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LAW Paper — II ‘Note : This paper contains fifty (30) objective type questions, each question carrying two 1 2 (2) marks, Attempt all the questions. ‘Thé term ‘secularism’ implies that (A) Parliament should support religions (B)\ State and religion are inseparable (©) State"oes not recognise any seligion as a State religion (D) People are. free to worship State recognised religion In which ofthe folléwing case the Supreme Court héld that, “if a body is an agency‘ or instrumentality of Government it may be an authority under Article 12° 2 (A) Ujjambai V.“stite off{Uttar Pradesh (B) Ramana Dayaram® Shetty, V. The International _ Airport Authority of India (©) Electricity Board, Rajasthan V. Mohanlal (D) PD. Shamdasaru V. Central Bank of India The Supreme Court of India for the time struck down the ‘Carry forward Rule’ as unconstitutional in the following case : (A) Balaji V. State of Mysore (B) Rangachari % General Manager, Southem Railway (©) Ashok Kumar Thakur V. State of Bihar (D) Devadasan V. Union of India A Judge of a Supreme Court or High Court may be removed from his service by (A) The President of India (B) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (C) Parliament impeachment motion (D) National Judicial Academy through 5. 6. Which of the following case is popularly known as “the Fundamental Rights’ case ? (A) M.C. Mehta V. Union of India (B) Keshavanand Bharati V. State of Kerala (©) S.P. Gupta V. Union of India (D) Champakam —Dorairajan-V. State of Madras Match List — I with List — Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists List-1 List =I I. Righttogo A. Olga Tellis’s abroad case I. Right to B, Mohini Jain’s livelihood ML Gandhi's case Vv. Vishakas’ education case Codes : 1 ot ml Iv @ D BAC @B) BC DA myc A D B ) BA C D Considenthe following statements relating to Kelsen’s pure theory of law: L Law is agoercive order. IL Law ate ought propositions. IIT, Law is a system of social rules. IV, There is a hierarchy of norms each norm being:Walid on the presupposed validity of some other. Codes: (A) I, Mand IV ate corrects (B) Il, Il and IV areGorrect, (C) [and II are correct. (D) Iand IV are correet. fat wera - I ie: se eras gare (50) ag fractia wea é ee wee Ha (2) ewe eet wea sees | snifactearary wee a ae (A) dar at sat at aes or aren | (Byles atte ent arpa (C) ara fare ot att at aorta at Bae arra aet aT | retenaa eet at yn act & fed marae | ©) wats areraa fetid 4 a fear are ae stants fant fe, aie ats a wm aftr aes thas aT 12% fers saferanrdh et aera (A) Sse rr Sy wee (B) Tm aR Yet TT Ae aT ae F (©) fem as, wea aa a. ‘ater (D) Wa. ates a ae ae ate efeat Urea water aaron “aT re rect ar Prifed ae Fontan aR ae aT aT (A) Fert tage (By Smart am sere Fer, chair wea (©) aiee gare age aera fae aT (D) RRR aT aT wars =r a ST saenite at frafefiaa art ary Bamg a sated fren ST wae: (A) ara Sweatt (B) adhe arenes & wpe ante (©) wettrarr wearer aia aie eT (D) wea aaeE eet 5. fries 4 8 fare are at ote afae Sua ctifere sian ar are aT TT B? @ ®) wah. Fear aa aa at Saris arc are Ser TT (©) Weta are (D) stores Sierras aera are TET wt lat qt — ea wie sited at ae fea get at were a at Sa aT a: wt- ate fea mee ied Sa ar ca Fea Tbe aT 1 faerarat A. IL stararat iB. WL arsigt CC. Aree at Avia &, We A aa areakeae | L Wav Bee TL, Heat TV Behe Lei I eee 1 eV wae 8 10. Assertion (A) : Ownership subject to condition subsequent is vested ownership. Reason (R)_ + Possession and ownership do not differ in their mode of acquisition. Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and {R) is the correct explanation of (A). (B) Both (A)jand (R) are true, but (R) is” not. the correct explanation of (A). (©) (A)is ue, but (RYE false. (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. Law according to Joseph Raz is a (A) Social engineering, (B) Social fact (C) Political principle: (D)_ Normative science Match List — I with List —“W and select the correct answer using the codes given below : List-1 List — 11 (Concepts) (Jurists) 1. Minimum content 1. Fuller of law TI. Inner morality of | 2. Hart law TIL Law with a 3. Kohler variable content IV. Law asa 4. Stamler phenomenon of civilization Codes : ion om ow @ 3 1 2 4 ® 23 4 1 © 2 1 4 3 OM 123 4 i. 12, 13. 