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Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196

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Toward embedded laboratory automation for smart lab-on-a-chip

embryo arrays
Kevin I-Kai Wang a, Zoran Salcic a, Johnny Yeh a, Jin Akagi b, Feng Zhu b, Chris J. Hall c,
Kathryn E. Crosier c, Philip S. Crosier c, Donald Wlodkowic b,d,n
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
The BioMEMS Research Group, School of Chemical Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
The BioMEMS Research Group, School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) biomicrofluidic technologies are rapidly emerging bioanalytical tools that can
Received 12 March 2013 miniaturize and revolutionize in situ research on embryos of small vertebrate model organisms such as
Received in revised form zebrafish (Danio rerio) and clawed African frog (Xenopus laevis). Despite considerable progress being
17 April 2013
made in fabrication techniques of chip-based devices, they usually still require excessive and manual
Accepted 17 April 2013
Available online 30 April 2013
actuation and data acquisition that significantly reduce throughput and introduce operator-related
analytical bias. This work describes the development of a proof-of-concept embedded platform that
Keywords: integrates an innovative LOC zebrafish embryo array technology with an electronic interface to provide
Microfluidics higher levels of laboratory automation for in situ biotests. The integrated platform was designed to
perform automatic immobilization, culture and treatment of developing zebrafish embryos during fish
embryo toxicity (FET) biotests. The system was equipped with a stepper motor driven stage, solenoid-
Bioassay actuated pinch valves, miniaturized peristaltic pumps as well as Peltier heating module. Furthermore, a
Automation Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was used to implement an embedded hardware/software
Embedded systems solution and interface to enable real-time control over embryo loading and immobilization; accurate
FPGA microfluidic flow control; temperature stabilization and also automatic time-resolved image acquisition
Microcontroller of developing zebrafish embryos. This work presents evidence that integration of embedded electronic
CMOS interfaces with microfluidic chip-based technologies can bring the Lab-on-a-Chip a step closer to fully
Automated microscopy
automated analytical systems.
& 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction analysis in the physiological milieu of the intact, developing

vertebrate organism (Akagi et al., 2012a; Wheeler and Brandli,
The introduction of the 3 R (Reduction, Refinement and Replace- 2009). The optical transparency of fish embryos allows for con-
ment) Animal Welfare legislation policies worldwide has facilitated venient visualization of developing tissues in response to drug/toxin
the accelerated development of alternative models for drug dis- treatment (Akagi et al., 2012a). The lack of efficient laboratory
covery and environmental impact assessment (Lammer et al., automation that can perform analysis of statistically significant
2009a; Wlodkowic et al., 2011). In this regard toxicity biotests cohorts of individual embryos in real-time hampers, however, the
performed on embryos of small multicellular model animals such as large-scale industrial implementation of fish embryo toxicity (FET)
zebrafish (Danio rerio) and clawed African frog (Xenopus laevis) offer assays (Akagi et al., 2012a; Chang et al., 2012; Letamendia et al.,
considerable bioanalytical advantages over costly and inherently 2012; Wlodkowic et al., 2011).
ethical controversial tests made on adult fish or rodents (Lammer Some progress has recently been made in robotic fish and frog
et al., 2009a; Parng, 2005; Rubinstein, 2006). Moreover, the embryo embryo handling, but the seamless integration of dispensing,
biotests offer numerable advantages over bioassays performed on treatment and real-time analysis of sub-millimetre zebrafish
cell lines and isolated cells/tissues as they support toxicological embryos is still not easily transferable to conventional, macro-
scale automation (Chang et al., 2012; Graf et al., 2011; Letamendia
et al., 2012; Wlodkowic et al., 2011). Therefore, there is a great
Corresponding author at: The BioMEMS Research Group, School of Applied
Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Tel.: +64 21 177 4369.
hope that advances in microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip systems, where
E-mail addresses:, most tasks are performed automatically without disturbing the, (D. Wlodkowic). embryo, and without sudden changes to the embryo environment,

