc€nainincluding a very good posibility of nnning ou! of supplies
c. Balinger: I caprain/ leader. Run & Quarter= 5, Reach= 3, vhile Eying to makethe pasage.

17. By the beginning of the 14th Century Solthmpton wa! rhe onty
6. Shipsmay carry ho6es using the folowing maximun numbers: major pon on the south coa$ of Engldd where oced going ships
a. Cdack = 40 hors€s+ 8 combatfigws d bone pages. co'nd led, followed by Portsmouthby the eDdof the cenrury
b. CNel = 80 hones + 15 hoBe pagesa above.
c. Batinge. = 24 horses+ 5 ho6e paSesN above. A?PENDIX I : MEDIEVT{L SHIP PAINT SCIIEMES
d. GrearCrlley = l0 hor*s + 3 boRep.g.s as.bove
A- The folowing colours are occasiomly used in the nmes of
7. Balingen and Great Galleys have a mdimum sp€€din 'inches'
dring movemenrundq om fc eacb 8?e of movemetrrd listed 1. 'Red', 'Redd' , 'Rede' Cog 2. 'Yellow'Cdel
below for eachq?e of ship plDsStmina costl
a- Stopped:0. -0 B. When f-ouis IX landed in Egypt duirg the Crusadeof 1248,rhe
b. RevelserI BaliD8er= 5, -0 2. GreatCalley = 3, -0 galley of the Count of Jatra (of the Kingdom of Jerusalen) wa
c. Cruising 1-BaliDSer= 10, -0 2. Greatcal€y = 7, -0 descnbed by Joinvile, his relation, as being pahred withitr ud
d. F6t I Balinger=13.-l 2- Greatcaley = 10,-l without, with escutcheonsof his arms, which are: or a crcss paree
e. Battlq I Balinger = 17, -2 2- GreatGaley = 13, ,2 gutes.He hadat l4t 300 rowerson bis galley,ud for eachrcwer th€rc
I Rmirg: GreatG.lley = 17, -3 wd a targe with the CoDt's alms thereonad to eachrargewN a
pennon attachedwith his ']tm Nronght it gold'. Henldry and the
8. Staminarul€s re the sme for other shipswhile usirg ods
9. Balinges my ody turn at the end of qch 4 tuches md Great
Ga]leysat the eDdof acb 5 inchesof noHalming movenent. C. In 1295 the Englisb Royaj Govertrm€ntpurched the folowing
10. All other flles describingships while moving Dnderoars are dE amountsof the listed coloDrsfor usein painringships:
s:@ a listed in the main body of theserules. 2. Redlead= 8 ib 3. Vemilion = 2lb
I l. Shipswill b€ eliminatedfrom play whenthey havesufferedat leat 4. Red& qhite lead= 20lb 5. orpinent Gold) = 3 1b.14oz
the total nmb€r of structurepointslisted belowasa r€sulrof eitherfiE 6. Verdigds{ere€nof Greece)= E lb 7. Ochre= I lb
or rm da@ge, listed in rhar order E. ForeignBlue (yldabedas) = 4 oz 9. Brown = I lb
10.Red& Green(cFopre)= 4 oz ll.Blue&White=4oz
c. Baling€r= 18/6 d. GreatGaley = 42114 1 2 .B l a c k= 2 0 l b 13.Vamish= l8lb
12. All the shipsdesribed* in lhis sectiotrmay be usediD dy of the
campaignrea lisred eelier although Grcat calleys would be mosr APPENDD( ft MEDIEVALSHIPFLAGS,BANNERS, ETC
cotunon in the Mediternneanand rheArtmtic.
13.The points listed below will nodify rhe cupai8tr systen: A. By at least the 1330\ ships in English Royal service used rhe
a. Adantic, North Ss, B.ltic Sea: fonowing qT€s of flags:
l. Canel = 482 calmk = 363. Baling€r= 14 1 Udes othesise not€d att shipscuied a pedoncel with rhe ams
4. G@t Galley= 60 (onry ir Addtic) of St- G@rge.
2. If a sbip was l'ded afrer a sain! it woutd also carry two stremds
h Meditedmea & Black Sq with the ams of the apprcpriat€saint, as shom in the following
1Cdel = 522.
3. Balinger = 154. Greatcalley = 42 a.Ia 1337tle St Banolph Md the.tr Mciolas qch cuied streden
14. For tater 15th centurycdpaieDs the following sNp rypescd be fiom 14to 22 euslonged I ro 5 ells in breadb
allowedto cairy the listed numbeBdd tyPesof cdnonl b. In 1350Edwdd Itr led his fleelftoln the cog the Sr r/loMr which
a. Camck = 4 swivel gutrsatong eachside on a niling and 4 camon had an inage of the sainl aboard( a banneror sFeanar?)which wd
alongeachside in the waist on the top d@k. apparenttynwly madefor the cmpaign.
b. Cdel = 6 swivel gunsand 6 cmoD as above.
c. GEt Galley = 8 swivel g!!s alonSeachside on the railings md 2 3. lf an Etrglishship wa not nam€dfor a Saint,the sEeder issuedto
cannonmountedat the bow poinring forward. it woDld show other charges.such a th€ 'Jerusarem'which u!€d red
md white colours, witb white dESons,greenIozengesand leopdds
15. CaDnor fin wil opemte under the folowiig procedur€s:
a. Swivel guDswill hav€the sane ruge dd etrat a h€vy crossbows, 4. Ships in ahepeEonalserviceof Edw.rd Itr, suchas the Edrald ir

2 tsWotLont,

fonentfiorpeMiniatures NEw FrcrJREs

A\D \.EmcLEs20mm WWII
r6t Yotfuhiv

'Iel: 019645tA7


Rdr M.N Co@.Frcmrc

R 16 srold wGtu (6p) Da&Fkd4!.3.,:trbe!
t ddi.n Eo hdD Gl n.|lD
GBM P^MRTmKmno I14

cllrd MolMd T@6/ INrmy

Rm$DLE Wlm CNo Slm

GERNEa@w &Epncr.!uel@tub$d

In the USAcontrctMr B BowlinsEosBledeim Drive RocklordIL 61108T€l8rs 39 $r8

In Itdy contlct Strattegiae Tatlicr, via Camu 250,mr84 Rone

lhe campaign of 1337 had a bder with the King's royal ams,
superimposedby an 'E . or the ship carrying the King\ persona,l WARRIOR MINIATURES
wardiobewhich canied a streoer ed a bdq suprimposed with rhe 14Tiverton Avenue,Glasgow G329NX Scodand
figure of a largeblack key. Nee Crbr%ue el$ plN a smp€d addNd €Nelop€.
Plee51rt inl*slstumpL,24hMrl$€rphdq0141.7133426. W.aGpilis,
Maltrhdgeeh. Mril ddddnly
5. At he battle of Sluys,Edwdd Itr's juior admiraluseda 2 yud Fn fiM AAMIJS- OW A35 pl6 f750 tosr, Cho* tdd Fh.ll dr Snbii Napol€oniq
cloth vue' as his insienia of rail Roi@ ECWRoyalistor Pdlndrdid! ACW Nodh ad Sodh 13fi Cmhn, Colonial
Zul6 dd Bdtish Fdiaey Goodd Evil nd Skeleio6. Minihd ol 100pic in sch amy

6. In 1350at the battle of EspaSmls-Su-Mer,lwo studards ud two zrn, rvdPorroMc /rxMirs - oNl1 dru5 ,16 6.00 posr, lm piq Bnrill! Fmd!
stremers wer€issuedto qch ship of EdwardItr. Ptosia Rusia Austia SDmnlL
,5nnAB iES- ONLYt71,9Eplzr E.il rod 100pn6 Cruk R@ P6ia llu.ja
7. In about 1370the PnlilPe (probablytbe royal galey of Edwaid III Maedoni4 Non4 Samun| Mongols,lrGtftdrs, Medi€vils,ACWNdti md Soui\
also known ar k Pnil"e of Lym) hd 12 stoddds, ach with the ?5rr DBAlfJIlxS - FROMe1U0, avd,l{ L d&* nod.
cross of Sr George at the haft md the Br of the flag quanel 25nn flGIIRES - EROM25p,15iil F&OM rop. AI Mde 6m rop qualiiy zno} Als.
slatrs(alid 'shans').
20m SDdilh Civil $h, Mehd dd I'rddd USA &hiv€ 15m Colonial md
(quaner€d?)and two bmd

8. The following ship flags w€reu*d duriry the rcignsof H€nry V and
to collecto/s slandards.SendSAE or lwo IRCSfor price list
a.'ttt C'!@k.Lsus de la Tou. ceied st€amersembrcilercd with St to: D. Seagrove,
Mdyi 3 guidons, one of St Edw.rd (the arms of Edward the THE LAST DETAIL
Confessor?)one of the Trinity dd one with OsFich featheF4 wen d 196Pa auntRoad,Langley,SloughBerkshireSL3 8AZ
one standad of St Mary ud one of Ostrich Feathen.
Admiral of Engled, a greatstemer, 40 ydds long and 7 wide ar the
b. The rcbuilt cuack ltalt Ghost de la Tow .a ied 6e snerrct stafl a crcs of St George,Dextro it a Srql bed dd a griffin holding a
embroidercdwith the Holy Spirit two guidonsone with the ams ofsr raggedstaff, folowed by a line of raggedstatrs;at the cost of !1, 6s,
EdMrd ud one with the Roy.l ams of St Edwardand one with rhe Ed:a glidoD. 7 ydds loDB:coveredwith nSged statrs;at the cosl of 2sr
Holy Spiril md one witb the chained silver Antelop€. ( A p€rsonal dd 3 lemos of satincoveredwith ngged staffs,e3chcostingt l, 2s.
badseof Kirs Hetuy Iv ard Henry V)
9. M€di€val ship hul cotouB would mnaly be soDe son of daik
c. ln July 1437,WiI Sebug, cilian dd painler of London,delvered broM, shadilg to black d a eult of Eguld applicationsof tar as
to Sn Henry Bquchmp, Duke Of WNick, for ule of his flagships

A.t&oD.r 2?, i99?r ltdtq

Tte g@tug @nwnrion nt@ tou

@ panidpar. in al g.h6,
but *tEE v.t bing i5 allos€d aoo.
tic N.6crL.d.

We haue moued to
miniatur€wargames Lels[re Ulodd
Roleplaying ganes
Board ganes Gowdray Aue
Tradine card games
Liv€ roleprayine
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Trading stands
Painling comperilion
Magr. toumenent {OTe lll East Anglia's
Dutch chdnp.
Premier Wargamcs Show
hr tn@ *no t!i!t * dlr or gdirg i. et .mC,
{!r'rt Scpho!.r 23 fdt@ . rd.M tcdotr it gagd.:
At a flew Uenue with
ouer 7O Exhibitors
Encoutrtc! at Ephebe llr ineluding our
cr'ird's dd 6e zs. 0f 12 rEe (!id.r ip.ni:ionr
Phit (01206)853556 Bdng&
@ts'd4,jd'6ddIp!tr'dl0 Greg (01206)826415 lor clu[s
. Ee n.tui nElfrl rda 97
Rob (01206)563567lor lrad€rs Buy
Oz.o Gzonv
L997 \nzoRI_I)


_Satrrrda5z 4th arad Sundalz Sttr OEtobe.
5a Trade Stands_ Bring and E ul, Statl, Bd and Food
:rhree hundred Cohperftors in Four \ /aigames I'e.iods

T.S.A.(Tin Soldiersof Antwerp)

? Sat. 29nd November

199 7
10h00- 19h00
g mtr
|, Recrcatiecentunde "lt4ix"
ll Leugenberyrcg - 2184 fkeren U
Secandrlenish wgone canrpnhon

SevenlEelsionand tupian wanone cLubs.

At leasto da/en trye wosoine!.inten;4anot ope. Dainnns
.anpetttton ono vanaustocatondloptqn Uadesrond\
= SUNDAYIG NOY]IIBI'R Fot futtlq nfonation nLl
toail - spll MIP 0a-32-36471818
at Axpl00 32-332.666t lo\ 00-7?-lJ/\8ZJB.
Yod.on ol:o rcnna $ no a-noil ot Mltie@glo.be
GALI f,UtSI'lUIfltNTllrt
aDUtts €r.50 ctr ,DnxN50P
Americds wft at ledt expectedto loow
P^rt2 The tactic employed to infiltEte the American lines war sifrple
Of the alleged cure for PPSD enough.The comdo
the variousspearheads
units would bejust b€hindthe leadPanzeAor
dd uponthem engagingthe forwardAnerice
Operatlon'Grerf 1945 defences,would by meds of side rcads or wooded trncks. derour
round lh€ battle area and try 1()join with ey retreatiDgcolurnn,
During the Battle of the blenditrgin wirh the generalnelee. what follows is the expenenceof
Bulge one of the actual comndo groups. whose target wd a mere 80
kilometres behind Amqicd lines, that of the town of Htry dd it's
bridge over the rivd MeDse.
by AIex King Wilh bul 150ft covered ftom their jump off poinl, they were
informed by lh€ leading tank that the American posinons were just
For an €xplmation to the bekgromd for this article ed PostPuchde aheadmd that theyweremw in {heno mm\ land betweenboth sides.
Stres Disorder, pleN refer to issue 119 With that said, here is the Then with the sound of their tdik having start€d to engageihe
lecond anicle. dsling wilh small scalestartup gdes md contiDuing Amencans,the unit led by FeldwebelHeiD Rhode,disgardedtleir
rherhemeof hisroricala.rion(ler behindeoemylitre.. Gernan parachute uniforms, revealing a mixture of Amencan
On 14 Decernber 1944, unil! of operation 'greif moved otr, unifoms, takenftom prisoners.
following behindthe lead Panzr spemneads,at the sun of fte Batije A1l wd gotug wel. althougb upon maljng tl'e move doDnd the
of the Bul8e in the AJdemesdurine the 2nd world war. Thes€units actualfightitrg up ahead.leaving the protection of their tanls behind.
were of cou6e ceman and a mixture of (initiallx) four units of they had smng a litde wider tha! they had plMed. Despilethis. they
Gconnaisancecotunandosand two of demolilion. wnh nfiher units madeit back onto the nain road. with tbe fis1 evidenceof their own
being sentin over the next few daysof the Gemd advmce. artillery fire ereetingften, buming lrucks dd debrislittered the rcad's
Eachcomnando unir had its own Americd j@p, wilh a crew of 2 length.Up aheadan and tank gun ws beingdraggedinto position aDd
4 men, all dressedin Amencan unifoms ad able io sp€akpasable e ADerican sergeantbellowedat themto join his makeshift defeDsive
EnglisvAmerican.Their &sks wer€ to la*e advmtageof tbe hopefully position.but they reshtedthe offer, racing on pdt him, coming almost
rcneadng Anerican unib in fteir seclos, tben to either, add to the imediaiely upon an MP post.
seneralchaos.or obsede and sendback infomtion- The demolition A tall lone MP wavedat them a! they approached,but oncethey gol
units had sp€cifictdgel! to reach.sDchd bridees,whercthey wereto close they thanldully realisedhe was merely signallihg them to move
usually disconnectany explosiveslard by the Americms. or the main rcad, 6 n was being shelled by their owtr Cel]rw
Now fony or so Germansyou rnay think, could not caDsemuch art'illery.he dirated then insteadto makeuseof a side'rcad.
dmage in actualphysicaltems. a in that assumpdonyou would be With tbeir luck holding md the ddknes relentingto revealthe slow
corect, asindeedwasthe case.But in psychologicatlems, the damage glimpsesof daylight, which in tum revealedftesh falling snoq they
to theAmericu troopscqlainly madea difficult situationmuchworse decidedil wd best1oslop io checkthen position.sopulled off lhe road
in ihe eely days of the GeI]]fr offensive,making units at the fton1, into sone woods,This lhey ndaged to do. but b@auseof the g.owing
somewhaltigSer sDspiciousof their fellow Americes. A situationthal nurnberof vehicleson the roaddd the subsequetrt detays.lhey hadbut
wd sadly to causethe deatbsofAmericu troops frcm friedly fiE, Eavelled15Klometes, muchles thd they hadplanned.Despitethis,
well alter the Gel]lEs slopled the p@tice of using corunatrdouirs. rhey enthDsidtically radioedir their successin negotiatinglhe ftont
Passwords were ofteD f@ly given by unsusp@tingAmericans, as line. which was readily acknowledged.With that done they tri€d to
commdo units blutred their way aloDg.with two Cetmns disguised rejoin the road, which prcved to be a Uttle tricky due to the strearnot
s MPs. even maginS to rejout a tdge part of U.S.16th Ree! lst traffic now on it movingWesl,awayfrcm the front. No onewaswilting
Inldtry Division, bek along to Malmedy. whetr it should of been or perhapsable to let them back in the lire, till eventuallya Shemd
taDk obliged with fte tank comnander waving tnem ir, dd they
Now that takes some nerve, to stmd therc qhilst hDndiedsof the resumedtheir joMet
enemydrive right pa$ you. of8cen fd .ll. ed yoDwith but probably Their eventual place in th€ colum foDnd them in d unusual
only a vague undeBtandine of the Americm latrBuag€.They had situationof following a lorry tull of not too udEppy Geman prisoneN,
employedthe old sign switch gag.dd the two s@n hi-tailed i! out of who srded back at them d they drcve along with Heinz and his mon
therc opontbe uival of somegenqin€MPs. walching Dnknowingfelow cotrades with equal curiosiry. As lhey
Evetr the scene ftom the filn. The Baule of lhe Bulge, qhich movedalongtbey pased, evermorc MPs.Thesewerc the real threarto
portEys a coMdo unit dismding somechargestayed to blow a their nission, a! lhey had the authority,just d their Geman equivalent
bridSejust ah@dof the advmcing puers. may be panially correc! had, of b€ing able to slop my men or vehiclesatrd sk any questions,
which is not bad for Hollwood. for no givenredor. So wift tE jeepsprcgss stow at be$ towardsthe
A squad of supposedengio@6, a,lthoughdescribed as looking town of Huy, their pld of reaching it by midday was lost. It was
"st@ge" by witbdmwitrgurits, wa! actuallyseen,busyat work undd
aLeady atem@tr ed the vehicles around them switched on theii
andarounda bridge nearStavelot.The fact thal the bridgedid trot bloq beadlups in th€ diminishing ligbt.
up may be pul down to fte undeniedable nenoDs srateof genuine This simpl€ act madethe teamr$lise that they stoodoDt like a sorc
American eneiieer! failing to lay the chtrges @E@dy. but could thumb. AU the Gennanunits when they had set oi had put coveriDgs
€qually have been members of the 'Greif comando leams over their headliglts. Ioto*n as trlack{lt lighting', which just left a
dismanfing the chareer. small cut for the headlight to shine thoDgh. The ADericd vehicles
Tbe resultof this ser induceddd Senuinediety on tbe pan of the howevercerlainly did not use them, d they app€&edurconcemedby
fionl line Americd unih. war hDndredsof rcad blcks establishedto fte possibiliF/ of an anack. Unable 1o stop their j@p, as they w€rc
check the movementof mil! ad in particDld lone vehicles,whose Iodgedh tle colunm anddesp€raleto late the coversoff, they decided
vehiclemil ID would be scrulidsed upoDtheir appro&h by very wary to just drive otr fte roa4 feigning a bre.k down. No s@nerbad they
GIs. BecaDseof meaues like this dd with the best eleDent of lifled fte bomet ascoverso ftey could r€movethen, thenmoths jeep
surpnse and infiltration now gone, the last coImddos went in 19 puled up b€sidethem ud & Anencan Captainotr€red tnem a lov
DeceDb€r thercafterrcmd G€man uniforned reconnaissance uniis
Quickly Heinz stadedup the j€ep, giving tbe impressionit was now
operated-It wa also soonlemt by the Amqices thai tbe us of just fixed, gave a "rhanks" to rhe CaplaiD dd mmaged to rcjoitr the
a passwordwd not enotrd 1oensuresafe identity, so supplementary r€Eeatingcolunn once rnore. t ter alotrg the rcad they ndaged to
questionsw@ Dsualy dked, relatjng to America" which Bost true
radio fiis mistakenuseof lhe coveB brck to bae, but it wa too lat€ to

