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31llI Yr,lNlNlltYl lNl7r

rAeBturle42-44120mm) ao Squadotr
sBs l Officer, rt.:O
| .i
SBS 2. LMG Tem advmcidg with capnrred .. r ;iir_4'rqi: 4

Trcope.advdcing with Ml cdbine
' "{1" , t;..
Trdper advancing with Slen gun
Top€r advancingwifi Tlonpson SMG
5856. Trcoper advancing wilb MP,!0 .38p
SBST- Tr@per running with MP 40 .38p
SBS8 Tr@perfiring Stengun -l8p
SBS9. Tmp€r with.ine .38P
sBslo. Trcopr advocing wilb nfle .38p
AMP?. G@k c&quefishingboat 411.95
(Notesailsad cres nol included.but we
prcvide a sail lenplate and all mdls.
Boals codes conplele with a seab$e.)
AMP8. Stumboo! 42+2 nm creq, u€d for lading '.:
r'... I
opradons on the Gek Islands t7.50 NEw -:t
AMP9. Srumboor 39 seaeoing ve6ion + 2 crew. ,. --;
used d abole !4-00 NEW
AMPI0. 3 man Bnfsh/Greekcaiquecrcw Il.l7
AMPII 3 ma Geman/Gek caiquecrcw ll.l7

ClNic Gemd rnfdtry, in runics @d jackboots (20mm) suilable NE\f THIS MONTH
for gdisoning rhe Greek islands TAKE COVER
WER2 2 nm MGl4 tem advancing E
A:eric' orcomp ehennve.ard,oreredb&Ueh co\ering \diou.
wER I NcO adlancing MP40 C DivisionsofWWIl. EachbooklelcontainsaPProx imately l4x,A4
WER4 Advancingwith rifle C sheetsof schemdc Plans and Unit b.e,kdowns of a rype of division,
WER5 Runni.gwithnfle C wilh all elemedtsup to Corps level Snppon. AII figue ud vehicle
wER6 AdYacingfidngnfle C ralios m shown dd support elenents e in rheir corect Pos'tons
wilhh the Division.Also includedde tacticalnotesdd taclicar
WERT AdYdcinewi$ MP{O C
diagnns showing rhe way unils achrally oPer ed in the field No
wER8 Running wirhMP.IO C fldhy phologmphs bui lors of excellenl dd accurale inibnat'on
WER9 Running / nfle/grenade C basedon yers of rese@h md practical experience.Tley baYebeen
WERIo Advancing withpmze'fausl C desig.ed to work with most 20nn rule sets bnt de intended lo
oainly fit in wirn ou. osn wwll oles which shouldbe availableby
WERI I PDeBchrecketeamiring E
wERl2 8cn monafiang w
Nol The Po@r Divisions l94l-45
wERl3 2 nan lighlnodd 6nng E
No2 Bntishad CanadianAnoured Divisions194445
WERI4 3 nm MG34tem nring w
Price: !4-00 eacb Post fFe
WERI5 3 nan anri unk guncrcw U
Note theseb@Kels do not include 79rb Amd Div or 2lst Panzerin
wERl6 3 m@ l05m guncrew U
Nomandy, they will be dealt wi$ sepealely.
WER17 6 r kneelingLrl ndeE B
Pricecod€s8:12-32C=.3apE=,350W=,t.29U=ll.l? 2=11.50
Our pmducts !E avobble though rh€ AND SAMPLENGURE


Gcke6l|t* 93, WilhdrGh3v€o vie, MdteMrd & Eurqdd m aaepted Including 20mm ranges of
FRANCE: EXOKIT , "*d"# in
14 Ru€ du Moulh d Edr, GoDtrN {ff; ;H;'.S;:'*
grcatcoats, US Rangers,
SOLE AGENT USA: The Elile Gmnp lo%_of
2625FoEt Gl€n Tdil, Ri.Nood5IL 60015
P&PuK/BFPo Paratroopers, Fallschin4iager
22 Sydn.y Rd, Horuby Hts, NSW lrt cadada 30%oforder Pony Wars, Colonial, Crimea,
Tet A 94fl6696 Fsx. 02Y1n2664 / Fd Eat elc.30%nininum!5.00
Anc;enb and The Old West etc.
ITALI: $nr!8ia D Trttl@,
ria Carou.250 001E4Rom€

lt;_,.,.---\\lE=_a[_-:fl lf JNZL lE>lE lR-l l -/-r\-ll-

23nb rdl mod.bsculpt.dbyAl.n.nd MicheelPerry
{u tstur $dds: N' dri upu'd
brsq'inq]!u&!dtLsciodh!s!Ic\Ld5b<hconndJp{r'pdlF f



v . , . " r R C i t l A NE A S - a F . j ), - ; t l t t a ' . F C a : a a DARKEST


Fonzn arc tS 5Ott1004.Mountedpz.Ls z,e '7.20412 0A

We are offeina the tollowino cleals,all suppliecl post tee GB EUROPE AUST,t{Z
LANDSKNECHTSDEAL TwO (6 Dack) t30 t33 $,62 f37.50
\\'.rganr.s Foundrl & Cuernse! Foun{lryr P!:- nr.nt. Dost & p!.king: w!@6Foudry.c!@ F@dryi PrFL@.Frn Ydd
dimri'y(tuF ^Mdh@).a
chdtreofietulrwtldtenyosaud+i@ bBnd(Ftr€! !tu @DBdeicd4 fru4Ei4bydqnw,iqtcEF&
3 d F ! 4 ! @ o u ' & E t E F d g d l r p 4 d b g ' d 4 a t c l n f u m c b s l d l l s . F ' f u q q
tuis Ert frbL h!F5. drod6 @ d s! d w*Ls dy sia q ldbft!turrtll.d.furtubdr:.rpto6d
tre lomr d ri6. l.tTTP.//\0w1v_tcEt{TER.NET/-G|SBY/

dtuF. sd eN Fturb i abu) w! cbtsc * 6r d* ofrie. rhGFi<

rsd6, Librus Erc).BDn4 As . PIEE sii{' Pn6 tury rhFid R0i0.. h

LlD, HuberbLane,Off DoyleRd,St PeterPon,Guorme, Chann€llslands, GrsatBdt in. GYI IRG
Phone.u4a1 714241F.x.01481714905
LTD-15:19M.fli.w Ddv6.Westlak..Ohio,!tll|!i. USA.Phon.-440371-1587
ourmoderecontarn|€adand 3h.rp pornt6.nd musrnot b€ gN6nto cnrrdren.
AIIer centuncsofauacts, Byzadine .h!.ror, Alcxis I Comenur, npp€l.d to tlE Holy CatholicChurci for h.lp agaiEt $e Muslic. Tloug[
in Cahotic ey6, EnFrcr Ar€\ju s.s a memberol s schnmaticchucl! Pop€Ulbm, hopcfulof a rcionciliariotrwi& fi. Elstem Chrktim,
cdl€d a Cruade. AcrossFracc, Belsium,O.rmany,Italy, Spainald beloD4 nobls andsfs, wdiors andpri.srs,m.n, somen dndev.n
childra ar$*rcd th. call to takeup aids andlibdatc the onceChnstid HolJ ls<Ls Ma),bc,*itl lheir belp,$e Brzlntine Enpne could
relain he. teritodG l6t ro the forcesof Islan m. Engi.e e6 dtiting ba.t"

mc nee Byzannnetud Cnaadelfgurcs herctdthesta ofcnppineAeasts 5citinS newt@8e @yennethe Ctuades nd the wB of the
baleasrlercd bzannne Enpnt. )tr .nsnrg r@getoflrloo6. ed Nomm nq, b. aad 6 thcj)'a ias@d."enies. Ifwwould
lik detailsofdtr othet tun8esd )win8 theDarLAKs EorttMedieu
tlpenod thenple6e nag or vrite, enclorintdn St EIorlu |ishas'

ffIY -THE BYZAI\'IINTS I THEMOORS MRCT AndllBid mailed SPC9 U.atnoFed Kriglt
BYZoI Sp{jm6 wi$ Ie3der I MORI Nubid sp.:md !d!g ho.semanw. tubmed si$ co{chd
@Berers I MOR-2 nNubiansp€.mei stdg SPCIo Annol.Iredtriglt $jlh
BYz02 Sp.€m.n advecing I MOR3 Nubie sFlmcq MRC8 Aidalusir! roil€d sM&d lcalhd 8orge1
BYz0l vlmgi& Gud I padiledcoats hornm w. fac.-Yeil SPCI - | 0 contdi, onen.lel @d
BZCoI Kataokactos with I MOR4 B.6er sFlmo ad!g. MRC9 Belbcrmoutcd oDeho6e nd c6t tl.10- Note:
cr.stedh.lm I MORJ BelbeJsp.a'ne', SPCI a arc therane jga as
BZC02 ltematicXallph'adc I sr4ohg MRCl0 And.luirn codetNMCQ @.1rcprcseat
BZC03 KataDkacrc *idt I I{OR6 B.lber sFnmcn MRCl -I0 @ttoinw ho.e ptut rtpical vestE rcpe@ Inithts.
ch!,Ma,rad s$d cndPrne det,@1d@! !1.10.@h.
BZC04Klr.lldoi chasrDe I MORT Ardalusia! spcnrnen NORMANS
BZC05 Krralldoi $ irhbre THESPAMSH NOMI Dsnobred higlrs
I MOR8 Ardalsio spelmm SPAI Spanis! foolnle. NOM2 H@!y infdEy
BZC06Kavalldioiwith I evc. NOM3 MediM jrfdtry
@uch<d luce MOR9 Amoucd Andalsie SPA: Spajshf@6n.n NOI14 Arch6
BZC07Kavallanoibarehsded I brdE) NOMS F.dco-Flemishinfanuj-
w lire-shicld MORIo (2) SPAS Spdish moucd NOM5 C.ossboemen
I foolrn€na&ancing
BZC08 K alldioiw leahe' I MORI I Moorishd.rlddrd NMCL Mounr€d\ni8lt at €asc
SPA4 Spanishrmdou.ed NMC2 Mounr€dInigl *irh
footn€d nanding.
I MORI2 Bo YuscfsBlack SPAs SpanisharchcG
/vfwTHECRUSADERS I Gudd ddvalchg NMC3 Mouled tniBlt sEiking
CRCoI Amoue! kni8btwth MORI3 B.n Ywfs Black SPA6 Spdish ir€sulds
I SPCI Kniglt chdging wiol
I Cwd stsding. NMC4 Mounrcd}3i84 bdc-
CRC02 Amou€d hiph $ith I MOR14ldan { I ) (J0 65) @uchedl&cc
ph!€iai-strl;eln SPC2 Klight stritiDg oveF
I MORI5Modsh A.chc6 NMC5 Unmouied hoceman
CRC03AmouedrniBlt$i0' MORI6M@rishComed I SPC3 tuigh stddirg
I MRCI Bs-br h(Bnat NMC6 K ghl chdging with
s$qo.cndsD8 |
CRC04 Amou€d bipht siLh I st'dng or.Gam S?C4 Knight *itl mail 6at, couch.dldcc
.p"a',sauiao"" @if andhclmet
I N{RC2 B€d.. hors.mans. SPC5 Knighl w. nail coatsd
NMCT Knighl striting orer-
CRC05Cloaliri lnight qir.h l
I heln with face'vier
sP.u J MRcs Bsberhorseftnnw.I SPC6 Knighl $ith ndileat NMC8 Krightstdding
CRC06KniehLPalloDine $ith I shielddu8 on b.ct I NMC9 Moutedhon'blo$er
ud nasalholm
sped I MRC4 Bsb€r ho's4an w. I
SPCT Urmoued Kni8ht
NMC l0 Modted standddbcd.r
CRUoI Ctusadcsin scale stueld. NMC I I l.llm tnighls t3.00
I MRC5 Andaluliadlltarmolfed I $ith de@.t d nsd NMC12Squircwith@uched
CRU02Crusade6mediuh holsmd q. h.lm
I MRC6 AndnlEim.houeme I SPC8 U.rnrowed Knight NMCI - 10ard NMCI 2 @nrain
,dduy advdcbg I I
CRUoI lralo-Normd erffig sc.r. mou. I $ith op.n facedhelm one ho6e pl6 tider and cost

PRICING Stddin! Ord.6:

Stadtul pek conhi" l JieltE!,
ptkr .mbintng oth.r Lt1@t m
Ye cdnput ,on on M d@na.ic
IGRIPPINq BEAST indictud lre
unles hdk.J othenik i!:
the ptll,
stu dinI ordetlor nev rcleases
ofot, Do* Ase ra,$r. we
r9 rfooovrllE r{r .D, lsFFol-K Fa t"
t?srncr( 12,5{, - Four fdt ngug
41.30 - Tio t@l llg{B gwc 10%discounton stading
ll,l0 -Oftmoul.d figlF
40,65 - sirsl. 161 li4R
C.dn ed otleG taLn UK P& P: ICPlo
oaordg vdlu.t ord I50 Ddr nee
E-Drit h€inzp@qlobaln€t Rdr orDlroD.: zCFloforda !alu. Rettolwodd: 30pzoaordd wlu

qlsll- InAurEln h It lt
i!s!!!r EsFx Minian!6 SEaie3iaE Tatti@
9Lo$aMPL€ via ca$r 2t0
HdtubJ, ml84R@
25 April Salute l2 JerryMiuer Basingin theGrandManner
Town Hall. Kensington .teq s tipsJor fsure b6inq
25 Apnl Spring TradeFair 14 Bob Cordtry The Marchto tbe Sq, Pan 2
FortePostHouse,Kensington ACWPBM Mati cMpaiqa.
9 May Spring Otrensive lE JohnTuckey A reponon the Ma6ton Magnashow
Sport Centr€,Norton Rd, Stockton-on-Tees Coodganes,g@d erub
l0 May FantasyFair 20 Adrie Goldsworlhy
The Cresset,Bretton,Pelerborough A sm of Chariot Mdae
M^y Beer & Pretzels 24 PaulKilche. Newlists for Shalo - pan 3
TownHall, Bunon-on-Trent DeM t WunEhburg,etc
24 May
Kelham Halt, nr Newark
29 Resulls F.on tbeteleprinler..nol
Fronrcove. photo:Ary fuct lor the lagion? Frcnch Forcign 30 Gey Hughs
Izgiol & A.ab fgu.s popultx. this gane stasedbr B&B SteveRarber GrippineAe6\ ex
Miniaturcs (thet fsarcs ot couse) at a r..ent Paiizzn shote. The 34 L. Tipping
Irds coninq lton HLIL the sane w6 acconpaaied b! naa! beou An eo ! WWIIScenatio
jests! (vou reed a sewe oJ hanou i! Joht' Prcscou'sroat M.E!) 16 DavidModson The Ed of Denbigh
An ECWA*ocidtiot Conmndel
WarganeI I llustl ated #129 Reviewof 'Killer Kamas'
will be published on
Thursday21 May 1998 Il & william III
fte Armiesof Jaines

Wrrgus IUustnled is publishedon thethirdTbuBdayof oachmonth 49 AdamO Brien Spollbe Boer

by: Stratagcm,l8 Lrve6 Ldq Nddl. Notts.NC24 I HZ An etercite in collatiry colonioh
EDITOR: DuDcanMacfdlane-
50 DaveB€tls The Battl€of tte Nortbtrn MaFhall Is.
PRINTED in England. DISTRIBUTORSTComae Magazine Naval wwII ia the Pacifc
'we goltagetouttathisplacel'
Makeling. Tavistck Road,wesr Ddylon. Middlesq UB? 7QE.USA:
Tlt Enperofs HcadquaneB,5744 WestlNing Pdk Road,Chiclgo, An SP 'dusLon sce@tioJor Drcpttine
Illinois60634.Tcl:312?7?8658.AUSTRALIA:RayCompton, Essex 55 MikeSigSirs
Miniatur6Ltd.,22Sydney Road,Hor.sbyHeights.
NSw 2m7. 58 Classifi€ds

15hn .!p.r d.t il.d Worgonilg r ini6r!a.

17 Hildertho.peRoodBridlingtonyo.khi.e yO15 3Ay England

15nm Mycenoeons.
My.&'.n Wo.rior. Nud. r!nn'€ JLs.
My.d6n Wfrio. Nud. ihrow ^9 JLs f,9 3sh,.td
My.h6i Nudeorch.r sh@ring.
Mt.4an Wo.rior Nude LTs U9 3sh,. d.
Mycd@n Nud. s*ord loe.f shr. d. _15
MY.fta Wfno., N0d. 5r,i94
My@@ Oadrd Wqf or. rrholr.d LTs Worior. Xihed rlm n9 JLs t,9 a sh,eld 'Jtffi
My.dd Wd.ridr, Kiriedorch.r4oon€
My.h@ Wornor. K'l1edLrs f 93 shl. d.
My.44 Wdrnor. Krr.ds*ord f 93 shed.
My.dan Wdrr dr, kirredsr,rgef
My.han Wornor. K,rr.d rlining JLs Td*er sh,erd
My.d4n Worio., k r.d rhrdwngJLs ro*€r sh. d
My.@@n Wo.r o.. Kilr.d LTS row4 Sh. d .r5
My.44n Wdff or, r r.d s*drd Tow.r sh. d
Ntol NUDEM^LE run n9,nh jdv .15
NUOS NUDEM^LEorcha f'ring bo,
NU06 NUDEMALEp'k./lts 45 d.j .15
NUOS NLJDE MALErunni€ wnh sa.d
NU1:l NUDEMrLE f ring bo* tul fooid sh'.ld
cro8 llonsE cHltroT (^4yaENl€^N DENDpI) |.10

\r.b Sirehttpr/snr-bri.rerDd..o mosumn'ni{ur6@bnrr.rblr..on

TEL: 01J23738022 FAX:01323738032
More for Redoubt'sexcitingtunerican civ war rang€ this month, addiog to borh infantry end art
unbiasedrcviewersalreadyconsid€rthis the b€st25mmffgurc rangeev€r produced,with a staggeringvariety
of h€adaod ffgure tt p€sand sith lots more to come.
comnmdfoJtheFiringLine tocomplimenr
thenringlinefipure\.el.ard I!( month.
in rhe

ACwt8ln shellj/ ACw60ln kock coars

A n i l . e D c , e s . I n a c r o n .O f l t c e r \ e n r m a l t o a d e Ae r .
ACWARTs Shirt order ACWART6 Shellja.iets AC\:\RT? Slck co!^ AC\\ARTSFrockcoats
Allthe abolearein packsofsix io. rheanazingrrro\ priceoi!l60p p.r p!ck. pruein headsa.e
includedin is pnce.jusrspecify
whichlype)o! qould like fron rh. lisr.A.ritr.^ ma\ selr eirh.rr)pe.

olfice6: K?pi or Stotch

Standanl: Kepi. Slouch.Hanlee,Barchearled.puJJBa , Tehnessee

Also new thi! month to add to your arsenal:

ACX5 6pdr sm@thbore, ofter used6 a tight horie gun by c!vat.y, especialy in rhe CoDfedeEte
All pack including the gun are f3.60p. Extra head pack! are availabte at Sop each

Ring,fd( o. senda S.A.E.for an up ro datelisringof rhisrange.



Firing linecommand

,rd \ iriig ship.R.nais!*e Mskc@e6.pnr.: Emkh civir wffi. r c.w.m,* v,"r."t _*r,. ,r.*";" t;;;r i";;;;i."...
\lporeoiic L'ngboa!Abbort Naporoni.N*d nug.. ,r-..."" c" ,r w- sudr (rs3os rnd codon *.,,,"s
Rer'erE^e.;*;s,;" "** ".-* z"r" \r'",".
R o + . D n f tB u , t d , ._e,.d . f n . . t o
Bai. fi3uE prjc€ tor our r,46 ir. 6{rp tor tdr md .t.h.. 9op or ,r,r0 fo. hoM,
ptee sendI srlmp€d xddKed ..yelop. fo. my prdicuj,. El€6e shers or fo. our pije l;r.
p & p uK: l09f of ardn \?lue ro r50.0o.rh.n
D Do! f ec
tlc toqo odfl\Ju..'n.,.,..u. RllroFso{ DAjRNAtT .b,.
when e\d po$ibre re ch!,se lne acrbl con or po!!se.
\t acceprpar-nenrin c6h. poiar orde6. cheques(bur nor p.tunal chequ.sfrom o!.Aea prer.r. Eunhequer
dd all major crdir cards.
ordeEr.ired by {iltio

AT1EruCA: MrNf,iirURE SERVTCECENTER. 1525Bndsc 163,yuba Ci.: cALtFoRNrA. 95993

T.1: 9 t6.6715r69
Ar srR\LrA: EssEx MTNIATURESAUs TRALTA,22 sydtreyRmd. Homsb:i He,gh6.
N.s.w :077 Td: (01) .nt 6696 n* iz 9t1 t )6*
FINL{ND: VAN}rA KiA RTI Shmrie 5. tl.t50 JlmDrj phohia. I ss 34 ,17623s6
ct R uNy: cAvt<FLLrr R6.n,J '. oO{, \,rb.,s. c $3003
GREECE:lltAMAU ALKISTIS. 70,71Zmdohoupj,gn.1063 t. ;rhens.Tel 1346316s
rTALy: pANOpLtAdiLACOSTrNrSa.s.\4rNuDidil I 00l33RomaTet:067720t011
SCoTLAND: MACS MODELS.Br Il5 Clnonsare. RoFtMite, Edinbursh TeLolI| 557555|
spArN: Acriri sa c,?enesstes 5. 13013 vldnd. Td: 574 925.1,7?5
The SeydiiE troopswho nake the attack on Day !\,o I suggestcoDld
Ttre Battle forlletuen, 1945 be organisedas a reducedsrenSlh soviet Rifle banalion' deletingthe
eti-tank battery. For the attack on Day Five I suggestusirg a full
A scenario for RaPid Ftre based on SovietRlfl€ Regiment,air artillery md rocketfie being ftom of table
the account of Helmut if the modelsarenot availableor sPacen at a Prcmtim

Altner, a young soldler of the The Battle

Wehrmacht First decidehow mmy tumswiU representoneday in the contextof the
game. I would recomend iwelve tums as adequateto siCnifv the
w penod from da\!n to dusk.ln recoStritionof tbe size of forces in thls
recreation,it may t€ advisableto orguise the morale testirg Phasein
Prr ip Robirrson line with that slrggesledby Ricbad Clarke for Conpav sFenelb
rMale :€sts,ii Worgah.s llusttute.l 124
ALTNER'SBATTLE Day Onemight t€ ignocd if may be intercsting
Day Ore: 16 Apd 1945 if played 1oadd one 1olhe moraresore for lhe Presenceof the hueh
nilway gun.when Allner tust beard s massivercd he wonderedif it
Attner arived in Lietzen and stanst his dav bv collecting weapons
from the battalionHQ sitlaled in lhe vilage itselt During the dav the was otre of fte prcmised&rd"/ ,alFe - wonderweaPoff! Decidebo*
bonbardment midt last, then thbw for the
village wasshelledby Sovietartiltery a Eilway gun outsidethe viuage nany tms the Soviet
wd desFoyedfd Aher's comPanyr€ceivedits first casualties'thE efiect of a Sovietcamon regiment,3 x 152Im gln/howitte6 or if vou
a superbervy howitzerregimenlof 2 x 203
elderly men who were takirg sbelterin a sbetthole Th€ tright pased wish 1obe exEaunpleaot,
mm bowitzers ! ff a hit is l€.eived by rhe8un thena lhrcw of 6 on a D6
wil destoy it, 5 or 6 if the fier is the 203 tun howie€F.
Day Tao: r7 April 194s Day Two. Detemine the erects of a sorti€hom a ME 109.Dice for
The Soviet forces renewedtheir dsault, this time fton the an The the ruber of nhs during which the plde may be ov€r the table If
windmill which had b@r @nvened into a stronsPoint, lying as it did attacking the wi.dmil position with eifter bonbs or mreir ftom the
on the oDtskirtsof the viuage. wa! desEoyed.Ac@rding !o Alher. the ME 109.tben a 5 or 6 on a D6 will desrov the windmill strongloint'
an anackwd the work of cerman Po w.t flving ME 109\' the so- Day ThE. First det€mine for how manvtums the ba@g€ftom the
"Seydlitz General 'Stalint organj wilt last - I would rhirk ttat one tum might be
calted Forces", ldned after the captuFd Gernan
who had helpedto raisethem.No hmher attacks weE nade duing the sufficienr punishmentfor most Playen!You might like to considerif
the defendeB'fire would b€ lesseflective for om or two tlos after the
bnage is over,deductirg I from the 6te effat di(e
Day Thre€: lE 1945 Day Four. A quiet day for our playe6 _ the lul before the storm!
The day b€ganquieily enough,with Altner md his comp&v deep€mng Howevei a raid was madeor the Mmor Hous€md a pnsonertaken
their dug outs and improving then conc€almentThe peee was soon This would make d interestitrgbasisfor a divenion into one-to_ore
shatteredby a barrageftom the iffuous Stalin's Organ'rckets. No
sooner bad the rocket barrage ceased ihm lhe Soviet infanrv Day Five. The end is nigh? Hd Ahels battalionswived thusfd?
comenced thei. itritial attack. As the enemy dre* ne@r they *erc How well will it resist the tnal onslauShl?The final outcomercstsin
identified as weding Weimai d!$ands more Sevdlitz troops!
Ironicaly, Almer's fist shotsEred in angerwere directedagain$ his
fellow countrymen,who. having sufiered hea\a casuallres,Etjr€d in AT"TERWORI)
dharny. only four out of every five membe6 of Altner's cotnpanv
takenftom th€
surviled the day's attacts. D in8 lhe courseof tlle day' watren SS Tne organisationofthe forcesinvolvedin this gamearc
tmps movedup to the village to bolstel its defences. Rapid Fire Second Suwlm?at by Richard Mdsh FiglE availabilitv
la! been cov€redbeforc in my PEvious .rticl€s and also bv other
Day rou: 19 April, 1945 scendio witeB. (Seenotesbelow on SeydlitzForcet.
The day palsed qDie{y for Altter dd his comPuy The Sovielstook For thos€inleested in fDnler readinged infornadon readen mighl
polsessionof the Muor House which lty lo fte nonh of Almer's
losition. lt also happenedto be the Fuhgt birthdayl
Berlin Sol.liea A.H.Le Tissiea Jomthd Cape, 1988 _ ,n edited
Dly Fiver 20 Apdl 1945 tr slatio]nof Tbt.ntanzBe i, by HelmutAttner
As dawDbroke the Sovietsattackedin geat force The sh@rnumbes BdftlefieLl Bertit\ P.Scowe& R.Woods,RobertHale, 1988.
of attekers combiDedwith the increasingferocity of their ailacks,
finally took iG tol on Alm€r dd his compey. who fled the village.
tn 1941lading Gemu corununists in exile ir Russiahad startedto
Almer madehis way back to Berlin, wh€rehe t@k Pan in the fightingnal€ contactwith youtr8Germa working class P.Ow.'s dd by the
for the city, evenuanyjoidng with oth€6 in the brcakoutto the west
wint€r had aLeadyhad cotrsidenblesuccessin recruiting conv€rts.
Altner w4 captlied by Soviet forces otr 3 Mav 1945.Helmut Alnler One such conven, captain Emst Hadenmm. a world wu One
wasjust sevenEenyes otd and had beena soldier in the wehmacht veteranand winner of the Lon Crcss First Clas. madea memomble
speechin May 1942to his fellow Prisoners.It mad€suchm
tbat it wa soonpublishedin anedition of 500,000copiesunderthe qde
WARGAMING ALINER'S BATTLE of An vor.t br d Geman .dPran Copieswer€droppedoverthe
The Oppocins Iorces cerman fiontlines and ev€nreachedGemanv ihelt
I suggestorganisingAltnels battalionasa Volksstun baialion minus Evenrually a group q6 formed caling itself the Fini Ann Facist
After fte defeat at St.litrgad there wet thousuds
its gun compdy. and cldsed as Poor The Watren SS coDld t€ Offices Group.
nore convens, partly due to the fact that the Soviet authoritiesdid not
orgdised asan urde6Eength battalion,reducingeachrifle companyto
push the comunist ideology too viSorously.However.the Sovietsdid
six figurcs and deletinethe supPortcompany-They might be upgmded
ro Elite Foops. not find it so ealy to recruit amongslthe senio. ofrcen who fel into
Abott & h(lt\\:5.\lt trti'rrl ,r\\drrn,(r C.,,d,{{,inh rj.f?nrtrts. Fisures.fto,t Ri.hatd Ma^hj.alt..nar

captrril) after Suhrgrld E\.f \,. .ul of rh. Croup

the Perhlps othcr .erdc6 miehr have lurther infonnarion which $e)
lnlcnadrnal Conrni ce tor Fr.. ce.nlnt nr, tinn.a in Jut\
19.11 $ourd Fo. rinher.eading o. cennan rcsisranccto Hirlcr
and froh this canc the Lcrgue.f Ce.nLn Or'ircj.. and
the \rzi Prf,\ I reconrne.d .1, r,,,!,?r/rt D.j..dr b! AnLon ci .
General[hlrhcr lon Scydlir-Kurzba.h. rogerhcr\ rrh r$o orh.r r.r p u h l i n r d b \ $ i l l i r i , H e i n c n u n ni n t 9 9 . 1 .
caplrle eenerals_joined lhe LcaBUeand fiei. icd)ns ted b
joining jts ranks-the nosr nolabiebeing Field Mdshatl pautus
A\ rhc
w&continued. conlen PO.W s were equippcdwnh forged army lD
curency. ralion cards. unitbnns and radn)\ and such lite The) were
L ' r i m q r d h e d I n . . r b i r e J p r o o . J . n d oa . d I n r p r e e n . . $ n r k .
I n i l l \ c n r c n p ! o m b , n r h c S o \ r e r\ r i c
I nrusrconfessthar al presenlI do nol know how theJ were amred
unrromed. bur r suegesr rhar rhc Russian poA. and wafen
Hunrin-eConrDrndo ltgur.\ rmrrercd b\ RanlerietdMinilnr€s woutd
m\€ trre hpcs ol rc.po.r\ ud drcs r€quned ro
ei\e a conlilci|g
r.trc\enrrtnD I \.old !surnc rh:n the \\'.itrh. rnn br.d\ ire btack
red !old. beh! rhc rolour. rLlofr.d h\ lhe \| Gernrln prrtirDreil o,1",..",,,-.
shich D.r !r frrntiun D tStS ldd Jlrjr h\ lhr \\.jD!.
RcprhLrf .rli.. rh. Fi.{ \\ijrkl \\td l(, .cttrn, nr. L,LdIr+\Tjrr .!!)uF
Unit12,Semington Semington, WiltsBA146LB,England.
Telr01380870228 Fax:01380871045


o ,;;li5;rki#oi"' U*]9I[1;,P1#'*)
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d'i rrbG tvec sq dr?@ - cerfttu:;'!6i

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# #rlHF*drid h 1H"ffi,*-:lll
ati!-Fiint_- te eie@c,ed
:iijitf;ji- tw q4Errtusd*lldn

iii li:i I Fq:tu-Pee ffi*# lerffi

When replying to adverts please mention Wargames Illustrated.
InstituteHouse, Box 20
GLORY New Kyo, Stanley.
Co- Durham, DHg 7TJ
The Finest" Tel: (01207)283332 Tel: 4124233580
Fax: (01207)281902 Fax: 412 423 6898

Risi4o"n-dothe,ne.n.eb4*:#ffiit,s ne,,25mmscare
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itr" or,ri.t tnfantn for the
Peninsula'war andFrenchin the\ret asthecompreterl ne., l im- Amer,canRerolutionranqe.
2smm JACOBITf, RISING HIGHLANDERS etc. JBG .l Hignl.rd 6lb cuns
JIIH I Hrehlddcrssith mrsker IIG 5 french6lb(nDs
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JIlll I "F'
l| ConDa)d BM l7 l.ine Infantn Commud. storep'peshato
JBII i Lo$landIirirntl incl (.onxnlnd llNl 18 CenterConrpn\ stoycpipc shako
JBH 6 .Anrll.n Cre$i 'f, tsNl 19 |la i Compar\advdrcnre.srovepip€sbalo
JJIH 7 Jrcobit.ltrehConmand& Frinatrrr$ l,Nl 20 Ccnrcr( ompan\m.rch a(ack.nolc pip. snd{o
mli 8 Ro\al leorsrs ncl Conmdd JlNl:l t' ( i)nrpan\n rch luack. noie pipeshato
Jllll 9 kish Pi.quctsnrl Comnand lll'{1:l ( cnlcrConrpln\!r rheread\.doyepipc slalo
JBH l0 Fil'anes Hor* rncl.ConDand BNI:l fk li ( onlBn\ rr rhererd\ rLo\. pip. jlulo
JBll I I BdggolsIlussars inct Comrand
JBH 12 rrincls LiF Cuardshcl. Co uDalld I'ft) 9
Jllll 13 Fallnrr\rounded lzi. f f l ) 1 0 CcnlerConrpan\nffdr a[acli. rirlj drcss
.IBH l.l I \ing dead ? I , D ] 1 Illilc Co)pan\ Darchafiack.fulldress
25nd JACoBITE RISING BRITISH f l D 1 2 ccnier Conparl aducrng. fntl dress
.rRIl I Ihlrsh Llre advanciryinct.Croadiqs fl I) t.l 1rlil. Cornpan\adv.nctngtuIl drcss
II]D ] Britisht.inemarchartackincl Crctudieri | smm AMERTCANRf,VoLUTToN
.illB l Ilnlish Lrrrefi.nrgincl (irfladiers RIIO I llrilish I in. ndrchalt..[ ,ncl ComnaDd
JJ]B .T BntishLine Connrand"F, RBO2 British Lmeadlal.urg nrl (.omrnand
.r8ui Covemenl Ili8hldders nrcl Comnand RBO .r B.ilr\tt (nenadrcrs nrct Command
JlJl]6 RBOI rjntish lJieildrd.rj urct Co nnard a
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.rll8 8 D?Foons incl Cornr]und RBO6 Conxnand
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llill tI (onnncnralLiN in lunring shin incl Comnand
Z s m nJ A C O B I T t P E R T O DA R T t L L t R \ , r r r . . n . RII() e corrinenul Lrnetult dresssoli hal incl Comand
.nl(i I CohonMon rs (:6) In.l don't lorget on. v.! ?opst@ ,ange lo. the
irJ(i : llb(nurs Jutobite Rbiry in t5btm \o ,Nm to tist it here
to see o!, cdotognefot fu A detuit ....
l!!4 lsElrid! Lt. *, r.oe^' ro@
rhlJ.i,r Ibrg { {3 f !t.t lR
t r \ aa y a i l a bhr o! 6 . - 1 a 1 r - - n r " n r r o . ! rr,.ni".gi,*r (h,..s- i.,,.;;r-
,r,',-,- C,,a/z tr|J c]o^ Crnadr 242
!,:!"d'r lldrt. (ndnd Oanes. ! irchoft1r t5. B6:t9t Sbdrheen lrdz.zl -]yara6l. ras I: Oloire,'()t_D
. h-trp l\ \ls GLoR\ ! \\ rrg]mmgsurprmdr.
t P.k Dr,<L,g,h. rr'O.t odn.
tpgt_,, .\. h. \.\ pd.,..Jt.. r. f 6sus pd \.er_ snb*-riprion{ 13pon Ii& si,Bte isu* I+5op
lir \',dnJ ,erll (1rL4L I rJnh,{ \ J rrLou, 7<u.nots.t lr.1,.
\'i:"'lli:'"'i 4'rrbr(


A sonh\hLl. rip i\ r) pdnr rhe bNe of rhc ngur. bctor! \ou nicl it k)
b! I o u r b r s i n en r t c . r l u d l a . l h i \ I u \ e g r a s se r . c n
Jetry MiIIer Task 2
O \ * r h e l . r r : 0 ) . ! A d r . \ r . i d J , d o l p r i r l i n - { r r L l r r c \ c r ( x L i ( ! r . l ' F.r rhc xrru.l hrr rh.rt d. nr!n\ dilli.cir mft.irl\ shich car b.
n n ) d e ln n d i e ^ h n r i p r o \ . d b . ) o r d r . . . . ! n i ' ! ! r T h r . h r ' i n r l u d . d u..d hul rr\ orn t.elid.e i\ lrdin. plt Nhich I iind hr\ the slrengtll
r h e m e r h o d so f b i i i i g . s h i c h c r i h . n . r d , n { , . . l r i d o n t h . o r . f u l L r i d . r r . f r ' . r h i r l r l ! D l . o k r n - !t u r F i r s rl A l i \ l ( i c u t l h e i t d r n r e
N l r . H o \ n r e n )r L n r c s h r r c) o u \ c e n k ^ € l J p a i r \ ! r l \ i r h b $ i n ! pll ro rln 'iz. .l \ou,\. fr.Llin-{ {r.e lhxL lhe lrinr of lhc \ood
so d..f rhdr ir .o\.r\ rh. Ji.r oi rh. Ilgurcl i rDsildrgdr.loig.\r l.n-!rh llri\ \Lll 1,e\rh(oprh. \ood \.ern-!)
Sin.. I hr\. hccn b!\ing inr Da\il Thon'.j. \ho sclls $d,!on.' T h c . i x \ o u , n r . i d u , . ' ! , t h c b r \ e 0 d l l r r h i \ I u \ . B o s r l l il l l
Foundq !.ound rhc \h.\\- I hr\e beei dsled frequdnh hos ir i; don. purpon'rdhc\i\c I rh.. lcr\. m) llgur.\ Inr !t l!'.\l l\o hour\ lo d[
or \h.r colouN i h!!c u\d I. rhi\ ricle I hn\e serour ro !D$rer
qrerics and d.nronsrfltc hos Iou crn lchre\e !n o\erllt.ellher. i.sult Task 3
I . ' crt'o' , . r J - . , : 'r , . . \otr lou !r. f.rdr kucrurll] nLtrLre uidg rhe brsc. I b.ein b)
r p p l t n r g d r . r i l c ! , o ! t \ h i c h I u s el o r e p r e s . n r . i n h r n d i r i s u p r o
py\onrl choic. r\ ro ho\ nruchor liLrlelou h.\. on r ba\c I llnr u\e
r c a d t c o l o u r c d : r { ) u(tu . i b o r r d\ p i . e r . i i l s . \ c . o n p ! r n r i n gr n d i 1 t h e
bAc rs chipped )ou don l hale lre probl.m ol $hirc shoNing rhr)ugh.
Iu\r!nlrou n r c d e l i i g r N l l o s p r . l d r h L s o n l o r h c b a s c l n \dh i l \ l l h r s
rs wcLI spnnkl. on prr.hes ofbrlhn .Dd iflou \ i\h to..prc\ent lug.
rocks r couple oi rtk bould.s..n bc u\cd which I dip in \ood
Bo\tit rll pu.poseadhesne adh.\ivc i{r help \ith thc i\ing

8ll t . . r \ r . F r . , . . r . 1 , . . .1. r , . r . ! d . r r..i rN,n-.,''r'il
981 6l rhrs i\ don. at this \oge lsing i drb ofplasric padding rnil b.islles ctrt
tuonre b.u\h hdd lhe r$nd n rS cin also bc u\cd t,) gne r \inilar
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The linrl p!.1oflhe bde rc\nrrire is ro .cprc\enl rhe g.r\s. Inr \hr.h

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After aJrerrcyof uinter aftitit! tuetwl)

finoeaaaifa1fetfu \ltssianCossacfu,
Eaoarianrnfnna!, artiffery,cfuaau4
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frerch in 1icornzsanf greatcoats,newoffbersd g{COsin sfinfut.