0956-5663/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196 189

will produce significantly more reproducible data at a higher equations governing the balance of mass, momentum, chemical
throughput (Khoshmanesh et al., 2012; Wielhouwer et al., 2011; species as described before (Khoshmanesh et al., 2012).
Wlodkowic et al., 2011). The transfer of traditional in situ biotests
into a miniaturized format is still in its infancy but can prospec- 2.3. Multilayer 3D chip fabrication
tively improve both quantitative and qualitative data acquisition.
In this regard, several innovative chip-based devices for analysis of The chip was designed and modeled using the CorelDraw X4
zebrafish embryos have recently been demonstrated. These (Corel Corporation, Canada) and SolidWorks 2011 (Dassault Sys-
included use of a glass microwell flow-through system, micro- temes SolidWorks Corp, Concord, MA, USA) CAD packages. Physi-
droplet techniques, immobilization of zebrafish embryos using a cal prototyping of integrated 3D microfluidic devices was
hydrodynamic fluidic traps and more recently also a 3D multilayer performed in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA/Acrylic; PSP
plastic chip-based device capable of active trapping, immobiliza- Plastics Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand) transparent thermoplastic
tion and recovery of zebrafish embryos in real-time (Akagi et al., using a non-contact 30 W infrared laser micromachining system
2012b, 2012c; Son and Garrell, 2009; Wielhouwer et al., 2011). with a 50 μm elliptical beam spot (Universal Laser Systems, USA).
Despite the considerable progress made in design and fabrica- PMMA layers were optically aligned and thermally bonded at
tion techniques, microfluidic devices usually still require excessive 110 1C for up to 2 hours. Leak free connections were accomplished
and manual actuation and data acquisition that significantly by direct laser machining of fluidic interconnects to fit the 1/16 in.
reduce throughput and introduce operator-related analytical bias PTFE tubing (Cole-Parmer, USA) with an internal diameter (ID)
(Wang et al., 2012a, 2012b). Very limited progress has been made 1.5 mm. The tubing was reversibly plugged into the laser cut
in integration of LOC with the macroworld, design of user-friendly connection ports.
off-chip components and also automation of many functional
mechanisms to provide truly turnkey and automated microfluidic 2.4. FPGA-based embedded controller
devices. Therefore key technological challenges that prevent wide-
spread adoption of LOC-based technologies still lie ahead. These The overall automation platform consisted of the microfluidic
include automation of operation through the integration and actuation, temperature regulation and image acquisition units, and
coordination of microfluidic, mechatronic and computer pro- required all units working in harmony to properly conduct auto-
cesses, connection to the external world and advanced signal matic experiments. One of the great advantages of LOC technology
processing and visualization techniques. This work describes the was allowing massive parallelization and that was the main
development of a proof-of-concept embedded platform that inte- motivation for designing a customized embedded controller using
grates a novel LOC zebrafish embryo array technology with FPGA-based technology. Other off-the-shelf microcontrollers,
embedded electronic and microcontroller interface to provide while capable of providing similar control functionalities, were
higher levels of laboratory automation for in situ biotests. The significantly limited by their capabilities of handling parallel tasks