Readyprin@d AIm 25m. 25tm.1 HEre LeMarchant8arracks,
40.70 rr.30 rr.20 ,.50 €t.75 f2.50 E4tFElt Devizes,wiltshire,SNl02ER,
41.10 !r.60 f2.4{
f3 00 €3.50 f5.00
ffifi Ter&Fax(01380)724558
All pier include rbeco{ of rh. 6guc sro3
Ptin.iig *oie I5'm
fo55 {065 rr r0 !1.20 rr.30 f200
Mr. 6hall be al th. tollowlng 3how5 In lh. ne.r trtue:
fr.lo 11.30 f!.m {240 12.60 f4.00
You pdid. rb. fic@s
ftr6 ov.r ,00 5% di$ont
ordea oB 1200 l0* di{ou.
Ord.G .vd tlm 15* di$our
.rDYDtls' ' '
Dsr rsm Polnl€d
ly popura denmd rh* mi6 m nov lvrnabh painr.d
b cdmonsr ad Nwd sb&rd. ofi'ins a bigher mc l'!b G now abl€ ro slpply tistng of ajt the @96 re stek on
disk. Ple @nract us for d€rails,
Nom.l F..turrrddrord.dd{o!Dry,hDld{..rnh|,t.dl4,d-dn
Napoleo c & s}.r RIiA f104.95 u..d2E|brh.$on.dnadta','....|.,@.dorii!'d
PnJN'IED ISSEX D.B.{S H.6'e&do.nou'e&Rountuly Miniiuc-!nisurcrns6
Avrlhbl. a. Comdssr ad NmBl tud.rds.
PAINTTD ESSLX Ism DBM & 25m RMAA.RMIES NOW r&Xli3mirh-slddrns6.
MAII ORDER M.r.hbotvohicldjAirfi4Rd.ll j FuiimiaHrE.$wr.
Lz4e S.S.A.E.,catdosu Dd smpld 5 ft6. clds ihpi a finder 5 fN
cls .hps rd D.B.A. tis bdimM t5.50 w'Deum.itn6;w!lF.!Mafi|m'@'
Porase & P@*!giogto%, Mininum 50p. Mdimum !5.50 c6!rr.rc.'E &nd'
+.O H disonns do nor apply ro rhis sFciai ofiei
SKIBBLE BARN, w.h.E R@.'d' Gmur: Trblet
CASTALLACK,PENZANCE, O|'rcy M.n !rAml Eltu. vansu.'d a c.mp€'!^ S€'i6, An.d us, Adv. S.tul€
Tel, 01736731236 Tmh & M.i.l3!lldh6
.QUALITY IS STANDARD" x&MTd,H@d.lci.tj MiihlvMilitry{Eintj H!ddrft:ionlad): Drtsr

savetwo colmddo unirs who were caughtb@auseof ir. They later then up to the momtug.
.lso lemed that it wa unusualfor jeeps to cuy nore thd 3 lnen. Pulling ou! th€y thoughtit bestto avoid rhe main oads for the rrip
they being cotunand vehicles,not .roop carrying vehicles,od Heinz back dd by nears of a morc crosscoutry .oute, mmged without
bad 3 men with hin in his jep. los to make it back to their owtr lires. They were greetedwith the
Continuing on dd makng good use of the covd rhe rctreating question "fion which pluet do you come ftom" which wd the
colums gave,they @aged to reachHuy witbout fifiher concem,at Gemar passwordof the day.
the much later tine of 5.30 p.rn. Therc they anempted ro find Sadly,lhe countersignis not mentionedby Heiu, ashe md his men
somewheEto pdk up, away iiom the mds of American troops dd mt klowing it, jDst askedto t'€ tal(enro the cedm soldier,sofficei
vehictes that were positioning themelves dound the small town. Heiu wa to go out again,on foor rhis time, md hadnor€ thanrheodd
Eventuattythey foud d ideal spornee rhe river,bank.jusr up ftom scrapedd Ded mis with AmericanEoops,but asbeforc,unlike many
th€ bridge,b€ing ableto hide themselv€sdd thejeep wirhin sone ratl of his comad€s, he agair rethed in one piece.This s@ondtiDe he
wd on a reconnaisancemissioDmd was ablero direct ani]lery tue on
Oncetherc,lhey Eeatedthemelv€s to a l'elcone fi^t me.l md then Americm positionsaswel d bring back someusetul info@tior.
whatbesrto do rext. They plannedto watchthe bridgein rhe
moming,by positioDirgthejeep with just otredriver, trd it and!o then
fom a plan once they had familiarised thenselvs wilh rhe general WARGAMING TIIE ACTION

I haveto say at this sra8e,it is nol altogerherclee as to the exact lbble

natw of the missionfor Heiu ud his men.Th€ secuing of the bridge For staded 20lm, 6ft x 4ft is ideal and plee refer to the suggesred
is th€ nost likely, ar ftey would b€ uDlikelyto wantro blow it up abed mapasguide andfor letter cldsification on ir, seeb€low.A b.idge has
ben usedfor fte Gemu objective.
Back witb Heiu, be decideduder cover of nidr ro tak€ a closs
Iook ar the bridge, with his netr. Tbey cEpt.long rhe river bok md
wilh the aid of the mmy Anerican v€hicls' hea<Uights crossingit, got B- Vehiclecolums. pl@ idmtry onesar suirable
to within a fw ydds. From thereth€y sawa sorry sight,the bridge w4 C- Defensivepositions
guardedby d irfdtry detachmeftand 6 they w@ watcNng,a seeh D- MP psrs
light was broughtup on the oppositeside md switchedon. Its sEoDg E- Engine€rsquad.
beamof light b€gd to swe€priver baok. They witbdrew back to rhe
jeep and amited the pre-setsi$al tine so they could relay back their trrgur€s
obsenations and concems. This they di4 asking pmission to A glarce tlrcu8b dis magazine'sadvertsshouldpoinr you in the right
withdrdq as theythouSbtit impossibleto cary out their mission,as it
app€aredthat the Americansw€re awre oflhe commandounits.They
had to wait severdlno doubt uocomfortablehous for p€rnission ro be
grant€d,ftom a probablydisappoinredco|md4 wiih rhedelayraking t Jeepand up to 4 figues, seatedand st nding

I fixedMP postof 2 o.3 netr I i285Scale

I mobileMPunil ol I jeepwith 2 o.3 men
2 defensiv€positionsby road,ol possiblyAntiTankCun o. Tank
2 vehiclecolumnseach.sevenlasoned vehicls, all headingbackro
the bridge
2 smalliDfarry colunns,headiDg backto bridge
I Engineersquadof dosnd 6 or7 menandltrsport

I' Il is beslto give theGermanplaye.an objectiv€ofa smaUb.idge,

eilher standingalone,or in a small hamler.Thei. task is to secDreit lor
fie coDingGemanranksandtodisconnatanyexplosives laid. G H Q , 2 8 1 0 0W o o D s r D E
Ro. SHoREwooD
M N 5 5 3 3 1U S A
2- Staftthe Samejust aheadof the Geman advance, a$uminglhe (6rz) 374-2693 faa (612) 110-4424
Geinanj€ephasjust swungaroundthefighting. www.ghqmodels.com
3- As H€inz tells Ds they were able to ignore orders from hasrity
ioming defensiveposirionsnnd d.ive on. Roll a D6. uponthej€p
comrngup nearanyto teslAmencanreacrionro thejep approaching
6' At lhebddge,theEngineecshouldbelayingcha€es.Youmaywanr
ro considergiving theCernanplayera chancehereby rollinga diceto
1,2,3,4- Anericansignorejeep. seeil thesquadmovesoff. havinglaid thechdSes,ju$leavingajeep
5.6 - Amedcanofilce./ NCO stepsout in roadandorde.sil to stop a coupleofmen walchingoverir prior to theCeman playeCs adval-
Il lheGemes reachthebridge.theywiu haveto engagetheEngineer
Thenyou shoulddicero se theourcome ofdiscusions.TheAmerican unil o. whoeleris there.They will ther needat leasltwo rnovesto
wouldbe likely to be seekinginfonnationon whatwa! happening up disconnect any explosivs.Then they haveto sta) wirh rhe bridge,
ahead,althouehtheymay wantyou lojoin theirposition.Roll a D6, p€tendingto be Engin@6for perhapsanoter 2 or 3 moves.whilsr
wailinglo. fteir otr tabletal}s tojoir up with ftem.
I ,2,3,4- OK. story given believed,drive on You will haveto de.ide how manymovesit wiu rale rheGednan
5 ' askedtojoin position lank! to r€achthe bridgeandyou may wanl a tokenGennantanklo
6 story is not believed. signalthe advanceaslhey get closeto the bridge.P.ior to the anival of
the Geman tanks,all the Americanunits will t'e movingbackand
If askedtojoin theposition,it is up to you wherberyou shoolit out or crossingover the bridge,with the odd qreston direcredat thse
.lusrshoutsone obscenjtyand drive on, risking an alarmbeing senton StrangelookingAmericans.
10the MPs,Goll dice).With ey shooting.tbeOeman playershould TheGemanplaye.alsohastheoplionofhiding closeto tle bridge,
be gi!€n an advantageasthey know who the enemyis and arc likely ro havingnade the bridgesaieandjust obs€Ningwhetherin passing,
bavetheir weaponshandy. anyonenotices tbe bndge has been tamperedwith. using a dice rou
everytine a column or MP goesacros.
4Tbe nxed MP ch@kpoint should be jusl back from rhe above
defensivepositios. Tle mving unir should stan from rhe bndge and ? - Firing - nomal rules cm be tweated here.You may want to use
shouldhaveto dice for Diredion Movemenrwhen he comesto every someskirmishbasedones,includingwounds,andas mentioned give
junction-Thisstopshin havingtbecod like abililyin movingslraight theGemo playe.m advanBge in gettingoIThissholsfr6t.
for the placefte Geman player h on the table.
As always,ifnothingehe I hopethis hasgivenyou soineideasior
Direction Movement a sDallscaleWW2bash. For a moredetailedinsightinrofte wholeof
1,2,3,4- OK, caris on therout€rheAme.icd playerdecided the Battleof the Bulgeand OperatiorGreil you shouldprocurerhe
5,6- Har to tum orat nextjunction,whicheve.laleshin awayfrcm 'Then and Now b@k on rhe subjecl.which was rhe baris ior lhis
Gemm jeep, until the nextjunciion.Tlen he can go in whichever article. It is for 2nd World War buffs without equalmd ar 500 odd A.4
directionhe likes,unlil the nextjunclionwhenhe mustdiceag.in. pagesand.'t is qrite a r€d. Nextmonth,seesBonnieP.inceCharlie
trying to escapeafter Culloden in I 746.
Tbe MP unit canslopanyonewhikt d.ivingalong.althoughifconing
upona Geman jeep. you shoulddice to seeif they evenbolher to srop
thejeep.Renemb€r,ftis is at tbe outsetof thellseoflhe commmdo
units,so theCermanplayershouldstu have(heedgein anydicercll,
in gettingthrouthanyquestions, or actuallynorge ing stoppedat all
by fte MPs. Howeveryou want to increasethe chancesof being
stopped if thejeepis drivingalongalonedd decrease it. if n is w h a

Jeepin colDnn- i,2,3.4.5- not stopped 6 sropped

Jeepalone- 1,2,3- not stopped 4,5,6,-stopped

5 - V€hicledd infantrycolumnsshoutdbe headingbackto rhebridge

md it is up 10you whetheranyonefrom thesechallengethe cerman
playerTheir ideain the wargameis thal theyaidhinder,in termsof
slowinghim downifhe decidesrojoin one.Il shouldbe saidherelhal
lhe Germanplaye. cdnot just leave rhe rcad md cut acrossfields to
avoid everylhinS.They hale to stick to lhe road, so as ro get ro rheir
objectiveby lhe mostassu.edquickest roure.

&8Clttto- fiilliop,6leatRybn
_ltarter! Dorington, shnsbury5Y57LW
Al.El!!t l.<tion ol top qu.liry m.gn€ti..nd n@t FGr n.red.k to.id
naD rty.nn.void d.n.g€ to figqer In rr.nepo.r Varyf.ribt., er y
.!l with tdsoB to fil und.r.i.dnr 6:i;i
.MAG aiC MATERLALS: T'adit'ondy purunde'ardinq 6rd oas b
neDktp nguc uprghtwheneiiied in nee toot.bors Atb uledto
rne oryrng bo^esror rqurB hountedonneetw.jhed

Wrd$ I m.ts t herts 10ffi 115x lmmm 200x lSonn
3nm O.50 f4.9 f 7.50 Padof6 6.50 f6.t0
!3.@ 15.00 f 3.50 rigntu.ightMrsneri< th..'$
l2.5mm .3.50 f6.00 410t0 0.55mnihid,adhsive-ba*ed
rsm f4m .7.00 f12.50 115r lmmm 2m x 1t0hn
mnn f,t.50 f3.50 f15.50 Th€seare HighlyDetail€dwargamesbuildings
:::t:::- ::ij:-- l4y-:: __-_- lqhM'qirrar€rarena ravaitabtein madeusinga processnew to wargaming,
oiie iz; to D.iiato,de which gives strengthand lightness

when@dinborfi le,Fl6ti.bd6,.t,@:t6.turi.crowfi idrhtn.rwilb€
.fiE<r.d.C.i.lob.u*du .rnrtrut.figu6t'ithn.9ndi.mirlnti.th. Hirset (,1pire) . . . ..51r.50
arr'.9 !or) to.wii,4t ingundutrorhenh.iqhr 25mm RoadSer /6 DriTs) t7_5o
25mm River Set (5 rieca) a?.50
2mnd x 15.|rd 2r.lnfr x 13finn 15mm RiverSer /6Di€s) 45.50
Phin5L.l Prp.r0.2mnthid (2jheE fir monA! iite bor6) l5mm RoadSet /7ii€c6) 96.50
Padof2f2.m P!dofsf4.@ pa(t0t2t3.5o pa.koftof14o l/3o0 Riverset 16pi..al .55,50
Adl*ric!.dd tt €lP+€.0.25mm thid 2 5 m mB n d o e . .. -. -.84.95
P.*of2f2.to Padoltft,oo Padof2r4.oo prdoJlofi5.oo l5mm Andqe . .. t3,95
rorh v$i(E oi 5r..1t p.r €. b. rllttt d in on'6 jr6 i. !p.<iat.rd.i
MOVEMENT'lAY RANG' F o u rS e r l o nC d s r l e. . . ....... rl5,OO
Mnyrlrodn €lp.F lor nrerE rt yrtepind.d:pro6,.rcAdhgiye Latre ^eep . .tj.95
h.d.d,5 on b. hdntedon odnptit.fr. rdrnle ir t<ui4d
GMSI .l P.Dero,l5nmthir[200nm x 150mm
Pa*ot5o.m Ahoavail.ble inSAitD
spdiedwitigcn viny'oi.,raaeott ..- pt* eneuidtor'rrt ilt
ATRIAI PACX((onraining f u.ther intorm.tion and samptesot
a r tr a n g e t ) i i a v a i t a b t e a t ! 2 . 5 0

payableto:MA6 ETICOjSPIAYS
- i6t ot wond+ro't F.r od.r,


Date: 6.9.97.

Attractions um!,mdrmlma

Bdnga Buy.


old Gbry.,ouEi wr!.m s.dtc..(FE.t R.nrr,s aAs4!nk., Atunni!,

f1d:.1.4 |!A !*L, srrry!.m, Dlv. rhomiwrs!; Found,y,,H. .qurn.

