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Epilogue: At first I thought the idea of 'Revenge' was a good thing until one day it

hit me back. I was on the verge of killing myself but was stopped by a beautiful
girl whom I declare as my "Daughter". I was jealous of Rachel Hudson. She stole
my lover and now I'm stealing her daughter, as this is a revenge for her. Time to
time when I bumped into the Hudson’s I couldn't get my eyes off their daughter
who appeared to be carrying my own DNA. The urge to inform her that I'm her
"Mother" was trapped in my mind and it feels as though it was stuck in there and
is unable to slip off my mouth. I missed her. Now I regret upon my reactions. I
couldn't bare to watched my enemy caressing my daughter's hair and showering
her all the love and attention she needed when I'm here suffering all alone to
bring up a child whom doesn't belongs to me. Then that day came and the first
person I told was my 'Daughter' - Annie. 

Chapter 1 

Annie:  I was awaken by the loud noise that was coming from the kitchen. The
aroma that filled my nostrils was making my stomach to grumble. " Annie
breakfast ready. Hurry up you doesn’t want to be late for school." Yup I was
pretty sure that was Mom. She always shout at me when at the wrong time and
that will be the moment I'm about to fall asleep on the toilet. Disgusting! I know,
but who cares? Face the fact that everyone feels the same way as I do. I guess.
Anyway after getting a hot bath and all ready for school I went down to realize
that mom wasn't there. She left a note saying that " Don't forget your breakfast
and I’ll be home late so don't wait for me. Love, Mom." Well at least she know
that the last bit will not happened the way she wanted it to be. Every night i will
wait till she get back home safely. At times she only return at two a.m. in the
morning. But she is still the only parent that i have and the only one that i care.
My eye line shifted at the picture of mom and I. Then next to our picture was little
Anna. Anna was mom's real daughter whereas I’m not. I know how it feels like to
regret things that had already happened. I had forgiven mom. She is ashamed to
inform Anna that she is her real mother as Anna was an unexpected daughter.
Mom had Anna at the age of 18 before her marriage whereas Mrs. Hudson had
me at the same age as mom after her marriage to mom's lover, Ethan Hudson.
Both mothers studied in the same college and shared the same lover but only
Mrs. Hudson who had won Ethan's heart. At the time of the Hudson’s marriage,
mom was already suffering as the guy who got her pregnant ran away like those
guys you watched in movies. Therefore, despite everything, i still want to take
care of her. Soon the school bus arrives and it is time for me to go. Suddenly this
new neighbour of mine appeared right at my doorstep scaring the hell out of me.

" AAH! " 

" Oh I’m sorry if I’m scaring you. Um ... Mrs. Cruz told me that you will be going to
school by that school bus. I've told your mother that I could drive you to school.
She said that I have to ask you. S what do you say?" he asked as though
persuading me to come with him.

In my mind I was thinking if this dude was crazy. Are you kidding me? In my
entire school life I’ve never ride a car to school except for the fact that I had to
hired a taxi only when I’m late and starve for lunch. I glance at the striking red
Ferrari car outside my house. That car was my dream car but to ride with this
handsome young looking dude and a newbie is going to fool me.

" Um ... no its okay... Um...I’ll better get going ... cuz the bus driver is already
waiting for me. Thanks anyway. " I stuttered my words, shut the door behind me
and walked towards the bus.

Then out of the blue he went passed me, up onto the bus and said something to
the bus driver that made him drove off. He left me!!Damn it! 'What’s up with this
guy?!?! What does he want from me? He needed a friend because his new?? Oh
God please help me!!!' my thoughts were questioning me on this crazy jock.

" Dude what was that for??" I asked him; my voice was a little bit tense and
fiercer now.

"Chillax, I, told you that you could go to school with me. So what do you say?
Would you rather walk or hop in?" he asked as though nothing had happened.

"Fine I’ll go with you but this will be the first and the last time I’m doing this!" I
don’t know why but I felt like screaming this words at him. Until I went quiet again
to realized that my voice wasn't loud enough.

" I knew you would want to have a cool, classy ride to school" he mentioned, as
we were cru zing our way to school,

It was nice to be in a car of your dream with passerby and school kids having
their eyes stuck on your convertible.

" May I ask you something?" I asked.

 " Sure go ahead"

" Why on earth do you want to drive me to school?"

" Well perhaps to make your mom realized that I’m a new in the neighbourhood
and I'm reliable and capable in everyway. Just wanting to attract her attention.
That’s all." he smiles cutely at me.

" Well maybe because you doesn't have friend and that's why. Come on, your a
newbie after all." trying my best to hide the fact that his really cute.

" Are you kidding me?! With my looks and luxurious life, I will get any type of
friends I need. Evidence is you’re my friend already, simply by getting you in my
unaffordable car" he boasted.
I was feeling annoyed and the 'unaffordable' bit was sooo wrong. To me anything
is possible with hard work.