integrated platform was designed to perform automatic immobi- and interface I/Os. The prototyped automation platform used the
lization, culture and treatment of developing zebrafish embryos Altera Cyclone II chip that supports up to 622 I/O pins and ran at a
during fish embryo toxicity (FET) biotests. We provide pioneering 100 MHz system clock speed. The FPGA-based embedded con-
evidence that by integrating state-of-the-art chip-based and soft- troller contained a soft-core NIOS-II microprocessor and three
ware technologies with embedded systems one can realize smart customized hardware modules: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Lab-on-a-Chip automation. module, bi-directional PWM module and stepper motor control
module, connected to the microprocessor through a standard bus
interface (Wang et al., 2012c).
2. Materials and methods
2.5. Off-chip microfluidic actuation
2.1. Zebrafish husbandry and embryo culture
The 3D chip required external microfluidic actuation for its
Wild type (AB line; Zebrafish International Resource Center, operation. The off-chip actuation consisted of three solenoid-
USA) and transgenic Tg(fli1a:EGFP) adult zebrafish were used. based pinch valves and two peristaltic pumps. Two pinch valves
Embryos obtained from natural spawning were then collected in were Biochem Fluidics 075P2NC12-02 S 2-way valves with 1/16”
E3 medium (5 mM NaCl, 0.17 mM KCl, 0.33 mM CaCl2, 0.33 mM silicone tubing and 12 VDC operating voltage. These two valves
MgSO4, 0.1% methylene blue) supplemented with penicillin/strep- controlled the embryo and chemical fluid entrance to the two
tomycin (Life Technologies Corp), kept at 28.5 70.5 1C and devel- corresponding inlets of the chip. The other valve was a Biochem
opmentally staged. Animal research was conducted with approval Fluidics 075P3MP12-02 S 3-way valve with 1/16 in. silicone tubing
from The University of Auckland Animal Ethics Committee and 12 V operating voltage. This 3-way valve provided two
(approval ID R903). All control measurements are provided in possible routes at the chip outlet for regulating chemical perfusion
detail in the Figure legends, where appropriate, but in general or waste disposal operations. Kamoer DC and stepper motor-based
involved making direct comparisons between the chip-based peristaltic pumps that both operated at 12 VDC were selected to
devices and static 24-well microtiter plates (Nalgene Nunc actuate the chip to provide liquid flow and embryo immobilize
Inc., USA). suction at 1.05 mL/min flow rate. Each valve was controlled by an
individual digital I/O pin of the FPGA-based embedded controller,
2.2. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations via an H-bridge chip (SN754410, Texas Instruments) that accepted
3.3 V digital signal from the FPGA and powered the valve at 12 V.
The chip design and optimization was guided by CFD simula- The DC and stepper motor peristaltic pump were controlled by
tions as described before. Briefly, the 2D and 3D models of the customized bi-directional and PWM modules of the embedded
device were created with virtual embryos as spherical structures controller, via another H-bridge of the same type.
inside the traps. The simulation was performed using Gambit The embryos were to be cultivated at 28.5 70.5 1C regardless of
2.3 software (Fluent Inc., USA) to create the geometry and mesh the ambient room temperature. The temperature sensing was
generation. Finite-volume based Fluent 6.3 software (Fluent Inc., done using an negative temperature coefficient (NTC) type ther-
USA.) was subsequently used to solve the associated differential mistor that measures absolute temperature and works in the
190 K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196