.R.dD-s""tBdt H""."4), r'd v.[t
F.r Combdmon .httu tom. .r .nouri.s

Outsosl W.rq.n. S.dh..

s5 W6r€rd.b, Hsdrt.B Lodg. W..t
W.llsnd, Tyn. ! t{ror, NE2g3UB A d m i s s i o n!:1 . 0 0
tf f f ff tttf fttfftffit


Always in stock. A11scales. Most manufacturen.
SAEstating intercstsfor lists to:
53 Stanton Road, Stapenhil,
Mosi p€ople probably associateHdlequin with fant sy figurcs, bDt Burton-on-Ttent Stslfs DE15 9RP
lhey do also bave some mges which might be of more interest to Telephone:(012&!) 530556
histoncal gme6. They have some very attractive Arglo-Sdon
figurcs. in a rdge which they do not ordindily advertise,and have
Kndly suppliedsomefor rcview There@ a doren fi8ues altogerher.
which nomally reiail at !1.00 each,but cu tempoftily be obrained
for less,than*s 10a wl speial otrei . Overau,the figuresare cled y
Cromwell Miniatures
c4r md nicely animat€d,although some sem ro be either round- Connoisseurquality 25mm amies (any period) andexpertly
shoulderedor de stoopingslighdy. They @ wen proponioned,and painted l5mn amies (Ancientsonly)wantedandfor sale.
autbenticallykitted out, both in tems of clothing ed equipmenr.With SAE to: Cromwell Miniatures, Rat 72,
the exceptionof 8mla md 8002d,all @ designedro carry a shield, RiversideOne. HesterRoad. London SW11 4AN.
which ar€calt sp@tely dd localeon a "lund' noulded onto the left
wnst (exceptfor 8002c,who hasth€ locaringlug otr his back).

leking at the figures individMlly : The Soud Est hrdon wtrgms c@up (SELWC)
de l@king for tr* oenb€6. We net everyFriday ar
800la AJcherin tunic and cap-He appem to have.iusrloosedrhe rhe Grov€ Pad( Youlh Club, MNels laq t ndo.
SEl2 ftom ?.00pn. Facihi€s include hot md cold
sliing, and theree for .mws pldted in &e gound by his
s.ack dd @n for 12gtuirs t bl6. AI penodsmd
loot readyto use.A good l@king usefirl fi$m. i eftsts e playedand€verybodyis welmma Contrcl
8001b Unamoured spemm with his sp€ardmM back acrosshis Paul G€enwood, 16west Hdlowes, Elthm, t rdon,
right shoutder.@dy to thiow or stabat someone.md his SE9 4Ex Telepboe (Elenings) 0l8t 857 6107 or E-
shieldhold high. Bdebeadeddd cle3nshaven.
8001c Unarmouredsp€:md advdcing with his shieldout in fiort of
him dd his spd readyat walst height.Bdeheadedwith a fDll
beard.he l@ts older than the previouschap. MARSTONMAGNA'97
8001d Ultlmoued speamanweartuga cap md stabbingoverthe rop WiI b€ h€ld in the larger nee village
of his shield-Anothe. be*ded nd. bur obviotrslya bit richer
becausehe has a purseotr his b€lt.
8002a Amoued sp€amd- He is slighdy hunched,so he is either rhe
nat'nlly cautiousrype,or perhapshe is abourto receivea blow
on his shield-
E0O2b Anoued srr€arman. A very simild poseto 8001b,but he is
holding his shield fondd. TheE wd someninor fla3h
berwen ihe spearop od ampil buro$e ;e a verynice
8002c Unmoured speanm in cap. Stmding with his sled resting
on the ground ed blowing on a hunringhom, wirh his shield c6t witb a @esed centnl bossto takethe locattuglug oDthe figures,
slungotr his bek. so agah this will give a litfe more !a!iety. The raes md lug helpsto
8002d Unmoured speamd with de Bdeh$ded with beard. give a good securcdchoEse for the shields,*hich will be especialy
Anothd standingfi8urc. md againhe h.! the look of a tmdy if yo'r prcfer to use a slow sening epoxy-glue.Alr€matety,it is
weath@d old retainer,cther thfl a ftesh facedyourh. losible with somevery creftl cuttiDgto removethe locaringlug dd
8003a Isder holding sword alofi. weuing tuI frce belmer.A v€ry havesomefigues without shields,althouSbthis may look a little odd
dce figre with a lot of potential.He actually look betrer
equippedthan the rcst without being clDti€redwirh €xtraneous In terins of size,tbe figlB shoDldblendin well amongsrOld clory,
detail. Gripping Beast or Foundr/ figws, althoughthey don't look d fat s
8003b Utrlmoued spearmanstandtug.Atrotherold man,alrhougb someof the latter chaps.
this time cletu{hav€n. The nSues clearly representmiddle-priod Ar8le,Sdoru, and their
8003c Amoured sp€3mm standing.Another cautiousone,buching dsign style is '6ombly closero the other mdufactren ro blend in.
down bqhind his shield-tte ha longer hair the the oths, although some of them do look mther timid or cautious.Since mosi
which spills out ftom undera crestedh€lnet, po$ibly basedon Saxonpe6dry will otrly €nd up a! axe-fodderfor \tking mies, I se
the Benty Grdge" Mercid Spangenheln. this d a definite attraction.
8003d Armouredsp€:mu srdding. As rcted edlier, they e not cheap.Wiih a nomal rcrail price ofll
All annouredsp€metr havehelmetsand swords.Tbe belnets @ eachthey@ m@ tu line with faniisy figur€s.However,Hdlequi! e
.11ditrer€nt, which would give a bit more variery in mixed udts, dd prepaEd to let WI reades havethem at tbe sp€cial offq price of 75
the swordsatEof differcnt styles or m hung differ€ntly. UDamowd penceeacb, whicb mats them more compalableto other historical
figEs haveshort loives a th€ir only secondaryweapon.otner thm mnges.ff you wmt to obtain lhe discoun! atl you needto do is qnote
8002dwith the axe.Faces@ more vidble on the umnmuEd fig@q
especiallythe breh@ded ones,and arenicely sculpred.giviry a sense If you de interest€din any of Haiequio's products,they producea
of chuacter As noted on rhe individual figEs, some fac€s look ftee cabrogue which can be obtainedby sendingthem yow addEss
considerablyolder than otheB, md therc aJea mixture of b€ardsor and 2 tusFclassstmps to coverpostag€.

Tbereapp€arto b€ tb@ differcnt stylesof shield. all of which re Grry Hughs


WARGAMER 97 in Association
with SellyOakand DistrictWargamers
pleaserote new venue
on28th September 1997
from loam till 4pm
Aston Villa Sports and Leisure Centre
,AstonHall Road,Arton, Birmingham
I minute f'om Junction 6 lvlotorway
Near to the Footballground - No footbaltis schedulefof this SundaylllJ
N. rel page 60 4C
Approxl8.000sq/hThreeUmFs rhesre or ta\ryeal 25 Demoand PadcipationGames.schedutedfor the day a chancero
meetmakingit EilminghamS
biggesrshowl membersftom mostlocaldubr.


E a i yr e a c ho l 8 u s R o u t e sIrl . 6 5 . | O 2 , I 0 5 . 1 | 4 . | | 5
*aders Attending to date: TrainStations: /ston & Wtton lfrom New StreetBirminghamJ

PeterPig,Cudeyl ^liniatures,Al oumdow Simplyscenicr Iyson Mitir,ary

8ooks,speciztvehicieForceAwelorneEnt€rpiler TheLastvale\1
Old Clory Frontline ORF4heLongSho! PMC/I5S,pop EnteerisesTraEJgerModets,parabeltum,RedoubrEnrerprses.
wormleyPublicatonrAgema,sDD,aattreHonourr LKM,Lancashne Gamer outpojt waqamer setuices,Fierdworks, w:rgames Foundo,
BritanniaMiniarurcs/The oueent Hussarwoden5fieJd,snapdragon,crubby ranK, Hanequinniliniarui€s, FrgurerArmourAnilery
N€wlineDelignt chiltemMiniahrre!, tviniMiJitaria,
See August tsiue for Map of how to ger there
Aryone fntcrErte.f in a lra.fe sran.t or sraging a gatne rhout.t conracr paut after b.Oopm on Otzl 7O., 64a4

M\-./ M ATVR
H I L D € K T H O R PR€O A D , S K I D L I N C T O NY.O I S ]AV. WK. T€L/FAX
r 5 MM
262 670421


Nld.rlhk,Ruuup wturJ], 6

t itfs:[:Pi};:.lt;"."
wrm r"a.rr"r",raaq e6r



S.sftnib. Spar& Sh'etd

9.a"", st.";"g r*p;|

w06 EalrrEs rArEs clzin
*, n'*-i sp*,.

r5mczv:Lrfi$Es l0 & BFPO_ 12%_.50p Mii P&T B.ir.y, (..p Walgaming.
f1.40 L! Mrcher B&. LondonR4
us Eur.b Minirtus r0 rcoraytsr,
Readers Letters think Mr Ryan har raisedar imponant issuelhat really nee& fufiner

ni) ReadersL€ners' and lhe Stateof WargamingToday'. It was

A GENTLEMAN IS ALWAYS PROPERLY DRESSED wondertul to se€ my p'rivalereservationsabout Messn. Siggins and
FOR TIIE OCCASION Early's re.ent columns were reflected in a gr€at nany otber readers
connenls. It se€rnsto ne that most wargamerschewing th€ fat i!
Long ago,whetrthe world was new' wargmes figues were 25Im (at clubs a pubswith then fiiends comeup witb the sa@ ropicsa the
le6t whencrcuched)ed therewerc only 6 editiols, my wif€ Suewa! afor€mentioD€d dd geDdally ce di$uss it with moreobj@livity thd
baUdtiDg the multiple basesof her Airfix plasticAncient Briti wirh a
sprirktinS of new lead figures and buying new chariots.So ftat none D,Ii Siggins' Junecolum was perhapshis bestyet. No navelgazing
of our friends in the trade should be left out. eachchariot unit came or contentiousopinionsthat needmo€ tho a colum to defend-In Ir|y
frcm a direrent manufacnrer.one ofwhom was Bi Lming- There snbjectiveand unrepresentatileopinion, June's colum was what a
wd one snag- His chdiob were glea! the ponies as cynical md Wdgmer's notebook should be: notes on shows atendedi
vicious as orly the trDe Danmoor breedcan be, b$ the drives wer€ tmDfacrmre' newsmd figure reviewsdd coments. I look forward
musculd nakedqimps, standingwilh legs apaft,handsheld out and a to more of fte safre and lhis represenrsa complete reversnlof my
slighlly simperingexpression.We quailed at the tboughtof exposing previousopinionof this columl
Oeseinnocentsto the teethof ponieswith a disbned seBe of humour Hope you do nor mind a lener of pEise. I undeBted most
However, a solution was at hdd. Lming figures came with comu cations dise from dissatisfaction.Ircidentally, the
sepdatewea?ons.The driven were replacedwilh a be-chesled but photo8rapbywas realy g@d ad t like the new cover layoul. Cm I
trouseredjavetimu, the rcins substitutedfor his shielddd thejavelin havemy !5 rcwardfo. utredoMble sycophdcy as s@trasposible?*
for his Dpnjsedhandby a fits wirc whip. This left lhe fomer driveB
Frank lIesly
Wste noi, wdt not. Each was given a shield and a sword or sp@
to maketheminto the famoqsnakedCeltic gesati- They werepaitrted *Ed note:cheques in the post.
pink, their shieldsbrighdy decoratedand their hair lime washed.They
j!!t stoodfiere looking embmassed.
Nevergive up. Out camea fine brushad somewoadblue patut ad
on went curling aarrior tattoos.They gadually lost that shy look md Following the recentandmtherunexpectedanemprto 'merge'rhe srock
beganto tale on an incredibly metracingappe@ce. of both Britannia & Hdlequin Miniatws, with the aid of an HGV on
Two days later, they were caled into action for a gde to d@idea the M25, we would like to thd* everyonethat has help€d us. caled
postalcmpagn batde.Tbe) were suppo\edro be Rtresentinga and wishedus well dd exprcsed their concem.
peasan!lerT for which we did nol havelroops,bDtdo not seemro have Huge thanls go to Peterdd Betty Hd4 The Edtbome Club md
appreciatedtbis- Fisr reacriontest, 3 sixes, innediarely imperuous. in particula Neil md Ame ZdbnSge- Overall we've had liemendous
Chdge into contact, throw 2 up, eneny routs, Pu6ue into dother supponfrom within the hobby which hashelp€dus ftrough a difficqlt
enemyunit, thrcw 3 up, eneny rouc. hrsDe inb a third enemy.tbrcw tibe. Mmy, mdy thanks.
4 up (the mdimum possible),enemyrcurs. Pusue of rbe table edge,
removingthe tr@essityfor the dice to spontmeouslycombusr. Jon Swo.d & Jdet Isa6
This fine tladition is sliu kept up in ou cmni lsmm DBM Brit
amy, but being fds of lhe late great"Chelt€nham123" we havenow PS Wlilst rumouB of a B.itdnia / Halequin merger de untrue - a
addedthe awed of Kemit the Frce qdior jockst apsfor nentolious Jdet & Jon DerSerhd beer successfDllycompleled- despitebackand


Having readthe Mike Siggitrs'colum stuceits iDtoduction md frcm
PRAISING & BEGGING talking abouiit, or overhedingpeoplediscussingit, it seemsto me tbat
Mr Siggins seens to polarise peopl€ into on€ of two cmps- Therc
I m witing lo congmtulateyoo on Junes issue.For me at 16l it was seen to b€ those lhat disagee sFongty with him. or tbose who like
a clalsic. The high points w@ d folows: him, It seens that thereis no party of the in@Nquential. Tbosetbat
like him se€mto b€ sEaight 1.000point figw gmer 'eomk' typs
i) Phil Robinson's The Dyhenturth Raid-The bestWI/II scendio with tunnel vision. Wbereasthosetbat donl like him seemto be ftom
I havesmpled in a long time. It w6 original in that the missionwd the open minded broad church - who will anemptto simulate th€ir
ftalistic ( dd rcall!), there was a chanceof both succes dd totat ga@ environnem in whateverthey fe€l ro b€ rhe mosrsuirable- b€ it
disasterfor both panies, and it did noi conforn to the usual rather fig@ gmirg. di.loeue gmes, role play, kiegsspiel, tewts, maEix
uniDteEstingwa]l to wau late war tanks,or skirmishesbasedupontwo gues c whatever to nme a few. I d awde of N{i Siggins'
fighting patrolsbllndering into €acholher. involvemedtiD the 'board gding'a@ ofou hobby on the lntemet
ii) StepheDRymt 'Made 1oMedue' was an unusualarticle on a dd in the pagesof SMa.*
matter I bad rcver considered before- I nighr alk ny favounre Yourreadersmay wdt to draw their owtr conclDsionsto tie fact thrt
maDufeturcr ifhe could makeme some:p€cials'- It could havebe€n lhis yee's Coderenceof Waieme Developmertsentided 'Designing
fotlowed up in one of two ways, either a swey of nanufacture$ Conflict Simulations was sold our. Tre w@ked was also recoSnised
giving quoteson rcugbly how much they would chargefor a special a m educanonalcome by the edlcation authorities md w6 also
comission. ifthey re wiling to p.ovide sucha senice. Altematively, featurcdin this yee s finer lewspaper Suchwasthe rcsponsethal ihe
a repty by somemmufactuers oDdiningthe b€nefib and difficulties. I weeked could havebeenfiIed to two or thEe times capacity.This
l@k foNard 1l) ftlture developnentr with someintercst.At the very weekendis 'tn y inspirdtional' ' (to quote Madin Goddardof Peter
leastit might genemtemore advertisemetraif apprcachedcorecfy. I Pig) and open to all f,89.50 for ttrce days futl bodd. ud d
really wonderwhich sulplom @ wilinS to maketo measureat n good incalculabledount ofinspintioD - exc€[e value|10%of this ytu\
pnce and how Imy wargmeB or coll@ro6 would use the service.I attendeeswerc fi^t time attendeesnot drawnftom the membershipof
PE253JF, !5.r5 Sdnd .r rhc cutu rrr rlt5
Etuip*nr Handbirk iPan lr Ir95 Amy Liiin'r 'hNc
P6hlc R'cs UK l0%{Min35p) MtlGm anmfr H$dh$k Napotednj. Lis4
ovces 107 (su.f'cc) 604 {Airt fl75
Banl@d(s.edrior !15 ]tD Y.m (5nn nl.t rll5
FAX & CEdnGd Ords :10t75J)76t7S too Y€B ^my Lnb fr.t5
Cotu Comnrnd.r fr75
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WaJgameDevelopmenb,but were by the lime they left. Mr SigAiB f.om tminS PDsid Iadwehr ilio Anericd hfotry for the
was not present- but would haveb€€nwelcomehad he attended,I arn MexicanWai. So, to sum up, keep prirtirg thosepovGative articles
sure.He would certainly havebad nany sessionsto choosefton, dd even if they result in lynch mobs. I Sues tbat meds I'm l@ljng
eould haveleafrt a lot I am sure. fo$dd to m@ Kevin PonpoN. Satireis your besttool yet-
I woDld also suggesl, to relieve pressDr€on a certain figue
manufacturer,that his pageshouldb€ an 'open'page wherea different Thona! Hon
rcadereachmonth submitscopy. ftis co'rld b€ doneby lncky dip' of
articlesreceivedor by 'lucky dip of subscribeE. tud thetriNititrg that LET'S HAI'E A BEGINNER'S SECTION
rcaderro submit smethirS. At leastthe magzine would get fd mor€
open - dd prcbably b€tter infomed overall view of the wdgmes I would tusr like to congratulateyou on an excelletrtnag@ine qhich
scere. This would intrdNe the tne 'voice of the people' their t have enjoyed coUectilg since Issue l. I must however s$essthat
ditreent fields of inlerest, what rhey havebought, placesmd shows althoughI hav€eve.y issueI m new to wdgming.
visiied, md issuesthal they fel e impondl to rllem-* My letter is one of a cry for belp.I m not ablelo get to manysbows.
The rcgule authoB of adicles fd this maSuine colld be a g@d in fact one every couple of ye6, so thereforeI would app@iate a
staning point for such .nicl€s. They would also hopetully review begimeF\ectioD'l al aI po"sble.l-ni" I aD suc "ould atFaclmc;E
purchasesthat lhey havenade in good faith, ra6er than what app€ars new comers1othe hobby. tn this sectionyoD could haveanicles on
to be a begging letter rsiew in anticipation each month. But if basing ngures, naterials needed,where to bDy ihem md paintinS
Wargmes Foundry wmt to seDdme some figres and have my teft
after supplyiDgMr Siggins,plqse donatethe noney to chdity. I haveptayedmey a gme of sci-fi / fantasyand evencollecEd lhe
figurcs in OaDesworkshop becauseeverythingyou needjs underone
Tony Haekiru rool The sinplicity is whal atr&ts ihe younSer genenlion (me
Norfolk included).They teachyon how to painl, evenlell yoD whal colour to
use, this would be a Crat addition to painting guides sometimes
Ed notes: All contributions ro WI come in volunrnrily hom $e pnblished in your naguines, i.e- ACw saq jacker use(make)(colou).
readenhip. we've never cormissioned an anicle or colunn in l0 We yorngsters do like ro havea dabbleat paintinSomelves-
years. So, everyoneis and atwaysb€enfiee to sendin nnyting dey I wotrld also like rc ask if ir would be possibleto inclDdedetailsof
Iike. figue scalesd bde sizes when you pDblishrules- Also could you
plede sbn qDolingnles usedoi strggested rulesin you batderepons,
LET SWEETNESSFLOW FROM YOTIRPENS this used to happen but ha! soinehow disappeded.
I must say thanksto Mr M Sigginsfor telling n lke ir is- AlftoDgh I
We havese€nsev€ralarticl€sb€moaninglhe cunent slateandapparent collecr Foundryfigur€s I also collect rhe Redoubrfigures as rhey do a
d€cljneof warganing in recentmonlhs.but I am su.eI am not alonein complete@ge to include peBonaliti€s,troop typesand eqoipmentso
feeling $at one of the biggesttum offs 10fte new wdgamer o. casual tnumbs up to them. r the Foundriesdid this lhey woold sur€ly be
readeris the incrcasinglyunpledut totreof someof rherecert iene6. mdket leadeB (if theyte rot already) or posibly tne only 25'm
It sems stoddd practicefor writeB of lettes to rubbisho article or mdufacmr wonh considering. One ldt point. n bay sem a litde
piec€ with which they do nor ag@ withoul dy cotrsideratiotrfor the siUybut do the Foundrylads designthe Citadel figures sold in Gmes
recipient. Often they ar€ couchedwith exFemes@6m ( tbe lowest Workhop? [Yes.tbey do!] If so could they not try to wrdgle a deal
form of wit - I cite C.Niles"'s piae in issu€ I 19 as an €xmpl€) md with Gmes Worksho! to seUthei wargdes figures in the sho?s,this
often includ€ p€rsonalattack and insults. The lene6 pag€usedro be t@ could be a way to get yourg wargmeB involved. Wllat do you
a sourceof grear debate,oftetr heated,but the criticism was atways think Mr Siggins?
consFucdveatrd wd conductedwith a @rtain amountof rcsp€ctmd A lot of peoplemieht rubbishmy coments above,you included.If
civility. Alas thos days md ways sem to be fadinS. Duncd, plee that is the casethen I am surewargamingwill stan to lose the appeal
do Dsa favou md pDt lettes like "C-Nile's' wherethey belong- in th€ $nt the youngergeneradonhavein playing historical wargames.