" I know I’m not as rich as you but I’m sure someday I’ll be able to afford this!
Marked my words my friend! You don't have to boast around with all you've got
and I don’t simply care if your a rich newbie in school or in the neighbourhood!" I
exclaimed with all I might as he pulled in the school parking lot and out of his

My anger was controlling me right now. Then I realized that I was brisk walking. It
feels funny though but I know that he was running behind me. He grabbed my
elbow and swung me slightly to the side so that our face met together.

" Looked I'm sorry for what I've said I didn't know you take jokes seriously.
Please forgive me" , his eyes was glimmering, begging for forgiveness.

When i was about to say..."I'll forgive you in one condition," The P.A speaker
interrupted our conversation. " Good morning school this is your principal
speaking, can I have Austin Parker in my office now. I repeat Austin Parker
please be in my office now. Thank You". Well everyone knows that if the
Principal wants to meet with a student in his office it is because he is either mad
at them or had to clarify certain issues with them.

"Looks like somebody is looking for me. Anyway thanks for forgiving me and trust
me, that ride wont be the last. I'll meet you at the school parking lot after school
today. Bye", he waved and walked towards the principal's office.

I was standing there as though I was being struck by a lightning with my mouth
partially left open as I wouldn’t want him to send me home in his convertible. The
school bell broke the thoughts in my mind and my first lesson was Math.

Halfway through the math lesson, Mr. Perkins walked in and introduced Austin to
the class. HIs eye was wondering around when he caught my eyesight. I quickly
looked away as he smiled to all of us. Then he was asked to sit at the empty sit
next to me. I sigh and gave a long faced throughout the lesson. Of course i want
a smart, rich and good looking guy to sit next to me but I wouldn't want
somebody who have somewhat discriminate me in a way, sitting right next to me.
Surprisingly this jock will be permanently seating next to me for all the other
lessons that we have. 

I thought I could plan to run away from him but somehow he could read my mind
and remind me, " Remember I'll be waiting for you. Don't try to run away okay?”
he smiles warmly at me.

It creeps me out a little though. I could only afford to roll my eyes at him. He
giggled. Well that's strange because I've never made any guys giggled or
laughed before. He was the first one. Besides I am this 'Smarty Pants' kid in
school. I used to be bullied in Elementary but guess my good grades made
people kept their distance away from me. Honestly I looked like a geek with
round glasses that like a 'Nerd' and maybe because of this and my non-pricy
clothes i wear everyday makes, me be a lonely person with only one so called
close friend named, Anna. Well she is the head of the student body, a gorgeous
one and the head of the cheerleading group that was named after her. The Anna
Squats. Awkward, I know right! Anyway to me Anna is like my best friend but
when she sees hot guys she'll act a little bitchy. And tell me who doesn't hate
that? Sometimes I feel like she's only using me and besides we are not literally
best friends. She was the head of the cheerleader because of me. I was one of
the Smarty Pants members of the squat, who brought up her reputation in
school. However because of my intelligence i call it off with the cheerleading
thing. Now I'm assigned to be a Science Club and Young Author club Leader.
Well at least i gain fame with my first published book called, " alone once again".
From the tittle of the book, of course the story was about me which mostly talked
about my life and how I was diagnosed with cancer and still fighting the disease.
Maybe in the eyes of the students in school I’m like a disease girl to them. Oh
Whatever. My focus this year is to achieve this year's scholarship award because
I to be able to get out of this school A.S.A.P!!!!

" Nice to see you again. Come on in", as Austin open up the door for me.

" Thanks. You know I don't want to..."

He cut my sentence.

" What? Ride home with me when we live only next door? Come on its my
pleasure to send you home."

I turned at him and smiled because I realized that this guy here is one of a kind
kid I’ve ever met in my entire life.

" Hey may I asked, why are you not staying in a big house like other rich kids in
our school?"

"Well that's because the house next to you is my Aunt's house. I rent a room at
her place cuz you see both my parents want me to be an independent man
without using all the luxury I have." 

" Then how about this car? Who paid for them? And isn't this using part of your
luxury you had?"

"Well yeah. My dad on one condition pays this car. I can only use it to schools
and not to clubs or late night parties."

" Wow is he going to stalked you or something?"

" My Aunt will be watching me closely I supposed."

" How about your rental fees? Are you working to pay your debt?"

" Ha-ha, wow you are really concerned about me."

I blushed and looked away. I just noticed that I had asked him a lot of questions.
We both were then silent.

"Actually if I behave for at least 3 months, my dad will pay the rental fees
however if I fail to do so then my car will be gone and i have to look for a job to
pay my debt," as he broke the silence.

I only nod understanding his situation.

"If you don't mind, my Aunt is preparing dinner for both you and your mom. So
please do informed her and I'll see you both at my place tonight at 8", he mention
before turning his back to me and walk to his Aunt's place.

I giggled and mentioned, " For a guy I think you are very demanding."

He twist his body such that he could face me and smiled.


Hi guys this is my first time writing a story I’ve been wanting to write and upload
somewhere. I hope you guys like it and I'll accept any critics (hope there isn't
any) and comments because they are both important to me in order to improve
my story and language wise. I'll be uploading the next chapter by end of this
week before June. Oh one more thing can anybody give me a good tittle for this
story please? Thank You. =) –Ferra-

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