For full details,seeour

or senda large
SSAEor 3IRCsto: FfosYr Ewig, Llanfynydd, CarmarthenSA327DD
+44 (0) 1558668771

I uiilize sandand glue. Put a qudlily of wood adhesiveinto an old fton DaveThonass collection
mdgdine canon and sprinkle *ith sanddd mix unril yo! havea dry If yoD wish 1o see or discus how I bae fiBuresI will be
c o n \ i r r e n cw)i r hn us h i r eg l u e . h o w i nrgh J o u 8IhA. r r pi . r o r r ou s er o o demonshling my freftods at Parrisanat KelhamHall in May or have
mDchgluea! you s'11nnd it goesa Iongsay) Spreadontoyourbase a look al the Wrgames Foundrystandnexr$me you go 1oa show.
usingyonrnannwmodelingtoolor simildinplehenr
LET DRY Photo opposile shovs a Russiai hanl.t atul . trce nodelled bt the

Task 6
Thenextlaskis ropdmrhebasesdd fo.this ildocsnt manerwherher
you painl the or grassfirsr. For the eaih painr the grout md
fieure baseswhere ncce$ary with cheolare brcwn (by as akeady
menl'oned usingreadycolourcdgouaandballastthiswill cutdom on REALISTIC MODELLING SERVICES
lhis need). Oncethis is dry you dry brusbwith ormge brcwn, covering Construction/BsiDg/Painting
mosl of rhe inilial colour Then repearwirh desenyeliow and finally of figurcs, ships,vehicles,bnildings
butr By using vallejo painl or other acrylics you cur down on lhe ManofactuE of ScenicFertultsl
drying dnes considerabll Onceyou havepainled rhe sandand glue Fields,Roads,Rive6, Buildings, Foriificalior,
w'rh gn$ geen dd rhis hs dried you final task is ro dry brush with Full Selection of ffn€ Quality Tt€cs,
Shrubs & Hedges.
sd b o| t@diq. eind t wb h.^t turtedq.d h did sp{inana$
Yourbaseis now finisbedand you will hopefullyagee you have
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Ir you $jsh lo recreatedesedo. a drier q?e of lemin yoD cm cDl I(J. WARREN, REALTSTTCMODELLING SERVICES
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Tel:0130.1825849 Fax:013048258'15
bares. whcn I am askedro bde for the PeDinsula or IndiaI do tbe
baresexacdylhe sameexceprI usedesensandinsteadof yellow to dry
brDshthegmssand for desenrypeledainI bse byjusr usineBroDt
Forrhoseout therewho wdt to nale rhei.bases morcofa diorma
you co also includeolherpiecessuchas animalsor rtemssDchas WARGAMESFIGURESPAINTED
fences. bushcs clc. A goodexampleof whatcanbe achieved wilh a bir to collector\ standards.SendSAE or two IRCSfor pricetisl
o f p a l i e n c e a n d i n - q e n u i r y c d n b e i o u n d lo0nopf ai sgseu e 9 8 w i rthh e
to: D. Seagrove,
aniuervbane from Ghssows Leasueof Aussburgclub.(Nicejob
To sile you an ider ofho$ qui.k fte mefiod is in a oneyed Friod 196ParlauntRoad.Langley.SloughBerkshireSL3 8AZ
I rva\ able. wilh -qoodorgdisrtion. to personallybase6500 figures

THE MARCH TO THE SEA Fron: Gene€r Nathu Bedford Foftst CSA (GOC Bedfords

A-merican Civil War Bedford's Raide6 witl dgtrcy the railrcad line linking Nahville
Plav bv Mail Matrix Game - dd Chamn@ga at the CumbedandCap, rilh the resnlt that the
Union Amies of the Temesse and the Ohio will be forced to
Summary of the Campaign withdraw towards ChattmooSato re instate thei. lines-of-
(Contlnued from last month) comunication. we will b€ snftestul because:
l- We de a mobile force op€mtingin d ma well known lo us.
Moves 2 & 3 2. The laal popdace re supportingus due to our well publicised
succ€ssin Ndhville.
by 3. The Cunberldd Gap rea is totally devoidof Union Tmps.
Bob Corderu n 441e/h4 *t

Frcm: GeneEl JohnHunt Morg$ CSA (GOC Morgan s Cavalry)

MOVE 2: JIINE 1864 I *ill nid into Chattan@gaanddesEoytheAmy of the Ten.ess@s
fovud supply depols,wilh the rcsult that. staryedof suppliesdd
rcinforcement!, the Union Amies of the Tennesseeand de Ohio
Fron: GeneralWilliam Tecumwh ShemaDUSA (US Amy of fte witl suffer loss of mo.ile md fighling effectiveness. I will succeed

The Amy of the Tennese wilt conlinneils op€rationsin supporlof I . The aforenenlionedYarkeeArmies de heavily engagedwilh ou.
the Amy of the ohio. whilst fte Amy of the ohio maintainsclose own heroicAmy of Ten.esse.
contaclwirh CenemlJohnston'sAmy dd constmtly enSagesil, we 2. No einforcemenl will comefrom Ndhville becauseFoftst is
shall €nvelopits flank and cut otl its lines of srpply. Should the operntingon their lines of communication.
Rebels atteDpt 10 exrricate thensehes f.on fteir precdious 3. My nen m inspircdby thechanceto emulateOe; lmous raids
posilion, we shall frusFatetheir movesby noving into the Kenesaw througbKedtnckyed Tenne$e in 1862whichpralysed
Mountains. This wiu be ehieved because: Buelll Amy of 40,000Blue bellies.
L The Amy of the Tennesse is in good heanmd is pleaseto be
taking part in importantwork which ir well unders(ands.
2. Therc @ amplesupplies,with the foNard depotsnow From: GeneralGeorSeThoDasUSA {US Amy ol the Cumberland)
coniainingsuflicienl sloresfor a six monthcampaign. The Amy I shall, themonthofJune.prcparemy delences in thedea of
of rheTennes*e is redDcingits est.blishDentof dccorddcewirh UncleBilly\ wishes,wift the esull
inrproveits capaciryfor mobile operalions. thal if m) lorcesde duactedrhe€, lheir combaleffectiv€ness will
L Johnston hasno cavnlryunitswith hisAmy. Unioncavalrycan be imprcvcd. The reasonsthaLI ad able to do this re as follows:
scrcenour movemenis whilsrprovidingmple wmi.g of Rebel l. 4) ro(e\ qe'e dlrer,lrconfenhredin Lhisma in pEpanlion
for the tmining rhey*ere abonl to urdertake.
?aaLz* ?@24 slw 2. The eneny forcesm light raiding forces,ill p.epftd to a$arlt

3. Although ny force is l.rgely infmtf. I poses sufficientcavalry

to oblainearlywMing of my anacks.

Fom:GeneralJohnM SchofieldUSA (US Amy of$e Ohio)

The Army of the Ohio will engagerhe RebelAmy. wilh ihe €sull CAMPAIGN EVENTS
that it will be pinned in posidonal Cr$viue, lhus allowing
Sheman s Amy of rhe Tennesseeto srike iI in the flank or rear Edly in June.GeneDl Shemd wrole ro GeneralGmnt then l@ated
V) Amy *ill bedblero accomplish lhis for rhefolloqingreasons in \arginia ove*eing the opemlionsof the Army of the Potomac-
L The Ady of fte Ohio is alreadyin conracrwith th€ RebelAmy. aboutrhe recemevenlsin his rea of operations.
2. Afier fighting in May. fie Rebelswill be too fatigued10march
awayfroD my Amy. Lieulenat Ge.eml U. S. Grant
3. .Iohnston'sAdy ha no cavalry bul mine does,thus enablingme
to gain a ladical advdrage.
As you will havehedd via CNN (the Circinnati Notioial NariSotor).
we baveopenedaccountsvi$ Je Johnston.Tbirgs havebappened a
wells we night haveexp€credr JohnSchofield gota bloodlnose,bur
is nonelhe wo*e for fiat- Johnstonnow hasto facebothof he
is a long way lrcn help.
From:GeneralJosephE Johnston CSA (Arny of Tennes*e) CeorgeThond hd hdded oul a prettt smanlessonro ftose bddns
The Amy of Tennesee witl meh inro lhe KenesawMonntains. Fonestmd Morgd md savedour depotsandlrains. Tiere ws talt in
This will leadtosignificantloses aDonslhe puBtringYdkee scum the presslhat I considercdBoinglo his aid. Thafs a damtrlie. I never
doubtedbur $ar Georgewould seeoff thoseJayhawke^w'thout ny
L The adveGeteftain they will haveto move through. assistance.tud he wouldhavebeenpetry hun if I hadoflereday.
2. The YDkees fed of the recentlyvictorious Southed tbrces. Thecounryheeabouts is verythick,allhilh lnd woods,andth€Rebels
3. Thedifficultie!of conbollinga ld8e formalionin a mounla'nous havetheenlnecountrydigginglrenchesfor tben. Nevertheless. wecan
hddle them,Johned I. andG€o.getoo whenhe nives.
Shermu\ concemsdboulrrencbes prcvedunfounded, bu1it did l@d N.B.
io a cemin hesnancy on his pan du.jngthc eely weeksof Jme. In l. As fton llle b€giming of July,The Amy of lhe Cunbeded will have
fte meanine. Johnstonwas able 10 Dainlain the initianve, dd th€ a +l incr€asein its CombatEtrectivenessd long d il remainsin
Amy ol Tennes*e reu back in g@d o.der inlo tbe Kenesaw
Mounrains. closelypursuedby Schofield'sAmy of lhe Ohio- 2. As from ile beginningof Sepl€nb€r,the Ami€s of the Tennes@dd
Sbemm s Ady of fte Tennesse continued to put pressue on the Ohio will havea -l d@re6eh lheir CombatEffectiveness unlessor
Johnstods threalenedto tum his flanls, with the .esull thar until the nilroad betweenNdbville md Chandoogais repaircd-
rhe Amy or Tenness@was besledin sele6l of the skimishes fia!
CoDledeEteTMp SteDgthr at lhe eDdofJur€ 1864
The continuedUnion advmce wa! possibledespirethe succes of BasicCombat Alteratiotrto
Forest s raid to ctrl the nilroad b€lweenNdhville and Chaftan@e4 Eflectivenes Combat
and Morgans raid on the Union\ foruard supply depots in
Challanooga.This wasdue ro De facr that Sheman andSchofieldhad
akeady reducedtheir baggaget ains to the minimum in order to sr
themsclvcsfree frcm sucha pobnlial ftreat b Oeir rce. lteAmy of TeD6e
l4lh Tennesee Infdry Reginent 0 -l
In $e medlime, Thomast Arny oflhe CuDbeddd cornnDedwith
ils prepmdons in the Ndhville rea. 25$ GeorgiaInfanry Regimenl 0 0
43rdAlabamalnfantryRegiment 0 I
36rhMississippi InfantryReginenr0 'l
izth Georyiatutillery Banery 0 0

tnfdry Reginent 0 0
81bAlabma CavalryRegimenr 0 0

4rh K€nluckyCavalryRegiment 0 0
33rdGeorgiaCalalry Reginent 0 0

MOVE 3: JULY 186l

Frcn: Ccne6lJosepbE lohnnonCSA (Amy ofTednessee)

Th€ Amy of Temes*e will withdde to Adanu. resulring in the
of lhai city s defences.This will be facililatedby:
L The supe.iorabilily of tbe Souths herfts to skimish.
2. The supponof the l@d populace.
3. Our securcsupplylines.

From: GenerdlJohnHunt Morgan CSA (COC's Cavalry)

I will force narch lbroueh Cassvilleand inlo tbe Kenesaw
Mountains wilh Bedford's Calalry wilh lhe result that we will
en8ageand defeatthe Amy of Oe Ohio wilh a surpriseanackftom
theirrca.@a- This vill succeed because:
l Thehendly localpopul.cewiu diftct Ds1ofteenenyandreveal

2. The Blue-bellies sorely€ducedafiersrstained

Union Tmop StEngtbs ai tbe end ofJune lE64
conbar and the needto provide ltrge foragingpanies ro
f. mpens"re lor rheird6.rically rduced baBgage t a,n
l. The Yankeecily bom mule ride6 cd1 tell one end of a ho6e
at tre slart
fron the other,and their lack of ability is the'r
outriderswill fail to givewming ofou.onslaughr
Th€ Ami of lhe Tennse
l8rh Indiana InfanlryRegiment 0
llnd IllinoisInfanryRegiment 0 F.omr General Nathan Bedford Forest CSA (COC Bedford s
,17rh NisconsinInfantryRegiment -t
l5rh IllinoisCavalryReginent 0 Bedford\ Rlide6 will force mdch inlo the KenesawMounlainsvia
rsth ohioAnirleryBanery Lafayetlewilh the result rhar ihe Union Amy of ihe Ohio will be
TheArmt of lhe Ohio rdlenin the ree andsmitte.. This will be successfulbecaus€:
4?ndlndiatuIntlnlryRegiment I 0 I. we area mobileforceoperating in conjDncdod
with Morgan\
lith Kentucky InfantryReSiment I 0 Cavalryin a@a well known ro nseborh.
5thl.dilnr CavalryRe8iment -t
2. The localpopulace re supponingusdueto our well publicisd
lilth MichisanAnilleryBartery 0 successin Nashville.
TheAmr of lhe Cumb€rland L We m nodvaled by the needlo protectAllanla. and 1oassisrou.
l6th OhiolnlanlrJRcgiment 0 brotheN-in'ams in theArmy of Tennesee.
l9th IllinoisIntunrryRegiment 0 'rk44 ".444 q44.
l9rb Michigan Crulry Regiment 0
FrcIn: GeneralJohnM SchofieldUSA (US Amy of the Ohio) Lieulenmt Genenl U. S. Gmt

The Ady oi the Ohio will maintain contact with the Rebelsed
continually skimish with them. This will prcvenl the Rebel amy Nor much time to Mite {s we m nNhing prelry snardy lo gel to
from moving, or slow it suficiently so that Shemmt Amy of the Allmta beforeJ@Johnston. JohnScbofieldis goinglo hangon 1ohis
Tennesseewill captnreAtlmta before Johnstons force cm rcach coar-tailss besthecan.butJohnston hs linle choicebutto highbil it
there. My lmy will be able to accomplishthis for Oe following backto A anlawith us situatedd we are.
This will suit us fine: thecounlry bereaboutsis nch md plentiful, and
I . The Amy of tle Ohio is alreadyjn conlacl wilh the Rebelamy. hasrever fell the sarageryof wd. Westof us a crcw conld st4e.
2 Vy my i\ nowe\penenced od su..esiular en8a8in8 How thoseJayhawkeBForesr md Morgande keepinggoinSbears
Johnstont troopsin rhis type of operalion. nei they must have lo$ half their boses at lest and de gening
l. My force is a smalle. fomation tha. Iohnston\, dd we posse$ preciouslittle frcn us. Geo.geThomassawlo that at N4hville. md
cavalJ which he doesnol so Ont we de able to out mmoeuvre Chattanooga waspFctically enply vhen theyarived.
I m entrustingGeorgewith thejob ofscrubbingthosebandilso ed
idying up our Iinesof-comnunical1on, butwnhAllantasoontobe in
ourhands, theproblenof mainlaining supplies willbe avoided.
Kind rcgards.

DespiteSheman\ hopesfor a quick victory for Oe fi^t tine in this

Shemo USA (US Amy of the
From:Gene.alWillim Tecumseh
cmpaign the Confederat forces seemedto acr with sPeeddd in
Dnison,with the resulrthat rheywereableto seizethe inniadve. When
The Amy of fte Temesseewill continuewith it! pan of the pld to
Johnstonordered the Arny of Temesee to fall back to Adata,
rerumrheRebellioDsSlatesro tbe Union. Acting in concenwith the
Schofield'sAny of the Ohio was prepditrS to preventsuch a move.
Amy of $e Ohio, we shall mrch on Adota to captureihe cny
Tie Dnexpected attacksby Morgan\ Cavalryand Bedford'sRaide6 in
beforeGeneralJohnslon\ force canreachi1.Shonldthe RebelAmy
the red of the Amy of lhe Ohio surpnsedSchofield - whole cavalry
reach Adima in sumcienl force lo hold it, we shall mdoeuvre
hadb@nkeepinga closewarchon lne AJmy ofTennessee- dd he was
dound the Soulhmd E6l to cut the Macon & weslem Railroadmd
divened from his plannedcoune of action in order to deal wilh this
LheCeorgraRailroad.Thi\.d be ach'e\edbecauie:
l My Amy is in greatspirils. With its recentsuccesses againslihe
Having broken conlacr with Schofield\ Army of th€ Ohio.
Rebeh,ir is carrying out work which it undeBtdds tud for a
Johnston s Amy of Tennessee was able10GcDpyAildta aheadof
PUrPoser approves.
Sheman\ Amy of $e Tennesee. Sheman\ foops, havingbeen
2. The Amy of the Ohio is constan y d gnps wilh lbe Rebeh
forestalled swungroDndthecity to
in theirinE.tionlo captureAtlanta.
imp€dingtheir movementswhich de tunner hmpered by our
fte E3stod Soulh. andtook up positionsastridethe only rartrcadlink
prepondereceof cavalry.
oui of Adeta to the rest of Rebel-heldieRitory.
3. The Amy of fte Temesee is sFippedlike a whiplah, md is able
ln the Deotime, Thomass Amy of the Cumberlandadvdced on
to move dd fight swiftly with only the minimum of baggagein
Cbatteooga, and repafed the dmage done to Oe raikoad betw@n
m ma whichI knotrbenerthanmanyCeo,gid..
Nashville and Chauanooga.
7+14aa*'7.a.4. 516%

Fron: GeneralGeorgeThomasUSA (US Amy of the Cnmberled)

I shall,dDringthe motrthof July, Dove theAmy of the Cumbeddd
alonethe pathof the railroad10Chattdooga. wilh the @sultlhar the
rail comunicalions belw€en Narhville dd Cha.lan@8ashall be
resrored. The reasonslhal I shdll be able to do this re:
l. I havea secm dd Einforced baseto my red in Nashville. so I
\hall norwdr for supplie.orrqurpmenrro efle.t dy repai^.
2. Duing thepdt two monthsof prepamtions,ny menhaveleded
valuablelesons frcm reportsof the Rebelnids two yeds
previously(throughKentuckydd Tenneseein I 862) and ftom
my victoriousexpenencosat the Battle ofchickamauea lst yed.
so then confidencein \eeing off lhe Rebelscumis imp.oved-
3. The enemyare Iighdy equipFEdEidi.8 forceswho have!o t:tr
failed 10inftict any dMage to my forces,whercs Dy mircd
force of lnfantry ind Calalry backedby railrcad support- is
betterbalanced10io.ce a way dtrolgh to Chattanooga.

CAMPAIGN EVENTS: July. GeneralShemd wrcte againto GeneralGmt aboutthe
evenain his dea of operations.

NEIV FLAG RANGE (25,20 &15mmscalet: 22 SmETS OF NAPOLEONICGntish, KCL, Russian, Confederalion of ihe
*NEW for April: French Napolmnic infantry 1804, 1811 & 1815.Where applicable, all flags contain regimental battle
honouls! 25nn fnals atrd eagels.10.40each.
Renaissance (Landsknecht
& Swiss);ACW: AWI: SYW (Ausfian& Prussian); Warsofthe Roses,Burgundian.
ACW: Corps and Reginental flags.
Pric€ per she€t 25&20mm: {4.00 lsnm: $.00. Phonefor fu.lher infomation. More flags non beenadded weekly.
Hinchliffe 25mm ffgures and equipment:
Th€followingrangesarealwaysin stock:Napoleonic: S\Tr'.ECW:Awl:Pe6onalities: ACW:EarlyMediaeval: Renaissance:
Colonial:Equipments. AncientArni€sinclud€:Carthaginian, Egyplian, Penian.(Achaemenid & Sassanid).
Roman,Chinese. Viling, Prlmyran,Assyrian,Samurai, Byzantine, Hun,Gorh.Indian& DltrkAges.Wrr elephrnts md charioa
alailablefor nrny arnies-Si€geequiprnentandall adllery piecesfor all periods.Newfantasyequipmentrangenow ready.
Starter packs for all the Ages listed abov€: 12 ffgur€s & catalogu€: f5.00 post free,
Painting service by Graham Lishman & Tim Cockrcll.
Prices:Inf & Cav:10.50 Horses:10.60 Cuns.etcfrom f2.40 Samurai:fL00 Penonalilies:
Exponposrage charSes:se only chargetheactualpostage. Any mon€ynot usedwill be crediled.
Whenestimating.for Europe:Add 30t
USA, CaDada.Australiaetc add50%Airmail
UK postagecharg€sadd I 07. to ordersif lesstho f50.00 (M inimumP&P 10.50)
Creditcardorderswelcome.Phone01?514742:18, Fax01751.177298
PorNr, WTLLLAMSBURG,VA. 23f85 USA TEL & FAx: 757 229 1499

UnionTroop SlrEngthsat the end ofJulJ lE64 TheArmJ ofTemeis€e

BasicCoDbat Alteralionto -l 0
Eff€ctivenes Combat 25$ Georgia Infdt y Regine.t 0 0
al the start Etreclivenes 43rdAlabda Inldtry Reginent -l 0
of July duringJuly 36thMississippi -l
InfantryRegiment 0
I 2th CeorgiaAniUeryBlllery 0 0
The Arny of the Tenne$e
Bedford\ RaideN
l8rh Indiana infanrryReimenr 0 0
l5th Tenne$eeMounled
22ndlllinoi\ inhnlrvReginrenr 0 0
.17rh 0 - l
Wisconsin l.fanL-yResiment- I 0
8th Alabana Cavllry Regimenl 0 - l
25rhIllinoisCavalryResinent 0 0
15thOhjoAnillery Banery 0 -t
4th Kentucky Cavalry Regime.t 0
Tbe Amy of $e Ohio
.12ndIndida Infmlry Regimem - I 33rd Georgia Cavalry R€ginent 0 - l
35rhKenrucryInfmtry Reginem 'l -1
'l -l N.B.
5lh Indida CavalryReginent
1.As fron the beginningofAugus! Morgd\ Cavalrywill havea -l
24lhMichiganArtillery Baitery 0
decrede in its CombatEtreclivenes (in addilion 1ody allemtion! in
The Amy of the Cumbe.lud
CombatEtrecdveness shownabove)unles or until n reslsfor a month.
t6th Ohio InfantryReginent 0
2. As fton the beginningof August, Bedford\ Raides will havea -l
l9lh lllinoislnfantf Regimenl 0 0
decreasein its CombatEtrectivenes (in addilion to my alleE ons in
29rhMichiganCavalryRegiment 0 0
CombatEtrectivenessshownabove)unles or until it restsfor a month.
Part ThE Dextmonth.
lI As from rhebeginningof July.The Amy of the Cumberjmdwill
haved + I increasein i1sCombatEtrectivenes when it is in Nashville.
Confederale Troop Strengths al the €nd of July lE64 w?rsmd f,sms paincd b co edoB sd&rd 10mn b 30Im For smph 15mn

BasicCombat Alterationto Tel.pbon : or63e 32s74 (xhB) M

Efiectiveness Combat l5'm & 25mn r spdirli+ 'mics rtuys for $1.
at the start Etrecliveness Milir,ry b.ok b.ughr md $ld
of July during July us doneB sd ts bin ro. lsDn sdple rd list

\liu.r\ aJttu, B.* D.Dn ennt. Mai: Da\r.t(n1ltttlts)and Ntttka Lobr:it. \ln\ti4! Inh.klt hi!l dd re nk\ukL.

rhroughouttbc dal. uhich p.oled lo be erlre .l) popul.r

MARSTON MAGNA'98 On \hou $.rc a numbe. ol rert good d.nronsrrlrons Sincc Lhe
COII\'ENTION REPORT Viilage Ilalldoesn thr\e room for i ldrg. nunrhcr.l gameswe havc lo
iry ntr qualrr! plus r inill s.ledion ol rrrdcr\ hking care to r\oid

l r h r d b c . Di n r c n d c dr b r r h . V . r s r o D \ \ i , s a n r . s C , o u r t o h o l d i h 1 9 9 7 Thc 96 \innc^. J{D lleech lrd dr. BtdnrLn Croup. gave u\ an

\\dgam.s Convcnrionon :l aid rhr.. nDnlh\ h.lnr. rhrt ,\l-chr. \\'J. conil.t \rLh n {rperb drtuecd iinl dnd nruch sniping
d.rc aU dre l.blcs hid booli.d. nronth hcloc thc \hou thc
orgrnircr r.n-s round ro connrnr .ll thc booking\ h.tarc Dalin! up the A nc$concr. Da\id Dnvies.dd drc Torqu!! Club prdidcd r large
progrannnc Hc $as vcry $rpds.d lo Und thrt hc hd lo\r scvcn Marlbu.ian baLtlcwith Iirsr drs koops.nd bulldirre\ rnd pl.nty ol'
elcments.The) induded Nigel $ho h.d bccr off.'td !.iob in Silicon
Vdlej rnd hid ra|ei his Iinill ro Anrcdc.. T$o clubs had splir dosr N.xt canr. ! nrvrl grne pur on b) \ont Bdslol \ Thar
rhc nriddlc.*hrle n hder had sold his busiJr.$. so fie Coi\enlior hrd tun'ed our lo b. \n-! !nun'elbcin-! ! brltl. hel{ccn 6 gurboals n drc
n b u l h o r ' l h . R i \ . r P l . r . . T h . b o \ \ c r . n i c e l ! b u i l rr n l i ) d D s c a l e
I r r a \ d c c i d c d1 0r c o r g l n s cr h t ( l o n \ c n t o n l . r t h . e r l i c ( L t n l . ' i r i r n d r h . r r L n ! , \ i r n r \ . b u (r h . J u l . t r o . l l c l r u \ ! ) l l l l ] c o n i u s c d .
1 9 9 8a n dE F . b r u ! r y 1 9 9 8 \ r s c \ c n r u r l l ) n i . L . d R . ! u L ! ^ \ 1 . ' . r i nu d \ I l u t u l o r r ' . . o t r d \ h n b u i i l n g ! n r . s r t h a
On 7 F.brutu\ 1991jJdn Tu.L.t. sJr (.rbb rnd oth.^ rr.( (i '.t 1.r\ n.ll il\.rplin.{l rs!ulr litr.. .urclire r dclindcd \rllas. rn t$o
u| rhe hrll I uckrlJ thc VilhS. Ihll (innmitrce hd bought n,n. n.\ r . l u n r . \ . E \ . c l l e r o o t J :r f u l r . r l l c n ! i n
rdhlc\ (Slnr rs Chainnlnr. which.educed rhrl problcm lhough a ruck Jusr inside the e.f.rcc Johr Tuc\c! pur.n ! Brblicd specllculu
lord ln)n Rrnnninlhn srs \till needed. $nh HnriGs rnd Eglpri.ns Ughrinee n,ljff brulc outide r {rlled ser
/ \ r 0 ? 1 5 a n ro n S u n d a y* c . p . n c d t h e l l a l l t o ! b n l l i a n rs u n n )d r ! pof, *irh boaLlordsofSer Pcopl$ atrr!ire lo slpfoi rhc rd{ns.lnlr
d u r q ! \ d c t r l n d c a l n r r n d I n o r . l i l c l u . c t h a nl - c b r u l r ) W h i c h d r d nl Wilh all lrtrres decpl) ennreshedthcrc wls nol cnou.lh I'mc !) reachr
h . l p . r . r ) o f d r . p a r l i c i p m r ss h o e i i v c d ! ! l c . ! r a b o u rg a n l
B) l(l.00rd re sere reldj for rhc $trgrnnng public tr nh onlr onc Ar rhc hcad ol rh. n.\r lin. ee had I vcD ie Carlisr sknDi\h pur
trlde. hiling r) nrne. I hir $!s Roben Re.s of SABRE Fieurc\ qho o f b t l l r W r l $ n T h . r ( D t \ r n d b u r l d i . g \ * e r e $ e l l p r o d u c e dw. h l l .
h l d m i l l n . s sn ' r h ci n D i l t H . r l $ s c n r r l . r . . o r r p o o s ) : r u n r q u c th. rulc\ conc.nhtcd on \crton \lillr itd lr.inrng.
$ . n r . n u r g s r r h c \ r ' . e e m i n -r ei l r c n n r J R.hind ths (l!rlri grnrc. I1Ltrl D!\1.\ pur on hr\ c\ccllcnr brlllc ol
S!nr'\ nnrhcr rnd orhcr hdi.\ oJ rhr ( .rbb llnrilt prnrded r ruL I oho\iL/ r. ljnim. He lrld prr rog.rhcr d mltrh nnl.l ol lhc rclull
a c ! . f r r b l . s r a i r o r h c d r t b ! \ c ^ i n g n l . e e . o o k e db r e l l l l ( L or L l t h . L e r l i n s i r h r n l n , ! h i l l \ i . d r l l r h . n u l r i r u d c . r r n . . \ r n d \ r . e l n \ a n d
n u j o p a n r c i p a n rT \ .h a \ r ' f d l ( N c d b ) b r u . c h .r e ! . c o l 1 e cl n d r d e bo!g! g.ound thrl chmclcri\cd dr. br(ldl.ld. ,\ \crt ni.cll prinLed

\\inntt\ ol lhL Br\1 ,\r't\. ,rfrlttin Holt\.\ t.rl lthrt rith tll.n .hnut Iit.k.\ u,d Duril Bovll rith th. Frrttitlt/Hitt h. rnl Pr1^.1




TheAJEha"Jan, centrepkceoJthe BaDreput o, b)-J.n Me..h anl rlp

Rodtniaworednes Grcup.
sel of buildingscompletedthe pictureorer shich his beautifull' (4) !r.50
paidtedmies brnled rll day.The deploynenrwasbisloricalbur the SB9r0l rAr..'cRs (4) f350
b.llle w.s toughrrs r sdgade. I{ is rhoughrrharfte Ptusianswon,
thou8hthecasualty count$as enomrous.
Mike Bune.fieldhasbeen{ith theMustonShowsincelhefi6tone. sB 9601 wermPER rffiN (2) 13.50
sB 9602 bwERnoPER RJT EN (2) !r.50
On Thusdly eleninghe realisedrhatthoughhis trcopsdd buildings sB 960r rc\ER nmFER RTEWEN (2) f350
wereready,his terain was dmaged.So he setto dd built 6f( by 8ft
of terain ir 2 I daysdd il was very well do.e indeed.On this new
tenainhe pur all of his newlycompleted lown andfou8hla ficlional
AWI engagenenlva8uelyreminiscentof Princelo*n, Excellenttoops

Al thered of theHall DavidFowlerpul on r l.€e ECW banle.