PS b€fore anyonecalls me a senile crazedreetionary. I can tel you
$at I was just a gl€m in my mothels eye at the time of the Yom I haveud the letreB rcactingto S.W Eardt€y\ anicte which seened
Kippur Warl - Also, on a happiernote, I enjoyedN Laird s "Imp€rius to have att@ted morc Oan its fair share of cnticism, The only
Mminns' dd any choce of somemorenaval articlesl) redeemingcoment I rcad was ftom youself. in stating Oat the
u,riten and Mr. Eardley were equally endded to their say- lr does
LBT SATIRE FLOW FROM YOUR PENS boweverilluslrale perfeclly the atdtudeswhich makeme remaina solo
warSmer There is m way I wolld join a club or wish to spenddy
Re: WargaDesNotebook libe in theii compdy. I havebeena fdtasy wdgder for a few yeds
while I atwaysenjoy rcadingthe abovearticle I have10admit I wish ad enjoy painnng the figres dd fighnng the odd banle with like
ir wa! less of a mouthpiecefo. the Foundnes,I mean it seemsas mided close friends. Altbough I enjoy Mding the historical anicles
Oough Siggins must be secretly on the payrctl of the Perry's. md prefer buying dd readingpubucationssuchas this, in preference
wargames Foundry figures arc good, bur thar doestrt relegate to the fotasy ?ublicatiotrs,that is abouta fd asit g@s.I canoily give
everyding else10the slatusof scEp metal.I also enjoyedrhe editorial my own opitriotr otr tbis matter but I'm sw that otbe6 rcading such
piecesby S.W Eardly. Evetr though I disagreewith him on a lot of venomouscriticism mustbe of the sme mind.
points it is alwaysgood to reflect on wherc we cme fiom, if nothitrg I haveber told in the past,by sometradinonal walEmeB I kno%
elseto preventus ftom sliding backl P€EonallyI play a lot of periods thal fdtasy wdSmes re held in the sme cotrtemptd model train
that woDld be consideredoff lhe main lrack (Great ParaguayanWm en$usiasb. Now, I rhought,what sort of atritudeis rhat?Thereagain.
anyone?)and am thanltul for the variety of figurcs out otr the mdket I havebeenlo a numberof showsdd stoodfterc watchiDgthe gmes
today.Evenif you still havelo coN€n figures it leadsto a lot lesswork in progress.With one o! two exceptions.the panicipdts makeil cled
$an *e usedto haveto do. I think I stilt havethe X-acto hiJe scN that you re a "necesary evil dd to dk a quesnonto coDfim your

17 Rotunda Road. Eastboume. BN23 6LE
Telt (01323\135417

25mmWorld War II
owilg 1o$e suss of ou Pamrgrenadiermge we e now ableto lowerthepriceof a 3 figurebagfrom !2.00 to !1.80
anda supponwapon bag
ftom fl ?5 to !l 50, btrrindividualfiguressrn sravar?0p each.ttw ror sone goot news.yo; @ ;w fight your
way tniorgh Rome|s aspdagus
beeh defercesof uun o. omahaBeachdd into the Normmdybocagewith iG lory awairedAnerica l;afty. ou
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PRIqF,ST lags ofl fisws @st!1.80 *c.pr whft si.rsl Singlc!8rm ?Op@d.

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Fo5"IIGE: LrK- 10%of order Over !50 pod free EC-30%or oder,
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At Ine noned we catuot acceprciedit csrd pa)menc.
Noh:A[ t[q tgu6 o b. pu!.ts€dfilD dr R.doobr
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P.rbeDB ln c.sh, !6l!l ordN ud .bequs (not p€M.d chequs frem Soleslockisti! USAis:Miniahn€SepiceCeih€,1525Bridge163.yubaCity.
or€ls4), brd€ p&$U. ro TJBODY Califomia95993,USA.Telephone 9166735169

(fonerly "Enpirer
Eagles & LioB,)
UK subs to the bi-monthly tuU .olou Americm Naeoleonic
fragzine d available from Sbatagen PublicatioE.
91 Ballards Lane
One yed's subsdiprion {6 issu€s): Finchley, London N3 1XY
€2350 {!21 to Wt subsdib.6)
0t8t-346 2327
E,E.L, bind.6 (hold 12 tusu€s) !6 post paid. Ol8l-3433888(Fu)
E\d$ively ftom Straragm Op€n6 daysa w€ek 9.30am- 6pn
Clos€to FinchleyCenlr.l Undergroud(NonhernLine)
18 Love6 Lf€, Nesdk, Nons NG24 tlIZ
ignotuce would be Eeatedwith equatconrempt. We are North lrDdon's
I notic€ th@ is very linle by way of r forum for fanhsy wargamss, S.AJ. fOR LIST most completelyst@ked
you publicationand siDilm onespay lip sedce to it but clearly have (4 LRCS OVDRSEAS) speialist Adult gamesgroup
linle tine for it. This is a gresr piry, becaqseyou publicalion coutd
encouge the hugenMber of fa ay wdgaDe6, esp€ciallyyounger
playeB, to lak€ d inrercst in tnditional wargmjng, which has so AVAI-ON HIU. AIIAS. CI{AOSNTA{. CLASH OF ARMS, COLUMBJi.
nucb to ofler. Why th€recmor be norc toleranc€baffles me. But if 9!qr!r91. DElprER FA.s.a..RYDIGsr.lFfar-ocAJ\GswoRxsHop.
your reade$ Ganrcud otr one of your own enrhusidrs in such a LUDOIIRE, i'A}'FAIR, MITTON BR"{DLEY. OMrcA. PAI-IjDIUM,
mann€rI think th@ is very tirile chancefor fantasyad traditioml RAVENSBIJRGER,I .X. SCHMID. STANDARD. S ItI LER, STEW JA'I.,SO\,
warganes to get along. Tbat means both groups miss out dd WZANDS OFTHI COASI, WORLD W|DE qAXGAI\{H. X TR
publicatiols suchd yours suffs d a resutt. AND MANY I,I,{NY MORE
ProbablyI will be pleasanrlysDrprisedby som€positiveconm€nt in
Bponse to this len€r,if any. thoud I doubtit. CITADEI. MITHPJ!, MINIFIGS. RAL PARIIIA ,Nd IIAfM

Dsvid F. Culpin.

Ed noter I have mod€l Fains (L.N.E.R., 1930.s)_ so *ar,r why I'm CATESILIJSTfuTq ANDMN MOFE.
held in cortempt! - and fantasyfigEs (c.tm0). If you cd give me a
25 hou! day md an 8 day weekI,U srfi \p Fakto, GM.s rttusruE l
mis page & oryos .: mree pics ol R6siM Civil War8Ms at th. Potti?anshN dt NNark Culpits responsiblelor thesewere the Sqiety
ol Twuneth Cdtury Wara@n (SOTCW)

:l- ?.:,',
l . r
woodenhousesneal lbe stonehousq it took th.ee lris but finally all
Victorian Canadian Battles but the stonehouseitself were taken.At I :00, Markham t.ied ro uke
b1t rhe house,but the atle npt falled, rhe 32nd driren back dd Markbam
woundedtwic€ in the neck and once in the leg. Ev€n as Mekhan
Daatd AUen9ntth attempredto takelh€ stonehou!€, rhe Habsweregetiing reinforced,by
lmd md .iver. Markhamordereda etreat to the coulee.
"You know," said
orc AEerican lady to historianAuthur Phelps,"...I At 2:00. C'orc tried oDelast dsault. an encirclementfrom the left.
don't believe I evtr in my life thought to think about Canada.'As As the Bdts advan@dthroughthe brush,lhey mn into entrcncbedliDes
wargamers,sometunesI belierc that we eea bit guilty of this of Habsmaskedby shrubscr€ens.Only a fee of tie entrench€dmen
ounelves.We are all familie with the Frenchand IndianWarsandthe had$ns, mosthavingpnchforksand cudgels.but in spiteof this. th€y
War of 1812, but what about the curious "little wars" of Vicrodan ch{ged the British. Habs came out of their positions od advanced,
Carada!This article will e'(aminebatdesfrom sone of the lide wars m€n diving at the riveCsbank also advmcedupon the coslee.Gore,
fought on this seldor, studiedfrcnti€r of Britair's Victo.ie colonial seeingrhat hh gun hadused60 ofirs 66 roDnds,and thar his menwere
€Dpirc. No aneDpt is made to tell the entire srory of each war. e-{hausreddd cold, deided to retreat while one bridge remained
(Readerssbouldrefer to $e selectbibliograghyfor moreinformarion.)
Inst@d,I havechosenthreeencounlerswhich I believetransferwell to Gorebatled to hold the bridge while menstruggled10crossit wirh
tle Pariote., in closepursuit.No unit struggledmore thanthe arrillery.
The mud wa so d@p that the ho6a worc out for exhaustioD.When
sT. DEMS - 1837 manpoeerlook over,it achievedthe sameetre At tbe unit's docroas
urging, the gun was spiked and abandoned,fie force moved into
It didn t evenrate a mebtionin Byrcn Far'ell's Q@enVctori4's Little colunn and set out for Sor€1,ehicb war finally reachedthe following
Wa", but it was indeeda "little "
w&. dd Victo.ia\ fi6t at that.The da} Aboul 750 Hab Patdoteshad fendedoff a forceof Bntish regllasi
causeof tlh conflict was rooted in Montrcal. Ird by Louis-Josepb norale in lhe Palriole mnks soarcd.Tle Habihnt victory was shon-
Papioqu, the Palrioles,asthey werecall€d.sawftenselves asthe new lived. Eventually,the rising w6 put down: British forces prevailed
'r{merican revolutionaries." Their 13 Holutions
called for self- sendingthe Patriotesto prison md into exil€.
govemmentanda Declaratjonof Righls of Man.On 6 Novemb€r1837,
vjolent riots €ruptedon the st@ts of Montreal betweenthe Patriotes'
"Sons of Liberty" md the
Anglophile "Doric Clubl' The govemment
reactedby €stablishinga strong nilitary presencemd the issuanceof
tl l
wddts for tlle arrest of Papineauand other leading Patriotes.The
tugitive Patriotesfled b the RichelieuValley SoDthwestof Monteaj. I:.-;-l
lT!: l I
Overlooking all of this w6 Her Majesly's military representative
dd velem of Waterloo, Lt. Gen. Sir John Colbome. He w6, of
course,ordered to pur down the rebellion. At his disposal werc (at
Queb.c Ci16)remnanr!of the 66th, 79th, 83rd Regimenlsof Fool and
tr - l
the l5th Regimentof Foot. In Monrreal he had etenelts of rhe lst
Royal and 24lh Regimentsof Foot, dd the 32ndRegimentofFoot. At iiil;'---
St Helen\ hle in the Lawrence River werc batteris of the Royal
Artillery. Colbome'splansincludeda lwo prcngedattackon tbe valley.
One column. underthe commmd of Sir CharlesGore. would b€ sent
by steam€rto Sor€lon 22 November.Accompaning him wo$ld be the
flank coy of lhe Zll and4 coysof the 32nd,a detachDentof R.A. with
one 12 pdr howiEer, and the Royal Monftal Cavalry.Unde. Lt. Col.
George Wetherall of the lst Royals, moth€r column would be
despatchedoD 18 NoveDb€r,including 3 coysof the Royal Regiment,
[: l
one coys of tle 66ti, 20 Royal Monlreal Cavalry volDnteers,and fte
R.A. with two six-poundes.The columnswqe ro m€etat St. Denis.
Gore war hoping for a quick victory ar St. Denis. only l8 miles -l-
Battle ot 5t- Denis-_'\-
away.He led his force in a grueling nidt mdch, bui mud md a d€tour
1 Dec mber 1837
mound the viltage of St. Ou6 delayedhis arival. This provedto be a |
cosdy mor for Core. As nooing davned on I December his force
wasstill seve.almiles form irs objective.There*as no needfor secrecy
noe, as Gore could hq church bells ir the distdce mounce his
advanceup the vallet As Gorc ard his 300 nen closed on then
objective, skinnisheB bego to ha6s the column dd b@ak the
bridgesapproachingthe vitlage. Soddedlythe fo.st broke dd before GAMING ST. DENIS
them lay the viltag€ of St. Denis. Gore qlickly fomed a line dd
Th. Swo/dandtheFlMe Nlesareeasilynodifiedto filthecondilions
advancedto a coul@ wherebe p.eparedhis troopsfor tie assault.
of 183?.When replayirglhe conflict,do not overlooklhe weather
Up tbe slope and to the right (near a bam) Gore placed his g1ln.
conditionsand their effect upon British morale.Ratethe Palriolesand
Compmjesof infantry w€re dhpers€din skimish line beforc the s!n,
the Britilh as 'tolotrial militia'' (i.e. Egyplians).For miniatures,Iook
cleding the bamyard for the field piece at the point of the bayonet.
no further than warganesFoundry's25mmChina/Afghanwar range.
Wolfred Nelson,in chargeof St Denis defense,crowdedmen into a
Any Bntsh 1830sfigurewill do, bur the Foundry\ beaudfulfigures
largestonehouseat the edeeof town a! the Bnlish approached.A few
are reasonenoughto pursuethis period. Patriotefigures are harderto
groups of Habitant (Patriote) nilitia were senl ro skimish with rhe
find. (Se figure 1: QuebecPatriote,1837.Palriotenilitia wore
redcoats,As the British tried to set up their gxn, the Palriotesopened
clothinS of varying coio6. This figlre is wea.ing a hoodedgarment,
up; threeaniuery nen weredrcppedbeforethe gun could betminedon
bur othe6 wo.e b.ightly colored toques and sashes,and broad-
fte Stone Hous€.The gun proved inetrective,so Core ordeed Capt.
brimnedhats).Oneoughtto look jnto the Old Glory French-lndim
Mdkham of the 32nd lo take 300 men (3 coys.) od asault the snall
Warlin€sto pick out theCoureurs desBois/Miliranesres.