range of −40 1C to 125 1C with 0.5 1C tolerance. The analog embryos retained their position during the course of 72 h experi-
thermistor was powered with a high precision current source. ments with no dislodgement observed when drug delivery mani-
The measured voltage level was amplified and then converted by a fold was actuated. The hydrodynamic conditions inside the chip
13-bit A/D converter (MPC3304, Microchip Technology Inc.) into a with a maximum shear stress of 0.14 Pa at the lower surface of the
digital signal, which was followed by a voltage translator last four embryos were permissive for zebrafish embryo culture
(MC14505B, Semiconductor Components Industries) to feed into over extended periods of time. Accordingly cumulative survival of
the FPGA-based embedded microcontroller at a matching voltage embryos cultured on a chip-based device for up to 72 h was over
level. The temperature regulation was done by software PI con- 9575% with the exception of chips kept at a static regimen or
troller commanding a thermoelectric Peltier device. The PI con- perfused at flow rates lower than 0.1 mL/min. Importantly, the
troller regulated the temperature according to a predefined embryo development and viability was uniform across all the traps
temperature level by outputting the corresponding control signal and did not result in any discernible developmental effects
through a customized bi-directional PWM module to control the irrespectively of the magnitude of flow rates applied. In this regard
Peltier device, via an H-bridge (SN754410, Texas Instruments) for our data were statistically comparable with static Petri dish
powering the Peltier device at 5 V. control experiments. Furthermore, the innovative chip design
allowed rapid recovery of developing embryos by simply reversing
2.6. Time-lapse image acquisition the fluid flow and collecting the embryo at the input port. The
embryos after being released from the chip behaved the same as
The iDS-UI-1485LE CMOS camera (IDS Imaging Development controls and maintained cumulative survival of up to 95 75% with
System GmbH) was selected to collect static image data at the no developmental abnormalities detected as compared to Petri
resolution of 2560  1920. This camera was connected to an dish controls. The chip based- device allowed for rapid delivery of
ordinary PC through the USB interface and provided a set of native drugs and exchange of media to immobilized embryos without
libraries in C++, which allowed programmable control and config- disturbing their position or introducing mechanical stress (Fig. 1(D)).
uration during the experiments. The native libraries were wrapped The average drug-exchange time was 60–90 s at the flow rate of
in a graphical user control interface that ran on the PC and 0.1 mL/min (Fig. 1(D)).
communicated with the FPGA-implemented embedded microcon-
troller via the UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmit-
ter) interface. The camera was fixed directly above the chip, while
the chip was mounted on a slider stage. A stepper motor that was 3.2. Off-chip automation design rationale
controlled by the embedded microcontroller was used to actuate
the stage movement in a single dimension. The chip was designed The embedded automation platform was designed by combin-
to move through a series of locations to allow camera to collect ing the state of the art FPGA-based embedded control, mecha-
real-time images of each embryo trapped in the chip in a time- tronics, and LOC technologies. The platform contained three
lapse fashion. distinctive functional modules, such as: (1) microfluidic device
actuation, (2) chemical fluid temperature regulation, and
(3) automated image acquisition (Fig. 2). The microfluidic actuation
3. Results and discussion unit controlled the pinch valves and peristaltic pumps to regulate
the flow rate inside the chip-based device. The temperature
3.1. Microfluidic chip-based device design and operation regulation unit monitored the fluid temperature and maintained
the fluid temperature at a predefined level. The image acquisition
The microfluidic 3D chip was fabricated in a biologically unit acquired images in a time-lapse mode. The automation plat-
compatible and optically transparent PMMA polymer using infra- form used a common 12 VDC power adapter as the power source
red laser micromachining. The microfluidic chip was designed as a for all the embedded devices, including pinch valves, peristaltic
monolithic and fully integrated device with no moving parts and pumps, thermoelectric devices and a stepper motor. In order to
encompassed four distinctive layers that were optically aligned examine the platform, each individual unit of the platform was
and thermally bonded (Fig. 1(A)). The chip design incorporated tested separately and together through real experiments with
three integrated modules: (i) a main channel (1.7 mm  1.5 mm  different durations of up to 60 h.
55 mm) for zebrafish embryo loading, (ii) a linear array of 20 The customized FPGA-based embedded microcontroller (Fig. 2(B))
miniaturized traps for single embryo trapping and immobilization, was at the core of the automation platform, which performed
(iii) a plenum suction manifold (0.7 mm in depth) at the bottom sensing of the status of individual elements and triggered and
plane of the chip that created a drag force to immobilize embryos controlled the overall operations of all the electrical–mechanical
(Fig. 1(B)). The chip design allowed for both single embryo devices. The embedded microcontroller contained a soft-core NIOS
occupancy in the traps and unobstructed passage of other embryos II microprocessor customized with additional digital components,
in the rectangular main channel following automated docking. including PWM modules, bi-directional PWM modules, stepper
The trapping principles exploited the combined gravitational- motor control modules, SPI and UART interface modules. The final
induced sedimentation of embryos and a low-pressure suction at design of the embedded microcontroller was accomplished on the
the bottom plane of the device to rapidly attract embryos into the Terasic DE2-70 prototyping board with a Cyclone II chip and used
traps (Fig. 1(B, C)). Accordingly, in the presence of gravity the less than 20 K logic elements (LEs), which was 28% of the available
embryos were deflected under the combined effect of suction flow logic elements of the entire FPGA chip. In addition, the current
and gravity toward the aperture of the traps (Fig. 1(B, C)). The embedded microcontroller used 64 I/O pins, which were only 10% of
embryos falling into traps were then immobilized by a continuous the 622 available I/O pins for Cyclone II chip, to interface with all the
suction at the bottom plane of the device (Fig. 1(C)). The process embedded and microfluidic devices. However, 64 pins were already
was repeated until all traps were occupied and the loading was beyond the I/O interface capacity of many off-the-shelf embedded
then discontinued. microcontrollers, for example, Atmel1280 that only has 54 I/O pins
During experimental validation the system achieved 100% (Wang et al., 2012a, 2012c). This indicated that the solution had high
trapping efficiency when actuated at a total flow rate of up to flexibility, scalability and extensibility in supporting additional sen-
0.6 mL/min as described before. Importantly, over 99% of trapped sing and actuating requirements if needed.
K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196 191