AndyDuneloa led d smallbandof prilicuhr did
exfiemelysell and explainedrhal he could onl) ger asrr liom his
custodersto look aroundtheshowat lpn
Clive Astall came up frcnr shcrc hc is disposin-q of rh.
remainderof a laryc collec(ionand fillcd rh. Bring & Bu) $irh
disposableeoodiesshich alrncrcdmlch !$entionlnd did noderalely

Finau)rt.lpn all thedemonstratos wereirsuedwirhjudgingfoms

anda\kedto maketheirselecrions. Onceagaintheywereaskedto rote 9l BallardsLane
for theBen Amry andthe BesrDemonstrarion bur werenot pemitled Finchley, London N3 lXY
10vole for theDsclves.The resultswere as follow:
BesrAmy - Manin Holmes- Marlburian 0l8l 343 3888(Fax)
- MarkDavies- Lobositz
BesrDemonstration Open6 daysa week 9.30aD- 6pm
Mark Daviesnot only won BeslDemonstEtion he alsogainedthe
nraximln nlnber of pointsand this is the first timc that this has
We de Nonh London s
Onceagainwe enjoyedpultingtogelhera showwhichmo\t v'silors mosrcofrpletelystocked
\rid rhd ftey found very friendly and thlt they all lhorouehlyenjoyed. (4 I.R.Cj OVERSEAS) Adllt ganeseroup
Thedatefor MastonMagna99 is 2l March1999



or rHr .oAst aoPr




Mik Butterleld s AWI tareante

eeuldly bring out their collectionof headsafter a feasl,boastingof the
Celtic Herobs grealrdsom the victims' families had unsuccessfullyoffered for lheir
A Game of Chariot'Warfare In the lileGry sourcesthe prcliminaries to a fight dre olGn long
w drawnout dd dercribedin greatdelail. whilsr fte conbals themselves
de invdiably short md lethal:
Ad.rlan Goldsuortby ''You nust take note of the mu wbo comesto Deer you." lbor told
Cf Chulaind. "Foill is his nmq md if you do rct reachhim wilh the
INTRODUCTION fi6r rhnst, you will no! reachhim al all-" cri chulaind dswered, 'I
swed by the god my peopleswearby. he will nor play ftal trick upon
Prolongeddiscusion over whar gme 1o play next week inevitably the Uliad after my fatherConchubulsbroad-pointedsper has€ached
seemsto doninate lhe la(er slagesof a sessionat the Penartbclub. him. Ar enemyhmd, mine-" Cf Chulaind casthis sped aI Foill ad
Every now and ngain everyone wdts a chdge from the fmili& broke his back dd look his head ud his weapons.'- Tales of C(
penodsdd rulesers. One week, someonesug8esleda skimish gme Chulaind,trtus.J. Ganrz(Penguin,1996.pp. 13-14).
'While the Romms werequi€lly pssing the tine on gudd dury they
based on Honels Iliad, wift chdiot bome he@s fighting sin8le
conbats outsidethe walls ofTroy. The idea had a lol of appeal,but no we€ approachedby a Caul who was outstandingfor his gred sizeind
one had any suitablefigurcs. Naively. I suggesteda similar style of amour. He struck his shield wilh his sped. therebyobtainingsilence.
8me involvin8 Galic wdiors and embeked on an enthusiastic and then thrcugh an interpreterchallengedsomeoreto do battle wilh
desoiption of the hercic warf@ depictedby Greekand Romanwrites hin. There was a young milii.ary tibune called Mdcus Valeriuswbo
md in the Irish LiteEturc such as tbe Ulster Cycle. As iDportandy,I ... advancedinto the spacebetweenthe mies. ... as the Romd
alreadyposwsseda fair numt€r of 25mm Celric chriots dd wdiors engagedhis adversdJy, a ravensuddenlyalightedon his helmet,facing
- the inevitableresult of the dogerous pmcticeof bDyinga couple of fte Ganl- The bibune finl hailed this with delight, as a sign snt iiom from a new rangejust for the plealure of painting them up. heaven,and ften prayed for g@d will dd gracious support ftom
SomehowI went home that night having agreedto kile a set of rules whoeverhad senthim this bird, were il god or goddes. MNellous to
and put on a gamenext week. Surprisingly,lhe systemworked well relate,not only did the nven keepthe perchil had orce chosen.but 6
and prcduceda fdt. turious, and aboveall enjoyablegane, which we often as the sruggle was renewedil roseup on ils winSsand attacked
stagedsevemltimes over the nexl monthor so. By Jduary 9?, we rd rheenemy's faceandeyeswift beakdd claws,urlilhe wasterified al
a morc polishedversio! as a parricipatiodgde al or own showal lhe the sighi of sucba ponen! dd so, bewilderedaswell ashalf-blinded,
I@al leisure cenFe,crusade 97. On€ of the paitrcipdts ar the show he w6 killed by Vdrenus..-. when the tibune begm to strip the dead
wasa specialistin C€ltic warfm ftom the University (who wishes body of his enemy ... a sFugglebegm over lhe prostralebody of the
to rcmaineonymous, so shallbe refered to asL.) who ent€redinto the Gaul, which developedinto a fierce baltle.' ' Livy ?- 26 (Ttudation
gme with 81ealenthusiasm,but conspicuousIack of success.Later in ftom Li\T, Romeod ltaly,trans.B. Radice{Pengrin.1982),pp. l3G
the yed the gme made d appemce at ColouB wherc, tbrcueh l3l).
oeliculous plmning dd lhorongh prcpMtion, it failed lo wil my
pnzes, bur wa! nuch enjoyedby all the playe6- The rcsulling ruls THE GAME
reflect the conEibutionsof all Oosewho haveplayed the gme at one
rine or dother I would like to lhark all of them, dd in particuld How do we represent thislype of combatin a gaDe? Cleadyit needs
RichardWeslfrom the PenanhClDbfor contributionsto rhe mechanics to fcus on tbe actionsof individual heroes.The massof an amy, lhe
of the oles, ad L- for inspiring someof the eventcards- poorer irfdrry, shouldfigurc hddly at all. The objectiveof fte game
is not to achievetacric.l vicrory for the tribe, but individual fame and
SETTING TIiE SCENE glory. Each hero will gain or lose honour poinls ecording to hjs
behaviou duing the battle dd the w; will be rhe hero with lhe
This is not fte place fo. a full discusion of Celtic warfde, but a brief highestnunber of poinh ar tbe conclusionof the gme. Whetherthis
descriptionis Decessary to suggeslthe nalm of theseheroic combats. he.o is still alile is of litde imponece. Whilsl we wdted io keep
The dcienl Grek writer Diodorus Siculus described how il was sone of the flavou of the Irish liteGturc, this was to be primeily an
nomal for bal es betwen the lribes of Gaul lo be precededby singte historical gmq so supematural eleDents werc to be kept to a
combats between chmpions- Often the outcome of these fights minimum- An impo.lant part of the systemwould be the useof special
decided the battle without massedfighting @cudng at all. This eventcardswhich eachplayef would be ableto useto afiect his own or
practiceseemsto havebeencommonto mosl of the Celtic t.ibes of the rival heroes. Somehowthe ability to play cards which will hinder
Pre'Rolm Iion Age. The Irish lilecture, which allhough written dolher playe.,especiallya fellow club membe(doesa lot to createo
down in the etuly Middle Ages was based on much edlier. prc- approprialespirit for the Bme- An unpirc is also usetul in rewading
Chrisnm seiety, describedthis type of hercic wdfN. The grcatesl playes who act in a suitablyheroic mannerod penalisingthosewho
hero of theselales, known as the tlster Cycle, w6 Cf Chulaind,the
The settingfor the gameis a cl6h betweenreo amies on the border
The Celtic hero ws an aristoc.a! since only they could afford tbe betweenthei. tribar tenito.ies. Each player is given a chdiol model
chrJior dd teafr ofponies which trdsponed ftem 1obatle. His sole and a dismounledfigure to representhis hero. The gme works bestif
purposein life wa! fighring, and he longhr not pnmdily for his tribe, the playe. only confols a single hero. Associatedwith eachhero is a
but for personalhonou. To achievea greatrepulation,which would warband(usually I 2-20 figue9 representingthe wdio6 of his cld.
thenbe preseoedin the venes conposedby the bards.wasthe snmmit Eachgroupn placedin a clunp or squde sothal the cjds fom a rou8h
of his ambition, sodething to be soughtregddless of the cosl to life line up rc 12" fron the edgeof the lable contrclled by that side. The
and linb. Glory couldbe gainedby displaysof wdior sKlh or by heroessun fte gme in fmnt of their clm. The infotry will Dove little
bodting of pst deedsin ttE face oi the eneny amy, dd so displaying during fte gade dd de really tnee 1ogive the player somewhercto
contemprfor them. True fame would only cone in facing ed killing hidebehindif thidgsarenol going his wa} Therere no set baseszes
a famousenemywador Then the *drio. could beheadhi! fallen loe for the infantry or chariots, but each type needs 1o be based
dd strip him of his alm. Cehc rcligion placedgreal imporlanceon
the headdd Gallic lempleshavebeenfomd with nichesin the walls A1 tbe beginningof the gde eachplayer will needa pieceof paper
to contaiD the lelered heads of lhe ribe\ fes. An edly Grek b record his characrer The hero begins we&in8 a helmet and mail
trrleller.Poseidonius, descnbed howhis hosr mong thelribeswould cunass dd cfyidg a shield. He is amed with a sword and three
jalelinvspeds. The larcr needro be mrked otr when thrcwn. The
sheetwillalso needro sho$dy woDnds receiveddd thecuretrttotal MILI.ART
ofAggresionandHoiour Poinlr(bothof whichbeginthegme at 3). Gstablished
As I said .r the begiming of the article. this synem has invdiably Rsdvdaind 25nm 25nm' 25nm'
producedhi8hly enjoyablegmes. Il is mostrefrcshingto play a gme
when radics in fte convenrionalsenseof the word have li le pan b 1550 $.50 r6.m
pla}. (The unkind might connent that this menlality pewadesrny
rtyle or generalshipin all periods). The basic system should bc Paidirs{!-$ic. r5mm r5nm' r5nn1r 25!nn
adaptableto otherpe.iodswherethe busines of fighting was restricted
10a smallwarior elire.The mainthingto alterwillbe lhe numbeBof rr.50 f3.50 t4.50
points receivedfor vdious types of behaviourmd the Sp@ial Event
and Chdacieristic cards. Therefore for a game involving Homenc Cmn C^m: Orn.6 ovcr {2m 5t discounr.odc^ .vd al00 l0* di{ounr
bercs morehonourwould be associaiedwith strippinga fallen enemy
of his :mour thm t.kinp his head. E3* r5m P.inled.mY P*ks* +'
By popllr d€mandthes. ami6 ac n@ !v lable pcinr.!
roConndi*urandNdmllsundrdl. Ofcnieahighdntcof di{on..

Avairabr. ar Nom andconnoisorsbnd:rds.

. + 1 Orher dlsnunrs ilo nor .pply b rhs i1em.
(6YefiBt clas sMps or couponsror
coupotu lor a nomal & coinoh$r {mplc9
3- MissileFirc. Pashec& PRl4inC UK l0%, Minimum 50p. M*inm a7.0o

5- Adjust honourand aggressionpoints for eachhero. R.g*lered pot 5t6 ertn (Ecomm.ided ro ltlly)
You may placeyour ord* by Elephoneby usiie Acccs. \4$ or Matdanl.

IL EachHero hN 2 aniibules which may rise dd fall dunng the gme.

(a). A88rersion' This is a mea$re oI $e warriols ferocity and CORNWALL TRTS4BG
-l T€l: 017.36160969
willingnessto fight. It aho didate! his speedof movement
bwards the enemy.
(b) dono!.- Thisrcfleclsthercputat'on $hichrhewmiorhasBained -l movitreiD a chdiot.
for hisbehaviour bcforeanddurinelhc gamc.Ir is usedro decide
+l tdget is enomous wmior
Eachplaye.beginssirh 3\ionandI Honou.po'nrs.
l-ocdion of hit - roll d6
Nodal movement
distocesre -5"onf@t
- l0" in a chdiot
3 = riChtleg
It takesa quartertum to mounudismountfrom a chdiol. Duing this 4 = left leg
tine neitherchdiot nor wdior may move. Movemenlis half sp€edin
difficult temin. Cltdiots my tun by using the tuming templale.

Crarirls - A wanior Day leave/entera cheiot from either the frcnt or Ifthe tuget is in a chuior hirsto the legsue.olled again.

DaDage- roll d6
whenever a herc wishes to move in the direction of the enemy his
I = scntch +l honour point for rhe larget,
movement= I " per each488reNion point. This is doubledif he is it

C/uriar..^ - the chdiotee. is killed autonatically if a wound of any

type is inflicied uponhin- If the chdiole r is ljlled, $e wanior nay Wounds to fegs redDcemovement by 50% - 2 lee wounds = no
drive the chdor, but will nor be able 1o thrcw missiles whilst the
cheiot is moving- If he disnonnts the chdiot will rfrain stadonary. Wounds1oams renderlimb useles mustdrcp weaponor shield.
An abandonedchdiot may be captmd by mother player Eifter fte 2 woundsto heador bodyor oneto each= death
wmior or rhe cheioteer mus(disnounl from their chaJiot.mount the
3 woundswith I lo hqd or body= death
olher and relire wilh il behindthe wdbdd/haeline. The player gains
honourpoirls equalro the numberof hads containedin fte chaijot.

Iy. Missile frc Wmiors nay throw one javelin dunng the mo!e. Prolection- the daDagercli is cduced by I for a hit to the headif lhe
TheE is no deducrionon their novenenr for this. brger hasa helme! or a hit on the body if the w€der hasbody mour
Range short 0-5" long6-10" The defendermusl nominatewhetherhe has his shield facin8 to the
Cbanceofhit on dlo 1 rear, left, or fiont before any dice are rolled. He nay not use it to
defend againsraneks frcm difiercnt directions in the sametum. A
damageroll of a hit ftom the Elevanl di@tion is reducedby 2.
Othe. modifieG to the damageoll: Capturinga chariot +4
-l +l
+l if tbrcwq is v€ry stronC/enomous. -3
Kiling a chdioteer -2
Eachplayerrolls a dlo to whichhe addsbisAggresionpoints. Failinga feal -l

+l Honolr poinh higher thd opponeni Dis$t€r Chart

+2 dorou.point double opponents.
+3 Horclr poinb Febleopponent's. When ch&iots nove through ditrcult lemin there is a chdce of an
+t enomous/greatsEeng1h. a@ident. Rotl ld6 - in strems or rough temin roll of I = disdter
- b woods,verydifficu lemin roll of 1.2 = disaster
If scoEs de equalqch player inflicrs a wound. OtheNiF the plnyer
with lhe higher scorcinflicB a wound. If one herc is atlackedby more Roll againon a d6 for resulr:
tho one opponent, he may divide his score b€lween the two dd |= HumiliaringaccidenrCheior *ecked & -4 honou,poinb.
detemine the results6 above, Effect of qoundsis detemined as with 2= Chdiot dmaged. Miss one tum & t honour point.
3= Horses'hme$ tmgled- Onetum stationaryto u.tangle.
After combat If one wmior ha ben tjlled his opponentmy, in 4= Quarterspeedfo.lhis tum.
the nexi round, decapiti e the body- He may only do so if he remins 5= Half speedfor this tum.
slationart andis nol involvedin combator the t{get of d missileattack. 6= wmior gmbsrins dd stee6 chdiot safely throngh. +l honour
This acrionbrings 3 honolr points. If undisturbedon the next tum he
may take nd wed his opponent! torc adding I honour and 2
aggressionpoinls to his total-

Eacb warbandof l2 20 figues is associaredwith a specific hero and

Herces may seek to perfom feats to raise their att.ibutes before chdiot. lf he movesinto contactandspendsa tum wilh the unit he can
combat. Tbere de ttu@ feats.eachof which may only be perfomed replenish hn supplyofjavelinsup to a naiimum of thiee.

(a) The SHIELD FEAI - rcquiresa roll of + on a dl0. r succestuI Moteneat: E^ch n that a wdior hasaggressionof ?+ his wdband
+l honour+l aggresion. may Dove foNdd 1". Each tum that his aggresion is 15+ his
(b) The SPEARFEAT R4uircs a roll of 6l on a dl0. lf succestul weband may movefosdd 3". At ft€ endof eachtum add uPthe lotal
+l honour+2 aggession. aggresion points for each side. The side with the higher to€l may
(c) TlteSALMON LEAP - reqDires a roll of9+ on a dlo. If eithq movethek whole line foruard I " OR Dove lh€ whole enemyline
succ€ssful+2 honour +3 aggressior. back 1". The decisionis taken by the player with lhe highesthonour
Each fqt may only be perfomed when within 20' of the enemy. If poinrson the qinning side prcse.tly on the neld.
wdio6 d within 6' of a friendly wdior only one may perfom a ttat
for eachenemychampion. Sldorira Wrbands may thro* ld6 javelins al any enemy to come
If a hero fails io perfom a fe he loses I honour point. Ii he dcswithin dn-se. Short rangeneed?+ ro hit lnng 6nge need9+ to hil.
not perfom u equal or beuer feal ftd his opponent he loles I They have an inexhausliblesuppll of missiles. Wadands nny nor
a$ression and I honour poitrt. ididare combar,but if a hcrc ! acls ftem they will fight as waniors
wirh 2 A$ression Poinls (Spear& Shield. without mour or hellne0.
When two or more of a side'swarbandscrossthe centreline of the
To close wilhin short misile mge of m eftmy hero the player must table (or anorhernominatedodk) then the day of battle is over tne
rollT - his aggftssionon a d 10. To wiftin
mel€e an opponenthe must adEncing Eib€ b€ing victorious. Suryiving warriors nay chooseto
roll 10- his aggressionon a dl0. fight againon eofter day. They will begin with 3 Ag8€sion Points,
modifiers = I for eachattributelower thanopponent- bur may rerainay HonourPoinls which they havegained-
+1 if opponen! is *ounded-
If a hero fails a morale rest to cone wilhin short missile Enge/close
cdds. This is the compositionof
combat of d opponenthe mu$ move rc 5-5" away + the remaining Yon will n@dto makea set of €vent
inchesofhis move. r his opponenrhar tesledsuccesstullyhe canforce the pek which we nomally use:
ihe enemyto fight ifhe h6 sufficiedt nove 1ocatchhim-
8 x GOOD LUCK: +l ro one die roll this Dovo-
8 x BAD LUCK: -l on anyanyonedie rolledby dother playerin
Afier melee- lf hercs havemet in chdiots. then eithe. or both my
ch@seto continDethen remaining move disrance. Men on foot my
chooselo disengaSe,moving as nomal. lf their opponenlwishesto a Special.haacter6ti.s :
continueftey nay only escapeif their move brings them into contact
l . HEROIC DEAIH AI END OF TAIE: Ifthe wdior is killed
eith their own infetry.
after killing a numberof enemiesgreaterthan the trunber or
woutrdshe received.lhen he dorbles his honour points.
2. SWORN ENEMY; Oneenemyherc is cho$tr ar randon d a
swom enemy. Any succes achievedover hin bnngs double
in nel@ +2 +5
Wounding anoppon€nlinnelee +l +3
Kiuined opponentwith a thrownspear +l +3 3. WARP SPASM(or beserk.nge): wdior s@sbeserkfor 3 noves.
woundinganoppone.t' " " " +l +10 AggressionPoinls. Musl mole lowardsne@st enemy-
Tatjnga head +3 Cannotbreakotr a combal. Will throw mjssile only if unableto
Taljne a headof enemykilledby anotber +l each the enemy. Die roll neded for success:4.
TrtinB a roE +l +l GAE BLTLGA(SpecialSped): If a hit is achievedin

Village Green
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Magnificent25mm WATERMILL with a lift off roof designedby RichardMarsh

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thentheta'€etis auronaticlllykill€d. 7&8 CHARIOTEERKILLED. Playermay tranfera hit from
5. ENORMOUSSIZE: +l lo alldanrage dice- Howeler+l tohitif himselftohis chffioleerifhe is wirhin6" of his chdior.
ldrgetofDrissilelire. Encmcy I on rcllro closero rclcc.
Eachplayer is given threecardsat the beginningof the game. Only
6. FANATIC:Hetu.enrovcs aUclorhingandbdly amour ro fighr
onecardnay be plaledby edchplayerper tum. The die rolls needed
naked.Trkesonerum to do this. +l Aggre* n PoinKard +l
by sonrccrds de frddeon ! d6 necdin8equalor g€arerrhanrhestared

7. FOSTERBROTHER:Oneenemlherois chosen.trandonto be OPTIONALRULE: Playe6DUsrphce fte ca.dwhichtheyintend

. iosrerbrorher The rwo m.y nor foighr unlessone is forced ro by playin8facedownin hontof rheDarrhebeginding of thetum. If they
a Brad (ke SpecialEventcdd 3). ch@senot to phy the ced during that Do!e, or de killed before they
8. VERY STRONG:+l on all damagedice. cando so,lhenthecdd is lost.
8 Specialeeentcot ls:
l. SHIELD SHATTERS. If d eneny is th€ tdget of missile fire or
in nelee.thenhis shieldis broken.It will norcoDma-sprorecrion WARRIOR MINIATURES
in ftis or subs€quentphlses. Die rou needed:2. 14 Tiverton Avenue,GlasgowG329NX Scotland
2. HARNESSSNAPS: Nominatedch&iot cannol movefor 2 rDms. New Caral%u€n 50 plus a nmF{ iddRis€d €.velop€
Die rcll neded: L Plea* srat intub lor smplq 2,1houn :Gw€lphone 0l,l!7'3 3126.we aNpr $$,
MdrrchiBe dc. Mrl odd oirt
I BARD HUMII tArFS WARRIOR.Nemr enem\qarior mr) 15an ARMIES- ONLy &.9s pht t150 porr. Chm* 6!m Fpn h or Bdiilh Nap.tonio
be tbrcedro iiShr in nelee this rum. Die rcll needed:4. If the rcll Romns ECWRoyal[i or Pdimnbn:n, ACw Nonh rnd Sourh,t8rh C€nruryColoniil
is unsuccessfDl,y=thenthc l!ryet loses2 Honour Pointsfor zulus,nd Bnhsh,FinLTI C.od or Evirmd Skere|is Minimumof t00 pifte! in s.h amy
ignoring a Bdd.
4. RAVEN LANDS ON HELMET. Neden enemyfrighrenedand ztrr NIPOaEONIC,lwlfs - ONry t7t5 /,s f1.00pot. lm piG, 3nhsh,FFno\
Pdsim, Rusiaq Alslriai, Spdjsh.
loser2 A$.essionpoin15.Die rcll needed:4.
5. WEAPONBREAKS.A nominated zsnraaurEs oNLy a495 pt6 Bso po* i001.6 cRl Ronao peFh( Thn.irr,
enemylosestheweaponin his Micdoniin, Nom4 s:nmi Mongolr L.nskRhb, Medpva!, Acw NodI iid Souih
hand.He maynorthrowa missileor inflicta woundin m€leeunril
over10 ro (h(N 6!m.
25nn DBAARMTESmOM a12.30,

6. DMNE PROTECTION:Playermayignore.rllc&dscastagainsr 25nn flCURES FROM15p,15nn FROM10p. Alln:de lom lop qualiry illoy. Ale
x)m spanish Cieil wa. vthrn md Modem USA EiNlve 15hm ColonDl md
him for 2 tums (his musrbe plaled ar lhe start of the move). Or
hernayescape combatin a myst€nous misted moveinslanrlyup
to 20" away-Die roll needed:4.
New Lists for Shako -Part3 lnfantry 1E07 l8r3
Guard(elite) 2 2
bjt Line l4 l8
Paul Kitcber 8
Militia 8
INTRODUCTION Jager(militia)

This is the third (and penullimte) anicle in ny serieson S/t lo lists CavrLy
guarddogoons 1
Themies in thisanicleareDenmdk(1807od l8l3), WDitlemburg CuirassieA/
(1809l2 & l8l3/14) andDutch'BelSians for 1815.As DsualI'!e used l 3
the Men at Ams booksasthe majnsource(wherethe anny is covercd), Light Dragoons

ed Philip Halthomthwaite's .acellent Napokonic Source Book in t 2

othercNs. Club expenencehd foDndlhe Dutch Belgrd amy 1obe a
difficult opponentto dislodgein a defensiveposition. so I'd claim to
l:l0 l :l 0
havegol the balmce aboutright. I'!e yet to try oul eitherof the othe6-
l:24 1.24
Liner tacticsamy to 1E07.flexibleiaclicsin l8l3
The Danes se€ involved in the fringes of fte Napolmnic wm in
Skimisherratio l:8 in 1807,l:6in | 813
Europeed foughtal seaagainstBrilain in l80O0l- 1807saw them
Bosniakscount 6 cossacks.
fighting the B.itish again. wifi ldd aclions at Roskild€ dd
Copenhagendd the final destructjonof the Dmish fleet. The 180?wd
BonN Picks 1- 6 Line, I jager
forced Denmdk inlo alliance with France- Denmarks nain
2- 4 Line,4 SR
conFibulion howeve.was at sea.hmssing Britain s convoysthrough
3 -4 L i n e .2 S R , I L C , I R r
lno Ballic. l8l3 saw Demdk dEwn into the main conflict in suppon
of Frdce md d Auxiliary Corps was asiSned to the 1813campargn
5. 3 Line,3 Sr, ll-a (Bosnidlsin 1807,kncer in I8l3)
10gndd lines of suppu In I 8 14Danishsupportfor Napol€onresulled
in the loss of Noflay to Sweden.
Danish infanlry establishmentprior to the defeal of 1807 was of This amy was onginally added to the lisrs ro 8i!e anotherGemd
reguld regimen$,eachtwo battalions.This includeda GDaJdregiment, corpsfor the eneniesof Franceto fight againstIt is, howeverd
ud two Life'regimenls (one Danish,one No$eeid) Plus two litllearny in its ownriShtandisprovidingme with another
Noruegian lin€ regifrents. Each battalion had five conPanies, tenpration(andmy bankmdage.*nh Dorenighunre9.
including a gcnadier company for the fi61 batblion dd a jager Federick the II of wrntembDrSinitiaUyconclndedpeacewilh
compey for the second.Ale thereweresienificantnumbeBof militia Napoleonin lEOz.wunembur8joined the Confedention of the Rhine
(landevaem). wllo p€rfomed inetrectively in fte 1807 cmPaign. in 1806E@iving land from neighbouringDuchies.Mililary asistoce
Reorganisationafter 1807 saw the militia units disbdded dd two 1o Napoleonin 1809 resultedin funher expmsiotr. l8l2 saw
esene battalions formed for each of the line regiments(orgdi*d Wnrttemburg prcvide 14,000 men for the Russid cmpaiSn and
like the secondbattalion).Jage.batlalions,also providedlighl infdtry despitethe (almosotoul deslrnctionof their contingentthey werc seen
specialistsalongsidevolunteer Jager nnits. Of the Jagers.fte Kings lo acqDitthemselves w€ll. By late l8l3 Frederickhad concludeda
tufles foughl with particuld distincdon in 1807and were regardedai scparaEpeacewilh the Allies which saw Wudt€mburgchdge
secondin seniority only lo the Gu.rds. Noruay aho prcvided iwo allegi@ce (dd retainthelandgainedin theinlerim).
conpdies of specialist skimishers the Stilrb?*rrpse, - ski bome
rifle lroops (who opemtedas ordinaryJagersin the sumner). IDfrntry
By 1812the line infdlry establishDent wls eighrregimetts,eeh ofa
Caralry singlebattalion.A two batlalio.guardsre8imenrwasalso available.
Eachcavalry regimentconsisledof four squadronsof about 180 men Eachbattalion consistedof four or five conpdies. eachof about 140
each(althoughftese were paperstrengthsand seldomreached).Two men. Eight Militia baltalions (Izrdsre8menter) were also available.
squadrcnsof guard cavalry md eight regimentsor Rtrd.? (dragoont o€mised on siDilu lines1otheline.ln lEl2 t*o lighl battalions. and
(includingfour Noflegid regiments)Dade up lhe heavyelement twojagerbattalions werealsoon thercll. l8l3 sawthejagerrcSiments
ofthe Danish Amy. These were backed by ftree Light Dngoons. amalgaDatedto fom the 9th Line, the lfth wd fomed fton the tvo
Hussds. a nounted Jagerunit and a unit of Bosniaks,(EastEurcpean light batalions, *hile an I i th was forned from the mililia rifle corps.
'Cossack' sryle lieht cavalry).All were availablefor lhe 1807
canpaign.Thd Bosniakswerelaler convenedto lance6 andat le{sr one CaYatry
addidonalDnitof Hu$ds wasavailable for the l813 campaign. Staningin t 802 frcD a small GDdd'cad@the cavnlryofwurttemburg
had growr into a force six regimentsstrongby 1812.The five line
A.lilery regimentswer€ designated Chevauxleses(l & 2). Jase6 (3 & 4).
Artillerywassomewhat obsolescent ofgunsas while the 5th was of Drag@ns.Each rcgiment vns of four squadrc.
in ils.ature.consisring
light as3 pounders.Despit€Napoleott sugSestions andorere ofmore strength.Tbe gudd cavalry was also four squadronsslrong, although
nodem Frcnchequipmentthe Ddes etaiDedmostof fien onginal kit. the squadronswere s€panlely identified. The ti6r sqDadronwere
The :my is in soDe.erpectssimild to a Pru$ian ady of aboll the desi8naledLiebjaee6, lhe s{ond Gudd du Corps,while the third and
sde period.Tacticsallowedshouldbe linear to abour 1809,dd founh we€ Ho6e Crcnadiers-
flexible thereafte( rcflecting the changes which were graduauy
happeningacrossnany of the mies in Europedu.in8 the period- It Artill€ry
shoDldhave a belter mtio of skimishe6 howeve. ftan the Prussim By l8l2 threefool bateriesequippedwith 6 pd6 ud lh.eesimilmly
equivalenl s. unlike the Prussi&s, both ind€pendentskimishing equipped ho6e batte.ies had been established. A heary banery
compuies and skimishers integralto the regimenBwere available. equippedwith 12pds *N also availablea! the amy resene.Two tbot.
one hose. and Oe heavy bateries were uk€n lo Russiain 1812-All which were involvedin tbe Warerloocanpaign), the 21st to 45th were
werelost.Equipnenrupto l8l2 wa. Aushianin constncrion,bui wns Belgie dd were in tmining at lhe time of Waterloo
replaced with Frenchequipment duringl8l3-
The lnls a achedde for fte WDmemburgamy in l8l2 (14,000Inen InfaotrJ O.guisatior
foming Ill Corpsof the Gmd Amy) md an altemarivefor 1813-I 8 t 4 Units werc orgdised in units of six lo eight compaies including
as a reluctanlally for, or later d eneny to, France.I suggelt flexible 'flanl compeies of Gretradie6andLighr inldtry- Banalion
hcrics for lhe :my thioDghourthe period. at tie time of Waterloovdied ftom aboui 500 lo just over 800.Several
ba&lions fielded over 700 men md should perhapsjustit m extE
tEt2 l8l3-14 standon the wargmes table dd one morebreak poinr.

Gutrd (Elite) 2 2 Cavalry

E ll Eight regimenls of Dutch-Belgian cavalry were formed during
l0 1814/15, numb€red consecutivell Ktrabinie6 - rhe equiElent of
LiBh{ 2 heary (dd rais€d ftom ex Frcnch cuirdsier units) fomed
2 cgiments1 3, LightDragoons regiments4 ad 5, while6,7 and8 were
Lddwehr (secondEte) 8 Husds- One unir Che 71hHussm) wa on colonial service md not
Austrian/ Pdssim Allied line 6 availablefor the Watedoocmpaign.

Gudd Cavalry I 1 ArtillerJ

I 1 This sems lo havebeennufrerous wirh no fewer thf sven batreries
Light Cavairy 4 or eight gum availablefor the canprien. Cun calibrcsm urcled, bur
four of fie baneriesprcwnt al Walerloo w€re organisedas f@t, rbee
a hors€.I sumise British, Frcnch or evenAustrian guns coDldhave
Heavy l:24 ben used.I peFonally itrctine towardsusing Frcnchequipment.
1:12 1:8
1:21 l:12 The Waterloo Camp.igD
The Dutch Belgian :my fought well throughourthe Waterloo
. F.enchinfantrye eifier Frenchline/ li-qh(rario3line to I campaign. fighting .longside fte British at both of tneir major
Ligho. or trcops fron other Confederarionof $e Rhine nations. eDgagemenls. Their units proved to be steady,despitedonbh about
. Lights and Jagersnay deploy assKmisheB. their reliability md in one or two casestook fearfDl losseswithout
. Confederation/ FrenchSkimisheB, l:4. dcseninglhe Reld.ODemilitiabattalionsutrered 60%lossesat Quarre
. Bonmpicksin l8l2 de fromthe l8l2 Frenchlisr (other Bras.bur wa! still able10tum out for Warerloo.
Confederationof tle Rhine rroopscould be substituted),bd for The poporiion of mililia ro line in ftis cafrpaignwasabout 1:I, wirh
1814hom the apprcpriateAustrian list. a filnler 20% of the force consisringof Jagers.The infmtry fomed six
. Attacking bonus 1812-| 3 Frcnch/ Confederationof Oe Rhine. brigades,eeh of which consistedof either five or six battalions-The
I El4 Austrian/ Prusian. cavalry fought in tb@ fomations: one brigade of heavies (rhe
KMbinien). and two of lighl cavalry
DUTCH. BELGIAN 1814.1815
Th€ Liil
The Dutch-Belgian Amy wasesrablished afterthepeaceof t 814with This showstheactualamy. educeddoM ro sizeof a 'pick-Dp'riny.
rheseningDpof theDutchBelgianKingdom.It wasor-qanised under By sho*ineacrualtroopspresenr again$$e amy lisl l hopeyou'll b€
Austria andBntishinfluence andincludednany tr@pswho hadbeen ablelo scesomeof thelogicbehindthe list.The balance of theactual
in French serice. Then loyalry was doubtedby Bririlh and Prussid
forcesfor Waterloois fomed from bolh of the nr$ two bonuspicks.
auies. But in rhe l8l5 campaignthe Duich-Belgians performed
creditabln manyunns nghdng ar both Quatrc86 dd Walerloo.
Actual Pick up amy
DDring 1814,16 batblions of regularinfantry werc nised which were t1 8
numberedconsecutively-Of rhesethe lst, 2nd dd 4ft werc Belgim, 5
fte 5rh, Ioth andllth Dulchcolonial,whilethe 16ft wasaJagerunir. Militia l5 ll
The ofter nine battalionswere Dutch. More units were addedduring 5 3
1815.The r7rh.lSth ud 2?ih DurchJage6,andthe l91hro 26rhand
28th colonial infotry. The 28th (Nasau Orien) with rwo batblions. l 2
pluslhe 351hdd 36thBelgianJa8erswereslsoavailable by 1815.and Lt Dr/Hussd 2
a seco.d batt.lion had beenaddedto the 5rh Durch colonial rcgiment.
The l3rd dd 34th battalions fomed rcolonial depof md 'gdison' l:11
battalionsrcspsrively. Four Swiss regimen$ (the 29th to 33rd) were 3 l:14
ahoraised,bul allweresrill inlnining ai$e timeofwarerloo.Finaily l:6
we aho seetbreebattalionsof the znd Nasau Reginent brigadedwilh
the Durch Belgid conringenrat Waterl@-Of lhe colonial urits both Jagesmaybedeployed
asskimishesor lineat thestanof rhebattle.
batralionsof fte 5th seNed h Eurcpe, a. did a, 'Wesr tndim' rifle
company.Europeanbased (depot?) companiesof the l9ih to 24th
bnJlion\ a\o fomed a.inele compo{teunrrfor rhecmpdgn 1. 3 Line,2Srlcm
2. 2 Nassau.2 Sr.2 LC
Militia 3. r Selection
f.omthel8l5 PrussianList
M'litia made up $e .emainder of the infdry. wirh 45 batrations 4. 3 Line,3Sa ll-i, I LC {Brunswick
or Hannover)
.ecruit€dby rhetime ofwaerloo. The lst ro 20rhrere Dutch (mdy of 5. Seletionfrcml8l5 Britishlist.