The mssage rhatPeacockecould nor supponlhe Canadids did nor

se€D to botber Booker as he galtoped fo*ard to orchestratethe
advdceon theFeniarposilions.In aboutan hour,the Canadimshad
advancedto the Benie Road. How€ver.even as the eueent Own
Rifles succeeded in pushrnglhe Fenids bact. Lhey*e'e running
ddgerouslylowin ammunition. Bookersawthatit wastimeDe eOR
cceivedsuppon.Sendingl0 Company(theHightander CoDpany.as
theycameto be krown. for theyretusedto give up $eir tradinonatkilts
in favour of the standardizedriflemar unifom) to clear me wooo! on
th€right,heb.oughtI, 2, and5 CompaDies of the l3th Battalionro the
{iringline.The Feniansbeame discou€gedwhenthe Canadians did
not run ar had ben hoped. Some Feniar'seven believed rhey were
fighiing British regulars-Confidencein the artackbeganro fait, and the
Feniantoops beganro fall back - a fw troopersat a rime.
Thosewho studynilitary history re well awarcthat sometim€sone
srnalleveDlcant igger chdge resultingin a radical reversalof fo.tune.
Suchwd the casewirh this battle.Jusr a! fortune seemedto haveIeft
the Fenim forc€, fate deah them a new hand. tn e altemDtto rallv
ihem,officef.onsroleDho6*, roderhroughrtreretreating A mencani.
encou.agng ihem to rerum to the line of battle. Sone Canadids
RIDGEWAY . 1866 caughl a glimpsedof gauoping horsesthrcugh the treesand shoured:
bok out for rhe cavalryl" Booker o.dered .Trepare for
h I 866, in one of the mosr unusualevenr! in the hhbry of Canada cavalry."Just ar they had lmed on tne pdade ground,the Canadians
(atd the United States),Canadawas invadedby elementsof a ndical unthinkingly movedro fo.m a squa.e.This providedrbe Fenianswith
Idsb independencemovemdt. Their goal: 10 hold Cmada hosrage their fi6t good B.8er of the day md rhey pouredfirc into rhe squde.
until Irclard was given its indep€nd€nce. Booker realized his nisrake almost inmediately and ordered to
On I June 1866.one of rhree plm€d invasionstook plac€ when ''extend."
Ttvo conpanies,rhe I st and 2nd QOR, did so, but lhe others
Colonel John O'Nein crossedfrom Buffalo, New york, to Fon E.ie, neededto re-form in column befo.e e"\tending.Citlmor orderedthe
Ontariowirhtle 7th, l3rh,lTrhand18thIRA Batralions 0.000 menin bugler10sound".etire," and rheorderswererepearedby otherbugters.
all). As th€yenteRdCanadainrerritory andmovedbwards rheWelled Threecompmies fton the the squar€rerired back to the woodsto the
Canal,tbe Canadianmilitia was called out to aid th€ l6th Resimenrof rear. Some sae the coDpanies of the t3rh ariving ed shouted
Foor.thenstat'oned al Hamitron.Onrario.Ir waspoDeity $;eueen s "Reinfo.cements."
The ariving companiessaw fte etirins eORs md
Own Rifles Cloronro)and rhe I 3fi HaDitton Regimenr(both of which broke,thinting rharrheQOR riflenen hadb€enroutedby rheFenies.
eventuallycameutrderrbe commandof Lt. Col. Atfrcd Booker)which The two extendedcompaniesbegm to fatl back, as did 3 Coy. ehich
resposdedto fte crisis, .acing rowards the invadine Amedcds. *as stiu tryingro @,fom-CaptainJamesBoustead altied a line of a
Transportationwd haltily armged, and by feny and rhen rrain, the hundredmenro facerhe Fenians,bur whenBooker cameuDonhim. h€
troops ariived at the small viltage of Ridgeway, tocated nea. rhe orderedBousrqdro reuear.SoontheCanadidswerern tu reL-eal lo
threatenedWellandCmat. Their goat: to join with rhe 16th Regiment RidgewayStation.
in SEvensville,locatedro rhe north of Ridgeway. The Fenim did pu6ue, bul nor very hdd. Many sroppedm collect
Stir, soreand tired froD spendinga sleeplessnight in boxcars,the discdded equipmentand clothing, or rakefte woundedCanadies a!
Canadiansrolled out at Ridgeway starion md began to re-forn. prisones. OnceO'Neill hadgatheredhis men,heretumedto Fon Ene.
Amnunition wasbroughtup from Port Colborne,bul uErc wasno Nay O'Neill knee that he had b€en lucky, dd that Peacocke\ regulas
to carry it, and the gendemenofficeB were too polire to ask Iocat wouldbediving sooD. At theendoftbe day,O'NeiUgavefte invasion
fdmers to borow a horse and cart. Ar 6:30, BookeCsforce left rhe a s@ondthought md rehearedlo New York. And, in spile of being
stalionto completerhe firal leg of the tnp 10Slevensville.This trip wa! anesteduponhis retum,o'Neill ros€!o Presidenoffte Feniansand
madein spire of wamings from local residenrsaboDtthe prcsenceof pltuned(andexecuted) two norc invasions ofcanada.
CaplainJohnRlward\ No. 5 Compmyofthe eueen'sOwn Rifle!
took lhe lqd, armed wirh Spence. repeating rifles. The road to
Stevensville (RidgeRoad)clinbed untjl it mer the carrisonRoad,
which was distinguishedby the pr€senceof the Smuggle.'sTav€m.A
half-mile fanher was a brick fam houseand fte Bertie Road.Tbere
wereorchddson both sidesof the road,providinglinired visibility.
Bookercontinuedtow&d the Cdisor crossrcads,in spiteof rwo more
wamingsabourFen'anlroop. tying in wair dnqriy aneadof his
The Fenids couldhed rie Canadimslong befo.€theycouldse
then. O'N€ill had chosenhis posirionwell, on a ridSeoverlookinSthe
advanceof the Canadians,just north of the Berrie Road. He had senl
lharpshoolersto take positionsjust soulh of the B€rlie Roadand they
openedfirejustas5Coy passed Smuggle.'s Tavem.As ifthey wereon
the paradeground al Toronto, 5 Coy spreadout and advancedro take
cove. behind a tence.retuming the Feniant fire. cillmor, the Colonel
or lhe Queen'sand in commandof lhe vangudd, issuedordersas fasr
as his subordinatedcould take them. Companis l-4 were moved
foNard in support of No. 5; 6 Coy moved lo fte nght fla* and
Conpania 7 and8 cover€dthe left flank.Companies 9 and l0 were
Rifles: 29 officers, 298 men, dd the Winnipeg Fietd Batlery with 3
ofiicen,59 nen,2 gqns)marchedslowly out of Fon Qd'Appelle
The miniaturcsfor this battle can easily be fotrnd: Fenianswore fteir (towdds Batoche), so that reinforcementscould catch up with the
old ACW unifoms GoDe wore a gr€.n tunic. insteadof g.ey o. blue), column. Within a few day! thei. numbers were bolstered by A"
so theret litde difficulty in finding figlres for them. The Caradias Bauery Regiment of Cdadim Anillery (4officers,104men,2 gus).
''C" Companyof the Infantry School Corps (Io.onto) (2 oftlcels, ,10
wo.e Brilish Crimean' unifoms: the 13th Hamilton wore a shato
(figures 2: ddk blue trouserswilh red stripes. .ed jacket wirb white Den),Boultont Mountedlnfantry(Manitoba)(5 omcers,108men),
piping md blue "facing," white belts)and tbe Queen'sOwn Rifles (see od tbe 10thRoyal Grenadiers(Ioronto) (17 officers, 250 men) .
fisure 3i "Rifle (dark) s@n unifom witb red trouserpiping and red Tle Metis wer€ not idle whjle the Canadids approachedtheir
jacket "facing," black belts) wo.e fo.age caps (except for the clpital. Dumont designeda stmtegywhere he wolld set a Dp a series
HighlandeB).As for using fte S\9or.lud rhe Flade tuLes,I wottrd of nigbt time hit-md-run attack! upon the columns,but Riel would nol
ate both the Feniansand the QOR as "British R€gulars"fld rhe l3rh hav€it, consideringit too savage.The pld they did agreeupon waslo
HaniltonBaualionas"Egyptians." lure Middleton into an anbush, or as Dumont put it: "I want to treal
ftem Iike bufialoes-"On 23 ADril. Dumont and Riel alsenbled thek
200 besl Metis and lndians south bward Middleton s column. Soon
aiter they had left Batoche,rumor camethar a detachmentof NWMP
wa! headedfor Batoche.so Riel dd 50 men returnedto the Mets'
capital. Dumontcontinuedaiead and deployedhis lorcesin a lvooded
couleealongFishCreek.The Indianssp.eadou1to therightof a lrack
crossing rhest@m ed fortifiedtheirpositior,rheMetisdid rhesane
to the left of the track.With mosrDer sttled in the coulee.20 menand
Dumontwi outto lure Middleroninro his t ap.
On 25 April, Boulton's Scoutspuicked Dumonl\ advmce guard
inb f,nng and giving awaytheir positionat Fish C.eek.Boultor's
lroopes held their posilion instead of following the Metis into the
coulee.thusavoidingfte mp laid for th€n- Middleton arived uponrhe
sceneeadyon in the nghr with'C CoDpoy and the 90th,bur his
attempBto rushthe Melis' position failed unde. a sliff, accuratefire.
Middleton faced a grear challengear Fish Creek: leading
inexpenerced and undisciplinedtroopspositioned as to be "oudined
againstthe sky." he faced a tough opponenlin the Indid,Metis
coalition.HoweverMiddleronwas not afraidof the challenge. Cdm
md disciplined, he was lverywhere"duringcombal,€ncouEginghis
troops;a bulletsailedlhroughhis fur cap,dd bothhis aidesde-camp
were seve.ely wounded.Still, these t.oops neededhore rhan
encouragement; A' Battery was eagerto enterrhe lmy, but once
FISH CREEK . 1885 deployed, foundnothingbut Metisfam houses to firc upor.Repeated
afiernpts rushingthe couleefailed ud il seemednothingcould
TheNorthWestRebellion, asrhisconflictcamerobe known,occured dislodgethe Metis.
in whatis nowtheCaadian PmirieProvincesllt waslhe fist najor Dumont was not without his problemsdespitehis supenor
conflic!considered asinvolvingonly Canadian forces.The mainfigure posilioning.His lroops,lhoughcrackshots,wereaho undisciplined
of the Rebeuionwas ore Louis Rjel. When rhe Canadiangovemmenl md werespookedby fte Canadiananille.y.Oulnumbered. Dumont
decidedto buy HudsonBay Companylandin whatis row Manitoba t.ied to sei a prairiefire to Middleton\ righr in orderrc prorecrhis
and open i1 ro sertlemenr,the Metis - a people of French flank, but Middletont cool head prevaileded the Canadians
Canadiar'/lndiandercent- fearedlhal they would loserheir homesleads extinglishedlhe flmes. Finally,theMetisandIndians,beingfromrn
to the new legal" seuleGcomingfrcm rhe easl.In 1869the Melis individlalisticfightingtradition(which pr@ludesprolongedbattle),
issueda lisr of gdevmcesdd, led by the chansmatic Riel, cirptured beganlo slipawayiby mid'afteooonDumonthadorly 50 men.By the
Fon Cary.In lST0lhegovemment endedthererokandRiel wason lhe time 80 Metis dived irom Batocheto suppo( Dumon! l'ire had
slackenedlrorn both sides:both Dunont and Middlctonhad had
The Metisalsomovedwestward, givingup theirManitoba landfor enoughIighting iof lhe day.The price of batlle was hi8h for the
theSaskatchewm Rive.Valley.In 1884,Rielretlmedto Saskatcbewat Ceadiasr ofthe 350 menengaged, ten died and 55 werewounded.
to helpselup a provisional governmenl (lor the Metis)ar Sr.Laurent. For the 150 Metis, five had died and 55 horseshad beenkilled by
Fora shorttine it seenedthattheCanadian govemment andtheMeris Canadian toops.As Middlelonprcparedhis bivou.cuponthe freldof
could come.toa compromise, but the sitDationdererioraled and a1 battle,the temperature d.oppeded a latesp.ingsnov b%anto fau.
aplacecalledDuck Lake, shotswere exchdgedand fte both lides Reiniorcedwilh additionaltroops,Middleroncontinle on to rhe
Merh' capitalof Balochewhere,in the four days of fighting,thc
The Canadiangovemmentchoseceneral Sn Freddck Dobson Canddians defeated thc Metis.On 15May.Riel surendcr€dto two of
Middletonto leadan expednioD md D.gedto give inmediateaction Boulton'sScouB'trooDers. Dumontescaoed ro the UniredStatesto
again$rbe Met$. This crisisgavethe fledglingCaadian Amy rhe join BDffaloBill\ Wild WesrShow...ir's ttue,I swearlo itl
opportunity lo showtheir mettle.The Canadian Army wasconposed
of a few professionals wilh a va.ietyof volunree.miliria!ni$. Most GAMING F'ISHCREEK
wereEnglishspeaking,rhoughQuebeceventuallysentrwo French
Canadianunirs.In that winlery ea.ly springof 1885,rheseunits, Because of the scaleol fte baule,rulesoughtro be of rhe'small 'r
ldgely ill'preparedfor whatlay ahead.boardedtraincarsGomerode tactical vadety.As wilh the previousbafiles,one couldeasilyadapl
on openUarcars)md stanedeaslon whai was rhenan unfinishcd TheSvoa!a the FIaDre ler.Applyrherulesfor Boersrc theMeris
Trans-Canadian railway. andthinkof lhe nfle andnilitia conpanies s colonialtrainednihia
The Canadian attackingforces qere dividedinto lhr@columrs.Ot (likc Egyplians) wilh oneunit (901h)as B.itishregula6."Miniarures
6 Apnl 1885,Middletonand his Winnipegge.s (90th Baualionof areavailable f.om RAFM ofCanadawhichmakesanextensive line for

s &A scENrcs ifi.,Ii,)iflliilllil

2-rHa\sHiIL Camtonll Lancs.LAj 9DD l:rl'l{!
corouE Rodidg
olj24 7-rll44

r:rt' fdril €rih! r$ rtues



{tr \ R: \ . - n D

Fish Creek 2 0 A p r i l l 8
To.onto:Macmiuanof Canad4 I9?1_Now avajlableihroughrbe
Canadim Natjonal History Association(478-16?Lombdd Ave.,
theNWR,includingMeris.(Se tigures4 & 5: BucksKnor brcwnand Winnipeg,Maniioba, R3B m6, Cmada)
blackclothcoarswith s'milartrouse6,or trousers whicharestrioDed
or praidin colour Orherui* ryprcatcostumeoi rhc werremironirer, Fo. Ridgeway:
with e Indid accenrdesignyd@orations.) Monon, Dsnond Tha CanadianG.nemt: Si, WUiM Olex
The RAFM lin€ also
iDclude\li8xrcssuirabte for rhe90thRrnesrSeefigure6. aOrhRifles: Toronro: Dmdum Pess. 1074.A supe6 bioSmphvcovennSIne
blackunitormwith red piping.co FenranRards.rhe lE85NWR andtheaee.War
ed curh, andrhe lorh Royat.
(parntas per my Bririshcotonial..redcoar;' ... red jacket
and btue
trouseur.Lsing RAFM s SyW and Boolsad Saddt;sline,one cd Ros, Tyler and Matrin. Cana.tian CMpaisB: 1860-7A. London
fill the ranksof the ireguiarswith a varielyof figu.es.RAFM will Osprcx 1992
supplyother1885unifom infomationuDonreouqr.
For lish Creek:
Hildeb.andt.Wairer ?Iz Barrlea/raro.te. Ouawa:Minisrer of Supply
andSeNices,1982.The nost availablesour@of informarjon (orderit
throughRAFM)i conrainsmanygoodphotosand infonnarionon the
tacticsusedby bothsides.

Monon, Desmond. The tast War Dtun- Toronto: Hakken, t9?2.

without a doubt, the bestsingle volume ever wrinen oD the war; this
bookis well illustrated
ard conrains excell€ntnaps.

Tener, Ogden,er. al. ?/rc Canadli@s_

I.lme,Life Books, 1977.parr of
ften "Old Wsf'series, ihis bookcontainsm excelentchapteron the

Fo. all batfles:
Fryer,Mary Beacock.aarlet€tdr o/Cdaala. Torcnto:Dundumpress.
t986. andMote BaukleLds oJCandla. Toronlo: Dundumprus, 1993

Summels.Jackand Cha(r&d. Re^e.Mil ary UniJomsn Cana.ta

16651070.Na,|onalMuseumof Canada.t98t. Nr.el) done wirh
Headquanem(in Chicago)and the Senlry Box (in Casaryr.
Fo. St. Denis:
Figu* 6
Schull, Joseph..Rererli,nr flr e Risiasin Frea.h Cdnadat 837.

Wargamer's C H E L I F E RB O O K S
Notebook Wigton,Cumbria
Boughtand Sold Sendsaefor catalogue
Iate June meansa shon bus trip to fford for the ever int€resting
'Rmpage show'. This year wa-sno ditrerent, but was probablya little Dnitsmd batdes.Given the odd few hours, I'd t y to pDll ofl Quatre
lactjng in atnosphere compaled to previous incmations - fewer Bm. My only othe. coment is thal of couse we now want a
outstoding Sues anda reducedtradepresenceI gDes. No rcasonfor Napoleonicmd dlier ho6e & muskerversion.-.
that I can work out,just an observation.I like 'Rmpage' b@auseit is Ii hs been m interestingmonth. In ftar slow way fedback hd of
tull of enthusiasticclubmen.and is p.idy mmed by the smaueror reachinSme, it hastakena while for me to eslablisbtbat my com€Dts
mor€ esote.ic dealersand one can always find somethtugrcw md on somere enactorswent down like lhe proverbial lead ba]loon. ud
int@sting. This yed ir wa a chanceto have a fascinalingchal with bolh Duncanmd I find oselves being accused,yet again,of bis. On
John LainS on the AwesomeEnterprisesstand,and to purchasesome the fomer. I am unrepentdt. I do not include all re-enactorsin ihe
of his lslm medievarsfd one of his sup€rblittt€ L€onardolanks.l'd generatisation..iust thoseI happenedupotr at the NapoleonicFair - a
be€neyeingtheseup for somemontbs,dd fnaly cruked l ve watted sadand pompousbunchindftd, bul 8?ical of a fair p.opo.tion or fte
a diveBionaryprcject for the sumer months(which, technic.ny, e breedI susp€ct- and thoseodd p@ple who (presumably)get I frisson
hot md sumy, you may rcmemb€r)as a relief fron semingly endless fton Nazi ftgslia. I will hold up my hands to accusationsof
B.itish Napol@nics and RenaissanceSwiss, md this fitted the bil intolerance,but only becauseI genuinely lhink they do the hobby m
perf@dy.The moulditrgis impeccable,the lookjust nShl od it nakes good at all. And it is oDr hobby ro which they have attached
a perfectset piecefor the comer of the tableor tbe fto of tbe display thenselves,yer I cmnot believeI m a minority of one?Do we really
cabinet.Higbly Recomeded. The besrgameat the show'jusl beanng want to seeSS troopeB strouirS ffoDnd shows.both inside dd oDt?
oul m imprcssiveACW gde that was perhapsa bnle too 'clm', was Perhapstough I havemisjudgedtbe situation.As for bias,lheresems
the Sh@burytres boyt Winter wonalerland.Tiis wa! an incredible to be a substartialcurem of f@ling thal \\aI and Notebookde deled
pi@e of temin mod€[ing. thened to the tudennesotrensivein 19,14. towads The FoDndry,dd tbat thereis a real dangerof it lming into
The demomtatoB w@ k€en and infomative. Oe models were ootler wfttr" trad well, sp€akitrgfor myself. I an not going to
excellent,the nles semed ftn, bur the mo$ impressiveelenent wN €xptainyet againwhy I pnise FoDndry'setrorls dd a basicanalysisof
$e handlingof the light dusling of snow eay to overdo.rhis wasspor t@nt issueswil put the lie to Duncd\ bias.AIl I will say is that as
on. An excellentpresenlation- s@n d Ai{Y olher companycomes trp wilh 25Im figurcs to rival
Someof you will fondly renember Mi@prcse s attemptto comer them (as haveG.ipping Beastin the lasl yed) then I'll be the fist to
the computerminiatures'market wilh Fi?ldr a/ Glory. It was a mble trllmpel that fact, in the sme way that if a WD membtr prodDcesa
etro.t, which sadly fel shortin a numberof ed, dd which hasben stunningrule set(astheyprcbablywill). thenI'll befi61in lineto buy
sonewhateclipsedby th€ inpresive T.losoft titles of @ent nonths.
Now, at lasl I m ple€sedto say TaloDsofthd a rival md riel& o/ Which leadsme to rhe latestrelealesfrom the row Dnifiedhomeof
Glorr has a worthy sDccessor, albeit frcm a competitor Mindrcapeb The Foudry. Those pesky injuns hav€ long waited for some viable
,4se o/A'ler has be€n on lhe shelvesfor a while dd I didDt buy it opponenrs,md at last they areherein the shapeof the 7th Cavalf. Not
becauseit is slighdy out of period for me (1840 1905)md is part thE you eeneric dusty blues fton coundesswestems, bDt a realistic
of fte WargameConstructionSet - a ventm of which I'd bought the looking, toDSh bmch of hard nde6, led by Custer himself, ably
fist two dd was lesstbd impress€d.Anyway, I was loded the gme assisiedby Serge3nlO'Brien\ nw @ruits. Again, superbwork ftom
by a ftietrd who insistedI should df it and I wa! not disappoioled.In M&k Copplestoneandjusl ilching to be paintedup. The Penieshave
fact, apartfiom th€ odd battt€thar falls ontsideii. impresive $ope, it not been idle, and before launchitrg into thei. mouihwatering
is €xhemelyimpressive.And unlike the T.losoft apprcach.whercyou Renaisdce prcject. they have produc€dyet moE of those stuMing
are obliged to wair for then 1oSeneratethe rcxt order of battle, AoR ACW Rebs.This time it is a rcarguardwhich de nothing short of
comes complete with a superb editor Not just for batttefields and wonderful.The higl ights?ACWH34 is a diSnified offi@r, weding a
ftalJ, bul foa (gdp!) udfoms. WereI a betting man,I woutd saythis long coat ud amed with pisbl and sword,just breakioginto a run.
syslelnhad beendevelop€dby a n8re gder wlo elsewould go the ACWH4o is a buSlercaughtperfectly in motion (very Troimi, tEse
extra mile to provide over 200 ditrereDt p€riod jekets. tons of two), while ACWH25 is c@king the hamn€r of his musket,his faceis
weapons,beadged, lroD$rs, kilts dd boots, atrd even four horse a picturc. Wonderful stuff, topp€d only by ACWH29. a prone figure
colom, a cdel, dd tniee skin tones. reachingbackfor a cartridge- jusr lale a l@k at the delail dd anatomy
UsinSthis imprcssivetoolht. one caDmakeup jqst aboutany troop of this chapud m@d. I cd'l wait for the promisedBufialo Soldiers
type fd the period covered,dd a few mor€ besides- apait from the atrdPrussianDragoon! that de comjlg alotrg 'rcal soonnow'.
lack of biconi€s ed Ficomes,yon could go quile a way back. Indid Book of tbe Monlh is easy,given that Mr Bowdenhs nor yer 8oi
guides in redcoa$,or Apachescouts?No problem-Zultrs. Mexicds, his act bgether dd finishedhis loDgawaitedAusterlilz volume.So the
Fuzzy-Wuzzies,Aust ian Jagers,kon BriSade,LiSbt Brieade, winnei is Bill OtjnAet's Histora Masterclas: Napoleonic Pldstic
Zouaves.PrussianCuirassiers.24th Foot.Siths, Boxere?All therc,dd FiEuft Moddlihg- I ktrN whal you are going to say here, what is
ir tookstbe pdr This is incredibleslutr-Add to inat a list of batrlesthat Siggins Dp to reviewirg books about 54ffn nodeh? WeI, I'll poirt
includes all the main ACW encounteB, AtrstcPrusiu, FrdcG you to the frct that a few enlightetredsouls uselhem foi geine, but
Prusian, Mexican-American (Bmna Vista is a corker). Russo- mainly becausethis is e inspiratioml feast of unifoms, modeUing
Japaneseand a buckedul of colonial encoDnte6.And if you get borcd. skilh, ideN dd painting techniquesthar apply al whaleverscaleyou
therc is alreadyan expansiondisk. In lermt of v.lue for motrey (or favour (except perhaps 10Im dd smaler). I snppose the ody
'bmg for buck if you prefer) rhis knocks Talonsoft into lasl week, reseryation is that windiow & Greene. like Spellmount, have a
fnlling shon only in temin graphics.It is compact(rumiDg easily on worrying tendencyto cut then pric€s (eithd inteDnonallyor tltough
my ailing DX33), quick. accessible.very playable dd some of the availability in remaindershop9 in a y€ar's time whicb ratherputs one
baules (Koniggrao fo. one) de superb entertainment.Highly off pmhasinS as 'fEt kid on the block'. Whalelea this one is well
recomended. and if nothidg else ii s greatfDn to createyour own wonh tuI price dd He6ets cm supply a Nuar.
presents: Cavalry:
Rank and File Miniatures PlateAmour
4 MountedCrossbows
l5mm 4 Lighr I{cers

