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Managerial Effectiveness

Group work
• Who is a manager?
• What are his functions?
• What are the roles of a manager?
• What are the skills they need?
• Choose a sector of your choice and discuss the above with example
Managerial Effectiveness
•Reddin (1974) – Managerial effectiveness is the
degree to which managers achieve the output
requirements corresponding to their respective
•Kirchoff (1977) – It is the act of fulfilling multiple
expectations rather than optimizing one objective
Examples- Is it effective management?

•Retailer stores 2000 products in his store, but couldn’t trace

a product when demanded by a customer.
•Workload allocation – Not fair
•Some of the sales territories which has high demand doesn't
have enough salesforce.
•A manager need to supervise Unit A,B & C. Due to personal
commitment he over supervised Unit A & ignored B & C
•Effectiveness of the manager depends on three components
• Ability of the managers
• Motivation
• Opportunities

•Ability of the managers depends on the

• Functions they perform
• Skills
• Roles
Types of Managers
New definition of manager
• Initiate new goal
• Define vision
• Chart course of action
1. Doers
• Gets things done
• Not extra ordinary
• Does routine jobs
• May not have ambition
• Work hard to sustain
• Can be easily replaced
2. Achievers
• Do more than what is required
• Outstanding
• Smart workers
• Have career ambition
• No mission or purpose in life
• Switchers
• Career managers
3. Visionaries or Entrepreneurs
• Leaders
• Restless, creative, think big
• Goal – long term
• Makes impact on organisation
• Drive to create wealth for themselves/others
• Often entrepreneurs like Ambani, Falguni Nayar
• Mission driven
• Goals are social and community related
• Element of sacrifice is involved
• Type 2, 3 and 4 are also leader
• But degree of leadership varies
Qualities of Manager
• Versatile
• Efficacy
• Internality
• Value driven
• Team builder and worker
• Networking
• Delegator
• Problem solver
• Combination of motive, leadership style and skills
Article on
• What effective managers do?

• Comment on the effectiveness of the GM discussed in the article

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