Starting Wargaming? WIIAT IF?

Part 4 - Scenarios Thesescen&ioscan .angefrcm "it only just didnl happe." to the sort
of fantasywhichI llexpandon late.I m only interesled in thefomer.
but whercone leavesotr and the otherbeginsis soDetimeshdd ro say,
by Ir a conflict snDadonit may be that amy A faced:my B bul for sone
reaon stoodotr dd therews no batde.To wargme sucha battle is a
Peter Tanner valid whar ifl". To sa! what if the Nomms crosed fte Atldtic ro
Mexico and then met lhe Aztecj' is jusr silly. More of that typ€ of
gamelaler I ve no ideawhere'!hat if becoDes "fantasy bul you get

Hereis the 6nal pan of ny introducroryguideto wdgames.It ha b@n

aimedar newcome^ to the hobbybut har, I hope,had poinls of interest TYPICAL
for tie sesoned veterantoo. I hope you !e enjoyedit and found i1
Statisticallymost wdgmes I've seer, whicb bed my resemblmceal
useful. If so then good. If you ve disliked lh€ fi6t thE parts then
you ll harethis but, hey,it s the last. all to realny, fall widin this category.The averagewdeamer hd a
limited number of trr,ops that he can field and there *ere, for
wargamersat any mte, roo few encounter involving the nuDber of
TYPES troops.yet mix of tmp typesbelovedof mostgamers.Thus situaiions
and battlesDust be invented.
Wdgames scendioscd conveniendybe brokendown iDto four t}?es The averagewugame in, say, l5mm or larger involvesnume.ically
no Datter wharperiod, scaleor rypeof gme. divisional level fo.ces.burcorpso. amy level veiery. Ii canbe argued.
Historical nnd conveniendy not proved, that actions between lhis nLrfrber of
troopswouldnl get a mentionin Dany histories.Thusmanywdgames
will feature typical amy A againsl typical :my B' .
This is the Glionalebehindmany amy lists which endealourto
* Typical ensurethat fielded amies are typical. However.they oiien cove. so
wide u t'mespanand pemil so many1rcoptypes(by popularrequesl)
given the size of amies s to be meaninglessa.d in any evenl forget
lat's look at each in tum: the who in their righl mind would fight witb a 50:50 chanceof
winning? A usetul baldce to this is apprcachhd beenGuy Halsalh
wrap np anicle on the Merovingid Frdks giving amy lisr. trok at
'Typical cangive a goodrealistic
eaDe.bul askyou6eujusl how
The gameis bsed on d historical encoDnterThe degreelo which a
gaDe lhen diverees from history is the wargmeis. or ufrpne\,
choice.For exaDpleyou couldhave: FANTASY
+ Historical forces,but deployedwherethe wargamerwantsthcm to This inclDdesall ganesnol p.eviourlynentioned.includingny pet
hate' the compenion gafre. It also incorporatesall gamesftat fantasy
* Historical forces,deployedhjstoricnlly,bul then movedwherc and and sciencefiction wargmers would deemto be gamesthat faU into
when the wargamerwants. the othercalegones.(I supposethat if you'rc a fan of theseBenresud
* Histoncal forces.deployedhistoricauyand makinSthe sme replacehistory by booksand films thenthereis a redonable a€Dmenr
movesftar their hisroricalcounrerpdtsdid.
It'! what happenswhen you play :\ncients, 2000 points or throw
rogeihertwo oughly compdable fo.ces in order to ge1a eaDe.
This lasl oprion may become akin ro a moving diorama or,
Lefs face ir ' bades ft tuely fair Adl ati&king geneal d@s so
altematively,cd swiitly break down under the rules employedor a
becaDsehe fiinks he can {in. That sonehow he\ stackedthe oddsin
luckt or unluckyseriesofoutcomes. The lsr linecanlgo on lo anack
hisow. favourCilen a 50:50chance ofa win andhisreputation orlife
ften secondaryobjecdve.They routed in a failed anackon the fi6tl
on Oe line het likely to wmt lo walk away and fight anolherday. If
A€ randomincidents to be portrayedas EndoD or e they ro
generahthink this, then standolTsbecomeunderstandable.
becone srddffd? For example, I recently fook pan in a refight of bo$
Compedlion gafres to the contrary,it doesnl needto Dean that a
Edgehill. Hnro.icdly, fte misnamedFaithful Fortesquechangedsides "fail i. a warteof rine. Fd it. Ar my club we
ftar isn'r
frcm Pdliment ro King ed iook his roop of cavalrywith him. ln the eme
reSul&ly play scendios,bded on €al life, whe€ frekly the asuh is
.efight fiis was decidedby a die roll. Fonesqnecould eithe. remain
a foregone conclusion. Thewinne(t ofsuchgamesm dercminedby
loyalto the Pdlimentdids or chmgesideswift all or sofreof his
bow the playeG do relative to their historical counterpans.Nore thar
men causingmore or le$ confnsion.The die roll was biasedtowards
thiscanresullin bolhsideswinningl
an historical outcome(only the umpire knea rhe elent would happen
at all) but the defecdonmd ic effecrswsn'r a cenainly. If you believe all thal you read aboDl competilions rhen gmes
Panial histo.ical€fighls de closely relatedto whole refights. beiween baleced mies over "faii lerain will detemine the besr
SometiDesit is not feasible for reasonsof fte numbe. of figures or so.Any halfdecemgenedlwouldn\ be $ere in fte
time requiredlo flgbt a whole hisbncal scenario.and so pan of the
scendio is wd8med. Tlis can nnge f.on fighting one day of a
muldple day baltle ftrough ro playing one acrion of a baule. For WIERE TO GO FOR INIORMATION
example.the atack on Little RoundTop or Hou8oumort.Troops wiu
entero.leave the battlefield$ they did hisbncally dd de flanls and Sadly,il's lime 1o bavea go al Duncd. editor of ftis illDsrioDs
re& whe€ rhe resl of the action is m consideredto be acdng as they magMide.There are fal too nany poftd hislones, plagiarisedftorn
othe. soDrces which,qrite frankly de no use to nd or be$t- You

ll.liog t slad in 25nn
at a convention

Elite Minianrcs lst CORPS

26 BowleaseGd$, Bessacan,Don@te. DN4 6AP U.K 1st Co.F p€enas The Eighth Cape W.. 1E51-1853
TeUFax: 0130253003E(24 hour fax rueption) Tbe inspiFlion for tnis mg€ de the suFrb 54mm 6guEs md of
BiU Honn, wilh a 86d helpingof readingon ny pd.
This bloody cmpaign cost 6.000 British liv€s, often fought al clN
quarten, the rwo nain ptuta8onks NeE de xhosa. n6rn of hit md ruh
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know the son: A synopsis of Bull Run in thEe pa8es, rhe final but b€in8 determinedto win cd only leadrhe hobby down fte
pdragraphof which conlains the wtrgmes element it lists a few path. tf you regular opponentsmake you tlel the needfor a rhicker.
ndufactureB of ngDres(itr caseyou cDl readthe advertt dd says morc encompasingbook of rules, (including rules aboutwharro do if
''mY sort of rulesshould
do . e eEor in tl'e nles is found) then don\ changeyour rules. Chdge
I'm all in favou of bringing little known facls to the readers'
atention or dnwing on sourcematerialin anotherlo8uage, bDteven
so....Peftapsthafs all thafs otreEd?[ThaCsright_Ed.] CONCLUSIONS
Luckily if you wmr historical infomarion rherede plenty of lazy
md s .esdch guidesabout.Theseoflen give a detaitedecount of f And finally: My club hs a rule ehercby everyplay€r is rcprcsenledon
histoncal etion. sucbinformation as is krown on rhe palicipdts od mble by a fieurc. (Usually the comandeFin chief or sone significmt
a simplified.napof tbe banlefieldsuitablefor rdsposing to the otner) Shouldihis figuE t€ killed, capturedor mortally woundedthen
wdSmes lable. My favouire guidesareput out by Panisanprcs, but the playerha! to slanda roundof.lrinks. This canbadly hDii fte wattet.
theree plenty of othe6. The point is notjust to get a round of drinks, but to imposen fed of
I gues your choiceof scendioscomesdown ro beingbasedon why dealh on the player/figure.We've probably all seenfte ir\ near the
you wdgane. Look at the '"The Wrinen Word v The SpokenWord', end of the game$ what the hell. fll atrachmy c in c to $is unir and
adicle in issue 109 of this mgrine. I find ir hdd rc betide that geta +1.Ir mighrjusthelp phenonend. Thisis simplysitly_In realUfe
anyonecd rrte ou. hobby so knously. I ve staredelsewhereand will mosl pmple don t like .isKng dea6 or injury, so how is this besl
say again: Wareamingis nor a gam€ like chess_Ir\ got too many simulared?Our idea is simple dd works. Yes, we do get payday
iDprecise features.Anyone sho tries to lay down games o. heroics,but in real Iife there e n€n who feel a senseof honour or
compeliiions to determine a champion is wasling rheir tine. Some dnty-Not everyoneactsmlionally.
hobbiesac for enjoymentonly od wonl work ar dy other l€vel. Thals it- I hope thar you've enjoyedrhis mini series.Ptede if you
Thick rule books to the contrrry there will always be a needfor give strcnely agreeor disagee with dyrhing lhat I've said thenwrile in.
and tale betpeenplayes 1omal(ea wargme work. Therefoe ir ctu,r
be competitive in the usualsenseof theword.Wdrins to win is fine. Edpp! w@saniig, @tcept!o/ conpefto^.)
a spy wirh information consideredvilal lo the inrerestsof lhe lmp€nal
ITIE MAKING OF A Coun. Fouch€.th€ Seoet Police Chiel had senthis 6osl dding agenl
DEMONSTRAIION GAME one Le Blanc to collect ftis. Due to untbreseencircDmstaces Le
Blmc\ coverhasbeenblown.He evades capturedd is on the run on
Or the touching up of the Romey Mdsh. awaiting rescue.Fouch€\ pld is thal he will be
Touch€ Fouch€ raken otr under the cover of a smuggling run. He proceedslo his
rendezvouswith the rcscuepany, consistingof a lmall unit of elile

w Fusilien, led by Capitainede Demicoue, wbo de aboardthe lngger

Ia Strlue out of BouloSne.Za Si/ine and her crew of cut-thonts aie
Ken Fisber well known to the local smtrggleBin Kent. The placepicked fo. both
the rcscueattemptand the nomal contEbandrun is on the beachabout
At Chmel Wd GamesGroup\ annual 'let3 put on a show deeting five miles westof Hyrhe d tne Admiral BenbowInn.
lasryed (1997),it was d@idedto follow the suegestion of Dy son The Frenchde delayedin fte Chdrel by the activites of fte Royal
Jmes that the themefor the coning yed shouldbe sDugglers.The pan Navy dd de late at lhe r€ndezvous.Having given $e Revenuecutt€rs
of |he world we inhabit hasa long dd sordidhislory of smugglinged the dip rhey mive just before dawn. The bnndy ed the resl of the
illicir importationof g@ds with our due paymentof rcvenue.The idea goodsde unloadedand put onto packho6es for transponadoninland.
was therefore taken up with enthusiasmand work slarted on the The sp! is late. The reasonis that. tnbeknown lo Fouch6,lhe local
Militia de our on a recoitinS ddve. A pany of them ee at thn lery
Having read, dunng n frisspeni youlh, lots of advenu€ ym! lhe moment resting in the AdmiEl Benbow. Ll Digby Fansbaw the
smuggling ideaw6 addedb. Spiesanddoubledealingwerediscus*d, commanderof theselroops is hoping for pronotion ad a little keener
and the nerirs of vdious books, histoncal lerring, chmcters elc. than the averageMilida officer His sentry staysawakeand alert, the
suggesred.The Romey Mdsh was to b€ the setling, the attempted noise of the ho6es and men on Oe berch alerl him and he wakes
rescueby the Frenchof d imporlant agenrof the SecrciPolice Chief Fanshaw.who collecls his small conmmd together to arre$ rhe
Fouch6,underthe cover of the loding of contrabdd. the theme. SDugglers.A tunner is sentoff to aleft rheYeomanrya1Hythe.
The nexr ltep ws ro decidethe scale,after somethoDghlwe chose The spy L€ Btdc has b@n detectedby a detachmentof the 95th
25'm as fte besl The sedch for suitable figures now begd. I had from ShomclifeunderLt Bluntandh creepingdowtytowddstheInn
hiddennwaysomeof TedSuen\ excellent old willie FigDres,
a couple by way of the dminagedilches,chasedby Blunth Riflemetr.At the Inn,
of which were nsablefor the gme. For the bulk of lhe cat WdSames the Militia tale d defensivepositionbehindfte Paddockwalls andopen
Foundry and Dave Thomascme to the rescue.A few Redoubtad firc on the Frenchand the smuggles. The Frenchreply and it seetts
Gripping Bedt wereappropnated.aswell assone of StratagemMaori thattheirsuperiorskill will p€vail.Theyde alsoequalin numbe6and
wm figures. village Green\ snall rcwitrg boat was aho recruited, supportedby rh€ cuFthmah otr La sir€ne and the smu8glere.Blunl\
Rjflenenreacrto the soundofMuskerfireandatlemptto out fldk the
The €st of the set was then scntch buih by myself and paintedby enefry.WiU the Frerchrcscueftei. nan?Will theMilitia holdthem?
JamesFisherto his usualhigh standrJd. We choselo male the gaDe will theLighrDragoons arivc in timel wh effectwill theRiflemen
uponan 8'by 6'bebodd. thissizebeingfte opinDn for portabilily haveon the oul.ome?
and visual inpact- Fortunatelythe Romey Maish iuelf is a lery low wlat of fte Royal Navy cuner,/a./i Pis, conmaded by Lt. Stainsl
lying dea. this maderheteftain simpler to constflct. To makeihe lmd will shefind L Si.ln? andd6h fte Frenchhopesand makeit Touch€|
we usedinsDlationfoam sheets,thesecd be boughtin builden Fouch6?Only by playing lhe gamecan we lind out.
merchantsor tbe local D.LY superstoreand come in several The rules that we usedto play the gamem home grcwn and very
thicknessesdd sizes. Thes we.e shapedusing a cBftknife, stuck simpie.usingonly six sideddicefor conbarresolutionlMeasurement
down onro sheelsof hddboaJd fof streng$. given a ihick layer of is also done in a sinple way, nol by using rule6 bDt the outstGtched
PVA.glue,sprinkledwitb sdd dd lefi to dry. handspan.we hale usedftis systemwith greatsuccessin a .uDber of
The nexl prcbleD was the buildings. I decidedlo makethe$ our of panicipation Bameswe havepu on. Theycombinespeedof leming
cdd (andthickartislswatercolour pape.for theroofingtiles).Usin8d wilh a sood fel for ocnod dnd snall actiot drama.
a guide the filhemen\ hon*s ihar dot the Mmsh, paniculdly on
Dungeness,I nade five single{torcy dwellings. Sode wilh a net lofl, THE RIJLES
mostof rben wilh extensionsand out buildidgs. I glued themtogetber
using a contacl adhesive.lhe tiles *ere cut in srips dd elued in the
AU neasu.ement in thes rulesis doneusingthe handspan, i.e. the
The main building was to be d Inn - Herc I usedan illDstrationby disrancebetweenlhe thDmbdd little finger if the ouBtretcbedhandof
Johnworsley oi rheAdmiral BenbowfroD his book ofTredure Isla.d, the player Ir is undeBlood thal the adual distdce will vary in
a superblyillustared volDmead a rccomended read.The dry stone individual ca$s. The Umpire or the playe.s themselvesmusttake this
salls of this were cNed ftom t€ngthsof baha, s was the gate and into accolnt dd allow a bii of give and l3&e.
sundry bdels dd other scaneredilens- The Im Weekleymethodof
applying a washof Tetrion pqt a good rextureon them all. Again Oey INFANTRY
werepaintedwilh a coal of P.VA- dd left lo dry
Nexr the ships.It had beendecidedthal we would needtwo 25nd No dolble in difficultlemin .
scale sailing sbips, a Royal Navy cDtterad a French lugge. These
we€ buill from scrapbits of wood beggedfrcm friends.The des'gnof CAVALRY
eachwasbasedon the real thing. alreEd dightly to enableb6ed 25nn
figms to slandon them. Msts knockedup from doweling were and Charge4 spds i. Soodgoing, 3 in rotr8hreMin
sails frcm liSht canvas.The ngging ws left until th€ vessels*ere
painted. The seasectionwasjust two sheets of hddbodd, paintedand PACK ANIMAII Alwaysnove 1span.
giler a coar of PVA., which dried to a very 3@d shirc. The land SHIPS Move at a speeddepedent on the diecdon of
sectionwas pained wirh emulsion paint, which can b€ bought h e thewild up to a maxinDmof 7 spans.
rsbundirg ran8eof colous ftotn a Soodpaint storc.with the donkey
work of conslructio. over we tumed to the scendio and the rules, The useof an UDpire is reconnended, the decisionof trbeUmpire in
The storvline for the samewa! set in mund 1804-The Frcnch bad
Above: Th. Iandinepan! spl6h 6hore! Above:Alwats Ken Fishet s pnre objec.ive- Securerhepub!


Tbiow a D6 for eachslte per figur€ engagedhigh€stdice wils except
Thrcw one D6 for eachwapon dischdged.
plu! I for FrenchInfantry and 95th. Plus 2 for Ca\alry oDf6t Charse
lrus&atr Shon RmSe ( I tpe) l, 2, 3 hits targer
plur I thereaft€r.Savingthrows asfor tuing.
Medium Rmg€ (3 spms) l, 2 hits t rger.
ExtrcmeRdge (up to 5 spans)I hit3 Target.
Xr:fl"s add ptus 1 to all, eg ExtremeRangeI and 2 hit. MORALE
SavingThsws @ takenfor eachhit asfolloes: 5 or 6 saves- If either sideloses508, of its tolal force lh€y musttakea moralecheck.
Snips CatrDrs, Shon Range( 2 spang 4. 5, 6, hits tdget. l. 2, 3, surrender4 5, 6. fighr on. After geater caEalitis rcsult is
Mediun Rdse ( 6 spans)5, 6 hits. downto Umpirc'sdecision.
Extftme Range6 hits. The rcle of tbe Umpirc io this gde is crucial. A f@l for th€ p€riod
One D6 is thrown for e&b cdon tuing. ud u oEtr mind de helDtul.
Efrect of CsDt@ fn, Throw a D6 fm ach hit scor€d:
l. 2, hult hit,
The Frenchwin il they get the spy away They draw if the spy is on the
6. Cannoodisnounted. ship when it strikes,my other rcsult is a British Victory
If tttree sixes @ tbsM in two consecutivethrows the enemy ship Any number of playeB cm panicipate iD the gme- Comands
sbouldbe all@atedto suit the numbeBprcsent.

The C'hatrnel
Wargames Grcup'sgamedescribedabove 8mes dd t aders.We €xpandedtunh€r round the schootu*d d a
appear€dat the thnbridge Wells show in trebruary. venue,and wil try to €xpandagainnext y€d. We would like to rbanl
everyone who at erd€d dd nade lhe rlay so very eDjoyable.In
HeE, lrom s€cretaryAndr€wFinch,arethe... panicularw€ shouldcongntulatethe wiDeB in rhe competitions,who

Class I (Wargm6 Urit up ro 1:3{X}th)
TunbridgeWels Wdgmes Societyheld it! annualOpenDay Caidier Ist Cbris Thompson(Rei8ate)
'98 otr 22trdFeboary 1998.
Onc€againthe eventwd very suc@ssftl hd: Chris Avery Gnbridge Wells)
ed wen over 400 viritors joined the Soci€ty for fte usuar nix of 3rd: Ctuis Bl&ktlm (TunbridgeWells)

Ab6.: R.teor" Wary@s Crcup\ Fordt oI ls.n 8M. ar T W. s- Above: Fltitg hiShatT Wells- the Shep\'ayclub's SCW8M-
clas 2 (wargancs Unit up to 15m)
lst: Cbris Thompson(Reigate)
2nd: SteveHmond
2ll22 Febdary saw60 tems attendingfte 3rd Bunon D-B.M. Doubles
3rd: Chis Avery Gunbndgewells)
competition.Despite losing our original venueat the ldt minute we
R. Smith
serc ableto find an altemativeone within the Bas BreweryComplex.
The competit66 cameftom all over lhe UK, from Hdpshire in the
Class3 (20m Wdgd6 Urit - prE lq)o AD)
South lo Glsgow in the Nonh. Going into the final gme on Sunday
aftemoon,file lems were in the flnning for lst place.The elertual
2nd: Rod Sonewille {Tunbridgewells)
winneB we@Kevin Townsendand John Lavenderwilh 39 poin$ o
3rd: C@ryeGush(Tunbndgewells)
We extendour thanksto oqr sponso^.Andy Dumelow,Spinl Cames
cless 4 {20nn warganes Unit - post 1900AD)
of BDnonmd Simply Scenicsfor $eir generousprizes.
lst: GeorgeGush(Iunb.idge Wells)
Mosr importudy, our gateful thoks to everyonewho attendedthe
znd: Rod Somerille (Tunbridge wells)
event- We look fovdd to seeingyou all next yed, 20/21 February
3rd: Mdk Witkin
1999with the 'Dek Aget mies.
Classs (warsamer Equipnent Grcup)
lsr MarkWilkin
2nd: Chris Avery (Tunb.idgewells) Borton md Distict Wargsmers
3rd: Rod Someryille(Tunbridgewells)
Clas. 6 (Sirgle Miliaary FiguE) Tems wilh rhe saDe poinis have been posidonedaccordingto their
lst: GeorgeGusb(Tunbridee Wells) ow. percentag€losses,

3rd: Jmes Fisher(Chdnel Wd8amesGroup) I Kevin Townsend,JohnLavender(Macedonid Edly Successot39

2 Tim PorteaMick Owens(PatricianRoman) 38
Class7 (Sinsle Military V€hicle) 3 Bob Whilehouse,Eric Doman (Palmymn) 3l
lsr RussellValentine (Shepway) 4 BruceBroqn,Jmes Phillips(Sassanid Persie) 3l
2nd: GeorgeGush(TDnbndgewells) 5 J. Murphy, M. Ives Keeler (PatricianRomd) 30
6 lan Speed.Phil Bdter (ClassicalIndim) 29
7 CliveHolland,Mdk Birch(clasical lndian) 29
Class8 (ScieoceFic.ion) 8 Keithwestwood.Phil Reeles(Mdian Roman) 28
lst: Ryd Valentine 9 PereBettany,MarkCm11on (RepublicdIndid) 28
znd: ThomasFilzherbert l0 RogerGreeDwood, Nick Green{LaleRoman) 27
3rd: RichardJordd (Bognor) rl Manin Naylo( Richdd Foxon(LalerCanhaeinim) 27
12 CnigAllen, Ben Sawa(LateRoman) 25
Class 9 (Fantasy) 13 ChnsMdning, Phil Ndh (3 Kingdoms- N. w. Rebels) 25
t sr: C. Oebom (SELWG) 14 PeteDuckwortl, Tony Green(S6sanid Pe6ie) 24
2nd: Thomd Fitzherbed 15 Im Mackay,Jmes Sn€ll (Sdsanid Penian) 24
3.d: David Smilh 16 MichaelWhittaker,Adrian St€er(Late Rofran) 23
17 Chris Tonge,Neil Durell (RepubljcanIndian) 23
Clas, 10 (Under l6s) l8 John Skelton,Chiis Thome (ChaoChinese) 23
lst Thomd Fitzherben 19 ColinSharpe. Mick Allen0?te Romo) 23
20 Neil Mason,JohnAmstrong (Macedonid Edly Succesot 23
3rd: Cary Budden 2l Bob Lupton.SimonEllis (Alerddrie lmperial) 22
22 Paul BEndon, An.lEw PdKn (Hd Chinew) 22
Chss r1 (Miscellan€ous) 23 Gmhm Fordhm, Chris Coxweu (Edly AchaeDenidPe6ian) 22
htr Chns Thonpson (Reigare) 24 RussBall,SteveChdlton(Kushan) 22
2nd: Hugh Munro (TunbndgeWells) 25 Scve Crighton, CEig Red (ClassicalIndian) 22
lrd: C. Ogbom(SELWG) 26 MarcusReid, Simon B@n (Chircse SouthemDynasty) 22
27 DaveHutchby,JohnBDckley(Repubucd Indian) 22
28 KevinBrewer,Id Ovenon(sdsmid Pesian) 22
BI,ST PARTICIPATION GAME 29 An&ew Rusbn, PaulEdwards(Patricio Roman) 2l
30 JohnathonPattison,Rob Cox (Parthim) 2l
Meidstone W.rgm6 ScietJ
3l Chris ChmbeB, DaveMcTu.k (Paticiu Ronb) 2l
32 N. DDmt. A. Cole (Middle Inporial Rond) 2l
33 Alm CutneaAnon. (PaFiciatrRonan) 2l
BEST DEVONSTRATION GAME 34 Simon Clake, Mdk Cleke (ChaoChinese) 20
35 Glen Harison, Terry Shaw(Late Rond) 20
Loughtotr Strik€ force 36 DerekWhittetrbury,Geth Griffiths (Ancienl Briton) 20
D'Erlon\ Attack at waterloo 3? JohnPhipps,PeteGrcgory (Pictish) 20
38 Robert G@rge.FabioT€rpin (PatricianRomm) 19
39 Bill Skimer. Jim Wdrcp (AlexandrianImperial) l8
40 Mick H@d, PaulCarte. (Palnyran) 18
4l Phil Murnn, Colin Mmdetr (MacedonianEarly Successor) 16
42 Niall Taylor,JohnStrawinski (Hsuins Nu) l5
43 Sham Rimea Paul Hmison (Seleucid) 15
... and whilst we'r€ on ihe subject of nsults here's ioteligence fmm .t4 PaulFreemd, Way.e Chdlton (BachianGreek) 15
45 PererDavis, DaveBaynhm (PaFicianRone) 14
46 MichaelHastines, Mdk Hadma (Seleucid)
47 Rich{d Bason,JohnPickering(Edly Canhaginian)
48 ReesTaylor, Neil Ha?elhursr{3 Kingdoms- westem Ts in) t4 MEGAGAMES
49 Andrew Walls.Tony Robinsod(Later Carinaginie) 12 Want a different wargamingchallenge?
50 Adrim Downey,PeterHeatheringbn(Cla$ical Indian) t2 How about a gameinvolving 40-80 playersand
51 PeterDavis, GeorgeThomas(Alexandnanhpenal) umpires? Camesrun regularly and provide a
52 Pbil Sleele,Gmhan Sageant (Mithidatic) ll
Kei$ Fisher.Mick Rood (classical Indio)
challengingand exciting day. Forthcominggamescover
53 ll
54 Gary Nichols, Geotr Tew (Sasuid Pes:d) ll World War tr, Napoleonic,Thifiy YealsWar and SF
55 RobertRush.RichardWatts(Palmyran) ll For details write to:
56 StewanJohnson,StDanlvinson (LaEr Carthaginian) M€gagameMakers
57 PaulFencott.Jobn Kirk (Wming Stabs RebelChinese) l0 c/o 69 Glengale Road, London SW16 6AY
58 M.C. Gmt, Alilon Manlove{Pynhic) 9 or phone 0181 480 7593 or check out our website at:
59 Adrian Gdbett. JohnWebb{Suen lndo-Parrnio) 5
Hnpr/lxno.ldnDp|s@oD/ It pcdEltnee.gmelin.
60 Nigel Tu.ton, PaulMekintosh (Edly Byzandne) 3


Sometime ago I had the chdce to s@ Gripping Beasfs lmt releases
Reviews in their Viking range,and commentedtbar they had o excessof frcnt
bt Fnl' types,but no drossto hud to destruclion.They havenow released
a n€w pack of pqsetry CIV6, which might at ledt partialy nll thar
Gary Iluglts gap-The pack comprisesfour stmdinS fi8urcs dresed in long tunics
(jusl below the kne by the look of il) md hoods-Tqo m cled shaven,
STEVEBARBERMODELS the other two ffe bearded.
25mm"PROHIBITION WARS" All four l@k like fat old men two of them @ pani.uldly fa! so
they obvionsly don l come frcm somebmn wildemess-Three have
This is an entirely new dge of figures b6ed upon the Sangste6and belts,whilst one hs a ropeded donnd his waist, so he might passas a
law enforcementoftcers of 1920sAnerica. Thereare 2l figures i. all.
but oneof thed ha! sevenheadvarianlswhich will tale the bodycoDnr All arecastopenhanded.allowing themto hold speds, des, o. even
on this first releaseup to 28. falm implemenrsif you wdted- The poses@ suchthat at leasttwo of
They arc cenainly very evcative of the period, and are all lery them could easily be given shields to upgEde them ftom amed
individual in cbecter This is nmher enhdced by the varying beights
and build of lhe figures.L@king ar the smple 6gres in detail : The castin8s@ smooth,seemfree from fldh or pitting, and are easy
Pwl Al Capone a nicelooki.g n8ure.25nmflooFto-eye, standing to paint. Oneof Dy chapshad a coupleof nngersmissinSfrm hh left
with handsin pockets.He wem a har, $ree piece sun, and overcoar. hand,which may be a cdting flaw or be my havebeendesignedthar
He hasa clearly defined,althoughnor overexaggeded. scd on his lefl way. It dcsn t atrect him paiticuldly, so I haveno real conplainl5.
cheek.He is a hefty l@king fellow. burCaponewa5heavily built. Overall, quite a usetul addidon to the mgq with a nunber of
I thoughthis feet l@ked a litile sm.ll- Dotentialuses.
Pw5 Eliot Nes ' nicely sculpled,standingholding a pump action
shotgunaloft in his right hand.Again, dresed in a hat md thr@ piece
suit under m overcoai.was Ness really short?This figure medures USBORNE CUT.OUT MODELS
23mm fl@.lo eye. dd so is noticenbly shorter than his prircipal
advesary.He is also a lor slimne. Onr local librarysrice has a Roman Amphitheatre
completedearthof decentb@ks on theprchibition if anyoneout This is fe frcm a new relede, but wd brcught to my atlention a. a
there knows the facls I would be inrercstedrc see !hem. Simildly, I potental pieceof cut-pncesceneryfor gladiatorialcontests.
havent found my pictnres of Ness, alftough I'm familiar with lhe As the nam€probably implies. this is a cdd model which nee.b to
Costner/Stackpo.lrayals of hin, so I can only ssum€ that lhis is a be cut-our, folded and glued to prodDcea reasonablelitde
amphitheatrc.Overall dimensionsof the completedpi€cede dor huge,
Pw7 Policemanpalrolling, carrying tnncheon. This figurc nedurcs with a basesizeof20 X by l? ! inches(it is d ovalena), dd a Mll
24mn tl@Fto+ye, so he is a lirile ialler rhe Ness.He weus what I height of 4 ! inches,and the dena fl@r mesures 9 I by 6 Z, whicb
astrne is a tnical Anerican police unifom ofthe 1920s,rouseB wilh may just lit in some compact contests.but leaves little r@m for
sfipes downrhe outsidesam, j@ket, and police cap-
PWl2 Bookkeeper.Atrorhershort figurc, 23mm flooFro-eye. Sc.le may be gaDgedfron somecut out cmdboud figures included
weeinS a lhee p'ece suit, round topped(bowler?or derby?)hat. bow wilh the set,ft€ Dsualmix of gladiatoN,u dsortm€nt of animals,and
tie, ad gldses. He caries a bnefcasein his righi hmd- evensomegalleys for aquaticcontesB.Theseare a littl€ on the small
PIFI Shopkeepe. Therc ee, appdeDtly. sven vdidts for the side,wilh d averageheighrof around lonun for rhe figures.Most of
shopkeepeaalrhoughI don r know what they all tre- The review piece the gladiator ngnres ee print€d as closely matchedpai6, so it will
wd r Jewish 6gure weding a yamulke. He is actually quile rall ar prcbably be impossibleto usethem for gamingpurposes.
25mm floo.'to-eye,and slandswith his handsbehindhis bek- He Given the nDmb€rof RoDan gladiatorfiEurcsrcleasedover the lasi
wem a kneelengthapronwhicb cove6 mostof hisjacket dd t ousers. twelve months ir 6ay p.ove useful as a backdropfor l5mm gmes,
He is fte only figure I haves@. amongstthe smples who is nor clean even with tle snall area md dispeity in scale, it l@ks better the
shaven, havinga nicelysculpEdfDll beaJd,conpletewnh phits (I m playing in an old bhcuit tin, ud is cenainly worth a qDicklook evenif
nol sureif they havea specialname)at the top. you don t buy il. There aJe a number of other books in the sen€s,
Overall. ftele are ideal for small skimishes. or for C,l/ of Cdu llu featuring a vdiery of ancient and medievalstructures,so it may be
players.and well worth takinSa look at. worth checkingout next fime you are in a bookshop.


Tactical, Campaign, and Siege Rules
Arny lists for the campaignsof the Wds of Frederick the
Great. the French and Indian wars, lhe Jacobite Rebeuions.
Clive's Conquest of lndia, and $e Anencan Revolution.
I 19 tacti€al maps
A campaign nap of Europe, India, dd rne Am€ncan

Thefint editionwon world acclaimincludingBestHistorical

MiniaturesRulesat FIASCO 97. Otherpraisein€luded:
''The idea of .onbinins rules \rith a boaklet
tll .t inJonndion, a .onptete
.onpaip st!.n, and amr lists ras Btuud breatir\, in "ry hunble oPihion,
and I hope thot oker n|.s publxh.r! .op!^ 4e OJ Reatu s danple in th.
future... Atfor the canpaisn.I vbuld en ot se eve\one to pi.k up a copr oJ
SpaRroF KrNs and siv it o tt!. tin Pukey, The S€v€nYeil wd, A$eialion

''AcE OF Raso! is \!zn rnren, sinple and has easr to nleda"d ales
nechanics, inuallr a wholeFckase for rh. SvW8.ner-- If I ewr publishedo
set oJrul.s, which I could "qer do, I cottd onlt hopeto do as coa.! o job as lod
and Date d;d. Hal Thihglm, Midwst Wargue6 Assianon Newslener

This new edition has b€en improved and expandedl

57,14W. Irving Park Road
Chicago,ninois 60634U.s.A.

11 ruede S6vign6
FranceTel:33 1 48040102

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Two photos fton last tear's Beer & Pretzek Ganes weeker.l.
Ikcluded here 6 a reninder that this yeat s 9th B&P will be on the
veekend of 16th & ITth May, at the usual verue: The Towt Hdll,
Bu on on Trcnr Oryanisedas usual14 Spid Ganes.
t\ +


FlaSsfor 6, ls, 2smm.

e #rl
Trueto figure size,mostthoroughresearchpossible.
Drop a line or phonefor list. 15mm From 15p each.
Mastercard/r'isa accepted.