36 figule Pike block
l2 ftont rank
12 middle rank
12 rcar rank
24 Missile frgues
12 Crossbows
12 Handguns

2 guns
8 arrillerists
AwesomeEnterprises, 4 prcneers
70 Harcout St, Newa*, Nofts, NG24 IRF 15mmFigues A f,25.35valuefor
Tel + Fax01636701439
Pleaseallow 107afor post and packingUK,
EU 15 , elsewhere,2,Eo
Major oedit cardsaccepted New IllustratedCatalogue50p



Figures painted bp JamesFisher (ree classifieds

"under services)


CWI Officerwith Sword All poseshaverandomlysuppliedhead riants;
CW2 Officer with Map sometrousersrolled uo.
CW3 Drummer,drumming Prices:50p per figure
CW4 Drummer,drum on back
CW5 StandardBearer Our figuresare"mixable"with thosein me
CW6 Firing,in shelllacker ValiantMiniaturesrange.
CW7 Advancing, in shelljacket
CW8 Firin&in frock coat VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED
CW9 Advancing,in frock coat
CWl0 Firingin greatcoat

TEL: 01323732801 FAXI 01323649777

While we are working on our exciting new rangeof 25nm ACW, we thoughttbat you might like to s€€a firl listing of our
poptrlarTrojan War range,beauriful25mm figuresfor the wargan€r andcollector which includesborhthe n)'thical Hon€ric
Heroesandhistoricaly r€searchedfigr]res,so that you canplay batdesof the ancientMycenaeanandMinoan p€riod andthe
sieg€ofTroy in largescaleaswell asmanysmallanddeadlyskinnisheson foot andfiom chariots.As wilh manyof oDrranges
therearea numberofheads,poses,helmetsandshi€ldswithin the rangesolhat therc will be gieatervariety andno two armies
nef,dlook alike. Most of the figurcs are for the amies of both lhe Argives (C're€ks)and lh€ Trojans.Thesefigures ate also
compatiblewith other25mmrangesfor th€ ancientsperiods.SPEARMEN.Packsof spelrnen are suppliedwilh a thick spear,
similar to a short pike. They are also suppliedwith a large shield of your choice,either a rectangular,cu ed, tower (A) or a
'B' for
figure-of-eight (B) type. Pleasesp€lify which shieldsyou would like h the pack by statingeither A' for Tower or
Figure-of-Eightwh€n you order,for a\ample, T2'A' etc.,

Tt Sn sparlM ii kila d loiocldh eith boo $dhs, FI6r !?c abi.ld virh i Fud sbr.ld ard sFe, in 1 cheior sih
tuL hdlM seiding ridt/d.rddins T32 Sn Mynido ftb6 rdwi.g or ddirg diiE, ei6 . 'lmin! stield h.s carying a
T2 sn spemo b kil d loixlorh, hos G* fu@ or ctin ibj.l4
LIJIGA wrrInIOxS Tra9/ H.@, Pire ot Trot :r!d y' Iadd or rb.
'Se rto[r6 TFjG o! rd b $,L ,IDu *ift a fuw ot
T3 Sir spdod i! lilt o lojftlorh. b6 cr , IlDFr rl|i6 rilh h.l|d ldlr' dd
.th sbi.ld {d seod *ith *ndd b.,d
T4 sn spatrm in liH cuiq hoM hdd Tl5 Stt LutL spaioa idwiog, hlvy stct clrryin8 ! bud shitld.
sbnding Edy (!.fddin8 TXIC/ aM, P'iE of TBn o r@r h bmm
T5 Sir sp.@D in lind cui@ t'!r bdftr T36 sn Ld.I: jlwlitllM ad@ing d thseing, !@u. nsu ol.igh sbdd ad s*dd
op.n tod.d, oid lhi.ld TxlU hris, Prixe ofTby, in d@ra.d ffi sirh
T6 sn sp€.ffn in btlrE oia tft% h.h€. T3? Sn bk*! svddr'M ad@ci.3 o ttn$rbg, nud db%y sbjcld od swdd
sbii4 F:drlbf.dding T< l, S4.ndon, Kin8 of dE LtrLlc. wirh a nud
T7 Sir 3p.md ir liod ditus, tr!n, h.ld shicld ird sFir dd *wiry r crtru of
EF-{I/{ INFANIRY iitr n d qdl ir r tu bd:.d cb&id sirh
fi Sn spc@ ir bt@ cuiq bro b.lff! In 'D.dn' ttF b.I .mi sD6E provrd.d
T40 Ad@idg eirh l.v.r spa6. - Txls/ Ndn, King of ry|6,3ol. rmu with suord
Tq Sn:!ar:m in h((M oiro, htr@ h.lb.t.n&ging T4l Sundins ridy win spc& d 45- a sti.ld in a cbdd *irh diEi
Ta2 Sundins dr nprisbr sF& Txriv H.ld ofTDy io od dq$. rh. fe $'r
SWONDgMEN l.wh.d r rhMd striF!
TROJAN EXIRAS Txl5/ tu6ro.h6, en of N6b, d fd in tro&
'Irll. rirr b.lnd6 rn or.n. rrEir
cuitu. geB dd t@s tul h.lrDa dtnct B tu mw. cubuy dd shi.ld
Tll Sir swo'd.mD in b@ '@ &d b.h.r lh. IIi.d rd s. odrs.t, n4lt sdpr.d lkuc itir TXld ClrEq ftiG or $. r -*1""., oDrd n)
6 ..r a hd.E ro you! t!!pr o. pG. i! dio@ learb.' oirui Ed badd,a, 3hi.ld, svod.
TXI/ Ag.mmo,IGng of Mya@ 3id lsid of fil?/ Polyd:nl! Tbjd l.rd.( plain bDe mor,
JAVELINMEN th. GEck. id .LemGi z:ll]N, boldi4 a Gd h.h.r boldine st 'r
The nglE N oF. ba.d€4j.v.liB n NlilrbL s*od {d nund sbi.ld. in r nod.d bcln.t. TXl3/ Sub chi.f or minor lerdd, posibly tu a pir.
D(2 Odrss6, Xing of ldic. in bMe amu md blrlq cuila, hehd, $rudns virh .p.t,
TI5 sn Jarelimn ?dv#hs, ldll loincldl or bos Mk h.lm.. wirh @r, druring sirh Dl2tV Lishr cbaior, No hoe, sldi.r in ftU
tunn, b.ltrt, rclnd sbidd sp@, shj.ld slsg on b@k (DodE) amou, 3F!. diEr
T16 S; Jrwlimeo lnrwiog or rudin& loinclorh, Tvlv &hjll6, H.m rrd ldd.r or d.l?I)midoE ir Tx2ll l-ishr cbdior te hos, snio' h 'lmu.
shi.l4 in 3 cirid viln dJiv.i smpmi.d by TX2Z Lkhr 6mc chaid sirh .rc hG. wior in
ARCEERS a 'lmins sbieldbcaE *i$ nsu of ciglt sh.lll dic, ruord rd shiel4 'Iivd.
T25 sir mh.s, wious p.s!, ir ldlb or b:gh TX,v Acn 6. H.rc dn kd.r ot thc Mymidoq o Txzl He{vr d oonEnd chaior four hds, sldi.r
f@iinbDumo['bMZh.lftt*i$d' in turi m@, !.h.a sbnd"d beE wirh
T26 Fmr o* 0rh.s in eni6 od boffi tuk d frsE ol eishrsbieldad s*on, tot ani.n by
a shi.ld bee @rying . d,rd shi.ld To4l H.dorTduphatl Htu shding M rh.
T27 sn dinss. oalcd d il loindorb, sln8i!g, IX5/ ji
Didn da, Kjng of a8os, blm M. b.dy of I frllen eody, sving 3Fd.
cd b.lc! shj.ld &d ea', in cb{iot *ill sAl F.ft D.far.d! Mml.u, Kio3 or spsia
d!€ging P&i! alolg $. gmud by rb. hetret
MiXMIDONS Tr(& Ajd, Prine of Salmir. otrfd h nru (D.idE)
a.!il4 on fthrd tn Bnd tdl6, b.Fhad.d moq rwd sbi.l4 b.Lb.L rpd D(2& The D.:rh ofAchiu6l&hillas ud notuny
T30 Sii Mymidon j,v.linm6, admcins. lrnbe Trr/ ftiu Xils of th€Trcjq in cd r,t6t holdiig. sou'd.d, pmdEd by Aja Dd odFs6.
orlbtrjng'p.ldty}esbj.ld D{27 PacLof sn 6u.lri6 id Eios 8imn$
A3l Sii Mymidon 3*odsd.d.dvming o. Tx3/ Hdor. PriG of Tmr s.ein8 saL amou TX33/ Pac* of sii jcElis (50p)

KW'n r-,Sbl;''
t \l r
flq @
A , a
When replying to adverts please mention Wargam€s trlustrated.

@ $
Resinandmetal modelsof Trojan war ships,cornpletewith crews.beautitully detailed25mm scat€warerlinemodelsthat can
usedfor figthing navalbaulesor drawn up on the beachfor the opposingforcesforcesto fighr over
FaslTrojo shipwirhcrcw €38.00
HeavyTrcjd shipwith crew €40.00
Po$ andPackingfor ships- U.K.t5.0Op- E.E.C.€15.00- Restof world.!25.00

Fo. resemh and painting for ihis penod we

@onlnend 'Tle L€gend of Odysseus' by peter
Connoily, published by Oxford Univerity p.ess
which is tull of excellenr colour drawings. It is
available al a rea$nable price fron mosr good
bookhops o. ftom WE.HeEdts by nail order.
FN Tqd w6 Fishtrngsh'P We carry a set of skimish dd ninor battle rules for
this penod. Before rhe Catesof Troyt,, which have
all kinds of ided for chamcteB tud games to be
played with the figures.Theseare availablefrom us
for f5.00plus50p P&PU.K {!l.oop P&P elsewheE)

Lese Tqm us Fighug SNp


Tl toT9= !A.50 Tl0,Tll,Tts, T16= 44.00 T25,T26,T27= A3-60
T30,T3l, T32= $.60 T35,T36,T37= t4.00 T40,T4l, T42 = t5.00
TXl, TX2 91.s0 Tx7 11.50 TXr2 15.50 TXIT gl50 TX23 fl!.s0
TX3 f5.50 TX8 15.50 TX13 15.50 TXr8 fl50 TX24 g].50
TX4 !2.50 TX9 J250 TXt4 e1.50 TX20 f5.50 TX25 t3.50
TXs t550 TXl0 t1.50 Txl5 11.50 TX2l Xs.00 TX26 14.00
TX6 J3.00 Txll e2.50 TXl6 Jl50 TX22 €5.00 TX27 M.OO
Pled' snd f2 0o(tl 0oEEc& R6t of uc wdld) for de fully inNhri ud cmprthcnsiEerzroer of a[ ou 25hmhnsesmltrding:
p, Tmjanws. vikinssnd Mriis ship.
Rn$sec. n*e M6k.*. ot r"a.p""a.@. w.rr.gr" ; r"a.. r"r*,"r* up.r_""". rop.r.*i" r_gtot ett n,,
Nip.r@tu.Nav:rRhse sudr r r330i Td aodon RercrE,p€ni,ion). s"a- p,aa[ s"--. z,r" ri*. n-r".. o,:r, n;ra4i""Ji.*r rt*g, bgioD(Mechor Di.)
B6,c 6sm pria tor ou .,ng6 h 6opro. rot .nd efthe.90por tr.r0 ror hoB,
n@ snd ! strbp€d ddB.d uvrlop. for hy prdcut.r r€l.s she.b o. ro. ou !ric. lnr
p&p.uK: l0*of orddvalueupro{50m.$.nstre.
EEc: 10%,6ofords valu.,ninimuma250 REsr oF woRrD ann4 {tr :i].t "r ",,tr ,.t*. _.^,m tr.:u
we ncp. palmDt in c6h, p.sbi dd.F. cheques{burnorFMml cheqEstrcmove&a ple6e).Euchequesandajtnajtr c(nn c4ds.ode6 €erved bv rhDhdneyill
AMERICA:MINLLTURE sERl.rCECENTER.1525Bridge163.yubaCit CALIFORNL{.95993T.L 916.6735169
.t t:
lo2)411f696 F^A 712664
nNLAND: vAxHA KAARn Shn.ie 5. r.r45oJminljpbohj4 j5g 34,1762336
cEItMnNY: CA]\IESFLEET. Ro*trbt 12,m1o3.NmbeE. 9l r 55s0oa
trAly: p{NoprL,\drI Acos n}n s s \ vB \rndi, r mrs, R;m Td.06?720roll
scoTt utD: MAc,s MoDELS.133-t15Cdo4.rq poy,j Mit.. Edinhr4hTct:o 13l 5575551
sPArNrAdial sA opei.rsles 5. ?3023Madrid.Tet:5?49254,775

When replying to adverts please mention Wargames Illustrated,

Tradeenquiries Tradeenq ries

uK 011s9422289 usA 8063721268

Figurespainledby *+Nick Eyre**




Zoe Bng kthbndge-51ewd GERN{,{NY






SeaDevil Ddlek Tel148961991





Darl.ks & Yeti: !2.50,$5.00 AI other fistrres: 12.00/$4.00

Minisler Books.Sheerness TeI01795580355 RoleN Plr!. Wolverhamplon
The GuardNon, Dunsiable
ru 01582606041
Qu6ling Knight G!n6, $ellinglon.
T€l018159 29
319 Mac's Modelst ltdi.bur8h,
Th. Skirnishcr,Chingtord.
T e l 0 1 3 1 5 5 ?5 5 5 1
Dungeon$ndSl,rships,Birminghan. T€101216.136003 DtrngonsandSLships,Sh€lt€ld.

Dr. Who frgures Harleqnin MiniaturesLtd All ffsurs sho*n herede 11.0062.00.
632 Radford Road, Basford, For a Fee fully iuustral€d calalo$e
are producedby NottinghamNG7 7EX
pleases€nd $ 2 n6l clss srmps.

Harlequin Tel: 01159422289Fax: 01159422298 UK nait ord€r r.tes are 107. for ordes
up ro 130, post fre abov€ tha(.
Harlequin Miniatures US
under licencefrom the POBox50081,Amarillo, Tx 79159
EumpePl€de .dd l5%,
Fsl of the sorld plese add 259a.
B.B.C. Tel: 806372 1268Fax: 8063721631 w. ac.eptch€qn6,Masl€rcardandVis,

When replying to adverts pleasemention WargamesIllustrated.