Fig. 1. Microfluidic chip-based device for long-term culture of zebrafish embryos. (A) 3D device with integrated manifolds that allow for suction-assisted embryo trapping
and immobilization in linear array of up to 20 miniaturized embryo traps; (B) 3D streamlines of fluid flow through the embryo traps colored by velocity (m/s), obtained by
CFD simulations. Black spheres denote simulated embryos. Arrows denote fluid flow direction; (C) Cross-sectional view of the device depicting the four layers of PMMA and
integrated modules such as main channels, trapping array and suction manifold. Note clearly visible immobilized embryos inside the trapping array. Embryos are deflected
toward the traps under the combined effects of suction flow and gravity. Blue arrows denote the direction of the fluid flow; (D) Cross-sectional view of the device depicting
time-lapse imaging of drug delivery to embryos immobilized inside the microfluidic embryo array. Chip was infused with a 0.04% Trypan Blue dye at a volumetric flow rate of
0.2 mL/min.

3.3. Fluidic system performance regulate the flow paths, to immobilize embryos in the array and to
provide precise flow rate respectively, as shown in Fig. 2(D) (Wang
One of the key requirements of automating the chip was to et al., 2012a, 2012c).
precisely actuate the fluid flow rate and to control the correct flow The two-way pinch valves controlled the two inlets of the chip
path during the course of the experiments. Three microfluidic to feed the embryos and the chemical fluid. The three-way pinch
devices, solenoid-actuated pinch valves (Fig. 2(C)), a stepper motor valve regulated the outlet to perform either chemical perfusion or
peristaltic pump and a DC motor peristaltic pump, were used to waste disposal. The pinch valves required 12 VDC input voltage to
192 K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196

Fig. 2. Off-chip FPGA-based embedded automation platform. (A) Conceptual automation platform consisted of a microfluidic chip-based device, microfluidic valves and
pumps, temperature sensor and thermoelectric devices, and a CMOS camera and a stepper motor actuated 1D slider stage, integrated and orchestrated by a FPGA-based
embedded microcontroller; (B) FPGA-based embedded microcontroller contained a soft-core NIOS II microprocessor with customized digital components, including PWM
and bi-directional PWM modules, a stepper motor control module SPI and UART communication modules; (>C) Two-way pinch valve for regulating microfluidic flow path;
(D) Stepper motor-based peristaltic pump for precisely suction manifold actuation to trap and immobilize zebrafish embryos at a flow rate of 1.05 mL/min; (E) Close-loop
temperature regulation unit with an analog thermistor-based temperature sensor which interfaces with the embedded microcontroller through an A/D converter via a
customized SPI module. A software PI controller running on the embedded microcontroller actuates the Peltier device based on the collected temperature data; (F) High
precision current source that produces exactly 45μA flowing through the thermistor; (G) Two cascaded Peltier devices thermally pasted with aluminum heat sink for
maintaining reference temperature as ambient room temperature; (H) Chip-based device integrated with stepper motor controlled 1D slider stage; (I) CMOS camera with
objective lens which provides magnification of up to 5 times.
K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196 193