50 far: Napoleonics:French(of course),Russian(whole

army!), Baden,Wufttemburg,Bavaria,Austria, Hesse-
Darmstadt, Prussia, Netherlands, Hanover, Saxony;
18th Century: Prussians,
white metal

20mmAncients300+Point PBNIArmies (59, postag€& packaging)

i. LarerHoplircGr€er
Also sold in packsof
I7.100 !60.75
7. LrrerAchac.r.idPersinn 4 figuresIl.l0
t5:.75 2 Horses I1.00
t60 25 1 chariot, varies
ll AlexandrianMxcedonim
l1 AnararhidKapprdokian Ancientcasualties
15. AlexandrituImpe.ill .10 Nunridin or Earl) Moonsh mountedhigh commands
16. Asirtic Edly Su..e\sor !?0.00
18. Macedonian
Ealy Su.cesor !5t.00 We now acceptmajorcreditcards
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!66 00
f69 50

20mm NapoleonicsBargainPack Alsosoldin packsof

8 fieures€2.00
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I Artillerypieceor crew11.25
Ellison ,Maiwald
Pierini AndM
via ocma 18,57124Livono.Irlly
The Lodon wa. Rmm
BelerleyHills Loop.Peol,MS 39.165.

PostageE Packaging
0K l07o Europe20yoU.S.A.20% (ilO.O0 minimumorder)Resrof Wortd30%

Wenov,/accePtmajorcreditcardsas wellas chequesandpostalorders.PleasesendSAEfor hee sanDl€andcatalooue

"Coup de Mainu €connaissance unilswouldtendto strSgest lhatsomeenenyelenenls
de convergingon your posilion.You de further i.strucled that you aJe
bt lo give all posible asistance 10 refugeesmovi.8 through the towr.
L Tipping Repons of Germanfif1h columnistsoperarinSin rear arease now
discounted asngmenlsofoveractiveBel8ianlnaginanons.
The late Spring of 1940 wa! rc produce a mililary defeat so The forces availableto the F enchcommdder are two platoonsof
caraclysmic for FrancethatiK.epercussions m sdll lelt lo day.On I0 equipped reseflist infantry and a Laffy White moured car The
May 1940German:mies advoced into Belgium dd Hollod amoured car, a €lic of World We One. is eqnipped with a liShl
provokingfte Allies (Fmce dd Creat Brilain) to respondby sending Dachine-gun and is 1o parol the lateral road rc maintam
their b€st tmops nonhwards inlo Belgiun. The Ceman attack was comunications between theFrenchad Britishamres.
howeverno nore ftd d elaboratedeceptionfor no soonerhad the
Allies advanced into Belgiumthd Germmspanzesburstout of the GERMAN COMMANDER'S BRIEFING
ArdenDes and sweptacrossthe nver MeusenearSedan.The Auied 'You are to caprurethe eneny controlled town of Monthenneadd
oppositionin this secrorof the line was madeup of eldedy and
then hold it againstenemycounteranacks uttil you arerelieved.The
lnined reseNists who, despib some feats of incredibl€ couragednd
possession ofthis town is vital ifour rapid advance is lo conlinue.thus
self sacrifice, were no match for fte swiftly molin8 panze6. Allied
compounding the existin8 confusion and dilday ofour enemies. No
confusio. w6 magnifiedby the fact thar the Gemds hadslruck at lhe
juncrionbelweentwo Frenchmies, the Secondled by HDnlzineer delays can be accepted. Tbe forces at your disposal de deemed more
task.They m well molivatedund eqDippeddd
lnd the Ninft led by the unfortunately named Ceneral Corap. The than adequatefor rhe
panzeB sped north to cut off rhe Allied mies. leading lo $eir sbould be capable of olercomlngany enemyresistance wiftin the
town. The edemy defendes a€ reported to be denonIned dd few in
undignifiedscrambleout of Belsiun nnd consequentlylo lhe
nunber Motorised and armourcd reinforcenen$ will be despatched to
evacuarion of the Dunkirk and the eventualsurenderof
month, despne being oDtnDmbered reinlorce md exploir yoursuccesifthey areno(commitred ehewhere.
Frdce. The Gema.s hadwilhin a
in everythingexceptaircnft and oti angaft guns,kn@kedone of the Speedanddecisiverclion is esenlial'.
Allies completelyout of the war and renderedfte othe.. ar leastin the The troopsavailablero fte Geman Commande.aJetwo plaloonsof
short term, militdily impotent.The sec.erof fte Gemd sDccessttad Brandenburg Konmand@s, o.e li8ht mortaranda civilianlorry.The
beenspeedandunrclenting pressure, thus keepingfte Alliesconfused Ko'mddcs disguned as refu8ees. are well amed wift aubmatic
dd off balanceso they had no opportunny b ga$er forces for a weapons and Crnades. bul have no anti tankweapon.-The civilid
nedingful counterattack. Some minor counter-atacks,sDchd al lorry is to acconpdy ihe Komandoes into the town.The lighl mone
Ams ed Montcomet.had rakenplee but thesehad beenpoody co- is lkeady set up on fte edge of fte w@ds near the tosn. but .annot be
s@r by the French player until it fires.
ordinatedand lackedsufRcientlrcops for exploitatio..
The gaDe focuses on rhe French held town and vilal
coDmunicationscentre of Monfieme. Boft sides require the pav€ PLAYING THE GAME
roadstbroughthisDuchshelledlitdetownifthei.phns de io succeed.
A colunn ofunpne conrrolled retugees will edterthetown.but ara
tjme of rhe Gemm playeB choosingthe refugeetigureswill be
€phed wift sunableKommandofigures-Alrhough atl movementis
L*r ndd simuhdeons on this one occasionthe Gennanplayer may opt to move
les beloreor after tbe Frerch player It is essentiallhat visibility within the
66tr| townis sficdy linited so asto ensur€thatamouredvehiclesde at a
disadlanbge in Dy slreet fi-qhtin8wilh the infantry. Moving French
nnks mustalso suffe.a penalr!whenfiring al any tirnedDringfte
game.This is lo .etled rhefacrft asrheyhrveonly smallturcts one
mar h6 to aim. load and fire ihe gun on his own. Reinforcenentscan
Ar begin to amve fo. the Fanch from the beginningof Move Three and
for the Gemds fron the beginning of Move Fou. The sival of
Ul .einforcemenls will bedecidedby lhe drawingof cdds to simDlare the

lu) confusionof the F€nch High Commandand the scarenngof Germm

unitscaused by theirrapidadvance.
French Reintorcement Ca.G (To be shutrled)
L Blank.
2. Blank.
L Bldk.
.1.One nediDm mo.tar
5.Two platoonsof infantrywith a heavynachine3un.
6. Ore platoonof infantrywift a light nortd in atruck.
FRENCH COMMANDER'S BRIEFING ?. One platoonof ssauh infantryequipPedwith a thrower
inste.dof an anli tankil]e.
"You bave been lasked with the defence of Monlheme. I1 is 8. One25mmanli-tankgunwith apnne mover
absolutelyvital that you hold this town as the High Conmdd regdd 9. A troopof lhreeH35 lighl Dediun tmks.
its contitruedco.trol asvilal to the secureconnunicarions betweenthe Ge.DaD Reioforcenent Cards (To be shuffled)
Bnlish Expeditio.ary Force and our own First Amy. We accefl ftar L Blank.
the toops at your disposalde timited,but it is believedthat with 2. Blank.
sufficient deteminadon md esolve you shouldbe able to repuhe dy If Two platoonsof infanlryin tso half tacks anda heavynrachine-
enemyattacksmadeon your posilion. AllhoDgh the military position cun.
remainsfluid subslanlial rcinforcernents wiu be senl to you as they 4. one platoonof infantry rirh a l;ght mortar
becomeavrilable. Assuranceshavebeenreceivedfron the An Force 5. Oneplaroonofassaultinfanrryin a half L2ck.A flaDethrcweris to
ftar you will be given aU availableai. luppon. Infomation from replacethe infantry\ aDli-lank nfle-
laftEl'tg _ HiItoP,GEt Ryton
:- DllFAAtrf
Doroingto4shw'bu.ysY57Lw TABLETOPGAMES
$rynqibh,.!it (qLq6 dkDbtrr
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mid r{d4 udlt b d& kti! Napoleon\wxr (Fan phy Nap.)13.25
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MOVEI,IENT TRAY RANGE f9.95 MainlyMililary6 & l5mm
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6. Two PZ 38T lighrmediuntanks.

7. OnePZ Il lighl tank.
8. One moured car wirh a 20 m au1ocdnon.
9. One PZ IB ligbr rank(All weaponsinoperabtedue lo previousbarde

10. Oneslatrcar md a lorry containine

a film unir of the propagdda Saturday,I lth July,1998
I oamto 5pm,StAndrewsHall,
The Frcnchwill win a majo. victory if a1rheend of rhe
samemey nave The showin Norfolk ofmodel
dnventhe cemms from rhe town.The cednanswill win a major
viclory if they drive the FrenchdefendeNout of the ioqn by ihe end of soldien & Wargaming
fte game-Any o$e. resulris a draw


The Geman figures usedin ihis gaDe de easily oblainablefrom a Demonstsation Games
wrde rdge of figure nanufacrurer including F.A.A., Bntannia
MiniaiDresand Plar@D20. IFegulm Miniarurcsproduced exceueni
Bring& Buy
.angeof civilim figures,inctudingchil.tienand nDns.which caDbe Displaysbylhe BMSS,
used a refugees.The Kommmdoescan be representedby suitable FlarFigureSociety
partsan or resisrancefigures froD eirher Iregular Minialures.
F.eikorp! or S.H.Q The Frenchinfantry may be ob;,ned iiom F.A.A.
or Raven$orye Miniatures. The vehicles may be pu.chasedfrom a
range or supplies including Slytrcx, Esci, Fujumi, Machbox and 0t 603-898641 0136249t057 01362595 5
Airfi\ fte firm cFw serc purchLedfrom B.A B.N,tiniarures.
This scenariohasbeenplayedon sev€raloccasionsandeachrimehas Admission: Adults t 2.00 Children50p
produceda closeandhdd foughrgame.The rulesusedarefroD Barte,
Pradical Warqaningby Chttes cnnt. PrMr.d by Clubsftoh Norfolk& sutrollr

The Ead ofDenbigh

An Engllsh Civil War
Association Commander
Datid Moffison


Wargmers who like seventeenth centurymilitary history are spoill for
choic€ when it comesto heroic or coloD.tul leade6. Unfonunatelyin
the English Civil W&, the euly Parlimentary generalshav€ not
English Civil War Co,nna en always b€en appreciatedfor their true wonl. This anicle wil show
Paintedb! Dore Gallaghq tlrcuSh one example that it is posible to recreate some of the
difEcullies of.theseeely Pdliamentary generals,dd show one such
The generalin quesrionwd Basit Fielding, rhe Ed of Denbigh.This commandeB ar |he engagement.Denbigh
s Assciarion amy was
lesser krown coinmdder look over lhe chdge of the Midlands unableto resune the siegeor to cairy
our a redez-vous wirh ceneral
Assoc'ation sbonly afler fte dearh of t rd Brcoke at the siese of Waller's Army (just what Chdles
I had pe.haps inknded).
Lichlietd Denbighwas Fven inadequare potren nom a patia.-menrNevedhelessDenbighhad managedro hold otr a largerRoyalist
whicb perhapsdoubtedhis loyalry sincehis family werc Royalisrs.He dd rhe MidlandsAseiation wa nor lefr
had fought ash.d Fielding aeainstbis farherat Edgehi , bnt waslarer Denbigh\ other exploirs de atso worlhy of menrion.He captured
to becoDeEdl whenbis farherwas killed iD a anackby Royalistson RushallHall rn lareMay 16,t4.caFu'€d
O\we\q in Junetb44,
Birmingbd. Howevera fe more likety explanationfo. his lack of was involved h successtulskirmishes
at Montford Bridee and ourside
adeqqatepowes wm the Pdlimenis failDr€ ro undmrand the needs ShFwlburyon a Jul) 1644.rnd stomedand
capnFa imnonAetey
ot a seventeenthcentury commanderHe was also occasionallyfaced Housea few dayslater RushallHatl dd
Oswesirywerc bonbardedby
with insubordinateofficeB who could nor b€ punishedbeause of his Denbigh'sanillery which soonbrcughr
rhe defendersto negoriar€.
lack of powe6. There were also devious local parliamenrary At Rushall Hall the bonbardment
acredalmosr as a bluff aqainst
comsndeR in nerghbonring region\.and unnerptuttc,r counry whal wa sDoneposirion.which m'ehrhaveprcvencosdyro 6-rautr.
political comittees who Denbigh was supposedro cooperarewith. The fortificaiions total
size is given as 6,438 yards squde. It was
Apart frorn the MidlandsAssociarionbeing one of ih€ more neglected surcunded by a wall appmximately
fifteen ro eighte€nfeel high and
fomations in the Civil We, rhe @Nn for invesrigatitrgrhe actionsof tbur feet thick. The firsr day ofthe
siegehad beenspentin exchmging
Denbigh and his men was to try and draw up a wdgane which firc wilh the gmison while Denbigh
dd his officeB looked for a sire
retlectedthe problemsposd for a senio. oficer in rhe Enstish Civil for their battery when one
office. who was supedising the tench
War consFuctionsw6 injured, Denbigh spent mosr of the nighr in the
Despitehis dificuhies Denbigh gatheredtogethera force of some lrencheswith his men_He organizd exp€ditions
ro find prclisions, to
2,000 men dd cuied out a nDmberof successtutengagements. His consltuctprotecrivescr@ns,dd othersDchprepdanons.The next dan
A$ociation consisted oi in theory wNicklhire, Worcesre6hire. his scoutshedd of a Royaiisr
retief colunn apprcaching.A forlom
Shmpshirc,dd Statrordshire.Worcesreshi€ howeverwas Rovalisr. nope managed ro hold ihe
Royatisls long enough for rhe
while Shrcp\hiRandSmfford.hiresere dividedbeMeenborh:idel Pdlimeniarids
10 asemble_ With sufficient men naintainins fie
The areawd of stmr%ic significmce jn so fd ar ir wasa crosroads rn sie8e.Denbi8hu\edhis hone
unrrslo se off rheEtier colum. bnce
reachingother parts of the counlry. This needsto be bome in mind tne threat of relief had beenfoiled
the bonbddmenl comenced and
whenplaDninga mini campaign,sinceRoyalistforcesmay uf rc ooss the rcsult was a breachin the wall.
Similarly a church ndby, which
was stongly held by the enemy,wd bombdded. This causd lh€
steple to catchfire, andforced the ccupieF to flee. RushallHaI, like
TIPTON GREEN DDdleyCastle. was a Royalkt outposrusedto cairy out plmdenng
raids againstPadimentarian @d and convoys.Inside Rushal HaIt,
Denbigh\ mostfmous action was that of rhe battle of TiDton creen_ lhe victo6 found hng€
amountsof srolenlropeny,
ft {ill be dedlrwiLhfirr a il sas rhe mo{ imponanr.od tr besl At Oswestry Denbigh\ cdnon causedpdic within rhe rown dd n
rcponed of Denbigh\ aclions. The engagemenroccued when a generalretreatto the
castle_Denbighs menthenenteredrhetown. The
Royali$ rclief force sem by King Chdles encounteredDenbiEh\ next day an assaultwas
abourto srartwhenfte wives andsirlftiends of
lorcesputl'n8bac(fromlnesieeeotDudle)Ca\de DudteyCarte;a. Lhebe(iegedWeth geison
beggedro be ubtr ro sped ; rhei,toved
an imponantplacebeause it wasa Royalislbasefron which ro launch onesto urgeftem ro
surende. The result was that ihe garison ended
raids into nearby Padiamenrarian@as. Denbi-qh\ force wa! atmosr their resistance.
twhich wdgmer has a Dnir of mguishedwomen
caughtdue to his deteminarion not to leaveany ot his artillery pi@es ready 1o deploy? Perhaps
a leading nfufadure. of high quality
fi8urcs nieht jusl..?l The valueof the town.scapturewasrhatil wason
Howeveroncetiis lask had beenaccomptished,Denbigb.sproblems a @nv€tuentrcule
into Nodl Wales.
werefar from over His force retreated.rcachingTipton creen neaiby, Having capturcdOswestry,Denbighesrablisheda gdison lheredd
where it deployed.There were approximately2,000 pmliamenrarian then depaned.
but w.s almost immediately forced to send a retief
boops facing dound 4,000 Royalistsonce rhe castlea.rrison md the colum back
ro the place. This defearedthe besiegeBdd Denbight
relief colum iornedrores. Bo$ sidesDU\r havercat,sedLharif forces chased
ftem otr towads Skewsbury a few days larer At
Denbight force was oveNhelmed the paliamenrdy Midtm.ts Monford Bridge. which
wari a Royalisr held dEwbridge, Denbighs
Ascianon would be exposed.The Royalists began the battle by me. qDicuy forced
back the gudd of mund forty nusk€teeA dd a
launchinga two prongedssautt frcm rhe diBtion of rhe caJtle.One few horsemen-Denbigh
showedhis bnvery by beingparrof rheforlom
body of Royalistsatrackedalonga lme on one sideof the creen, while hope which took
the bridge. Chasing the Roynlisls fron fte
anotherbody of Royalish advmced againsta houseon ne opposE drawbridge,a
running skimish developeduplo the town of
side of rhe Cren. Tbe auack atong rhe lane ws dnven back, but rbe Shewsbury's defences.
Denbigh .ealisedftar althougbhe had
fighting round the house proved more difficulr for Denbight litrle suQrised the Royalisls,
a siege eas impmcticablewirh such a srnall
lorce.Fventuall)de) "er \ucce\tulevenhere.ed Denbieh\ rrooDs force md h€ wilhdre{
q ereablero trirbdnw satety.Tlee de d 6nge otorigrnata;counb Over the next three days h€ pr@@dedro
on Cholmond€leyHoDs€. -
rh€ battle of Tipton Greenreflecting its scaleand ihportdce. rn his At Cbolnondeley an initial bornbedmenrhad little eflecr. DesDire
oilicial repon to the Cominee of Both KingdoDs Denbighstatedrhat rh's |he erl Rrol\ed ro
analc krosing rle ptacehad a t&ee m;ar.
he was oubuDbered.when rhe engagemenr halpenedon ll June defensiveworks, dd ws fonined. A Cheshire continsent ar tnr
! 644.An o.dinary soldier.Luke Lloyd, wbo seNedwilh Denbiahar Oe Ftusedro anack
bur$e,e luculy p.,suadedafio plea frcm DenbiSh
brttle srared!h Lhe pdtimenranans were anackeOin rne rca and another
senio. officer
(perhapshe neans fron fte direcrionof Dudteycastle)and it wa. only
aner somehardfiBhringthar the eneDy w:rhdrcw.
So how had Denbighbeenalnost caughrby surprise?On 1I June
ar day breal D€nbigh\ scoutswerercponing rhe imminent mival of Denbighs "my" at Tipton creer d noted edi€r was only
Oe Royalisrs.Denbighwert io investigateand found that the enemy z,Un Den slrong.ed may haveb@nless.It comprisd all his retiabte
ho^e were lwo . les awd) The pdtiamenrrian. had {mDt\ n; and experiencedunifJ. Each of the foot reginenrs musr have been
reahsed how clo\e rheRovaltr rlrr lorcewa Denbighsupe;ised severelyunder srength. Denbight own fool regiment wa only lrcO
fte hastyretreatfrcm the siege,exhorringhis mens rheywent. strcng, and thal of the Staffordshirefoot onty 250_Sir ThomN and Sir
Lord Wilnot and fte Edl of Cteveldd we.e rwo of the Rovalist Wiiliam Middleront foot regimentwN dound 400 sFons.The hose
rcBimenlsequally varied fiom 4{)0 for Denbigbs hors reginient, to Sn John Gell, Pdtimertarl leader of forces in Dedyshire, de
only 200 for Sn ThomasMiddleton's horseregimentmd 150 for the allegedlyplouing to usurpyou powe6 in Slaffordshire,in leagDewith
Sratro.dshirehoBe. Therc wa aho a selecuon of arliUery pieces, Iocal councillors.Slop all ot€mtions againsllhe Royalistsnnd nate a
which mustbavebeenwell handledif the accoDncof the severalsieges friendly visit to Starord wift a large body of amed nen to remind

6) L@al politicians and Pdliment fail to organ'ze your tnen\ pay-

WARGAMING DENBIGH'S EXPLOITS w6te a tum appealingin vain and lose l0% of your men through

A straightrefight ol Tipton Gretr and lhe olh€r engagementswould ?) A contingentfrom Cheshirc500 sEongotren lo join you for any
sem fairly sinple. What appearedto be moredifficult wa to simulate operationsin Shropshirc.
beingthe commanderTo slan with it wasimponmt to try md build up 8) Pay agan fails to mare.ialize. Lose 10% of your men throngh
a roughpicture of the kind of manDenbighwN. Like P.ince Ruperthe
wasa leaderoften in rhe thick of the action due b the facr thar warfde 9) Become involved iD pnsone. exchm8e tegoliations. Swop ibur
wasstill on a smallscal€.He wa! a youngmd. who wd intelligent seniorofficerswho yon havecaptured.Add +2 bonusto all ldns
enoughto havebeengiven diplonadc postsin llaly in the prc wd era,
od hadhadsomelimited exp€rienceofContinen€l mililary operalions l0) The Ead of Essexagainasksfor a supply convoy to be senron a
whenal BoislP Duc andta R@helle. ddgercus mission to help Cloucesre.,Your most insubordinate
The diffictrhy wa 1ousethis informalion without losing sight of the waNickshireoficer volunteeB.1,2,3on six-sided dice= he succeeds,
wargameand becominghamperedby mases of papeMo*. Denbighs and is promotedto a post outsideof your region.4,5,6on D6 = he
qualitiesgavehim $e iolloeingtabletopabilities- succeeds.bur mdages ro ager the local populaceby .equisnions.You
If a unir falle6 or efuses a command,Denbigh may speDdd tufr dJenol allowedro €cruit ary DoG trcops lbr two tums.
exhoning it. If he thrcws a 4. 5, or 6 on a D 6 ften the unit can nuy The exactsizeof the Royalistopposiionis a prcblem,as is th€ir
dd retum to the f€y next tuo. commdd struclue i. the re8ion. As ld d I m aw@ ftere was no
+2 bonusfor a unit\ moralewhich DenbighpeEonallyleadsir into olerall Royalist commanderof the region ar ftis snge of tbe wd, but
this shouldnl stop the umpirc/Royali$ player allowing cooperation
- | penalryon a units moraleif a subordi.aleofficer is killed, capured. bet*eed coundes.The other prcblen is trying to gues how ld8e the
Royalistunnsin fte regionwere.Only smalldetachmenE shouldhold
By comiting himself 1othe lhick of the fighting Denbigh should manor housesdd casrles,posibly with a cavalryde(achment to
io longer be able to chmge the ordes of units not under his personal faciliraleniding. I would Bues that bod sideswere fairly evenly
contol. Aboveallir is vital to cajoleareluclanlplayerto beascckless balancedin lhe region (5,0i10dmed men per side?), although the
as Denbigh. by making his uni6' mo6le beSinto delerioralesleadily Royalisiscouldalsorcly on a flow of Wehhrecruitsreach'ngrhem.
(i.e. 'l momle penaltyevery third um) as a punishmentfo. prolon8ed The Royalisls should in the beginning at leasl be holding
defensive tactics or for the failure of Denbigh lo peBonally 8et worcesteBhir€, and in Shropshneftey hold oswestry sbrewsbury
irvolved in the fighting. This may seemharshbut this snall field amy Montford Bridge. and Cholmondeley HoDs, dd in Slatrordshie
had 1omake up tbioDghotrensivespinl and judicious use of aniuery RushallHall md Dudley Cas e- The Parliamentdids shouldhold all
whal it lackedin nDmbe6. of WNickshire. In Staffordshirethe Pdliamentdids hold Stafford,
Denbigh3 tdk of fighting the Royalistsw6 constan y aJieled by Lichfield and probablyWalsall.ln Shropshneftey hold Wem.Denbigh
the vdious peopleand organiations nendoned in the introdDction.If will needro providegadson troopsonly for placesbe captures, all
one choseto try a campaignBane using any stdddd cmpaign rules, o$er sneswillbe theresponsibility offte localco'minees.Hopefully
one could lhen add on the extras to make it relevdt lo Denbighs this shouldmakea laling somedecisions
circumstdces.Thus at the beginningof everyiounh gme tum. n oDt of Denbigh\ bandsand creal'ngextia thingslo worry about.
would be necesary to give the Denbigh player a prcblem to cont.d Besides all fiis Denbighcd be madelo payout of his weeklyincome
with, bnsedon real event!. The exacl everl chosenshould be at the for a politicalagentin Londonlo presshiscasefor cash,pick !p gossip
di$retion of dn unpne who aho takesconlrol of all Royalist forc€s. about prcmotion prospeca. dd defend his comer since Denbigh\
backgrounddd moderarePrcleslant views would not haveendeded
POSSIBLE EVENTS hin to fte moreradicalpoliticians-

l) Ordersfrcm the Eal of Essexto diveft pan of yoDrforce 1ohelp get SOURCES
food convoysto Gloucester,eventhoughit is not in yow Asoiation I
Allow fifty cavalryand severalwagonsfor the missio!. Roll a D6 The main book on Denbieh is unforlunalely old. bur is nevenhe'ess
1,2= theyde Sonefor two tumsbutsuccessful. very helpfnl: Cecilia Countes of Denbigh, Rotalist Fathet and
3,4 = they m successful,bur forced detour to nvoid Royalistsmeds RoundheadSon B.ine E Metuons oJ the First & Se.ond Ea s oJ
they de gonefor the tums. Denbigh l 600 1675, Iandon,lgl5.
5,6 = tbe convoyis interc€ptedand destroyed. J.W Wilfis Bund,7r? Civf/ wat i' worce:te^hne16421646and
2) You receiveple6 for help lion local comittees in Northampton theScotchInvsion of 165t.(1905),BiminghamandLondon.Therest
and lricesE. You set off at once wilh two additional rcgimentsfrom of rhe infomation can be found in prinled documents:
waNickshire. Theserefuseto sede ou8ide the county boundaryand
retum home,You nu$ abddon rheop€ration.Startnext tum with your Historical ManuscriptsCon ',$idt .lt Aepoi, Part I, Report &
entire force on the eartemboundaryof fte As@iation. Appendix,(1874),Londoi.pp.262'276.
3) word eives thar Tmworth mighr be besieged.Divert your :my to ManuscriptsContnission; Motusctipts oI brd Keryd:
mdch to Tamwo.ti. Neit uh rcll a D6. ff you roll I 3 you receive l4th ReportAppendi.Pan IV London1894,(lelterno.l97. 13 June
turther intelligenceDd you neednor mdch dy fnrther If you rcll 4 16,14).
-6 mdch all the way thereonly lo find that tbe Royalislswe@mercly The CalendaroJStaE Pape\ Drr?rri. senesof the re'gn or King
pasing throughyour region in a westerly diection. CharlesI l6?14(ed.)Willian-DoDglaHmiltoG London1888.
4) If you haverecentlymanagedto raiseany War*ickshire unils they The Cdl.hdat oJStatePapersDonesric - seriesof the reign of King
will .efuse lo sede, &d instead ody follow lheir lcal political CharlesI 1644'1645. (ed.)William DouglasHamiltonLondon1890
nt nto'nason l'ncts - orlq\nal newsreportsetc of the tne.
5) SA WIiaD Brerebn.Parliament.ry
conmdder in Cheshire,and
.KILLER KAIANAS" Standdds of the Communa".l, on" t * a .tt ". t a,rOv."t of