GarcH.urErE| ECWBepol€ Sy€b.tEUmt d

ECI'V8€6pokeqddrE U.ded P.O.BqOA
Pfione@ 084208
EJrEI r@wargem!..ooJk AH3 ZN

EGWpresentsthe filaryrnes Forr|tr. A reur
cotrcept inuaganrirg on thetifeb.
b locdedat
Ilfr l!t, lS?! Unlikeotherw€r!€rnessiteson the rveb,thEWaEamesForumis not a
whide for jud onecompany.
Ontie sitetheF ar€ manydiftr€nt tmdelsprwiling youwitha
wiler seledionlhaneverHote. lfs like a wargamqlshowon tie nEb. In adilion to all the
tradelslhercalgse.tionsforyou,thepublic.TheEis a waryames
waEam€sw'ti othoruselsacro€sthewodd.Thereis a dub6dirEdory;an eventsdidrXs bring
andbuyar8a;a mor y wargames
Sowhynotdropin srd takea
lookwhat$€ haveto ofrr.
lf youhaveanyqueslionsor suggestions
don,thesitaFto contiact

Buildingsand Tenain
Book Sellers
qualiry (ody). Pleasesenddetaih to Nick Fdell. Flat 72. Rive6ide
CLASSIFIED ADS Otre.Hest€rRoa[ t otrdonSWl l 4AN
Ads should b€ tJrp€dend accompani€dby a cheque Private collectors require unpainted l5mm RMAS. Ancients,
made payableto Stratag€m,18 Loverc Lane, Newark, Renairs&ceandACw Mo{ goodma}escodidercd
Notts, NG24 lHZ. Rate 15p per word. Pleaseadd Telephotre(0u05) 613747
u+rq. v.A.T. Minimum charye: 92.50. 'Tattl€ fo. Wargamers" mgazines wanted- Januaryto June 1978
issues.Good p.ice paid. ca]l Duncd on (0121) ?05 3393
lsnnn scenery.54 size, 2 K+M trees!32.40; 16 size 3 K+M trees,
f20.00 / 20 snall K+M hedg€s!20.00. l0 liece Hovels high wall kl Historic Painting Serice: Excelleol stmddd, quick tm routrd.
15.00add l0% P+P01245281275 Prices fiom t1.00. 15tun Medieval and Remissmce a sp@iality.
Man the P.amparrs,25Im Mone and Bailey Carde, + Galli€ tlillfon Other figures taken on quote. Also v€hicles bdlt dd paiDted. Tel
+ RomanGaskRidgewatchtower.AI beantifully nade md well wonh or2s3520937
defending.Tel Alex for picturcs- 01344 52753 Berserk€i! Rage Painting Servicr: High quality, speedysrice. Al
20nm WW2 AIVS, fgu6 Painted/ unpainted.PlasticnvletalTel: scalesfrcm lolm 75tm. Discounts for gaming clubvsocieties.
01962885559Evedngs Plese staleinterestfor apprcpriatel5tm & 25lm smples and price
2500 25tm fig|tro for sale: SF, WH40K, fotay. ECW, tnditu list, enclose a SAE & cheque / PO for !3.50 payabte to Aeon
Muliny, Ftuco-Prussie. Also Epic. books, oles SAE lo N@l Robshaq l0 W€sleyClose, Benthm. \ia Iacater. LAz ?JT Tet:
Willims, 67 CarterknowleRoad,Shefteu, S? 2DW 01524262665
Comput€. moderated wr.grmes rules for Napoleonic, ACw and Bristl€d Dw..f Pairtirg Senie all pe.iods15Im - 54Im paintedto
Eurcp€anWarfde 1850-18?L For sanple copy sendchequefo! t1.00 a excellentstanded. Futast Napot€onicand Medieval a specialiry.
payableto Primdcop€ UK Ltd at l0 Fallo*fi€ld Close, Hove. East, For sdples seDd!3.00 to C. Ogbom.24 Amside SFeet.Cambe ell,
Susrx, BN3 7NPoremail106666.1246@compusene.com. tnndon SEI 2AP.Tel No: 0171 703 5230
Boa.dgames, Gam6 Wo.kshop games and ffgures for sale and Jm6 Fisber Pabtir& Qualit 1525m pajnr'ngar comperenle
wmted Also looking to buy unpaintedFoundryfigures of my period- prices. Ddk Ages, Medieval, SYw' Napoleonic.ACW. Fantasyand
PhoneJobnTeageroD01623 792294a:fret7.W p.m. Sci-Fi caleredfor Olher periodslairted if you supply the details.For
Science- frction space combat rules out nowl Cove6 usual thitrgs.smple fd info seld fieE dd !3.00 for 25lm or ! LoOfor 15'm to
plus ptmets, radianon. sreallh, fighter groups.etc. Quick rcfercnce
19 HollandsAvenue.Folkestone.Kent CTl9 6PN.
cdds dd countes inclDded.Bargain at t4.20 includitrg U-K. p&pl Tabby's Painting Seric€. Experiencedpainter fast md efficient
AGEMA PUBLICATIONS, 3 WorksopRoad, Sneinton.Nottinghm supplierto largeesbblishedcompanies.RMAS.DBASmd more.5'm
NG32BA to 25'm all periods. wdgames and collectors stddard. SAE md
A raie opporturity roacquleMo complereACw Amie\ compri(ing €1-00 in stampsfor smple and lists ro: 12 RidgeviewRoad,
l,000r wetl paint€d/ based25run figues typical 30 figure regimenr
N@lonm, Birkenhead,Me6eysideL43 9AB
t70.00 also 25Im Sudancollection 45tu figures !600. Contad Steve Eve. \,icto.ioE MiriatuG Quality Painting Sewice. Send12.00
on 01924782793 md cating to 19 NewsteadAvenue, Mappeden Notfnghm NG3
"Megabook!!" Secondhand M irary & wargaming Book at
6GB. Chequespayableto H-C.woodward.Qunliry figures painEd or
sensibb pnces. List No4 now available. NEW CD-ROM ConpDler unpaintedpurchded or part-exchanged.
Gafle & Board Game sections.45 SSAE for lists: 36 Melboume H€liotr & Co. frcm Puers ro Palees...your figures and nodels
St eet.Barrow-in-Fumess. CumbriaLAl4 5TU painteded asembled dowtr ro the last gairerbunotrl Chooseiiom 2
stdddds Collectos or Basic.CompetetivepricesI For price lisls and
WARGAMESBUSINESSFOR SALE colour phorossend45 SAE ed 2 x fisl clds stmps to : Heliotr &
Co.,26Willow Road.Solihull,WestMidleds, B91 lUE.
A golden oppo.tunity ro purchae d a going concem a well Tel. (0976) 704 255
establishedreadymadewa.gamesbusiiess.Manufac[nng Buildings High quaritJ painting senice at afto.dtble pricd. All rcales.Send
Figures-Boat! and Scenery to a lery high sundaJd. For lunher Infdtry figure and SSAX for sample. Conlact Jeremy Young, 13
infomaiion phone01904629062 RichmoDdDnve. HiNaun. CFZKgUA. Tel (01685)812 024
The Herald. Collector's sbndard painlin& Speciariry20nn {any)
FOR SALE/ WANTED or 25tm (Ancietrtsor Fmtasy). SSAEfor lisl or t4 for sanple figure.
Chequespayableto M.Tumer 27 RossiePlace,Edinburgh,EH7 5SD
Se{ond City buys, sells dew and usedSciFi, Fdraly, figwes, dles, FIELD SERYICE. Quatity serice for all periods (especially
gmes. RPG\ erclisl 013235209I L NapoleonictSSAEZIRCS.II l5lm,12 25dln, or own casdngdd
R€-Role: Faniasy and Science Fiction RPG'S,Bodd Games, details.4KingsfieldRoad,Biddulph,S-O-! ST86DN
Miriatures dd cataloSuesboughtud sold md exchmged-S.S.A.Eto Stan Agar Modelling Senices. For a quality fignre painting senice
Re-Role,82 Morge Avenue,Sheffield.55 8QN Tel 0114 2313025. md hddmade brildings in all scales.lf,t me lum your stock of bee
Milita.y bools bolgbt ,nd sold. Plese sendan SAI for lhe lalest meralinto units-Painrednnits md buildingsavailableftom st@k.AIIV
list lo: JW HoffmaD,62 St Michaeh Road,Carditr CF5 2AQ kits built. lniemalional clientele.Fo! smples od turther details send
32. or 55 bili. 5l AshgroveRoad.Horfield,Bristol,Bs7 9LF (0ll?)
WANTED 983?508


EspecialtyNapoleonjcs.No Minifigs.
Play Postal Diplomacy ard oih€. B@.dgm6: Joh our inexpensive
RobMyers.Tel:o1376 585357
nnd ftiendly amatewhobby.ContactSlephenAgd. 79 FlorenceRoad.
Milirary Book: ParticutaryNapoleonic. unifoms aDd wargming. BriSbton,BNI 6DL fo. details.
Top prices paid. Catllogues also issued.MagenraBooks, I Silcoates Ddk A8e & Spaceplm Conqugt of Bdtain (or Space). Long
Street,WakefieldWF2 ODU. 01695 57070?(dayt ruming compulergeneratedmulri playerpostal8ames.Fdt & turious.
WeI paint€d l5tm Ancients Ami6: Good prices paid fo. high PrcfessionalCM (since 1985)-Write for infomation: PeterCalcnft.
Softw&e Simularions WGI, ceorgid House, Tririty Streer. SoulhetrdWargms Club if you wdr inreu€crualstiDularion dd aE
Dorcbster, Dorse! DTl IUB only satisfiedwith a chatenging wargamiDgenvircmen!
Beslseuirg PBM: to. att tasles:The rutesexptaneveryrhrng you We do not havea cofftrittee (shock, horc!: what. no ego_tripping?),
needro know Choorefrom: EnStig Civit waBa|l]es rutest6.40- od the .ems SecreiaryandTreasurer.reusedtoosly to describetwo
V€ndetta(fanrasywith a medievalflavou) !5, NapoleonicBatrles!6, membeBwho cm do joined-up witing and add up. w€ know who we
Americm Civil War Batdes €6.40. La clone du Roi (18th centurv de. wnat our strategicvision rcpresenrsmd what ou. club mision
campaign'f5. The C@r wd ivorld War Obe cmpdgn) €5. t8; sut€ment is; all the iDponant decisionsare takenco €ctivelv. IJ this
cetrtury Roleplay game 80p. post free in rhe U.Kt AGEMA soundslike a club Lhatyou wdr ro how moreabour"comelo otreoi
PUBLICAIONS, 3 Worlsop Road.Sneinton,Nottirgham NG3 2BA. ou club eveningso, conLacttuchdd panridge.lt4 Wesr Road,
wsrcliffon sea.Esse{sso 9DD {0t702 342t561
CLUBS& SOCIETIES We don't think you will be disappohted
Lndotr commuters. Fed up wirh wdgamesclubsm.t aUthar rhatcd
imply? Join a SroDpof friends who ineet in their own r@m in a pDb OPPOMNTS WANIED
ned Warerloo SlaLjon everyThur:day. AjlpenodsptayedOnegamea Dundee ad su..oundirg aree: Hisro.icat,
nrgn wtu.D ax |orn h. soc'at wargming ar it\ besl.DehiL trom Alr€marive history dd
Sci-Fi board wdgame. seek opponenh. Contacr Mike Ande6on
D e c k o n ( 0 1 2 2 15)1 4 t 2 5N. odomkq! 01382454068
Blactpooi WrrgaD6 Ctub meerseveD Friday DiShl AI penod.
co\trd New nembe( setcome.no e\perien.eo. armie\ requred.
For firnher iDfornation rinS (01253) 28924 FORTHCOMING EVENTS
Can't fi.d an opponena?Then by the SotoWdgames Ass@hlron SALVO '9,
Ealt Anglia's premier wargames show. New venue:
dd seehow they do ilt For derailssee us on www.maaweb.comor
Charter Hall, Leisure World, CowdEy Avenue, Colchester,Esex.
\end a SAE ro: SrephenMoor. 12 crar SLoneRo;. Fir,wood,
Sunday 2 Novernbe. BrinS dd Buy. Over 60 ctubs dd traden.
MancheslerM16 oKD Email: eleinpson@nercomuk.co.Dk. rbr USA ContactPhil (01206)853 556, h(p:/btintemet.conv-satvo.
n e m b e r s h i pR i c h A u f t u r o . t 7 0 7 R i d g e R o a d . L e a r e n w o n h , Warior '97
Warhingtonwdgames Ctub will be holding Warior ,97
Ktnsas.66048 USA Emit lb&bDio@smanner n.r at GatesheadCiric Cenre on Saturday 18 Ocrober 1997.varietv of
SudburJ and Di6rrict Wargmes CIub have moved dd now meet uade rrnds.
BnnB & Au) dd demon\trariongmes. encienr
every-Friday nighr ftom 7.00 to r l.00pn at Newton creen Villnge
compelitions:individuat l5lm DBM; 25nunWRG 6th e.tirion (teams
Hall, Newron creen, Sudbury,Suffotk_ConractSteveTee on 01787 of thiee).
conpetitionenquiries ro cary Mills (0t91 4l?7548).Tmd€
372498for funler detaih. enquiries to DaveKnight(01642323256).
Ibnbridge W€lls WuAamg SocietJ prers R€teaseAtter lhe end of SKELP 97 Novembef lsr I99?. Town Hall, Kirnenua Anqus.
JDI) l9o? fte Socierywil no tongerbe ,ne€rin!al rheSr Thoma5. Scorland.l]!h mDalpubtic wd8meserffbiDon.ctDbsdd $cr;es
chx,ch Hallin Souriborcughtouowingnoticerharrhesireu u! tol from tbJoughout Scotland, England and Wales. Traders tud
.T,!..1:r- Painrinsed mode rns compeLirion(. Brins and buy
From the first Sundayin August. the Sociery wil be neeting ar fte ,rall. E{cellenlhor ,ood\ aU day.Orer 500 arkndedta\r yrd. fo,
Speldhurstvillage Hall in St Maryb Lane. Speldrur$. slmnq ar fDriler infomation contactDale Smirh 01575574128
around0q.J0dd fini\hne ar t8.0OThe Do\e ro a new \enue bas MARCHER 97. S.A.H.A. Club, Royal ShrewsburyHospital,
enabledus to opemtea longer Sundaymeetingthan we had before. Shrewsbury Sunday 7th December,B&8, relieshments.bm. oEn
The venuefor the weekdaymeeringhas not yet been finalised, aDd DBV 100.Fade^ 'nL Keep.LtrcashireCaDe\ Andy Dumet;e,
anyonemterestedis recomended to conracl the seiew secrcran Ontposr wa'gmes. fEfalgd. F.AA.. Demos.parrripariongmes
An.lrewtinchon 0171277081| tordetaih.alsotordirecrionslo d; Dela ls 0 | 741 464000
Caling all Warganers. The EssexWarriors,al Wrinle Villale HaUin
Shoebu.'ness Waryames Ctub will sbority be relocatina to new CheLBfod. m rh.owingoFenOeirdoo,sonSDnday 2 t.r S;penber
prcm\es clo\e, ro cearat Sourhend. raruc'pahongme' ro rheforc.wrrhrcfre\hmencatrd\everat!-ade6.
aad a\ a (onsequence $,lt be
rcnmed Soulhend Warames Club. The new ciub will have a. Freeadmission.free pdking. Enquiriesto Derek Cox 01245 260243_
pemmenr room in Centratplace Comunity Centre,kospect Close. or Pelercrimwood 01245265274
Wrexham & District W..games prcsent pendrsson I The prcmie.
We will continue !o otrer hiSb quatity gmes to botn expenenced Wd€am\ e\flr. DBA kroctourand opendd) a,Brlmbo Spods&
p ayes and rbse who re itrteresEdin takitrg up u absorbinghobbl Soc-ralcornplex W,rxlm on Sundayt2LhOcrober1q97.Doob open
our weeMymeins is hetdbetween2.30p.m.and 10.30p.;. every 12-00 19.00hn. Tradeslaads.Bring & Buy. Display & paniciDation
wedmday. The new prcnises otre6 us the faciity to baveone targe gmer. Adrussn Il.0O. Under 16: & OAf\ 50p FE pdking.
(6 x 12 ) or two smatl (6 x 6) rablesfor conlinuing, long rem gmes, remsnments.lrade enquineswetcome.For tunhe! rDlormarion
prus run everunggames.We have a large supply of tiles atrd otler conlactrRickSwift 01978366848or DaleRobertson 0197836431?

The existitrgclub menben Sameall pe.iods,from Arcients all the wav BOOKS& CAMES
LhmDgh !o Mod€m.on land.ar .ea mO rn thea[ we u"e a vaaerroi
scale..6m 6m ro 25Im \km\h acuon\.IlIu.hed. tre would'\a)
we specialisein 15mmNapoteonicdd WW]L but the cu@nr fave is
While we do not play comperidongmes. we do usewell pldned dd Military & WargamingB@k Collection BouEhr.
orsdned .cenuio\. Connot\euu who r,"u" ...n ,, uitl" Sourr,- SpeciatistDealer in out-of-pnnt & secondhandW;games
Eastt leadingshowswiI no doubt be awde that we Droducebtaltv
& Role-ptaying.
bodrcrou\rnol ro \a) humungou! demonsFarjon gu.", ",$ ", Send.\5 SSAE for gamescatatogue
extremelysrnct arrentionto detail asou irophy haul co tesrifl. Many BOOKSTOP BOOKSHOB lt Madeld cmre,
of the rules that we piay to are home grown, tud havebeenwriren to Hsrogat€ HGl 5HD, No.th yo.kshirc. Tel:01423-505817
be historically accunre and innovativemther than to ger a
Bme over
whilsrrlrc i\ n'lt Ljne ro ge' \oDe be{re. in. you ,houlil ont oin
25 Woodvttte Cardens, Ruislip, Mlddtesex,t1A4 7NB, England, TeUFax:01N!i 625gtl)
POST& PACKING - In UI(j Ords up to€50.00,add 10%of orderiot l ovdrso 00PGt fre.
Car Ret ofworld: add 1s%ofordq total'
> U.S. Dollar ($) pric€s below ate available onfy thtough BROOKAURSr.tIOBBIESto N. Americ.n custom€r3