3.4. Temperature regulation

The microenvironment had a great influence on the embryonic

development and results of the experiments. Zebrafish, as a
tropical fish, needed to be cultivated at a stable temperature range
of 28.5 70.5 1C and the chemical fluid that perfused through the
chip must be within this range in order to hatch the embryos
(Akagi et al., 2012a, 2012b; Lammer et al., 2009b). Fig. 2(E) depicts
a close loop temperature regulation unit, which consisted of a
temperature sensing and actuation devices. This module was
developed to monitor and control the temperature of fluid being
delivered to the embryos in real-time. In order to measure the
absolute temperature with high precision, thermistor was selected
over other types of temperature sensors (Wang et al., 2012c). The
Fig. 3. The calibration curve for the selected negative temperature coefficient thermistor used in the current platform is an NTC (negative
(NTC-type) thermistor. With an external 13-bit A/D converter (resolution of temperature coefficient) type. In order to properly operate the
1.22 mV), the temperature sensor can achieve a theoretical resolution of approxi-
mately 0.01 1C. The resolution will vary at different temperature due to the
thermistor, a high precision current source was necessary to
nonlinear characteristic of thermistors. The temperature readings were converted power up the thermistor, as shown in Fig. 2(F). The current source
into the linear temperature scale based on this curve. provided precisely 45 μA flowing through the thermistor, which
allowed 2.9 V to be measured across the thermistor at 25 1C, after
amplification. With the provided current source, the voltage varied
operate properly. In order to drive the pinch valve while achieving at 0.1 V/1C and was fed into a 13-bit A/D converter with a
digital control at the same time, the digital output (3.3 V) from the resolution of 1.22 mV. This design allowed temperature sensor to
FPGA-based embedded controller was used to control an H-bridge, achieve a theoretical resolution of approximately 0.01 1C. Although
which in turn powered and controlled the pinch valve at 12 VDC. the sensor could achieve a theoretical resolution of approximately
The purpose of the stepper-motor based peristaltic pump was 0.01 1C, the resistance–temperature relationship was calibrated
to provide a suction force through the suction manifold in order to using a water bath with a measuring resolution of 0.1 1C and the
load and to immobilize the embryo in each trap. The pump was resistance–temperature curve was presented in Fig. 3. The resolu-
equipped with its own driving circuit, where the rotational speed tion varied at different temperature due to the nonlinear char-
of the pump and hence the flow rate was controlled according to acteristic. The temperature readings were converted into the linear
the frequency of an input PWM signal. A customized PWM module temperature scale using the polynomial equation in Fig. 3. The A/D
was designed as part of the FPGA-based embedded controller to converter used in the current platform provided common SPI bus
provide end users with easy programmability to modify both the for communication and data acquisition. The FPGA-based
signal frequency and duty cycle by changing corresponding regis- embedded controller collected real-time temperature information
ter values. The output of the PWM module was fed as the input to from the A/D converter through a customized SPI unit.
the driving circuit of the stepper motor peristaltic pump. The In addition to temperature sensing, a thermoelectric (Peltier)
stepper motor peristaltic pump operated at a flow rate of 1.05 mL/min device was employed as the actuator of the temperature regula-
and was able to load the chip with good trapping efficiency. tion unit (Fig. 2(G)). It has the advantage of being able to actively
The DC motor peristaltic pump operated at a higher rotational heat or cool its surface, relative to a reference temperature. In
speed to maintain the flow rate at 1.5 mL/min for chemical liquid order to achieve absolute temperature control, one side was fixed
perfusion. The pump was a two-input terminal device and could at the ambient room temperature by attaching a stable heat sink
change its rotational direction (or flow direction) by reversing the module with thermal paste, which maintained the reference side
input voltage polarities at the two input terminals. A customized at the room temperature. The common 12 VDC power supply of
bi-directional PWM module was designed in the embedded the automation platform was stepped down to 5 VDC using a
controller. This module generates two signal outputs which con- voltage regulator. The same H-bridge IC (SN754410, Texas Instru-
trolled and drove an external H-bridge (SN754410, Texas Instru- ments) was used to drive the Peltier device. The customized
ments). One output produced PWM signal with adjustable bi-directional PWM module designed for the DC peristaltic pump,
frequency and duty cycle, which controlled the power delivered which allowed voltage across the device to be applied in both
to the actual device through the H-bridge. The other output directions, was replicated to control the H-bridge. By reversing the
maintained at constant ground voltage. The role of these two voltage polarity, active heating or cooling of the delivered fluid
outputs could be reversed by the software through changing a could be achieved.
register value in the embedded microcontroller. This change Software PI (proportional integral) controller was designed to
caused the voltage of opposite polarity to be delivered to the run on the embedded microcontroller to regulate the H-bridge
end device. The DC motor peristaltic pump, driven by the external output and to maintain the temperature at the pre-specified level
H-bridge and the bi-directional PWM module could rotate in both (Fig. 4(C)). With this configuration, temperatures between 15 1C
clockwise and anti-clockwise directions, depending on the voltage and 35 1C can be obtained on the controlled side of the Peltier
polarity provided at its input terminals. This allowed the DC motor device, while the reference side was maintained at the room
pump to perform either chemical perfusion or unloading the temperature of 25 1C.
embryos for disposal at different experiment stages. During the embryo development experiments, the thermistor
Throughout the trial experiments, the embedded controller was attached to the tubing surface close to the inlet of the chip
was capable of real-time controlling each individual and pre- instead of measuring the direct fluid temperature. It was found
programmed experiment stages such as (1) automatic embryo that the actual fluid temperature was 3 1C less than the tempera-
loading into the chip-base device; (2) immobilization of embryos ture of the heated tubing surface and therefore the desired
in individual traps; (3) perfusion of embryos with E3 medium at a temperature was set to 32 1C during the experiments. The soft-
desired flow rate and (4) release and unloading of immobilized ware PI controller designed to run on the embedded microcon-
and viable embryos at the end of the experiment. troller was able to maintain the temperature at 32 1C with 70.5 1C
194 K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196