SAMTIRAI WARFARE RT]LES The,urho6 homewortin mrn) esprK. especialtv

rn me f.lon M clan srncrurcsdd my composir,on. I panicutrty
b! lik€ the way that $e cld pove6 e brcken dou! into key Deriodsin
Brian Bradford and Robert Flaie. lhe Sengoku JidarpenodotJapee\e hhtory naDety t566ed t582.
od there tre enouShclan slf,rcrurestherc to keD the mosr Dickv
Daimyohapp\ | sa e.peciaJly plea\edro frnO"t-* .u"t ^ O. t"to,i
Fven a high prcfile, for if theyde relativelyunknoM in the west,they
wee one ol rhe grar clds ot Japan.Hercone sr find a tir ot a
Perbapsone of the mosr dificuh aMs of rule writinE is rhat fo. couple
of hundftd Sammi wdlo.dr and their respectiveclan leade6,
SamDmi{ande. e,peciallyma\ed acuon seLs.It F ;Euqhr wig
dehil fo. fans of this period. Famousbanlesare aho
pirfalh lor rheunwary- nor $e tra\r be,ngrhenumberof:e(pens
deall with qDite etrectively dd inctude such cldsics as the 4th
who seemto sprcut our of nowherewhen a new set aoDedson the
Kanawalajima156l, Anegawa15?0.Mikata,ga-h&a 1572,Naaa.hino
scene.A\ a co-durhor or a rr ot Sdmurai\trmish rut;\ md severat 1575&d ot cou,5e.rheddddy
of Lhematt.Sek,ganM.to0O.TheOB.
articlesandbookletson rhinSsSamuraiI w$ approachedby rhe ednor in this
sectionareaeainespeiatlyusefutdd shouldsllow fo. same6
of this illusbious tometo pen a tlw rhoughtson this otreringfrcm the ro
rratly ra,lor male rhetrown dmie. wrlh con\iderabtvac;uncv.
Tlere is d morcthm u\etut\ecrronon Samunibanlefomr;ons, som;
Appeamncesfinr. which tel\ face it cd be very deceptive.Kilk. 22 in all. that should male for some very prtry alignhents ac.o$
rabrdr is reasonablyproduced ro ,{4 forma! wnh a fuil colour various
rablesfor soDetime ro come.The authon havealso offered up
picturc on rhe cove. taken frcm the fmous Rikishi series of
a \mall coloursecLion on rhe Noboriflagsot.ome J8 ct&\. bur I m
publicationsftom Japanrhar shows rbe Takeda launcnrngan aoacj(
atiaid rhey'vecomeunstuckhe.e and reader de advised!o check rhe
againstthe UesuSiat the 4th KanawalajiDa. one of severnl sceneios flags
c@fully beforecommiring paint ro figures.
alludedto in lbe rules theDselves.They run to some74 Dagesin roral
Apart frcm ftis litde distraction I mu$ admir that I found ftlt,/
dd e bL([ od whire r usrEredlhrcuEhourwnh ;he dtmosr rararar a
nost inlriguing ser of rules. The anthorsnav€gone a rons
obligatory woodcul! of old Japs, apanftom on€ smallcotour secdon way prod
b uc'nea ptayabte \er or masedacrion.r., r., jn -.-a
on clan flags Ge below)_Alrhouebrberulesseemto havebeendound while
tbereis sritla little way b go yerbefoE we se a @ry sre ser
in the US iom as eely a! 1995 they de only now making an ofrules
to, rhi. periodhir rherableroprrrrsn c gooda, I ri ;en in a
appeuanceover here.If one is expectinSsomekind of a mission long
lime. li. SmuH bloodandgub rt ro i. yourpankutd cDpof
slabmenriiom the authoB by way of a premble in rheir inrroducnon
Saki pire Ki er Kata@s^ t!. Reodmended
section,forget it - it's straighl down to busines for theseboys and no
mrstake. The nles de geeed for l5mm scaleaction,thoDqhwith a
mrn'munor lus. rheycanbe fadit) ilrefJ tor rhe.)5mmDiaver. &d
dll LhemeAuremenr\ are rn a\ behrsa romer coton; of rhe
Briri.h Emp,r rhar nevercon\enedro rhe dec,mat,,\rem like her
fomer SovemingcounFy._.OK, so Califomiawas neveroan or rhc
Thc Societyof
Empir. burir \houtdhavebeenr
AU rrheusualstutrisdealrwith here,sDcha bding, time scalesdd
battle scales too so I won't dwe[ Howeve., wnctr n comes b
movementthe au$oa hav€gonefor a mo.e unusuatapproachjn thar a
eamerum con\irrsot to acLjon cads. 8 pe, nde rnad;npof 4 intdtn
and4 \ dvalr)\dds. lr ^ lhe.ard, rhar, ow rheamy,o acr(or nou a,
their orden dictateand all actionmusl be comDtered
cdd is drawn. Altough $js syeen may apped to be d linle
beforeanother All enquiresto the membership
cDmberome i1actuallyworks.easonably welt.Therctueaho rheusual secretary:
moveinent penalties rbat shoDldnl caDle r@ hany uDsetsfor rhe
novi.eor .etuonedBmer. bur.gdrn rheaurhoAhdver rrrt uDlbe,r RichardJeffery-Cook
collecd\e.leeve."hen ir rhefiringphae or thearl,on. at
In rhisruieserlhe unirsinvolvedin dy finngacdongetto fire twice 'Maba/,
maeine the hav(E your shot sDpenorboops
woDldcauseif lheycoulddo rhatunderDBM or DBR?Ir doesn,rbear BlackheathLane,
rhinking abourl But once aSainrhe action works welt and rbe authors
hM fD(her added to rhe Smurai feet of rhe 8me by adding such Wonerch,
elements andadjustmenrs d .bDlerEstedamour fac1o6.a veN nice GuildfordGU5opN
rouch.ft \hoJldbe noted$ar rheaurho^havehken gEarpani ro add
Dorne\prd,rory noresad erample.ot rhe rute\ h ar,on .r almosL
every stage- somelhingI heartily app.oveof and havedonenyself in The So<iety! GamesDayis at:
my owDserof sKmish rules fot Smna| The Roo.!to Osaka-
Meleeis nol jusr for rhe ld8€r Dnnsof yoDramy. bnr aho a dme for ConwayHall
tnat action so beloved by rhe Smurai thensehes, rhe individuaj RedLionSquare
.ombarchallenge. Alrhoueh.rncrt) spedkine LhF\ery ruretyhappened
aiier rheOnrnW6 ol rhetaret5th cenluryit \,t|ttr nrcechepe trom London
the usualFu'opeanryte rlug ir our' conrsa oi lJ)eRena,sance
penod.As onewouldexpecrwith Samuraiarmiesof thispenodrhere
is grealstoresetby leadeBhipqualitiesand skith andthe rulesgo to 19 September
somelengthro setoDrcletuly fte pdmeters underwhich you. Daimvo
cdn opemrewlen (oupledwirh $e rules"dd oD oflro;at eteme;rs
such as Seppuku.Fa.adc Monks and InspimtionatIcors
facior in the British having ihe opportunity lo be successful.Which
Readers L€tters bnngs me to my lasl poinr I can recall, from my fomal
SPANIARDS, TIIE WORKS arrangenenifor Spanishtmps to be rained by the Bntish andfte only
infomal cdes I can think of were where Spanish sotdien joined
Having recentlyreadPaul Kitchels pieceon "New Lisls fd Slako'. I British rcgiments(e.9. the Riflet and. in the caseof wbittingtrm\
would like io oake oneor two observadonsregdding the Spanishalmy force fron Marlorca (a comnd thich Whittinghan receivedfrore
in the Wd of Independerce(Peni.sularwar). Theseob*nations in no due lo his Carholic conviclionsthan his nilnary prowes), where that
way reflecr on rhe Sra&o rules system,wirh which I admit lo beinS officer might well have Siven his Spaninrd! the benefit of more
unfamiliar:they deal, instead,with the perceptionsNapoleonic substdtial training.As a resDltof this. I can only seethe imprcvenent
wd8meB Fem to haveof the Spdish lmies af the penod. in Speish effectivenes resuldng from their own efforts mlher thm
Spair's :my had been sorcly neglecredby its country\ rulels in rhok of rheBritish. Eventhe appoinhent in I 8 12of wellineron b lhe
rems of training, pay and o.ganisation-Mduel Godoy had made overall conmad of the Spanish amy ws so bedev'lled by d
artempis ro addressthese neglects,bul had been frustrated by the understandable unwillingnessby the local jnntd to co openle. that he
resistdce of lhe establishedseniormihary hiermhy and King Carlos .ame.lo$ ro re\igninethepo\r oi rve€l cca.ion\.
ry- Spainwas also much riven bt lhe pdochi.l interestsof its vanous If Paul has somercfercncesro subs€nliarethe cont€ntionthat ihe
pmvincesbeing placedabovethoseof the nation ilself. Consequen$y. Spanishrecejvedlraining fron the British. I would Iike to leam of
when tle Spannh people evolted againsl the imposition of a Frcnch them. since I am researchingfor a book on the SpanishAmy 180?_
Dondch on $e royal throne. their .mies were ill-prepared lbr cG 1814md suchinfomadonwoDldbe invaluable.
ordinated and effective action. However, the establishedregiments.
althougbundeHFengthandpoody oficered, managedto heedlhe c.rl Mike Olive.
ro rcsist the invade. Bailen was a notable success(Reding prcved
himself to be more thm a fit commander), considering French
experiencesehewhereon the continentand Blate\ amy ai Medinade PS. Eady - period Speish Mililia (Provicial) are generallyconsidered
Riosecoheld Bessiire\ men at bay and may have had fte beatingof equivalenlto line uni$ for rraining,equipmentelc.
them were it not for the Frenchlight cavalry find'trg ad DnsDspsiedly
e6y pathup the $opesof theTeso. de Monclin onto their flmk. In the
samebatle. a conbined erenadierunit of the Spanish4th Division took BETTER SWEDESFOR SHAKO
a battery of Old Gudd anillery dudng an uphill atack and were only
defeat€dwhen guardcavalry,which lhey had nol the nunbers of their I m e avid readerof your maguine, my two favouritepenodsbeing
own ho6e to resist.chaJg€dften disordercdranks- Ancients(DBA) and Napoleonic{Sha}o). It was with greatinteresrand
Theseand manyotherevena the wd e.8. Jos€Ays stand enjoymentthat I rcad Paul Kitcher's anicle on new Shakoarmy lisrs
ar Albuerain 1811 showtha! whenproperlyhddled, tbe Spanish and I wa! looking fo ard to readinethe secondinslahenr.
infdLfma was a matchfor any Europeansoldier in reltr of bravery wtat a shock n was 1oreadhis ideasaboDtrhe oryanisationof lhe
and steadfaltnes. Even at their defeats. they generally acquitted Swedishamy. He gale no sources, but I can only p€sumethat lhey
themsehesaell. These defeatswere more often the resDh of wereEnglish(I m suretheyserenl Swedish). Inaginewhatmanicle
inadequabgeneralship,jack of prope. weaponrydd the Endency of written aboutThe Engli.h Civil wu would look like, if ihe auftor only
localjDntd 1ocreate.ew regiDentsafter eachbaltle dd fill themwith usedSwedishsonrces!While thereare no really goodbooksin English
Foops from dy source new r€cruil!. deseners,etc. rather than coveringthe Sw€dishamy of the NapoleonicWm therehaveben a
atempring to maintain some rcgiDenlal inlegnry wirh aU the moral numberofnniclespublishedin wdgamesmagazines, nor ody myself
benefilsthis would havebrcught. They were also freqDendylet down burnolabl)b) AdrianSchmidrod whnne\ BYoung.
by fteir mounled:m who. Dnableto oblain decentnounN in sufflcienr
numbers,usually fought in nothing morc than squadronstrengo and TIIE INDELIA SYSTEM
werealDosr alwaysheavily outnumbeed-Time and again.only part of h 1680the fame6 of eachprovincepromisedpdliamenl to providea
a Spanishi.fantry regirnenl was properly :med, and unifoms were t20Ome strcngprcvincialregifrentdd thusavoidconscription. h
frequently a mixture of peddt clothing and appropriabd enemy was a sysem rhatlased untl lhe endofthe l9th century,dd wasa
equipment' not conduciveto the maintenanceof high frorale. way for Swedento makebestDseof ils limited manpowe.The indelta
Whih I have no paiticlld quml wirb Paul\ asessmenl of tbe systeDwasaho usedin a slighllymodifiedfom ro providePrclitcial
Spanishin lems of designinga system10incorporatehislorical Esults
in1oa rulessysten,Iwouldpointoutthat,if we insisron legislaling for In limes of peacefte soldiea workedthe landandEaiied for 28 days
a particularresul! ften muchof the enjoyDentof our hobbl is lost. My eachyed. Howeverin times of w&, and durine $e Napoleonicperiod
oM approachwould be to have a systeD ofcomnand abilily ratings Swedenwas more often at war than not, ihese troops served
which rcflecled the Spdish genenh shortcomings.(lndeed.they did conlinuously and were d well trained as fte regulm. Indelta lroops
nor have a monopoly on bad ge.eEhhip and n systemof battlefield could €venbe pari of the King\ Household,as werc the four battalion
ndoeuvre timings (CeorgeNafziger\ works provide excellent dala strcng Life Grenadier RegiDenl who w.erenicknmed the dstgota
for ihit would nea. that rhew{gane. con[olling a Spanishforce hs Genadiea aier ften prcvinc€of ongin (Oslgdlalod).
to conted with the l&k of competence &d trainingwhich suchn
Where I do part companywilh PaDlis his unbecominguse of fte The Gudd Cavalry consistedof rhreeunits: lhe Royal Mounted Life
lemaculd to descnbean :my which. I suspect.doesnot appealto his GDdd, the Life Regiment Bngade\ Hussd Cor?s and the Life
own wargamingprcferences.I also depanftom his view that the early Regimenl Brigade\ Cuifttlsier Corps. The Life Guard was a light
periodof Spanishinvolvementin the NapoleonicWds showedthemas cavajryre8imentwilh a maxinnm sten8th of 450 men.Betweenl80l
'dreadtul whilst. in the middle period they were merely "bad . Their dd 1806two of its six squadronswere equippeds mounledja8e6.
mid w{ efforts, it is true, were nor uniforn'ly succesful in openbattle The HDsd dd CunassierCorps werc each500 men (4 squadrons)
- which Empeu amy of that period could claim their own etrorls
werel - but they were etrectivein tyin8 down and weakeningFrench
forces.The eeliest Spanisbanjes, howeveawere fe more likely to TIIE GRENADIEI'S
achievesucces than their later counterpansmd lhe SueEilla forces, Swedishinfdtry did not have grenadieGintegral to each compmy-
which fomed the moresuccessfiilmies ofthe final phase.werea key Insteadthereweretwo unirs,fte Life GrenadierRegimenrand the Life
ReeimentBrigade\ GrenadierCorps. Togetherwith the cuard these proportioMl dice, using odds simil&ly ro rhose oflen
employed in
Grenadie6were consideredthe Householdtrcops.
Bill L€son firsl tuslat€d this seminalwargde book inro Engtish
TEE CAVALRY in 1983,$ I aD surprisedthat Mr Tdner appq6 nor to be famitiar
Some cavalry rceinents had eshblishmentsof l00O men, organised with it. Having enjoyednany Kriegsspielswith Bill md
orh€. f.iends,
inlo eight squadions.Theseeere ofren,but nor alwaysdivided into two I recomend it wholehearEdlyto your readeBN
eminently sdrabte
batlialions-The Momer Husar regimentfielded sqen squadronsfor the fo. rcdeational wargaming the tacticat ruls
could even, if otre
l813 cmpaiSnwith under500 men_ wished,be used1oconEol m op€n,faceto facegame dd the only set
of Napoleonic/earlyninetenrh centurywaigamerulesto b€ wriflen by
TIIE ARTILLERY an officer who \melt powdei I
The Anillery was forned irto four regimenrsin 1794 (Svea, cdta, Should my readeBwirh to lem nore about the Kriegspiet, or to
wendesad Finska).In 1806theseconsisted of 13, 16,9 (inctuding2 purch6e $e secondedition of the rules. rhey should contacl Bill
ho6e) Dd ll companiesrespecrivetl Wirh the toss of Fi, and to L€esonat 5 Saint Agnells
tine Courges. Hemet Hempstead,Herts..
Rusia, the Finnish (Finska) rcgifrent was disbmded, three of its HPz 7TII.
conpdies being moved to Wendes.After 1807 fterc ws only one
hors anillery compdy. This companydistingDishedirslf in the banle Whilst Miling, I must confess my iEiration ar Dave Brown\
of Dennewitzitr I 8 13and the Crown P.ince orderedthe fomation of a comm€nt(t4tters,
saDe issue), that ..beauritulremin using glonous
seond baneryin iime to seeserice at t€ipzig_ 25rnn figures" is rhe "true wa€mes sryte".I haveno wish to b€come
In addition to providing field drillery these regimenls were involved in th€ 'Gme of Wd'
debare,bnt should like to statethar, in
r€sponsiblefo. prcviding gdisoD anilleryr for examplehatf of the ny opinion, the great
merir of th€ hobby of walgamingis p.eisly thar
Gijla Regimenfs compeies came frcm lhe corhenburg cdison lhere s no one type of Bmq btrt mmy diffftnt styles, a! rheconrent
Regin€nt (Stedingska). of that very issueshows eachof wbich h6 irJ individual advanrags
od app€alfor its play€rs.No relevisionprogranme could a8emptto
I believerhat Paul n@dsto look at the followinS to imprcve his army
The allocationof artillery, especiattyborseanillery is fd too high.
Pauh rntio of 3:2 for f@i to horseartiltery is also completelyfatse.
TIF ho\incial egimenrs\houtdbe rHred 6 Line.
The Gu&d infartry shouldbe trcatedas cudd, the ofter Household
int?Dt y rcgimentsand Vflade rc8imenl5shouldbe rreatedas elire.
Regimenr.hdtily conscriptedin l8t3 such a the pomeranid
tandwehr dd ftose fodned from Frenchdd cennan pOWsshoutdbe I read with interest the letters fron Mese6 Brown od Hood_
publishedin rheApril issue,
Nothing in its perfomance suggeststh fte Swedishlmy was a Despire being on fie wrcng side of fony, I am a begimer to
fiexible $ the Frenchwas. I would sugge$havinEir as Lincd before seSming. having beenplaying .egulely for julr ove. a yeu, wrm a
1810andFlexibleafte. i8l0_ h shoutdneverbe cldsed d usin8fte fiiend *ho encoumgedne to nan rhe hobby seriousty'The followinS
comenis re ftom this viewpoini.
I agreewirh Mr Hood very mrch, I find it very h&d to obtain the
Keith Ba*er practic.l infomarion I cmnrly need abour such thinSs ar painring
techniqnesand tablelopractics.I curently rcquire morc ofthe..rhis is
how you get staited and develop" rype of anicte_cenemtisationsde
always huffdoDs, bur rhe renor of the wargamingpresssems ro be
lhat of the infomed priting lo rheatreadyinfomed. Comp@ this with
NOT QUTTE SO FREE KRIEGSSPIEL lhe model railway which is tult of.\how-you bow,' artictesdd
much morc welcoming ro the b€ginne. Might the l.ige nunbe. of
May I respectfullycoftct PeterTdner upon a point of sargaming model nilvay
maguines be a reflection of this? One title fearrcs a
of the Momh". I get very frusFatedby rhepterhomof mtictes
ln his descnpdonof wargamedies in his recenrarticte (WI settinSoDt
a weSme scen&iomd rhen,frequenrly.not only faiting to
lqq8.pp 10-Jr.underdle headin8f,er Kriee\piel(.ic). hertale\: give sone desciprion of how rhe gme developed,bur also no
'The original
wdgme had no rules. Mititary men would took at a indicalionof an apprcp.iaterule set
to use.(Redembe.,t.m a begimer,
siruationdd decidewhar would happ€nbded on rheir exDe.ience.A I wmt io know
this sort of thin8.)
chd(e elemenrmayor mdynorhaveb€enInnoduced: Mr Brown makes valid points about .cmes workshop, ctedty
Whilstthis is a rcdonablesummaryof.Free KJiegspiet.,ftar was providing whlt
its cDslofre6 wdt. I've pdsed lwo of then shops,
Dot the original wugme Anteitune zur DarszltanE hihanische which l@k clean and iNiring. wirh all their wes welt dilptayed.
Manoyet tnn den Appant des Kriegspiek (Instnctions for rhe There is cldly
a to! of money being made a borh shops were in
Representationof Milirdy Manoeuvreswith the Kriegsspiel expensiveshopping precincrs.
If hisrorical mdufacturen. and
Appmtut, by ceorg von Reisswirz, lsr Lieurenmt in fte prussian wargameB in general.
could mdket rheNlves as well rhen rhe
Artillery, fisr published in Berlin in 1824. actually comprised a ''greying ofthe
hobbywould stop.(WettdoneIain Dickie for t ling ro
detailed set of flles for rereating engagementsbetween pdssian developstarterpacks
to encoumSemore youngsteB.)
Brigades(lhe eqnivalentof divisionsin rhe British Amv of rhe Th€ way we, as wdgme6, prcsent ourstves is ilnportut. Thk
Nopoleonrcwd penod,. Ahhoughlhe Knegspiet wa. a cro.eO, brings me, almost
inevitabl, ro Mr Siggins. I m aU for vigorous
umpire-conrolled game systein,lhe rulebook deatt wirh rhEe of Mr debaE and strongly
held opinions bDt some the conrDenrsin his
Tmels 4 M\" , Movement. MissileryandMelee, in a mdner that colum have been dowtuighr otrensive as. sadlx were
some of the
would be recognizableto mosr modem hobby wargameB_Since tbe rcplies fron
readeB-( My elevenyear old Sodsonis bettermannered
system qa! intendedro providep.acticein mdoeuvering only prussian thd that.) If this is an exmple
of the way we behaveis it surp.isingif
units. Morale in the senseof NationalCbafrcteristics,- was iSnored, we me not getting youngsters
and lhe morale effects facrored into the resolution of combat bv Finally, a nole of supponfor the Editor rr is appaltingthat you de
opptrenily o*ed so much in unpaid adv€nisidgbills. Why don't you add tddboard cladding for the limber effecl. Somelhingv€ry simild,
ger heavywi$ someof the culprit!'If you' ad\eniing spaceb so I recall, was suggesled$me yeds ago in lhis maSuine in connection
cntical to 6en ca$ flow, they will soonpay up ifyou stop acceptin8 wilh a SevenYed Wd village madeby the Scimil&' psple- The
thei copy. Albmatively you could always go for th€ embamsment melhodalso haslhe virtue of being cheap.Nsuming yon cd lay your
factor md nme them. handson somesc6p wood.cdd elc., md I ve also fourd the judicious
hodding of junl, plastic bits dd packaeingsimildly Dseful when
m.king my SF bDildings. Anyway.the poinl is th n is good(o see
positive.helpfDl how I did if'anicles,whetherdirecEd towardsrules.
painting or scenic 'tems rather thln squabblesabout each other's
peBonalapproachesto w{ganing.
Whichtalesmeto anotherpoinl.Occasionally onererdsdispdging
SMALL IS BEAUTIII]L commentsaboutskirmish 8ameswith the suggesiionthat thesedo not
€presenl"real wargming", which is all aboutma$ed mies on huge
May I be allowed1oImble a lide abouthariers which haveben aircd tables.Whal wdSaming is adually .bout is a fom of entenainment
in lhesepaSesin reent nonfts? andonlythemostlem:nallypompous couldpresenl it onlyasa serioDs
Fi6dX tne questionof beginners".I doubt any potentialnewcomer historicaj €sedch 1@1.(Althongh the inleresl in things hislorical
woDldactunlly be put of taking up rhis hobby and despairal the siShr hopefullygeneded by the ganing aspectis welcone).I for one am
of imprcssivedeDonstotion edes or figues painted to the higbesl hnppyto go forlhe lightei sideof depictingdeathandd€structiona.d
professionalstanddds.Wargming is very much a visDalexpenence. one should sk oneselfwhy these lightweight Samesseemto enjoy
This is undeFtoodvery well by the produceu of Mrte Dway'where suchpopulariry.Partly I lhink il is a matterof the individual budgetand
gloss and style bave almost eclipsedcortent, md while nor a alsoorthe time available tor painlingandmodelling. Thereis no point
''wortshot fm myself I canapp@cialethe skills which havegoneinlo setdngyonrselfOe brger of producingan enodous 25frrn Napoleonic
the paintng md modelling of the figu@sand especially the lemin. .my if yo! lnow ir will talkeyou Nenty yearsto finish.Unrealistic
Despib fte high standadsconsist€ntlyshown,it d@snoi, it s@ms.ptrl tdgelscd kill off enjoyfre lt js also,I thinl, becnuse thesegames,
off thei. leeionsof custoDe6 frcm supportirg an endlesslyexpDding whetherthey relate to Old wett. Pirates.Sanurai. Chicagogangsters.
chain of retail outlets.So plqse, don t sti.t on the prctty piclures!The sciencefiction o. whltever.hale much nore potentialfor fun and
qudliry of thephotosis oneof the Easonsfor buying this magdine, dd enjoynenr watching a more tmdirional wargamein proeresscan, I D
Oey provideplentyof inspAationfor lessambitiousprcjecrsfor tberest dnaid. sohetifres be 6 interestingaswarchingpaint dry. I sensefron
the contentsof this mageinea keeninterestin gaDeswhich involve
Howeve.,an @casionalnod in the direction of tnose who cenot relatively few figurcs - I m lhinking of the PPDS series,the Retreat
producegigotic 25lm mies setoul on billidd tablesis appreciated. from Moscow skimish. a.d various occasional"Wild West articles.
It is a lonS time since I aueinpledm imy in 25|m. althoughI like Of cou6e the few figueJ which the writer of the scendio may have
painting figms in this scalennd haveplenty of skimish collections. Day well not be fte srme few fiBUEs yotr have,but mdy skimish
The useof6mm nguresis not mentioned all thatoflen.eventhough snurrionswill trandareeasilylo accommodate lour own favoured
ideally suiEd to the wdeamer short of lime, moneyard space.I think periodandusures- rheconceptofa dozenmenfleeingfroma military
panly ir is becausethey re not n€&ly so photogeric c their ldger disasb. dd hounded by dsorted pu6ueF is one which can be
cousinsmd app€d to offer les in rhe way of artistic and crcative incorporatedinto coundesshisb.ical periods.It is also a good way of
satisfaclion.In fet a well nade 6mn amy ca. actuallylook very good t.king advdrage of the mdy excellenl 25mn figures alailable bday
en mN$, esp€ciallyif ir h6 pretty flags, and not a few popular rule without spoiling it for youaelf by biling off no€ ftd yoDcan chew.I
sets,aimedprifrdily at l5/25m figures, can be adaptedvery eaily, l@k toruaid to mdy nor snall nouftflh" in ftese pages.
paniculely those dependingon bed elements atiner than sin8le
figures. lciru anl i!ry lends itself very well to "sbrinking' to 6mm, Paul Hunt
althoughI donl think I ve heaJdmyo.e sDggeslit before.and it is easy
enough lo devise a new system of shrDs mdkers" - Inegular
Miniaturcs rcuting infantry" od casualiybasescomein very usefDlly I Particulan tasrJwild westhors d oeuyersnext,ronth. E.!.]
berc. WWz enthusists might also considerthe use of Rdpid lip for
6mn- Theserules havedone a greal deal to restorethe populdity of
2omm WW2, whichl'm very happyto see,d until not t@ longago
theresefred lo be a genemlasumption that wW2 could only b€ done WARNING: COMPUTERS CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE
convincingly in 6lm espeially if you weE a "panz.l@ry". To my YOUR HOBBY:
mind. ww2 in 6'm w6 spoilt as a wargamesperiod by increasingly
conplex bd unplayablerules and Rapld firc would bring a brealh. After readined anicle in a recentcopy of WL abotrtthe
nay, a gale ot fftsh ai. I still havesomereserations about the visual available computer wdemes prcglms, I found my*lf btrying fte
asp@isof usingeighr20nm figures to representa company,but if you G^me Si.lMeier's Cefilsbur8. I am no slranSerto computerwdgmes
substitutea Sroupof 3 o.4 6dn lroops for a single 20mm figure. it I should add and I an fortunate to poses all lhe Empire Rangeof
looks a litlle moreconvincing.I m well awm thal lhere de problens BatlegoundSeries- waterloo,Napoleonin Rusia e1c,andhavesat
dising, suchd vehiclentio (eighl3 o.4 nd grotrpsdonl look righl until two in the moming manytiDes re-writinS History In fact I have
piling inlo a singleHmomag,like someson of GuinnessBook of played wargameson the compurersince the very fi6t Spectrum48k
Recordsanempt) dd I mention this jusl 1o plmt a seedol ftoljghl wds released.I have also buill three x 25mm NapoleonicAmies in
which could bedeleloped fffiher Elire.ConDoiseur, Bicomee1c.andhavewargamed for 30 yeesl SoI
May I say how plqsed I wN to s@ the anicle on buildidg a wild rhinkyou couldaccuse me of beinga wueaDerl
West tow.? This is mainly becausel'm engagedin a sinilar project So whar?well as I said, I havejust boueht Sid Meier's Gettysburg
Dyselt Tbe nucleN of my lown is provided by the excellent Hovels nnd I cannot belive how g@d it is. This is the game surely that all
sloe, saloon md sbe.itr\ oftce, but lor lh€ hone-gmwn sector I wargameNhav€dr€amtabout?Even thought the American Civil Wtr
favour lhe npproachof using a block of wood, with a slopecul for the is not my era. il is easily the best put logetherdd intelligent gme so
r@f, to prcvide the basic I ve neverbeenable 1op,oluce fr in RealTime andshouldeasilyclinch Gameof fte Yearin the world
a buildinS Aom fonr flat piees of cdd wilhoDt it looking anything of wmganes. I hope and prey that Sid Meieis next prcject will be a
otherlhd very wobbly.Il givesme a very gsd baseto vork on dndto massiveNapoleonicprograDwith lhe samefomats aslhis game,I ask
EEFC* PaulandTeresaBailev

llo*rr{[ rh€Keep
XENT al-En Le archanlBarracks.
ME7 3ll ErelE Devizes,
TEL01634 832189 ffire Tel& Fax(01380)724s58
we shall b€ at tE followlng shoc in lh. re.r tubrc:
OSL4 TIJC BOAT(GENERIC) a4cy, ffi d oid'.nnft dq,.ke e.d
zsnmwtrD WEST
autLDtNGs Fr$B
THISRANCEASBTENREMASTERTD TO CIVEA 8ITIERMODEL.NOW WITH Min otuE Fi9udn6: Alt 15nm and msr 25M dqs & Bat paiha
THROUCH WINDOI,\'s THESENOW REPLACE IHE OTD fWB CODES. H.rciB & Ros FiquE & Foun ay MiniatuB . all liquE €nge
FWBI PIANX SUILTCAAIN DixonMin atu6 ' all 15mm& 25mm Eiqes, FAA,Triion,Da@ - etected Enges.
FWB2 PIANK SUILISTORE Naer & Naimirh , @q6. Mu*um MiniatuB, sHQ Miniat(4
FwBl ERIC( SUILTlAlL(wirhintemalwall sirh .ell dmr) 19.95 Plaslic rcl.
FWB4 SRICKBUILTBANK f995 Mat<hbd €hic €$ Affiri F4 ri Fujimi& Hasgam
(srorebaie with sidenans to b.lcony and upperdwelltng) fl4.50 rrds
FW36 TWO STOREY BUILDING(2) WhrD@m€nlaiei WarFeatuEFirnser.
Grore base w(h side nans b upps sjde rcar enranc€ ) !t 4.50 Comolter t odeEt d But€3
FWBS PLANI(SUILTHOTEL(slmn baF, balconywilh sidenans, EaglsSofime.
inr€.nrl shns, r6m divideE ior opp€r flmr)
Boo*s a Rut6
POSTANO PACKNG Wa|gms R*@h G@p:Tablelop Gams; NarburyRur6:OspcyMsnal Ami
]O9" UK,20% EUROPE,
4O9.OTHER Elile,Vanguad& CmpaignSedes:An$htu$;€ S€die P6:
Ptusetected lid6 lrom manyotherpubtish66.
DARLINGTON, le6h & od.t
2ma35 Kai, T6; Hoveh(6in); MainlyMilnay (arin); Hardder D6isn (€rd)
ShopOpenTueesat 00.005.00pm)

.ll NapoleonicFrcaksro put pen ro paperdd beg.grovet.pleed,to Sid

Meier to do it. (In the cFnd Mmner! Especinltythe cavalry side of
things)If this is the wny that gmes re going ro go now' thenir is going 39 Hamilton Crescent,Hamr,rcrthy,Poole,Dorset.
to have both posidve and negalive effects on oM wonderfol BH154ET.Tel\0l202l6f,522s
I krow from experiencethat whilsr I m playing Oese codputer htest 25mm7stCorlistWor183?1M0
wdgames I am not painting md if I am not paiming I'n not rcducing 26 CdninoLhe dtllrur?r
my cuEentstck or Detal, which meansI wonl be bDyingdy morefor 27 Crirlho Lin€Grenadter adv.
a while. (betr wirh ne) which meas rhe manufactureGde going to 28 Cadiststandard b€arer
suffer and in the long run the hobby in gene.als we stait to lose rhe 29 C.distlrncer (onepi€cacaniry)
al.eadystru$line mdufacturcB. Their responseseemsto me lo be rhe 30 CadldOffic€rutfi map
worst possible-Pming thir prices up. In ny particuld mge of chosen 31 Cadistc€n€nl h turFdet
figures.If I wer lo buy a HeavyCavalryReginent of 30 ir would now 32 CadirtGmner,,rithsponge
cost!421 Stupid, stupid,stupid money!(The eamece'yshls cost me 33 C..rlistGruer caryinsban
f19.99 i. a salemd will be played againand aSain)You de going ro 34 CartstGlrmercanyinsbud(sl
price youBelveso of businessand I for one am calling a hah on rhis 35 CadistCumersbheg drct
Smer ?5 pence for one ho6e? No thanks- I can see hundredsof 36 CaihdOfffceradancbs
nomally decenthonestwdganer rcachingfor fte phoneastheyread, 37 CadistOfdcernporling
to rin8 Al€c Tirante for some nould makinS malerial. md who cd 38 Cadii Officer
39 Cdnho Lineht cnsualty
I shonld add that there ale manufaciure.swho r€atly de
'.Enthusilsn" themselvesand who Prtc6 55ptoot e1.r0 cala|ry.P&Pis 10%(mio60p, pcl
ee "Price awaie" Ch@k ou!
BicomeMiiiatures for instdce. The guy who nns i! Brian. is possibty fr€eowr t3,0)Europe20%ot od€a Restof fte woid 40%
lhe nicestgul in wdgaming He dosenl evenknow me.(Sorry I havent of od€r neas€nafte dt€querpayatl€to 'ValiantMhiatures'.
See us at: &lute 29 Apnl, Fist:cuJfsMo9 2a & Y
STaB Ausust 1. & 2d
Alan (Bog eyed)Allday ArvsorrcFrrterprisescary our rangesto
Pleasedo more colour pics on Napoleonics. rnst major shonr
pps: What ha! happenedro ConnoiseurFigures?
XVIII Captait A goldenTree stumpwith leavesof the sme
THE ARMIES OFJAMES tr X1X Cdp.airi CrcssedSword md Sceptrein gold
AI\D WLLLTAM m (1685-1702) xX Cqprdir: The Royal oak in gold

The senio.ity of tbe captainswas funler efrphasisedby the pairling of

Part Three: The Flags Ronan nDmeraisin black. in lhe top cdnton nedesl the staff
Likewise in I 685 the 2nd Foot Gudds cmied the follow'ng colouB:
Ma.rk Allen 2nd ot Coditean Reginent o! Foot Guards
Colonel\ Conpan!: Pl^in white
As in the p€riod of the civil wd all companiesof a regiment were Ueuteunant-Coloael\: White with a crjnson c.oss of Sl.George
issued wilh a compdy colou, lhe exception 10 this rule being the
grenadiercompdy which, owing to the natureof its work. did not carry M@jor\ Conpdn!: A.sL(Colonelh with tbe addirionof a c.inson pile
a flag. The orSdisatio. of lhe grenadiercompany reflected this by
Iielding d extE Lieulenmt in placeof the conpany Ensign.Colours Ist to 9th Captaias' Conpontesr As Lt-Colonel with tne addilion of
of rhisp€nodm stilloflhe ldge dimensions usedduringfte 1640s. Romannumeralsin gold crownedwilh d imperial crown
b€ing approximatelysix feet squarewith $e slafi still shon enoughto
allow the colouB to be cmied and displayed propedy accordinS1o Willim III alteredtbe flags only slighdy by addingthe crcwnedRoyal
the rules of sevententh ce.tury etiquette.unlike larer when smaller cypher,in gold, to lhe centreof the crosson the Lieutendlcolonel s
colouB werc cdied on loneer poles.
The following colours of the ScoB Gndds. dating fom lbe reign of
Tndirionally the regiment of GDardshad had their caplains colouG
differencedby the useof badgesdepictin8heraldicbeats and symbols Coloneh Contpan!: Pl nvhite
usedal vdioDs tne by the monmhs ofEn8land, but on his succesion Lieutetuat-Colonel's Conpan!: Blr. field with a *hile cro$ of
K,nglme( II Inroducedd (implerDslemas tolloqs.
Major\ Conpan!: As Ltcolonelt with the addidon of a rcd pile
Ist Regineat oJ Foot Guards wavy(SeePlaleBl)
The S.andardoJ hk Majestr's Conpan!: Ist Capt4in's Conpaa!: As Lfcolonel s with a RoDan numerarin
Cnmsonembroideredin thecenEewilh tbe Royalcrcsn md cFher (ie white on the blue abovefte crcss(SeePlateB2)
JR) (se PlateAl)
me Colo@l\ CorEan!: Plain citaton
It seemsredonable to assuDethat the other Captainj coloD6 cmied
Lieatenant-Colonel\ Compan!: white with crimson cross or
the corect nunerals in the sme place- No detaih exi$ of speinc
Stceorge tkoD8hout, in the cenlreof cro$ an impe.ial c.own in gold.
changes ro fte colouB of the Scots Guards made b) Willim III.
Mojot's Compan!: As Lt Colonelwith a cdmsonpile wavy.
(see PlateA2) however a colour capiuredat Dixmunde(seePlab C2) hd been
allribuled lo fte re8imenr. as has a colour idendcal to lhai of the
1st Captoit\ Conpat!: Whit€ witn crnnson ooss of Slceorge
Lieutenmr-Colonel s under King James. which was lost at
throughou! in the centreof the crossthe Royal crown and cypher
2n l to 2Uh Coptains' Conporpr: As the fiNr Captains colour with
the relevdt numberof cypheBon the field of the cros.
The reginents of fte line cmied the following identified colours:
ln 1689the cypherswere changed1othoseof Willim dd Mary and
the Colone!\ colour plarn und€rKing Jmes. wasnow decoraledwith The Royrl Regr-of Foot (Royal Scots)
golden crcwns in the comers,bul €mained c.imson (SeePlate B3 &
B4). King Willim also. reintrcduced tbe company badeesin use Colonel:white wirh cenredeviceN per PlateC3.
during Ch&les Ih rcien. Thes badgeswere 6 follows: LFcolonel\: Bluefield.whiteSl.Andrews crosscentrcdeviceasper
I Captain: Tne Royal cresl of a crown sunnountedby a Lion Major's:SeePlaleC3.
II Captain: A crcwnedeoldenRose lst to 20th Captains:As Lt-Colonelt with addition of Silverlrvhite
(All bad8eslisted m c.omed) Romannumemlon blDefield abovecros. (SeePlateC4)
III Captah: A golden Fleur-de-Lys
Maptain: A g o l d e nP o r t c u l l i s SeePlatesD3 & D4. colouB capturedat NeeNinden and atribured ro
V Captait: A white Rosesuroundedby the rays of a goldenSun
Vl Captain: A goldenThis e, the slalk md leavesproper
VII Captain: A goldenHup The Quetr Dow.g€.'s Regt. of Foot (The Old Targie. Regt or
VIII Capt4it: A golden DraEon's Lmb6)
lX Capt{inr A white Greyhoundwith golden colld od chains
X Captair: A goldenSun aolonel\: Plaingrcen.cenrredevrceasper PlareDl.
XI Captarnr A while Unicon wilh goldenhom. maneand h@fs Lrcolonel's:As Dl wilhoutthenumeml.
Xll tupuin: Awhne A elope with Soldenhoms. Major\: As Lt Coloneh with the addition of a gold pile wavy. lst to
coronetand chilns 9th Captains:S@Dl with corect changesof numenl- (Somesources
XIII Captain: A whire Harr wilh goldenhoms, corcnerdd chains show the numeralsposirionedin the upper cdlon nexl to the staff
XMaptain: A. whi.teFalconwith;na goldenfet(eaock ratle. thd on tne cross).
Xv Capruinj A golder Rose,with stalk and leavesof the same Underwillian III:
XVI Captain: A whlre SNan with a goldencorcnet and chain No confmed evidence.D3 has been aftibDted. bul this seemsvery
XVII Captait: A Falconcowned dd carrying a golden sceptrein unlikell Prcbablycdied a veNionofDl eitherwithoullhe cypheror
his raisedtalon. wilh one applicableto the new mondch!.
3 Apollo Street, Heslington Road,
YorkYOl sAP Tel/Fax0190467lt0l
PosbgeEle I2.5% 50pon odcrs tesslnanf2.00
winnerofrheFIASCOmailordercomFlnionfor 5 yeds. r,hdalueb|@.+sDP!'


Slks Whltde Suppll€s
4,117W€st24th Pt .e
Lawren€e,KS 660.|7USA
llry lsmm Le.gueOfAugsh,ry out .oy - Ptes€ nng tor det itt
TMID1 Camelwiih2 Riders f1.00 DYa12 Ceneicpa$engerlner f0.6a
TMID2 MidianiteSlinger DYO13 Elack
starllner t1.64
DYO]4 Aimospherescout 1300
TMID3 MidianiteArcher DYDl1 CoRette
TMID4 Midianite.Javelin
man 35p
DYB1 Mosquito
Fighter 15p
ilEW 42mm ll{DlA UTllty DYB2 Dngonflyrightef
LWIM1 Mutinous Sepoy 65p I DYEI
LWM2 InsurgentCivilian .. I DvB4
LWM3 British
Infantry !b5P
: pl # ; 6oP
I oyae 9op
LWIM4 British
Officer 65p I DYBT t110
LWIM5 LoyalSikhlnfantry 65p I DY88 t1.25
DY89 PodsiyleCania 6ap
nEW 15mm AIhERKA llfARS OF Cl*r plasticspaceshipr
dands 15p
l r e r ( o n " w , r l\ p p " . d , e
AW147 French
firingmlsket ,'/v
r- | s . r o r b ' 5 0 & . 1 8 9 9 i h e 1 v n 8d e d o r o r g f k
o(tel elginA to erabh rsea Dord ,ro. naritrl e dreadlouSh.
4W148 French
Marine I
loadingmusket 15p I Her oi
seiwithaemtnind5 t4.90

The HollandRegimeot(lhe BulTs) Ll Colonel\:As G4 ninls thecentaldevice.