4. X, an accused drove off amongst his ‘own lambs, without knowing it, a lamb belonging to Y. Afier X discovered the error, he sold the lamb belonging to Y with his own lambs. X is guilty of (A) theft (B) theft and continuing tres (C)_ continuing trespass (D) none of the above Consider the names of the following jurists associated with sociology of law and sociological jurisprudence : 1 Max Weber I. Leon Duguit MM. Ehrlich IV. Thering ‘The correct chronological order in which these jurists appeared on the science is (A) TL IV, Land TT (B) 1V,1, Mand tt (©) LL TV and (D) UL IV, Hand The Charter of the United Nations requires that the organization and its members shall act in accordance with the principles enumerated in the Charter. Which of the following is not one of such principles ? (A) Sovereign equality (B) Settlement of ~ international Aisputes by peaceful means (©) Promotion of human rights (D) Prohibition of threat or use of force Human Rights Commission has been discarded in) 2006 and its Successor is (A) Human Rights Commitee (B) Human Rights Council (C)_ International (Committee, of Red Cros (D) Amnesty International wer (A) 3: aaimadt ent ari atte frre eats é | RT (R) 2 ote a ge a eT attra aE aie ETE Fes (A)_ (A) G(R) AH wa F aR (R), (A) ara ere z | (B) (A) Wa (R) St aS, TTR), (A) aaa retreat & (©) ARR reTR) TT (D) (A) Tee, GR) ate side os arTaR fare (A) anntre safiriag, (8) ae (©) weirs fear (>) 7 aal- lat gat — 1 a gate aia ea ad ea wa gi at aera a a eT Aa site: ati at (sera) (fafiracrert) L fawetaaar 1. Fee aT Il, fatrat aia 2. ee ‘After TI, sfeertaviiet 3. IER siren ater Pah IV, waa Wer 4. SrA aM, fava ST Ti fahr ee: Ion om ow A 3 1 2 4 (By 2 3 4 1 © 2 I 4 3 ~) 1 2 3 4 1. 12. 13. ‘Xue afagaa 3 samara are ag aay toe oe at ie fea wa ‘X) at yet at ate ge ot art et Fara "at Sg at aa feat | “x ate (A) at (B) att war fer afta (C) Fer aire (D) sree a a aE eT fate aarrerea Ta sarees fate aren a 3S Prerifaes fate aeratt & art wr fra aif : 1 faa aa Tl. feria sate I, wert IV. wer sat oon Pat oa facts ar mga eH: (A) TL IV, Pea TT (B) IV,L. Mea I (© LULL (D) MTV, 11 dean oe ee 4 ae arti & Pe dite ait saa weer aR A gare et feat ayen ara et | ten feared Frafetan a a a ate? (A) aay aera (By) siete Paar an mart are ‘re amen (C) arate at agar eat (D) sear set ai a Pate arate aatt +1.2006 Acar fear wren & aie sear Sree & (A) arate afaia (B) arate afeaz (C) dentate re ants (D) wr errr 15. 16. Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and with the help of codes. given below, point out the correct answer : ‘Assertion (A) : The jurisdiction of International Court of Justice is based on the consent of the parties to the dispute. Reason (R) : Principle of reciprocity underlies the jurisdiction of Intefnational Court of Justice. Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is good explanation of (A). (B) Both (Ayand (R)are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A). (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D)_ (A)is false, but (RY is true. Arrange the following international instruments in order in which they were adopted. Use the codes given below : 1. The Charter of United Nations. IL Universal Declaration of Human Rights. IIL International Covenant for the Protection of Civil and Political Rights. IV. International Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Codes @ oto wou om B® i WV tm oO lu Wm oO 1m wu 1. 18. 19. 20. Match the case decided by International Court of Justice mentioned in List —I with the year of decision mentioned in List — Il and with the help of codes given below, point out the correct answer : List-1 List - 1. North Sea Continental 1. 1969 Shelf Cases I. Corfu Channel Case 2. 1949 IIL South West Africa 3, 1955 Case IV. Right of Passage Over 4. 1960 Indian Territories Codes : Ion om wv @ 1 203 4 ® 2 3 1 4 © 3 4 1 2 M4 3 1 2 In India, treaty-making is (A) Legislative Act (B)_ Executive Act (C) Judicial Act (D) Legislative and Judicial Act Which section of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides the remedy of “Restitution of Conjugal Rights” ? (A) Sections — (B)_ Section 9 (Cy Section 11. (D)_ Section 13 Which, of the following refers to the irrevocable form of Talag ? (A) Talag-ul-ahsan (B) Talag-ul-Hasan (C) Talag-ul-Biddat (D) Talag-i-Tafweez The Special Marriage Act was enacted in the year (A) 1932 (B) 1947 (C) 1984 (Dy 1956

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