Fig. 4. Graphical user control interface. (A) The first window allowed users to configure and control each individual experiment stage, and also to manually control each
peristaltic pump and the 1D slider stage. Real-time video can be viewed in this window as well; (B) The second window provided the capabilities to adjust camera settings
and to manually trigger camera operations and control bottom lighting levels; (C) The third window showed the collected temperature information and allowed users to
adjust the desirable temperature setting to actuate the thermoelectric Peltier devices.

fluctuation for up to 60 h. The results of the experiments showed color gain, and lighting source levels. The effects on the image
that 100% of embryos that were viable 12 h after loading into the could be observed in the first service window in real-time. The
chip developed fully into the larval forms, which supported the third service window displayed real-time monitored temperature
notion of appropriate levels of temperature stabilization. information retrieved from the embedded microcontroller
through UART interface and allowed users to adjust the desired
3.5. Graphical user control interface temperature level for the experiments.

In addition to the FPGA-based embedded microcontroller and 3.6. Automatic monitoring and image acquisition
control software, a user control interface was designed to run on a
PC to bridge the operations between the camera and the Time-lapse image acquisition of developing embryos cultured
embedded controller, and to provide synchronized real-time on the LOC devices was a crucial part of system design. The ability
monitoring and configuration capabilities to the end users. The to perform real-time monitoring and analysis would greatly
control interface contained three service windows for performing: improve the throughput and turnaround time of the experiments
(1) real-time configuration and monitoring of the experiment, (Akagi et al., 2012a). In the current automation platform, the real-
(2) camera configuration, and (3) temperature monitoring and time monitoring consisted of two parts, the LOC device positioning
regulation, as shown in Fig. 4. The first service window provided and the image acquisition, as shown in Fig. 2(H) and (I)
users the ability to manually configure various embedded devices, respectively.
including the peristaltic pumps and the chip positioning stepper For the bioassay experiments, automatic image acquisition
motor, for examining their functionalities before commencing the should be performed in a time-lapse mode every 30 min. The
experiments. It also allowed users to manually perform and iDS-UI-1485LE CMOS camera provided native libraries that were
examine each experiment stage, including purging the chip, wrapped in a customized user control interface (Fig. 4) to allow
loading the embryos, performing chemical perfusion, and unload- easy monitoring, controlling and configuration by the end users.
ing the embryos. Different time intervals for conducting auto- Although the camera was controlled by the customized software
mated experiments could be configured for each experiment stage running on a PC, the image acquisition must be performed in
through this window, as well. The second service window allowed harmony with the embedded controller, following strict and
users to adjust camera settings, including image/video modes, precise timing and positioning of the chip.
K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196 195