Majols: As Lt Colonelswilh rheaddirionofa redpile wavy.
ColonelsrPlainBldck.cenbedeviceasper El.
Lt Colonelt:As Elwilhourthe numeral.
Major's:As El, burwirh a gotdpile wavyEplacinethenDneral
lsl lo 9rhCaptainsrAsElwirh corect numeals.
UnderWilliamIII: Princgs Arne of Demark's Regt of Foot
Capurcd ar Neetuindenin 168l see plareE2 md anothe.colou.
without the saltire.Coloneh colour mal possiblyhavebeenplain 1 6 8 5 : C o l o n e l ' s :KAls
Lt Colonelt:As K4 minusthepile wavy.

P.ince George of Denmarkh Regt. of loot ( sened as Mdnes, lst ro 9th Captains:The Princessclpher depictedon oe cross.tne
knownd\ theMeidme ReBto.lhe OId Meines) nunberolcypheBditrerencing thecompanies.

Coloneh:PlainYellow(SeePlateE3). 1687:lst ro 9th Caprains:Prince$ cypherin centft of cro$, wirh

Ll Colonels:Yelloq redcros ofSt Ceoreeedgedqhrte. whileRomannumerahid uppc.sraJfsidecanton.
Majols dndaUCaprains: asE4
Henry Comwalls Regl. of loot
Tlte Quer Coruort,s Reet. of F@r (The New Tangie. Regt)
Pre-1686:Yellow field wirl redc.o$ of SLCeo.geud srn Gys device Lt Colonels: As F3 ninus thepile wavy
GeePraleFl). Posr-t686:
Colonels:Plainwhire,cenliedeviceof theQueenConsons cypher lsr to 91hCaptain:AsL1-Colonel\.ditTerenced
by whitercundels(Sce
Lr Colonel\:As F: ninus rhepile wavy. PlareF:l for 3rd Captains Colout .
All Caprains:AsLr-Colonels with lhe addirnnofrhe eDeenconson\

UnderWillian III: No details.probablya vdiarionon Fl

The Royal Regt.ofFuzilen

Colour plates ov€rleaf;
text continuesp48

Ptaf' tr1.i4-
--==ffi \-==

;|6, \-=E

tt. cdl6ns(
L G Liut^ar,l.


l'{a (aY 6* Gqh-i,!.

LqR'+Lteqt 6l -r
----i lJ

v tU95-

eEp ?c Qorqeff f,Px'!0-^,{sfu3t

?R--l6a6 3.1Cglo,n
Thc-OuoM G^,[ovt(

Gj+ar^^ Gfrd,,1a CSlo^eln

'rh.€di ri 'mc0,{er} &a,,fa,,ls

-*s=* +

6l NovfdtKi;
Glta*s 5," €(word
1686 |

TJ* .}.-A^ando 3,n l,nh6tr

s+&r""R'{" Hgt*
L, ,. /- , Ho 16\'1
?o"g-tS.fts Cfurll qrs/J4?r lc_0r1! ?,urr,xAvae
The Earl of Bsth's Regt of rmt

Coloneh: Plain yeUow.

Lfcolonel s: As Cl ninus cenlredevice.
Major's: As Ll-Coloneh wilh the addition of a red pile wavy.
All Captains:As Cl. no forin of direrercing is appdent. On Sunday19July
underWlllim [I:
LOamto 4pm
The Duke of B€aufort's R€gt of Foot
colonel\r Plarndi6son. Haywood Iligh School
LFcoloneh:As G2 minus centredevice-
Major's: As Llcolonel s with the additionof a white Pile wa\T. Iligh Lane
All Caplarns:As G2, no fom of differencingis appdenl.
Under willian III: Burslem
The Dule of Norfolk's Regt of Foot
Demonstration andparticipationgames,tradestands,
LccoloDelt:As H2 minuscenFedevice. bring & buy. Paintingcompetition.Refreshments. Large
Major's: As Lt Colonel s with $e addilion of a white pile wara. freecar park,naturallight andplentyof freshair!
Al! captain\: As H2, no fom of differencingis appdetrt.In 1686the
DDkeresignedhis comisioD and il is recordedthat lhe field of the CONIACT
colom wd chdged to white. no detailsof the devicesusedon $e ne* P.J. Ridgeway

UnderWillid Itr: Phone/dV Fd 0178261917?

Nolhing known. Thesecotou6, or somefting simild. may havebeen 5SAshlands ST46QS
canied by lhe DDke of Norfolkt regimenrof 1689 (later Sir Henry

The Earl of Emlin8don's Regt. of Foot

I4.d Forb€s'Regl of rmt Gmm 1695lhe lRoyal hish')
Probablyv{iations on the Yellow field, ftd cro$ of St.G@rgeelc. condEy showsa colour appwing to dale hom Mdlborough s wds
(SeeJl dd J2, asHatingg but possibly ciried dliq, it hd a red Si.Patickt crossotr a white
field. There is a golden Harp crorned with m imPeriat crown
Si. Edwrd Hales' R%t of F@t: sumounted by a Lion with overall a ribbon carrying a motto which
appees10be: Nanucensis PcmptuD"

Lt-Colonel\: As H3 minus centredelice Sir Davtd Colys.'s R€gt oI Foot

Major's: As Lrcolonel s with the addition of a whjte Pile wavy. Prcbablyamgements of St-Andrewscross,Thisllesetc.
lst to 9th Captain\: Differencedby the use of the coftct nunber of
rcundels on the body of the cros (See Ptate H3 fo.3rd Caplain\
The ScotsRegL ofruzil@F
Und€rwilliatD III:
Coloneh:Whitecente deviceasp€rKl.
Lt.Colonel\rAs Kl
Majofs: As K2
Si. winim Clifaon's Regt of Foot lsr ro 91hCaptains:As Kl with seniority denotedby Romatrnunerals

UnderWillim ltr:
Lrcolon€l s: As J4 ninus cenlredevice
Major's. As Lt-Colonel's wilh the additionof a while pile wary.
All CaptainsrAs J4 with no ditrercncingappdent.
Finally, in the neu William soughl to reducethe numb€r of colous
Und€r\tilliam lll:
ceied to tbae, thou8h this war resisledby the companies.Duing
QueenAme s reign the nunbers were turther rcducedto two. When
the batl.lion wa in combatall colous werc cuied in fte ranksof the
Archibard Doughs' Regt. of Foot

Me-Borett quotes "one modern soure" a Siving the colours as

having "a white neld with all exceptthe Colonelt, havitr8the cros of Next Motrth:
St-Oeorgeoverall". Th€ Dut h Brigade.
UnderWillim [I:
B! Newark lrregulars
Adam O'Brien
To be8tu with you seaoa see an,- oJ the enenr. merc's no shoke,
occasionat, rou Mt see a fine pall of rMk j9hen tte, opei frc
with a gun, but ot li@nl! here is sinply the barking of tha Mauyn,
and a few tun Mr befaning down in our yicinity, sbr, ao one mows
Partizan '98
t n r,l.r. - Frcde.ic \4nien
Sunday24th May 1998
l0am- 4pm
W& artists like Villie6 were less thm impressed with rhe
'!trpictmquenesi At tne erer popular KelhamHall venue,two mil6 frcm Newark,
of the fighting in SouthAftic& wh€rc were rhe on theA6l7 tlamfreld.oad.(Lookfor the BirYellowSi$s!)
stalwansquaresof infutry, o. fte gbnous cavaly cbarges?And wh@
exactly w@ the enemy? Extlr space thls Fd for mor€ of evertthing:
It wdnljust the artistic nind that wd baffled. By sb@tine ar long Demonstrdtion& Pani.iparion cams.
mSes fiom covertlE Boes had deprivedtheir opponeDrs of the dens Wide Rante ofTEde Sonds
ttrgets encounteredin previous colonial campaigns.Acrions like the Slithdy PamousBrint & Buy
Modder River. where Bnrish infmtry advmced over op€n grcuDd Lott of FreeParking,Bar and Ref.eshmenB
towardsMauses dd Eenches,lmk in rebospectlike the dir€sr omen N*! - Counes), Busfrcm Nemrk C$tle sd
of things to come, b lhe military mindseris ftequently resisranr!o Newark Nonhgate Rrihr./ Srations.
chmSe; British colmadeN took quite somerime ro acceptthat the
B@B were .ather more rhana mob of rusricsto be pu! in rh€ir plac€ For tunher detiils fiom L2urenceBaldwin(0 | | s) 991 925,1
with volley and bayoner or .heck our InremetWebsite
'Spot rhe BGI his enemi€sare rising out of the e{th dd jogSing off-tabte towards
simulatesm infantry assaulton a Bo€r-held drift in
1899.You will needa British banalion dd somebasictemin: a rive.. their ponies.Frustralin8,but rher€it is.
a kop oarse hill) od a kopje (small hin). Placea Bcr coMdo otr- Bers werc oot keD on b€ing oudlanked,dd capruing oDeposition
table; they won't be deployed,bur the British player istrl ro know ftis my have a domtuo erect on otheB. Afthough cledinS the aenches
ed will do his dmedest to @t themour of the emDrvbattlefi€td. would haveno er€ct on anyhillside Boers,stoming the kopje 66t will
r€vealthe 8@6 entrenchedon the veldr and oblige them ro withdrav
BRITISH COMMANDER'S BRIEFING Tating the kop e'{pos€srhe entire deplolrenr md will prcmpt a
generalwithdmwal: the kop is rhe key ro the Bs defence,althoud it
The veldt which stretchesaheadofyou rc Oe river appearsb be empry. is nore thm likely that the British witl be pimed or repulsedbeforc
althouShthe enpty saddlesof a retuming cavatry parrol indicare a they win acros ihe river
sEotrgenemyprcsence.Nonetheles, the drifr mustbe capturedbeforc
dusk;everydelayimposd on your relief colunn nees more suffering PARTINGSEOT
for the besi€gedof Vdkdorp. Advdce now ad advdce quickly; the
'Spot the Ber' is not p€tti@ldly "faif'
undimous opinion in the nss is lhat the onty way to deat with a game,bur rhenagainir,s trot
EalcitraDt colorials is at bayotretpoint. inlended to be; my ain wd siitrply ro @@te a linle period
attnosphe.eand simulale some of the @trtusion and fiuslnrion of
Rt]LES feiog a biddenfoe. As I sbned g?ing this article up, wl 126 div€d,
with some interesting comenis ftoD Keilh Lwis fu the lenere
The British d€ploy along rho southem tabte edge (see map). Each section:'At Colensoit is said that the Brirish nder saw a Boer duinS
compdy moves2D6 inchesp€r rm, the mdon €temenrreprcsenring the whole batde.Id Knight in his book Colarro 1899wites rbal it is
lhe disruptionof fomal mdo€uvre asthe trcopsencoutrterdoDgas(dry possibleto fight the batrle without placing a Bcr figure on the rabte
watercouBes),ant hills dd thom bush.civeo that therc de no visible dd !o conEol ihe Boer movement,firc erc. using m umpire.,,L@ls
Bers, the British player musr selet e aiea of remin (via educated like I cu't claim any credit for originality, tber Ho hum.
gless) dd fire blind. The unpire solem y srndiesthe di@ dd nak€s
hidden notes(or fills in the oossword) wbile the British player hop€s
that some of his lead h6 found a Bs md wofttes wtnt ll)e
'tonceated t rBet"
modifier will be. Actually, Boer cduatti€s de
consideredtoo negligible fo. book keepingduing rhis game.
The Bo€rplaye. divideshis comddo's paperstrcngrhbetw@ney
combinationof kop, kopje dd concealedEenchesto the north of the
drin, dd p6ses this infomation ro ihe unpire. His nr€ is reslved 6
per the p.efemd ruleset (that is, the one that the British player tbinks
l\ 72111r-
he's using6 well) aldtoughrdges wiI needto be kiegspieled by the
umpire to avoid betrayingthe Bcr posiriotrswith a cdeless ruler


The British will never g€r close enough to their enemy ro use the N
bayotret.but the tr€arofn ei b€ enoughto dislodge8@6 fron their
positions-When a British uoit moves within chdging dishnce of a
mappedBo€rpositiotr,the umpire shouldinforn fte B.itish ptayerthat

The Battle of the Northern Th€ Americe attacks t@k place soon after ft€ lst anack on lhe
SdfdroSa.The restrltshwever werenor soimpre$ive. Z!*rta wasthe
Marshall Islands only casually.Hir by rwo or rhree l000lb bombs she was forced 1o
suspenddr op€rationspedanently, bu1there ws no da.8er of ber
sinking. Wirh nowhereio ldd, her ancrafr went to Kwajaiein where
by they reinforcedthe islMd\ airpowei
Daoe Berts DDring fte nighr of the 2ll22nd. the J.panese colmdder sedt
Zuikaku bek to TNk esconed by two desrroyeB.The big cmier
By June | 943 the Amencanswerereadyto continuethe reconquestof enteredTruk on the moming of tbe 23rd. aftersrDggling throud some
the Pacific-Their next tuget was to be rhe isldd of Kwajalein in the very heavy weather Fortunatelyshe missedfte eye of the stom by
Norlhem MaJshallislands.This wd to b€ the largestoperarionrhnrfte aboul 30 miles. had shenor doneso her strrival might not havebeen
U.S. Navy had aternpted-There weE 1wo components,the invaion
convoy and il5 esco( and the cdier covering force, TFl8 under By dawnon fte 22nd.rhetwo forceswerc only some150 180miles
apart.Red Admiral Kinkaid. on rhe E$ar, who had takcn command,
The invaion convoy sailed frcm Midsay on l? June.Three days did not order the ,tdrard8a to leave the irea ovemight as he did not
edlier TF 38, consistingof .tar.toAa H.lsey\ flagship,E$.J and the sish to lose dy of his screeningforcesand he suspected rhat the
li{1r cfiiet In.lep.ndence,cairying a totrl of some230 ancEft- This cnier night still be in Enge of the Japaneseat dawn. Both sides
force was to rcfuel 300 miles noftn of Kwajalein before moving in ro launchedsearchaircraft as soon.s il w.s light. The AmencancaoieN
prcvide ai. cover for the ehole op€ration. The U.S. Navy did nor were at tbis time aboul 100 miles nonh west of Kwaialein and the
expect interferencefron ulrhing lareer tban a lighi cruiser or the JapanesecarieB were aboui 100 miles tunher nonh west.The atrack
aircmft on Kwajalein iislf or ihe sunoundingatolh. convoy w6 about 220 miles north easi of Kwajalein md over 300
OD 17Junethe Americd cdie6 struck ar wake Island,destroyine miles eat of the JapaneseStrikinS Force. Vice Adminl Kondo\
ndy of the aircoft bed rhere.This elion in il.rlf did nothinSro batdeshipseerc som€250 miles west of Kwajalein.
aram lhe Japanes,but whensubmdine 162sighredthe attackconvoy The early sdches discovercd Kondo\ battlesbipsmd tbe U.S.
dd reportedit headingsouthwesrfron Midway rhecommmderof the carie6. Half an hour beforc Kondo\ ships wde discovered the
Conbined Fleet realised thal the Mashalh were in considerable ADencans had launcheda sttike aeainst Kwajalein. The isldd had
dangei The bulk of the Conbined Fleet was at Palauon tbe l7th, ed IaunchedaircEft aSai.stthe U.S. cdie6 which had beensightedby a
wrs o.dercdto sreamro Truk. whereil dived ar0300on rhe 19rh.The JaIe seaplane.Th€ Americanswould also be attackedby a sfike fron
5rhAirflel bNd therewa. unable1oreiDforcethe baseson K*ajajein fte Japanesecarie6. All thfte strikes would Mive ove.lheir 6get!
or Eniwetok as il wa healily engagedin defendingBougainville, i.e.
The fi61 lo eive wd the srike fron Kwajalein, followed v€ry
Or 19 Junethe American cdiers were spottedby lwo lons Dnge shortly by the one frcm rhe.lapanesecujeE. Mosr of lhe aircraft werc
Mavis flying boatJfiom Kwajalein,and the Americansralised for the carrying bombsand rhe anackr were DorpressedhoDe with any great
lml time rhar the Japoese Navy mighr well rake a hand_The de(eminalion. The.tarab?a *as hit once more. but the remainderof
Amencbs coDpletedrefuelling openlions on lbe 19rh.and 201h.and ft€ auackwas a dismal failure.
thenheadedsouthfrcm Wakelsldd to b€ in posnion200 miles nonh Th€ Amer'can attek wd also fairly inetr@live as there were few
nonh eastof the target at dawn on the 2lsr. The convoy at this rime aircraft on Kwajal€in.Two bombshit the runway,but the craterswere
:wa abo 2m miles astemof the caie6. soonnlhd md the ietumins aircmft werc abl€to land safely.
The Japdesevesrls arTnk. refuelleddd iDlly med, lefr rhebase the momjng a Dauntlessfrom the E$er si8hredthe Japdese
during the aftemoon of the 20th. in iwo Ctuups.The StnkinS Force cdies. A strike wd readiedand launchedas s@r as posible. Smn
consisled of three cdieB, Taiho, Shokakuand Zuiktku and. $en aftesdds aircnfl ftom Kwajalein l@atedthe anackconvoyaboul200
esconof cruiseB anddestmyen ed the SupponGroup centredon the niles north eastof rhe islods. Airc6i from tbe cdiers wereordered
four battleshipsyaMto. Na8ato, da.ena, and Kan8d togerherairh lo lake over from the Kwajalein noaQlanedd strikes from both the
cdie6 and the island vere prepded dd launched.
TheF units all stemed nonh unlil 2000 when they tumed eastand The of rhesestrikesro reachits tdget was the Anerican afiack
proceededvery slowly towdds Eniwetok, thus sening rhe sene for againstlafto and S/rolat!. It was forturate for the Japmeseth rheir
aclion10coDmence anthe2lst. attack againstrhe coDvoywas on i1s way for rhe Americas presed
At dawn on the 2lst. the Japanerclaunchedsedch planesfrom both their atrackon the trailiDg carier, ra,/.o, wirh grcal delemin.lion. Hir
lhe ceiers andcrui*rs with the Swporl Group. Sometwo hou6 after by at lealt six l000lb. bombsand one torpedo.lhe big cmie. was
dawnDe Annericanslaunch€dtheir *dch ancTaftro sea.chlhe dea to ro.ked by explosions, her speedfell to a cFwl ed shetook on an
rhe sourh and east- The Japdese were rhe 6st to discover their alming lisr. It soonbecaDeclearthatnothingcouldbe done1osave
opponenrsaod a la€e strike waspreped and launchod.Soonafterthis $e slrickencdier atrd Kunta and his slaff tEnsfeftd io ,th,lu i/ md
fte Amen.ds discoveredthe StrikinS Force dd sent off their owD ratno wa scnuled.Th; atack cameas a major sh@k to Kuriia. who
imaginedlharall lhe U.S.crie6 hadben hirby his pilots.
Bolh slrikes tound the caRie6 during ihe aftem@n od achieved The Americans reIDfred b fteir cdiers and reponed that the
variedresults.The Japanesea|ek q Soratoga^nd ltul.pendence*Lt JapanesecarieB wereno loneer a force ro be €ckoned with. 41 1330
pressedhome with greardeteminalion. ftd?pend.,.. was hit by lwo lhis report was provedto be false-The Ent Japaneseaircrafi appeared
500lb bombs.oneof whichkn@kedour her portsideA.A. gunsand over the transports.The combat air pafol pul up by fte two escort
lhe othertore a hole rhroughthe aft flight deck.forcing her 1osnspend carieB prcved to be inetrectivedd by 1430six of the transportshad
opemtionsfor thiee hou6. The damaeelo Sa/dro8awd evenwo6e. been sunk and four more so badly dmaged thar they hdd ro retire
the flagshipwd hil by threeor four 500Ib boDbs,oneof which hit the escort€dby four destroyers.
bridge,completelydestoyingir and kiuing Halseyand mo$ of his A1 I50Oon the 22nd.fte U.S.cmie^ launchedtheirsecondsrrike
stalf. Sarardaa*as abla4 with many of her A-A. gurs our of aclion. againstKwajalein.This lime luck favouredtbe Anencans.The land
To make$ings worsea group of low flyirg airoaft scoed a rorp€do basedplues hadjDst elumed fron auackingthe convoyand were
hil on her porrside.This Bavethe flagshipa len degreelisr and reduced cletulyvisible.Againstminimaloppositionfrcm lnti airchft fire the
her speedto 20 knols.Her chances ofsuryivingfunherdmaee wee Americanaimen bombedandslrafedat will Dntilrll bursix Japdnese
no1good, bul the lasr of rhe Japaneseancaft werc headingtor home. ancrafteere bu.nirg wreckage. Cledly Kwajaleinwasfinilhedas!n
Saroroaa hadlwelvehoursofrest iD whichto try to effectrepairs. eafeclivefighling force. This was the last atlack of rhe day dnd rhe
Amtricds appededto haved€featedJapaneseairpower.
At nidnight on 223 Junethe forceswerc deployeda follows: the
U.S.carieB werc srill in the sme deas they had be€n24 hotrB tulier, THE FIASCO AWARDS
the attack convoy was about 50 niles north edr of Kwajalein, rhe
retning damged hanslDrts were 250 miles edr nonh edr of rbe Ldt Far's winneB were:
isldd. The Japdese werc splir inro rwo groups, Snoktu dd her Bst mail order sedice I st
escorls w@ 200 miles north north an of Kwajatein dd Kotrdo,s 2nd
bauleships,abour 120 miles away,were appoaching Kwajatein at 24 Bestrula lst
knots-The 23rd. wa obvioustygoinSto b€ o importdt da, 2nd
Duing the night Kinkaid decidedro fom a surfacegrcup of rwo Aesi tlagaine lsl
battleships, two heavy cruiseB ed four desrroye.sto cover rne
lddings which werc pldned ro tale place fron 0600. This force
slanedio shell the aroll at 0339 whenseech plmes reporteda force of B6t l5mhf€ur6 lst
enemyshipsapprcachingfrcm the west. znd
By thi! rime both sideswerc prcpming air stikes, rhe Ame.icnns Bestz5mmfi$B lst
aSainsrrheislmds and rheJapdesengainstrhe|ansports. By 0500the 2nd
Japanes airc.Jt wec en roure ro the trmsf,orls md the Americds BestBodd gme I 11
worc Iaunching$e secondwaveof their allack againsrKwajalein.The 2nd
US ple wa! to engageand delay rhe Japanesesuface forces long Computer wargme tst
enoughfor the anacksagainstthe ishd to be completed,rhepldes lo Znd
retum to their ca{iers dd lhen att&k ihe Japanes sDrfaceforces. B6t role-playtme I st AD&D
Things do nol alwaysgo accordingto ptd becauseshonly after 0515
the surfaceactionbegan.
Callof Cthulu
The Amencd banfeships.touth Dakota bd tvdshingto" oyJaedfrre Ttet998 Aw.rds
by radd throngh a sDokescreenal the leading Japoese battleship, We 6k for a li6t dd seco.d choi@ in eachcteSory dd entris
va,ara The effer overthe nexrl0 Dinutesw6 devastaling.The gidr cd be sent to JohnSmith,27 Amley cEnge Mt, Leds LS| 2 jeB
batdeshiplost speedand mdy of her antiair.raft guns.'A turer was anttimeup until |4june. The otegong e rhe sMe6 d!yeu
also put out of acrion. Kondo\ force closed on the sren ano were
able to launcha destrcyeranackled by S"4dai. At aboDrrhis rime rhe Anyonemnting other FIASCOdetajk for FIASCOor FIASCOtl
Anericar cniser Binninshan chose to come thiough fte smoke should.ontacr with d SSqE:StephenHart, 93 V6per Road,
screenmd wasfired uponby maDybeavyships. Alrhoughshequickty Leds ts5 3QY Tel:0113228387s.
rcti.ed she was s@n hir by torpedoes.The Japeese destrcyen had
brokenthroughthe snokescreenmd launchedrorpedcs at the relera
in addilion to the oippled aiminsrdh. Hii by gunfire in addition ro ableto sink two anddamagethreeorhe6. To addinsult
torpedoes both ships soon keeled ove. dd sank. The Japanese to injury the lwo eson cniers semed to rakeno evdive action and
destrcyershad nor yet finished wirh lbe Americans: altbouch fired 4ch Eeived a torpedo hir. Severcly dmaged bolh ve$eh were
uponby \univinB U.S sh'psLheyweres@n in a psirion r; rdunch beached andabddoned.
lorpedcs againsi the Americo barleships. Vice Admiml tf,e had The .emaining transportswe.e caught by ihe JapanesedeshoyeB
d@idedto withdEw' bDthadfatally mdercstinated theperfomanceof dd sunk while gering underuay.Thus the Finr Mdine Division wa
theJapdese tnng tance torpedoes.His flagship.So!,/r Datora. was abandonedmd. althoueh rhe Amencanshad aenal supreney, therc
hit by five torpedoesand vdished in a seriesot violent exDlosions. were fd too few surface vesFls to allow rhe cdien to conlinue
raling Dosror hercRw. inclddrngLee.wiLhhet.The oLherb;rtte\hip. op€rations.Fudhermorewhat destroye.srcDained were very shon of
WarrtrSton wa! hit by four torpedoesdd. with all her guns out of fuel dd Kinkaid was in no mood b rrlc turlher risk,.
a.don. sas only ableto crawl away ar 12 knots. .t al,t/ recoveredher aircraft ed wirhd.ew to the nortl west dd
By now the Japanesebanleshipswere comin8 ftrough rhe the Japmesesurfaceforcesrefomed into lwo goups, one of crippled
smokesc.een.Led now by Re& Admiral Abe in KonSa rhe Japanese batleships esco.redby destoyeN and a dmaged cruiser,fte olher of
had m excellentopportuniryto nnish otr l{arhi,Sro, and then rum on cfusrs and desrroyeG_Both groups retumed ro Tru
the tresports. Onceagainthe decisionro movethrougua smorcscrc€n
prcved disatrous. Naaalo found desrroyeBon both beams.w.rj hil by The JapDese had savedKwa.ialeinbut ar a hjgh cosr_ror,to was
fow to six torpedGsand sarl wirhin 15 minures. gone, as were 180 experiencedpilots dd rheir aircmfr. The Iwo
Abe wift his two remaining big ships sighredsmoketo fte north renaininS aircoft cdiers would be Donths underreDair,as woutd the
east.He orderedone division of desfoyeB dd all lhe availableheavy batleships dd remainingdmaged ships.Havidg sutreredsuchlosses
cruiseB lo ibm up wirh him. The othe. desrroyenwere to inish off the JapaneFtinmph could only be describeda a pynnic vido.y.
tvarnirat,n dd her remainingdestroye..The destroyersspottedmo.e For rheUnited SlaresNavy the barle had b@na disdter The lossof
sDoketo (besourheast.This provedio beconing frcn sx cruses do the Firsr Mdine Division would be a deadlyblow ro rhen tuture ples.
four destrcyeG,lhe smokefrom the north eatt camefrcm two cruiseB AIso they had lost two nodem batileships,two escon cme6 tud a
numberof smaller vesselsin addition lo rhe transponships.Athough
Thesegrcupsfought bnvely rbrougha long andbtoodyday in a vain Sdmtdsa could be rcpaired,the loss ofso many escon v€sselsmighl
arbnpt to hold rheJapmesesurfaceforces.whjch now comprisedtwo well prove b be exlremelycostly.
batleships,sevencruiseB dd ten destrcyers.The oddswerc r@ grear Both sidesfell thar after lossesof rhis magnitudethey had to discDss
ed all but one cruiserwere lost. s was WaJ,@8ror_
The Japaneselosr whal had happenedmd $ preveDrsDcha thine happeningasain.So $e
only two moredestrcyers.alrhouehmdy uni15wereheavily damaged, sh'pswerep backin rhenboxes,ihe bluecloth was folded up dd pur
espec'ally ihe lwo batrleships.
DuringthecruiseBvalidt fight a U.S. awaydd everybodywent to the pub for a tbw bees. Yes.ihafs nghl
anstrike hit ya,ruro wi$ anothertorpedo, reducine her speedro l0 ded reader.rhe Battle of the NorthemMtushall hlands ws really only
knols. (orso washir by threebombsandtatu,a washit by one more a small scaleafiair To be pre;e l/3000th. scale.courtesyof mesa.
Navwe, Skyrex and the nanufacturereof wdgming sundnes.(To
The convoyons hit by the lasl .lapanek air sdke it | 800.AlthoDgh say nolhing of the md who wrote the oles and did a1lrhe ha.d work
heavily eDsagedby the codbar at patrcl rhe Japanesearmen were
.v{E G,OTTAGET OUTTA with the obvious exception of the Kyotons, each faction bd the
pnmary ain of obtaining the most appropriale bdsportation md
THIS PI.A,CE!'- leaving the areaasmpidly asposible. The different groDpssuddedy
finding themselvesin the sme place wift nval objeclives. dd
A'DUST-OFF' SCENARIO FOR difiicutty in recognisingfriend frcm foe. createa situationfor potential
cbaoswhich h up to the playeB to rcsolve.
Ste0e Winter Playe6 have the ability to choosefrom severalditrerent forces non
*jthin fte pddeters ofthe bekground. GeneraldescriPtionsoflrooP
It seemedtiat no soonerhad I got DrappinS otr the pnnnng presslhd types, along with their opeFtional objecdves,de Siven below. md
rhe PartizanSci-Fi/Fartasyconvenlionwas looming rcund the come. id€ally should only be known to the players contolling the unil
Having ofe.ed to stagea denonslration game I was lefi wift aboDr
four *eefts 10assenblefte necessarylayout without den a bnsebodd
in sight. The suddenlyprevalenlatmosphercof everythinghappening 42nd LR.F. DROPWING
at oncemusl havepDvided subconsciousinspirationfo.lhe following
scendio, which, altbough designedwith Drcplvins in mind, shoDld Dropwing forces consist of a htddard Squadronof 20 lroopes d
convenfaidy readily to usewith other systems. dercribed in the rule book. For the uninitiated th€y are weding
The silualion prcsentedallows two o. more players10rale pan by Conbar Amoqr and are lmed wilh 16 Assauh Cmbines dd 4
cboosinefrom a vdiety of possibleunils. Ar rhe convention table
entry pointsweredecidedby p.e-delemineddie rolls. dd a degreeof
lealism was provided by new combaldls Miving at vdied and Dropwing player's objectivB ' Having neutalised an Odital
Dnpredictabletimes, as interestedpariies decidedio join the action. Defenceinstalladontheir brief is to veate fte dea as s@n aslosible
Thereis nothing10stopgameorgoisers addingthei own 'leal' rules and ensurethat ftey leaveno direct evidenceof Dropwing involvement
1o the sceneio to reflect the latter a$ect to sDit their paniculd in the supp.ession.This requires that ftey .endezvoDswilh their
Landing Ship ar the corporalior tra.sporlalion deporbringing all of
thei. dead and woDndedwilh them for immediatewith.lrawal. Their
'allies in the Kloton Expedito.aryForcehale beenprcvingles than
helpfulin enablingrhisto happen.arbesrlheyhde drivenelenentsof
Although it is oneof the smallerplanetsin fte OmegaPrimeSubsector the rebel forces ac.oss the evacualionroutes and a1 worst the more
Temon the main prccessing/sbipping centrear fte fionlier end of the 'lrigger happy Kyotons haveprovolied ddt 'friendly tu€ inc'dents.
Connerce RoDte basa slrategicand economicvalue which n oul of Local Dropwing conmandcB havebeensdcdoned to retum fire and
all proponjon to it's size. As a rcsull the TakedaCorpordtion (the evenro enploy remrinal force againsrExpeditionaryForceunits who
official adminisEaio.of the Snbsecto4hd many installationson the hinder the closing sBges of rheir mission. Wberever pncticable.
planet. and aho holds nore thd a pdsing intercst in it s intemal cor?oration propeny is 1o be safeguddedds long a this d@s no1
afai*. whih! for polilical reasons,the Corporationwishesto dislece inrerferewith tbe primary aim of compleredd etrectivewilhdrawal.
itself frcn activeinvolvemenlin supprcsing a rebellionon the pldet.
it hascovenly agi@dto ssisl Kyoto, Temont neighbour,and pabon KYOTON EXPEDITTONARY FORCE
planet. jn quashingthe revolt 6 vigorouslyas possibl€. One
manifestadonof ftis rssisldce was lhe provision of fte 42nd In ihe bloody onslaughlthat corunencedrhe suppre$ion the Kyoton
Dropwing, lnterplanetary ResponseForce i. a sDall scale special forceshavebrokenup into groupsof vanoussizeswhichde barelyin
forces oleration to ensur€ the sale deploymenl of lhe Kyoton touch*ith,letalone underthecontlolof.HigherConndd. A typical
groupencountered lhis slageofrhe proce€dings wouldnndberfrcm
The sceneio rakesplaceasthe 42ndDropwing havecompletedlheir lwo ro rhrte l0 nD squads. Each sqlad is amed wilh 8 Laser
mision 10disablethe orbital defencesmurd plaDetTemont Dajor Cdbines, I sDpportweapon and the Squad lf,ader may catry the
Srarpod,rhusenablingthe ldding of lhe Kyoton ExpeditionaryGrouP. peaonal weapor of lheir choice. All nenbeB of the expeditionary
force de weding CombatSuirs.
KJototr plsy€.'s objectives - The Dnit hd ordeE to locat€ rebel
Frofr rhe instdl they deployedthe Kyotons showedthe inremion lo forces md deal with them by applling exlreme prejudice . $lilst
llle fte vigorous'suppresiorpartof theirbnef ro it\ fnllestexienr, somemeDbe6of Temon s Cilil Mililia remainloyal,and thereue
showingasliltle regdd for co opeetion with the 42nd' d theyhad for olher anti rebel faclions present in this area of operations. The
the fi6r grcupsof rebeh attemptingto surender Despiiethe fact that ExpeditionaryForcounit de insirucledto lreat any newly encoume€d
Kyoton vehicles bor€ a pre-aranged recognition symbol, spondic force as potendallyhostile Dntil provenotheruise.
incidentshad al.eady occuned of Dropwing troopeB firing oD
ExpeditionaryForceunits out of purefrustration at being hamperedin TERMON CIVIL MILITIA
whether Rebel or Loyalisr the Civil Militia fouow the sane
THE SCENARIO orgdisalional As wilh the Kyolon forcestbey de baseddound
fte len man squad. Each squadh8r one suppon weaponand the resr
In rheensDing chaosil seensrhateveryone is tryingb get oul of the m amed wilh Asault Cdbines.All nilitia menwearFlakamour A
uea exceprfte Kyolons. V&ious .ebel factionshavedanagedto loop typical force for this action would consisrof lwo squads+ 2D6 exfa
back fron fte spedheadof fte ExpedilionaryForce in a ftutic effon nen from other,fragnented units {a totrl of 10 or more extet allows
10 reach dny son of ransporlation that will speedtheir escdpe. The theMililia playerto choosean additionalSupportweapon).
Taleda rransportdepotwhich providesthe focusof atte.tion for several
of thesegroupsis also the designated dus!-ofi pojnr for unih of the Loyalist player's objectiter The situalion around the ma of
42ndDropeinC,ddaLDdingShip iscurentlyon theercundwailing operationshas becomeunteDable.witb the abiliry b rccogni5etuend
to shDtde it s fi6lpasse.Bersto anorbitalcmier from foe almost impossible. Forces tre ordered 10 bnng s mdy