NnpolEoNlcs IN 25mm
Crvrlry, Fr l Drsr FNC 64 Ht|ss Shouldald Ssds. BN, Flak Corpsy Marcling
FNc6i tllll56 swdsoltet et h.! BN6
FNC23 C\ilaidcMd
FNC 29 CliNid R!i..d s*nk FNC66 Hlllsd Elit CdnpsY BN?
Rlirdsvq& BN8
FNC 30 C\tiNis Sh@1d6.<t FNC 67 Hl|ss Eliic C.qsy BN 9 C6rr. Codpey lddin8
Shold€nd Sw& BN to C6lr. CotrDdy At ?dre
FNc 30r c\itaid Sqdrh ol,(.
FNC68 HMDlii.CdDpany BN 1l c6t e co@uv Kmlin!
ssd& o|isedch.d dPft
FNC 31 CuilGiffi Elilo Cdpey
Gurrd c.vrtrv BN12
FNc 32 Crrilsi* EliL Cmpuy nrcor c-",ai-qcma 9l!11
Shoulddld S*q& FNc 70 awd Isffi tre t v- lfl I 1
FNC 33 Cli6is Elil! Conpsy Rd Fl&k comp&y KnRling
swd&o,ffih.d rNC tl Cud I&c6 Le€ Up.
FNC 34 c{ibiniq cdjlMd BN 16 colour s.ramls Sredins
lNC 35 C{ibinid RrL.d Svordt FNC 72 Cheu.ichml Confid BN 17 Rifl. Cmnud
FNc 36 cdibiniG shou&lr.d FNC t3 Ch6.ur ! Cheul Rais.d BN l8 Rifdm Firing
BN l9 Rinda lading
FNC 37 C{ibiri6 S*qds olrt- FNC 74 chs.ur. C[.El Shoul- BN20 Rindm Xnelirg liri.g
BN2I RiilddAdmcils
rNC 38 Cribinid Elil c.@&y FNC 75 Cheu . Ch€v.l swd& KiDg' Gem.D Irgior
FNC39 Ceibinid DliL C.op.ny FNC76 Gffildid r CheEl coc (Ligh.IDtlrtry)

gNC.l0 CribinihEn
Packsand Prices: slouftld.dsvnb
_ ' FNC77 Glwdin ! Che€l Raas.rt KGL2 S&ndingFirilg
KcL3 Adlecing(Skimislr)
>IDf.rtry or Civrlry, 3 Figr. FNc4l FNC 78 Gsrdid a Ch*l shoul- KCL4 Lrading
D e rD . c k . . . . . . . . . f 1 . 8 0 / $ 3 . 5 0F N c4 2 KGL6 Advucing (d inil)
FNc4l FNC ?9 G|@di6 ! Che.i Swd!
>gono, z p"r pr"tr
FNc.l4Dr.socse.trk or- INC 80 E@t*Dig@co@d BNC 45 Haq D6!p@ cdrud
INC8l EdptB Dr.gpda R!i!.d BNC46 HswDa!o@ Rri!.d
> ArtUleryPlece 54.m1S7.50 FNc4r iiiffi u,,. c^,
>Artilerv Cttw. 5 filr. Rllid s*q& lNC 82 EipB DEgm ShdL BNC 47 Haq Dr.gm Sh@I.
r:lmns.7s 46
FNC 8l En4I* DnCm sqoflk BNC48 HewDEaM Swoih
INC 47 Dasm Elite Cdry.lry
Seonb olfthdte{t BNc 49 Lbln Dtas@n Co|fud
French Honet
French 1812-1815 FNC43 Lir. Ch.ls.m Col|rrud
FNll r C\ilaid, Ceibirir &
BNC 50 Ll- Dn€pd3 Ri*d Sword
FNC 49 Lino chts& Rdsd BNc 5l Lkl D6smN should4.d
G||:rd Irf.ntry, Full Dr€rr Dr.€pd oficcls Bffi
FN I old Glrd Ctwdid FNC 50 Line Ch'ss.s snouta.d FNrt 2 C\ilsi6, Ceibinid & BNC 52 LfulnDngo@ ShftLg
D..epd Ttuf€?s Ho|g
FN 2 Old qEd Gt@di* Ad- FNCJI LircCb&uas$orG FNH 3 Lin lffi, Ch!$ur & BNC 53 Hl|scmndd
lltlgOfiiels Hm. BNC 54 lll|lss Rlis.dSwrds
FNC 52 LireCh'sdEIr6 FNH 4 Lirc tas, Cheur & BNC t5 Huss Should.r.d S*ds
Hltss Tdp€/s Uoe.
BNC t6 lll|ss S*{h Oulilr€tched
FN4 old Culrd 'S.ppsr' FNc 53 Lie ch.grElile For FN i'3 r. FN 54 GE I l:M BNC J? ScorsCteF Comdd
Snodddd Swords & Cns.u6 w FNH 3 Hffi
Une lrf.trtry, Frll Dr$t BNc 53 ScoGGrr€ Roisd S}q&
FNC 54 Lie Chs.ur Elire Fd FN Ji ro 83 Crrd Crddd & BNC J9 ScorsGers Shoul.Lr.d
IN 8 Lift Lfot y Co|!@d Srq& O,tlird.l'ed Dn3@c &INH I H66
lNt fu idAdvdcin8 FNC 55 Liftlln6cll@d
IN l0 FGilid Mrct A!..k Artlllery BNC60 S@GGF}E Swrdso|rl-
FNC J6 Lim tehR.ired
IN lr Cr6rdi6 Anlsitrg
FN 12 Gm.di6 MlFlt Alta.k FNC 5? Lin. t ns Shdl.Lr.d FNA2 t2 Lb.G!. Brtaish llo]!e.
FN 13 voltig.uc Fiiing FNA3 Lin. F6l AnnLry Clw BNH t Hary Dr4M Offie*
FN 14 voltia.6 tddirg FNc 53 Lin. l'6 Sqlrds Out-
BNH 2 Hqra Dt:e@ Tmp.ls
Lire hf., Crbprign Drss FNc 59 Lin. L$s Elit6 R!i!.d British 1812-1815 BNH 3
FN 16 FBilifi Arlvdcing FNC60 Li.. tam Elild Shoul- Britirh Irf.ntry r8r{-r815 BNH 4
FN l? luilis Meh Ar.ck 8N I F61 Cmd Ad@drs BNH 5
FN t8 G6adi6 Adveing FNC6I LirelM Elit6sw6& BN2 C€rir. Cmpary A&.
FN 19 Ctudis Meh A!..k BNJ C.rltE Cm;ei, M@hD! BNH6 Hus Oiic.?s Hffi
FN 20 volrigdr Firing FNC 62 Hulscmand BNa n.nr c."F;iAd*.; u*B\H I &2rGscorsGEa
rN 2l Votigffi t ading FNC 63 Hu3s Raa,!.dsenlk

Black Catin NorthAmerica!
12188BrookhurslStreel.GardenGrove.CA 92840 U.S.A.
Phone(714) 636-3580or useour24 hr.lax: (714)636-9150 Trade & Dealer lnqulrles are Welcome!
TheExclusive Distributorfor
Black Catin NorthAmerica!
l2lgg BrookiurstStreet,ca.den crov€, CA 92840 U.S.A.
Phone(714)tri6-3590or useour24 hourlax:(Zi4) 6i3t6-9j
50 ddd (h ns. it uN 9) shD ntsia d
s&r H@: Mm.Tlr6 lo:s M.8pg;Fi. toa t{lopui s.t l0 {,7flri so I llM.Ep 15.US fd 31 00. ioda f( s3 50
Hdl - Broo btby@aol.conW.bSlb - htF://us€rs.eol.cofi6rookhotby Trade& Dealerlnqui es are Welcome!

BrittuhAnilery B r u b r v i c k - S r ! o d i n gi t r RussianHorsei PNH 2 HMTroop.ls HoB

BNAI 9lb. Cun RNHI Cuilsid oflie',s Hm PNH 3 Dragmn Oflic.rs Hm6
BNA 2 3 lh Gllopins Oln BIJ I RNH 2 Clitsif T@p€/s HoB PNH 4 Htlqofrc.ls Hos
BNA3 Line Fer Adillery C.s BU2 RNH3 HugTr@p€ls Hos PrussilD Artilery
BU3 FNH4 Uussodie'rsHo$
BU4 tr lnfa.lry Mu.ket at Sih
G€rmanInfantry BU5 Ru$irnAnilbry PNA4 loolAtill*ycd
BU7 Avdetu.l-r Conlrud RNA4 Lin.Fo< ArliUry clw
NM Cmdd
Fuilid Fi.ing
BU3 Aval Clard Lidr Mu- MountedOfricers
GN 4
Fuilis L.adint
Fusili* At Pon;
Prussians MO I Bririshofrcd
GN 6
r$*[ns Firins
(nelins a! Porte 1812-1815 Prussi!nhf{ntry
Russians MO 2 Fmch Odiq (ord Olad
PN I Li.e bleLv ctuod
cN ? Flequs Fitint Rusisn Infrrtry PN2 Lin.Infdrt,,Jvrcbs MO 3 Fmch Omcd (Lin. Col.)
Cr r n-;u* r."a--t RN I MuskeLa cffidd PN I Lin.lrfdry Mt hhs MO4 RBieOfiq
CN9 Flodud Al Pr; RN2 Muskerm Adv&cing PN 4 tedw.lu co.nrd MO5 Plui&Ofiig
CN l0 Fldqu6 Xr*line Fmr RN3 Mckers Marcnin. PN 5 L$dreht A.lhcins MO6 Neuoffi6
CN tl Fldiuft Knels.-.Ipo; RN 4 C@adiq Comdd- PN 6 L$dletu Mdhiry Mo7 Blrllwickofliq
GN 12 6.nadim Firing RN J cm.rli6 Advdci.!
GN 13 clwdi6 L,adine
rN 6 Cr*di* M*tin; PNC 15 DEgM ctued Ofiicer's Horses
GN 14 GM{tid Ar P6n;
ON lJ Gmadift tTseelin.Fms- Ru3riancavalry PNC 16 DFeo@ R.isd Swonit MOH r B.ilbh Ofrc.ft HoE
RNC 14 Cnircid PNC It Dr.s@E Shoulrl€Gd MOH 2 rhcn Ofrc€ds Ho&
GN I 6 Om Kn.elrs d p;e Comed
(OId O!a.l cm. Col.)
GN 17 Cra.di6 Comd RNC 15 Cnircift Rabcd Sqo.d!
RNC 16 C!ir6i6 Shonldd.d PNc 18 D6goc Svo.&od, MOH3 Frmch Ofiice?sHo'g
GN 18 N'ss Co@tudAdv
GN 19 Fusili6 Advecin! MoH 4 Rusio ofiicels Hm
GN 20 RNC r? Clilsi* s*ord o!t- PNCl9 Hllqcolmud
Fnsilid Mdhin; MoH 5 Prusid Offic.rs HoE
CN 2l Fldqu6 Adve;s PNC20 H!ss6 tuis.d Swords
RNC 18 Hll9c{)'lrl@d PNC2I HUss Should..edSwds MOH 6 Nas! Ofrc.1s Hoei
GN 22 Fl&qu6M&chbr MoHT Bddeict O6ccls H66
GN 2l Cj1md's Cm;d
RNc 19 HtlM RaisdswqG INC 22 Hu$ Sw{k ollnrelcb.d
RNC 20 Hu5s6 shouldefd swd! MoH8 KCL Odice'rsHm
GN 24 cmadm Ad@cine Pru3simHorses
RNC2I Husss swds Oulsr.Llted
CN 25 C,madi6 Mmhin; PNg I Dr46n T@p.?s Hos
> U,S. Dollar ($) prices above are available

through BROOXIflIRST ITOBBIES to N. AEtenc:m custom€$

Elr AgK
zr wooav te (larctens, Huislip, Middlesex, HA4 7NB, England, TeUFax: 01gg, 625090

3l ii N tu ti oLr
\[oR;i iir( t,t.Li,\T {-R]a\TIO\S ;roR \ oI R \t !R{;.\ \Iit-\ :..Bt.tr f Ro\t I HI.t t-I- \])t\i
u1\r frtl RrR rl l{) mm ll'\l'11
\1.'rI{ H lll:5 SP!.C[ ]i)ll \ iJlt \\tl \!\1 R \-\(;lr Oi' :5mnl
Prinr.d bJ Trr akdk Hler prinlr* *nie

RVM57 German8 rad 232Armouredcar f,6.50 RVM56 Styerpersonnel car f5.50

RVM66 Sdkfz 11 3 ton Primemover t6.00 RVM60 Girrnin 222 light car t5.50
GTKl0 German6 manseatedvehiclecrew 12.35

AGT33 German105mmfieldgun f3.23 L H Li t l D \ R \ ] \ '

SS27 Waffen
SS6 honeartillery !5.81 RUS36 57mmanti-tank
llmber& riders gun 8.23
SS28 WaffenSS3 manl05mmguncrew fl.l'/ RUS37 3 man crelv gun t1.17
RUS38 2 horselimbersandr.iders f3.50
GENI Wehrmacht2 manflamethJower team f0.85 RUS39 ,1horselirnberandriders 14.34
GEN2 Wehrmacht3 manminecleaning team!1.29 RUS40 Longbarreled 45mmantitankgun 12.50

Ourfisurc lre ayailablcthrougblhe lollowing 5e 1200iorourponirle calalogue

lnd enplc ligurc \ ! s o a r a i l : r i r ! ea \ i 1 s 1i - ! l r ! { r ) l
A.cs,v6a, Nl*(rrcrrd t , ) 1 n r l ) i l n c l r ){ s; e. f m r J r \ j n
Goekcrstr$se93,Wilhelnshaven & Euroca.d a.e accepted tlealci)rlt\. i S illrttgr:t s.
Plea€ nole:we.re ableIorake s$ilch
!'IIANCE: EXOLIT , Carrls TelrTar 01923 564906 1\u1tcn\S. llr(l \r'n1.. \l \'\
14 Ruc duNlorlin d Elif, Gonncsse
l t n d i J u n l i e r se l . .
SOLE AGENT USA: TheElile G.oup P&PUK/BFPOEuropel0% oforderminlmumlop
2625Fo.6tCtenTrril, Rivetuo.dsIL 60015USA OrdeEovert50.00postnee :5nrnr I{xngcs,)l thc l-iltlr
Europe20%otolder Big Hor-o. \pncl!es. ( r'inrca.
C.nada3090of ord.r
'ttl: 02
Rd. Hor6b! Els NSW2077
Auerali./ Fdhs crc 3070mininrumt5.00 C 0 l o n i x l . \ n c i e r r t s .\ \ i l d \ \ ( r s t
94716696fax. 0294112664

o.l t-

A'VIERICAIV aoh lldk
O. Cohddit" Idi.td - S.pt. lg62
.ya[.D. 6oh DTXOIc.l.log!..


lrlnl -
I0nXST,S AssemblyFooms,Oe.by,
Dlsllol, TEDClVAlnY . cloi.!0tiar{ hri 4rh& 5ihocToEEF
ltlir8 0!6 !h.[ jacld ,h&ti!q litbq .{di!! .SELWG"97
rosll9 Stiirlft{s belilq fmq lcoll
ffn80 &ii!l*s . dva.lg.6!!i!e {Co!l CRYSTALPALACE
l0ti8l hg|t - wrirl.on . nddilg blowig!!gt (Co!l NATIONAL
ICt38? Slitubw4 mGiilg ftiiq aeltyei lcod Anerley Hill, London, S.E. 19.
lcrn$ otsl lll jadlr , @i!9 .di!r lc!!)
lcmi! liidrleru - tilg lDe tirtlq.aU!!
PFIICES - 25mm
nffi{ff,Y . chie orlar or&!i
rcrnfi hdje.tlr , nddilg [!i!q 0d
lCYl86 sarljactd- bitilgcanridqs- &di!q(U!l
25mm - 65p
25mm Horse - 95p
PosI & PACt(ilc
lcr'l8t $lbichl t hlutflnlt- idedcuq - dqlrtlfitis rlii o.d.urr r! 150r 1(rnI ri lrt
I[n80 S..bichl. tlalug! Dq.inndq{ I
lCW89 ltod jald ,4rl!d 0i qoud- driitbq
lcn90 0D{ rhlljadd . batilt - chr.tjlqhid {ood AA
lct3gl 0!e dell i..t!t ioqqilq- !i!tr .ilddd r n 0'd.' ur t0t20I 25%(fih fi | r
1cf,39?shUjacld, rodirg , tqjlq e! toi& {Co!)

[J. Vtrih odt [Oer .d heuld lo DDr* lillq in! b rte.odirl, rhE r fiFn ir
!!n sitablr lqliFt d initld h ait d! rid! d 0! oIIEI'Uit k ildiErld b bndli! o'i.E rr ro11r0r 30"iifih $


25ltlM' sAltluRAl'ENGLTSH
crvrl wAR,GRANoA_LriaN-cE
{inc Lou,s
xrv Amv),orroMANTUBKS,
yEAFs wan(Nc.FBEDERTcx nre et a rnercr rr,ronn sEvEN
wans;lrii,ro, luinrclrviivir_wan,luenrcrrnum
WARS,& WtLo WEST(inc. Stagocoach& wasons €r.).

20llllrl- WOBLDWAATWo - OESEFT(inc.Anrch,At.ikaKops),|TAL|ANS)

E EAFLYcEBiraNs {inc.palas& SSI
Springcfove Mi[s, Linthwaite,Suddersri.td,wesr yo.kshire,Engrand,HD750c, Ter& Fax:(o14ar)
a Pur YouRRtrLERs AWAYandprepare
for WW-II gaming asit ought to be-
fast-paced, challengingandfun.
for miniatures-andsamerswithout the
inconvenience uglinessof rulers,
templatesandotherunnecessary game
aids. Justsetup andplay.
a No HXEDGAMErt RNs.Saygoodbye
to the typical "sequence ofplay" usedin
mostWW-II sames.CrossFirc's tactical
initiativemechanics represent low-level
WW-[I combatat its mostthrilling.
a COMBAT rrGcHANIcs that simulatethe
intemlav of fire and movementcombine
wiLhi iommandSystemlhatrepresents
unit flexibility.
a Emphasison the Queenof the baule-
a SMPLEANDPLAYABLE rules that let
you focus on the tabletopaction, not the
rulebook. After one game. most players
can put away their QRS sheets.
a MLLI-CoMPANY GAMESconcluded in
a iew hours. Providesrules for one-on-
one and multi-player gaming.
cove$ l0 nationalities. Leg Infantry,
Mechanized infantry, Engineer,
Airbome, Ranger, Commando and other
EARIY COMMENTS INCLIIDE: sDecial units are reDresented. Data for
'If you like WWII you will love CROSSFIRE' l)0 guns and vehiClesare also provided.
'No rebasing;recommendedto everyone' a Includesa SCENARIo GENEMTOR use-
able for hundredsofpick-up games.or
'Challengeswargamerspreconceptions- & it wofks' in toumaments. Includes a dedicated
'Playsquickly' SlBLtgtsd scenaio.
'Rulersnot needed' a SPECTAL RULES FoRURaANFIcrffrNG,
'Superb' Minefields. Bunkers.Japanese Tunnels.
'You can smell the smoke & taste the dirt' Ba$ed wire. HiddenTroop Placement.
and more.
a CRossFIRE's VIRTUAL scALEpermits
play with anyfigure scaleandon any
ITOCKISTS! size gaming surface-from a kitchen
UK! ESSEX 6 0725a.642t09 tabletoa gymnasium.No rebasing
HOABY CRAFT 6 oltot-rto9t requreq.
STRATAGEfl E Ol6t5-rl9rt
w.R.c 6 0ttEo-t2a55E
ESDEVtUU 6 252.3tt4{3 ffivenaeuus.
ZEAI-AI|D! dILITAEY flTXIATUEES a t525 ft40 TEL: 3Ml547-flD0

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