In the current design iteration platform, a stepper motor was stepper motor. This module provided two modes of driving the
employed to precisely move the chip through a series of pre- stepper motor. The number of rotation steps, rotation speed and
defined positions underneath the camera to allow proper image rotation direction could be modified by simply changing register
acquisition of each individual embryo. A customized stepper values through software running on the embedded microcontrol-
motor control module was designed in the embedded microcon- ler. The first mode controlled the motor to rotate through a
troller to provide four synchronized PWM signals that drive the discrete number of steps, which allows user to precisely configure
the linear moving distances in a resolution of 0.01 mm between
each step. The second mode controlled the motor to rotate
continuously to move the LOC device back to its initial starting
In order to properly collect images of each embryo periodically,
synchronization was achieved between the camera operation and
the chip locations controlled by the embedded controller (Fig. 5).
For this purpose, the embedded controller was configured by the
user control interface to operate in a time-lapse mode to move the
chip through a series of fixed locations in a regular time interval
and eventually returned to the starting position. At the end of each
movement, an interrupt request signal (IRQ) was emitted, signal-
ing the completion of operation. The embedded microcontroller
passed this completion status to the control interface via a UART
message to trigger the camera operation. Once the images were
acquired another UART message was sent from the control inter-
face to the embedded controller, signaling the chip could be
moved to its next location.
In the course of the experiments, color time-lapse images were
collected every hour and the chip positioning operation was
synchronized with the image acquisition. Images of developing
embryos were collected using the embedded CMOS camera and a
reference stereomicroscope (Leica MZ7.5 equipped with a trans-
parent base stage) as shown in Fig. 6(A and B). Both imaging
Fig. 5. Control flow and operation synchronization between the control software
on embedded microcontroller and graphical user control interface on a PC. Process
systems were operated at a resolution of 2048  1536 pixels (3.1
synchronization is achieved between image acquisition and chip-based device Megapixels). Comparison between resolution, light sensitivity and
location. illumination sources achieved by embedded iDS-UI-1485LE CMOS

Fig. 6. Comparison between resolution, light sensitivity and illumination sources achieved by embedded iDS-UI-1485LE CMOS camera and conventional stereomicroscope
(Leica MZ7.5 with transparent base). (A) Time-lapse imaging of Tg(fli1a:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish embryos cultured for up to 35 hours post-fertilization (hpf) on a chip-
based device. During the time-lapse experiments, the E3 medium was supplemented with 0.003% 1-phenyl-2-thiourea (PTU, Life Technologies Corp.) to maintain the optical
transparency of the zebrafish embryos by inhibiting melanocyte formation; (B) Wild-type zebrafish embryos cultured for up to 60 hours post-fertilization (hpf) on a chip-
based device without melanocyte formation inhibitor PTU. Note that embedded CMOS sensor and dedicated optics, despite shorter focal depth, provided sufficient resolution
and sensitivity to detect characteristic patterns of tissue formation during embryogenesis such as eye formation, melanocyte formation, tail detachment, etc. Custom-built
LED array combined with CMOS camera provided superior degree of illumination to acquire high-definition images of developing zebrafish embryos.
196 K.I.-K. Wang et al. / Biosensors and Bioelectronics 48 (2013) 188–196

camera and conventional stereomicroscope (Leica MZ7.5 with instantaneous quantification of acquired results. Our work pro-
transparent base) were favorable for the embedded CMOS camera. vides a new rationale to realize smart and low-cost Lab-on-a-Chip
Despite shorter focal depth of the CMOS optics the system was automation in biotechnology and predictive toxicology.
capable of acquiring images with sufficient resolution and sensi-
tivity to detect characteristic patterns of tissue formation during
embryogenesis such as eye formation, melanocyte formation, tail Acknowledgments
detachment (Fig. 6A and B)). Most notably the embedded CMOS
camera achieved much better image quality when applied to wild- Grant sponsor: Faculty Research Development Fund, University
type embryos that featured higher contrast and thus more of Auckland (KW, ZS, JY, JA, DW); Ministry of Science & Innovation
optically pronounced tissue patterns due to culture without (MSI) New Zealand (JA, CJH, KEC, PSC, DW); Early Career Research
0.003% of melanocyte formation inhibitor 1-phenyl-2-thiourea Excellence Award, University of Auckland (DW); Australian
(PTU, Life Technologies Corp.) (Fig. 6(B)). When applied to time- Research Council (DW); Vice-Chancellor's Senior Research Fellow-
resolved imaging of Tg(fli1a:EGFP) transgenic embryos cultured in ship, RMIT University (DW).
the presence of PTU both CMOS and stereomicroscope acquired The authors thank Mr. Alhad Mahagaonkar for his expert
only satisfactory images mostly due to high-level of embryo management of the zebrafish facility and Dr. Khashayar Khoshma-
transparency (Fig. 6(A)). Most notably the custom-build LED array nesh for his help in CFD simulations.
that was embedded into the custom imaging system provided
superior degree of illumination to acquire high-definition images References
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microcontroller, off-the-shelf components, and de-centralized Auckland.
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of prototyping will involve a completely integrated off-chip digital
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