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Grad Minds Executive Meeting #11

Online via Zoom

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Jeffrey Lynham Co-Chair
Curtis D’Hollander Co-Chair
Mao Thao Secretary & Conference Coordinator
Elizabeth Karvasarski Treasurer
Samantha Chang Event Coordinator
Sarah Stapleton Event Coordinator
Katie Rose Mental Health Policy Advisor
Alison D’Cruz Share Circle Facilitator
Walter Villanueva Event Coordinator
Vineeth Raveendran Social Media and Marketing Manager
Abiraa Karalasingam Event Coordinator
Sophia Zhong Event Coordinator

Audrey Kao Peer Support Lead
Felix Lau Mental Health Policy Advisor
Allison Correia Advocacy Coordinator
Shraddha Khiwadkar Communications Manager

Actionable for Next Meeting

• Sophia and Abiraa will send out departmental emails
• Sarah and Walter will meet later this week to discuss the Game Night schedule
• Event Write Up
• 5 ways to wellbeing - Curtis
• Music, Imagery, and Relaxation Journey - Mao
• Keynote - Mao
• Chatting with the U of T Community - Abiraa
• Please focus only on the resources recommended during the

• Elizabeth will work on putting together one feedback form for the conference
• Mao will reach out to her contacts about information regarding “eating disorders”
• Elizabeth will look to see if Grad Minds can give Honorariums to U of T staff and
• Everyone - Please help promote the Grad Minds Mental Health Conference
• Everyone - Next Grad Minds Meeting will be on March 7, 2022

Meeting will be called to order at 5:30pm.

1. Meeting Comes to Order at 5:33 pm

a. Adoption of agenda
b. Minutes from January 24th, 2022 Meeting
2. Project/Event Updates
a. Quick Introduction to welcome Abiraa & Sophia
b. Coffee chats - Alison D’Cruz
i. Making the most of the graduate experience - review
ii. 17 registered and 5-6 participants attended
c. Workshops - Walter
i. A part of it all: An expressive arts mindfulness workshop to connect
with self and nature - review
d. Socials - Elizabeth
i. Kickboxing - review
1. Positive feedback
2. 6 participants, some from prior classes
3. Monthly workshop
4. March 1, 2022, date for the next workshop
e. Peer support - Audrey
f. Conference
i. Departmental Emails - Abiraa & Sophia
1. Curtis supporting Abiraa and Sophia on drafting this email
2. Anticipate sending out the email tonight or tomorrow
3. Eventbrite links - Adding the one link so that you can access
the whole event
4. ALSO Hyperlink the title of the event to the Eventbrite
5. There’s going to be additional videos that are going
6. Videos
a. Vivian

MyMedia video - only UofT students can access

b. MoveU videos
i. MoveU videos will be placed in 2 day reminder
c. In the case of low attendance in events, can send out
emails to all attendees with Vivian’s video
ii. Monday - 5 Ways of Wellbeing - Teresa & Curtis
1. Curtis will write the event write up
iii. Tuesday - Games Night - Sarah & Walter
1. Sarah and Walter will meet later this week
iv. Wednesday - Music, Imagery, and Relaxation Journey - Amy & Mao
1. Mao will write the event write up
v. Thursday - Keynote Dr. ABC - Curtis & Mao
1. Invoice - $1977.50 with taxes
2. Mao will write the event write up
vi. Friday - Chatting with U of T Community - Alison D’Cruz, Abiraa &
1. Format and questions planned for the community chat on
2. One hour constraint is partially due to the fact that some staff
members are doing this event during their lunch break
3. Event Write Up: Short summary of the resources - Abiraa
vii. Feedback Form
1. One feedback form for all the events
2. Elizabeth volunteered to help
3. Policy/Advocacy
a. Updates - Katie & Felix
b. Hard to direct on resources - “eating disorder”
i. Mao will reach out to her contacts about information on “eating
disorders” and cc Katie and Felix
c. Mental Health Survey data - next steps from this data
d. Office Hours
i. Two sign ups
e. Mental Health Coverage - Curtis, Felix and Katie
i. Increase is minimal so looking to have more coverage
4. Finance - Katie
a. Budget

Ballpark only have $900 left

ii. Honorarium gift cards for 4 speakers - originally planned $100
iii. Elizabeth will look to see if we can give an Honorarium to our staff
and faculty speakers (3 people)
1. Teresa Woo - staff
2. Vivian Zhang - staff
3. Amy Clements-Cortes - faculty
4. Lauren - Phd student
b. Reimbursement
5. Any other business
a. Everyone - please promote the Grad Minds Mental Health Conference -
Mao will write up an email you can use
b. Family Day - next meeting won’t be until March 7, 2022

6. Ajournement at 6:31 pm

Mao Thao

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