Ottitrlslvl ?I
Si\TUiTDi\Y?Tit Mi\Y t??a

A Feast for the North Eas?-WfEmer
s rocKToN s?.JirrscEf.tTiii..JFFftoiiloi\t i.(.J;\t
STOCi(fO i\t-I t tS
f t I i\Dutts 91.50Cit[DReft/SiftIOR Ct-ftztNtS Sr]?
For further detailssendan S.A.Eto Davidat 3 HemelClose,Thornaby,Stockton-on-Tees,
Clevland,TSIT 9Ap
peFonnelback ro rhc nerrc\t lorrlisr (,on-epoinr!s r.pidt! !s
posible. The commandeenng of att x\rihble rtunsronhN b..n }IBRCENARY UNITS.
rpp.oleded anyhlndrrnceis ro be met$irh rernrimlli),cc.
The cnrplo\edmcrcendyunjrsro srrengrhen lhe jnitiai
Rebelplalers objectiyes Oves,helninstbrceshavcc occuplrroDof \t.lrcsic objedrles$rcb as rhe srd.pon. such unirs
a concenedanaclion the localir) and apped ro be intenron torat conp.jseof:.1-16 troop\(1.1+lD6) $ho normallyc!nl,one Suppon
aDnihilarion of lll rcbel unirs. Ir is necc$ary to gatheras man) Weaponberseenelery I I nren. The .esr of rhe force are mred s.irh
figbteaasposible and\ acat.thetuer wnh exrreme speed.Unitssill \ . . , - l r c r h r n . , . s . \ ' lC . o - t a , e rc _ r b r n e \ .M e ( e n t u \ u n n j ! e
r h e n r e n o . / \ u uu. r r h . o r d . e m r n e dI j o , p . i
torn. u,in; rlpic.lly equippedsith eilherContbarSunsor CombarAmour
Nhatc!€rransportalion is alailable

1 5 h ,f g u t ! \ d f l u b u i L h l : : s f | d | c h b l i h f l . h 1 o | t | 1 s d f

li E_- r

- I 6

r -'].4
r j q


g -s/ e '
Menenary play€B objectiyes Expe.iencedfi8h1e6 havenol had
to cly on pastexperiencesro realisethat the situation is deErioding
rapidly. Unlessmercenarygrows move out quickly they are likely to
end this curent contracidead,as well s unpaid. At ftis point. nosr
unils havedecidedto l@l whateve.they cm. dd escapeby dt mems
possible. Anything thal getsin the way is likely to be desroyed on the
The Dtuclos, or geneticallyengineeedlabourforce
pesonnel wbo have been conditioned 10 ob€y aurhority fiSures.
Dunng the rccentuprisinglhe laboursectionshavebeencoercedro
tale pan id fte fighdng by both sides. A typical groupfo. this sceneio
woDldconsistof 3-4 sectionsof 8 Dr@los each. Supportweapo.s de
availablear the .ate of t lbr every 2 complelesections.with the resrof
the tbrceamed with S.M-G.S or Asaull Cdbines- DMlos mayaho 10.$ e"m.to4.00p.m.
be equippedwiti Lealheror EvapmoDr AT

DrulG phye. objectiv€s - Most work groups havebeenodered

EXH|BIID CE||tiE, gfiEtR lrl
aboul by fist o.e side then the ofter This goup s last \upewisoE
werekilled along with four work sectionsfrom fte original dehil. In PETERBOROUGH
fte absenceof guidanceit hd decidedto fi8ht a way oDtof rhecDftnr sor(El^n|(wY.n ictox rac 5l llnt
rouble, but will ally with any groupwhich doesnoi firc uponir in o.der
0Fno(I Puwo Alto
€llEs oF
VehiclesDsd in the Partizan scendio consistedofthe Lmding Ship, 6@(5 '@r1c9.AXM, tS.G {ES.
hll|s/Tv ' SC!F|. @(.tECtA4tS .
a gover Vehicle and 2 Grcund Vehicles,all placedwithin the cenral F|(|uieg. aE@n05. lroo€ut .
ma of the uble. In order ro commandeera vehiclea Dnil musl hale at F Xr^sYAEt ' 0il60a{s. Eic.
le6t one memberin baseconlacl with a pre-decidedenry point for a t .FnaPrtdrC
specified number of moves The ngDre(s)concemedDusr not be
subjectto intemption by conbar in orde. to breakinro, and activaterhe tiffilEiB I l{tlCa p*| -Oiaa liata

LaDdiDg Ship , Dmpwins unirs may enter the ship as per the rule
book, but musttake all casualtieson boaJdbefore depaning. Drulos
wilhout allied asisidce may nor hijack the lander MercenariesDay
enter the ship if at least one nenber of their iorce has four SquadronthrouShto the LandingShip with a combinationof lirepower
(lheyoungesl playe.offte dal) pinned
unintempted moveslo defeatthe securitysysleD by being in conract andclosecoDbat,whihrlf,wis
wilh the airlock, o6er forcesrcquire six Doves. Mdk Edwtrd\ Drclos down long enough to hijack one of the ground
vehicles. The awdd to. mostactile panicipntionwould haveto go to
Hover vehicle - Droclos require six unintempled noves to b.eak ColinBannelsReb€lMilitiawho hadthedistinctionofengaging every
inlo tbe vehicle,arl otherforcesrequirefour moles. The Hovervehicle othe. force on lhe table at some tiDe or other, and almost 8or
themselves mihilabd in the process.
car carryup ro 15peAonnel.
The Dpshorof all ftis was that the convenriodendedwirh fi6t time
G.oond vehicle Droclos rquire forr noves to hijek. all other players purchasingfigures to slan their own collecrions,dd dt leasr
forcesrcquire two. Grcund vehiclescd caJryup lo 20 peNomel two of theD re in lhe proces of btrilding up their own prnicipation
Perfomance detaih for rhe Lmdidg ship are s descnbedin rbe 8me. Needle$ to say it is intendedto stagedolher D@pyDs bash
Dtupvitg tule book. Hover vehicles perfom d Hover Pe6onrel
CaEier and Grcund vehiclesar Amoured Pesonnel Cmier. with the
exceptionthat reilher hasdy valid mour prolecrionagainstsupport
weapons.This meansthat hits antomaticallyresuhin referenceto Hit
Locntionand DamageEff@I tables

w t
Q q
The leEain used for the scenuio is illustrated in lbe accomptuying
diagrm. Scrubldd bd woods ue cldsed d Type D Temin dd
Rocky deas asTypeC- The resrof $e ea was madeup of TypeA.

To sayftal I w6 pleded with the way thegamewent ar Partizanwould
be an understatementwith both male and fem.le players laling pan
ranging in age frcm edly teens lo edly fonies. The 6r!t burst of
supportweaponfire soonsaw unitsspacingout and usinewhatever
n6q4 ^,,^
coverthey could nnd. Anne Hill mdaged lo fight De Dropeing
Notebook (lomerly "Empics,
Eagles & LioDs')
bjt UK sLbs to the bi moniNy tull colour Amencan Napoleonic
magazine are available Straragem Publi.ations.
Mike Siggins
one year's subsoiPtion(6 issuet:
€23.s0 G21 to WI subsdbeB)
The Napoleonic Fair has chdged. Many nore book sbnds. fewer Issues1'11 now .vailable,
figuremannfacturcs andevenmorepeople.Im nol honestlysue n is
Napoleon bindeF (hold 12 issu*) €6.50post paid.
slill a showworthaftendingsinceil is a majorcrush.targetythe same
every yer and representsa potenliauy hu8e dnin on the waller. I Exclusirely f mm Srr.iagem
escapedthis year wilh a book I havebeenhunting for five yers and 13 Lovers Lane, Newark Notl5 Nc241HZ
some newer volumes. bu1 apan frcm tha! zip - nol that I wa$ t
temptedby plates,pictures.books I would neverreadand figures rhat
I will neler paint. BDtthe real point of going wa! to wihess the efons sevemlvarieties, andtheyde nol exactlyinexpensive at $14perse!of
ofAlan Marlin dd his SASchums.The resuhwashDgelyuplifling 4ro bea.inmindthereis no paintnginvolved.ddyou
anexcellenr, ldge Peninsula gme ft waswell sratred andsumunded can do bardeslike Tony Bath used lo. and you can stan to see the
by interesdng Ineraturc. Well presentedwith somesuperbscenery and potential.Nexl up areACW dd sailingships.Windcatcher ccphics.
consequently ihposinS, ir drew in the public in large rumbea. 1902P€iudeDrive.vienna.VA 22182-3346, USA.
Queslionswere dsweredquicuydd wift enthusiasn adwhile I was Talonsofrhavefinally finishedoff lhe; lonSrunnirg Bauleernund
convinced of lhepld in writirg,I m nos compterely soldhavineseen senesandhavemovedon.whetherrheyhavemovedon rechnically is
't in practice.It is impossible to sayhow manyrccruits werecapivaled, perhapsdebalableafte. spendin8a few houa wirh Earpm F.ont, ti,ei
but I cant think of a betterway of approaching rhis rhomy issue. newplaloonlevelsysbm.Thegameis a eoodone.allowingyouro play
Congratulations ro all involved. big, monumenral sruii like Sralinemd or snallishsknmishes, bur Oe
Two interestingsersof rules havemiled on the desk,which nakes systemis slowin ndking its decisions andmovingthesomerines vast
fte nunberI havero ry closeto rwenry... oh well.Cd'icomptain. numbeEof Russians. I haveaho seensohe odd graphicalglitches.
A-Z Ruleshavea nnge of four gmes available: ACW Ancjents,Aee Counterbalancing this are the usualsDperbgraphics(no-onecan say
of Sail andthe Campaigns of Napoleon. As is ny won! | havelried thesegaDesdonl look stunning)andle ofscenarios all different,
onlythelastselburtheinnovarileslneDs andwell eiplainedconceprs all interesling as lar as I cd rell - whichrcallyhikethe play value.It
de coDmon1oall. I likedthis serof rules.despiElargenumbeBof may lhereiore b€ a cse of ree$ing probleDs. but problemsthere m
modifiers(l), ehich we recendyried for a smallba l€.Theyworkon which is surprisnrgsince rhe game isnl too deuched frcm the
the loveir or hateit 6 lo hir systemandNationalCharacrerisli.s. bur B.degrcundcn8ine.All thatsaid.I thirk Banleground hadprcbably
the resDltsarecrediblead the systemws unusualenoDghtor me ro run irs cou6e and ir will be interestin-e to seewherethh seriesgoes
rate norice.Thereis a cleverrest.ictonofa geneal\ abilityto rcactro next. My Buessis the westemFroml Also from Talsonsoft\UK
dyihing andthefeel wasgood.We shallrellm to the* rulesin time_ distributor, Empire Inreracrive,is Ff-in3 Colpr 01lL I enjoyed the
A to Z tulesare availablefrcD DelphiCorpoEtio.,355 pu.d! Hill onginal. but this is fd berter- the graphicsinprovemert atoneis sorrh
Road,Monroe,CT 06468,USA. tnepnceoffte upgrade. Excellentsluff
Napoboaic Conndntl is an interesting ser of rules. Indeed. it is Aiier a virlualdrouehtir hasbeera excellent monthfor books.We
almoslanexe.cise in militaryhistoricalsttrdy
ratherthd a tule setp?r stan wifi rhe new WaErloo book fom Peer HofschJer which, if
r., bur given the driir from reahy of hany of irs .i!ah, rhis is norhineelse.shoDldser straighttle pro-Britishbias rhatPererhas
reiieshing. And fromrcadingit isalsoeminentty ph}rble andthc most loae whingedabout.whelher the enphasiswill drift rco fa. back
inlolative sel I've sren in a while.The ideais basicaUy ro raiserhe lowards the Prussian/cermd contribution remainslo be seen.Inirial
levelofcommdd to thetop level,by whichyou wnteorde6andften. dipping ba5 produced an excellent chaprc. on my belove.r
generally speakine,you stand bacli dd wait 10 see whal happens. Brunswicke6od indicadonsof some complerelyne* research_
SDbordinatecommddeE are given lery restrictive scopefor aclion, Looking fofldd to this one. Nexr np is L EpopeeNapoleonienae
muchas I seeit, dd rherestofthe oles de simplemechdismsfor which is from fte prolific and very resonably priced Histoirc &
resolvingfte outcomeoffte two commader'sacrions. This is a thin Collections compdy. Writlen by F G Hounoulle, a nme I seeD to
book ftal may prcve ro requirc some nlfing in on the moe obscure recognise for some reason. and illusnared by J Jirbal. rhis is a
rules. but I hopenot. Looks good.Available from JetrreyA Knudsen. naNellousbook- eachseclionoflhe FrenchAmy, thetokenopponent
CdsaderGames,38l l w 34thSr.Cleveland, OH 44109.USA. I will and a g@d few fmous Napoleoniceven6. are analysedand captured
definitely r€1umwilh morecommetrtswhen I haveptayed$is one. in acolourplaie.Sryhticallythesedealitrle unusualfor watercotours
ChrisbpherM@ller has designedmd prcduced,as a cut oul Go( of stylizedLeliepv.e),and unlikelyro fom rhebsis for cotour
gamekrt.Napoleons Easles.This is a cdd gme atlowine toD ro ptay swatches.but nevenhelesswell donedd appealing.They
Brcwon you.
the battlesof the l8l5 cmpaign andfurthereipansionsde ptanned, Finally, I ll adDit to a wedt point for AngDs McBride\ anwork.
probably slaning wirh the 1806canpaign_The gme ctuds de nicely AccordinglyI owna lot of Ospreybookson subjecBI wouldn'tnsually
done, mainly fealuring Chrisropher'sown anworl, sd, by his own bolhe. wirh just to Be( the plaies. Imaeine my pleaurc al finding
admisioD,the designis by a onebookwillie ratherihaDa docbral Anciem Celts from Conco.d Publicationswhich containsno less rhan
lhesis.Makeof rhatwharyou will, burthegameis quickandfDn.using lwenty supe.bplatesfor !12. crear value.ifyou can ignore rhe tujgid
playingcdds ar a driver,ad nor likely to trorble the historids. T:n New&kaccoDpanying prose.
Christopher Mcller. 210P&ksideDrive,Pinsburgh, pA 15228.USA. Arcund 50% of you will probablyconsidertbis grearnews,but I an
They rc coming in drcvesl Siggins can t copel And where de fte going to laic a shon breakfron rhe column.Pnrely peEonalredons,
Britishequivalents? I rece.tlysawan advertfor 'WoodenJ,whichde nothinS mo.e, and I hope ro be back as soon a! rime and fmily
30mm x 3mo-ish flat woodenfigures, laser cDrfrom wood md rhen comihents pemit. Thmksfor readingsofd dd l'lt seesomeof you
pre colouredto a very high standdd. The idea seemsto be a good on€, fo. a pinl al Salule.PanizanI or evenHisbricon,wbichis a distjnct
especiallysince$ey look very impressive in toy soldierstyle dd
would allow one to gel inlo a new periodwith miniDuD fDS. Two
drawbacks:they only haveForeignLegion dd Aabs so far. alben in Mike Siggins
484 Ro{ oflhreehou$s wilh rao
sersof detachable
Suitrblefor SYW onwdds. 1995 It2 00
Also availablein lhis range
185 Pairoftwo slorey.halfrendered
'blirzedshopr t6.95 f14.90
285 Pairof threestoreybnck shops
with onederachable roof !7.10 ll5.:10
3B5 RowoftoDr bou\esrnh t*o
selsof delachable roofsi
Suitablekr SYw onwards. fl0.95 !23.00
l085 Sndll machinegur/obseBatjon
bunke.wiih dctachable rooi {1.65 !:1.30

UK Pon& Prcka-eing plerr rdd 15%on orde^uptoI25 andl0% on

dll ordersove!I?5. Acce$Alsaordm canbefaxedor tehphoned on
MonFn. Please quorecdd expnydare.

For our illusrrared sendt1.50 plus a sranpedadde$ed

enlelope.O!*!eas custom*splease rnd 4 LR.C.s

nw t

tnint 5
1A Kempslord Road.London, sEll 4NU.
7357787, 587'1901
Far 0171 (s8osN FonftE u'tlrc 0F0$ FMrlGEs)
. Y , I
..t I tvrvl tt fei I O. \vlYt^\


Plices: 2OmmFigs 35p Horses 50p P€rsonalllio3Cl Anillery Crev's fl.2s Guns & Limbers el rt
* ^-#ffi ]T
UK/BFPO:10% 50p)eAO,!120,5% ,FFEElor od€rsover!120{U.K.o.ty)
ol ode6 under!80{Minimum
Riposte'98 #
Domonstration and
These.areHighly Detailedwargamesbuildings
Bringand 8uy maoe ustng a processn€w to wargaming,
which gives strength and light;ess
H i lS
l € rt 4 a @ )
25mh RoadSe!
25on Roid Serr6riec6)
r6rpc5, t?.5o
societleB 25mh River Set ,/5bi<6i 17,50
l5nd Rrver
River sel
sel /6 Drk6l
a6bi66) t6.50
ISmm Red Sel i7,<al 46.50
l/300 P'verSer 16r&6)
25mm q ridqe
B.idd. .... .U,95
. .43.95
@ h J P a n Y % t ' m N d , ? D e j g 1 roj S e , c l i oCnd l i e . . . ... ..... ....- $5.oo
aPPs) s.od ct-.r cam sEpdEson$;,o pxucams,eg,on C a s t l c K e e.p . . .
HenhD vid.tuE 6anh HftuE M/sF.a B6b Tabi.bp c:@ .... . ...ti,gs
b e r g r aFnl r m h o u * . . . . . . ..... t5,50
roacnrglln .. . .. . t6,25
Y € aq e nF . r m h o u s F .. .. .. . .. ..18.95
\nylare$ay .. .. a8.95
,_og\aDln-. -. ..... ....t4,95
l m e i c a nL h u r h . . . . ...... ... t9.5O
. . . . . , , . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . a. .5 .. .5. 0
9rl :, . ... .....t6.50
- o a n r s hh o u * r l z l g p )
r p a n r s F o J s c( r m a r .......t4.50

Anschluss goes Medieval!(Again

Thistime[s Ridad sndlhe
Campalgn & Battle of Aosworth €s.50 + p&p
A r'esh lookal lhe @ntempoEryevidence
+leorui"e""n"* oru'.ii"do orrheRc6 vorn €e.oo
+ A r a b H o u s e- . . . . . . _ . . . . , . _ . 4 1 0 , 5 0


'U$'b : - . : : t: f i s i " ' ii

f rttfrtttf tff f ffiff


CLASSIFIED ADS shouldbe typed and
accompanied by a cheque made payable to Stratagem,
lE Loverc Lane, Newark, Notts. NG24 lHZ, Rate 15p
per word. + 17rlr7, V.A.T. Minimum charge: 93.00. No Minifigs.


FOR SALE ETC. by Timpoud Britainsthatsere producedin lhe 1970's
SECONDCITY buys.sells,exchdgesnew andusedSci-FiFantaly Phone0145563?928.
lsmn PAINTED NAPOLEONIC Frcnch,SpanishS.Yw Swiss, CONSIDERED.FigDres preferably Dnpalnred. Sendlist to E Jones,5
Prusid, Ausrid. Cofrpletecolledionof Hounellep.ints!1700 Clenrovd Avenue. Odsal. Bradford.W YorkshiEBDG IEX
ANCIENTS, 700 6mm well pained Ros & Heroics.I75. 6mm Anl anoDm/ dy nationaliry considered. Tel Jim 0127440771I
pajntedDodem:700 vehicles:300+Den;40 aircrafi.!300 ono Call
Chns01438239463. DS3 BUYS YOUR UNWANTED GAMES, fisures and gaming
25mm NAPOLEONIC FRENCH & ALLIES. 250 UnpainEd relaleditemsbe theyfatrtasy or historical,newor old. Ou. city centre
f,8ures,Tel:017?948090?for lists. srcre is ar 207 Whitham Road. Broonrj}'ill.
SheffieldSl0 2SPTevFax
WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED NUMBERS 2-120 somein bildeB. 0 l l 4 2 6 69 9 1 1
buvercollectst190.0001748823460. DS3 wants older METAL BASED fanaasyand sci-6 miniaaures
WELL PAINTED G.WJ HISTORJCAL 25nm. MEDIEVALS - I 8 panicularlythe old FantasyTribes. Orcs. Gobiins. Undeadand
Polems t30; 15ArcheE!25.00127Asofled€45i6 crosbows!10: Dwades.LizardmenandTroglodytes sculpEdby Ton Meierft also
29 Nomans& 3 cavalry€55r 1812Rusims 25 F@r€30r20 Cudd hign on our wanted lists. If you have the originalCitadelImperial
!25i 34 Goblinst50: l1 Wolf rides t30i 20 ChaosDwNes €30i 7 Dragon or Citadel Giant we'd like to hear from you. DS3, 20?
Og€s !30: 15 Eldd Hdlequins!25r 3 GravityWeapons & Crew!6 \qritham Road. Brcomhill Sheffield Sl0 2SP TeL/Fa\0l i4 26699ll
each- a.d lots of unpainteditems.M Ellison,43 Mellish Road, MILITARY BOOKS: Particulary Napoleon'c. uniforms and
walsall.wS4 2DG (01922 625809)- weganjng. Top prices paid. Calalogues also issued.
Magenta Books,
painted I Silcoales SLret. Wakefield WF2 ODU.01695 570707 (days)
25mm NAPOLEONIC IRENCI1 Well ed basedro rr flr'
GrandManner.452 Int^try i 48 calaLy: 12guDsmd crewi 5
l90O or ofers. Might be willing to lplir Telephone
0161281 7032
(Mdchestet Buyerto arrange collection. I IELD SERYICf,:Qualityse icefor aI periods(espe.ialiyNapoleonics).
300 + UNPAINTED IST CORPS AND OLD GLORY ACW S.S.A.E2IRC\.!l l5nn, f2 25m, orowncaslinsanddelails.
FIGURES, Infanll]', Cavalry and P€sonalines,25p each,nng Derek ,r KinssieldRoad.Biddulph, S-O-T.ST86DN
on 01223872341after6 p.m.for list
FIGURES,bothpaintedand unpdinedfor sale.For a list sendlarge, Hinckley.Leics,LEl0 IUY BOOKS& GAMESBOUGHT& SOLD
MEGA BOOKS SECONDHANDMILITARY & WARGAMING Miliury & wargamingBookCollectionBoughl.
BOOKSSenousb@ksat Sensible prices.CD-ROMComputerGame Specialist Dealerin oul-of-pnnt& second-hand wargames
section.A5 SSAEfor lists 36 MelboumeStreet,Bdow itr Fumess. _ & Role playing.
Cumbria.LAl4 5TU SendA5 SSAE for gmes cataloeue
lt2 PLASTIC FIGURE SIITS - KITS! Indids 13.50each8th BOOKSTOP BOOKSIIOP, 11 Mljtreld Grove,
Amy !2.50 Foeign t€Bion!4.00 Cotmudos !3.00 10OYW!2.50 Harmgate HGI 5HD, North Yo.kshire. Tel:01423.505E17
washingtons €1.50ModemU.S.t2.50Cstle$ f:ms forts!7.50
New Alamo t4.00 wasoDs {5.50 Crusader €3.00 Crusaderlanks
!3.50 Pleasephone!o resae your ordef 012?1377757A Peddle TIIE PAINTING SERVICE - undertaking commissionsfor the
"Sunnymead" 4 BrauntonRoad.Bamstaple. N DevonEX3l IJY discemingwd8mer again.qlalily senice basedon valuefor Doney,
LARGE SELECTION OF WARGAMES FIGUR.ESFOR SALE as fte repearorde6 prove.Conract01482831 685. l? Saddleworlh
AWI. 25mm Frcnt Ranl Figures.All mint catings. 700+ f@!, Close.Huli HU7 5BW
25+Dounted,7 guns, including ca.rying casest400-00 A.C.W. 25mm NAPOLEONIC, ACW AND FRANCO-PRUSSIAN
romn. MOST PAINTED, basedfor F+F. Cor?s/Divisionsfor FIGUR.ESpainted/bded to high stodtrd. Ten fi6t clas slampsfor
Genysburg, includeshandnadeterain fo., and tull details. No quibble retund if not completely
including carryidg cdes. 1300.00WARHAMMER EPIC. All well satisfied.Nations in Ams Painlirg Sewice, I SilcoatesSdee!
painled dd sdd textured bes. Tyrdids, SpaceMeines, Imperial wakefeld wF2 ODU.
Gutud. inclDdesflyeq frds md cairying cdes. !400.00 W.W.2 DS3,SPECIALISTSIN RPG'S,boardsames and CCG'Sbo$ new
l5tm AMERICAN AND GERMAN. AU well painEd md bded. and used.we offer a nail order seflice, no fDssstDdenrmd society
40+ vehicles,250+ infmry, pldes &d hddmade terain , including discounrsAND if we donr hale anilemin srockwhenyoucallor visir,
carrying cases.!400.00 W.W.2 l{htrm GERMAN AND RUSSIAN. well giveyou a discounr or sendit ro you postfree.EXCLUDESznd
Some painted 200+ vehicles, 400+ inf&lry dd plmes including HAND & OOP.Our city sbre js locatedar 207 whiftm Road,
carrying cases.f200.00 ROMAN AND CARTHAGINIANS l{hnm. ShefiieldSl0 2SPTelFax0l I a 266991I
Most painledapprox-600+ infmtry dd 100+ cavalry 1100.00 DS3 PAINTING SERVICE.A consistemmuseunqDalirrseflice
MACIIDONIAN AND PDRSIAN l0mm. Molr painted. Approx. prcvided by an experiencedteamheadedby an awardwinnine anisr.
500+ infantry and 200+ cavalry tl00.m NAPOLEONIC 6nn We accept comisions for fdtasy or historical subjecls in 25mm
ENTIRE ARMIES IOR LEIPZIG. All painted dd bded by scale and higher Pnces sbrr ar €3.50. For a sabple send a RANK
brieades.3,500+Iigurest200.00 Buyer collecrs.Any quenesor AND FILE figure and f1.00 P+P. DS3 207 Whithan Road.
quesrions donl hesilate
rc nng 015,1423089? BroomfieldSheffieldSl0 2SP'fellFa 0t | 4 26699| |
ANGLIA ROLEMODEIS. We slEialise in paiDtinged converting
25mm scienceficlion and fanrasyfigures to a higb srandardfor either
gaming or display. Fron dwarfs, bloodbeEts to monsreBt We also
paim vehiclesdd producealien ireesand scereryfor rhis scale!2_50

for a samplepainledlo gamingsttudard.ContactAngtia Rolemodels, Presentedby the Levellelsof Wsymouth
15Coachmms Lane,Bald@kSG75BN.Tel:01462892466or email
Featu€s trctude
TABBY'S PAINTING SERVICE. Expdenced lainrer, fajr aDd D€monsl€tioncam€s flne besl tom tl€ are)
efficient, sDpplierto large estabtkhedcompanies,5tm ro 25'm. ati waftamm.r compefiton
perods, wargamesand collectors standard.Reasonablypriced
discountsavailablefor clubs od sociedes.SAE dd !t in srampsfor
wwz and Awt € dnrctots
S nq&Buy
sdple and lisls to 39 Trinity Street,Birkenhead,Wirat l4l 4HJ IEd€ Sian<rs(aboul12)
LI] ROI SOL[[ PAINTING, SPECIALIST IN AGE OF UsuanyincludesSnapdragon,Pelel Piq,Tren Books,
Goulds,B irnniroueens Hus*r, SDD,KJ War€n,
REASON, lotm dd above,olher periodsnot Efused.Only one ChadGam6s,QFi Hc,ttnanBeks,
slandard.connoissemFor l5tm dd 25IInn smples s€ndSSAI dd
€2.50 to G. Mccullagh. 22 P.lestine Sr.e€1,Belfalr. BT7 teJ
GrubbyTanks,@d lhder and oihere.
Loadsol nicep€opl€. oq
FORTIICOMING EYENTS ftLt' 12|j|' tQ ata fl50 dr &y
a*l!|m|.r 5Q |'r iol.
TI{E BIG BATTALIONS will be holdinS tben nexr all day,
panicipationganes in norlh Londonon 17May & 2 Angust.Mltti, Tradertcan6ral; WEYMOUTH
player25mmNapoleonics. All figuressupplied_ Umpirecontro ed. l,larlin
In The Gtuad Mannet fltes. Up ro 21ft x t2fl table.!20 for the day. 36Knightsdele
Road, SITE,WEYMOUTH Nearrorhe
Forfurtherdehilscall Rohan01818885530 WeymoulhDolsel
DT4oHS seatonr andt@epa.kingrighr
.exrb th6nainhatl
(01305 760384)
STAB '9E SouthboumeTabletop and Boedeamers Miljidy
Modellinged MiniatureWargmesShov.Augustlsr and2nd 1998 Warhanmer FentesyBallle Thisis a line.oMnlion runtor andby
Competition: 2000pts watoame(Ttu a.ceil is onqenino
OakmeadSchool. Duck Lane, Boumemourh. D@6 open 10.00m peophinvolved ii lhe hobbyTnhtsthe
until5.00pmon bothdays.Enquiries: D. Powell,105Warconb€Road, supporled by rrlvenlh yearol FISTICUFFS.
BoumemouthBH6 5LP.01202420 966. Games Workshop.
ft6 shw runshm 1o,Coam to 5,00pm
bomdays.Clubs/ playsEableIo bnnqa
MEGAGAME now in its eighrh ye&, takes ptace in Oxfo.d on Flat2,10Commercial Road qamede mostyelcome aid shoud
Saorday9 May. 5Or playeB in rhineentems vie for politicat and/ or Weymoulh, DorsetDT47DW conLcl!s inadv.n.e.
military sxpremacy acrcss rhe rolbled Middle East. played in
acceleEtedrcal-time, wift conEol table .nd is a unioue
e.ming expenence. Fd tull derails.sendrwo fi6r ctsr shmD\ ro Tony Bar!, Orilinary Members: Richard Sabbenon.Cluis Nicole,
Vmus warne' ,wl) P O Bo\ ?45,Oriord OX.] 7yT Manin Richardsonod Terry Dixon. The club contrct .emainsTony
SALVO'98 EAST ANGLIA'S PREMIER WARGAMES SHOW, Bd, I The woodleds, coddard Avenue,Hull HU5 2BW.Tet: 01482
NEW DAIE: ChanerHall, t€isure world, CowdrayAvenue. 445215,Email: tonybarr@lthew@.Uands.prestet.co_UK The clDbt
Colchester,Esex, Sundayl8!h October Bnng & Buy. Over 60 clubs web pageas at httpy/w*
andtrade6.ConlacrPhil (01206)853556
http/wwwbtintemet.con/-salvo A NDW CLIJB IN EARBY The junior Advemurerscuild (JAc)
SELWG 98 Tle Sonlh Eat t ndon wargmes crcup will present catering for wargameB aged l0-t6 hd b€en running in Earny ,
"SELWG 98" ar Crystal betweenSkipron and ColDe - for rhree yeds, ptayinS failaly and
PalaceNation.l Spons Cenie. Ane.tey Hill.
London SEI9 on Sunday25rh Octoberfrom lom to 5pm. Spaceis sciencefiction gmes. In responseto intercstfrcm otdergMen a new
availablefor ove.50 traden and 30 largewdgaming tables.For tunher clDb has b€eDset up. Senior AdventurcB cuild of Edby (SAGE)
information or enquiries pleale conlact our ctub secrerary:paul which also plays hisroricalgmes. Borh clubs mer at the Edby New
ereenw@d, 16 Wesr Hallowes, ElrhM, London. SE9 4EX Tel No: RoadConDunity Cenne:JAG on alremateMonday nighls, 6.30pn ro
0l8l 85?6107emailGREEPA@MSN.COM 9pm, SAGEeveryThursday7-00pmuntil we decideto go homet Both
clubs encourageconlacr with orher clubs. of which there seen ro be
'my wioin l/2 e hour to e hour's (|live away(Harogate, Bmley.
PLAYBY'MAIL Gl. HNood, Mdchesrer). For moreinfomarion pleasecontactJDllin
WWII HIGHLY DETAILED. EASIERN FRONT. WesremFronl Tzyl6 on 012a2a44429
MediteEoem Theatredd mulri-pla)€r games.Full detailsrThe AJM
GrcDp,35 EliasPlace,LondonSw8 INS Tel: 0l7t 735 3025 OXFORD WARGAMES SOCTETY will be re-fighnng bantesfrcm
RATED THE BDST PBM WARGAME IN THE WORLD (source: histoD dDrinC1998in a \enerof gmes openro alt come^usrngedy
alasrlflp independentpiayn $wey. over five combinedcaregones)- to lem nles. Plamed banlesare Edgehill - I orh May, Warertoo 14th
oDr l8rh century wargmes campaignh6 fte tott warfare, spyinS, June. Caesd vs. cauls ,12ft July. Comp€ririon 13th Seprembq_
diplonacy, atDosphere,etc-La Gloire du Roi (4rh edition). SendSAE Futue 8me\ to b€ staeedwill be fiom $e Pen'nsula Wtu.ECw &d
for no.e detaih or !5 fo. rules,post Aee.AGEMA, 3 WorksopRoad, Ww2- For detailsof thesegam€sed the club contacrDillon Brcwne.
Notingham NG3 2BA 22 Nonl' S1,Middle Banon, Chipping Nono., Oxon. OX7 7BJ Tel:
the prcsentcomittee membeEwereconfimedin rheir Dosirions. ANYONE IN THE Df,WSBURY AREA intercsted in ptaying
Chaima: IanCluskey. treaurerrRichdd'cingel Jesop.SecreLary:Shako?PleasecontactKeift DqsIel:01924 493221

Wargamesrules & Spearhead.WWII rulesby Arty Conliffe. 113.95

White Star Rising New WestemFront 1944-45
booklets scenariobookfor Spearhead. t9.95
Principlesof War. PopularNineteenthCentury
New! 2nd edition of Warfare in the Age of rulesby TomPenn. C8.00
Reasonby Tod Kershner& Dale wood. FIASCO
BestRulesAwardwinner1997. 812.95 Colonial Lists for above.
Dropwing (Futurc CombatGameSystem) ContinentalLists for above. f6.0{)
SF groundcombatrules by SteveWinter 94.95 NapoleonicPrinciplesof war.
Killer Katanas New Samuraibaftlerulesfrom the (Includesnearly40 armylists.) f8.00
usA. s9.95 WellingtonIn lndia, C.S.Gmnt& S.Asquith.
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